Nearly 7.5 million workers receive Tet support hinh anh 1
Making chung cake - a typical dish in Lunar New Year (Tet) celebration in Vietnam. (Photo:VNA)

Nearly 7.5 million trade union members and workers across Vietnam have received support to have a better Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday, according to reports by 74 out of 82 localities and units nationwide.

The support was worth over 4.24 trillion VND (173.7 million USD) in total, including nearly 1.8 trillion VND from non-State sources.

According to the VGCL, on the occasion of Tet 2024, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL) and trade unions at all levels coordinated with the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and agencies to assist 248 delegations from the Party, the State, the National Assembly, and the Government to deliver Tet gifts to 32,200 workers.

Trade unions at all levels have organised 14,664 Tet programmes, attracting over 3 million members and workers. More than 1.8 million trade union members and workers received gifts worth over 1 trillion VND at the programmes.

According to VGCL Vice Chairman Phan Van Anh, diverse activities were organised for workers including five-fruit tray displays, chung cake-making competitions, lucky draws, folk games, legal advice, zero-dong booths, and cultural and art activities.

In addition, localities, units and organisations offered scholarships to workers’ children, and disadvantaged children.

Workers who work far from home were given free travel tickets to return home for the Tet celebration.

More than 162,800 trade union members and workers were given train/bus/plane ticket support worth nearly 76 billion VND. Trade unions at all levels organised and coordinated with agencies, units and employers to provide 3,382 free bus trips to bring over 112,000 workers to their hometowns.

The Government plans thrift practices and waste combat in 2024

Deputy Prime Minister Lê Minh Khái has announced that there will be a strict enforcement of financial discipline and careful management of the State budget in 2024 to ensure cost-effectiveness and compliance to the budget approved by the National Assembly.

This is one of the key tasks outlined in the Government's comprehensive programme on thrift practice and the fight against waste in 2024.

Under Decision No. 1764/QĐ-TTg signed by the Deputy PM, there will be a synchronised, resolute and effective implementation of the tasks and solutions to mobilise resources for salary reform. This helps maintain macro-economic stability, control inflation and ensure the overall balance of the economy.

Stringent measures will be taken to save regular expenses and eliminate unnecessary spending to secure resources for disaster prevention, disease control, and continue implementing policies for salary reform. Tight control will be exercised over the planning, allocation, management and use of State budget funds, especially for procurement, repairs, renovations, upgrades, and construction of new projects.

Regarding the management and use of public investment capital, the allocation of State budget funds will be concentrated, with a focus and priority. Outstanding debts for basic construction will be settled in accordance with legal regulations and all remaining capital must be recovered in the medium-term public investment plan for the 2021-25 period. Disciplinary measures will be tightened, and violations hindering the progress of capital allocation and disbursement will be addressed.

In managing State-owned enterprise capital and assets, the restructuring plan for State-owned enterprises will be prioritised. Specific measures will be taken to accelerate the equitisation and divestment of State capital from enterprises, resolving conclusively the scattered investment situation outside the industry and enhancing management capabilities.

In terms of organisational structure, labour management, and working hours, there will be a strong emphasis on streamlining the apparatus to reduce the staff size by at least 5 per cent for officials and public employees and at least 10 per cent for civil servants receiving salaries from the State budget. This is identified as a fundamental task to implement salary reform.

The Government will continue implementing administrative reform, with a focus on simplifying administrative procedures as a priority, to ensure the effective implementation of the comprehensive programme for administrative reform in the State sector for the 2021-30 period.

Ministries and sectors have been urged to implement the socio-economic recovery and development programme, aiming to contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 6.0 - 6.5 per cent, with the per capita GDP reaching approximately US$4,700-4,730.

Measures to combat revenue losses, transfer pricing, tax evasion, debt recovery and State budget overspending will be tightened.

The Government also requested ministries and sectors to enhance the management, exploitation, and efficient use of land, with a particular focus on improving the amended Land Law to ensure land resources are managed and used efficiently. 

Scientific farming techniques transform Trường Sa

The application of science and technology in farming has brought vibrant greenery to trees and vegetable gardens, breathing new life into an environment where harsh weather conditions pose challenges for both residents and soldiers across the Trường Sa (Spratly) Islands.

The presence of fresh greens in the daily meals of soldiers stationed in the islands has gradually been assured, with almost no reliance on ships ferrying vegetables from the mainland to the islands, Nhân Dân (The People) newspaper reported.

This accomplishment is credited to the soldiers' adept application of agricultural experience, honed over several years of implementing advanced farming techniques. Many Trường Sa soldiers hail from farming backgrounds, and are showcasing their adaptability and innovative application of highly effective agricultural practices for year-round vegetable harvesting.

For both the military and residents on the islands, rainwater is a crucial resource.

However, not many people are aware that rainwater over the ocean contains a certain amount of salt, which can harm the growth of vegetables.

The islands' soldiers have found a method to harvest rainwater that effectively removes salt content.

They use large barrels or, in a simpler approach, dig a pit in the ground and line the bottom with a nylon sheet to collect rainwater. Over time, these barrels and water pits host various mosses, algae and microorganisms that neutralise the salt content in the rainwater.

This serves as the primary irrigation source for plants, especially short-term vegetables.

"For successful cultivation, besides soil improvement and sufficient fertiliser supply, daily irrigation with fresh water is crucial. Depending on the season and weather, we store an adequate amount of fresh water to meet the needs of the military, and any excess water is utilised for irrigating the vegetables," Lieutenant Colonel Trần Văn Trình said.

Originating from the need to create more arable land on the Trường Sa Islands, the centre for monitoring and environmental analysis under the Naval Command is currently undertaking the project of transforming coral sand into planting soil on Sinh Tồn Island.

To create arable land, the soldiers combine coconut husk, sawdust, and leaves with sand, forming soil enriched with organic matter. Many types of vegetables planted in this soil have shown better growth compared to normal soil.

Lieutenant Lê Đại Dương from Combat Group 3, said: "In the concentrated cultivation area, various plants tested on the reclaimed soil have shown quite positive results, exhibiting healthier growth than those in the normal planting area."

Soldiers also choose to cultivate vegetables most suitable to the terrain and seasonal climate of each island.

On smaller islands like Đá Thị, Cô Lin, Len Đao, soldiers carefully collect soil from the mainland, making use of items such as buckets, pots, plastic containers and composite pots to nurture and grow vegetables.

Vegetable gardens and concentrated cultivation areas are enclosed to protect against salty sea winds.

With the dedicated efforts of the military, the vegetable gardens become greener.

On Đá Thị Island, there are three vegetable gardens with a total area of 78sq.m. Various types of vegetables are cultivated here, including mustard greens, water spinach and eggplant.

Cô Lin Island also has a 78sq.m vegetable garden, yielding 725kg in 2023, ensuring a basic supply of fresh vegetables for the military's meals.

Taking care of the vegetable gardens also brings joy to each island soldier.

These gardens on small islands are enclosed with tarpaulin sheets on all four sides to shield them from the wind, with a plastic covering on top to allow sufficient light for plant growth.

This can be considered a standard for growing vegetable gardens on small islands.

In addition to the vegetable gardens, the soldiers also utilise all wind-sheltered and sunny corners to grow various herbs, supplementing their daily diet with an abundant supply of fresh vegetables.

Lieutenant Nguyễn Quang Vinh, who is passionate about the vegetable growing project, said: "To counteract the movement of sand, we plant some trees that can withstand the sun and sea wind to create a barrier. Next, we plant species that provide moisture to the soil. When we have successfully retained the sand, we will add organic matter to enrich the soil."

On Song Tử Tây Island, soldiers nurture seedlings from seeds or branches to supply other islands and bring greenery to the island. Major Đào Xuân Nam, the commander of Song Tử Tây Island, said that Typhoon No 9 swept through the island in 2021, breaking or uprooting 80 per cent of the plants.

"After the storm, the soldiers carefully replanted each fallen plant and added new ones. Particularly, post-typhoon, seawater inundated the island, resulting in saline soil. We had to wait for rain to wash the soil and trees. Luckily, the plants turned green again."

"We have recently received 22,000 seedlings from the mainland and have placed them in the nursery to acclimate to the island's climate and soil conditions," Nam said.

A resolution of the Party Committee of the Naval Region 4 on "Greening Trường Sa" has achieved impressive initial results after more than a year of implementation.

Currently, over 80 per cent of the area suitablefor long-term planting on the islands is covered with greenery.

Each time an officer or soldier is assigned to work on the island, they plant from five to 10 trees.

The implementation of the resolution on "Greening Trường Sa" is also a criterion for evaluating the results of the mission for all island officials and Party members, as well as the basis for commendation and reward for units.

Thanks to the conveyed experience of the military, households on Song Tử Tây and Sinh Tồn islands are self-sufficient in providing enough vegetables throughout the year, even during dry season with water shortages.

Many families not only have enough vegetables for themselves but also have surplus to sell to fishing boats operating on the sea for an extended period. 

Police officer runs class to eradicate illiteracy among local villagers

After finishing his daily work as a police officer, Lieutenant Lê Tuấn Thành, 28, of H'Ra Commune, Mang Yang District, in the Central Highlands province of Gia Lai, often immediately prepares the lesson for his literacy class, which he teaches for free to 40 local ethnic people.

Thành said the class had been running for nearly two months, twice a week, at a small classroom of H’Ra Primary School, with the aim to eradicate illiteracy among local people in Kret Krot Village.

Initially, the class only had 20 people, now there are about 40 people, including children and women aged 40-50.

At first, he had to ask the village head to mobilise the villagers to join the class.

Thành said he also gave small gifts such as candy to diligent students to encourage them to go to the class more often.

The commune has about 180 households, mostly Ba Na minority people, who are illiterate.

That was one of the reasons why people here face many difficulties and disadvantages in life.

In each class, he not only teaches literacy, but also integrates dissemination and legal education combined with persuading people to change their mindset and working methods for economic development, hunger eradication and poverty reduction in the commune.

Sen, a 45-year-old woman, one of the outstanding students of the class, said: "Previously, due to difficult circumstances, I was not able to go to school.”

Because she was illiterate, she encountered much difficulty when she had to conduct administrative procedures.

So, she immediately signed up to join when hearing about Thành’s class.

“Now, I can write my name and do simple calculations,” she added.

“I am grateful for Thành very much,” she said. 

Mah, 29, a woman of the village, said that thanks to joining the class, she could fill out information in the health records for her children whenever she took them to the hospital.

Thành said the class was not only a passion and desire to spread knowledge to minority people, but also a bridge between community police and the people.

Kưh, a teacher at the primary school who voluntarily supports Thành in teaching literacy for the local people, said because there were people of all ages in the class, he and Thành had to constantly employ a variety of teaching methods so that all people could absorb the lessons better.

Dung, deputy chairman of the People's Committee of the Commune, said the local administration appreciated Thành's class.

Thanks to the class, local people could learn knowledge and access the State's legal documents and regulations to gradually eliminate outdated customs.

The commune would support and create the most favourable conditions for the class to be operated better in the coming time, he said.

Thành was sent from the Province’s Police Department to be in charge of two villages of Kret Krot and Bok Ayơl since June 2023. He always worked hard, not being afraid of difficulties or challenges to support local people, said Major Nguyễn Hữu Ánh, head of the commune’s Police Office.

Thành was honoured among the 20 young people living-beautifully in 2023 by the Central Việt Nam Youth Union.

Cần Thơ holds Tết celebrations

Several activities to celebrate Tết (Lunar New Year) are being launched in the Cửu Long (Mekong Delta) city of Cần Thơ.

A fair called Sắc Xuân Miệt Vườn (Spring in the Countryside) at the Museum of Cần Thơ is attracting thousands of visitors.

The event introduces stalls to honour local traditional crafts such as bánh tráng (rice paper), toys with coconut leaf, and scarf weaving.

It also includes an ông đồ (calligraphers) market to offer calligraphy words for visitors to wish for luck, happiness and prosperity.

The fair offers a book stall for visitors to take a rest and enjoy their favourite books.

A series of traditional art performances such as tài tử music and water puppetry are being held as well.

The event remains open until February 14 (January 5 of lunar calendar).

In addition, Cần Thơ will host the Kylin – Lion – Dragon Festival from February 3 and 4.

The festival will attract 15 teams from the city, HCM City and neighbouring provinces of Vĩnh Long, Long An, Hậu Giang, An Giang and Đồng Tháp, who will compete in the categories of Lân Lên Mai Hoa Thung (Climb a Mountain), and dragon dance.

The city’s flower road will open from February 5-14 at Hậu River Park in Ninh Kiều District.

A fireworks display will be set off on February 10 (Lunar New Year’s Eve) at five venues to welcome the Year of the Dragon.

The fireworks will begin at midnight and last 15 minutes. 

HCM City seeks investors for wastewater treatment plants

HCM City is calling for investment in three planned wastewater treatment projects to treat about 365,000 cubic metres of wastewater a day in Thủ Đức City.

The planned wastewater treatment projects include Bắc Sài Gòn 1 with a capacity of 700,000cu.m per day, Bắc Sài Gòn 2 with a capacity of 130,000cu.m per day and Suối Nhum with a capacity of 65,000cu.m per day.

The municipal People’s Committee has asked the city’s Department of Planning and Investment to coordinate with relevant units to promote investment in the projects.

The city plans to open bidding for selecting investors to implement these projects by 2025, and expects to complete them in the 2026-30 period.

These projects will help the city reach its target of treating 100 per cent of domestic wastewater before being discharged into the environment.

In recent years, the amount of wastewater discharged into the environment has continuously increased. The average wastewater volume is estimated to have increased by nearly 7 per cent each year.

More than 1.5 million cu.m of wastewater is generated daily in the city. Meanwhile, the total amount of treated wastewater in the city only accounts for more than 12 per cent.

Untreated wastewater is discharged directly into the environment, affecting the landscape, water quality and daily lives of people.

For example, the Tham Lương – Bến Cát – Rạch Nước Lên canal has become a nightmare for residents on both sides of the canal because of its foul smell every time it rains.

The canal has a total length of 32.7km and spreads through the seven districts of Bình Tân, Tân Phú, Tân Bình, Gò Vấp, Bình Chánh, Bình Thạnh and 12.

The canal has been polluted for many years, affecting the living conditions of local residents.

After nearly seven years since the first phase was completed, construction on the second phase of the project on water drainage and environmental improvement of the polluted Tham Lương – Bến Cát – Rạch Nước Lên Canal in HCM City began in February, 2023.

The project will cost VNĐ8.2 trillion (nearly US$343 million). Construction is expected to be completed in 2025.

It aims to improve the quality of the environment and drainage systems, expand waterway traffic, improve the quality of life for local residents and give a facelift to areas on the banks of the Tham Lương canal.

By 2025, the city aims to reach its targets in water pollution reduction with about 2.6 million cu.m of wastewater treated, equivalent to 80 per cent of the total volume of wastewater.

To achieve this goal, the city is focusing on implementing the second phase of its environmental sanitation project (Nhiêu Lộc – Thị Nghè Basin) by 2030. 

Vietnam considered important partner of Brazil

Brazilian President Lula da Silva highlighted Vietnam as an important partner of his nation at a reception held for Vietnamese Ambassador Bui Van Nghi, who came to present his letter of credence in Brasilia on January 31.

The Brazilian President expressed his admiration for the achievements that the country has recorded over the past years, going on to hail the positive developments recorded in bilateral relations.

He suggested that both sides move to step up co-operation across multiple fields, including politics - diplomacy, economics - trade, agriculture, and science - technology.

Lula da Silva stated that bilateral trade has been growing strongly over recent years to roughly US$7 billion in 2023, therefore the two countries should strive to further advance ties in this field.

The President stated that he hopes to pay a second visit to the nation in the near future, after the first back in 2008.

In response, Ambassador Nghi expressed his honour at being able to serve as Ambassador of Vietnam to Brazil, pledging to help strengthen the two countries’ comprehensive partnership in an increasingly substantive and effective manner in all the three pillars of party-to-party, state-to-state, and people-to-people diplomacy.

The diplomat went on to stress that he will make greater efforts to develop bilateral economic - trade - investment ties on par with the sound political relations, firstly carrying out the commitments stated in the joint communiqué issued during Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s official visit to Brazil in September, 2023.

He pledged to closely co-ordinate with the South American country to hold celebrations of the 35th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties, which were first established on May 8, 1989, and the 17th anniversary of the comprehensive partnership which began in May, 2007.

At the meeting, Ambassador Nghi also conveyed President Vo Van Thuong’s invitation to visit Vietnam to President Lula.

Another aggressive pig-tailed macaque caught in HCM City

A pig-tailed macaque which attacked a staff member at a HCM City coffee shop has been captured.

According to authorities of An Phu Dong Ward in District 12, the monkey was successfully tranquilised and captured on Wednesday.  The monkey was captured on January 31.

On January 29, the animal entered a coffee shop in the ward and bit a staff member when she was carrying a tray of coffee cups to a table. The monkey bit her right leg and hands.

The macaque was kept as a pet by a nearby family.

The animal is currently being monitored at a wild animal rescue centre before being released into the wild.

Some days ago, a monkey which caused chaos at a residential area in Nha Be District’s Hiep Phuoc Commune in HCM City was also caught.

Vietnamese peacekeepers celebrate Party’s 94th anniversary, Tet festival

The Vietnamese engineering soldiers joining the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei have held various activities to celebrate the 94th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Tet (Lunar New Year) festival.

A banh chung (square glutinous rice cake) making contest was organised, with materials including dong leaves, white glutinous rice and pork brought from Vietnam.

Besides, the Vietnamese blue-beret soldiers had a friendly volleyball match with local residents, with several Nigerian servicemen being the referees. They then presented the foreign friends several gifts, and invited them to try traditional dishes of Vietnam.

In the coming days, the sappers will make Tet decorations at the yard of the military engineering unit, while organising several art performances and folk games such as tug-of-war, blind-man’s buff, and stick pushing with a view to popularising Vietnamese culture among foreigners.

According to Major Nguyen Mau Vu, political commissar of the engineering unit, along with preparing for a warm Tet, the soldiers have undergone training to ensure security and safety for the military base amidst the complicated and unprecedented developments in Abyei.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes