Vietnam determined to build modern, comprehensive, strong diplomatic sector: FM

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son has affirmed the diplomatic sector, under the leadership of the Party, is determined to build a modern, comprehensive and strong diplomacy, contributing to successfully completing the resolution and foreign policy set at the 13th National Party Congress.

In his article on the occasion of the diplomatic sector’s 78th founding anniversary (August 28, 1945-2023), Son wrote that over the past 78 years, under the leadership of the Party, the sector has inherited and upheld the cultural identity and diplomatic traditions of the nation, based on Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought, while absorbing the world's cultural quintessence and progressive ideas. Thereby, the sector has built a unique and special diplomacy imbued with “Vietnamese bamboo” characters.

Since the beginning of the 13th tenure of the Party (2021-2026), the diplomatic sector has gradually concretised and implemented the congress’s foreign policy in a concerted, creative and effective manner, and obtained significant achievements. The country has strengthened relations with major and neighbouring countries, partners and traditional friends in a substantive and effective way.

Over the past two years, despite difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam has successfully organised more than 170 high-level external activities, including more than 30 visits of high-ranking leaders. To date, the country has set up diplomatic ties with 192 countries around the world, and engaged in economic-trade partnerships with more than 230 countries and territories.

This has opened up many markets, and attracted sources of capital, technology and knowledge to speed up national industrialisation and modernisation, Son wrote, adding that the economic diplomacy has made direct and important contributions to COVID-19 prevention and control, as well as socio-economic recovery and development. The cultural diplomacy, overseas Vietnamese affairs, and citizen protection have seen positive outcomes as well.

As a reliable partner and an active and responsible member of the international community, Vietnam’s position and reputation have been continuously consolidated and enhanced. Vietnam has taken on and fulfilled a number of international responsibilities, including Chairman of ASEAN 2020, non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in the 2020-2021 tenure, Vice President of the United Nations General Assembly's 77th session, member of the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 tenure and the International Law Commission for the 2023-2027 period.

The diplomatic sector has helped improve the country's image as an independent, self-reliant, innovative, peace-loving, trustworthy, sincere and responsible member in the international community, the minister affirmed.

The above-mentioned achievements have contributed to the fortune, strength, international standing and prestige that the country has never had before. They affirm the sound foreign policy of the Party and State and are the crystallisation of the efforts of the whole Party, army and people; the close collaboration among diplomatic pillars, forces and sectors at all levels; and the active participation of the whole political system, including the persistent efforts and contributions of Vietnam's diplomacy over the past 78 years, stressed Son.

Apart from obtained achievements, the diplomatic sector has also revealed several shortcomings and weaknesses that need to be fixed in the time to come.

In order to meet the development requirements of the country as well as the diplomatic sector in the new situation, the sector has renovated itself; concertedly and effectively implemented external affairs tasks; promoted the glorious traditions of Vietnam’s diplomacy; creatively applied Ho Chi Minh's thought on diplomacy; strictly followed the foreign policy set by the 13th National Party Congress; and proactively sought new ways, new directions and new fields to build a modern, comprehensive and strong diplomatic sector.

Kazakh Ambassador awarded friendship insignia

Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Vietnam Yerlan Baizhanov has been awarded with the insignia “For Peace and Friendship among Nations” in recognition of his invaluable contributions to friendship and cooperation between the two countries’ people.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony in Hanoi on August 28, President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga said during his over four years of service in Vietnam, Baizhanov has made significant contributions to the successful arrangement of high-level mutual visits. He has also played a crucial role in maintaining regular political consultations and dialogues at various levels.

Notably, he collaborated with the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to welcome President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to Vietnam from August 20-22, marking the first trip to Vietnam by a Kazakh President in 12 years.

He also actively joined external activities held by VUFO, as well as engaged in cultural and people-to-people diplomacy, contributing to bringing the people of Vietnam and Kazakhstan closer together.

According to Ambassador Nga, two-way trade between Vietnam and Kazakhstan has been growing by about 28% on average each year. The figure hit nearly 600 million USD last year. By the end of 2022, the first direct flight between Almaty and Nha Trang was inaugurated, enabling around 10,000 Kazakh tourists to visit Vietnam each year.

Nga wished that in the near future, the Kazakh Ambassador would further contribute to people-to-people diplomacy between the two nations, thus further deepening the relationship between the two countries across the board.

The Kazakh Ambassador, for his part, affirmed that in any position, he will make further contributions to the development of bilateral friendship and cooperation.

Party leader hosts Singaporean PM

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on August 28 hailed the ongoing visit by Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong as an important milestone in the development of the ties between the two countries.

During a Hanoi reception for the Singaporean leader, he highlighted the visit coincides with the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties and the 10th anniversary of their strategic partnership.

Expressing delight at the development of bilateral relations, the leader affirmed attaching importance to the enhancement of ties with Singapore, a neighbouring nation that holds a pivotal position regionally and internationally and has extensive experience in various fields.

Lee, who is in Vietnam from August 27-29, stressed that bilateral ties have been growing robustly and expanded into various new areas, adding Singapore values the further strengthening of its relationship with Vietnam.

He informed the host of the outcomes of his talks with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and other Vietnamese leaders, and agreed with the Party leader's cooperation proposals, considering them crucial and strategic directions for bilateral ties in the near future.

The guest expressed his wish to strengthen coordination to contribute to peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world. He reaffirmed the shared stance on the maintenance of peace in the East Sea, respect of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), toward reaching an effective and substantial Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).

The two pledged to enhance the sharing of experience in improving the capacity and position of the ruling parties, including the party building, personnel training and human resources development for Vietnam, and to work together more effectively at global and regional forums, as well as intensify high-level meetings and exchanges among different sectors and levels.

President hails significance of Singaporean PM’s visit

President Vo Van Thuong has hailed the significance of the ongoing Vietnam visit by Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, saying that it creates a new driving force to lift bilateral ties to a greater height.

During a reception in Hanoi on August 28 for the Singaporean leader, President Thuong said his visit takes place at a time when the two countries are celebrating the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties and the 10th anniversary of strategic partnership.

He expressed his belief that Singapore will continue growing dynamically and achieve the "Green Plan 2030” soon, toward building a harmonious and increasingly prosperous society.

On the occasion, the host extended his regards to Singaporean President Halimah Yacob.

PM Lee, for his part, affirmed that Singapore always values and wishes to strengthen its strategic partnership with Vietnam. He also welcomed the upgrade of bilateral relationship to a new level in the near future.

Informing the host about the success of his talks with the Vietnamese counterpart and the signing of seven cooperation agreements on this occasion, he stressed that Singapore welcomes the upgrade of the connectivity framework agreement between the two economies, as well as the expansion of cooperation in energy and human resources development.

Vietnam is a highly promising partner of Singapore in the region, he said. He also agreed to enhance the sharing of experience in economic management, urban management and human resources development.

On the back of achievements in bilateral ties over the past five decades, especially in economy, national defence-security, education and training, the two leaders vowed to effectively deploy the partnership in digital economy - green economy, which was established in February.

They welcomed the facilitation of exchanges and interactions at all levels across all channels, including the Party, State, Government, and National Assembly; implement bilateral cooperation mechanisms effectively, especially the ministerial mechanism on connecting the two economies.

The two sides also underscored the importance of expanding the successful Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) model and strengthening educational collaboration while fostering people-to-people exchanges, especially among young generations of both countries.

Apart from advancing traditional areas of cooperation, the leaders pledged to intensify joint work in new fields, such as innovation, clean energy, just energy transition, digital transformation and talent exchange for innovation.

On global and regional issues, they concurred that amid the complex and uncertain developments in the world, both sides should uphold their shared stance and offer mutual support for peace, stability, cooperation and development.

They also affirmed the significance of maintaining ASEAN solidarity and common stance on important global and regional issues, including the East Sea issue.

Top legislator meets with Singaporean Prime Minister

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue met with visiting Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Hanoi on August 28, during which he underlined the necessity for the two countries to effectively implement their partnership in green economy - digital economy established in February this year.

The Vietnamese top legislator stressed that Singaporean PM Lee’s official visit holds special significance in the year when the two countries celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations (1973-2023).

He congratulated Singapore on its strong recovery and development after the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasising that Singapore has always been a typical example of national governance, corporate governance and corruption combat; and a model of transparent, efficient and intelligent administration.

NA Chairman Hue spoke highly of the results of the talks between the Singaporean PM and his Vietnamese counterpart on the same day morning with the signing of seven cooperation documents, and the the upgrade of the framework agreement on connecting the two economies.

He expressed his pleasure with the substantive development of the bilateral relations over the past half century in all fields, saying that the two countries have seen increasing close and trusted political relations through strengthening cooperation and exchange of delegations at all levels and channels, including the Party, NA, Government, localities and businesses of the two countries.

Hue emphasised that Vietnam and Singapore need to expand partnership in new areas such digital connectivity, digital society, circular economy, innovation, clean energy, which are global issues and of Singapore's strengths. The two sides should also further foster economic, trade and investment cooperation in a more effective manner.  

The two Governments should consider to expand the model of Vietnam - Singapore industrial parks (VSIP) in the green - clean - smart direction towards developing an industrial - urban ecosystem, NA Chairman Hue stressed.

For his part, Lee said Singapore is interested in developing renewable energy, and willing to support Vietnam as well as discuss potential cooperation projects in this field in order to enable Vietnam to export renewable energy to Singapore.

Carbon credit is an area where the two sides can cooperate, especially when the two countries set a goal of cutting emissions to net zero by 2050, he stated.

Emphasising that VSIP is a symbol of successful cooperation between the two countries, the Singaporean guest expressed his hope that more VSIPs will be developed in Vietnam in the future.

Both leaders underlined the importance to further enhance cooperation in key areas such as defence, security, labour, education - training, culture, and people-to-people exchange, saying that the two sides should consider signing a memorandum of understanding on cooperation on culture exchange as soon as possible.

The two countries should proceed to open more direct flights from Singapore to Vietnam's tourist destinations, and expand connection in cruise ship tourism as these are open and effective cooperation fields, the leaders said, noting that these contribute to boosting economic development of both Vietnam and Singapore.

Briefing the guest on Vietnam’s new e-visa policy, Hue said the Vietnamese NA always supports and creates favourable conditions for the successful signing and implementation of cooperation agreements between the two countries.

He suggested the two sides soon complete negotiations and related procedures for the signing of important cooperation documents, including an agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters; an extradition agreement; an agreement on the transfer of sentenced persons; and a memorandum of understanding on rescue.

Hue proposed PM Lee support the legislative bodies of the two countries to  effectively implement their Cooperation Agreement signed in May 2022, serving as a legal basis to further promote substantive relations between the two legislatures; strengthen the exchange of delegations at all levels, enhance mutual understanding and trust, and share experience in parliamentary activities and issues of mutual concern.

Vietnam wishes to share and learn experience in building a legal framework for important issues such as carbon market, green finance mobilisation, and global minimum tax, NA Chairman Hue said.

During the meeting, the two leaders emphasised the importance of building a united and resilient ASEAN community, maintaining a peaceful and stable environment, settling disputes by peaceful measures, and fully implementing the Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and soon concluding negotiations on an effective and substantive Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in line with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS).

The Singaporean PM took the occasion to invite NA Chairman Hue to pay an official visit to Singapore at an appropriate time./.

Preparations for 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians nearly complete

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue chaired a working session in Hanoi on August 28 on preparations for the ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians, slated for September 14-18 in the capital city.

As of August 28, 64 delegations registered for the event, with a total of 244 attendees, including 172 legislators and 72 assistants and others, according to a report presented by Chairman of the NA Committee for External Relations Vu Hai Ha.

Speaking at the event, NA Chairman Hue stressed that the conference is an important multilateral diplomatic event and the only one hosted by the Vietnamese legislature this year. It is an invaluable opportunity to popularise Vietnam, its people and achievements to international friends.

He asked sub-committees and the organising board to collect feedback to complete preparations.

A meeting was also held in Hanoi the same day to discuss ensuring health care and pandemic prevention during the conference.

The conference will take the theme "The role of young people in promoting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals through digital transformation and innovation”, aiming to continue affirming Vietnam's active, responsible, and proactive participation in the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the largest global parliamentary organisation.

Its panel discussion will focus on three main topics of digital transformation, entrepreneurship and innovation, and cultural diversity for sustainable development.

An overview of the second phase of Vinh Tuy bridge, which is slated to open to traffic soon. — VNA/VNS Photo

Binh Duong to house Vietnam-Singapore Innovation Centre

Chairman of the People's Committee of Binh Duong province Vo Van Minh on August 28 signed a decision approving the establishment of Vietnam-Singapore Innovation Centre in the southern locality.

Under the decision, the centre will implement activities to connect, build orientations and create an environment for sci-tech research; support enterprises to transform technology and production and business models to meet the trend of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

It will also support and promote innovation and creativity programmes, focusing on research and development fields and creating new ecosystems for the business community; and attract social resources to create models, products and projects in order to promote Binh Duong’s future development.

The centre also aims to implement Binh Duong province's orientation in pioneering economic development based on innovation, science and technology.

It is positioned as a platform to attract active participation and cooperation between the players of the innovation ecosystem, creating favourable conditions for businesses, institutes and universities to promote potential and improve their capacity through sci-tech commercialisation, transfer and application.

The centre is expected to help businesses make deeper inroads into the global value chain, towards producing products with higher technology content adapting to the world's green and sustainable development trend.

It will play a strategic role in promoting important changes of Binh Duong, creating new growth platforms to maintain sustainable growth in the journey to overcome the middle-income trap.

It will continue to build and develop a close and sustainable relationship between Vietnam and Singapore in which Becamex IDC Corporation and Sembcorp are founding shareholders, which have contributed to developing the Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) model across the country for more than 27 years.

Based on the strategic cooperation relationship between the two countries, the centre will continue to create new opportunities to promote the sharing of knowledge and experience on innovation with Singaporean partners, including National University of Singapore, Singapore Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic, and Enterprise Singapore.

The centre is hoped to open up opportunities for investment and development, thus meeting the demand of businesses and the economy through training, and attracting high-quality, dynamic and creative human resources to Binh Duong; improve scientific and technological research and development capacity, support enterprises to improve productivity and speed up technology transformation towards developing a science and technology industrial park model in the locality.

Khmer-Vietnamese Association in Cambodia’s 20th anniversary celebrated

Khmer-Vietnamese Association (KVA) in Cambodia held a ceremony marking its 20th anniversary on August 28 in Phnom Penh.

Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Nguyen Huy Tang applauded the association for its achievements in the past two decades.

Tang said he hopes that in the coming time, the association will continue to improve the efficiency and quality of its activities, becoming a reliable fulcrum for the Vietnamese community in Cambodia, as well as a bridge to strengthen relations between the two countries.

On this occasion, Ambassador Tang expressed his wish that leaders of the Cambodian Government, competent forces and authorities at all levels, and the Cambodia - Vietnam Friendship Association continue to support and create favourable conditions for people of Vietnamese origin to stablise their lives and foster the bilateral relations.

KVA was officially established on February 14, 2003, with the name “Vietnamese Association in Cambodia”. On March 7, 2011, the Cambodian Ministry of Interior signed a decision allowing the association to change its name to the Khmer-Vietnamese Union in Cambodia. On May 9, 2018, the association once again changed its name to the Khmer-Vietnamese Association in Cambodia.

Vietnam treasures friendship, multifaceted ties with Saudi Arabia: Deputy PM

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai received visiting Saudi Arabian Minister of Tourism Ahmed bin Aqeel-Khateeb in Hanoi on August 28, affirming that Vietnam attaches importance to the enhancement of the friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Saudi Arabia, an important partner in the Middle East.

As the two countries will celebrate the 25th anniversary of their diplomatic ties in 2024, Khai asked both sides to coordinate in holding various activities on that occasion, especially promoting tourism and cultural exchanges to help improve mutual understanding between the two peoples.

Applauding progress in bilateral cooperation, he expressed his hope that Vietnam will expand connections with not only Saudi Arabia but also others in the Arab and Muslim communities.

Saudi Arabia is one of Vietnam’s leading economic partners in the Middle East, with bilateral trade surging 32.4% year on year to 2.7 billion USD in 2022, he said, noting that he hopes investment links between the two sides, including in green energy development, will grow more fruitfully in the coming time.

The official called on Saudi Arabia to help Vietnam develop the Halal industry and access the Halal goods and service markets in Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries through production investment, manpower training, and experience sharing.

He also suggested the Middle Eastern nation to import more products of Vietnam's strength such as rice, tea, peppercorn, coffee, rubber, and apparel.

Talking about the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD), the host proposed Ahmed bin Aqeel-Khateeb, who is also SFD Chairman, keep supporting Vietnam’s cooperation with the fund so as to promote the continued provision of concessional loans for social security projects in the Southeast Asian country.

Since the Saudi Arabian minister also serves as head of the Executive Council of the UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Khai thanked the organisation for assisting Vietnam with tourism planning and tourism product development. He asked his guest as the UNWTO leader to promote this organisation’s support for and coordination with Vietnam to hold major UNWTO events here.

The Deputy PM also called on Saudi Arabia to help Vietnam develop tourism infrastructure and the products that Arabian people have demand for to boost tourism connectivity between the two countries.

Congratulating Vietnam on the coming National Day (September 2), Ahmed bin Aqeel-Khateeb highlighted the two countries’ cooperation results for the last over 20 years.

He said he hopes Vietnam and Saudi Arabia will press on with partnerships in such fields as energy (petrochemistry and green energy), investment, manufacturing, culture, the Halal industry, tourism, and sports.

The minister affirmed that Saudi Arabia will do its utmost to assist Vietnamese businesses to make investment in the country and others in the Middle East.

Workshop provides guidance on HIV/AIDS prevention, control for workers

The Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (VAAC), in collaboration with the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour and the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Vietnam, held a workshop in Ho Chi Minh City on August 28 to provide guidance on HIV/AIDS prevention and control for workers.

Speaking at the event, VAAC deputy head Vo Hai Son said that the work for workers in recent years has achieved positive results, and treatments are helping patients stay healthy and live normal lives.

However, HIV transmission is increasing rapidly among people in the 16-29 age group, particularly in industrial zones in big cities and provinces. Many workers in industrial parks are infected with HIV, even many people don't know their condition until the AIDS stage.

The largest percentage of HIV infections is attributed to male-to-male sexual acts.

Son said that misconceptions, stigma and discrimination against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community continue to push HIV infections among them to a high level.

Therefore, it is necessary to treat them fairly and equally, to ensure the harmony of interests for this community, and to step up dissemination to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS of workers in industrial zones, he added.

The US CDC representative in Vietnam, Amy Frances Bailey, said that the rate of HIV infections among the MSM group is increasing. In some localities, 80% of the new HIV infections are people working at enterprises and industrial parks, including migrant workers.

Therefore, it is essential to intensify communication activities and provide guidance through workshops and communication events to improve knowledge on HIV for leaders, managers and employees at enterprises and industrial parks.

She committed to maintaining cooperation with relevant agencies through financial and technical support to help workers easily access essential HIV services, and help Vietnam achieve a generation of healthy, HIV-free workers.

Vietnam, Singapore strengthen youth cooperation

First Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCMCYU)’s Central Committee and Chairman of the National Committee on Youth Bui Quang Huy hosted a reception in Hanoi on August 28 for a delegation from the National Youth Council of Singapore led by its Chief Executive Officer David Chua.

Huy welcomed the Singaporean delegation’s visit, which is taking place when Vietnam and Singapore are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their bilateral diplomatic ties and their 10-year strategic partnership.

Highlighting the growing relations between Vietnam and Singapore over the years, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, he affirmed that bilateral youth cooperation is evidence of the mutual trust and respects between the two peoples, contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Huy reviewed activities within the Vietnam-Singapore youth collaboration in both bilateral and multilateral aspects, especially after the National Committee on Youth of Vietnam and the National Youth Council of Singapore signed an agreement to extend their memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation for the 2023-2028 period.

He expressed his belief that outstanding efforts of the two youth agencies will help deal with issues of common interest of the youth in the two countries in both depth and width, and suggested that the National Youth Council of Singapore ask the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth to continue to support the effective implementation of the MoU, focusing on increasing youth cooperation activities, heading to the organisation of annual or rotating programmes on digital transformation and youth volunteer activities, supporting Vietnamese youth in enhancing English language skills through delegation exchanges and short-term training courses, and continuing to supporting each other at multilateral forums, especially ASEAN and ASEAN Plus.

For his part, Chua highly valued the cooperation between the two countries and the two youth organisations.

He said he believes that dialogue and exchange programmes among youngsters of the two countries will contribute to building a network of young leaders in the future, providing personnel for the implementation of ideas and solutions discussed by the youth in various areas such as digital transformation and green economy.

National target programmes need more urgency toward completion: Deputy PM

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang asked stakeholders to implement national target programmes much more rapidly while chairing an online conference on August 28.

The conference, which was linked with 63 provinces and centrally-run cities, reviewed the implementation of the national target programmes on new-style rural area building, socio-economic development in mountainous and ethnic minority-inhabited areas, and sustainable poverty reduction for the 2021-2025 period to set forth major solutions in the time ahead.

Deputy PM Quang, who is also head of the Central Steering Committee for National Target Programmes, urged ministries, agencies and localities to raise proposals in order to quickly remove obstacles to the work.

Capital sources should be integrated flexibly to accelerate the disbursement and raise their efficiency, he suggested.

The National Assembly will for the first time conduct a thematic supervision on the implementation of the three programmes even though they are at the halfway stage as part of the legislature’s sixth meeting, slated for October, according to the official.

He assigned the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), the Government Office and concerned agencies to prepare documents and reports on the realisation of relevant resolutions adopted by the legislative body in anticipation of the meeting.

The MPI reported that institutions and management mechanisms have been issued to ensure the legal foundation for the implementation of the programmes.

Between 2021 and 2023, more than 83 trillion VND (3.44 billion USD) sourced from the State budget has been allocated to ministries, centrally-run agencies and localities to put the programmes in place.

More than 16 trillion VND had been disbursed so far this year, fulfilling 47.81% of the yearly plan, the ministry said.

At the meeting, localities proposed that capital allocation be informed in advance so that they can set forth disbursement plans.

Party, State, Government recognise cultural development: PM

The Vietnamese Party, State and Government always pay special attention to policies, guidelines, and resources for the development of culture, literature, the arts, and other cultural domains, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said on August 28.

At a Hanoi conference to honour role models nationwide in culture this year, which was held by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on the occasion of its 78th founding anniversary (August 28), the leader added that the Party and State set culture as a spiritual foundation of the society, serving as both a goal and a driving force of socio-economic development.

The event aimed to review its emulation campaign and the implementation of six tasks and four measures to build and develop Vietnamese culture and people in the new period in accordance with Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s conclusion at the National Cultural Conference for 2021.

Delegates also listened to Party Trong’s letter of congratulations to the sector at the event.

In order to harness the positive values of the nation while absorbing the essence of human culture, and to drive socioeconomic development with strong national defense and security, PM Chinh called for collective efforts, unity, high determination and substantial endeavours to perform key tasks drastically and effectively.

In doing so, it is a must to seriously and effectively follow the Party and State’s policies and guidelines, the Party leader’s directions at the National Cultural Conference, build schemes, set specific tasks,  and assign the right people to the right tasks, he said.

Apart from revising and supplementing cultural development policies and mechanisms in the new situation, he called for the swift completion of the National Target Programme on the Development of the Vietnamese Culture and the Building of Vietnamese People for the 2026 – 2030 period, with a vision to 2045. This includes creating a clean and wholesome cultural environment, with a primary focus on preserving, promoting, and elevating the invaluable cultural values and traditions of the nation.

The head of the Government emphasised the need to develop mass sports to enhance the overall health of the population while laying the groundwork for achieving international-level sporting achievements. Additionally, there should be a strong push to revitalise and modernise tourism, offering a diverse range of attractive products that create a distinctive value and competitive pricing based on the country's potential and the strengths of the Vietnamese people.

Furthermore, it is crucial to foster patriotism and honour individuals and collectives with outstanding achievements, particularly those engaged in cultural and art activities in remote, border, island and remote areas, he said.

The leader expressed his hope that role models will uphold their sense of responsibility, serving as a source of inspiration and motivation and contributing to the cause of cultural development and fulfilling tasks in the sector.

At the event, he and leaders of ministries and agencies presented certificates of merit to five collectives and 73 individuals in honor of their outstanding contributions to Vietnam’s culture, sports and tourism.

Tan Son Nhat Int'l Airport to see huge load on National Day holiday

Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City has prepared its operation plans to serve passengers, which is expected to sharply increase during the National Day holiday from September 1-4.   

According to the airport’s management board, during peak days from August 31 to September 4, the airport will serve an average of 720 flights with 125,000 passengers per day, even 130,000 passengers per day.

The airport will closely coordinate with airlines and ground service units to update flight schedules, proactively arrange resources and equipment for ground service units.

It has also required airline representatives to be present at the counter/boarding gates to guide and provide information for passengers; and to handle delay and cancellation of flights.

Since August 26, the airport has reopened more gates of international terminals to serve both domestic and international flights.
It has also piloted the airport collaborative decision making (ACDM) model, and a biometric authentication system for passengers who use electronic identity cards, contributing to easing congestion, significantly improving flight delays and cancellations.

During the peak period of the summer from June 1 to August 15, it served 56,195 flights with a total of over 9. 5 million passengers, up 3.76% and 6.67%, respectively, over the same period last year. Especially, the number of  international visitors increased by 103%.

Meanwhile, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) has decided to apply security control measures at level 1 at domestic airports and aviation service supply facilities during the National Day holiday.

It has asked the Airports Corporation of Vietnam (ACV) to increase security staff and equipment serving the security control activities, avoiding congestions at airports, especially Tan Son Nhat International Airport in HCM City and Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi.

Domestic airlines are requested to deploy security forces to ensure the strict implementation of security regulations and procedures, and handle violations.

According to current regulations, when there is a high risk to aviation security, enhanced aviation security control measures are implemented at three levels from one to three.

Level 1 measures are applied during important political and social events of the country or there is a complicated political security and social order situation.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes