Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan has voiced Vietnam’s consistent and strong support for multilateralism and the global governance system with the United Nations at the centre, during her recent meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Meeting with the UN leader in Kampala, Uganda, on January 20 on the sidelines of the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Xuan highly valued Guterres’s significant contributions to global peace, security, and development amid numerous challenges.

She also highly appreciated Vietnam’s support for the Secretary-General’s efforts and initiatives for peace, reconciliation, and enhancement of strategic trust among countries.

Vietnam is determined to actively and responsibly contribute to the UN’s common work, including the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 and the net zero emissions target by 2050, stressed the vice president.

Vietnam hopes to continue receiving the UN’s effective cooperation and assistance, particularly in terms of access to finance and technology and human resources training, said Xuan.

She proposed that the Secretary-General create favourable conditions for developing countries to bring into full play their role and voice in the settlement of global issues.

Guterres for his part affirmed that Vietnam is an exemplary role model of a war-torn country and now emerging as a pillar in promoting global peace.

The UN is ready to strengthen multifaceted cooperation with Vietnam, stressed the Secretary General, hoping the country will continue making effective contributions to the UN’s endeavors in the coming time, including the Summit of the Future 2024, to work towards a world of peace, sustainable development, and better equality.

The two leaders also shared common opinions about the role of multilateralism, the demand for reforming international financial institutions, and the enhancement of the ASEAN - UN cooperation for peace and stability in Southeast Asia, including the East Sea.

During her stay in Uganda for the 19th NAM summit, Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan also met with President of Uganda Yoweri Museveni and First Vice President of Iran Mohammad Mokhber.

At the meeting with the Ugandan President, the two leaders outlined orientations for strengthening the two countries’ cooperation in all fields. They underlined the importance of increasing delegation exchanges to enhance mutual understanding and political trust and create momentum for economic ties.

The two sides agreed to maintain close coordination and mutual support at multilateral forums, especially the UN and NAM, as well as important organisations in the two regions such as the African Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Xuan called on Uganda to support ASEAN’s common stance on the peaceful settlement of disputes in the East Sea in line with international law.

Regarding economic cooperation, the two sides agreed to actively implement the outcomes of President Museveni’s visit to Vietnam, increase the exchange of business delegations, work together to hold investment and trade promotion events, and improve agricultural cooperation effectiveness.

Museveni highly valued Vietnam’s information technology capacity, asking the Southeast Asian nation to assist his country in digital transformation and training of high-quality manpower in technology, automation, and artificial intelligence.

Meanwhile, Xuan asked Uganda to create conditions for major telecoms businesses of Vietnam like Viettel to seek investment opportunities in the country.

The two leaders agreed to accelerate negotiations towards signing important bilateral cooperation documents, including an agreement on investment facilitation and protection and another on double-taxation avoidance, thereby completing the legal framework for fostering bilateral economic cooperation.

At another meeting with First Vice President of Iran Mokhber, Vice President Xuan affirmed Vietnam always treasures the friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Iran, one of its important partners in the Middle East.

She proposed that the two sides work closely to implement the agreements reached during the official visit to Iran by National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue in August 2023.

She asked relevant ministries and sectors of the two countries to continue reviewing and updating cooperation mechanisms, and soon organise the 10th meeting of the Vietnam - Iran Inter-governmental Committee to remove bottlenecks and facilitate economic, investment, and trade links.

Mokhber said Iran always views Vietnam as an important partner in Southeast Asia. He agreed with Xuan about the promotion of economic and trade ties on par with the countries’ potential, and the expansion of partnerships in other fields of common interest like science - technology, education - training, people-to-people exchanges, and locality-to-locality connections.

The Iranian leader said he was looking forwards to visiting Vietnam in the near future to help intensify bilateral relations.

The two sides exchanged views on some international and regional issues of shared concern, including the Middle East situation and the East Sea issue.

Vietnam fosters diplomatic ties with Romania, Hungary

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son held talks with his Romanian counterpart Luminita Odobescu in Bucharest on January 21 (local time), as part of the official visit to the European country by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh.

The two ministers noted with pleasure the strong developments of the bilateral relationship, and stressed the importance the two sides attach to their traditional friendship.

Son used the occasion to thank Romania for its support over the past time, especially during the negotiation and signing of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), and Romania’s early ratification of the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA).

The officials briefed each other on their respective country’s situation and achievements in external affairs, and highlighted the close, effective cooperation between the two ministries, both bilaterally and multilaterally.

They agreed to step up all-level contacts and delegation exchanges to foster mutual understanding and political trust, and deepen the traditional friendship and fruitful cooperation between the two countries across spheres.

They also consented to maintain the regular political consultation mechanism between the two ministries, early sign a new memorandum of understanding on cooperation, and continue coordinating their stance at regional and international forums.

The ministers concurred to work to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in economy, trade, labour, education-training, culture, tourism and people-to-people exchange.

Earlier, during PM Chinh's visit to Hungary, FM Son held talks with Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó in Budapest, during which they engaged in in-depth discussion on measures to boost the Vietnam-Hungary comprehensive partnership, especially in politics-diplomacy, economy-trade-investment, labour, culture and tourism, and support to Vietnamese in the host country. 

They agreed to increase delegation exchanges at all levels and in all channels, and rejoiced at the signing of an MoU between the two foreign ministries on this occasion.

Son thanked Hungary for supporting Vietnam during the negotiation and signing of the EVFTA and being the first EU member to ratify the EVIPA. He suggested that Hungary, which is scheduled to take over the six-month presidency in the second half of 2024, urge other EU members to ratify the agreement, and the EC to early remove its “yellow card” warning on Vietnamese seafood.

He suggested the two countries boost collaboration in traditional areas, particularly education-training, and culture-tourism, while expanding it in such potential fields as innovation, energy transition and digital transformation.

Szijjártó, for his part, called on Vietnamese businesses to scope out investment opportunities in Hungary, expressed his readiness to enhance cooperation in labour between the two countries.

Touching upon regional and international issues, they shared the view on the importance of handling disputes by peaceful measures, not using force or threatening to use force, and in line with international law.

Art programme strengthens Vietnam-India friendship

The Department  of Culture and Sports of Binh Dinh province and the Indian Embassy in Ho Chi Minh City jointly held an art exchange programme on January 21.

The event is part of activities to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of Vietnam-India diplomatic ties and the 74th anniversary of India’s Republic Day (January 26, 1950 – 2024).

Director of the provincial Department of Culture and Sports Ta Xuan Chanh said the programme offers a chance for local residents to access the culture of a country with a long-lasting civilisation in the Asian region and the world. It is an opportunity for Indian people to understand more about the culture of Binh Dinh in particular and Vietnam in general, contributing to strengthening the good traditional friendship between the two countries in the new period.

Binh Dinh province hopes that in the coming time, the Indian Consulate General in HCM City will continue to strengthen people-to-people exchange activities and connect the business community, thus promoting multifaceted cooperation between Binh Dinh and Indian partners, he said.

Within the framework of the programme, visitors were treated to a Tuong (classical drama) performance by artists from the Binh Dinh Traditional Theatre as well as Punjabi dances, an array of folk and religious dances of the indigenous people of the Punjab region, along the border of India and Pakistan.

Tết traditions, specialties on show at HCM City festival

Visitors at the Tết Việt (Vietnamese Lunar New Year) Festival being held from January 18 to 21 in HCM City. VNA/VNS Photo

The Tết Việt (Vietnamese Lunar New Year) Festival that is taking place in HCM City features a wide range of cultural, cuisine and tourism activities.

The annual event is organised by the city Departments of Tourism and Industry and Trade and the Việt Nam Culinary Culture Association.

More than 100 typical dishes from around the country made by renowned chefs promise a unique cuisine experience at the event, which also showcases regional Tết specialties for locals and foreigners.

The event has nearly 100 booths.

Speaking at the opening ceremony on Thursday, deputy chairman of the city People’s Committee, Nguyễn Văn Dũng, said the event offers a joyful and vivid experience of the Tết culture and customs across the country.

More than 80 businesses are participating, he said.

Nguyễn Quốc Kỳ, president of the Việt Nam Culinary Culture Association, said the festival features various activities to showcase traditional culture and customs.

It also promotes Vietnamese cuisine to foreign visitors, he said.

The four-day event at the Lê Văn Tám Park in District 1 is expected to attract 80,000 visitors. 

Phú Quốc welcomes renowned chefs for Lunar New Year culinary spectacle

Renowned guest chefs will arrive in the island of Phú Quốc for an exclusive Lunar New Year food event that transcends culinary boundaries to make a statement on the beginning of a new chapter.

Held at JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay Resort & Spa, “The Luxury Intersection” event is designed to celebrate luxury and cultural diversity, especially in the culinary arts.

Guest chefs from two of the most prestigious luxury brands, JW Marriott Hotel Seoul in South Korea and The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou in China, will converge at this enchanting destination to curate an exquisite fusion of Vietnamese, Chinese, and Korean cuisines.

Just as intersecting paths create meaningful interactions, The Luxury Intersection is a space where chefs from JW Marriott and The Ritz-Carlton cross culinary borders to collaborate, inspire, and craft an extraordinary gastronomic experience, while honoring the traditional beauty and unique identities present in Việt Nam, China, and Korea.

Gourmets will have the opportunity to experience a culinary journey from region to region, filled with quintessential pan-Asian flavors, thanks to the stellar talents of Chef Jeongsoo Choi from JW Marriott Hotel Seoul, and Chef Bob Chen from The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, along with Chef Nhượng Nguyễn, the head chef of the Vietnamese Kitchen, and Executive Pastry Chef Gin Nguyễn from JW Marriott Phu Quoc.

Together, they take centre stage at The Luxury Intersection, orchestrating an extraordinary culinary experience that goes beyond mere indulgence.

Between February 10 and 17, gourmets can embark on a transcendent culinary odyssey that spans the rich landscapes of Việt Nam’s Phú Quốc Island, Seoul, and Guangzhou.

An important event that guests would not want to miss during The Luxury Intersection is the luxurious dinner buffet at the Tempus Fugit restaurant, served on the first day of the Lunar New Year, February 10.

Gourmets will be guided through a symphony of taste, from the heartwarming Korean flavors to Lunar New Year delicacies in traditional Cantonese cuisine.

And the indispensable flavor notes of Vietnamese cuisine during traditional Tết such as sticky rice cake or bánh chưng, bánh tét or rice ball sweet soup, contribute to the completion of a pan-Asian symphony.

Shrimp-rice model fetches Mekong Delta farmers high incomes

Farmers in the Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta who have adopted the shrimp-rice farming model are earning high profits because of high rice yields and prices.

Under the model, they grow rice in the rainy season and farm shrimp in the dry season in the same fields, or both simultaneously.

They do this on around 162,000ha, mostly in coastal provinces, and the model is environment-friendly because farmers use few chemicals.

With 62,500ha, Kiên Giang Province is the leader, and is followed by Cà Mau Province (46,000ha) and Bạc Liêu Province (40,000ha).

The model was first developed by farmers more than 30 years ago, and authorities have since encouraged them to expand it since it is sustainable and has helped many escape poverty.

Farmers in Bạc Liêu Province are getting a bumper rice harvest because of the favourable weather.

Lê Văn Liêm in the province’s Phước Long District planted one hectare of BL9 rice, a fragrant variety, and got a high yield of 10 tonnes.

He also raised giant river prawn and other creatures to earn a total profit of VNĐ150 million ($6,000) this harvest, he said.

Farmers say though shrimp prices are down this year, they still make high profits because of high rice prices.

Nguyễn Văn Vẹn in Phước Long District’s Phong Thạnh Tây Commune said he would only harvest his rice after two weeks but a trader had bought his crop for a record VNĐ11,500 (46 US cents) a kilo.

Farmers in the district have harvested more than 3,000ha of their 15,000ha of shrimp-rice farms so far.

Trần Văn Liêm, deputy chairman of its People’s Committee, said they had rice yields of 8-10 tonnes per hectare and giant river prawn yields of 250-350kg.

In Cà Mau Province’s Thới Bình District, farmers are harvesting giant river prawn and traders are buying them for VNĐ80,000 - 90,000 ($3.2-3.6)a kilo.

Nguyễn Hoàng Lâm, head of the district Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development, said: “The markets for the district’s giant river prawns are mostly in HCM City, Cần Thơ and Bình Dương and Đồng Nai provinces, and so demand is steady.”

Thới Bình is Cà Mau’s largest giant river prawn breeding district with 14,000ha under shrimp-rice.

The delta’s coastal provinces are implementing various measures to develop the shrimp-rice model, including through organic farming.

Bạc Liêu Province is enhancing linkages between farmers and companies to develop value chains for the model, and is developing co-operatives that act as a link.

It has established a shrimp-rice farming co-operative alliance with 21 co-operatives to ensure production efficiency.

It has helped co-operatives participate in fairs and trade promotions to expand their markets.

Bạc Liêu aims to increase its shrimp-rice farming area to 43,000ha by 2025.

In Kiên Giang Province, An Biên is the province’s major shrimp-rice farming district with 25,000-27,000ha.

Lê Văn Khanh, head of its Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development, said the district was expected to increase the area to 29,000ha this year.

The coastal provinces have also invested in irrigation projects to develop the model.

In Cà Mau Province, Nguyễn Việt Khái, chairman of Lợi An Commune in Trần Văn Thời District, said shrimp-rice farmers had enjoyed high yields this year because the commune irrigation system had got a complete makeover and stores more water.

Bạc Liêu Province has invested hundreds of billions of đồng to build irrigation systems and embankments to proactively regulate its water resources.

In Giá Rai City’s Phong Thạnh A Commune, it has invested VNĐ114 billion ($4.6 million) in building sluices and an embankment system around 3,000ha of shrimp-rice farms.

Đỗ Minh Thắng, chairman of the city People’s Committee, said: “At first farmers were reluctant to adopt the shrimp-rice farming model, but many did so after seeing its effectiveness.”

As a result, the city’s shrimp-rice farming area had increased from 3,000ha initially to more than 7,000ha now, he added. 

John Woolley, general manager of JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay resort, said, “The main purpose behind 'The Luxury Intersection' is to curate a diverse and multi-dimensional experience for guests by collaborating with renowned luxury properties from our source markets. Together, the chefs will craft special menus that highlight the distinct specialties of each country involved, offering our guests an exquisite journey through the flavors and cultural heritage of Việt Nam, South Korea, and China.” 

Tiền Giang Province develops more organic coconut growing areas

Tiền Giang Province is expanding growing organic coconut to increase value and meet export requirements.

The Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta province has about 22,000ha growing various varieties of coconut for harvesting young and old nuts, according to its Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The province’s coconut growing area has had a growth rate of 4.5 per cent a year since 2015.

Coconut has the second largest growing area, after only rice, in the province.

Coconut farmers earn an average profit of VNĐ91.2 million (US$3,700) per hectare a year for coconut trees that bear fruit stably.

In the province, coconuts are planted mostly in Chợ Gạo, Châu Thành, Tân Phú Đông and Gò Công Tây districts.

Chợ Gạo alone has nearly 7,700ha, and is the province’s largest coconut growing area.

According to Nguyễn Hồng Hữu, secretary of the Chợ Gạo District Party Committee, the district is zoned to develop coconut cultivation on a large scale and to switch from traditional growing methods to organic ones.

It targets to have 4,000ha of coconut planted under organic methods and have linkages with export processing companies by 2025.

It has zoned specialised coconut growing areas and provided growing techniques for farmers to increase yield, quality, output and income.

It has developed coconut cultivation in combination with developing linkages among stakeholders to develop value chains.

It will develop production codes and brand names for organic coconuts and promote sustainable coconut development.

It has set up a management board for its coconut development plan through 2025.

To develop organic coconut growing areas, the district’s co-operatives have played an important role in developing linkages among farmers and processing companies, and have promoted their role of organising coconut cultivation under organic methods.

Phạm Thanh Tuấn, director of the Bình Ninh Commune Agriculture Co-operative in Chợ Gạo, said the co-operative had promoted its role by gathering farmers to develop specialised organic coconut growing areas.

The co-operative has 111 members who grow a total of 120ha of coconuts.

Of these members, 24 grow a combined 16ha of organic coconut under a linkage with the Thabico Tiền Giang Food Industry Joint Stock Company.

Cao Tấn Hưởng, deputy chairman of the Chợ Gạo District People’s Committee, said the district has co-operated with the company to instruct farmers on growing stages for 300 ha of organic coconut in major coconut growing communes of Hoà Định, Xuân Đông and Bình Ninh.

The company has built a factory in Bình Ninh to manufacture fruit and coconut products and has a capacity of processing 300,000 coconuts a day.

The Chợ Gạo District Agriculture Services Centre, in cooperation with local communes, organised 85 training courses to provide organic coconut growing techniques for farmers in specialised coconut growing areas last year.

Farmers in the province have grown organic young coconuts for drinking juice and earned high incomes.

Lâm Bá Hiểu is growing Xiêm coconut, a type of coconut grown for drinking juice, under an organic farming method in Gò Công Tây District’s Thạnh Nhựt Commune.

He has switched to organic farming methods after getting information from his local farmers association about the benefits of growing organic coconut and the market’s high demand.

He was instructed on organic growing methods for tending the tree, treating pests and using organic fertiliser, he said.

The cultivation of young coconut for drinking juice offers high economic efficiency and requires less tending, according to the Gò Công Tây District Farmers Association.

The output of young coconut for drinking juice accounts for 60 per cent of the province’s total coconut output and farmers grow various varieties.

The province has 141 establishments and three processing companies which buy young coconuts for drinking juice and old coconuts for pulp to export to many markets, including Germany, New Zealand and Australia.

The province exports 1.2-1.4 tonnes of coconut pulp a year.

It is implementing various models and projects to develop coconut growing areas which apply high quality farming standards such as global and Vietnamese good agricultural practices (GlobalGAP and VietGAP) and organic standards.

Its project of growing coconut under organic methods in combination with guaranteed outlets to serve domestic and export markets is being implemented on 152.8ha of 430 households. 

Over 1,400 workers to work through Tet at HCMC airport terminal project site

Over 1,400 people will be at work throughout the Lunar New Year holiday, or Tet, to ensure that work on Tan Son Nhat International Airport Passenger Terminal T3 will be completed by June 2025.

Contractors have plans to mobilize these people to maintain the progress of the project during the week-long national holiday, with the project currently 15 months away from completion.

Le Khac Hong, head of the Terminal T3 project management unit, said key components such as the terminal, a multi-level carpark, and the elevated access road to the terminal are 50% complete.

Terminal T3, with an investment of VND11 trillion, would be able to handle 20 million passengers a year when it is in place. This will be the biggest domestic air passenger terminal.

Over 6,000 workers given gift vouchers for upcoming Tet

As the Tet holiday ( the Lunar New Year) is approaching, labor unions at companies have given bus tickets, plane tickets, and gifts. More than 6,000 workers given gift vouchers for preparation of Tet.

At Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 7, the Trade Union of Export Processing and Industrial Zones (EPZs) in the city organized the program aiming to bring a festive atmosphere to trade union members and workers.

Workers in Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone were given not only train tickets, plane tickets, and gifts but they also bought goods at preferential prices lower from 5 percent – 30 percent than market prices.

At the festival, more than 6,000 union members and workers working at businesses in Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone were able to buy goods at preferential prices ranging from 5 percent – 30 percent compared to market prices at 26 booths with essential products such as rice, sugar, fish sauce, monosodium glutamate, bird's nest, washing powder.
On this occasion, the City Export Processing and Industrial Park Trade Union also donated 6,324 shopping vouchers each worth VND 500,000 (US$20.37) to union members in difficult circumstances.

President of the Trade Union of Ho Chi Minh City Export Processing and Industrial Parks Vu The Van said that the program is one of many activities to take care of Tet for union members and workers working at export processing zones and industrial parks launched by the city Export Processing and Industrial Park Union. The programs aim to take practical care of the material and spiritual lives of workers every Tet holiday as a wish to have a prosperous new year.

In addition, at the festival taking place on January 21, the Export Processing and Industrial Park Trade Union also presented 43 plane tickets, 738 train tickets and Tet gifts to workers in difficult circumstances and workers who have many initiatives that benefit businesses hundreds of millions of Vietnamese dong.

At the Labor Cultural House of Tan Phu District, the Ho Chi Minh City Confederation of Labor organized a meeting of trade union members on the occasion of the 2024 Lunar New Year. On this occasion, the Ho Chi Minh City Confederation of Labor also gave Tet gifts to 220 needy trade union members each gift worth VND700,000 and gifts to 6 unions each union VND2 million. The Labor Federation in Tan Phu District also gifted 36 other workers each worth VND500,000.

Farmers in Mekong Delta enjoying jubilation for bumper harvest

Farmers in the Mekong Delta are enjoying jubilation for a bumper harvest of the winter-spring rice crop and high selling prices.

At the crack of dawn, harvesting machines were hurriedly working in the fields of Tan Thanh District of the Mekong Delta Province of Long An.

In the blooming rice seasons, from the far side, a vast and endless sea of gold was seen. While combine harvesters were cutting and combining ripened rice while dozens of ships and boats were waiting to transport rice for consumption.

Elsewhere in the paddy field, groups of people were carefully carrying rice from the fields to vessels, making the harvest atmosphere in the countryside more exciting.

In the 2023-2024 winter-spring rice crop, farmers in Tan Thanh District sowed over 29,000 hectares, and so far about 5,000 hectares have been harvested. Rice varieties include OM18, Dai Thom, and IR4625. This year, the weather is favorable and there are few pests and diseases, so the rice yields are high. Farmers are so joyful because they have good harvest.

Harvest season is a moment of jubilation, marking the culmination of months of diligent labor, where farmers have toiled under the sun and nurtured their crops with care. It's a time when the rewards of hard work are reaped, and a vast area of land is covered with ripe golden rice flowers.

Farmers rushed to the fields early, watching combine harvesters working to harvest unhusked rice; a bustling atmosphere spread throughout the fields in Tan Thanh District.

Farmers celebrated high prices; plus, they had high yields, good harvests and good quality while they spent less money on production.

​For instance, farmer Doan Van Coi in Nhon Hoa Lap Commune has grown stick rice on more than 3 hectares. Stick rice is sold at nearly VND 9,000 a kg currently. Compared to other years, the farmer had a good harvest this year, so he was very excited. After deducting all the costs involved in production, the farmer earned a profit of about VND35 million-VND40 million (US$1,425 -$ 1,629 ) per ha, so Mr. Coi's family is very happy to prepare for a big Tet ( the Lunar New Year) holiday.

Farmer Coi revealed that farmers can have a bumper crop this harvest season because they have carefully chosen rice varieties and complied with the sowing schedule recommended by the agricultural sector.

Also enjoying the joy of a good harvest, farmer Nguyen Van Truong in Nhon Hoa Lap Commune said that he harvested more than 8 tons from cultivating rice on more than 1.5 hectares; traders offered to buy rice at VND9,900 per kg.

After deducting all costs, he made a profit of nearly VND70 million. As the Tet holiday was approaching, Mr. Truong's family planned to spend more money preparing for the new year.

Chairman of Tan Thanh District Farmers' Association Tran Thanh Hien said that farmers in the district both accelerated the harvest progress and prepared seeds, supplies, and fertilizers for the next crop production. The Farmers' Association in Tan Thanh District encouraged farmers to apply science and technology and high technology in production to have a bumper harvest.

Rice carts were running briskly on new roads in the countryside. Bumper harvest puts a smile on every farmer's face. Farmers have a bumper crop this year not only thanks to the good weather but also their sweat and toil in the sun. The sun and wind blend with the scent of ripe rice to create a gentle yet seductive scent of the countryside. For farmers in the Mekong Delta, rice not only has agricultural value but also cultural life and the soul of countryside life.

Peach blossoms, kumquats thrive in Northern region

Due to favorable weather conditions, most types of ornamental flowers intended for the Tet market in Hanoi and the Northern region are ensured to be of high quality and ready for display at the spring flower markets.

Due to favorable weather conditions, most types of ornamental flowers, including peach blossoms, kumquat trees, daffodil, gerbera, chrysanthemums, yellow apricot blossoms, and dahlia, intended for the Tet market in Hanoi and the Northern region, are ensured to be of high quality and ready for display at the spring flower markets.

Currently, Hanoi's peach blossoms are in bud, showing no signs of early blooming as in previous years. Ornamental kumquat trees grown in provinces like Hung Yen, Hai Duong, and Nam Dinh are displaying beautiful fruits and leaves. Traders have started to survey market prices for trading in many places.

The Tay Ho Flower Market in Hanoi has been lively for almost a week. It is anticipated that in approximately 9-10 days, starting from the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, flower markets in Hanoi will be more crowded.

The Hanoi People's Committee has directed the Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade, in collaboration with the Hanoi Promotion Agency, to coordinate with districts in organizing 83 spring flower markets for the Year of the Dragon.

These flower markets will be in operation from January 20 (the 10th of the twelfth lunar month) until 8:00 p.m. on February 9 (the evening of the 30th of the twelfth lunar month) for people to purchase Tet ornamental flowers.

According to Mr. Nguyen Van Chi, Deputy Head of the Permanent Office of the New-style Rural Area Development Program Coordination Office of Hanoi, the city plans to host the first "Peach Blossom, Ornamental Kumquat, and OCOP Products Festival for the Year of the Dragon 2024" in Nhat Tan Ward, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, from January 26 to February 1.

The anticipated scale of the festival covers approximately 7,000 square meters, featuring 100 booths and exhibition areas. The event aims to showcase and promote peach blossoms, ornamental kumquats, ornamental plants, and OCOP products from Hanoi and various regions across the country.

Flights increased for high-demand routes

The CAAV has directed airlines to continue augmenting capacity on flights originating from Ho Chi Minh City to Pleiku, Quy Nhon, Chu Lai, Buon Ma Thuot, Hue, Tuy Hoa, Thanh Hoa, Da Nang, Quang Binh, Hai Phong, and Vinh.

According to the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV), after several rounds of increased flight frequencies, as of now, there has been a significant rise in seat reservations for the pre-Tet period (from February 1 to February 9, equivalent to the 22nd to 30th of the twelfth lunar month) for flights departing from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to various destinations.

In particular, the Hanoi - Dien Bien and Vinh routes have achieved a 100 percent booking rate on specific days, while the Hanoi - Buon Ma Thuot and Pleiku routes have recorded rates exceeding 95 percent.

Flights departing from Ho Chi Minh City to Buon Ma Thuot, Da Nang, Hai Phong, Hue, Pleiku, Tuy Hoa, Thanh Hoa, Quy Nhon, Chu Lai, Quang Binh, and Vinh all boast reservation rates surpassing 90 percent, with some routes hitting full capacity at 100 percent during peak days.

Although the Ho Chi Minh City - Hanoi route is gradually filling up, there are still ample tickets available.

During the post-Tet period (from February 13 to February 19, corresponding to the 4th to the 10th day of the first lunar month), flights from different localities to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are experiencing high booking rates, and, on many days, seats are already fully reserved.

Specifically, the Cam Ranh - Hanoi route on February 14 has reached a 100 percent booking rate. The routes from Dien Bien and Pleiku to Hanoi are essentially fully booked on February 13 and 14.

Flights from various locations to Ho Chi Minh City also show high booking rates, with the Quy Nhon and Chu Lai routes to Ho Chi Minh City achieving a 100 percent booking rate on certain days.

The CAAV reports that, compared to the previous week, Vietnamese airlines have added 118 additional flights, providing almost 23,000 seats on routes from Ho Chi Minh City to local airports.

The CAAV has directed airlines to continue augmenting capacity on flights originating from Ho Chi Minh City to Pleiku, Quy Nhon, Chu Lai, Buon Ma Thuot, Hue, Tuy Hoa, Thanh Hoa, Da Nang, Quang Binh, Hai Phong, and Vinh.

Chip-based citizen ID cards issued to over 1,000 former drug addicts

Chip-based citizen ID cards have been issued to over 1,000 drug addicts who are staying in drug rehabilitation centers to undergo rehab therapies.

Ho Chi Minh City police officers coordinated with relevant units to collect population information for the issuance of chip-based personal identification cards and citizen identification cards and level 2 electronic identification accounts for 1,034 former drug addicts at four drug detoxification facilities such as Binh Phuoc Province-located Duc Hanh, Phu Duc, Phu Nghia and Phu Van under the management of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs. 
Ho Chi Minh City police force yesterday said that the unit coordinated with the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Ho Chi Minh City, the National Population Data Center, the Department for Administrative Management of Social Order (C06), the Ministry of Public Security, police force and the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and responsible agencies in Binh Phuoc Province organized the collection of population information and then issued chip-based personal identification cards and level 2 electronic identification accounts for more than 1,000 people who are receiving treatment at drug detoxification facilities in Binh Phuoc Province.

 The issuance of special cards has been carried out from January 18 to present. Specifically, 171 chip-based personal identification cards will be delivered to former drug addicts in Phu Van drug rehab facility after they complete the treatment process going back to daily life.

Can Tho wants to convert climate change challenges into sustainable development

A talk introducing a national scientific and technological program on science and technology to respond to climate change to serve sustainable development in the Mekong Delta was held in Can Tho City on January 20.

The discussion was held by the Vietnam National University HCMC (VNU-HCM) and the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho.

Attending the event was Director of VNU-HCM Vu Hai Quan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Can Tho City Nguyen Van Hieu, and leaders of institutes, educational facilities, and provinces in the Mekong Delta.

According to Director of VNU-HCM Vu Hai Quan, the Mekong Delta plays an important role in ensuring the food security of Vietnam and the world, society and economy, national defense, and security. The Mekong Delta serves as the largest granary for rice, aquatic products, and fruit production in the country.

During the 2014-2020 period, the VNU-HCM in collaboration with the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology conducted and implemented scientific and technological programs to serve the sustainable development of the southern region.

The results of the program have been applied to production and life to promote value chain linkages of commodities and regional connection, strengthen economic efficiency, contribute to production development, improve productivity and value of key products, promoting socio-economic development of localities in the region.

However, the Mekong Delta is still facing problems from natural conditions, climate change, modern technology, human resources, infrastructure, investment and business environment, to regional governance-cooperation-linkage mechanisms.

According to Chairman of the People's Committee of Can Tho City Tran Viet Truong, the city identified that responding to climate change is one of the important tasks for socio-economic development.

The national scientific and technological program on science and technology to respond to climate change to serve sustainable development in the Mekong Delta will contribute to providing scientific arguments, solutions, and models for applying science and technology, innovation, and creativity, responding to climate change of localities and the region effectively, adapting to the impact of the upper Mekong River, and bringing the region into a key economic, civilized, and ecological region with a rich waterway cultural identity.

Can Tho City hoped to receive suggestions from experts, scientists, and businesses on implementing scientific and technological tasks with feasibility and high efficiencies, such as taking advantage of climate change and converting challenges of climate change into sustainable development, a model of circular economic development and green growth.

More Vietnamese people donate their blood voluntarily

More Vietnamese people donated their blood voluntarily in 2023 and the amount of blood received was more than 1.6 million units.

The National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion under the Ministry of Health yesterday celebrated the 30th anniversary of launching the voluntary blood donation movement in Vietnam. On this occasion, President Vo Van Thuong sent a flower basket to congratulate.

Prior, on January 24, 1994, the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion held a ceremony to launch humanitarian blood donation day in Hanoi. In the first year, the amount of blood received was 138,000 units of blood, and the rate of voluntary blood donors reached 14.5 percent. By 2023, the rate of voluntary blood donors in Vietnam has reached 99 percent with the amount of blood received more than 1.6 million units.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Health Dao Hong Lan acknowledged and praised the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion’s coordination with other units to build and develop a voluntary blood donation program, making an important contribution to public health security.

HCM City's health sector strengthens measures against epidemic outbreaks during Tet

Ho Chi Minh City is strengthening measures to prevent Covid-19, seasonal and avian influenza virus infections in humans and acute respiratory infections, especially during the Tet holiday.

 The funtional forces regularly check passengers entering Ho Chi Minh City via Tan Son Nhat International Airport to prevent spread of epidemics.

The Standing Committee of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee has just issued an official dispatch directing the relevant units to strengthen measures to prevent the spreading of the above-mentioned diseases during the upcoming Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday and festive season in the first month of lunar calendar 2024.

Accordingly, the Municipal Department of Health was asked to keep a close eye on the pandemic situation in the city, prepare solutions to promptly deal with arising issues, coordinate with departments, agencies and People's Committees of districts and Thu Duc City to carry out sustainable management activities for Covid-19 and disease control measures to prevent seasonal flu, avian influenza, acute respiratory infections. The move aims to protect people in high-risk groups from the Covid-19 pandemic.

he city's health authorities will organize expanded vaccination for children right after receiving vaccines from the Ministry of Health.

Besides, it is essential to strictly handle cases that spread negative information and violate epidemic prevention regulations in the city.

Associate Professor Dr. Tang Chi Thuong, Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health said that since the beginning of the year, hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City have not recorded any new severe Covid-19 cases.

However, in the context of the unpredictable Covid-19 pandemic with the appearance of new variants in some countries in the world, Ho Chi Minh City is likely to also face a surge in the number of infections again in the coming time.

Therefore, the Department of Health has requested the Ho Chi Minh City Center for Disease Control (HCDC) to continue coordinating with relevant units to enhance surveillance for cases, new Covid-19 variants along with acute respiratory distress agents.

Additionally, healthcare facilities are asked to strengthen the diagnosis and detection of Covid-19 cases among people in the high-risk group, thereby providing appropriate care and treatment to minimize the risk of complications or death; and prevent cross-infection in hospitals.

Amid the risk of disease outbreaks and transmission during the upcoming Lunar New Year, the Ministry of Health has directed local health authorities at border gates to strengthen health quarantine to timely detect, isolate and deal with suspected cases.

Respiratory diseases, pneumonia likely to further spread in Tet holiday

High demands of trade and travel along with unusual weather changes during the coming Tet holiday and festival season are considered favorable conditions for diseases to further spread.

On January 16 afternoon, the Department of Preventive Medicine under the Ministry of Health sent an official dispatch to the health departments of provinces and cities nationwide requesting to strengthen epidemic prevention and control during the Tet holiday and festival season.

Particularly, the Ministry of Health asked localities to mobilize resources along with the participation of departments, agencies, unions and socio-political organizations in fighting against infectious diseases, especially during the Tet holiday.

Disease control centers and preventive medicine units have to regularly and closely monitor the epidemic development, notably the surge in cases of respiratory virus infections and severe cases of viral pneumonia.

Medical examination and treatment facilities were required to perform well the work of timely treating patients, minimizing severe cases and deaths related to viral respiratory infectious diseases and pneumonia; controlling the cases of respiratory tract infections; and preventing cross-contamination in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Besides, it is important that the medical facilities make plans, assign tasks in detail and organize personnel on duty 24/7 during the Tet holiday; strictly carry out reports related to infectious diseases according to regulations; ensure enough medicines, vaccines, biological products, supplies, chemicals, equipment and human resources to deal with epidemic situations ahead.

According to the assessment of the Ministry of Health, the high demands of trade and travel along with unusual weather changes in the Tet holiday and Lunar New Year festival season will be favorable conditions for disease-causing elements to further spread, increase the number of infections, especially in children with weak resistance and the elderly with underlying medical conditions and those patients being susceptible to infectious diseases.

Social financial contribution to education sector below expectations

Despite the government’s efforts to encourage social financial contribution to the education sector, it is still below expectation.

In order to attract financial resources from all economic sectors in society for the development of education and training according to the Resolution 29-NQ /TW, the Government has issued preferential policies such as policies on land allocation, land lease, tax policies, credit to encourage people to join hands for the development of education.

According to the Ministry of Education and Training, the network of private educational establishments has developed steadily throughout localities, especially in big cities, industrial parks, and export processing zones, helping to reduce school pressure on the public school system to meet the rapidly increasing number of students.

So far, around 41,529 preschool and general education establishments are located in the country. Of which, there are 3,928 private educational establishments including 3,209 non-public preschool education establishments and 719 general education establishments with more than 1.2 million students accounting for 5.78 percent of the total number of students nationwide.

In addition, the network of private education and training establishments is growing rapidly and has made many important contributions to the development and improvement of education and training quality.

The country has so far had 67 private higher education institutions and 655 private vocational education institutions including 87 colleges, 220 intermediate schools, and 348 vocational education centers. Privately-invested training institutions have become autonomous in their activities, improving training quality and affirming their brands in training fields; thus, many of them have attracted a large number of students.

The National Assembly and the Government have issued preferential policies and mechanisms to attract domestic and foreign investment in financial development resources for the development of education and training.

Of these, the Mekong Delta Province of Ben Tre has called on Japan’s Niigata City Charity Organization to build 2 classrooms worth VND190 million (US$7,691) while Nguyen Dinh Chieu Secondary School in Hanoi received funding from the Christoffel Blindenmission Organization of the Federal Republic of Germany for an educational program for blind children with a total cost of VND399 million. The US Samaritan Organization donated VND462 million to award scholarships and vocational training to students of Nguyen Van To Continuing Education Center in Hanoi.

Thankfully, students and teachers have the opportunity to access more foreign training programs, with advanced and modern content, methods, foreign documents and learning materials as well as direct exchanges with foreigners to learn more about human culture and knowledge, and at the same time convey Vietnamese culture to people and countries around the world.

Deputy Nguyen Thi Mai Hoa from the National Assembly Delegation of the Northern Province of Hai Duong said that the recent results of the monitoring project on general education have shown a huge lack of both teaching and learning equipment and funding sources to meet the requirements of basic and comprehensive innovation in education.

Regarding facilities, the city is short of 63,920 rooms at all grades between 2014 and 2022 while total funding for the implementation of general education innovation accounts for only 1.46 percent of total state budget expenditure.

Most localities face difficulties in funding investment in education, especially those where the budget cannot be balanced. Despite difficulties, the education sector has attracted VND6,420.22 billion social contributions accounting for 3 percent of the total funding for reforming the general education program with 9 foreign direct investment projects in general education with a total registered capital of US$33.71 million.

This is a very important support resource for developing education and training; therefore, the government should continue to improve policies to encourage and create favorable conditions for domestic and foreign investors to pour more money into the education sector to improve its training quality at all grades.

According to Vice President of the Vietnam Association of Educational Psychological Sciences Nguyen Tung Lam, social financial contributions in the education sector are not only simply supporting the State in the context of a limited investment budget for education, but also helping to improve education. quality of education; thereby, satisfying learners’ growing needs as per the rules of the market economy.

Local administrations should have a policy of allocating clean land to investors who have the conditions to build schools and collect affordable tuition fees at each grade within a certain time will recover investment capital. Localities and investors should calculate to have appropriate tuition fees, which may be higher than public schools but must certainly be acceptable to parents’ students.

Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training Le Hoai Nam disclosed the southern metropolis is calling for the construction of 86 school projects. In the near future, Ho Chi Minh City will call for businesses to jointly build 86 school projects, according to the public-private partnership method. Each project has an investment capital of over VND100 billion. The city will provide vacant land for building schools and preferential loans within 7 years.

The city People's Committee has directed the Department of Education and Training to advise on school construction projects, including school construction with state capital and with social contributions from investors. In addition, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Council is also about to issue a resolution calling for cooperation in the form of a public-private partnership.

Youth’s Tet festival to return to HCMC

The HCMC’s annual Tet Viet (Vietnamese New Year) Festival 2024 themed “HCMC, the city I love” featuring images of a peaceful spring in the southern metropolis will return to young people on January 24.

The event will take place at the municipal Youth's Cultural House and run from January 24 until February 14 (the 14th day of the last month to the 5th day of the first month of the lunar calendar).

This year’s festival includes a wide range of activities such as a calligraphy street, a space of art installation and community activities, and volunteer work supporting disadvantaged people and underprivileged children.

Launched for the first time 17 years ago, the annual festival during Tet holidays has attracted hundreds of thousands of visitors with many entertainment activities, such as kylin and dragon dance, music shows performances of hat boi (Vietnamese classic opera), and more.

At the festival, competent departments and organizations of the city will organize programs offering bus tickets to low-income workers and disadvantaged students to return to their hometowns for the Tet holiday and caring for students who cannot return to their hometowns to celebrate Tet.

HCMC making efforts to reduce plastic waste in environment

Ho Chi Minh City authorities at all levels and residents have been making efforts to reduce plastic waste in the environment, launching campaigns and movements on environmental protection and consuming environmentally friendly products.

Many districts have had specific activities to reduce plastic waste in the environment, such as mobilizing people to collect and bring trash to collection points in exchange for gifts.

In 2023, the People's Committee of Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 1 coordinated with the office of the Vietnam Association for Clean Water and Environment in Ho Chi Minh City to collect solid waste four times with a total amount of more than three tons including old clothes, old lithium-ion batteries, plastic bags, used plastic products, and newspapers.

After being collected, waste will be transported to Asia Environmental Services Trading and Production Company for recycling and treatment according to regulations.

Vice Chairman of Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward People's Committee Nguyen Van Phu said that people were bringing waste to the Ward People's Committee to exchange for cash and gifts such as cloth bags, biodegradable plastic bags, and disinfectant sprays.

In 2023, the ward encouraged philanthropists and deducted funds from the trash-for-gift exchange to give 27 health insurance cards to disadvantaged households in the ward. Through waste collection movements, the administration has widely disseminated information about environmental protection and the harmful effects of plastic waste to residents in the ward. At the same time, the waste-exchange-for-gift program has also nurtured the habit of classifying waste at source for each individual, household and organization in the area.

Mr. Nguyen Van Phu said that resolving plastic pollution is a long-term process which needs synchronous implementation of treatment solutions with joint action of businesses, people, and local authorities.

The ward administrators aim to raise people's awareness about environmental protection in residential areas, gradually switching from non-degradable plastic bags and single-use plastic products to environmentally friendly products. After organizing programs to exchange trash for gifts, people’s awareness of the environment was raised so they decreased littering in the streets; thus, many neighborhoods have become cleaner and more beautiful.

In Go Vap District, the ‘anti-plastic waste’ movement launched by the Women's Union has become a movement participated by its all members.

The trash-for-gift exchange program is held regularly every month with the eager participation of district officials and members of the local women’s union; thereby, it has greatly contributed to raising people's awareness of protecting the environment.

In addition, Go Vap district liaised with the Ho Chi Minh City Red Cross to classify clothes when collecting and donating new clothes to difficult areas while cutting unused clothes to recycle into rags and other items are recycled into plastic products.

Currently, many people use single-use plastic products, while the number of people using environmentally friendly products is still low. In fact, persistent plastic waste is collected and recycled but at a very low rate; Most of the waste has been buried, burned or thrown in landfills and canals.

A project to strengthen plastic waste management in Vietnam has been implemented, focusing on collecting, recycling and treating plastic waste with a goal of using all eco-friendly packaging in shopping centers and supermarkets, replacing non-degradable plastic bags by 2025. Moreover, the project ensures the collection, reuse, recycling and treatment of 85 percent of generated plastic waste.

In 2023, the Representative Office of the Vietnam Association for Clean Water and Environment in Ho Chi Minh City coordinated with authorities in districts in Ho Chi Minh City and many provinces and cities in the Southern region to organize a program monthly. The program was held to mobilize people to collect and exchange trash for gifts aiming to minimize the amount of single-use plastic waste disposed into the environment. In addition, the Vietnam Clean Water and Environment Association in Ho Chi Minh City organized the program ‘Bring trash to the mainland’ amongst officers, soldiers and recruits of the Navy Region 2 Training Center.

According to Ms. Phan Thi Thuy Phuong, Deputy Head of the Representative Office of the Vietnam Clean Water and Environment Association in Ho Chi Minh City, the association's activities have yielded fruitful results, and littering has decreased significantly. Notably, the landscape and environment in many places have become clean and beautiful. In 2024, the association will continue to implement programs to collect single-use plastic waste and classify waste in residential areas, especially propaganda at schools in Ho Chi Minh City to mobilize students to join hands in environmental protection for a green, clean and beautiful city.

Ms. Phan Thi Thuy Phuong expected that through these programs, city dwellers would reduce the use of single-use plastic products. In 2024, the association will continue to maintain waste-exchange-for-gift exchange programs to help people form the habit of sorting waste in households. At the same time, the association will grow more trees to create green areas and green living spaces in residential quarters.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes