Japan helps HCM City train human resources for tourism sector hinh anh 1
Nguyen Thi Anh Hoa, Director of Ho Chi Minh City’s Department of Tourism (L) and a representative from the Consulate General of Japan on January 9 sign a Memorandum of Understanding on human resources training for tourism sector in the locality. (Photo: VNA)

The southern metropolis city of Ho Chi Minh and the Consulate General of Japan on January 9 signed a Memorandum of Understanding on human resources training for tourism sector.

Under the document, local officials, civil servants, employees, workers in the hospitality sector will be offered Japanese language and training courses to better serve tourist from Japan - one of the key and traditional markets of Vietnam’s tourism in general and the locality in particular.

Along with that, the city's tourism industry will promote linkages and cooperation with localities, especially in adjacent areas, while mobilising enterprises to carry out preferential mechanisms to attract workhands.

Currently the locality has 7,340 licensed tour guides. However, the number of those who can speak foreign languages such as Korean, Japanese, German and Spanish is still modest.

Nguyen Thi Anh Hoa, Director of the city’s Department of Tourism, said one of major challenges facing the tourism sector is to promptly perfect human resources for the sector’s recovery and development post COVID-19.

Ho Chi Minh City's tourism industry has been focusing on training foreign languages such as Korean, Japanese, Thai, Spanish, and German.

PM underlines 2023 tasks for diplomatic sector

The focal task of the diplomatic sector is to serve sustainable and self-reliant national development and to guarantee national interests at the highest possible level, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh told the sector’s teleconference on January 10.

Addressing the event, he said that in 2022, external relations with world powers and most of the key partners were promoted comprehensively as seen in the nearly 70 high-level diplomatic activities by Party and State leaders, including the 14 visits by Vietnamese leaders to 17 countries, the participation in five multilateral conferences, hundreds of bilateral meetings with world leaders, and the trips to Vietnam by 19 foreign leaders.

A highlight of the sector last year was the preparation for the official visit to China by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and good advice made for Vietnam to have appropriate response to the Russia - Ukraine conflict, he noted.

Diplomatic activities in 2022 were substantive and increasingly stable and sustainable, the Government leader said, applauding encouraging results of multilateral, vaccine, and economic diplomacy, the protection of and care for overseas Vietnamese, along with border demarcation and marker planting.

PM Chinh asked the diplomatic sector and relevant agencies to grasp the tasks of firmly maintaining peace, stability, independence, soveireignty, and socio-political stability; continuing to develop relations with partners in a substantive, stable, and sustainable manner; and improving the “strategic” nature of ties with neighbouring and world powers, as well as strategic and comprehensive partners.

He demanded all-level authorities and sectors seek new opportunities, markets, and areas; maximise chances in the international environment and external resources; and strongly bring into play the role of economic diplomacy in expanding and diversifying export markets.

In addition, it is necessary to press on with popularising the image of Vietnam; promoting the country’s stature; showing its role in and contributions to regional and global peace, security, and development; helping strengthen ASEAN solidarity and build the ASEAN Community; and proactively taking part in the establishment and shaping of rules and mechanisms in the region and the world to defend Vietnam’s interests, he went on.

The PM also requested stronger coordination among the Party, State, National Assembly, and people-to-people diplomacy, adding that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs to bolster ties with other forces involved in diplomatic activities, especially provinces with land and maritime boundaries, to protect the Fatherland early and from afar./

Top Party leader pays pre-Tet visit to Thai Nguyen

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on January 10 paid a visit to the party Committee, administration and people of Thai Nguyen in northern Vietnam in the buildup to the coming lunar New Year (Tet) holiday.

It was reported at a working session of the provincial Party committee, Thai Nguyen, a northern mountainous locality, effectively implemented the dual goal in 2022, ensuring COVID-19 control and maintaining socio-economic development.

The province recorded an economic growth rate of 8.59%, which is higher than the national figure, while its total budget revenue hit VND18,540 billion, VND4,000 billion more than expected. Its per capita income reached VND107 million, an increase of VND12 million/person compared to 2021. The rate of poor households decreased by 1.65% compared to 2021 to 4.49%, and the figure is anticipated to fall further to 4.35% in 2023.

Thai Nguyen is one of the pioneering localities in implementing the national digital transformation strategy in all three categories (digital government, digital economy and digital society), having a positive and comprehensive impact on all aspects of life in the locality.

Addressing the meeting, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong praised the provincial Party Committee, administration and people for their efforts in overcoming difficulties and recording encouraging achievements in 2022.

He requested that the provincial Party Committee and administration make in-depth analysis of opportunities and challenges and identify the locality’s potential and advantages in setting goals and tasks for 2023 in order to make breakthroughs in socio-economic development.

He asked Thai Nguyen to pay special attention to and do well planning and planning management, taking into account the fact that the province plays an important role in the northern midland and mountainous region, the Northern key economic region, and the Hanoi Capital region, in order to develop local infrastructure for faster development.

He also requested that Thai Nguyen pay more attention to the Party building and rectification drive and promote unity to create high consensus among the people.

On the occasion of the coming lunar New Year (Tet) holiday, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong wished the Thai Nguyen Party Committee, administration and people a joyful holiday and greater achievements in the year ahead.

The same day, the top Party leader visited and presented Tet gifts to families of social policy beneficiaries in Thai Nguyen.

NA passes resolution on extending COVID-19 combat policies

The 15th National Assembly adopted a resolution on the extension of some COVID-19 prevention and control policies and the continued use of registration certificates for medicines and medicinal ingredients that expired from January 1, 2023, during the legislature's second extraordinary meeting in Hanoi on January 9.

Before voting, Chairwoman of the NA Committee for Social Affairs Nguyen Thuy Anh delivered a report on revisions made to the draft resolution based on opinions during earlier discussions at the extraordinary session.

A majority of legislators agreed with the need to issue the resolution and basically consented with major contents of the draft resolution.

Accordingly, the COVID-19 prevention and control policies listed in the resolution will continue to be implemented from January 1 through December 31, 2023, including those related to payment of pandemic prevention and control costs.

The registration certificates for medicines and medicinal ingredients, which expired on January 1, 2023, will be used till December 31, 2024, except for a number of drugs and ingredients specified in the resolution. 

The resolution will take effect from the date of its approval by the legislature.

NA’s second extraordinary meeting wraps up

The second extraordinary meeting of the 15th National Assembly (NA) concluded in Hanoi on January 9 after four days of working.

The closing session was attended by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, former Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and former NA Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, among others.

In his closing remarks, NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said legislators adopted the draft revised Law on Medical Examination and Treatment and three resolutions, including one on the national master plan for 2021-2030 with a vision towards 2050. They also agreed to extend a number of COVID-19 prevention and control policies and allow the continued use of circulation registrations of medicines and medicinal ingredients, which expired on January 1, 2023, until December 31, 2024. Adjustments were also made to loan plans for different provinces and cities.

Regarding the personnel work, the lawmakers decided to relieve two NA deputies from their posts, and approved the dismissal of two Deputy Prime Ministers, and the appointment of two Deputy PMs – Tran Hong Ha and Tran Luu Quang.

The NA leader highlighted achievements the country recorded in various spheres last year, from economy to culture, social affairs, national defence and security, external relations, environmental protection, climate change response, administrative reform and anti-corruption.

The legislature, the Government, the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuracy focused on building and perfecting development institutions and removing difficulties to business and production, thus creating new momentum for socio-economic development and improving the efficiency of law enforcement, he added.
In 2022, the NA convened three sessions, two regular and one extraordinary, passed 12 bills and contributed opinions on eight others, and issued many important resolutions, including Resolution No. 43 on accelerating socio-economic recovery and development, along with those on consolidating the infrastructure system and piloting typical mechanisms and policies in some cities and provinces, Hue said.

Pointing out challenges in 2023, the top legislator urged agencies, businesses and people to follow resolutions and conclusions made by the Party Central Committee and the NA’s Resolution No. 68/2022/QH15 on the socio-economic development plan in 2023.

He stressed the need to have a new mindset, approach and solutions in the management work, while stepping up the perfection of institutions to facilitate business and production.

Cultural development should go in parallel with socio-economic-political development, he said, calling for more attention to social welfare, poverty reduction, environmental protection, national defence and security, foreign relations and international integration.

Earlier the same day, the NA passed the draft revised Law on Medical Examination and Treatment, with 386 out of 473 participating deputies saying “yes”.

The document stipulates the rights and obligations of patients, health workers, medical facilities, humanitarian medical examination and treatment, technique transfer, and resources mobilisation for health checkups and treatment in case of natural disasters and emergencies, among others.

Speaker of RoK NA to pay official visit to Vietnam

Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea (RoK) Kim Jin-pyo and his wife will pay an official visit to Vietnam from January 12-18.

The visit will be made at the invitation of Chairman of the Vietnamese NA Vuong Dinh Hue, according to an announcement released by the NA’s Committee for Foreign Affairs.

Appointment decisions handed over to new Deputy Prime Ministers

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc presented decisions of appointment to Deputy Prime Ministers Tran Hong Ha and Tran Luu Quang at a ceremony in Hanoi on January 9.

The event saw the attendance of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, incumbent and former Deputy PMs, ministers and heads of ministerial-level and governmental agencies, among others.

Earlier, at the freshly-concluded second extraordinary meeting of the 15th National Assembly, legislators passed a resolution approving PM Chinh’s proposal on the appointment of Ha, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, and Quang, Secretary of Hai Phong city’s Party Committee, as Deputy PMs for the 2021-2026 tenure.

The January 9 function also honoured contributions by Pham Binh Minh and Vu Duc Dam, who were relieved from their posts as Deputy PM per their wish.

In his remarks, Chinh commended Minh and Dam for their contributions to national construction and defence, which he said, have been recognised by the Party, the State, the people and international friends.

Hailing the outstanding performance of Ha and Quang over the past time, Chinh expressed his hope that the new Deputy PMs will work harder to serve the nation and the people.

Both Ha and Quang promised to try their best to fulfill the tasks assigned by the Party, the National Assembly, the Government and the people.

Ha, born in 1963, is an alternative member of the 11th Party Central Committee, a member of the Party Central Committee in the 12th and 13th tenures, and a deputy to the 14th legislature. He was appointed Minister of Natural Resources and Environment in April 2016.

Quang, born in 1967, is an alternative member of the 11th Party Central Committee, and a member of the Party Central Committee in the 12th and 13th terms.

Quang has served as Secretary of the Party Committee of the northern port city of Hai Phong since April 2021 and head of the delegation of the city’s 15th-tenure NA deputies. He is a deputy to the 14th and 15th legislature.

HCM City spends over US$47 mln to support disadvantaged people

HCM City has spent over VNĐ1.1 trillion (US$47.2 million) to support people with disadvantages to enjoy the Tết (Lunar New Year) holiday. 

The municipal Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs has planned several activities, including holding New Year celebrations, upgrading martyr cemeteries and memorials, organizing meetings with veteran revolutionaries and Heroic Vietnamese Mothers, and presenting gifts to revolution contributors, poor households and people entitled to social protection, along with cadres, civil servants, public employees and workers in State sectors.

Authorities of HCMC will present gifts to the People’s Committees of 312 wards, communes, and townships so they can organize Tết activities for local residents.

Nearly VNĐ927 billion will be allocated for those activities, up VNĐ76 billion from the 2022 Tết, said Deputy Director of the department Huỳnh Lê Như Trang.

From January 6, the HCM City’s Federation of Labour will send delegations to pay pre-Tết visits to enterprises and present gifts to disadvantaged workers. New Year celebrations and gatherings of those unable to return to their hometowns for Tết will also be held.

These activities will be carried out at a total cost of about VNĐ140 billion, according to Vice President of the federation Phạm Chí Tâm.

The salary of workers in HCM City averaged over VNĐ11 million per month in 2022.

The average 2023 New Year bonus stood at VNĐ3.14 million, 7.37 per cent lower than in 2022. Meanwhile, Tết bonuses rose 45 per cent to VNĐ12.88 million on average, according to the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

Vietnam helps Pakistan address typhoon aftermaths

On behalf of the Prime Minister, Deputy Foreign Minister Do Hung Viet on January 9 presented a token of 100,000 USD as a gift from the Vietnamese Government and people to Pakistan to help address typhoon aftermaths in 2022.

Viet expressed his sympathies with Pakistanis people on the consequences caused by typhoons that hit the country over the past time.

He stressed that the Vietnamese Government and people always stand by the side of Pakistan in the spirit of cooperation, friendship, and mutual support.

For her part, Pakistan Ambassador Samina Mehtab thanked the Vietnamese Government and people for the precious support, affirming Pakistan will swiftly distribute the aid to people in affected areas.

She also affirmed to continue efforts to deepen the sound friendship relations between the two countries.

UNDP pledges to support Vietnam in green energy transition

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) stands ready to support the Vietnamese government in the detailed formulation and implementation of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) resource mobilisation plan right in 2023, UNDP Resident Representative in Vietnam Ramla Al Khalidi has affirmed.

“This includes our proven technical assistance services to the Governments in green transition/NAMA projects, which can help Vietnam identify cost effective de-risking public instruments to promote and scale up private sector investments in the JETP resource mobilisation plan,” Khalidi said in an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) on the occasion of the Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday.

According to the UNDP Resident Representative, the UNDP is initiating assessments on the impact of phasing-out coal power and energy transition in Vietnam and defining what these processes would specifically mean for the country.

As Vietnam will embark on a greener and more resilient path in the next three-five years, including the JETP, the country needs to accelerate preparations for a package of public instruments to de-risk investments in renewable energies and design a just and feasible process to phase out coals in both state-owned enterprises and foreign-invested coal power plants, she suggested. 

She said the Country Programme Document sets out the areas of cooperation between the UNDP and the Vietnamese Government until 2026. Accordingly, UNDP Vietnam is supporting the Government in the areas of poverty reduction, human development, increasing citizens’ participation and human rights, increasing transparency and accountability, effectively scaling up climate change mitigation and adaptation, disaster risk management, promoting circular economy and the sustainable deployment of clean and renewable energy with a just process, and the sustainable management of natural resources.

Institutionally, the UNDP has contributed to various aspects to strengthen Vietnam’s readiness for climate change governance, institutional capacities, and regulatory frameworks to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)  processes.

In the coming years, she noted, the UNDP will focus on support for enhancing transparency framework for NDC implementation in line with Article 15 of the Paris Agreement, and comprehensive policy reform in alignment with net zero 2050 and global goals for adaptation with a just process, including preparedness for climate change legislation and empowerment of youth and women in all climate decision making process.

Financially, the UNDP is initiating work to support Vietnam to introduce needed financial instruments such as carbon tax and carbon market readiness for emission trading system, while designing relevant incentives, including innovative green finance and insurance schemes to leverage domestic and international investments in climate actions.

Meeting reviews Vietnam’s participation in ASEAN in 2022

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), the national coordinating agency for ASEAN, chaired an inter-sectoral meeting in Hanoi on January 9 to review ASEAN cooperation and Vietnam’s participation in the bloc’s activities in 2022, and set up orientations for this year.

Applauding their active engagement in and contributions to ASEAN cooperation in 2022, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son said amid the complex international and regional situation and lingering impacts of many issues, ministries and sectors should make thorough plans for 2023. In particular, they should seek opportunities and tap into new potential to concurrently contribute to ASEAN cooperation and guarantee national interests to serve national development.

Close coordination among ministries and sectors is one of the decisive factors of the success and effectiveness of Vietnam’s engagement in ASEAN’s activities, he underlined.

Deputy Foreign Minister Do Hung Viet said 2022 was a year full of both internal and external challenges for ASEAN. However, as the theme of the bloc for last year went - “ASEAN A.C.T.: Addressing Challenges Together”, ASEAN has surmounted difficulties by bringing into play solidarity, mutual assistance, sense of responsibility, and common voice in regional and global issues.

The region recorded a growth rate of over 5%. The building of the ASEAN Community also recorded progress in all aspects, from defence, economy, trade, finance, transport to labour, education, health care, sports, culture, information, and science - technology. In particular, the launch of the drafting of the ASEAN Community’s Post-2025 Vision right in the beginning of 2022 reflected member countries’ attention to and determination to consolidate an increasingly self-reliant and strong community.

The association has also seen great strides in external relations, including the establishment of comprehensive strategic partnerships with the US and India and the agreement in principle on the upgrade of ties with Canada, Viet went on.

At the meeting, participants said that last year, ministries and sectors of Vietnam actively and closely cooperated with Chair Cambodia and other ASEAN countries via all channels, thus contributing to the bloc’s common success and promoting many issues of Vietnam’s concern, including comprehensive recovery, inclusive development, sub-regional cooperation, digital economy, circular economy, energy transition, food security, and information security. They also proposed a number of practical initiatives highly valued by other countries.

Besides, they noted, Vietnam successfully hosted and chaired many important activities to help resume the bloc’s cooperation such as the 23nd ASEAN Chiefs of Army Multilateral Meeting, the ASEAN Law Forum 2022, the ASEAN Conference on Civil Service Matters, and the ASEAN Education Ministers Meeting.

At the meeting, officials agreed to continue Vietnam’s active and responsible participation to help carry out ASEAN’s priorities and focuses in 2023, maintain solidarity and bring into play the association’s centrality, promote the implementation of ASEAN blueprints on three pillars, build the Community’s Post-2025 Vision, and effectively promote issues of Vietnam’s attention.

They also proposed reforming the coordination mechanism among ministries and sectors so as to better the quality and effectiveness of Vietnam’s participation in ASEAN.

Vietnamese charity foundation in Berlin helps disadvantaged people

Sen Vang (Golden Lotus), a Vietnamese charity foundation in Berlin, has provided support for many disadvantaged people in Vietnam, Germany, Europe and Africa since it was set up in 2014.

Speaking at a get-together on the occasion of the upcoming Lunar New Year (Tet) – the biggest festival in a year of Vietnamese people, President of the foundation Duong Thi Bich Ngoc said that over the past nine years, Sen Vang has called on and connected a lot of charity associations, businesses and donors to join hands in helping disadvantaged people.

Half of the 425,000 EUR (454,000 USD) collected during its development has been donated in three years of the COVID-19 pandemic, she noted.

During the pandemic outbreak, the foundation contributed to the Government’s vaccine fund, provided rice, vegetables, food for the needy, and presented face masks to Vietnamese hospitals.

It also called on members to sew masks and gloves, and cook meals for frontline doctors of Charite Mitte and Chirite Wedding Berlin hospitals.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Germany Vu Quang Minh showed his profound gratitude for Sen Vang donors.

1,500 residents in Quang Ngai get free medical checkups, treatment

As many as 1,500 residents in the central province of Quang Ngai are expected to receive free health checkups and treatment under a joint programme between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea.

The programme is organised by Doosan Enerbility Vietnam Co., Ltd (Doosan Vina) in coordination with Chung-Ang University Hospital of the Republic of Korea (RoK) and the Community Chest of Korea.

From January 9-13, doctors from the RoK university will offer checkups and treatment for people from Tinh Ha and Tinh Phong communes of Son Tinh district, and Binh Chau and Binh Tan Phu communes of Binh Son district.

On this occasion, the Quang Ngai Hospital for Children and Women has been presented with medical equipment worth over VND554 million (US$23,622). Since 2018, Doosan Vina has presented medical equipment to the hospital with a total value of nearly VND5.9 billion.

Launched in 2009, the programme has provided medical examinations and treatment for more than 26,500 people, of whom 22 children were brought to the RoK for treatment.

52nd UPU letter-writing contest launched

The 52nd edition of the International Letter-Writing Competition for Young People was launched at a school in Quy Nhon city, the central province of Binh Dinh on January 9.

The ceremony was organised by the Ministry of Information and Communication, Ministry of Education and Training, Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Vietnam Writers Association, Vietnam Post Corporation, Tien Phong, and Nhi Dong newspapers.

Recognising safety as a critical component of its mission and in support of the UN Second Decade of Action for Road Safety, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), in partnership with the UN Road Safety Fund (UNRSF), is holding its 52nd International Letter-Writing Competition in 2023 under the theme: "Imagine you are a superhero and your mission is to make all roads around the world safer for children. Write a letter to someone explaining which superpowers you would need to achieve your mission."

It is expected that through the contest, students will have a better understanding of the Road Traffic Laws, and conditions for ensuring road traffic safety, including infrastructure means of transport, vehicles, and travelers on roads and traffic activities.

At the event, Vietnam’s UPU writing contest organisers awarded a consolation prize of the 51st contest and a Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Education and Training to Nguyen Binh Nguyen, a ninth grader at Nguyen Tri Phuong High School in Hanoi. This is the 17th time Vietnamese students have won prizes after 34 years of participating in the contest.

Sleep-aid device invented by Vietnamese startup launched globally at CES 2023

Eearable Neuroscience launched its highly-anticipated FRENZ Brainband at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas on January 7 (Vietnam time).

FRENZ Brainband was invented by Earable Neuroscience, a Vietnamese deep technology start-up based in the US and Vietnam, led by Professor Vu Ngoc Tam – Associate Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder. This product won the prestigious CES Innovation Award for the category of wearable technology devices (Wearable) in November, becoming the first Vietnamese company so far that has received an award at CES.

FRENZ Brainband is a smart headset that can potentially disrupt sleep tech as the world’s first wearable that can track and stimulate brain activities via bone conduction speakers to facilitate better quality sleep, focus and relaxation. It's a minimalist and sophisticated design, and the comfort of the material enables users to use it for a long time, up to 10 hours in all situations, while sleeping, studying and working and entertaining.

This tech product holds 15 global core patents worldwide.

Vietnamese people in China, Cambodia mark Lunar New Year

Different festive activities were held in China and Cambodia on January 9 for the Vietnamese communities that live in both countries to celebrate the 2023 Lunar New Year (Tet).

Talking to representatives of the Vietnamese community in China at a gathering in Beijing, Vietnamese Ambassador Pham Sao Mai highlighted the homeland’s socio-economic and diplomatic achievements as well as new strides in relations between the two countries last year.

He affirmed that the Party and State of Vietnam view overseas Vietnamese as an integral part of the nation.

The embassy pays special attention to overseas Vietnamese affairs, assists expatriate citizens, works to protect their rights and legitimate interests, and coordinates with Chinese authorities to help them settle down and integrate into local society, he noted.

Mai expressed his hope that the Vietnamese community in China will continue to uphold solidarity, maintain national identity, and contribute to the homeland and friendship between the two countries.

The same day, the Khmer - Vietnam Association in Cambodia presented Tet gifts donated by telecoms company Metfone to 200 disadvantaged Vietnamese-origin families in Phnom Penh.

Sim Chy, Chairman of the association, thanked the Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia and Metfone, invested by Vietnam’s telecoms group Viettel, for their assistance and also pointed out difficulties facing Vietnamese-origin people.

Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang said the embassy will work with relevant Cambodian sides to address those issues as soon as possible.

PM Trudeau appreciates contributions by Vietnamese Canadians

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has sent greetings to Vietnamese people living in Canada and around the world, on the occasion of the upcoming Lunar New Year (Tet) – the biggest festival in a year of Vietnamese.

In his letter, the Prime Minister acknowledged continuous contributions of Vietnamese Canadians to the host country, affirming that Tet is a good chance to understand more about the rich culture, customs and traditions of the Vietnamese community.

In 2023, Vietnam and Canada will celebrate 50 years of their diplomatic relations, he said, adding that half a century has passed, the friendship and relationship between the two peoples continue to be strengthened with the presence of about 250,000 Vietnamese Canadians in this North American country.

Since 2015, Vietnam has always maintained its position as Canada's largest trading partner in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). According to Canadian statistics, in 2021, two-way trade reached 10.5 billion CAD (7.85 billion USD), up from 8.9 billion CAD in 2020.

New Secretary-General highlights six key priorities of ASEAN

Dr. Kao Kim Hourn has affirmed six key priorities of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as he officially took office as the new Secretary-General in Jakarta on January 9.

At the ceremony, the ASEAN chief, who was appointed at he 40th ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh last November, said the priorities, dubbed the ‘Six Ps’, include maintaining PEACE, stability and security in the region; and building on PROSPERITY that ASEAN, both collectively and individually, has achieved up to now.

He said it is also necessary to focus on the PLANET, especially the environment, climate change and the green economy, which has gained great momentums in recent years; and to empower the PEOPLE, especially the youths, through the further strengthening of the ASEAN Community building, ASEAN integration and the people- to-people ties.

The fifth and sixth priorities are to enhance PARTNERSHIPS within ASEAN as well as between ASEAN and its external partners; and to transform the remaining various areas of the bloc’s POTENTIALS into real benefits and advantages, he noted.

Addressing the ceremony, former Secretary-General Dato Lim Jock Hoi stressed ASEAN’s achievements over the past five years, particularly the signing and entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and efforts for post-pandemic recovery via improving the region’s health systems and human capital development.

According to him, the bloc has invested in its youth and future leaders, as well as enhanced the region’s digital transformation through the implementation of the Bandar Seri Begawan Roadmap and the Consolidated Strategies for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which will position ASEAN to be future ready. 

ASEAN has also undertaken several measures in further enhancing the region’s capacity and preparedness in responding to the possibility of future emergencies and disasters, as well as in pursuing sustainable development, green technology and energy transition reflected in the adoption of the Framework for Circular Economy for the ASEAN Economic Community.

Spring festival re-enacts Tet celebrations across the country

The “Spring Festival 2023” opened at the Vietnam Exhibition Centre for Culture and Arts in Hanoi on January 10, showcasing the culture of Tet celebrations nationwide.

The six-day event organised by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism includes a photo exhibition displaying 200 pieces on landscapes, festivals, and customs to welcome Tet in the northwestern region, Hanoi, Thua Thien-Hue province, the Central Highlands region, Ho Chi Minh City, border areas, and several of the nation’s islands.

Also, on display are photographs detailing overseas Vietnamese welcoming in the Lunar New Year festival around the globe or those return to the country to join in Tet celebrations organised by the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs.  

The festival also offers visitors an array of local staples, handicrafts, interior décor, and ornamental trees, among other things across dozens of booths.

Traditional and contemporary art performances are scheduled to be held throughout the event.

Severe air pollution lingers in Hanoi ahead of Tet

"Unhealthy" levels of air pollution have been recorded in Hanoi over the past few days and are set to continue over the coming days in the build up to Tet or the Lunar New Year festival, the biggest of its kind in Vietnam.

At 8 a.m. on January 10, Vietnamese environment monitoring app PAM Air measured the air quality index (AQI) in the capital at "very unhealthy" levels, ranging between 200 and 300 in various areas.

Vinh Tuy represented the most polluted area of the city with an AQI of 491, while several other areas also saw bad indexes above 300, such as Dich Vong Hau, Giang Vo, and Hang Bai.

According to details recorded by IQ Air, with an AQI of 173, Hanoi ranked fourth place among the 10 most polluted cities in the world on January 10.

It’s noteworthy that people living in other surrounding northern cities and provinces, such as Ninh Binh, Yen Bai, and Thai Nguyen, have also suffered from bad air pollution recently.

Only a few places throughout the northwestern region, such as Lao Cai, Son La, and Dien Bien, have enjoyed good air quality.

According to experts, air pollution during this time of year is mainly caused by the weather, with Hanoi and other northern localities experiencing cold but high humidity weather. This type of weather means that pollutants cannot disperse and are concentrated near the ground, leading to serious pollution.

Among the other reasons for the current situation is vehicle emissions, construction activities, and operations in industrial areas, they say.

Residents are therefore encouraged to refrain from leaving windows open and wear facemasks when venturing outdoors.

Vietnam tops Southeast Asia Judo Championships 2023

Vietnam won a total of 29 gold, 20 silver, and 20 bronze medals during the 2023 Southeast Asia Judo Championships which concluded on January 9 in Penang in Malaysia.

With this medal haul the Vietnamese team achieved the best result at the competition to top the medal tally.

This year, the championships drew the participation of 361 martial artists from six countries and territories around the region, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Vietnam sent 97 martial artists to compete the tournament. 

The championships offered an excellent opportunity for athletes from regional countries to gain more experience and get well prepared for upcoming events.

Ministry of Transport creates inspection team to ensure traffic safety during Tet

To ensure traffic safety and meet the public's travel needs during the upcoming Tết (Lunar New Year) festival, the Ministry of Transport has announced the formation of an inspection team.

According to the establishment decision signed by Deputy Minister of Transport Lê Đình Thọ, the team will be responsible for conducting checks at airports, railway stations, ports, and transport enterprises in the provinces of Quảng Ninh, Hải Phòng, Kiên Giang, Điện Biên, Hòa Bình, Sơn La, and Thái Nguyên.

The inspection team will set up a steering committee and assign detailed tasks to each member.

The committee will check infrastructure, vehicles and driver management, provide education on traffic safety, control traffic jams, go on patrol and punish violators.

A hotline will be established to handle any problems over the holiday.

Transport enterprises' ticket prices will also be inspected.

Vietnam tops list of must-visit international destinations for 2023

Vietnam tops the list of the must-visit countries for a vacation in 2023, which was shared by Managing Director of Southern Travels of India Alapati Krishna Mohan. 

According to Mohan, Vietnam is a popular destination for tourists and one of the more affordable nations to visit from India. Visitors will surely experience a feeling of satisfaction on their visit to Vietnam thanks to the Southeast Asian country's tremendous natural beauty, culture, and history.

Adventure activities like sightseeing, boat or yacht cruises, market tours, caving, cultural tours, island tours, and wildlife tours are popular among tourists, he noted.

Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Sapa, NhaTrang, the Mekong Delta region, and the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Ha Long Bay are only a few of the must-see locations in Vietnam, Mohan said.

Cambodia ranks second in the list with its historical heritage, magnificent temples, unique cuisine, beautiful beaches and islands, hospitable people and bustling nightlife.

Spain holds the third place for its breathtaking natural attractions and scenery.

Greece, South Africa, Hua Hin of Thailand, and Iceland are also included in the list.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes