Measures sought to preserve industrial heritage in Hanoi hinh anh 1
A corner of the Gia Lam Train Factory in Hanoi (Photo: VNA)

Measures to effectively and sustainably feature industrial heritage was the focus of a conference on “Repurposing Heritage in the Heart of Hanoi - Approach from Creative Exploitation and Value Promotion" held recently at the Gia Lam Train Factory in Hanoi.

The event was part of activities within the framework of the Hanoi Creative Design Festival 2023.

The concept of industrial heritage has been clearly defined internationally. It consists of the remains of industrial culture, including buildings, workshops, mills and factories, mines and sites for processing and refining, warehouses and stores, places where energy is generated, transmitted and used, transport and all its infrastructure, as well as places used for social activities related to industry.

Industrial heritage is an inseparable part of cultural heritage in general, closely tied to each historical stage of the world industrial civilisation. They carry great value and significance in terms of history, society, science and aesthetic.

The industrial heritage of Hanoi consists of factories and workshops dating back to the French colonial period and in the socialism building in the North. They are not merely architectural works but also serve as vivid testimony to a challenging period in the nation's history.

According to research by architect Dinh Thi Hai Yen, existing industrial buildings built before 1945 in Hanoi include the Hanoi Brewery, Hanoi Wine Factory, Yen Phu Power Plant, and Gia Lam Train Factory.

Industrial heritage always carries historical, aesthetic, and social traces. Many heritage sites have great value for people, associated with the memories and life of an era. Therefore, industrial heritage always has vitality even in modern life, said architect Yen.

She highlighted the important role played by State management agencies in coordinating, developing plans and resolving conflicts related conservation, development and reconstruction of industrial heritage sites.

Meanwhile, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Hanoi Architectural University, architect Vuong Hai Long, emphasised the necessity to have measures and planning to effectively use and preserve industrial heritage sites in Hanoi.

"Therefore, it needs a roadmap for planning to change the functions of old buildings and factories to meet the demands of modernity and ensure that traces and memories of the history and culture of the sites are still preserved," Long said.

Top legislator visits Vietnamese embassy in Thailand

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on December 8 visited the Vietnamese Embassy in Thailand as part of his ongoing visit to the Southeast Asian country.

Briefing the embassy's staff on the outcomes of his talks and meetings with Thai parliament's leaders, he said that the two sides agreed on many important orientations for the bilateral relations in the future.

NA Chairman Hue highlighted the growing Vietnam-Thailand relationship with bright prospects.

Currently, Thailand is Vietnam's second biggest trading partner in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), he said, noting that the two sides are striving for 25 billion USD in bilateral trade in a more balanced direction. This is also a task of the embassy and especially the Vietnamese Trade Office, he stated.

He lauded the efforts by Ambassador Phan Chi Thanh as well as the embassy's staff in preparing for his visit.

He asked the embassy, together with other relevant agencies, to continue working hard to prepare for the elevation of the Vietnam-Thailand ties in the future.

At the same time, the embassy should promote the similarities between the two nations to further bolster partnership between the two countries as well as cooperation in the Mekong sub-region, the NA leader said.

NA leader suggests ways for fostering Vietnam - Thailand economic ties

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on December 8 made several suggestions for turning economic, trade, and investment ties into a true cooperation pillar between Vietnam and Thailand.

He delivered a speech at a policy and legal forum on promoting bilateral economic, trade, and investment partnerships held in Bangkok, part of his official visit to Thailand.

The top legislator perceived that much room remains for bilateral economic, trade, and investment ties, and to turn these areas into a true cooperation pillar, the two countries should continue reforming their mindsets and visions in the spirit of mutual trust, sincerity, openness, higher sense of responsibility, more effectiveness, and win-win cooperation, and consider this as the invariable factor to respond to the variables in the world and the region.
Vietnam and Thailand are not rivals, he stated, explaining that their economic structures share many similarities and also differences that are complementary to each other.

With regard to similarities, the two countries should work together in the principle of mutual benefit to renew existing value chains and set up new and strategic ones with higher added value to join in regional and global supply chains. For example, they can cooperate in rice trading, electric vehicle production, and the semiconductor industry, he suggested.

Vietnam is running a trade deficit with Thailand, but when Thailand’s investment in Vietnam increases in the coming time, bilateral trade will become more balanced, he went on.

Hue said to foster economic, trade, and investment relations more strongly, the two countries’ parliaments and governments need to increase sharing experience in building policies and laws related to enterprises, investment, and business to adapt to the fast-changing science, technology, and international environment.

Both sides should step up connecting the two economies by fruitfully carrying out the action plan for implementing the enhanced strategic partnership for 2022 - 2027 and the “Three Connections” initiative, especially connecting small- and medium-sized enterprises and localities of the countries, including central provinces of Vietnam and northeastern ones of Thailand; connecting their road and waterway infrastructure; continuing to develop the East - West and southern economic corridors; and opening more direct air routes, he noted

Vietnam and Thailand should bolster Government-to-Government, association-to-business, and business-to-business cooperation to facilitate trade and investment flows, and bring into play each country’s strengths in the new context, he continued, adding that Vietnam encourages Thai firms to invest in such areas as green energy, automobile, food, processing, textile - garment, electronic materials, chemical, and industrial park infrastructure.

They also need to capitalise on the free trade agreements to which both are parties to promote trade in goods, enhance financial and monetary cooperation, open their markets and create more optimal conditions for each other’s businesses, and strive to raise bilateral trade to 25 billion USD and higher in a balanced and mutually beneficial manner. Besides, they should actively coordinate and consult with each other, particularly at multilateral business cooperation mechanisms, according to Chairman Hue.

The Vietnamese NA has and will always stand side by side with the entire policy system to issue many appropriate policies and create a transparent, equal, and comprehensive legal framework to provide favourable conditions for foreign investors, including those from Thailand, to operate successfully in Vietnam, which always views businesses’ success as its own, he added.

At the forum, the NA leader witnessed the launch of the Vietnam - Thai Chamber of Commerce.

Cultural festivals promise memorable moments for visitors to Da Nang

The creative cultural festival “Colours of Da Nang” and a festival for foreigners named “Da Nang International Big Day-out 2023” are scheduled to take place in the central city from December 14 to 17.

The two festivals, to be held at APEC Park, aims to promote cultural and art activities in a local effort to develop the creative industry. They are also intended to enhance the connectivity between the foreign and local communities in Da Nang via cultural events ahead of New Year 2024, said the municipal Department of Culture and Sports.

They will feature a wide range of cultural and art activities combining traditional and contemporary characteristics between local and international artists, promising various interesting experiences for residents and visitors to Da Nang during the year-end festive season.

Some outstanding events include an exhibition of fine art and installation artwork by Vietnamese and foreign artists, a show of “ao dai” (traditional dress of Vietnam), a musical programme with the participation of foreign artists, a painting workshop, and painting activities for children.

Impressive and colourful spaces for check-in photos will also be in place to help visitors keep their memorable moments at the festivals, the department noted.

Vietnam-RoK friendship association in HCM City promotes exchanges, cooperation

The Vietnam-Korea Friendship Association (VKFA) in Ho Chi Minh City plans to organize cultural exchange events, creating conditions for the people of Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) to increase mutual understanding and support, heard its third national congress for the 2023-28 term on December 8.

In the 2023-2028 term, the association is determined to innovate methods and content of activities, promoting exchanges and cooperation not only in the field of culture, education, and training but also in science and technology, tourism, and economic investment.

It intends to promote exchange and cooperation programmes between Vietnamese and RoK educational institutions, strengthen cooperation with the RoK Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City, and coordinate with Korean and Vietnamese organisations and companies in the southern hub to hold charity and trade-investment promotion events.

The congress elected a 15-member executive committee for the tenure, with Phan Nguyen Nhu Khue, head of the Information and Education Board under the city Party Committee elected president.

Speaking at the congress, Khue said that since it was founded in 1995, the association has seen positive developments. In the last term, the association made a practical contribution to the city’s people-to-people exchanges.

It established three new branches including the Vietnam - Korea Entrepreneurs Friendship Club, the Club of HCM City Labour Culture House, and the Vietnam - Korea Friendship Association at the University of Foreign Trade.

The association maintained regular activities such as celebrating the RoK National Day, the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam-RoK diplomatic relations, attending festivals, and community and charity activities held by Korean and Vietnamese organisations.

Ambassador visits Vietnam's French friend Madeleine Riffaud

Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang has visited and presented gifts to Madeleine Riffaud, a French revolutionary and former journalist of the French newspaper L'Humanité, and a close friend of the Vietnamese people.

Riffaud recalled her deep memories of Vietnam, a country she always loves. At the age of 99, despite her poor health, she still clearly remembers the times she met General Vo Nguyen Giap and extended her regards to her Vietnamese friend Nguyen Thi Binh.

She said she does not forget the images of the American bombings which devastated the North of Vietnam. For her, Vietnam always remains in her memories and her love for this distant country is always intact, never changes.

Ambassador Thang briefed Riffaud on the recent activities commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and 10 years of strategic partnership between Vietnam and France and affirmed its significant contribution to these relations. On this occasion, he presented the French friend with a souvenir with the logo of 50 years of Vietnam-France relations.

Jean-David Morvan, who takes care of Riffaud and is always at her side, presented to the ambassador the memories she brought back from Riffaud's visits to Vietnam, including the posters “Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom”, to the Order of Friendship, pages of the Tet newspaper of Courrier du Vietnam, and the popular prints of Dong Ho. According to Morvan, all these memories are always cherished and respected by Riffaud.

Born on August 23, 1924 in Paris, the young French Madeleine Riffaud joined the French Resistance front at the age of 18 under the pseudonym Rainer. She fought bravely against the Nazis during World War II. As a war correspondent for the newspaper l'Humanité which speaks for the French Communist Party, she was directly present in the anti-American war in Vietnam.

Her articles on the life and courageous struggles of the Vietnamese people in this war were published in France, attracting many peace-loving readers. It has always supported the Vietnamese people in the national liberation struggle in the past as well as in the work of building the country today.

Recognising Madeleine Riffaud's great contributions, the Government of Vietnam awarded her the Order of Resistance, first class in 1984, and the Order of Friendship in 2004.

Chinese leader’s Vietnam visit to deepen bilateral relations: Deputy FM

The upcoming State visit to Vietnam by General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping from December 12 to 13 will contribute to deepening the bilateral cooperation framework for a long-term future of relationship between the two countries, said Permanent Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Minh Vu.

In an interview granted to the press, Deputy FM Vu highlighted the development of the Vietnam - China relations, saying that Vietnam and China have many similarities as they share a border and are Communist party-led socialist countries. The two countries have traditional friendly relationship, so they value the relations with each other and determine the bilateral relations as the priority direction in each country's foreign relations.

Since the two nations established a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership 15 years ago, the relationship between the two Parties and States has developed substantively, firmly and comprehensively across spheres, Vu said.

Political relations have developed strongly, he said, adding that all-level meetings between leaders of the Party, State, Government, National Assembly and fatherland front agencies of the two countries have been regularly conducted.  

Many visits of senior Vietnamese and Chinese leaders marked important milestones in the relationship between the two countries, including the historic visit to China by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong in October last year.

Economic, trade and investment cooperation between the two sides has been further intensified. China has been Vietnam's largest trading partner for 20 consecutive years, and Vietnam currently is China's biggest trading partner in ASEAN, and 4th largest trading partner in the world after the US, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.

The two-way trade increased nine times to nearly 180 billion USD in 2022 from 20 billion USD in 2008. China’s investment in Vietnam rose more than 10 times to 25 billion USD over the last 15 years. In 2023, China ranks fourth among countries and territories investing in Vietnam.

People-to-people exchanges and cooperation between localities of Vietnam and China have recorded many practical results. So far, nearly 60 provinces and cities of Vietnam have set up friendly and cooperative ties with Chinese localities. Socio-political organisations, and localities of both sides have established and periodically organised many cooperation mechanisms and programmes. Before the COVID-19 outbreak, China continuously led in the number of tourists to Vietnam for many years.

The two sides have gained many achievements in building a shared land border of peace, friendship and cooperation, contributing to the socio-economic development of localities along the border, he said.

The two countries have maintained negotiations and intensified collaboration to, together with parties involved, control disagreements and differences in line with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982), thus contributing to ensuring peace and stability in the East Sea and the region.

Regarding expectations on the Vietnam visit by CPC General Secretary and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Deputy FM Vu said that this is the first visit by the top leader of the Chinese Party and State to Vietnam since the 20th CPC National Congress, and one year after the China visit by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

This visit, which coincides with the 15th anniversary of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China, is expected to be a new milestone in the two countries' relations, he stated.

Deputy FM Vu underlined three major expectations of both sides in this visit.

Firstly, it is the expectation for a "new positioning" and "new level" of bilateral relations.

On the foundation of important achievements that the two sides have gained over the past 15 years, leaders of the two Parties and countries are expected to further deepen the bilateral cooperation framework for a long-term future of ties between the two countries in a sustainable and substantial and effective direction, contributing to peace, stability and cooperation in the region and the world.

Secondly, substantial cooperation outcomes are also expected, said Deputy FM Vu. He held that leaders of the two Parties and countries will define major orientations and focus as well as specific measures to foster their collaboration in all fields, meeting the interest of both sides.

There will be likely a large number of documents signed in many fields, creating an important basis for agencies, localities, people and businesses to cooperate more effectively in the coming time.

Thirdly, it is the expectation about the spillover effect of the visit to all levels, sectors, and people of all walks of life. This visit, along with the visit of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong last year, is hoped to continue to create strong motivations and momentum for sectors, localities and peoples to continue to maintain and develop their existing relationships, thereby building a solid and good social foundation for the development of bilateral relations.

Vietnam seeks to step up trade, investment ties with Canada’s Alberta province

Vietnamese Consul General in Vancouver Nguyen Quang Trung has held working sessions with representatives of Alberta province as part of efforts to promote trade and investment collaboration  between Vietnam and the Canadian locality.

During working sessions with Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Salma Lakhani and Deputy Premier and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services of Alberta Mike Elli, Trung thanked and appreciated the provincial government's facilitation to the Vietnamese Canadian community to integrate and contribute to Canadian society, while still maintaining close relations with their homeland.

Alberta’s leaders highly valued the friendly relationship between the locality and Vietnam, and pledged to continue strengthening economic, trade and investment relations between the two sides.

Alberta exports many products such as petroleum, machinery and especially agricultural products to, while importing garments, electronics and footwear from Vietnam.

Statistics from the Canadian province shows that during the five years of implementing the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), Alberta averagely exports more than 140 million CAD (103 million USD) worth of goods to and spends nearly 345 million CAD (254 million USD) on imports from Vietnam per year.

At seminars to promote  trade and investment cooperation with local businesses, Trung briefed them on the investment environment, and business opportunities in Vietnam in the context that both countries are members of the CPTPP.

Free trade agreements like CPTPP are opening up many opportunities for businesses in both nations, he said, adding that this is the "golden" time for small and medium enterprises of the two sides to reach out to the world. 

According to Alberta’s investment promotion agency, with the effective exploitation of CPTPP, Vietnamese and Canadian businesses will get insights into each other's product structure, thus further intensifying trade and investment ties.

Vietnam is considered an important trading partner of Canada and Alberta in particular. Vietnam has been Canada's largest partner in ASEAN since 2015.

The Alberta Intergovernmental Relations is coordinating with Vietnam to develop programmes to help local businesses adjust products and services to suit the Vietnamese market. This agency has offices in more than 160 cities, including Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

Previously, representatives of the Vietnamese Consulate General visited University of Alberta, where more than 200 Vietnamese students are studying. The Canadian university is planning to cooperate with Hanoi Medical University.

Vietnam, Thailand foster security cooperation

Deputy Minister of Public Security Sen. Lieut. Gen. Luong Tam Quang had a working session with Deputy Commissioner-General of the Royal Thai Police, Police-General Surachate Hakparn in Bangkok on December 8.

Sen. Lieut. Gen. Quang, who is accompanying National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue in an official visit to Thailand, expressed his pleasure with the fruitful cooperation between Vietnam's Ministry of Public Security and the Royal Thai Police in criminal prevention and combat, contributing to ensuring national security and social order and safety of each country.

For his part, Pol Gen. Surachate said he is delighted at the effective collaboration between the two sides in many areas. He underlined that the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security's delegation visit provides a chance for the two sides to strengthen mutual understanding and build trust, contributing to realising high-level agreements between the two countries.

Surachate highly valued the Vietnamese Public Security Ministry's active coordination in recent times, including the support in arresting and handing over a number of criminals escaping to Vietnam.

The two sides noted that the memorandum of understanding signed between the two police agencies in 2016 has guided competent forces of the two countries to set up their partnership in particular areas, contributing to promoting cooperation in fighting transnational organised crimes.

The two officials discussed a wide range of issues regarding security, and pointed to challenges on anti-terrorism. They agreed to increase the exchange of information through Interpol cooperation mechanisms, and work together to combat human trafficking, illegal immigration and residence.

They also stressed the need to promote collaboration in training.

The leaders of the Public Security Ministry of Vietnam and the Thai Royal Police pledged to continue implementing the commitment to not allowing any individual or organisation to use the territory of one country to harm the other.

They will also foster information exchange and coordination in verifying, investigating, arresting hiden transnational criminals in line with the law of each country and international practices.

At the same time, they will consider sending liaison officers to work in each other's country.

The same day, Sen. Lieut. Gen. Quang had a meeting with Deputy General Secretary of the National Security Council of Thailand Voranut Khongmuang.

Quang highlighted the sound cooperation between Vietnam and Thailand in general and the two police forces in particular, with regular meetings of joint working groups in political-security cooperation to discuss issues of shared concerns.

Voranut affirmed that Thailand always stands side by side and cooperate with Vietnam in criminal prevention and combat. Thailand never lets any individual, organisation or country to use its territory to harm its neighbouring countries, he said.

Thailand will coordinate closely with the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security to implement cooperation programmes and plans in the coming time to contribute to promoting the socio-economic development of the two countries, as well as the Southeast Asia region, he stressed.

At the meeting, the two sides agreed on a number of measures to enhance cooperation in exchanging information, arresting, and handing over wanted criminals from one country to the other country in line with each country's law and international practices, while speeding up negotiations for an extradition agreement between the two countries.

They also agreed to work together in organising the 12th meeting of the Joint Working Group on Political-Security Cooperation in Vietnam, which is slated for July 2024.

Belarusian PM wraps up official visit to Vietnam

Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko left Hanoi on December 9 afternooon, concluding his four-day official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Minh Chinh.

During his stay, Golovchenko paid coutersy visits to Vietnamese Party Geneal Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President Vo Van Thuong, held talks with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, and witnessed the signing ceremony of cooperation documents between the two countries.

During the meetings and talks, Vietnamese leaders congratulated Belarus on its successes in maintaining political stability and ensuring social security, national development as well as its growing position in the region. They expressed their thanks for the support of the Belarusian government and people for Vietnam through periods.

Leaders of the two countries highlighted positive developments in the bilateral relations, showing their belief that the visit will create new momentum to further promote the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation between Vietnam and Belarus in the coming time. They discussed a number of directions and measures to lift the Vietnam - Belarus traditional friendship to a new height, and intensify comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

On the occasion, the two sides signed a number of bilateral cooperation documents, including an agreement on the transfer of sentenced persons, an agreement on visa exemption for ordinary passport holders, a memorandum of understanding on cooperation and information sharing in the field of nuclear safety and radiation protection, and a cooperation deal on the official dissemination of Vietnam’s national standards in Belarus.

Golovchenko laid wreaths in tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh at his Mausoleum, and to heroic martyrs at the Monument to Heroic Martyrs in Hanoi.

The two prime ministers visited the Hanoi Flag Tower, an iconic relic in the capital city, and enjoyed Vietnamese coffee at noon on December 8 following their talks.

The Belarusian PM also visited the Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam (Temple of Literature) in Hanoi, met with Hanoi’s officials, and toured northern Hung Yen and Quang Ninh provinces, among other activities.

Vietnamese Ambassador to US visits Maryland state

Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Nguyen Quoc Dung has visted the US Naval Academy (USNA) in Annapolis city of Maryland state at the invitation of US Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro.

In his working session with the Vietnamese diplomat, Del Toro affirmed the US's strong commitment to maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific region, in which Vietnam plays an important role

Ambassador Dung expressed his joy with the growing Vietnam - US relationship, especially collaboration in overcoming post-war consequences, saying that this has contributed to peace and stability in the region.

Following their working session, they visited the USNA’s facilities and laid a wreath in tribute to late US Senator John McCain.

Ambassador Dung also had a meeting with Mayor of Annapolis Gavin Buckley during which the diplomat proposed maintaining exchanges between the Annapolis authority and  the Vietnamese embassy to seek opportunities for cooperation, including cooperation between Annapolis and localities of Vietnam.

Mayor briefed the guest on the history and culture of Annapolis as well as its strengths and future development orientation, including tourism, biomedical technology, and efforts to respond to impacts of climate change, sea level rise and urbanisation.

The Vietnamese diplomat said problems that Annapolis is dealing with are similar to many historical cities in Vietnam, suggesting the municipal authority maintain exchange with the Vietnamese Embassy to the US to seek opportunities for cooperation, including exchange and cooperation between Annapolis and localities of Vietnam.

On the occasion, Ambassador Dung visited the Annapolis International Club and talked with the club's 200 members who are American veterans, government employees and businessmen. The diplomat introduced Vietnam's important socio-economic achievements, and its potential and foreign policy. He also highlighted the fruitful development of the bilateral relations after 28 years of the normalisation.

Located to the north of Washington DC, Maryland is home to 350 biotechnology companies, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), thr Human Genome Sciences (HGS), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

PM urges Ca Mau to fully tap potential for sustainable development

 Ca Mau should double efforts to maximise its potential and strength, and promote resources and the spirit of self-reliance for its local development, said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at a ceremony to announce the southernmost province's master plan for the 2021-30 period, with a vision to 2050, and its investment promotion event on December 9.

Mentioning the key policies of the Party and State in socio-economic development and international integration, the PM urged Ca Mau to focus on exploiting its brand of “Ca Mau Cape”, the southernmost point of the country, thereby promoting tourism development, and fully tap its advantages for developing renewable energy and seaports.

At the same time, Ca Mau should promote the application of science and technology in aquaculture and seafood processing, striving to to become a centre in this field.

Attention should be also paid to creating breakthroughs in transport infrastructure, especially road, inland waterway, aviation and sea transport, he said, while urging the province to build runways so that large aircraft can land at Ca Mau airport.

The PM also asked local authorities to concentrate on improving the quality of human resources, investing more in education and training, intensifying the application of science and technology and promoting the creative startup ecosystem, developing appropriate mechanisms and policies, speeding up administrative reform and improving business investment environment, increasing competitiveness and promptly removing difficulties and create favourable conditions for businesses.

He requested businesses that were granted investment registration certificates and those have been given in-principle approval to urgently complete procedures and soon put their projects into operation.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Nguyen Tien Hai briefed on potential, strengths, opportunities, and investment projects in the province.

He said that the province's master plan for the 2021-30 period, with a vision to 2050 approved by the Prime Minister on November 16, 2023, is an important basis for policy-making, investment planning, and creating motivation for production, business activities, and social security in the locality.

He called on domestic and foreign investors, and international organisations to explore investment opportunities in the locality in the coming time, saying that the provincial authorities pledge to do their best to support and accompany businesses and investors.

Ca Mau has recorded important achievements in socio-economic development in recent years. Its GRDP in 2023 is estimated to reach more than 45.4 trillion VND (over 1.87 billion USD), up 7.83% year-on-year, exceeding the set plan. GRDP per capita is estimated at nearly 70 million VND, while the province's social investment capital is valued at 24 trillion VND.

Deepening ties benefits both China, Vietnam: Chinese ministry's spokesperson

The strengthening of solidarity and friendship and the deepening of mutually-beneficial cooperation between China and Vietnam is in the common interests of both sides and conducive to peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the world, the Chinese Foreign Ministry's spokesperson Wang Wenbin has said.

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping and his spouse will make a State visit to Vietnam on December 12-13 at the invitation of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong and his spouse, and President Vo Van Thuong and his spouse.

Speaking at a regular press conference in Beijing on December 7, Wang noted that right after the 20th National Congress of the CPC, CPV General Secretary Trong made a visit to China from October 30 to November 1 at the invitation of Xi.

During the visit, leaders of the two countries had an in-depth discussion on major orientations to promote the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China, said the spokesperson.

This year has seen frequent high-level interactions, close exchanges between various ministries and localities, and deeper cooperation in various fields, which have brought benefits to the peoples of the two countries, he added.

Hue International Music Week brings together popular foreign artists

The Hue International Music Week 2023 officially opened on December 8 in Ngo Mon Square of the Hue Citadel in the central province of Thua Thien Hue.      

The event is taking part as part of a series of functions for the Winter Festival under the Hue Festival 2023 programme.
At the opening ceremony, domestic and international artists delivered a range of impressive musical performances, providing both residents and visitors with a feast of contemporary music and vibrant dances

The occasion serves to bring together popular foreign artists from various music genres from United States, France, and the Republic of Korea, including Andrienne Mack-Davis, DJ 32 French, Sébastien Tellier, Malik Djoudi, and Young Joo Song.

Every night, there will be between two and three groups of artists delivering unique music performances in order to serve residents and tourists.

Nguyen Thanh Binh, standing vice chairman of Thua Thien Hue Provincial People’s Committee, said the Hue International Music Week is designed to become a new contemporary music event held in Thua Thien Hue in winter.

The festival is expected to contribute to reviving the local tourism sector whilst also providing an ideal venue for domestic and foreign artists to enhance cultural exchange and share experience, he added.

Non Nuoc Cao Bang Tourism Festival 2023 opens in Hanoi

The 2023 Non Nuoc Cao Bang Tourism Festival opened at Hoan Kiem Lake walking street in Hanoi on the evening of December 8, with the occasion attracting dozens of residents and tourists.

At the opening ceremony, visitors were able to immerse themselves in the melodies praising the majestic mountains and rivers of Cao Bang province whilst enjoying the impressive performance of Then singing and Tinh musical instruments.

Furthermore, residents and tourists also have the opportunity to gain greater insights into local culture, cuisine, and traditional handicrafts in the locality through stalls showcasing items at the festival, as well as joining folk games and sports activities.

To Thi Trang, deputy director of Cao Bang Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said Cao Bang boasts three special national relics and other clusters of relics, adding that the locality is in the process of developing various types of tourism such as eco-tourism and experiential tourism in a bid to attract more tourists

She expressed her wish that the event, the first of its kind held in Hanoi, will contribute to introducing the cultural characteristics and people of Cao Bang to both local and foreign tourists.

Nguyen Trung Khanh, director of the National Tourism Administration, said that in order to maximise the province’s potential and turn tourism into an important economic sector, the locality is required to devise a specific plan which seeks to develop a range of tourism products such as eco-tourism, community tourism, and agricultural tourism, in the coming time.

The festival will run until December 10.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes