President Vo Van Thuong’s speech at the National Diet of Japan on November 29 has grabbed the headlines of many leading local media outlets.

In an article on its website, radio and television broadcasting station NHK cited the Vietnamese leader, who is on an official visit to Japan, as stating that basing on the comprehensive strategic partnership, the two countries will strengthen cooperation in multiple spheres, including economy, security, people-to-people exchange, and climate change response.

NHK wrote that in his about-20-minute address, Thuong mentioned the countries’ joint statement on elevating bilateral relations to the comprehensive strategic partnership, which he said has opened up a new chapter of their ties to meet both sides’ interests and contribute to peace and stability.
The speech was concluded with an appeal for joint determination to be made to turn the countries’ relations into truly sincere friendship, trustworthy partnership, and strategic cooperation for sustainable future. The remark received a big round of applause from the audience, according to NHK.

Other major media agencies of Japan like Nikkei, Sankei, and Jiji also covered President Thuong’s speech, reporting that he affirmed Japan is an important economic partner of Vietnam and stressed the necessity to build political trust and cooperate in the field of clean energy.

Sankei cited the President as expressing his hope that the two countries will expand bilateral cooperation to such new aspects as climate change response and digital transformation.

According to Nikkei, the visiting leader stressed that Vietnam and Japan should work together in maritime security and other areas as part of their joint vision on defence cooperation for the next decade.

He noted focusing on maritime security is necessary for responding to non-traditional security challenges, adding that Vietnam supports Japan’s more important and active role in the Indo-Pacific and Asia-Pacific, the newswire said on November 30.

Other activities during his visit also attracted local media’s attention.

Japan News on November 29 spotlighted President Thuong’s meeting with the Japanese families who used to host him during the countries’ youth exchanges held by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Miyazaki prefecture in 1997 and Akita prefecture in 2011.

The newspaper quoted the leader as saying that he was greatly impressed with the cultural experiences during the programmes. He also underlined the importance of grassroots-level and youth exchanges to bilateral relations.

State President visits Kyushu University

State President Vo Van Thuong visited Kyushu University on November 30 as part of his official trip to Japan.

In a meeting with President of the university Ishibashi Tatsuro and Vietnamese students who are pursuing study there, he spoke highly of the university’s achievements and development orientations which are in line with its reputation, prestige and history of more than 110 years.

He welcomed the university’s intention to expand education and receive more Vietnamese students through cooperation programmes with Vietnamese education establishments.

Besides, he took the occasion to ask the university to enhance collaboration with Vietnamese universities and localities to improve human resources quality for the country.

President Thuong also had a cordial talk with standout Vietnamese students at the university, during which he expressed his delight at their academic results.

He encouraged them to continue broadening their knowledge, promoting solidarity, supporting one another, and joining hands to build a strong Vietnamese community in Japan, thus becoming a bridge to connect the two nations.

In the afternoon, President Thuong and his entourage left Fukuoka for Vietnam, wrapping up his official visit to Japan at the invitation of the Japanese State.

President wraps up official visit to Japan

President Vo Van Thuong, his spouse, and a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam arrived at the Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi on November 30 evening, concluding the four-day official visit to Japan at the invitation of the Japanese State.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and his spouse hosted a welcome ceremony for Thuong and his spouse. The President and the PM then held their talks, reviewing the achievements made in the Vietnam-Japan diplomatic relations over the past five decades and outlining stronger cooperation directions for the future. Following the talks, they jointly issued a statement upgrading the countries’ relationship to a “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia and the World”. They also witnessed the signing of cooperation documents between various Vietnamese and Japanese ministries and sectors.

Speaking at their joint press conference, the leaders affirmed the countries’ mutual desire to elevate all-round collaboration to new heights and expand the joint works to new areas.

President Thuong and his spouse also met with Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, attended a ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of the nations’ diplomatic relations, and hosted receptions for leaders of Japanese political parties and politicians.

He had meetings with the presidents of the Japanese House of Councillors and House of Representatives. Particularly, he visited and delivered a policy speech at the Japanese National Diet, the oldest legislative body in Asia.

In his speech, the State leader extended a message to Japanese leaders, parliamentarians and people of an innovative, open and peace-loving Vietnam that aspires for development, and the country’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, and diversification and multilateralisation of relations, and being a friend, a reliable partner, and a responsible member of the international community.

He reviewed the past 50 years of the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Japan, and highlighted major visions and orientations to effectively implement the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia and the World.

Vietnam is resolved to work together with Japan to really become sincere friends and reliable partners for strategic cooperation and sustainable future, he affirmed.

While in Tokyo, Thuong visited the Vietnamese Embassy, met with generations of Vietnamese people with great contributions to bilateral ties, received leaders of the Japan-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Alliance, and attended an exchange programme featuring the Vietnamese martial art Vovinam and Japanese martial arts. He also joined a breakfast with Japanese families that used to welcome young Vietnamese during youth exchanges between the two countries.

In Fukuoka prefecture, the Vietnamese leader received the governor of the prefecture and leaders of Nagasaki, Miyazaki, Saga and Kagoshima prefectures, visited the Vietnamese Consulate General here, and hosted a delegation of the Japan - Vietnam specialists’ association.

Before concluding his trip, he toured Kyushu University and had a cordial talk with standout Vietnamese students at the university.

Party chief’s book provides guidance for religions in promoting national solidarity: Buddhist dignitary

Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) Executive Council Most Venerable Thich Gia Quang has described Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's book on the promotion of the great national solidarity tradition as a guidance for the VBS to strengthen its place in the national great unity bloc. 

The book was recently published by the Party Delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front in collaboration with the Su that (Truth) National Political Publishing House.

The monk said the systematic collection of the Party chief’s thoughts and viewpoints that have theoretical and practical values on promoting the tradition of great national unity is very useful for all sectors and all-level administrations, including religious organisations, to grasp and effectively perform the mission of leveraging the strength of the great national unity. 

The book reflects the vision and wisdom as well as comprehensive and thorough guidance of the Party leader, he said, adding that it demonstrates the Party chief’s consistent ideology regarding the great national unity which is a strategic direction of the Party, a decisive factor for the success of the national construction and defence cause in all periods.

He affirmed that the book holds immense significance, serving as a handbook with strategic directions and practical guidance. It provides profound insights and important recommendations, contributing to stirring up the patriotic spirit, the will for national self-reliance, the strength of great national unity, and the aspirations for a prosperous country.

The 748-page book comprises an overview, 75 outstanding speeches, articles, interviews, letters and appeals by the Party General Secretary, along with 142 photos reflecting his visits to the 63 provinces and cities nationwide.

Of the three sections, the first focuses on the great national solidarity as the internal strength and the decisive factor of the success of the national construction and defence. The second is on the promotion of the core political role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organisations to help achieve the country’s socio-economic development targets. The third is about the promotion of people and localities’ role to contribute more to the national reform.

PM concludes visit to Türkiye

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh concluded his official visit to Türkiye and left Ankara for Dubai, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), on November 30 to attend the World Climate Summit in the framework of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) and engage in bilateral activities at the invitation of the UAE Government.
Earlier on the day, the PM visited the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in Ankara and held a working session with the firm's executives to explore measures to promote bilateral cooperation in the defence industry in the coming time.

PM Chinh affirmed that Vietnam considers the protection of national independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity a vital and regular mission. To achieve this, the country must modernise national defence, he said.

He suggested that the two sides explore opportunities to enhance cooperation in a manner that aligns with the needs and capacity of each country, particularly in the field of defence industry.

The PM also visited the Anatolian Civilisations Museum in Ankara the same day.

Senior Party official receives delegation of CPC Political and Legal Affairs Commission

Phan Dinh Trac, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Internal Affairs on November 30 received a visiting delegation of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, headed by its Vice Secretary Yang Chunlei.  

Highly appreciating the cooperation results between the two commissions, Trac hoped the two agencies will continue their close coordination and maintain the exchange of delegations to enhance mutual understanding, improve collaboration effectiveness, and push forward the signing of a plan to implement their memorandum of understanding for collaboration between 2023 and 2027.

The senior Party official proposed China support Vietnam in training specialised officials in internal affairs, law, anti-corruption, and judicial reform.

He suggested the two sides strengthen coordination, exchange information and support each other's stances and positions at multilateral forums on internal affairs, corruption prevention and control, judicial reform, and related areas, which he said will contribute to enhancing political trust between the two countries and their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

For his part, Yang praised Vietnam's achievements, especially in its Party building and anti-corruption efforts. He stated the cooperative relationship between the two agencies is significant in promoting relations between the two Parties and countries in the new situation.

On the occasion, the Chinese delegation held talks with leaders of the Commission for Internal Affairs, sharing experiences in preventing and fighting corruption.

Int’l community hails Vietnam’s commitments to climate change actions: Ambassador

Public opinion in the region and the world highly values Vietnam's commitments to climate change actions, especially the fact that Vietnam is among the few developing countries to announce the commitment to cutting net emissions to zero by 2050 and eliminating coal-fired power in the 2030-2040 period, Vietnamese Ambassador to the UAE Nguyen Manh Tuan.

In an interview granted to Vietnam News Agency correspondent in the Middle East-North Africa region on the occasion of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s participation in the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in the UAE, the diplomat said that right after the COP26, Vietnam has taken actions to implement its commitments against climate change.

In the COP28, Vietnam aims to reaffirmed its determination to strengthen international cooperation in climate change response, he said.

As an active and responsible member of the international community, Vietnam will actively engage in common international collaboration plans and programmes such as the Global Stocktake and discussions on a Loss and Damage Fund as well as the roadmap to reduce and eliminate coal gas power.

Vietnam will organise an exhibition on the cause of climate change response in Vietnam, along with a ceremony to announce the country’s plan to mobilise resources for the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), and introduction on Vietnam’s efforts to mitigate, adapt to climate change and promote green growth of Vietnam over the years, the diplomat said.

Ambassador Tuan said that the public opinion in the region and the world has recognised Vietnam’s practical efforts against climate change, including the establishment of a national steering committee on the implementation of Vietnam’s commitments at COP26, and the realisation of the national strategy against climate change until 2050, the national strategy on green growth in the 2021-2030 period with a vision to 2050, and the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) - Update in 2022, the sustainable forestry development programme for the 2021-2030 period, and the 8th national power development plan.

Regarding Vietnam’s expectations at the COP28 and the contributions of PM Chinh’s trip to the Vietnam-UAE relations, Ambassador Tuan said that Vietnam expects that its participation in the event will help promote substantial and effective cooperation in climate change response.

Vietnam hopes that at the COP28, countries will announce plans to implement their NDCs at a higher level, thereby contributing to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as enhance adaptability to and resilience against climate change.

PM Chinh’s participation in the COP 28 carries a significant meaning, sending out many important messages of the Party and State of Vietnam to international friends, reaffirming the Communist Party of Vietnam’s external policy, especially policy regarding climate change response, said the diplomat.

Besides, it also affirms Vietnam’s strong support to the COP28 host, one of the new and potential partners of Vietnam in many areas, he stated.

The ambassador said that the PM’s trip to the UAE will create a new breakthrough, deepening and lifting the Vietnam-UAE ties to a new height.

Along with the PM’s recent trip to Saudi Arabia, this visit is expected to promote Vietnam's relationship with Gulf countries, bringing it into a new stage of development and making the UAE and member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) increasingly closer to Vietnam, said the ambassador.

Navies of Vietnam, Thailand boost exchanges

Vessels 264 and 265 together with a delegation of Naval Region 5 of the Vietnam People’s Navy arrived at Songkhla Port, south of Thailand, on November 30, starting a visit to the High Command of Naval Region 2 of the Royal Thai Navy.

On November 28 - 29, the naval ships of Vietnam and Vessels 526 and 551 of the Royal Thai Navy held the 48th annual joint patrol on the adjacent sea area between the two countries.

During the patrol, conducted on six routes with a total length of 408 nautical miles, the two sides carried out Hello ASEAN – a saluting ceremony among naval ships of ASEAN countries, exchanged information, practiced hand flag and lamp signaling under the International Code of Signals, and held an exercise on search, rescue, and the implementation of the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES).

The patrol was part of the mechanism on holding joint patrols and setting up communication channels between the Vietnamese and Thai navies signed by their commanders on June 14, 1999.

Thanks to thorough preparations and close coordination, the 48th joint patrol was successful, helping maintain security and order on the adjacent waters, create conditions for both countries’ people to develop sea-based economic activities, and continue promoting cooperation, mutual understanding, and trust between the two navies.

Friendship association contributes to Vietnam – Japan ties: State President

The Kyushu-Vietnam Friendship Association has made positive contributions to boosting the relations between Vietnam and Japan as a whole, State President Vo Van Thuong said while hosting a reception for president of the association Hoshino Hiroshi on November 30.

Thuong, who is paying an official visit to the East Asian country, stressed that this is the right time to enhance the friendship cooperation across science-technology, investment, education, and exchange between young people under the freshly-established comprehensive strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia and the world.

Hailing the association’s contributions to boosting cooperation between Vietnam and Kyushu region, particularly through the travel study programme, he asked the association to continue supporting Kyushu localities to enhance exchange and collaboration with Vietnamese sides, as well as assisting more than 50,000 Vietnamese people who are living, studying and working in the region.

Hoshino, for his part, said that since its establishment in 2008, the association has carried out an array of activities to bolster cooperation with Vietnam.

He expressed his delight at the substantial progress in the bilateral relations since then, with the increase in the number of both Vietnamese people in Kyushu region and Japanese investors in Vietnam.

Describing the relations between Vietnamese localities and Kyushu region as a typical example of cooperation at the local level, he said the association will make further efforts to strengthen collaboration between the two sides, support the Vietnamese community to better integrate into the host nation, and resume the travel study programme after a halt caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Party official hosts former Special Ambassador for Vietnam-Japan

Politburo member, permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and Chairwoman of the Vietnam-Japan Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group Truong Thi Mai hosted a reception in Hanoi on November 30 for visiting former Special Ambassador for Vietnam-Japan Sugi Ryotaro.

Mai expressed her appreciation for Sugi’s active contributions to Vietnam-Japan ties over the past more than three decades as well as his sentiments toward Vietnam, especially for disadvantaged, orphan and visually impaired children. 

She also thanked him for holding cultural exchanges to raise understanding among the two countries’ people, particularly the activities celebrating the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, as well as the upgrade of bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

The host suggested that the former ambassador continue to help with connecting relevant agencies of both sides to promote cooperation, exchange and mutual information sharing in various fields, and advocating the Japanese Government’s supportive policies for the Vietnamese community living, working and studying there.

She wished that he would bring forth more practical initiatives and meaningful activities to strengthen the foundation of bilateral relations and nurture friendship and mutual understanding between the people of both nations.

Sugi, for his part, highly valued the friendship between the two countries and their people.

Expressing his special interest in Vietnam, he revealed upcoming cooperation programmes in the fields of culture, arts and support for disadvantaged children in Vietnam, including a project on hepatitis prevention and control.

He pledged to continue serving as a friendly bridge, contributing to enriching the Vietnam-Japan comprehensive strategic partnership.

Cambodian National Assembly President arrives in Hanoi, begins visit

President of the Cambodian National Assembly (NA) Samdech Moha Rathsapheathika Thipadei Khuon Sudary arrived in Hanoi on November 30 evening, beginning an official visit to Vietnam from November 30-December 2 at the invitation of National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

The Cambodia NA leader was met at the airport by NA Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai and Chairman of the NA’s Committee for External Relations Vu Hai Ha.

This is the first foreign trip by Samdech Khuon Sudary as President of the Cambodian NA right after the country held the elections of the 7th legislature and completed the national leadership in August this year.

The visit of the Cambodian NA President is an important event in the relations between the NAs of Vietnam and Cambodia. It is a new milestone contributing to strengthening and developing the good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation and long-term sustainability between the two countries in general and the two NAs in particular.

Upgraded electronic system for TB information management launched

The Central Lung Hospital and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) on November 30 launched the upgraded Vietnam Tuberculosis (TB) information management electronic system (Vitimes).

According to Dr. Dinh Van Luong, Director of the Central Lung Hospital, the Vitimes, which was developed by the National TB Programme in 2010, has been run in the 63 cities and provinces nationwide as well as more than 900 medical facilities at the district level.

Its main function is to manage important reports and data of the National TB Programme, serving monitoring, supervision, scientific research, planning, and decision making.

However, the data on Vitimes is mainly about susceptible TB with a shortage of components on drug-resistant TB, latent TB, contact management as well as a lack of connection and data exchange with other systems such as those of the Vietnam Social Security, hospital management software (HIS), electronic information system of the HIV Programme or test data management software of the National TB Programme, said Luong.

Since 2019, the USAID has worked with the National TB Programme to support the Vietnamese Government to detect, treat and detect, report people with undetected TB in the community, with the upgrading of the Vitimes to supervise the National TB Programme in a comprehensive manner.

The upgraded Vitimes is a comprehensive electronic information system on TB, fully integrated with subsystems, including data modules, detection management, treatment of susceptible TB, drug-resistant TB and latent TB.

The upgrading of the system helps the National TB Programme standardise the management and monitoring system, making it ready to exchange data with many other systems at present and in the future, facilitating the management, provision and analysis of data, thus ensuring that decisions are made in a more timely and accurate way.

USAID's Mission Director for Vietnam Aler Grubbs said that in the future, the agency and the National TB Programme will continue to team up to ensure that all levels in the TB prevention and control system from the central level to provinces, districts and communes have sufficient capacity to reach vulnerable community groups and provide high-quality healthcare services to the needy.

This is also USAID's commitment to support Vietnam in maintaining TB control, aiming to reduce the TB incidence rate by 90% and the TB fatality rate by 95% compared to 2015, ensuring that no households have to bear the costs of disasters caused by TB, moving towards the goal of ending TB by 2035.

Chinese cruise ship brings 700 foreign visitors to Da Nang

The Chinese-flagged ship Zhao Shang Yi Dun on November 30 brought over 700 tourists to Da Nang’s Tien Sa port for sightseeing in the central coastal city.

The visitors were taken on tours to such local attractions as the Cham Museum, Han market, the Marble Mountain scenic area, Non Nuoc stone carving village, and Linh Ung pagoda.

The Da Nang Department of Tourism has issued a dispatch to relevant units requesting the assurance of a tourist-friendly environment, security, and safety for tourists during their sightseeing activities.

Following this port call, Zhao Shang Yi Dun is expected to anchor at Tien Sa port ten more times, bringing an estimated total of 7,000 passengers, during the time from now to the end of the year and early 2024.

Earlier in November, the city hosted thousands of tourists arriving on international cruise ships, including the Resorts World One and Silver Whisper.

Vietnam, France cooperate in digital transformation, public service reform

Vietnamese Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra held talks with French Minister of Public Transformation and Service Stanislas Guérini in Hanoi on November 30.

Minister Tra hailed the minister’s visit as a significant milestone as the two countries are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic ties and the 10th anniversary of their strategic partnership.

She said thanks to effective cooperation with the French Ministry of Public Transformation and Service, the Vietnamese Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) has acquired valuable experience to perform tasks, especially in public service transformation, administrative reform and digital transformation.

According to her, a considerable number of officials and civil servants is leaving the public sector for the private sector following the COVID-19. To supplement this workforce while ensuring a reduction in personnel on the payroll, the ministry is studying policies to attract and retain talent in the public sector.

In administrative reform, Vietnam is focusing on decentralisation linked with power control to ensure the effectiveness of work, she said, adding that the initial results in public service and administrative reform, and digital transformation in Vietnam are achieved through the collaboration with the French Ministry of Public Transformation and Service.

Guérini, for his part, expressed admiration for Vietnam's achievements in digital transformation, especially the National Public Service Portal, which is a product of joint work with France.

Both sides agreed on coordination in various areas, incorporating them into the cooperation plan between the two ministries. Activities include the exchange of experience, workshops, seminars in Vietnam or France, and relevant countries within the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) network, ASEAN mechanisms, focusing on public governance, administrative and public service reform, and civil service improvement.

Special attention was given to training and nurturing young and female officials for local authorities in Vietnam at France’s Normandie Business School and the National Institute of Public Service (INSP), a project currently undertaken by the MoHA.

They promised to bolster cooperation in digital transformation, e-government, and digital archives. Ongoing efforts include strengthening support and expert exchanges in public service, administrative and salary reform, aiming for a modern, professional, green and sustainable public service.

In the afternoon the same day, President of the Ho Chi Minh Academy of Politics (HCMA) and Chairman of the Central Theory Council Nguyen Xuan Thang hosted a reception for the minister.

Thang told the guest that the HCMA wishes to step up cooperation and share experience with French partners in personnel training and scientific research.

He suggested the French ministry and partners continue assisting Vietnam in refining its institutional framework and administrative reform toward a modern public administration.

Later, both host and guest also witnessed the signing of a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding between the HCMA, the INSP, and the General Directorate for the Administration and Civil Service of France.

Party leader’s book gives guideline for promoting national solidarity

Hoang Dinh Thang, Chairman of the Union of Vietnamese People Associations in Europe, has shared his thoughts about a new book on the promotion of the great national solidarity tradition written by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. 

He said that it’s more meaningful when the book was launched on November 18 on the occasion of the 93rd founding anniversary of the Vietnam National United Front – the traditional day of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) (November 18, 1930 - 2023).

He particularly paid attention to the first section of the book, which features four speeches of the Party leader at the 8th plenum of the 13th Central Committee, a ceremony to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam National United Front, a national conference on the implementation of the VFF’s action programme to implement the 13th Party Congress’s resolution. 

Thang said that the speeches reiterated that the Party always attaches great importance to the great national solidarity, particularly to the overseas Vietnamese community.

According to Thang, the tradition of great national solidarity is the core factor in building an organised, united Vietnamese community with an increasingly high position in host countries. Thanks to the spirit of great national solidarity, overseas Vietnamese understand the importance and power of cohesion and coordination in all activities of Vietnamese associations in the region.

Guided by this spirit, the Union of Vietnamese People Associations in Europe was founded in 2016, gathering Vietnamese associations in 23 countries across Europe and facilitating the establishment of the Vietnamese Youth Association in Europe and the Vietnamese Women Association in Europe. 

Thang said that Trong’s book contains profound lessons about national solidarity and the strategy on strengthening the national great solidarity towards realising the goal of building a peaceful, independent, prosperous and happy country.

He held that the book can be considered a guideline to continue promoting the tradition of great national unity both at home and abroad.

Vietnam expands cooperation in monitoring acid deposition

Vietnam has developed a system of hydrometeorological and environmental monitoring stations across the country, including monitoring acid deposition, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Cong Thanh said at the 25th session of the Intergovernmental Meeting on the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) held in Hanoi on November 29.

Thanh said that air pollution and acid deposition have become urgent issues not only in Vietnam but also in almost all countries in Asia and the world.

Air pollution and acid deposition adversely impact human life and the ecosystem. Acid deposition degrades natural habitats, soil and water environments and ecosystems, causing severe consequences for the agriculture, fisheries, and construction sectors. Most notably, the scourge affects human health. The control of acid deposition is difficult, requiring interdisciplinary research and cooperation between countries sharing a common border, Thanh said.

Marlene Nilsson, Deputy Regional Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, said that Vietnam is among the first countries to join EANET.

Over the last 20 years, Vietnam has built and operated a high-quality acid deposition monitoring network across the country. The results obtained from the monitoring network have contributed significantly to assessment reports on the current status and trends of acid deposition and air pollution in the East Asia region, she said.

EANET was established in 2001 as an intergovernmental initiative to create a common understanding of the state of acid deposition problems in East Asia. It provides useful input for decision-making at various levels, and promotes cooperation among countries. At present, 13 countries in East Asia are participating in EANET.

Hai Phong seeks to partner with French firm in vertical farming development

The vertical farming model of France is suitable for development conditions in the northern city of Hai Phong, said Director of the municipal Department of Science and Technology Tran Quang Tuan.

Speaking at a recent working session with representatives of Jungle, a French vertical farming company in the northern Aisne province of France on the occasion of his working trip in France, Tuan said Vietnam has a high demand for clean vegetables and food, and a lack of space.

Hai Phong hopes to set up a partnership with Jungle, towards transferring this smart farming technology to the Vietnamese locality, Hai said.

Tran Manh Hung, head of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology in France, said that Vietnam and France have many prospects in innovation cooperation, especially for local businesses of the two countries.

With many strengths suitable for application in Vietnam, this farming technology can help address challenges caused by climate change and population growth, he said.

Hung expressed the hope that Vietnamese businesses will sign cooperation agreements with French partners in the field of science and high technology in the coming time.

Established in 2016, Jungle has quickly developed into the biggest vertical farming group in France, which uses the hydroponic farming method for all cultivation activities.

General Director of Jungle Nicolas Seguy said the vertical farming model helps minimise the cultivation area with 98% less land used than growing crops in the field.

The smart farming model also helps save water thanks to hydroponic techniques, reduce labourers and energy consumption, maximise productivity, and prevent many risks caused by climate change as well, he added.

He revealed that with only over 20 labourers, Jungle’s farm in Chateau-Thierry commune in Aisne produced 15.4 tonnes of vegetables, earning an estimated revenue of 820,000 EUR (902,000 USD) in 2023.  

Seguy said his firm is willing to share experience in developing the model with international partners, adding that with its strong growth, large population, and increasing role in the region, Vietnam promises to be a potential market for Jungle’s activities.

Vietnam emphasizes necessity of completely eliminating nuclear weapons

The complete abolition of nuclear weapons is in the common interest of all humanity and requires the efforts and political determination of all nations.

This statement was made by Ambassador to the US Dang Hoang Giang, permanent representative of Vietnam to the UN at the Second Meeting of States Parties (2MSP) to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) which is underway from 27 November to 1 December at the UN Headquarters in New York.
The event has attracted the large participation of member countries, observers, and representatives of many international and regional organizations.

During the course of the meeting, many countries expressed concern about the trend of increasing armament and modernizing nuclear weapons, going on to emphasized the catastrophic humanitarian consequences caused by nuclear weapons on humans and the environment.

Within this context, members called for the continued promotion of engagement in signing, ratifying, and joining the TPNW to further contribute to achieving the goal of a world without nuclear weapons.

In his speech, Ambassador Giang said that the current international security environment is facing numerous serious challenges and expressed concern regarding the level of destruction and humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons.

The Vietnamese diplomat went on to underline the need to consolidate strategic trust, in which the key is to promote compliance with basic principles of international law and the UN Charter, as well as seeking to intensify mechanisms on international disarmament and counter-proliferation.

To effectively implement the TPNW, Ambassador Giang called on treaty member countries to fully perform their obligations under the treaty and for non-member countries to swiftly sign, ratify, and join the TPNW as a contribution to univerzalisation of the treaty.

Furthermore, it is also necessary to continue to maintain the importance of the TPNW, raise the international community's general awareness of the consequences of nuclear weapons, whilst stepping up international collaboration on capacity building for developing countries, he went on to say.

Along with continuing to accelerate negotiations on international agreements on ensuring security for countries without nuclear weapons and building a treaty on fissile material reduction, the Ambassador also underscored the importance of nuclear weapon-free zones for the causes of international and regional peace and security.

In line with this, Vietnam welcomes countries possessing nuclear weapons to sign and ratify the Protocol to the Treaty on the Non-Nuclear Weapons in Southeast Asia to contribute to achieving the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons.

On this occasion, Ambassador Giang reaffirmed the country’s consistent policy of backing efforts in anti-proliferation and nuclear disarmament towards a nuclear-weapon-free world.

The nation is a member of many important multilateral international treaties in this field and is one of the first 10 countries to ratify the TPNW and has declared its obligations under Article 2 of the Treaty on time.

The Vietnamese Government issued Decree 81 in 2019 regarding establishing an important national legal framework for preventing weapons of mass destruction.

TPNW represents the first multilateral nuclear disarmament treaty to take effect since 1990. For the first time in history the important document sets out comprehensive legally binding obligations for member states to completely ban the possession, development, storage, and use of nuclear weapons.

The treaty was adopted at the UN Conference negotiating binding legal documents on banning and working towards the complete elimination of nuclear weapons held in New York from June 15 to July 7, 2017.

It officially came into force from January 22, 2021, and currently, a total of 69 countries have ratified and joined the treaty, while 93 countries signed it.

VinFuture announces the 2023 Sci-Tech Week and Award Ceremony

VinFuture Foundation has announced the agenda for the third Science and Technology Week and the VinFuture Prize Award Ceremony slated to take place from December 18 to 21, 2023 in Hà Nội.

This series of world-class events will bring together leading scientists and experts in pivotal technological domains, including semiconductor technology, precision medicine, green transportation infrastructure and artificial intelligence.

This year, centred around the theme “Boundless Unity,” the four-day 2023 VinFuture Sci-Tech Week comprises a wide array of engagements, including the “Science for Life” Symposia, the “VinFuture Discovery Talk Series,” the prestigious “VinFuture Prize Award Ceremony,” and “Talk Future: Dialogue with the 2023 VinFuture Prize Laureates.”

Commencing the series of events is the “Science for Life” Symposia taking place on December 18-19, including four sessions with the topics: “Semiconductors Unleashed: The Backbone of Modern Innovation,” “Advancing Precision Immunology Therapy for the Treatment of Autoimmune Disorders,” “Sustainable Infrastructure and Green Transportation,” and “Artificial Intelligence: Transformative Opportunities and Challenges.” The symposia serve as an eminent platform that unites policymakers, scientists, experts and businessmen from prestigious domestic and international organisations.

The highlight of VinFuture Season 3 is the connection activities under the “VinFuture Discovery Talk Series” organised for the first time to cultivate partnerships and potential technology transfers at renowned research institutes and universities in Việt Nam.

Nine participating organisations in Hà Nội will engage in profound discussions with globally acclaimed scientists. These conversations will revolve around pivotal topics, including “Ending AIDS: Developing new prevention technologies for young women,” “Building research capacity to address global health issues in low- and middle-income countries,” “COVID-19: Advancing an evidence-based response,” and “Agriculture's path to net zero emissions: The role of livestock.”

The pinnacle of the Sci-Tech week will be the VinFuture Prize Award Ceremony, recognising scientists for groundbreaking achievements that significantly impact the lives of millions worldwide. The ceremony is scheduled to take place on the evening of December 20, at the Hồ Gươm Opera House. The ceremony, themed “Boundless Unity,” serves as the grand stage for unveiling the Laureates of the VinFuture Prize Season 3, whose technological breakthroughs were selected from a comprehensive pool of nearly 1,400 nominations spanning over 90 countries and territories worldwide.

Wrapping up the VinFuture Sci-Tech Week is the grand finale: “Talk Future: Dialogue with the 2023 VinFuture Prize Laureates,” scheduled for December 21. Attendees to the morning session can personally connect with the esteemed 2023 VinFuture Prize Laureates as they share their inspirational scientific research journeys that led them to this prestigious accolade. The Laureates will deliver presentations catered towards exceptional young scientists, gifted students, innovative businesses, and the startup community, all eager to implement groundbreaking scientific advancements into practical applications.

In Việt Nam, the VinFuture Foundation and the VinFuture Prize also have a unique meaning, not only serving as a bridge to connect the world’s outstanding minds with the Vietnamese science and technology community, but also contributing to inspiring and motivating Vietnamese science to catch up quickly and advance further on the global science and technology map.

The VinFuture Prize consists of four prestigious awards presented each year. The most esteemed is the VinFuture Grand Prize, valued at US$3 million, making it one of the largest annual prizes globally. Additionally, there are three Special Prizes, each valued at $500,000, specifically dedicated to honouring female innovators, innovators from developing countries, and innovators with outstanding achievements in emerging fields.

The VinFuture Foundation, established on the International Human Solidarity Day on December 20th, 2020, is a non-profit organisation co-founded by billionaire Phạm Nhật Vượng and his wife, Phạm Thu Hương. The Foundation's core activity is awarding the annual VinFuture Prize, which recognises transformative scientific and technological innovations capable of making significant positive changes in the lives of millions of people worldwide.

LION Championship to end with thrilling belt bouts

The final LION Championship (LC11) promises thrilling fights including five belt matches on December 9 at Hà Nội's Quần Ngựa Sports Complex.

The main feature is the defending title fight of 2018 Asian Games wushu sanda bronze medallist Nghiêm Văn Ý of Việt Nam against Brazilian black-belt jujitsu artist Felipe Ventzki Negochadle in the men's 65kg class.

Ý has been Việt Nam's representative in different international tournaments. He recorded an unbeaten streak to win his belt in the first season in 2022 with his striking style.

However, he has not competed in any professional event this year. The only tournament he fought in was the Asian MMA Championship in September in Thailand where he took a bronze.

His rival, Negochadle, has a different style of grappling. He takes part in the LION Championship 2023 from the B class for low level athletes. However, his outstanding performance over this year made organisers decide to lift him to the A class.

Negochadle competed successfully in a number of international events, securing one knockout (KO) and two submission wins at this year’s LION Championship. In the latest match at the LC10 in October, he defeated Vietnamese Asian MMA champion Nguyễn Tiến Long and bagged a place in the upcoming title match.

In another event, 20-year-old fighter Bàn Văn Hoàng will punch Vietnamese-Polish Kamil Michal Nguyễn Văn for the men's 70kg belt.

The belt went to iconic MMA fighter Trần Quang Lộc after beating Kamil in the LC06 in June, but he announced his retirement 20 days later due to health reasons.

Hoàng earned his belt match place for the first time after three wins in previous LION Championship events.

He knocked out Đặng Thắng Nguyên in the LC04 and Lê Văn Thế Anh in the LC05, before taking a technical knockout (TKO) against Nghiêm Tùng Lâm in the LC08.

Meanwhile it is Kamil's third time in the final. He lost twice to champion Lộc in the 2022 season's grand finale and the LC06.

In the men's 84kg, 2019 world wushu sanda silver medal holder Phạm Công Minh will fight national wushu sanda fighter Trần Quốc Toản for the prestigious belt.

Minh has been in his peak this year, recording three TKO wins over Cao Việt Anh in the LC06, Hoàng Trần Minh Hiếu in the LC09 and Ngô Hồng Giang in the LC10. He is also the owner of the fastest victory in the LION Championship series. He floored Hiếu in the LC09 in September in just 15 seconds.

None of his rivals could stand firmly under eight-time national champion Minh's storm attack till the end of first round.

On the other side, Toản also took two TKO against Lương Minh Cảnh last year and Phạm Hùng Hải in the LC06 in June to step into the belt match.

The men's 60kg belt is also open after No 1 Muay Thai champion Nguyễn Trần Duy Nhất gave it up as he will not compete in MMA in the future.

Nhất said MMA was not his main subject, but Muay Thai. The seven-time world champion will focus on Muay Thai for further success.

The winner of the fight between Brazilian Robson De Oliveira Soares and Vietnamese Bùi Trường Sinh will take the belt home.

After a submission win against Phan Huy Hoàng in the LC08, Soares jumped to No 1 position of this weight category. The national three-time champion has a black belt in jujitsu.

Meanwhile, Sinh places No 3 after knocked out Lê Văn Tuần in the LC05 in May and qualified for quarter-finals round last season.

The only women's belt match is between reigning champion Dương Thị Thanh Bình of Việt Nam and rising star Bianka Balajti of Hungary in the 56kg class.

Bình won a national kickboxing gold in 2020. She took silver the Asian MMA Championship in August. She is known for her striking style and as a master of armbar.

Bình won her title last season after using the armbar to have a submission win over Nguyễn Thị Hương in the final.

Balajti booked her belt match place by beating Nguyễn Thị Hương by a TKO in the LC04, Lê Nguyễn Khánh Linh in the LC06 and Nguyễn Thị Uyển Nhi in the LC08 by submission.

There are 14 fights divided into class A and B. The class B held in the afternoon will be free for audience, while they need to buy tickets for the class A matches in the evening.

All matches will be live broadcast on VTVcab channels.

Prices of Tet tours rise by 5-15 percent

Prices of tours during Tet holidays rise by 5-15 percent compared to normal days, according to tourist companies in HCMC.

Travel firms have seen a rise in the number of short tours and most of the bookings come from families.

Ms. Tran Phuong Linh, Marketing and Communication Director of Ben Thanh Tourist Company said that the enterprise has sold nearly 100 domestic and foreign tourism programs. A domestic tour to Sa Dec flower village in the Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap is selling at the lowest price of VND990,000 (US$41) per person. Sapa - Dien Bien - Moc Chau - Mai Chau tour to the northern region costs VND14.99 million (US$620) per person.

The company has also launched overseas trips to Cambodia at the lowest price of VND4.25 million (US$176) per person, and Europe priced at VND112.99 million (US$4,677) a visitor.

Vietluxtour under Fiditour Travel Company has also offered Tet tours that increase by 5-15 percent compared to normal days because the Lunar New Year holiday is the peak travel season.

Thua Thien-Hue among best place to visit in 2024

The central province of Thua Thien-Hue has been named in a definitive list of unforgettable destinations to visit ahead in 2024, as compiled by magazine Travel+Leisure of the United States.

According to details given by the media outlet, Thua-Thien Hue is the perfect place in which to relax while touring Vietnam.
It suggested that visitors should enjoy trips to a number of mausoleums and temples, followed by a visit to Hue Imperial City, take a tour of a state-of-the-art brewery, enjoy a swim at Elephant Springs, go on short treks, boat on the Perfume River, and check out an ancient tiger market where marks of tiger claws and teeth are still preserved on the walls.

“If you time your trip right and arrive in Hue in June, you can witness the famous Da Nang International Fireworks Festival,” Travel+Leisure noted. The US magazine also revealed that the best time to visit the province is between January and April.

Rounding off the Travel+Leisure’s list of best places to visit in 2024 were Palawan of the Philippines, Takayama of Japan, the Red Sea of Saudi Arabia, Incheon of the Republic of Korea, Pak Chong of Thailand, Zhangjiajie of China, St. John’s Island of Singapore, Kratie of Cambodia, Cameron Highlands of Malaysia, Mirissa of Sri Lanka, Meghalaya of India, Ras Al Khaimah of the UAE, and Taipei of Taiwan (China).

UN Secretary-General appreciates Vietnam’s efforts to implement climate commitments

United Nations (UN) Secretary-General António Guterres appreciated Vietnam’s efforts to implement international commitments related to climate while hosting Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, at the UN headquarters on November 29.

Giang came to update the UN Secretary-General on the preparation for attending the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) by the Vietnamese delegation led by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

Guterres expressed his hope that Vietnam will continue to play an active role at multilateral forums in promoting initiatives to respond to climate change. He affirmed that the UN will always accompany Vietnam in this process, especially in mobilising resources and implementing the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP).

For his part, Giang stated that Vietnam is exerting efforts to realise commitments at COP26, particularly the goal of net zero emissions by 2050.

At this conference, Vietnam will join other countries in introducing many initiatives to promote global climate action; and continue to promote the implementation of the JETP, including the development of the Resource Mobilisation Plan (RMP).

A big haul of medals for Vietnam at World Vovinam Championship

Vietnamese martial artists topped the medal tally at the World Vovinam Championship 2023 which was wrapped up at Phu Tho Gymnasium in Ho Chi Minh City on November 30.

Competing on home ground and receiving strong support from local fans proved to be big advantages for the Vietnamese athletes who have bagged a total of 18 gold and 8 silver medals.
They were followed by the Algerian team with 9 gold, 7 silver, and 6 bronze medals, and the Cambodian team with 6 gold, 5 silver, and 9 bronze medals.

The six-day tournament, the seventh of its kind launched by the World Vovinam Federation (WVVF), saw the participation of more than 650 officials, referees, coaches, and athletes from 35 countries and territories from around the world.

Competitors vied for 44 sets of medals, of which 26 sets were on offer in the performance category for both men and women.

As many as 18 sets of medals were designed for combat competitions. Men competed in 11 weight categories, ranging from 51kg to over 92kg, while women participated in seven weight categories, ranging from 48kg to over 66kg.

Vovinam has been recognised Vietnam’s national intangible heritage by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

The traditional martial arts form was founded by late master Nguyen Loc in 1938 in Hanoi. It has been preserved, promoted, and developed strongly by generations of martial art masters.

The WVVF was established in 2008, marking a milestone in the development of the martial art form around the world. The federation has its members in Asia, Europe, and Africa.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes