Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr. and his spouse will make a state visit to Vietnam from January 29 to 30.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the trip is made at the invitation of President Vo Van Thuong and his spouse.

PM urges launching movement on doing away with makeshift houses

PM urges launching movement on doing away with makeshift houses hinh anh 1
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the meeting. (Photo: VNA)
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on January 25 asked ministries, agencies, organisations, and localities to launch new emulation movements, taking the example of the one on doing away with makeshift houses as part of the efforts to materialise the national target programme on socio-economic development in ethnic minority-inhabited and mountainous areas.

Presiding over the 7th session of the Central Council for Emulation and Rewards for the 2021-2026 tenure, the leader said the movement on relocating makeshift homes should be launched right in early 2024 Lunar New Year, adding its funding would be sourced from the remaining of the COVID-19 vaccine fund.

Chinh emphasised the need to issue more documents detailing the 2022 Law on Emulation and Reward, and step up the communications work to raise public awareness of such emulation movements.

The drives should match the reality and target the people, the PM said, asking relevant sides to pay more attention to decentralisation and administrative reform in the emulation and reward work.

He also called for greater efforts in implementing emulation movements on infrastructure development, thrift practice and wastefulness prevention and control, new-style rural area building, and building a learning society, among others.

Role models in emulation movements should be honoured and good models should be rolled out on a larger scale, Chinh suggested, saying relevant institutions, mechanisms and policies need to be consolidated.  

He reminded that the reward work must be done in a timely, open and transparent way, without corruption and other negative phenomena.

Vice President presents Tet gifts to disadvantaged people in Ben Tre

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan and a working delegation on January 25 visited and presented gifts to social policy beneficiaries living in disadvantageous circumstances, poor and near-poor households, and disadvantaged workers and children in the Mekong Delta province of Ben Tre as the Lunar New Year (Tet) Festival is nearing.

Accordingly, Xuan gave 200 gifts to social policy beneficiaries, poor and near-poor households, 200 to disadvantaged workers and 200 to targeted children, with a total value of 700 million VND (28,400 USD). She also handed over the token of 10 great unity houses totalling 500 million VND to the province.

On this occasion, the National Fund for Vietnamese Children donated 200 million VND to the provincial Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

The Vice President asked the Party Committee, People’s Committee and people of Ben Tre to continue investing in cultural, social, medical and educational facilities, and ensuring social welfare for local people, especially in remote areas and former revolutionary bases.

Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Ben Tre, said that as of late 2023, the province had recorded 21,124 poor and near-poor households, and nearly 5,000 families of policy beneficiaries living in difficult circumstances.

On the same day, the Vice President visited and extended her Tet greetings to Heroic Mother Do Thi Phiem in Thanh Phu Dong commune, whose husband and two children sacrificed in the resistance war against the US imperialists.

Phu Yen province scores achievements in fight against IUU fishing

By rolling out effective communications work on combating illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and support for local fishermen against unforeseen problems at sea, the south central province of Phu Yen has recorded no violations of IUU fishing regulations in the past five years.

Established in 2012, the fisheries society of ward No.6, Tuy Hoa city, with 175 members with 121 offshore fishing vessels, has joined hands with local authority and competent sides to carry out hundreds of communications campaigns, helping raise awareness of local fishermen of the consequences of the illegal practice.

According to chairman of the fisheries society Phan Thuan, the society handed out more than 1,250 leaflets, and mobilised local fishermen to strictly comply with regulations on IUU fishing and fishing tools.

Besides, the “safe production group” model has been carried out by the local border guards, with the engagement of 926 fishing vessels and nearly 8,000 workers across the provine. The model has encouraged fishing vessels’ safe and legal operation while helping protect national sovereignty over sea and islands.

Dong Hoa township, with a coastline of 36 kilometres, has paid due attention to the communications work to help local people get a deeper insight into the Party and State sea and island regulations through organising conferences and cultural and art programmes, among others.

Colonel Nguyen Ngoc Minh, political commissar of the province border guard force, said that the local armed forces have joined hands with sectors, townships and districts to improve the quality of the communications work, mobilising all people to join efforts to safeguard the sea and island sovereignty and ensure order and security in the sea border areas.

“Technology with heart" photo and video award launched

The Vietnam News Agency (VNA), in coordination with the Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group (Viettel), on January 25 launched a photo and video award with the theme "Technology with heart" to honour important contributions of technology, spread beautiful images and convey meaningful messages that technology brings to life.

Technology with heart" to honour important contributions of technology, spread beautiful images and convey meaningful messages that technology brings to life.

Le Quoc Minh, member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper and Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association (VJA), applauded the joint initiative of VNA and Viettel to organise the award, hoping that it will be a special platform for the press to diversify photo content and create beautiful photos to participate in the National Press Awards.

He also expressed his belief that the contest will spread and contribute to promoting the development of journalism and enhancing society's awareness of the role of technology in life.

Launching the award, General Director of the Vietnam News Agency Vu Viet Trang, who is also President of the Award Council, said that information technology is now present in all aspects of life, making many social activities more convenient and transparent and also helping each person overcome their own limitations. The application of artificial intelligence and technology helps agencies and organisations better understand the targeted customers so as to create products that are both useful and suitable to the desires and preferences of the public, she said.

The award is expected to encourage authors with their lenses and enthusiasm to record moments, meaningful actions and wonderful things that technology brings as well as spreading human values and making the life more worth living every day.

Works sent to the contest should not violate Vietnamese customs and traditions and should not contain negative contents about politics, religions, belief, or cultural activities. They should not violate copyright and legal regulations.

Vietnamese citizens living in the country and abroad are eligible to take part in the contest with entries sent to the organising board by April 30, 2024. Authors can submit works online at

The organisers will present three first prizes each worth 50 million VND (2,025 USD), six second, nine third and 15 consolidation prizes each worth 40 million VND, 30 million VND and 10 million VND to outstanding works.

Quang Tri moves forwards over 51 years since Paris Peace Accords signing

Fifty-one years since the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, the central province of Quang Tri, once the frontline between the north and the south of Vietnam, has been strongly taking steps forwards and cherishing the values of peace.

The Tri - Thien Campaign to liberate Quang Tri in 1972 and the struggle that lasted for 81 days and nights, from June 28 to September 16, 1972, to defend Quang Tri Ancient Citadel are among the many fights and places going down in the great national safeguarding history.

After being defeated in the 1972 Tri - Thien Campaign, the US and its puppet administration plotted to re-occupy Quang Tri Ancient Citadel to gain an advantage in the negotiations at the Paris conference. Meanwhile, the Vietnamese army and people stayed resolute to defend this citadel to add to victories on other battlefields to force the US imperialists to sign the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam.

Together with the fierce fight to protect Quang Tri Ancient Citadel in 1972, the Vietnamese army and people’s defeat of the US’s unprecedented strategic bombings in December the same year to create the “Hanoi – Dien Bien Phu in the air” victory forced the US to sign the Paris Peace Accords on January 27, 1973.

Prof. Dr. Trinh Quang Phu, Director of the Oriental Research Development Institute under the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations, said the Paris Peace Accords came as a result of the Vietnamese army and people’s struggles on battlefields and the military - diplomacy excellent combination. The successful safeguarding of Quang Tri Ancient Citadel during the 81 days and nights helped force the enemy to sit down at the negotiating table to ink the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam.

More than half a century has passed, the former battlefield of Quang Tri is now covered with rice paddy fields, industrial tree plantations, and forests. Residential areas, big roads, and modern sea and air ports have been being built in the areas once witnessing ferocious fights over 50 years ago. Local residents have also enjoyed better life quality with per capita income averaging 71 million VND (nearly 2,900 USD) in 2023.

Nowadays, tourists come to Quang Tri to learn about, feel, and understand the pains of war and division nothing can compensate for that the nation suffered in the past. Here, they can thoroughly grasp the passion for living, independence, freedom, and reunification of a nation that used to grapple with challenges and wars waged by the most powerful invaders throughout history to become fully aware of the values of peace and development.

Nguyen Huy Hung, Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said Quang Tri is home to 501 historical and cultural relic sites, many of which are renowned among domestic and international visitors thanks to their historical significance. Such special national relic sites as Quang Tri Ancient Citadel, Hien Luong Bridge and the Ben Hai River, Vinh Moc Tunnels, the tunnel village of Vinh Linh, the Truong Son national martyrs’ cemetery, and the Road 9 national martyrs’ cemetery have made up the uniqueness and attractiveness of the system of local war relic sites.

Quang Tri could be considered the most vivid museum of revolutionary war relics, he said, noting that this is a basis for developing cultural and historical tourism.

The provincial administration is set to organise the first Festival for Peace in July 2024 to honour the values of peace and call on all people to join hands in maintaining and building a life of peace, prosperity, and sustainability for Quang Tri, Vietnam, and humankind.

It will pay tribute to the heroes and soldiers laying down their lives for the immortality of the Fatherland while commemorating war victims as well as war losses and pains. It will also introduce tangible and intangible cultural values along with tourism products of Quang Tri to help attract domestic and international visitors, thus contributing to local socio-economic development.

Further reforming emulation, reward work: PM

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh stressed the need to continue reforming and improving the quality of the emulation and reward work while addressing a meeting in Hanoi on January 25.

The work has significantly contributed to the achievements Vietnam recorded in 2023, the leader told the seventh session of the Central Council for Emulation and Rewards for the 2021-2026 tenure.

Chinh, who is also President of the council, asked the participants to review the work last year, trace causes behind its limitations and draw lessons from them, and set out targets, tasks and solutions for 2024.

The council needs to adjust and supplement its working regulations, uphold the role of each member, and prevent negative phenomena in the emulation and reward work, he requested.

According to a report presented at the meeting, last year, the council conducted inspections and supervision at six ministries, agencies and localities over their fulfillment of assigned tasks.

It also focused on building institutions and legal documents, and implementing the 2022 Law on Emulation and Reward, the report said.

HCM City's Vietnam Buddhist Sangha spends 748 billion VND on charity activities in 2023

The Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) of Ho Chi Minh City carried out charitable and social activities with total funds of over 748 billion VND (30.3 million USD) last year.

The information was revealed by Most Venerable Thich Le Trang, Head of the VBS Executive Board of HCM City at a conference on January 24 reviewing its Buddhist affairs over the past year and launch tasks for 2024.

Last year, HCM City's VBS obtained many important achievements, creating a foundation for the strong development of Buddhist activities in 2024 and the following years, adding that it successfully organised traditional Buddhist and national events and promoted the diversity of religious and practical activities of Buddhist followers, 

The conference approved the municipal VBS's 2024 programme on Buddhist affairs with 10 targets and 16 tasks, aiming to contribute to its development. The city's VBS will continue to accompany the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committees at all levels to carry out patriotic emulation campaigns and movements launched by the Government as well as strive to apply digital technology in all activities.

While lauding the municipal VBS's Buddhist activities, Vice Chairman of the VFF Committee of HCM City Nguyen Thanh Trung urged the VBS Executive Board of HCM City  to continue to care for, encourage and guide monks, nuns and Buddhist followers to continue joining hands in the programmes and activities of the VFF Committee of  HCM City, and patriotic emulation movements launched by agencies and organisations to help turn it into a rich and prosperous city.

HCM City forum to highlight visions for Vietnam’s development

The Vietnam Forum: The Moment will be hosted by the Ho Chi Minh City Peace and Development Foundation (HPDF) on May 25-26 in HCM City, highlighting connectivity, culture and creativeness in Vietnam’s development, heard a press conference on January 24.  

President of the HPDF Ton Nu Thi Ninh said this is a non-profit initiative to connect the Vietnamese people at home and abroad and stimulate exchange activities and cooperation between the expat community and the homeland.

It will spotlight Vietnam's achievements after 50 years of national reconstruction and development, and share remarkable success stories of Vietnamese individuals, with especially young ones who have brought pride to Vietnam and the Vietnamese community in the globe.

Besides, the forum will focus on the role played by culture, technology, and agriculture and other sectors in the national development.

Participants will engage in discussions on orientations and visions for the development of Vietnam and HCM City in particular in the future.

Ninh expressed her belief that Vietnamese people, whether residing in Vietnam and around the world, will contribute to promoting the strength and distinctive identity of the nation.

Venezuelan scholars appreciate Vietnamese Party’s achievements

The Vietnamese Embassy in Venezuela, in collaboration with the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) and the Venezuela-Vietnam Friendship Association (CAVV), on January 24 held a seminar on the life and career of late President Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese revolution.

The event was one among a series of activities to mark the 94th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) (February 3, 1930-2024).

Emphasising the significance of the Party's founding anniversary, Vietnamese Ambassador Vu Trung My said that over the past 94 years, under the leadership and guidance of the CPV, the Vietnamese people have gone from one victory to another and the achievements of the Vietnamese revolution since 1930 have affirmed the Party’s decisive role.

Dr. Pedro Barrios, Dean of the UCV Faculty of Humanities, said that the seminar was a chance for scholars, researchers, lecturers, and students of the university and Venezuela to understand more about President Ho Chi Minh who founded the CPV, as well as the Vietnamese revolution.

Participating scholars expressed their admiration for the achievements of the Doi Moi (Renewal) cause initiated and led by the Party, and emphasised that Vietnam has been an example for nations around the world in the struggle for independence and happiness of people.

Within the framework of the seminar, a photo exhibition featuring the land and people of Vietnam, and 35 years of friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Venezuela was held, together with an ao dai (Vietnam’s traditional gown) show and a conical hat dance performance.

Vietnamese representatives abroad, Mekong Delta localities foster connections

A meeting was held in Ben Tre on January 24 for heads of Vietnamese representative agencies abroad in the 2024-2027 tenure and localities in the Mekong Delta region.

Addressing the event, Standing Vice Chairman of the Ben Tre People’s Committee Nguyen Truc Son highlighted the strategic position of the Mekong Delta region, as well as its potential and strength as the country’s major hub of food, foodstuff, aquatic products, and fruits.

He pointed to a number of challenges that the region is facing, especially climate change.

For Ben Tre, Son expressed his hope that the newly appointed ambassadors and consul generals will help promote the image of the locality to the world and update local firms with new import regulations and demands in other countries.

Ambassador Mai Phan Dung, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, said that Mekong Delta localities should be more active in expanding international cooperation.

He pledged that the diplomat will always support them in investment promotion and attracting foreign investment.

At the meeting, heads of the Vietnamese representative agencies abroad, businesses and localities in the region discussed prospects for import-export, trade, investment and tourism cooperation between Ben Tre and foreign countries, as well as measures to bring Vietnamese coconut products to foreign markets, while working out solutions to increase investment, trade and tourism promotion in the future.

Tet greetings sent to Vietnamese engineers at Algeria-based joint venture

Vietnamese Ambassador to Algeria Tran Quoc Khanh visited and offered Lunar New Year (Tet) greetings to the Vietnamese engineers at the oil and gas joint venture of Groupement Bir Seba (GBRS) on January 22 - 23.

The Algeria-based GBRS is the first overseas oil and gas project that the Petrovietnam Exploration Production Corporation (PVEP) has acted as the operator. The other parties in this joint venture are Algeria’s national oil and gas firm Sonatrach and the Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT).

After nearly eight years of operation, the GBRS officially produced the 50 millionth oil barrel on October 28, 2023, becoming one of the most productive overseas investments of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam).

Nguyen Thanh Hai, co-General Director of the GBRS, said 28 Vietnamese personnel from the PVEP are joining in this joint venture, most of them holding important positions like directors or division heads. Vietnamese engineers also play the leading role in terms of techniques and take part in the making of critical decisions.

Apart from engaging in plant operation, this is also the first overseas project for which Petrovietnam has conducted drilling and provided well services. The Petrovietnam Drilling & Well Service Corporation (PV Drilling) has sent a rig to the Bir Seba oil field to drill tens of wells, recording progress, cost, and efficiency highly valued by the other two partners, he noted.

Talking to the Vietnamese engineers of the joint venture, Ambassador Khanh said this is one of the most successful overseas investment projects of Petrovietnam, pledging that his embassy will continue giving support so that the project will keep developing.

Huong Viet magazine – cultural bridge connecting Vietnam, Germany

Established with the mission of being a cultural bridge between Vietnam and Germany, for the last 15 years, Huong Viet, an online magazine of Vietnamese people in Germany, has kept promoting its role and maintaining its position as a leading Vietnamese electronic information site in Germany.

Vietnamese media assess the magazine as an important information channel, especially for Vietnamese people living, studying, and working in Germany and the EU.

Launched on January 24, 2009, Huong Viet updates information about the Vietnamese community, the homeland, and Germany, which helps more than 200,000 overseas Vietnamese people in Germany better integrate into the host community.

The magazine also joins in organising or sponsoring dozens of annual community events in Germany. Notably, it also co-organises cultural events, sports, music, exhibitions, beauty contests, and singing contests, aiming to help overseas Vietnamese preserve and promote the Vietnamese cultural values and strengthen solidarity in the Vietnamese community.

The magazine organsised a trip for overseas Vietnamese to return to Vietnam to hand over the condolence book of the magazine’s readers to the family of General Vo Nguyen Giap and visit Truong Sa.

In 2024, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Huong Viet magazine and the 50th anniversary of Vietnam - Germany relations, the magazine is preparing a special programme promoting Vietnamese culture.

With efforts and contributions for more than a decade, Huong Viet Magazine and its Editor-in-Chief Pham Khanh Nam have received many awards, and certificates of merit from agencies at all levels.

Deputy PM asks for positive changes in children-related affairs in 2024

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has asked for greater efforts and decisive, robust, and effective actions from relevant sectors to create tangible changes in caring for, educating and protecting children in 2024 and the future.

In his conclusion at a regular meeting in 2023 of the National Committee for Children, which was issued by the Government Office on January 24, the Deputy PM demanded the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) to collect opinions and proposals from members of the National Committee for Children, and complete a report on the implementation of children's rights and resolve children-related issues in 2023, and 2024 plan of the committee.

MoLISA was tasked with building a plan for the implementation of Directive No. 28-CT/TW dated December 25, 2023 by the Politburo on enhancing the work of caring for, protecting and educating children to meet the requirements for the prosperous and happy development of the country. It is also responsible for building a plan to implement recommendations made by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child for Vietnam, and outline specific measures to address the UN's recommendations for improving key indicators related to children in sustainable development.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism will coordinate with the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Education and Training, and relevant ministries and sectors to establish criteria for swimming pools and organise swimming lessons in schools and cultural and sports facilities for children in the community.

The Ministry of Information and Communications will monitor and assess the impact of online platforms and artificial intelligence, thus developing solutions to protect children in the online environment.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health will collaborate with relevant ministries and sectors to conduct research and provide recommendations on the harmful effects of electronic cigarettes, stimulants, and psychoactive substances on the physical and mental health of children.

The Ministry of Education and Training and relevant ministries and sectors will work on reviewing and improving criteria for food safety and hygiene, and health services in schools, and implementing specific measures to control and reduce school violence, and developing criteria related to the school culture.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Security will direct local police forces to strengthen preventive measures, investigations, and handling of crimes related to the abuse of children and offenses involving under-18-year-old individuals.

The Deputy PM requested the Ministry of Finance to coordinate with relevant agencies in revising, and supplementing necessary regulations and instructions to remove difficulties and obstacles in mobilising and managing resources for the child-related affairs.

The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuracy were urged to build and implement laws regarding child-friendly justice system and juveniles; and ensure Vietnam's commitment to the rights of children in investigation, prosecution, and trial processes.

Member units of the National Committee for Children will continue to implement and organise the implementation of approved programmes, action plans, and initiatives to complete objectives related to children under their responsibilities, towards guaranteeing the comprehensive development of children, and providing them with a safe, healthy, and friendly living environment.

Attention will also paid to further standardising human resources involved in the child-related affairs, especially those responsible for child protection at the grassroots level, and promoting the role and creativity of organisations in caring for, educating and protecting children.

Vietnam seeks stronger parliamentary cooperation with France

President of the Vietnam-France Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group Nguyen Thuy Anh paid a visit to France from January 23-24 to seek cooperation opportunities with French partners.

Anh, who is also Chairwoman of the National Assembly (NA)’s Committee for Social Affairs and President of the Vietnam-France Friendship and Cooperation Association, had meetings with President of the French Parliament's France-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group Anne Le Henanff, and Vice President of the France-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group at the French Senate Laurence Muller-Bronn.

Showing her delight at the growth of ties between the two countries, especially since the two sides set up their strategic partnership in 2013, Anh affirmed that Vietnam always treasures the relations with France and highly values the role of France in the region and the world.

Hailing the contributions of the two friendship parliamentarians’ groups to the bilateral legislative partnership, Anh expressed her hope that French parliamentarians will continue to cooperate with their Vietnamese peers to further promote bilateral relations in 2024 and following years.

Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang asked the two friendship parliamentarians’ groups to continue striving to push the French Parliament to approve the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) soon, while contributing their voice to the European Commission to remove the "yellow card" warning against Vietnamese seafood.

French parliamentarians showed special interest in the lawsuit of Tran To Nga, an overseas Vietnamese in France, against American chemicals companies that produced Agent Orange/dioxin sprayed in Vietnam during the war, and affirmed their support to Vietnamese Agent Orange/dioxin victims. They pledged to support Vietnam in areas of its demands.

In order to promote the Vietnam-France cooperation in health care, Anh and Thang had a working session with the France-Vietnam Medical Federation, hailing the contributions that French doctors have made to caring for the public health in Vietnam and listening to their opinions.

During her stay, Anh also held a working session with leaders of the France-Vietnam Friendship Association (AAFV) to explore the French side’s ideas on fostering the collaboration between the AAFV and the Vietnam-France Friendship and Cooperation Association, thus contributing to increasing people-to-people exchange as well as friendship and solidarity between the two peoples. The Vietnamese official took the occasion to thank the AAFV for its support to Vietnam over the past 60 years.

As the Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophone (APF)'s Vietnam Sub-Committee, Anh had a working session with APF Secretary General Damien Cesselin to discuss a number of cooperation contents of the Vietnamese NA in this multilateral mechanism.

No subjectivity in natural disaster prevention, control: Deputy PM

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang once again stressed the absolute point of view of no subjectivity in natural disaster prevention and control as the weather situation is forecast to continue experiencing abnormal changes.

Chairing a conference summing up natural disaster prevention and control, and search and rescue works last year and putting forward key tasks for 2024 held in Hanoi on January 24, Quang requested the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control to proactively carry out its task to minimise damage to people and property.

Ministries and localities must maintain the principle ‘prevention is better than cure’. They must provide timely information and instructions to people, including by phone messages, so people can protect themselves, and actively participate in the work of preventing, combating and overcoming natural disaster consequences.

The Deputy PM required ministries and sectors to strengthen international cooperation to learn from experience and call for external resources.

Science and technology should be further applied to improve the prevention effectiveness and quick recovery after natural disasters.

From the beginning of 2023 to January 10 this year, the country suffered more than 5,300 disasters, killing 924 people, injuring 977, and leaving more than 200 others missing. As many as 1,740 factories and market kiosks were affected, while 1,346ha of forest were destroyed.

Disasters also damaged 15,977 houses, 115km of dikes, embankments and canals, more than 700 irrigation works and nearly 200 temporary bridges.

They swept away more than 151,200ha of rice and crops, damaged more than 3,500ha of aquaculture area, and killed over 75,000 cattle and poultry heads.

Economic losses due to natural disasters totalled about 8.2 trillion VND (332 million USD).

During the period, ministries and localities assigned 204,500 people and more than 23,100 vehicles to cope with natural disasters.

Ministries and localities moved more than 962,000 people and over 201,000 vehicles to safe places.

They instructed 328,227 ships with more than 1.6 million fishermen to proactively avoid storms and tropical depressions.

India’s Punjabi folk dances wow audiences in Ben Tre

An Indian Punjabi folk dance cultural exchange programme was held in the southern province of Ben Tre on January 24 to mark the 52nd anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and India (January 7, 1972-2024) and the 74th anniversary of the Indian Republic Day (January 26, 1950-2024).

Nguyen Van Trung, Director of the provincial Department of Culture and Sports, shared that the programme helps popularise the Indian folk dance to more Vietnamese audiences and consolidate the solidarity, friendship and mutual understanding between the two sides.

Tushar Garg from the Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City said that culture and exchanges between the two peoples play an important role in strengthening the relationship between the two countries. The programme is a positive step towards cooperation with Ben Tre province, and there will be more exchange activities to strengthen the ties between Vietnam and India in the coming time.

Participants had a chance to contemplate popular Indian folk dances such as Jhmar, Jhang, Mirze-Sahiban, and Bhangra dances. In addition, typical dance performances and musical instrument ensembles of Ben Tre province including flute performances, and “don ca tai tu” (southern amateur music) were also presented.

Punjabi dances are an array of folk and religious dances of the indigenous people of the Punjab region, straddling the border of India and Pakistan. The styles of Punjabi dances range from very high energy to slow and reserved, and there are specific styles for men and women.

HCM City's leader works with heads of representative agencies abroad

Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Vo Van Hoan on January 25 worked with a delegation of newly-appointed heads of Vietnamese representative agencies abroad, led by Ambassador Mai Phan Dung, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, WTO and other international organisations in Geneva, Switzerland.

Briefing the diplomats on the city’s situation, Hoan said that the southern largest economic hub is working to renovate its economy, focusing on high technology industries, and green and sustainable development, in a bid to retain its role as the country’s economic growth driver.

Underlining that the city is in need of external resources during its development process, he suggested ambassadors and heads of representative agencies abroad to introduce and call on foreign investors to invest in transport infrastructure, urban development and new technology industries in the city.

The official also proposed the diplomats to advise international partners to help HCM City to build the policy framework and engage in new areas in the city such as the building of an international financial centre and smart urban development.

Besides, the city also hopes for support from the diplomats in external affairs, thus enhancing the efficiency of cooperation with international partners, Hoan said.

On behalf of the delegation, Ambassador Mai Phan Dung said that the newly-appointed ambassadors and heads of representative agencies abroad are highly aware of their responsibilities in contributing to the growth of HCM City, and pledged to work hard to promote the city’s integration and development process through specific and practical actions such as supporting investment attraction activities, promoting exports and building and perfecting policies.

At the meeting, the newly-appointed ambassadors to Thailand, Sri Lanka, Argentina, Kuwait, Qatar, Cuba, and the Consul General in Vancouver, Canada, put forth recommendations to help HCM City foster its connections with foreign localities and strengthen cooperation with foreign partners in the fields of economy, investment, trade, and people-to-people exchanges.

More Vietnamese volunteer soldiers’ remains repatriated from Cambodia

The provincial Steering Committee for search, collection and identification of fallen soldiers’ remains (Steering Committee 515) in the Mekong Delta province of Long An on January 25 held a ceremony at Binh Hiep international border gate to receive 34 boxes of remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who laid down their lives in the battlefields in Cambodia during wartime.

The remains were found in Cambodia’s Pailin, Battambang and Svay provinces during the first phase in the 2023-2024 dry season. Search activities were conducted at 62 locations, and the construction of an area to worship and keep remains of Vietnamese soldiers and experts in the Pailin military sub-region started.

Since 2001, a team in charge of the work has searched, gathered and repatriated remains of 2,401 martyrs.

Quang Binh province works hard on fighting IUU fishing

The central province of Quang Binh has taken drastic measures to effectively combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in a bid to have the European Commission (EC)’s “yellow card” warning against Vietnam’s seafood exports lifted.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Doan Ngoc Lam said the local authorities have requested departments, sectors and localities to further tighten the management, monitoring, inspection and control of fishing vessel activities, and strictly handle those violating fishing regulations.

The locality will continue to pay heed to controlling vessel entry and exit at ports, carrying out origin certification and confirmation of the seafood, and the registration and marking of fishing vessels.

It will also enhance coordination with other provinces to effectively manage fishing vessels and fishing output, while promoting training activities for local fishermen on ship registration procedures.

Quang Binh has over 116km of coastline and 3,705 fishing vessels, including over 3,500 vessels with a length of 6 metres or more.

Over the past time, the province has achieved positive results in the fight against IUU fishing.

The provincial Department of Fisheries strengthens 24/7 monitoring through the Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS). Border guard stations, authorities of coastal districts such as Le Thuy, Quang Ninh, Bo Trach and Quang Trach, Dong Hoi city and Ba Don town have also engaged in the management and supervision of fishing activities and fishing vessels. 

In 2023, Quang Binh's fishing output reached more than 83,000 tonnes, up 4.6% compared to 2022.

State leader extends Tet greetings to people, forces in Dong Thap

President Vo Van Thuong visited and offered Lunar New Year (Tet) greetings to people, the mobile police, and the customs force of the Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap on January 25.

In Hong Ngu, he applauded this border district’s fulfillment of all development targets for five consecutive years, 2019 - 2023, with rapid poverty reduction and people’s improved life quality.

The State leader asked the Party organisations, administrations, and people of Hong Ngu and Tan Hong districts along with Hong Ngu city to stay united to strongly develop their localities and eradicate poverty in the near future. He also required that the provincial authorities further develop socio-economic infrastructure to facilitate trading and pay more attention to education, health care, and social security.

He told the local border guard and police forces to keep close monitoring of the local situation, give timely advice to authorities, and stay ready to respond to any circumstance.

Talking to local residents, he called on them to join hands with authorities to build a border of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development, expressing his hope that they will maintain solidarity to together move forwards.

Visiting the mobile police battalion of Dong Thap, President Thuong highly valued the unit’s performance in helping guarantee local security and order.

Given complex developments in the region and the world and sabotage activities by hostile forces, he asked the public security force, including the mobile police, to uphold their traditions, step up the building of an elite, and modern public security force, and strong Party organisation that is truly a trustworthy source of support for people.

Coming to send Tet greetings to the customs sub-department of the Thuong Phuoc International Border Gate, President Thuong noted Thuong Phuoc is an important international waterways border gate in the Mekong Delta and critical to trade activities between Vietnam and Cambodia.

He spoke highly of the sub-department’s performance in customs clearance, smuggling and trade fraud combat, and e-customs implementation.

The leader went on to say that as trade between the two countries is on the rise, the sub-department needs to exert stronger efforts to fulfill tasks, including facilitating trade in farm produce, improve personnel capacity, and submit timely proposals to authorities to respond to any issue emerging, thus helping ensure peace, stability, and development along the border.

He also asked the customs force to pay due attention to the ties with the Cambodian side to help strengthen relations.

Inspection Commission looks into violations in several localities

The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission convened its 36th session in Hanoi on January 24-25, during which it mulled over violations in Bac Ninh province.

According to the commission, the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the provincial People’s Committee has violated the principle of democratic centralism and working regulations, and showed a lack of responsibility and relaxed leadership. This let the People’s Committee and many organisations and individuals violate the Party’s regulations and the State’s laws during the management and implementation of some projects and bidding packages carried out by Advanced International JSC (AIC group) and its subsidiaries.

Many Party organisations and members in the province have been disciplined and criminally handled, it said.

Such violations have caused very serious consequences, and huge losses to State assets and coffer, triggered public concern, and negatively affected the reputation of the Party organisation and local authorities, to the extent that they must be handled, the commission noted.

It said the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the provincial People’s Committee for the 2011-2016 and 2016-2021 tenures must bear the responsibility for the violations, listing the names of individuals involved.

The Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee for the 2010-2015 and 2015-2020 terms, the Party delegation to the provincial People’s Council for 2016-2021, and other Party organisations and members also played a role in the above-said violations, the commission said.

The commission issued warnings against the Party Civil Affairs Committees of the provincial People’s Committee for 2011-2016 and 2016-2021, the Standing Board of the Party Committee of Bac Ninh city for 2010- 2015, the Party Committees of the provincial Departments of Finance and Education and Training, the Party Committees of the Office of the People’s Committee for 2010-2015, 2015-2020, the Party Committee of the Department of Planning and Investment for 2010-2015, the Party Committee of the Department of Information and Communications for 2015-2020, the Party Committee of Bac Ninh Environment and Urban Works One-Member Limited Company for 2010-2015, along with some related officials. 

It reprimanded the Party delegation to the provincial People’s Council for 2016-2021, the Party Committees of the Departments of Planning and Investment, Health, and Construction, and the Party Committee of Bac Ninh Environment and Urban Construction JSC for 2015-2020, and several officials. 

It proposed the Politburo and the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee consider and impose discipline against the Standing Boards of the provincial Party Committees for 2010-2015 and 2015-2020, and some individuals.

The meeting also looked into the cases of some officials in Lam Dong and An Giang provinces, who displayed a degradation in political ideology, morality and lifestyle, and violated rules set for Party members as well as the Party’s regulations and the State’s laws while performing their duties, causing serious consequences.

The commission decided to expel Nguyen Viet Tri, member of the Party Committee of the bloc of agencies and enterprises of An Giang province, and Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

It proposed the Politburo and the Secretariat consider and impose disciplinary measures against those officials.

Remains of fallen soldiers repatriated from Cambodia

Forty-three remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who sacrificed their lives during wars in Cambodia, arrived home on January 25, with the welcoming ceremony held at the Hoa Lu international border gate in the southern province of Binh Phuoc’s Loc Ninh district.

Taking place in the two Cambodian provinces of Kratie and Kampong Thom, the search mission for these unidentified remains by the Binh Phuoc Military Command’s team K72 began on November 9 last year and lasted for 78 days.

Binh Phuoc will organise a memorial service and burial for the remains at the provincial martyrs' cemetery.

So far, 2,844 sets of remains from fallen heroes have been collected and repatriated by team K72 after more than two decades.

Latvia expects to fortify all-encompassing ties with Vietnam

President of Latvia Edgars Rinkevics on January 24 expressed a strong desire to enhance cooperation with Vietnam across all domains, with an aim to deepen the bilateral relationship and deliver practical benefits to the people of both nations.

During a meeting with Vietnamese Ambassador to Latvia Tran Van Tuan, who came to present his letter of credentials, Rinkevics expressed satisfaction with the positive trajectory of relations between Vietnam and the European Union (EU) in general and Latvia in particular, especially in economy and trade.

President Rinkevics also noted the increasing presence of Vietnamese students excelling academically in Latvian educational institutions.

Tuan, for his part, conveyed warm regards and wishes from President Thuong and other high-ranking Vietnamese leaders to the host.

He affirmed that Vietnam always values and wishes to further develop the friendly relations and multifaceted cooperation with Latvia.

In his capacity, he pledged dedicated efforts to advance bilateral ties across all spheres.  

Looking ahead, the embassy will collaborate with Latvian authorities to arrange a business delegation's visit to Vietnam in early 2025 to explore opportunities.

The same day, the Vietnamese Ambassador paid a courtesy call to Deputy Speaker of the Latvian Parliament Janis Grasbergs, during which both sides engaged in discussions on global and regional issues of shared interest, alongside measures to fortify Vietnam-Latvia relations in the upcoming time.

NA Chairman applauds Bac Lieu’s remarkable achievements

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue has congratulated the Mekong Delta province of Bac Lieu on surpassing its 2023 targets, achieving notable and comprehensive results that positioned it among well-performing localities in the region and the country.

During a working session with the standing board of the provincial Party Committee on January 25, Chairman Hue asked the provincial Party Organisation and authorities to actively realise resolutions of the eighth plenum of the Party Central Committee and translate the resolutions of the Party, NA and Government into local development tasks.

They were required to build action plans to roll out the approved provincial master plan, and effectively implement the NA’s resolution on certain mechanisms and policies for national target programmes, important policies regarding land and housing, and other regulations in laws and resolutions passed by the legislature.

Highlighting renewable energy, aquaculture and tourism as three pillars, Hue called for a concerted effort to improve business environment, drive balanced and comprehensive development of socio-culture, education and healthcare, aligning them with economic development, environment protection and adaptation to climate change.

With the Lunar New Year approaching, he urged special attention to providing care for policy beneficiary families, poor households and workers, ensuring a joyful and warm holiday season for them.

Last year, Bac Lieu showcased a commendable economic growth of 7.24%, securing the fifth position in the Mekong Delta and 24th nationwide. Its budget revenue exceeded the estimate by 13.2%, reaching 4.13 trillion VND (172.2 million USD).

Noteworthy achievements also included a reduction in the rate of poor households to 1.7% and a significant increase in exports.

Bac Lieu achieved a milestone by reaching 1 billion USD in export turnover, marking a 17.2% annual increase. Its tourism sector also showed robust growth, attracting nearly 4.3 million tourists and generating approximately 3.8 trillion VND in revenue.

Top legislator presents Tet gifts to policy beneficiaries, workers, armed forces in Bac Lieu

Chairman of the National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue on January 25 extended greetings and presented gifts on the occasion of the Lunar New Year (called Tet in Vietnamese) to families of policy beneficiaries, revolutionary contributors, poor households, Agent Orange/dioxin victims, and workers facing difficulties in the Mekong Delta province of Bac Lieu.

Speaking at the gathering with the groups, the NA Chairman urged local authorities and mass organisations to prepare the best possible conditions for local people to celebrate Tet, which is the biggest festival in a year for Vietnamese, in a joyous, healthy, safe, and economical manner.

He laid emphasis on the need to study and build mechanisms to help disadvantaged families and individual to sustainably escape poverty. For those facing extreme difficulties and lacking the capacity to rise above poverty, the authority should move them to the category of social welfare beneficiaries for ongoing care and support, the leader noted.

At the event, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, and the Vietnam Red Cross Society Central Committee presented 600 gifts to the groups. Meanwhile, Chairman of the NA's Council for Ethnic Affairs Y Thanh Ha Nie Kdam handed over a token of 300 million VND (12,189 USD), mobilised from social sources, to support disadvantaged ethnic minority people in the province.

On the same day, the top legislator visited, extended Tet greetings, and presented gifts to the armed forces of the province.

He commended the forces for effectively collaborating with each other in military affairs and local defence, ensuring political security, public order and crime prevention, as well as participating in social welfare activities.

Tay Ninh, Cambodian provinces boost traditional relations

Leaders from Cambodia, specifically the provinces of Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum, gathered to extend greetings and present gifts to the authorities of Vietnam's southern province of Tay Ninh on January 25, just ahead of the Lunar New Year festival.

Nguyen Thanh Ngoc, Chairman of the Tay Ninh provincial People’s Committee, expressed confidence in the continued collaboration between Vietnam and Cambodia to achieve new milestones in the construction and development of each country, contributing to the greater cause of peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

The Cambodian provinces bordering Tay Ninh are set to engage in a thorough review of the implementation of their cooperation agreements and sign new ones to bring the traditional friendship to a greater height, he revealed.

Governor of Svay Rieng province Peang Po Sa, for his part, praised the collective achievements in various sectors such as economy, trade, border security and order, in alignment with the signed agreements.

He wished that under the sound leadership of the Vietnamese and Cambodian Governments, the border provinces would persistently uphold the neighbourliness and traditional friendship and deepen the solid and effective comprehensive cooperation. This, he believed, will bring mutual benefits for the citizens of both countries.

Man kills wife and mother-in-law
Police in the central province of Nghe An are hunting for a man who stabbed his wife and parents-in-law, leaving two dead and one seriously injured. 

Chairman of Dong Thanh Commune People's Committee, Ngo Van Tuan, told the media that the incident occurred at 8.30 am on Thursday at a house in the area.

Hoang Van Lan, 46, walked to the house of his parents-in-law to call his wife Thai Thi Tinh, 45, home. Tinh went out to meet him and they quarrelled. Lan suddenly stabbed his wife with a knife. His mother-in-law Nguyen Thi Phien, 73, rushed out to prevent him and was also stabbed.

Lan then came in to continue stabbing his father-in-law Thai Duy Lai, 79, before fleeing.

The two women died on the spot while the man suffered serious injuries and has been rushed to hospital.

According to the police, Lan has just been released after serving a jail sentence for robbery. Lan and his wife recently separated and she came to live with her parents. The couple have two sons who work abroad.

Police are further investigating the case.

Vietnam desires stronger parliamentary ties with France

Nguyen Thuy Anh, president of the Vietnam-France Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group, paid a visit to France from January 23 to January 24 to seek co-operation opportunities with French partners.
Anh, who is also chairwoman of the National Assembly (NA)’s Committee for Social Affairs and President of the Vietnam-France Friendship and Cooperation Association, held meetings with Anne Le Henanff, president of the French Parliament's France-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group, and Laurence Muller-Bronn, vice president of the France-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group at the French Senate.

Showing her elation at the growth of ties between the two countries, especially since they set up their strategic partnership in 2013, Anh affirmed that the nation always treasures the relations with France and greatly values the role of the European country in the region and the world.

Applauding the contributions made by the two friendship parliamentarians’ groups to the bilateral legislative partnership, Anh expressed hope that French parliamentarians will continue to co-operate alongside their Vietnamese peers to further promote bilateral ties in 2024 and ahead in the following years.

Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang requested that the two friendship parliamentarians’ groups continue striving to push the French Parliament to approve the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) soon, while also contributing their voice to the European Commission to remove the "yellow card" warning against Vietnamese seafood.

French parliamentarians showed a special interest in the lawsuit of Tran To Nga, an overseas Vietnamese in France, against American chemicals companies that produced Agent Orange/dioxin sprayed in Vietnam during the war. They affirmed their support to Vietnamese Agent Orange/dioxin victims and pledged to support the Vietnamese side in areas of its demands.

In order to step up joint co-operation in health care, Anh and Thang held a working session with the France-Vietnam Medical Federation, hailing the contributions that French doctors have made to caring for the public health in the country and listening to their opinions.

During her stay, Anh also held a working session with leaders of the France-Vietnam Friendship Association (AAFV) to explore the French side’s ideas on enhancing the collaboration between the AAFV and the Vietnam-France Friendship and Cooperation Association. It is hoped that this will further contribute to intensifying people-to-people exchange as well as friendship and solidarity between the two peoples. The Vietnamese official used the occasion to thank the AAFV for its support given to Vietnam over the past 60 years.

As the chairwoman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophone (APF)'s Vietnam Sub-Committee, Anh had a working session with Damien Cesselin, secretary general of the APF, to discuss a number of co-operation contents of the Vietnamese NA in this multilateral mechanism.

High Hoop Basketball Festival empowers youth in Hà Nội

Sun Life Vietnam Insurance Company collaborated with the Saigon Heat to carry out a series of High Hoop basketball festivals, providing training support for children from the ages of eight to 13 years old in Hà Nội.

With many training practices and fun activities with basketball, children will improve their basketball skills and have an opportunity to interact with coaches and well-known professional basketball players and discover the secrets to reach for a brighter future.

The High Hoop Basketball Festival will inspire a passion for sports and a healthy lifestyle for children from an early age, promising to bring families an exciting and meaningful weekend. Participating in the festival, the kids will have the opportunity to learn skills, play basketball, and be trained by excellent coaches and players of the Saigon Heat - the VBA championship basketball team for four consecutive years. The event also promises many unique activities with exciting games and learning during the day of the event in each locality.

Previously, the festival also took place with many interesting activities in HCM City, Đà Nẵng and Vinh with the participation of nearly 600, 400, and 300 students, respectively.

For basketball teaching support classes, the organising committee will coordinate with basketball academies in HCM City, Đà Nẵng, Vinh and Hà Nội to select 20 students from each class in each locality who have the dream of pursuing basketball to foster and provide additional skills and tactics in competition.

“Basketball not only helps children practice their skills but also helps them build confidence and team spirit. With all these benefits, we continue to cooperate with the Saigon Heat team to nurture a passion for basketball and inspire young people to live healthy, active lives from an early age. We firmly believe that engaging in basketball activities is not merely a superficial gesture towards the community, but rather a profound commitment to shaping a brighter future,” said Lục Nhơn Lý, Chief Executive Officer of Sun Life Vietnam.

From 2018 to now, Sun Life Vietnam has participated in donating 442 basketball hoops and 2,210 basketballs to 255 schools in localities across the country. Recently, Sun Life Vietnam has also cooperated with the Saigon Heat as part of its commitment to developing sports talents in the sustainable development journey of physical and mental health for the community and Sun Life Vietnam's Clients. 

Troussier praises team, promises better performance

Philippe Troussier regretted Việt Nam's results at the Asian Cup but was full of praise for his team. He admitted there was a lot of work to be done.

They finished their campaign with no points despite spirited performances, losing to Japan, Iraq and Indonesia. The team made powerhouses Japan and Iraq work hard to secure their wins, while Indonesia could only take three points thanks to a penalty kick.

“With the likes of Japan and Iraq in our group, we always knew it was going to be really hard and I must say I am quite satisfied with Việt Nam’s performance over the three matches,” said Troussier on

“We have historically been losing control in the last 30 minutes of the game, and I think it has a lot to do with fitness because once you’re tired you tend to lose control over your emotions."

The Frenchman said that although Việt Nam were out prior to the Iraq match, players were asked to play their best for the national pride. The match was considered to be for his side's preparation for the World Cup qualification in March.

He appreciated players' strong effort and spirit till the last minutes and left Doha with impressive marks in people's hearts. He hoped that his team would continue to receive encouragement and recognition from local media and supporters.

Regarding the World Cup matches, Troussier said Việt Nam would have better performance in March and June. After that deadline, people would clearly judge the national team's achievement.

"I always want to look for the most positive aspects. Even in victory, I hope people to point out our imperfections. And when the results are not good, I hope to be reminded about our weaknesses that need improvement," he said.

He also confirmed that if the Việt Nam Football Federation officials still believed in him, he would work harder for the best result.

"I have worked in many different football backgrounds and my style is refined, not following any specific style. One of my methods is to motivate players to develop their maximum potential," he said.

"I chose Việt Nam because there are many talented players here. They easily adjust and adapt to new things at a higher level. As long as the players and VFF still trusts me, I will continue to make efforts."

Local media also quoted a source from a VFF leader who said: "Our opponents in the Asian Cup are very strong, while we faced with shortage of best forces. All changes took time, especially when Vietnamese football is in a rejuvenation phase. We think this is not the right time to discuss the issue of replacing coach Troussier."

He added that the upcoming two matches against Indonesia in the March World Cup qualifier would be the best answer for the hot seat of the 'White Witch'.

"In fact, the results of our first two rounds in the 2026 World Cup qualifiers are good. (In March) when we have the best players in the team, we can completely beat Indonesia," he said.

The Việt Nam delegation, divided into three groups, will arrive home on January 26.

They will dismiss for the local league before getting back together for training in mid-March in Hà Nội. 

Việt Nam will visit Indonesia on March 21 and host them five days later with the venues being confirmed later. 

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes