The annual ASEAN flag hoisting ceremony on the occasion of the founding of ASEAN on August 8 is a proud practice of all ASEAN member countries. (Photo: VNA)

An Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) flag-hoisting ceremony was held in Hanoi on August 8 to mark the bloc’s 56th founding anniversary (August 8, 1967 - 2023) and 28 years of Vietnam’s membership of the association.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son chaired the ceremony. Ambassadors, representatives of the embassies of ASEAN countries, its partner countries in Hanoi, representatives of the ministries, and Hanoi People's Committee attended the ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony, Son emphasised that since its establishment, ASEAN has constantly grown, gradually becoming a central force in all regional processes, demonstrating the vision of a community living in peace, stability, and prosperous development. The image of Southeast Asia of solidarity, harmony, and flexibility has been spreading in the region and around the world.

As a result, ASEAN's relations with the rest of the world have become opener, richer, and more durable. ASEAN's relations with partners have not only increased in quantity but also changed in quality, helping ASEAN maintain high growth – reaching 5.5% in 2022, becoming the fifth largest economy in the world.

That is proof of the identity, values, vitality, and reputation of ASEAN, Son said.

According to the minister, the image of ASEAN can be found in the success of Vietnam during its innovation and integration and vice versa.

In addition, the relationship between Vietnam and other ASEAN members is also the "bricks" to build up a strong and sustainable ASEAN Community today.

Son affirmed that, with the advantages of geo-strategic location, young and abundant human resources, and the desire to integrate more deeply and comprehensively, ASEAN still has a great potential for development.

He said that the world is facing challenges, the recovery of the global economy is still uncertain, the geopolitical environment continues to change, and the competition among major powers continues remains fierce, but the ASEAN Community has demonstrated its resilience, flexibility, and proactive adaptation to overcome challenges.

Son said he believes with a solid foundation that has been cultivated for half a century and its aspirations, ASEAN will become an inclusive, a sustainable development community, and a focal point for the growth of the region and the world over.

HCM City pilots scheme of granting loans to more students

Under Ho Chi Minh City’s pilot scheme, university and college students who are studying in the city-based facilities will be entitled to loans for the pursuit of schooling.

HCMC pilots scheme of granting loans to more students ảnh 1

Accordingly, the municipal People's Committee directed the State Bank of Vietnam’s branch in the southern largest city and related agencies to build a project to present loans to students in Ho Chi Minh City for their continued studies in the school year 2023-2024.

The project is intended to provide financial support to students who are not included in the policy of the Bank for Social Policies. The project aims to help poverty-stricken students of universities, colleges and professional intermediate schools in Ho Chi Minh City overcome financial difficulties.

Students from poor families can get support from their schools and the Communist Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh City. Schools and the Communist Youth Union will verify borrowers’ needs and then send a list to commercial banks for loan approval. Students can ask for unsecured loans that don't require any type of collateral.

Previously, at working sessions with the Ho Chi Minh City-based Vietnam National University and the conference of management boards of universities in Ho Chi Minh City, Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Phan Van Mai said that in addition to students with financial difficulties who need to borrow money to study, many other students also want to get study loans.

Subsequently, Ho Chi Minh City leaders and related universities are determined to mobilize capital to meet all students’ needs to help them secure their studies.

International scientific conference “Windows on the Universe” opens in Binh Dinh

An international scientific conference “Windows on the Universe” opened on August 7 in the central province of Binh Dinh, with the participation of nearly 200 international scientists and presenters.

The conference is an academic forum for domestic and international scientists to collaborate, exchange ideas, and discuss the latest discoveries in the fields of particle physics, high energy physics, and astronomy. They can also share knowledge and present research results on the latest advances in those sciences.

The conference will have 31 sessions with plenary sessions and specialised thematic sessions on astrophysics, and high energy physics. On its sidelines, international scientists are offered opportunities to learn about local cultural history, and visit famous tourist destinations of Binh Dinh.

Speaking at the opening of the conference, Professor Tran Thanh Van, chairman of Rencontres du Vietnam (Meeting Vietnam), said that the conference creates conditions for young researchers to present their ideas and participate in discussions with senior researchers, paving the way for further cooperation and development.

Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat said that the Party, State, and Government always pay attention to the development of basic sciences - a foundation and premise for science and technology development.

He said Vietnam's basic sciences in general and Vietnam's physics in particular have made much progress in the past 10 years.

Vietnamese also contributes practical initiatives that serve the United Nations' sustainable development goals, the minister said, calling on scientists to make recommendations to policymakers and State managers for the sustainable development of Vietnam.

Secretary of the Binh Dinh provincial Party Committee Ho Quoc Dung said that generations of provincial leaders have worked to turn Binh Dinh into a destination for scientists, considering it a direction in the province's economic development strategy.

He said that scientific works of high value will soon be produced there, contributing to the development of science in Vietnam, adding the province is committed to accompanying with “Rencontres du Vietnam” Association

The “Rencontres du Vietnam” Association was founded in 1993 by Professor Tran Thanh Van, aiming to support Vietnam in terms of science and education. A series of “Rencontres du Vietnam” programmes have been held in Binh Dinh since then.

Vietnam, Laos enhance collaboration in inspection work

Vietnamese Deputy Inspector General Bui Ngoc Lam and his Lao counterpart Sukkhamphet Heuangbutsi held talks in Vientiane on August 7 to discuss measures to strengthen cooperation in inspection work.

The two sides informed each other about the socio-economic situation in the first six months of 2023, and shared experiences in directing and administering the inspection and anti-corruption work in each country.

Lam shared with the Lao side lessons learnt by the Government Inspectorate of Vietnam in directing, operating, and building inspection contents to ensure they are suitable to the situation and closely follow socioeconomic development requirements. There were also lessons learned on ways to improve the efficiency of inspection activities by focusing on inspecting areas prone to negative phenomena and corruption, and organising unannounced inspections when signs of law violations are detected.

Both sides appreciated the results of cooperation and exchange of professional experience between the Government Inspectorate of Vietnam and the Lao State Inspection Authority in recent years, affirming that these experiences not only make their work more practical and effective, but also contribute significantly to the fulfillment of their political tasks in particular and to enhancing the Vietnam-Laos comprehensive cooperation in general.

Within the framework of Lam’s working visit to Laos, he is expected to pay a courtesy visit to Khamphan Phommathat, Chairman of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission and State Inspector General.

Social network users proposed to follow authentication process

The Information and Communications Ministry is collecting ideas on the draft decree to replace Decree No.72/2013/ND-CP about the management, provision and use of Internet services and online information as well as Decree No.27/2018/ND-CP. 

The draft decree, supposed to be present to the Government this third quarter, adds provisions that only identified social network accounts can post, comment, and livestream content. This has attracted much interest from the public, as reported by SGGP Newspaper.

Chairman Nguyen Tran Binh of District 11 People’s Committee (HCMC) said that the authentication of a social network account via real name and a valid phone number before being allowed to post, comment, and livestream content is necessary to eliminate hi-tech scamming potentials (fraudulent sales livestreams on Facebook and Tik Tok platforms, sex broker livestreams, deepfake video calls for scamming, investment scams on Telegram platform) and the spreading of harmful news or copyright violation content that have been rather common lately in Vietnam.

The management of digital accounts contributes to erasing negative content on cyberspace that breaks the applicable laws and harms the society, and thus able to protect the rights and interests of individuals, organizations while raising the awareness of Internet users when they enter the cyberspace.

However, the implementation of this new decree might encounter certain obstacles such as the use of software to fake IP addresses when carrying out the authentication steps for social network account registration. Social network platforms usually allow the use of accounts of other services to in the registration procedure, and ill-intention people might take advantage of this to obtain multiple accounts. Adding to that is the easy purchase of non-original mobile SIM cards to be used later for authentication steps.

Therefore, without close collaboration among related state agencies in this matter, the identification process for a social network account will meet various challenges.

Technology Director of Vietnam National Cyber Security Technology Corp. Vu Ngoc Son shared that the anonymity mode to interact with others has been popular even before the development of the Internet. Hence, it is extremely difficult to eliminate this mode, and it requires the efforts of the management agencies, service providers, and users.

However, the most remarkable advantage of a clear identity in interactions is transparency and convenience, especially when people are now considered digital citizens.

What should be considered now is the willingness to provide sensitive personal information (citizen ID card number, date of birth, residential address) when carrying out the identification process on social network platforms. This is because the public is still rather concerned about information safety to protect their privacy right.

Lawyer Trinh Phi Long from HCMC Veterans Association stressed on the necessity of this new decree as it introduces a stricter regulation on the identification of social network accounts in close connection with the personal information of account owners (full name, age, current address, citizen ID card number, mobile number).

Recently, there has been too much fake news without verification being spread widely on the Internet. They have purposedly harm individuals, Party and State organizations. When such an incident happens, it takes much time and effort for state agencies to handle. Therefore, it is necessary for news spreaders to be responsible for what they share and comment on cyberspace, especially on social networks. And the first step is to use their real identity to post content.

HCMC police force start inspection facilities for foreigners to rent

From August 1, Ho Chi Minh City Police started inspecting hotels and facilities where foreigners rent.

Police officers will issue harsh penalties on establishments for foreigners to rent and reside violating regulations on immigration. Moreover, the city's police force at the same time considers the responsibility of organizations and individuals that were assigned to manage the jurisdiction.

SGGP Newspaper reporter had an interview with Senior Lieutenant Colonel Vo Chien Thang, Deputy Head of Ho Chi Minh City Police’s Immigration Department (PA08), about this inspection.

More and more foreigners come to live and work in the country, especially in Ho Chi Minh City. In addition to the positive aspects, recently there have been many cases of law violations related to foreigners.

Colonel Vu Chien Thang said that the number of foreigners entering Vietnam, especially Ho Chi Minh City, is increasing day by day. For instance, in the first 6 months of 2023, 1.8 million foreigners arrived in Ho Chi Minh City, an increase of 85 percent over the same period last year.

Foreigners have had remarkable activities, including an increasing and complicated state of law violations. Specifically, a large number of foreigners illegally enter the country and they overstayed their visa and their temporary residence for a long time; worse, some of them also commit illegal acts such as organizing betting activities, lending money with high interest, and cheating in the internet while other evaded their countries’ search warrant or set up a line of making forged documents to help foreigners illegally enter and stay in Vietnam. They even manufactured, transported and stored illegal drugs.

In the first 6 months of 2023, the city's police force has detected and handled nearly 730 foreigners involved in violations including 10 organizations. Police officers also issued a fine of VND35 million (US$1,469) to companies that bring foreigners into Vietnam and deported foreign violators.

Last time, the Department PA08 discovered that many foreigners did not declare their temporary residence or overstayed their temporary residence. PA08 also cooperates with professional units of the Ho Chi Minh City Police to prevent and detect illegal entry of foreigners and many violations of the criminal law. The PA08 liaised with their counterpart of the Criminal Police Department in District 10 and Binh Thanh District discovered foreigners establishing many companies to organize ‘black credit’ via the app.

The Department also coordinated with the Department of Cybersecurity and High-Tech Crime Prevention under the Ministry of Public Security and other professional units to arrest three Korean nationals with international search warrants who came to Vietnam under the disguise of investors, experts, carrying out high-tech criminal activities in the city.

Recently, the Ho Chi Minh City Police discovered 7 Chinese in District 8 carrying out organized crime collecting more than 1,000 smartphones. Many foreign criminals asked Vietnamese people to rent a house under Vietnamese names and buy things to help foreigners committing crimes.

Dangerously, foreigners established foreign-invested companies to help their peers stay in Vietnam for a long time. After many foreigners are granted a long-term residence document, the company is dissolved or the company is "only established on paper" without actual operation.

In addition, many Vietnamese individuals set up small companies to assist foreigners to enter and work. Also, several Vietnamese people let foreigners rent their houses, and apartments without a declaration of temporary residence without strict management; therefore, scores of foreigners organized betting and cheating on the internet. When the police force detects the crime, local administrations replied that they don’t know.

The PA08 has spread regulations on immigration to people, owners of hotels, motels, rental houses and foreigners encouraging people to declare temporary residence online at and extend their visas.

HCMC opens more waterway tours

The HCMC Department of Tourism has recently introduced several waterway tours to diversify tourism services and cater to the travel demand of visitors.

The services include inner-city routes of Nhieu Loc-Thi Nghe and Binh Quoi, routes to the city’s outlying districts of Cu Chi and Can Gio, inter-provincial routes to the southern region and the Mekong Delta, and a route to Cambodia.

These services aim to provide domestic and international tourists with a unique ecosystem experience along the major rivers in southern Vietnam, including Dong Nai, Tien and Hau. Visitors will also have the opportunity to explore the cultural and historical values of the region throughout the trips, the local media reported.

The services are now operated by local tour operators Vietravel, Vietluxtour and TST Tourist, among others.

The tours were unveiled during the first river festival in HCMC that kicked off on August 4 at the Thu Ngu Flagpole, Bach Dang Wharf, District 1. This move is part of the city’s efforts to attract visitors and promote tourism.

The festival features captivating art programs like a river parade, fireworks display, water puppetry performances, and traditional art showcases to promote cultural heritage.

HCMC Book Street generates more than US$1.3 mln in revenue

The Ho Chi Minh City Book Street yesterday organized a preliminary conference for the first six months of 2023.

Apart from VND32 billion (US$1.3 million) of the total revenue, up 56 percent over 2022, HCMC Book Street gained remarkable achievements with 455,802 sold books including 1,586 new book titles in the first six months of the year.

Particularly, revenue from children's books continued to dominate with nearly VND4.6 billion (US$193.000) this year.

Accordingly, the first-half revenue of the year set a record for years from 2016 up to now.

The positive results were thanks to the e-commerce advantages of the units which contributed to spreading the reading spirit to more and more readers.

Besides, there have been activities to introduce books and literature talk shows to meet the reading demand of readers.

Director of the HCMC Book Street Company Le Hoang said that the street will continue to have key activities to welcome readers and tourists from now until the end of the year.

Notably, the events will be organized at night time to attract more readers and tourists as well as create liveliness for the street during night time and contribute to increasing sale for booths.

Citizens warned of scamming via impersonating tax authorities

Hanoi Tax Department yesterday warned the public about certain people impersonating its staff and distributing notices to collect tax payments for scamming purposes. 

Accordingly, Hanoi Tax Department stressed that it only authorizes the People’s Committees of wards, communes, and towns to collect the tax on non-agricultural land use from households and Hanoi Post to collect tax from household businesses in the districts of Thanh Tri, Dong Anh, Son Tay, Thanh Oai, Chuong My, Phuc Tho, and Phu Xuyen.

The above authorized state agencies will issue tax receipts to taxpayers in compliance with legal regulations. Therefore, when receiving messages and notices about tax payment or tax-related punishment decisions, the public should carefully check the content instead of immediately following the instructions in those messages or notices.

Hanoi Tax Department also informed that taxpayers could contact its formal officers and those working in the local tax divisions for more support. Their phone numbers are posted on the official website of Hanoi Tax Department.

In the event of receiving scamming messages and notices or calls, taxpayers are asked to save valid evidence like the messages themselves or records of those calls. These proofs must be then submitted to functional agencies under the Ministry of Public Security, the nearest tax agencies, as well as telecoms businesses managing those ill-intention subscribers for proper handling.

Taxpayers can access this website to update tax-related formal information from Hanoi Tax Department:

Performance of 300 artists to celebrate 100th anniversary of musician Van Cao

A special art program to celebrate the 100th birthday of late musician Van Cao (1923-1995) will take place at the Hanoi Opera House on August 20.

Genera director Pham Hoang Nam affirmed that the show takes place both inside and outside the Hanoi Opera House at the same time with the participation of artists and audiences.

Nam expects the August Revolution Square (in front of the Hanoi Opera House) to be filled with tens of thousands of people for the program. It will recreate the historic scene when the red flag with a yellow star was hoisted in the triumph of the August Revolution in 1945, leading to Independence Day on September 2.

On August 17, 1945, Van Cao's song Tien Quan Ca (The Marching Song - the National Anthem) was performed for the first time.

"The most important element of the program is the August Revolution Square. To recreate the moment when the flag was raised, people will come to the square as many as possible," Pham Hoang Nam said.

Inside the Hanoi Opera House, the concert will bring together Van Cao's typical works in all three genres: love songs, marches, and epics.

"More than an ordinary art show, this event will commemorate Van Cao as a talented artist in many fields of literature and art. Van Cao's composing talent and artistic achievements, especially the song Tien Quan Ca - Vietnam's national anthem, have enriched the national art treasure," said musician Nguyen Duc Trinh, Chairman of the Vietnam Musicians Association:

More than 300 artists, including many famous singers, will participate in the show, including People's Artist Quang Tho, People's Artist Quoc Hung, Elite Artist Thanh Lam, Outstanding Artist Dang Duong, singers Anh Tuyet, My Linh, Tran Thu Ha among others.

At the press conference, conductor Olivier Ochanine of the Sun Symphony Orchestra (SSO) expressed his excitement and honor to participate in the program.

The program team consists of famous names: musician Do Hong Quan as content director; musician Nguyen Duc Trinh as art director; lawyer Nguyen Thi Quynh Anh as project director; general director Pham Hoang Nam; music director Do Bao, among others.

The program will be broadcast live on VTV1 channel at 8 pm and on the website of the Vietnam Musicians Association.

Musician Van Cao was born in the Northern city of Haiphong on November 15, 1923. He was awarded the First Class Order of Resistance, the First Class Medal of Independence, the Ho Chi Minh Order, and the First Ho Chi Minh Prize for Art and Literature (1996).

Over 85,200 Vietnamese laborers sent to work abroad in 7 months

Viet Nam sent 85,224 workers abroad under labor contracts in the first seven months of this year, equivalent to 77.47 percent of the year’s target, reported the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA).

During the reviewed period, Japan was the largest manpower importer of Viet Nam with 41,139, guest workers followed by Taiwan (36,956); South Korea (1,799); China (1,024); Hungary (802); Singapore (800); Romania (537).

On July 28, a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in basic legal framework was inked between the MoLISA's Department of Overseas Labor Management and Japan's Wakayama prefecture regarding the reception of Vietnamese workers for employment in Japan.

Due to the shortage of workforce, Wakayama has advocated enhancing training and reception of Vietnamese apprentices and workers with specific skills, and engineers for internships and employment in Japan.

Also in July 2023, JHL Viet Nam Group and Nozomi Japan signed a contract to deploy the Japanese standardized E-learning training program for medical caregivers in Viet Nam, opening up the opportunities for Viet Nam to send workers to Japan to care for the elderly in future.

On April 27, 2022, the Government issued Resolution No. 59/NQ-CP on continuing the pilot implementation of sending Vietnamese workers to work seasonally in South Korea in the form of cooperation between regions of the two countries. The implementation period started on January 1, 2022, and lasts five years.

HCM City youths’ summer volunteer programmes celebrated

A ceremony to launch the 16th National Volunteer Day and to celebrate 30 years of summer volunteer programmes and campaigns of the youth in Ho Chi Minh City (1994-2023) was held on August 6, with the participation of nearly 2,500 young volunteers.

Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) of HCM City Phan Thi Thanh Phuong recalled the first campaign called “the cultural light in Summer” saw the involvement of 700 local students to provide charity classes to disadvantaged people in suburban districts 30 years ago, which enabled more than 10,000 people to read and write. This left a positive impression of diligent and compassionate students who cared about the country's challenges on the path to prosperity and happiness.

At the end of 1996, the southern metropolis achieved the national standard for illiteracy eradication. The standing committee of the HCYU of HCM City decided to develop the campaign into a large-scale event and then the “Green Summer” voluntary campaign was officially launched in 1997. By 2009, the campaign had been renamed "Summer volunteer youth campaign".

The volunteer programmes and campaigns in the city have grown significantly in both quantity and quality, becoming one of the prominent movements which have been expanded to many localities throughout the country, and even internationally. These programmes have shown their vitality and strength and proven substantial social benefits.

As a result, 31,000 youth-led projects have been implemented; 540,000 individuals facing difficult circumstances cared for, while 1.2 million people provided with free health check-ups and consultations. Moreover, 160,000 blood units have been donated and 524,000 scholarships presented to students.

On the occasion, many collectives and outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of the summer volunteer programmes and campaigns were awarded certificates of merit.

Deputy Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Ho Hai stressed that the city’s youth should inherit and develop the achievements, thus further expanding youth volunteer activities.

HCM City eyes more new metro lines, enhance connectivity

HCM City plans to add three more metro lines to connect Tân Sơn Nhất International Airport and the Cần Giờ Sea Encroachment Project to the national railway system, and two national railway stations in the city, according to its Department of Transport.

The plan is part of the city’s urban planning efforts by 2040, with a vision to 2060, which aims to synchronise the city’s urban railway network.

It was detailed by the consulting unit Southern Transport Design Consultancy Joint Stock Company (Tedi South) at a recent meeting to research, review, and propose supplements and adjustments to the city’s urban railway network.

Accordingly, the first new line is proposed to connect terminals of Tân Sơn Nhất International Airport in Tân Bình District to downtown HCM City and Thủ Thiêm New Urban Area in Thủ Đức City.

The line would also connect the planned Thủ Thiêm-Long Thành light rail project to the Long Thành International Airport under-construction in Đồng Nai Province.

Crossing Soài Rạp River, the second new line will link downtown HCM City with the ​​2,870-hectare Cần Giờ Sea Encroachment Project, also known as the Cần Giờ Tourism Urban Area Project in outlying Cần Giờ District.

With a length of 28 kilometres, the third new line will have the function of transporting passengers, and connect the two national railway stations of Thủ Thiêm and Tân Kiên in the city.

Besides the three new lines, the consultant unit has proposed other metro lines be extended to create an urban railway corridor along the Tây Bắc - Bến Thành - Thủ Thiêm - Long Thành route of more than 80km long.

Other lines are now also being considered for adjustments to connect them with urban railways in Bình Dương Province, an industrial hub neighbouring HCM City.

The city has already had plans for eight metro lines and three electric vehicle lines, spanning a total of 220 km, with an estimated investment capital of US$25 billion.

Among the metro lines, line No. 1 from Bến Thành Market in District 1 and Suối Tiên Theme Park in Thủ Đức City and line No. 2 between Bến Thành Market and Tham Lương Depot in District 12 are under construction, while the other lines are seeking funding and investment before beginning construction. 

MRC launches channel to improve public awareness of flood, drought risks

The Mekong River Commission (MRC) has launched a channel on Mekong flood and drought forecast to improve public awareness and understanding of the conditions in the Lower Mekong River Basin (LMB).

According to the commission, starting from July 2023, the channel provides regular updates on current water levels, flows, and forecasted flood and drought risks for people living along the Mekong River. Broadcast in English with subtitles in Mekong languages, it runs every Monday during this rainy season on the MRC Secretariat's social media channels of Facebook and YouTube.

The Mekong River experiences flooding every year, which can bring both positive and negative impacts to the LMB.

Dr. Anoulak Kittikhoun, CEO of the Mekong River Commission Secretariat, stated: "The MRC currently provides daily river monitoring, flood forecasting, flash flood guidance information, and drought forecasts to support member countries in managing risks. We are also working on drought adaption measures. The launch of the MRC TV Channel on Flood and Drought Forecasting is a part of our continued efforts to bring updated and useful information on flood and drought risks to people in the Basin in a more accessible way. We hope the channel, in addition to our website updates, can effectively reach millions more people living along the Mekong River."

H’Hen Nie, Miss Universe Vietnam 2017, who helped promote the MRC Flood and Drought TV Channel, highlighted the importance of timely updates on drought and flooding, saying: “The Mekong Delta is known as the rice bowl of the region, so any drought or flooding in this area can have a direct impact on the lives of the people.”

The MRC is an intergovernmental organisation established in 1995 to boost regional dialogue and cooperation in the LMB. Based on the Mekong Agreement among Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, it serves as both a regional platform for water diplomacy and a knowledge hub – to manage water resources and support sustainable development of the region.

Top legislators of Vietnam, Laos meet on sidelines of AIPA-44

Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue met with his Lao counterpart Saysomphone Phomvihane on the sidelines of the 44th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-44) in Jakarta, Indonesia, on August 7.

Both leaders noted with pleasure that the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos have been deepened and enhanced through all channels and at all levels, particularly via the Party channel and from the central to local levels, and in all sectors, significantly contributing to maintaining political stability, security-defence, and socio-economic development in both countries.

They agreed to further increase the exchange of delegations at all levels, promote bilateral cooperation mechanisms, strengthen the linkages between the two economies, and carry out investment and trade cooperation agreements as well as important strategic joint projects. They also concurred to boost cooperation in agricultural product processing, jointly study and implement specific projects.

The Vietnamese and Lao NAs should continue their close collaboration, effectively conduct their regular cooperation mechanisms, step up cooperation in human resource training, enhance information exchange, share experiences, and coordinate in legislation, monitoring, and decision-making activities involving important national issues.

The two sides agreed to coordinate closely in organising the first high-level conference of the NAs of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam in Laos in December 2023, as well as AIPA 2024 chaired by Laos.

On this occasion, Chairman Hue invited the Lao NA to send a delegation to attend the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians to be held in Hanoi in September.

Vietnam treasures strategic partnership with Indonesia: NA Chairman

Vietnam attaches great importance to its strategic partnership with Indonesia, National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue told Indonesian President Joko Widodo at their meeting in Jakarta on August 7.

President Widodo spoke highly of Chairman Hue’s official visit to Indonesia on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the strategic partnership (2013 - 2023), saying it has created momentum for the bilateral cooperation to grow more intensively, extensively and practically.

The strategic partnership has not only brought benefits to the two countries but also contributed to peace, stability and prosperity in the region, he stressed.

Chairman Hue conveyed greetings and regards from General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong, President Vo Van Thuong and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh to the Indonesian leader.

The chief legislator congratulated Indonesia on its 78th Independence Day, and noted his firm belief that the country will reap more achievements in all spheres, and hold an increasing role and position in the world.

Informing the host about the outcomes of his official visit to Indonesia and his attendance at the 44th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-44), Chairman Hue said the two legislatures signed a cooperation agreement aiming to boost their relations, thus contributing to fostering the Vietnam-Indonesia relationship, towards advancing it to a new height.

Both leaders rejoiced at the rapid, effective development of the strategic partnership in key spheres, especially trade with two-way revenue hitting a record of over 14 billion USD last year.

They agreed to step up the exchange of delegations at all levels and through all channels, and effectively implement signed agreements.

The two countries will work to raise their bilateral trade to over 15 billion USD by 2028 in a more balanced way.

The leaders also shared the view that the two countries need to further maintain existing supply chains, and closely cooperate to form new, strategic ones, saying both sides have strengths to boost collaboration in navigation and fishery, as well as new areas like digital transformation and just energy transition.

President Widodo thanked Vietnam for its support for Indonesia’s ASEAN Chairmanship in 2023, and suggested Vietnam continue its coordination to enhance ASEAN’s centrality and implement the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.

On this occasion, Chairman Hue conveyed invitations of Party General Secretary Trong and President Thuong to President Widodo to soon visit Vietnam this year.

Khanh Hoa works for greener Truong Sa

The south-central province of Khanh Hoa is making efforts to green up the local Truong Sa island district, in a bid to develop it into an economic, cultural, and social hub at sea and a solid fortress safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty over its sea and islands.

To this end, the Naval Region 4 High Command, which is responsible for military tasks in Truong Sa, has organised awareness-raising campaigns and mobilised resources, materials, and funds to implement a greening project in the island district. In 2023, the unit received over 204,200 saplings and 120.5 tonnes of fertilizer from various agencies, businesses, and people nationwide.

In addition, the high command has established two plant nurseries covering an area of approximately 3,000 square metres.

About 6,675 trees have so far been cultivated, with a pilot programme planting 400 trees for shade on some islands, showing initial positive results.

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Pham Anh Tuan, Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of Naval Region 4, stressed that tree-planting activities in Truong Sa hold significant importance. It not only proactively addresses the challenges of climate change and contributes to economic and defence development, but also helps create a green and clean environment on the islands.

Hai Phong saves seven sailors on aground Hong Kong vessel

The port authority of the northern city of Hai Phong on August 7 announced that their units together with several competent forces successfully rescued seven sailors aboard an aground vessel of China’s Hong Kong.

At 00:30 am on August 7, the ship, named GLORY, while anchoring at a mooring area in Lach Huyen Port, Hai Phong’s Cat Hai district, was hit by big waves and strong winds, causing it to drift aground on a sand embankment.

Immediately after receiving the SOS signal, the port authority deployed one canoe, two ships and personnel to the vessel's location for rescue operation. By 3:30 am on the same day, the rescue vehicles reached the scene. However, due to high waves and strong winds, the operation encountered numerous difficulties.

After several hours under harsh weather conditions, by 6:00 am on the same day, the rescue team succeeded and safely brought ashore the crewmembers, who later received medical care and recovered.

Vietnamese, Indonesian foreign ministries forge cooperation

Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Do Hung Viet and his Indonesian counterpart Abdul Kadir Jailani discussed orientations to step up cooperation between the two foreign ministries in order to well implement high-level agreements during their working session in Jakarta on August 7.

The meeting took place within the framework of National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue’s official visit to Indonesia and attendance at the 44th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-44) from August 4-8.

Jailani spoke highly of Hue’s visit, saying it has contributed to strengthening the legislative ties as well as the strategic partnership between the two countries.

For his part, Viet highly valued the effective cooperation between the two foreign ministries in promoting Vietnam-Indonesia relations as well as their coordination at multilateral mechanisms like the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement.

Lauding Indonesia’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2023, he affirmed Vietnam’s further support for the country to successfully fulfil this important role.

The two sides agreed to continue all-level delegation exchanges, and quickly coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to review the implementation of the action programme materialising the strategic partnership for the 2019-2023 period, and soon outline another for 2024-2028, aiming to elevate the relationship to a new height.

They also consented to enhance cooperation in such new spheres as green economy, green energy and digital transformation, while promoting a new ecosystem and value chain in the electric vehicle sector between the two countries, towards expanding to other regional countries.  

Vietnam and Indonesia will intensify their coordination and mutual support in regional and international issues of shared concern, including the East Sea issue.

Ha Nam hopes to bolster multi-faceted ties with Japan’s Hyogo prefecture

Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ha Nam province Truong Quoc Huy had a working session with a visiting delegation of Japan’s Hyogo prefecture on August 7, affirming that the northern province always views Japan as a leading partner.

Stressing the importance Ha Nam attaches to investment ties with Japan, Huy said the province reserved the entire Dong Van 3 Industrial Park for Japanese enterprises, and the park is almost fully leased. Meanwhile, part of the Kim Bang 1 Industrial Park will be zoned off for production and business activities of Japanese firms.

Aside from economic partnerships, Ha Nam also wants to enhance cooperation in culture and education with Japanese localities, including Hyogo prefecture, he noted.

The host official described the Hyogo delegation’s visit as a chance for increasing mutual understanding and trust to help strengthen the two sides’ friendship and cooperation for common development.

He expressed his hope that after the visit, members of the delegation will continue introducing Ha Nam to Hyogo investors and hold many cultural and sport exchanges to help further promote the effectiveness of bilateral cooperation.

For his part, Ogiso Hiroyasu, Deputy Director of the Hyogo International Business Centre, said that during the trip, which aimed to further step up cooperation between the two localities, both sides will work together to hold cultural and sport exchanges.

The Hyogo delegation will introduce Ha Nam to Japanese businesses, including those in Hyogo, and popularise famous local tourist sites to help attract more Japanese visitors to the province, he added.

President pays first visit to Catholic Bishops' Conference of Vietnam

President Vo Van Thuong visited the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Vietnam at its office in Ho Chi Minh City on August 7, the first by Thuong to the conference as the State President.

The State leader wished Archbishop Giuse Nguyen Nang and members of the Catholic Bishops' Conference as well as all Catholics across the country good health and happiness.

He said that with the joint efforts of the Party, State and people, Vietnam has reaped important achievements in all fields. The country has won COVID-19 pandemic and shown strong socioeconomic recovery and development, maintaining political stability, ensuring social welfare, defence and security, and strengthening foreign relations with outstanding results, he noted.

Thuong highlighted the active contributions from the Catholic community to this success, especially in the fields of social welfare, charity, pandemic prevention and control, and the spreading of humanitarian spirit, love and good values of the nation in general and the community in particular.

The Party and State always stay consistent to the policy of ensuring and respecting the freedom to religions and belief of all people, including the Catholic community, while creating optimal conditions for the community to practice their religion, he affirmed.

Briefing the conference on his visit to the Vatican, President Thuong said that he had a meeting with Pope Francis and Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Vatican.

He said that during his working session with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the two sides affirmed that the Vietnam-Vatican relationship is growing fruitfully, and concurred to continue to promote this sound relationship. Vietnam and Vatican also agreed on the Status of the Resident Papal Representative and the Office of the Resident Papal Representative in Vietnam.

For his part, Archbishop Giuse Nguyen Nang expressed his impression at the outcomes of the President’s visits to Austria, Italy and the Vatican, saying they have helped enhance the international position and reputation of Vietnam, and bring the Vietnam-Vatican ties to a new development period with the approval of the Status of the Resident Papal Representative and the Office of the Resident Papal Representative in Vietnam.

The Vietnamese Catholic community is delighted as the Vatican will send its Resident Papal Representative to Vietnam, he said.
He affirmed that the community is always enthusiastic about practising the religion, living the gospel, and responding to the call of the Church and the Pope; and committed to serving the community, the society and the country.

He expressed his belief that with the policies taken by the Party and State, the Catholic community in Vietnam will further promote its potential and strengths, thus contributing more to the national construction and development in the future.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes