Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang has signed a decision approving a national action programme on women, peace and security for 2024-2030, a move to step up gender equality and women's role in ensuring peace, stability and sustainable development nationally and globally.

By 2030, the programme aims to increase the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women in the nation’s politics, diplomacy, defence, security, handling of non-traditional security challenges, and maintaining of international peace and security.

Its targets also cover the better prevention and response to gender-based violence, disasters, and non-traditional security challenges, the integration of gender perspectives into relief and recovery efforts, and the strengthening of international cooperation in the areas of women, peace, and security.

In pursuit of these goals, the programme sets forth specific tasks and solutions, including reviewing and improving mechanisms, policies, and laws to enhance the group’s related capacity and participation, as well as the effectiveness of gender-based violence prevention and response. It is also necessary to leverage support from international partners in implementing the programme.

Government convenes law-building session in January

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired the Government's session on law-building on January 29 to discuss three draft laws and two law proposals.

In his opening remarks, PM Chinh said the Government and each cabinet member have actively demonstrated a high sense of responsibility to effectively and synchronously implement strategic breakthroughs on institutional reforms with innovations and remarkable impactful results.

He clarified that the Government held 10 law-building sessions in 2023, and submitted 16 laws to the National Assembly for approval, including important ones such as the amended Land Law, the Law on Real Estate Business, and the Housing Law. The Government also issued 28 resolutions and gave comment on 10 bills. The Government and PM also promulgated 127 legal normative documents.

In 2024, the Government continues to focus on building and completing the institutions, one of the three strategic breakthroughs outlined in the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, he said.

The PM noted that this task is becoming increasingly challenging due to the large workload related to institution building and completion, persistent issues, and the emergence of unpredictable situations. He also emphasised that addressing these challenges requires the formulation of new policies that are tailored to the current situation, thus ensuring the continuous improvement of the quality of law-making.

The Government continues to implement Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW approved at the 6th plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee in 2022 on continuing to build and perfect the rule-of-law socialist State in the new period; the law and ordinance making programme for 2024; submit to the National Assembly for consideration and approval of the law and ordinance making programme for 2025; and organise the implementation of laws, ordinances and resolutions passed by the NA in 2023.

It will also conduct a review and amendment to existing legal regulations, aiming to eliminate difficulties, obstacles, and barriers, and to unlock all resources for development; and propose the building of new legal regulations to adapt to the 4th Industrial Revolution, and promote digital economy, green economy, circular economy, and emerging industries, the PM said.

ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat opens in Laos

The ASEAN Foreign Ministers(AMM)' Retreat opened in Luang Prabang city, Laos, on January 29 morning.

The Vietnamese delegation to the event was led by Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son.

The ministers are scheduled to look into the grouping’s priorities this year under the theme of “ASEAN: Enhancing Connectivity and Resilience”, and the materisalisation of outcomes reaped at the 33rd ASEAN Summit and others.

They will also touch upon issues regarding the building of the ASEAN Community, foreign relations and the regional and international situation.

Vietnam, Cambodia pledge to support Laos’ ASEAN Chairmanship 2024

Vietnam and Cambodia on January 28 pledged to provide maximum assistance to Laos to help it successfully perform the role as Chair of ASEAN 2024.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia Sok Chenda Sophea made the pledge at their meeting in Luang Prabang, Laos ahead of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ (AMM) Retreat.

The two ministers agreed to coordinate closely and support Laos to promote intra-bloc solidarity and bring into play ASEAN's central role in solving regional and international issues.

The Cambodian diplomat appreciated Vietnam's initiative to organise an ASEAN forum on rapid and sustainable development, taking people as the center in Laos in April.

At their meeting, Son and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Laos Saleumxay Kommasith expressed their delights at the growing special friendship, solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

The two sides agreed to effectively implement high-level agreements and results of the 46th Meeting of the Vietnam - Laos Intergovernmental Committee in January 2024 and continue to step up the implementation of the cooperation agreement between the two foreign ministries for the 2021-2025 period.

Son affirmed that Vietnam supports Laos in assuming the role of ASEAN Chairman in 2024 and it will closely coordinate with the neighbouring country in promoting the Strategic Plan of the ASEAN Community Vision to 2045.

The two ministers agreed to strengthen coordination and support each other at international, regional and sub-regional forums, and work with other member countries to maintain solidarity and strengthen ASEAN's central role in regional and international issues, including the East Sea issue.

Party organisations, members disciplined for wrongdoings

The Politburo and the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat convened a meeting on January 27 to consider disciplinary measures on a number of Party organisations and members for violating Party regulations.

The collectives included the Party Civil Affairs delegation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) in the 2016-2021 tenure.

After considering the proposal of the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission, members of the Politburo and Secretariat concluded that this delegation violated the principle of democratic centralism, the Party regulations, State laws and working regulations, and showed a lack of responsibility and relaxed direction and leadership, leading to many wrongdoings that caused serious consequences as well as a risk of great loss of money and assets of the State, investors, and consumers, and a waste of social resources.

The delegation is also responsible for many criminal cases in the MoIT with the involvement of many officials, triggering public concern, and negatively affecting the reputation of Party organisations and State management agencies, they said.

It also ignored the directions and decisions of authorised agencies, while issuing and implementing working regulations that went against the rule of the Politburo, and issuing resolutions that violated the working regulations, and failing to seriously implement the instructions of the Politburo and the Prime Minister. Therefore, criminal cases occurred at the MoIT, with many officials and Party members violating the law, and many members of the delegation and Deputy Ministers prosecuted and detained.

At the meeting, the Politburo and the Secretariat also discussed violations of some Party organisations and members at the Party Organisation of northern Bac Ninh province, including the Party Committee of Bac Ninh in the 2010-2015 and 2015-2020 tenures, as well as former Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and former Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Nhan Chien, former Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and former Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Tu Quynh.

They also discussed wrongdoings by some Party members of the Party Organisations of Lam Dong and An Giang provinces, including member of the Party Central Committee and Chairman of the People's Committee of Lam Dong Tran Duc Quan.

Concluding the meeting, the Politburo and the Secretariat decided to give warnings to the Executive Boards of the Party Committee of Bac Ninh in the 2010-2015 and 2015-2020 tenures.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung and former Minister - head of the Government Office Mai Tien Dung were repremanded.

The Politburo and Secretariat proposed the Party Central Committee to expel former Secretary of the Bac Ninh Party Committee and former Chairman of the Bac Ninh provincial People's Committee Nguyen Nhan Chien; and member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Lam Dong Party Committee, and Chairman of the Lam Dong provincial People's Council from the Party.

The Secretariat gave warnings to the MoIT's Party Civil Affairs delegatioin in the 2016-2021 tenure and reprimanded the MoIT's Party Civil Affairs delegation in the 2021-2026 tenure.

Vietnamese, RoK FMs pledge to work together in strengthening bilateral trust

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son and his counterpart from the Republic of Korea (RoK) Cho Tae Yul agreed to continue strengthening trust between the two countries through delegation exchanges at high and all levels, and promoting trade partnership, in their telephone talks on January 26.

The two sides concurred to work closely together to speed up the effective implementation of the action programme to boost the Vietnam-RoK comprehensive strategic partnership.

The two FMs pledged to encourage Korean firms to expand investment in Vietnam, build more research and development centres, and transfer core and source technologies to Vietnam, while coordinating in making the full use of the RoK's Economic Development Co-operation Fund (EDCF) and the Economic Development Promotion Facility (EDPF).

The RoK will help Vietnam develop cultural industries, expand exchanges among youngsters of the two countries, and provide more scholarships for Vietnamese students to study in the RoK.

The two FMs vowed to work for the strengthening of cooperation among localities of the two countries through practical activities such as the Meet Korea programme, while the RoK will continue supporting Vietnam in high quality human resources training and increasing the receiving of Vietnamese workers in the future.

The two sides agreed to continue coordinating closely and supporting each other at regional and international forums.

FM Son suggested that the RoK continue to cooperate closely with Vietnam within the ASEAN-RoK partnership while assisting Vietnam in performing the role of the coordinator for the ASEAN-RoK relations in the 2021-2024 tenure and organising the Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 (P4G) Summit in 2025.

He also asked for the RoK's support and vision sharing on ensuring maritime and aviation security, safety and freedom of navigation and overflights in the East Sea, maintaining a peaceful and stable environment as well as a legal order, and settling disputes at sea through peaceful measures in line with international law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982.

FM Son took the occasion to congratulate Cho for being appointed as the RoK's FM, affirming that he is ready to work with FM Cho and strengthen cooperation between the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs to promote the Vietnam-RoK comprehensive strategic partnership.

FM Cho expressed delight at the growth of the ties between the two countries, underlining that his country attaches great importance to relations with Vietnam and considers it an important partner in the RoK's foreign policy in the region.

Vietnam wins numerous ASEAN tourism awards

Vietnam had 25 destinations and establishments named in different categories of the ASEAN Tourism Awards at a ceremony held as part of the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2024 in Laos on January 26.

They were honoured for six categories, namely ASEAN Green Hotel, ASEAN Clean Tourist City, ASEAN MICE Venue Award for Meeting Room, ASEAN MICE Venue Award for Exhibition Venue, ASEAN MICE Venue Award for Event Venue, and  ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Award for Gastronomy Tourism theme.

Notably, the tourism product of experiencing traditional northern cuisine at Duong Lam ancient village, Hanoi's Son Tay township, is one of the two Vietnamese tourism products that won the ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Award for Gastronomy Tourism.

The Thang Long Imperial Citadel and many hotels of Hanoi were also honoured at the event.

This shows Hanoi's efforts to develop diverse and tourism quality products, thus speeding up the recovery of the sector.

Themed "Quality and Responsible Tourism Sustaining ASEAN Future", the ATF 2024 aims to strengthen collaboration in further improving ASEAN tourism products to attract more international visitors.

It is the largest annual event held alternately among the 10 ASEAN countries, creating a space for cooperation to promote this region to become an attractive tourist destination globally.

This event demonstrated determination to improve the quality of tourism services and orient sustainable tourism development in the region, with the aim of creating quality destinations and tourism industry with responsible actions towards the environment and nature, meeting the requirements for more rapid and sustainable recovery of the sector in the future.

Hanoi achieves all population targets

Hanoi achieves all population targets hinh anh 1
Hanoi achieves all seven population targets that it set for 2023, according to the city’s Health Department, including reducing the third child birth rate and sex ratio at birth. (Photo: VNA)

The city exceeded its targets in regular health check-ups for old people, pre-marital health checks and consultations, the number of people using new contraceptive methods, and prenatal and newborn screening.

The city’s health sector effectively implemented projects and plans on population work such as those on expanding screening, diagnosis, and treatment of prenatal and neonatal diseases and illnesses, healthcare for the elderly in the 2017 – 2025 period, enhancing physical strength and height of Hanoi people by 2030, and improving the capacity of health workers in population work at all levels in the 2022 – 2030 period.

Currently, Hanoi is the second largest city by population in Vietnam after Ho Chi Minh City, with 8,587,141 people in 2023, accounting for about 8.56% of the country's population. The mechanical population growth rate remains high with an average yearly increase of about 200,000, which creates great pressure in implementing population policy in the city.

This year, the capital city is striving to reduce the third child birth rate by 0.15% year-on-year, provide regular health check to 88% of the elderly, and conduct screening of four common disease for 84% of pregnant women and five common diseases for 89% of new-borns.

Fishermen in Bình Định Province collect trash from sea for shore

After a 20-day trip at sea to the fishing grounds off Trường Sa (Spratly) Archipelago, vessel BD-99028TS captained by Nguyễn Văn Lai of Bình Định Province, returned to Quy Nhơn City with 18 tonnes of striped fish and 50 ocean tuna.

It also brought 13kg of plastic waste collected from the sea to hand over to the Quy Nhơn Fishing Port plastic waste collection team for recycling.

Not only are they kicking their own habit of littering at sea, fishermen in Bình Định Province are also collecting waste and bringing it ashore as part of efforts to clean up the ocean.

Lai said this was the second time he and his crew had collected and brought waste to shore.

"When we were educated and given waste bags we gradually become more aware and stopped throwing trash into the sea,” he told

“After eating and drinking, we put the trash in bags and bring it ashore. We always tell each other [not to throw waste in the sea] to raise awareness of environmental protection."

Phan Thanh Trưởng, 52, of Đống Đa Ward in Quy Nhon City, owner of fishing boat BD-91052 TS, said about a recent trip: "This trip was very meaningful because we not only caught a large amount of fish but also brought back a lot of trash and empty cans and bottles from the sea.”

His vessel brought back more than 13kg of plastic waste and he sold it for VNĐ4,000 (16 US cent) per kilogramme.

The trash is exactly what fishermen discard during a trip to sea, he said.

"I always remind my crew while fishing offshore not to throw trash into the sea but to collect them in a bag and bring back.”

Ngô Minh Châu, 50, of Hoài Nhơn Township, who owns boat BD-99146 TS, recently brought back 22kg of plastic waste.

His family has four fishing boats with 40 crew members, and all collect plastic waste from sea as part of the programme which Bình Định authorities recently launched.

"When Bình Định Province launched the plastic waste recycling model, I immediately supported it because it was so meaningful.

“For a long time fishermen mostly dumped waste into the sea, but now I feel guilty about the act.

“Actually [it] is wasteful because the plastic can be recycled.”

Nguyễn Văn Luyến, a veteran fisherman, said: "The fact that the fishermen agreed to bring the waste to shore is a meaningful action that contributes to creating an unpolluted marine environment.”

Nguyễn Thị Minh Lệ, head of plastic waste collection at the port, said the programme began in November last year, and so far 102kg of waste has been brought back by 10 fishing vessels.

The waste includes plastic bottles of various colours, bottle caps and other types of packaging, she said.

"We classify and sell the waste … for recycling.”

Đào Xuân Thiện, the port’s director, said: "We always encourage fishermen to bring waste from the sea, which will help spread the message to people living near the port.

“They see that ocean trash is brought ashore, and realise people must be responsible for protecting the environment and not litter.”

The person who co-opted boat owners is Dr Trần Văn Vinh, deputy director of the province Department of Fisheries.

Vinh said an investigation in 2021 by the department found that a majority of fishing boats threw plastic waste directly into the sea, with each generating 10-15kg of plastic waste per trip of 15-20 days.

Thus, with province’s 3,200 boats discharged a combined four tonnes over a single trip.

From the study he came up with the idea of​​ fishing vessels salvaging plastic waste.

He developed specialised funnel-shaped mesh bags and other garbage collection tools to supply the boats.

"The tools are very simple and familiar to fishermen. If they are damaged, fishermen can repair them themselves or even make new bags from the discarded fishing gear.

“The bags are designed to hang from the boats, and so do not take up much space, and hold the trash securely.”

The programme was recognised by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which funded tests and production of plastic waste sorting machines and compactors for recycling.

Since November over 200 boats trialled the programme.

After a successful pilot, the programme is set to be expanded to sign up all 3,200 fishing boats in the province, Vinh added. 

International defence exhibition to be held to celebrate 80th anniversary of Việt Nam People's Army

The second Việt Nam International Defence Exhibition and a State-level rally will be held to welcome the 80th anniversary of the Việt Nam People's Army foundation, the Ministry of National Defence announced.

The 80th anniversary of the Việt Nam People's Army foundation will be organised in December this year.

Speaking at a press conference on Friday, Senior Lieutenant General Hoàng Xuân Chiến, Deputy Minister of Defence, said that defence diplomacy implemented the policy of multilateralisation.

It deploys foreign affairs, comprehensive and deep defence integration on both bilateral and multilateral levels.

​The Ministry of Defence (MoD) currently has cooperation with over 100 countries and international organisations, including the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, and members of the G20 and G7.

"The cooperations include not only exchanging and sharing experiences, but also involves trade and military technology," said Chiến.

The MoD also has 33 military and defence attaché organisations in 41 countries and international organisations.

In the work of equipping weapons, the Lieutenant General said that the military coordinated with partners to transfer technology and build a modern, dual-use defence industry.

On behalf of the Việt Nam defence industry, Major General Lê Quang Tuyến said that the Việt Nam International Defence Exhibition is scheduled to be held from December 19 to 22.

The exhibition will share achievements and experiences in research and production, exploiting and using weapons, technical equipment and promoting cooperation in the field of defence industry among participating countries.

This is also an opportunity to promote Việt Nam’s culture, country and the people to international friends.

The exhibition will take place at the Gia Lâm Airport in Hà Nội with the theme "Peace, friendship, cooperation for mutual development".

In addition to displaying combat vehicles, the exhibition will include demonstrations of fighter aircraft.

With its large scale and stature, the exhibition will invite more than 140 high-ranking international delegations including ministers, deputy ministers, commanders of national defence and security forces, and more than 350 high-level domestic delegations.

Main display areas at the exhibition include air defence – air force systems and equipment such as fighter aircraft, helicopters, hybrid drones, artillery complexes and anti-aircraft missiles; naval systems and equipment such as submarines, warships, unmanned ships and reconnaissance equipment; army systems and equipment involving infantry weapons, self-propelled guns, tanks, armoured vehicles; security systems and equipment embracing biometrics, anti-terrorism, cyber-crime prevention and lethal weapons. 

PM inspects combat readiness at Ministry of National Defence

Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính urged General Department II (General Department for Defence Intelligence) under the Ministry of National Defence to improve its leadership capacity and combat readiness, especially during the Tết (Lunar New Year) holiday, during his pre-Tết visit to the unit on Friday.

He praised the unit for accomplishing the tasks of a strategic intelligence agency of the Party, the State, the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence.

The unit was honoured to receive the First Class Victory Medal awarded by the Party and State. A number of groups and individuals were awarded the Victory Medal and Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister.

PM Chính affirmed that under the leadership of the Party and State, especially the direct leadership of the Central Military Commission, the Government, the Prime Minister and the Ministry of National Defence, General Department II has grown, proved its important position and role and successfully completed assigned tasks, contributing to building and protecting the Fatherland "early and from afar". The unit has been recognised and highly appreciated by the Party, State and people.

In 2024, in the context of complicated and unexpected global and regional situations in which peace, cooperation and development are still the common aspiration of humanity, Chính asked the General Department for Defence Intelligence to make better preparations to accept all tasks assigned by the Party and State.

He urged the department to continue improving its strategic prediction capacity, firmly grasp the situation, and advise the Party and State on appropriate measures to firmly protect the Fatherland.

He said the department must streamline its apparatus to have a compact, strong, professional, effective and functional system, and build a contingent of intelligence officers with political bravery, strategic vision and professional knowledge to take on missions.

Affirming that military intelligence is a special force of the armed forces, the Prime Minister requested General Department II to properly evaluate partners and other subjects to have appropriate policies.

The unit was asked to follow the instruction and request of Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng: "No matter the circumstances, our Military Intelligence is only allowed to grow stronger… absolutely loyal, forever confident in the Party,” and be dedicated to serving the goals and ideals of the Party, the Fatherland and the people. 

Vietnamese in Malaysia, Brunei enjoy Tet

The Vietnamese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur held a Lunar New Year (Tet) celebration programme for the Vietnamese community in Malaysia on January 26.

Opening the event, Ambassador Duong Ngoc Linh said that the annual programme is a special event for the Vietnamese community in Malaysia and abroad, showing the great attention from the Party and State to the community.

Highlighting major achievements that the country has gained so far, the diplomat hailed the contributions from the Vietnamese community abroad in general and Malaysia in particular to this common success.

He lauded the solidarity of the nearly 30,000 Vietnamese in Malaysia, expressing his hope that they will continue promoting this tradition.

Within the programme's framework, Ambassador Linh presented certificates of merit to a number of members of associations of Vietnamese people for their contributions to community charity activities last year.

Also on January 1, the Vietnamese Embassy in Bruinei organised a Homeland Spring programme for nearly 200 Vietnamese people in the country ahead of the New Year of the Dragon.

Ambassador Tran Anh Vu briefed the participants on the socio-economic achievements of Vietnam and the progress of the Vietnam-Brunei ties last year.

He called on the Vietnamese community in the country to continue staying united and promoting the image of the Vietnamese people and culture to Brunei and international friends.

Participants at the event had a chance to enjoy art performances and traditional dishes of Vietnam.

Tet celebrations held for Vietnamese in Cambodia

Hundreds of Cambodian people of the Vietnamese origin from all localities of Cambodia, Vietnamese and Khmer businesses of the Vietnamese origin and students, as well as a large number of guests gathered at the Vietnamese Embassy in Phnom Penh on January 26 to celebrate the Lunar New Year (Tet), the biggest traditional festival of the Vietnamese people.

Addressing the event, Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang briefed participants on major socio-economic achievements that Vietnam gained last year, including a GDP growth of 5.05% and import-export revenue of 681 billion USD.

To date, Vietnam has shared diplomatic relations with 193 countries, and set up strategic or comprehensive strategic partnerships with all five members of the UN Security Council, he noted.

The diplomat said that in 2024, Vietnam and Cambodia will strive for a two-way trade value of over 10 billion USD, paving the way for achieving a higher target of 20 billion USD in the future.

The ambassador expressed his hope that the Cambodian people of the Vietnamese origin will continue to promote the tradition of solidarity and mutual support, overcoming all difficulties and making contributions to the Vietnam-Cambodia ties.

Speaking to Vietnam News Agency, Huynh Minh Phu, Chairman of the Khmer-Vietnam Association in Phnom Penh, said that the event created an exciting atmosphere for all Vietnamese people in Phnom Penh in particular and in Cambodia in general, helping them stay closer to the homeland.

Addressing the event, supreme advisor to the Cambodian King, Vice President of the Cambodian People's Party and Chairwoman of the Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Association Samdech Men Sam An underlined the close ties and the traditional friendship between Vietnam and Cambodia.

The official highlighted efforts of the two countries in completing border demarcation and landmark planting, thus building a shared borderline of peace, stability, cooperation, and development.

She also extended New Year greetings to the Vietnamese community in Cambodia.

On the occasion, the Vietnamese Embassy presented certificates of merit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the embassy to individuals with outstanding contributions to the community work and the growth of the Vietnam-Cambodia ties

On January 27, Viettel Cambodia (Metfone), a subsidiary of the Military Industry and Telecoms Group (Viettel) coordinated with the Vietnamese Embassy in Phom Penh and the Khmer-Vietnamese Association in Cambodia to launch a Tet celebration programme for Vietnamese community there, during which 1,075 Tet gifts worth 22,655 USD were offered to the needy from the community across Cambodia.

Cultural, sport exchange helps strengthen Vietnam-Laos solidarity

A culture and sport exchange programme between students of the northwestern mountainous province of Dien Bien and six northern Lao provinces, namely Luang Prabang, Phongsaly, Luang Namtha, Bo Keo, Xaynhabuly, and Udom Xay,  kicked off in Dien Bien on Jannaury 27.

In his opening speech, Vice Chairman of the Dien Bien provincial People’s Committee Vu A Bang highlighted the special solidarity relationship between Vietnam and Laos, noting that Dien Bien shares more than 400km of border lines with Laos.

In recent years, Dien Bien’s Party organisations and authorities at all levels have initiated many activities to promote exchange between the two peoples, contributing to tightening the relationship between the two Parties and the two States.

This programme aims to further foster solidarity, friendship, and exemplary international relations of the two countries, and strengthen experience sharing in education - training, culture, arts, and sports, helping their people to understanding more about culture and traditions of respective nations.  

It also demonstrates the strength of solidarity, friendship, cooperation for mutual development, and is one of the activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the  Dien Bien Phu victory (May 7, 1954 - 2024).

The event will last until January 30.

Paris Peace Accords: Gateway to peace and lesson for national defence

The Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam (Paris Peace Accords), which was signed in Paris on January 27, 1973, was the success of one of the toughest and longest negotiations in world diplomacy.

Recalling stories about the negotiations, diplomat Pham Ngac, 90, the youngest member of the Vietnamese team then, said that they took nearly five years from May 13, 1968 to January 27, 1973 with 202 open sessions, 36 private and secret sessions, 500 press conferences, and 1,000 interviews and talks.

Particularly, some talks lasted until 3am, right after that, the Vietnamese team had to take a flight home to make reports, carrying with them the minute of the freshly-ended meetings, he said.

However, despite difficulties, all members of the team always maintained a strong mind to complete their assigned tasks, the veteran diplomat said.

In the mind of Ngac, at 12:30 (Paris time) on January 22, 1973, the Paris Peace Accords were initialed by Special Advisor of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam Le Duc Tho and US Advisor Henry Kissinger. The deal was officially signed on January 27, 1973.

This is an internationally legal document affirming the great success of the war against the US of the Vietnamese people, with important provisions, including the US and other countries’ commitment to respecting independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Vietnam.

Ngac said that a large number of international friends gathered at the meeting venue to congratulate the Vietnamese delegation, considering the success as a common victory of justice.

Commenting on the historical significance of the agreement, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thang, Politburo member, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Chairman of the Central Theory Council, said that it served as a strategic foundation for the Vietnamese people and army to launch the General Uprising in Spring 1975, liberating the south and reunifying the nation.

It also created favourable conditions and environment for Vietnam to establish diplomatic relations with other countries and take advantage of the support from international friends for its struggle for peace, justice and national reunification, said Thang.

He underlined that the agreement left a lesson on the close coordination between diplomatic activities and socio-economic and socio-cultural development in association with ensuring national security and defence, as well as another on combining Party and State diplomacy with people diplomacy, creating synergy for the protection of the nation early and from afar.

U Minh Thuong National Park to leverage ecotourism to lure new tourist dollars

The U Minh Thuong National Park in the southern province of Kien Giang will accelerate infrastructure development and create new tourism products to attract more travelers, according to Hoang Van Tuan, the park’s director.

Founded in 2002, the park covers over 8,500ha of land, including about 8,000ha of special-use forest. It is one of two important peatland areas in Vietnam recognised as an ASEAN Heritage Park and 2,228th Ramsar site of the world and the eighth of its kind in Vietnam. Thus, it holds huge ecotourism development potential.

U Minh Thuong offers habitat for 72 rare animals and plants that are named in the 2007 Vietnam Red Data Book and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.

Its fauna comprises 32 species of 10 families and seven genuses, 54 reptile and amphibian species, including eight in Vietnam’s Red Data Book like reticulated python (Malayopython reticulatus), krait (Bungarus caeruleus) and cobra, and 34 fish species.

Tuan said that over the past years, great efforts have been exerted in the preservation of the biodiversity of the cajeput forest ecosystem as well as the cultural and historical values.

The park has also conducted research, dissemination and education activities on conservation and exploitation of the potential for ecotourism development, contributing to stabilising the lives of local residents, he said. However, he noted that the number of tourists to the park decreased after the COVID-19 pandemic.

 The U Minh Thuong National Park offers habitat for 72 rare animals and plants that are named in the 2007 Vietnam Red Data Book and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.(Photo: VNA)
Last year, it welcomed nearly 30,000 visitors, equivalent to 63% of the yearly plan, earning 3 billion VND (about 121,280 USD) in revenue.

Tuan attributed the lower number of tourists poor infrastructure and a lack of capital dedicated to ecotourism. Revenue from tourism is still low, so reinvestment is not commensurate with available potential, he added.

As one of the tourist destinations in the Mekong Delta, the park hosted nearly 50,000 visitors per year before 2021.

In the coming time, it will continue to tap its potential in landscape, environment, diverse natural resources, forest ecosystems, culture, and historical relic sites to develop ecotourism, he said.

Nearly 200 livestock in northern Vietnam killed by extreme cold

Around 200 livestock in Vietnam’s northern mountainous localities have died due to the on-going bitter cold front.

As many as 130 buffaloes, goats, horses, calves and pigs in Lang Son Province have died due to the severe cold weather.

Despite local authorities’ instructions to tighten protective measures for their livestock, the prolonged cold wave has seriously affected them.

Since January 23, some 40 buffaloes and cows in Cao Bang Province have been killed by the cold weather, mostly concentrated on the districts of Nguyen Binh, Ha Lang Quang Hoa, Thach An and Hoa An.

Meanwhile, at least 15 buffaloes, cows and goats Bac Kan Province have also died over the recent days, mainly in Bach Thong, Ngan Son and Na Ri districts.

Some mountainous areas in the northern region of Vietnam have seen frost when the temperature fell to below zero degree centigrade.

The cold weather would continue ravaging the north until January 29.

Two people prosecuted for trading pangolin scales
Police in the central province of Nghe An announced on Saturday that they have arrested and prosecuted two local people for violating regulations on the protection of endangered and rare animals and trading prohibited goods. 

According to a report from Nghe An Provincial Police Department, Ho Van Manh, 36, and Tran Thi Ngoc, 56, were caught red-handed keeping 110 bags that contain a total of 2,846 kilos of pangolin scales at their house in Yen Thanh District on October 24, 2023. The goods had a value of over VND14 billion.

The two failed to show legitimate papers on the origins of the goods.

Manh told the police that he bought the pangolin scales from a foreign country and hid at Ngoc's house. They intended to wash the scales and sell to earn profits.

Police are still investigating the case.

Pangolins are listed as critically endangered on Vietnam's Red Book. They are among the most trafficked animals on earth, with their meat and scales highly prized for food and traditional medicine in East Asia.

Vietnam wins big at Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad
All 20 Vietnamese students put in excellent displays to win medals at the Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad (SEAMO) which was held from January 19 to January 22 in Singapore. 

According to the results, the group brought home two golds, two silvers, three bronzes, 12 consolation prizes, and one Open Division prize.

Of them, two gold medals went to Tran Lam Dao of Kim Lien Primary School in Hanoi and Huynh Huy Hoang of Nguyen Thai Binh High School in the southern province of Ca Mau.

The two silver medalists were Pham Duc Phat of Viet Anh Primary & Secondary School in the northern province of Hai Phong and Hoang Tuan Kiet of Gia Phuong Secondary School in the northern province of Ninh Binh.

Elsewhere, Tran Hoang Quan of Quang Trung Primary School in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue, Nguyen Hung Minh of Ngo Si Lien Secondary School in Hanoi, and Ta Le Quoc Bao of Nguyen Tri Phuong Secondary School in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue won bronze medals.

Most notably, Tran Lam Dao successfully claimed the LEGENDARY prize which honoured winners who won gold medals for three consecutive years.

SEAMO is a global assessment of English Math competency for students from Primary to High School run by the SEAMO International Organizing Committee.

The exam is well-known all over the world. It is held annually in many countries, worldwide, including Australia, Hong Kong (China), India, Italy, Norway, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and the United States.

OVs, friends in Belgium delighted with Vietnamese Tet experiences

Joining their peers across the world in welcoming the festive atmosphere of the Lunar New Year of the Dragon, Vietnamese expats in Belgium have joyfully prepared for event - the biggest and most important traditional festival of Vietnamese people in a year.

A programme was held by the General Association of Vietnamese in Belgium (GAVB) on January 28 to teach OVs people, especially youngsters, and Belgian friends how to make “Banh chung" (square glutinous rice cake) - a traditional cake of Vietnamese people during the Lunar New Year Festival (Tet).

For children of Vietnamese-Belgian families or Vietnamese children born and raised in Belgium, making “Banh chung” represents not only a traditional activity but also a lesson in gratitude and family bonds.

Dennis Laureys and Christophe Standaert, who have Vietnamese girlfriends, experienced the behind-the-scene preparation for Tet for the first time. Intrigued by the cultural and spiritual significance of Tet, they eagerly learned how to make a traditional "Banh chung" as a profound exploration of the festival, thus grasping that "Banh chung" is not just a dish but also a symbol of unity and gratitude.

Laureys said this occasion was of significant to him, adding that although he had visited Vietnam multiple times, this was the first time he has experienced the Tet atmosphere and witnessed how Vietnamese people prepare for the festival.

The activity helped him and other foreigners who love Vietnam to understand more about the Vietnamese community, and explore the sense of unity and diversity that is uniquely present during the Tet atmosphere.

The programme was the first activity marking the launch of the women's committee of the GAVB.

Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium Nguyen Van Thao applauded the women's committee of the GAVB for its initiative to help young people gain a deeper understanding of their roots and the unique culture of Vietnam, saying that this contributed to preserving and promoting traditional culture values of the homeland.

The ambassador affirmed his commitment to accompanying and supporting the GAVB’s activities, stating that the embassy is always a common home for the Vietnamese community in Belgium.

GAVB President Huynh Cong My said the association will continue organising numerous activities to connect and strengthen the solidarity among the Vietnamese community in the European country.

VGA Golf Awards 2023 announced in Hanoi

The Vietnam Golf Association (VGA) Golf Awards 2023 to honor outstanding individuals and organisations who have contributed to Vietnam’s golf development was announced in Hanoi on January 28.

The awards was jointly by the Vietnam Golf Association, Vietnam Television Cable (VTVCab) and VGS Group.

VGA Chairman Le Kien Thanh said that after a three-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the awards returned with a message "The quintessence of Vietnam’s golf”. He also expressed his hope that the awards will promote the development of this sport among young golfers in Vietnam

The awards’ categories included male and female golfers of the year, VGA tour player of the year, junior male and female golfers of the year, golf association of the year and the most voted golfer.

After two rounds of voting to select the awardees, the most outstanding golfers were awarded at seven categories. Nguyen Trong Hoang received the most voted golfer; the female golfer of the year and junior female golfer of the year came to Le Chuc An; and the junior male golfer of the year was presented to Le Khanh Hung who brought home a historic gold medal from the 32nd SEA Games held in Cambodia in 2023. Nguyen Anh Minh was named as the male golfer of the year, Truong Chi Quang received the VGA Tour player and the Hanoi Golf Association was granted the golf association of the year:

On this occasion, the VGA announced the golf tournaments in 2024, including five professional, six amateur and 10 junior golf tournaments.

Deputy PM pays pre-Tet visit to Dien Bien province

A working delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai on January 28 paid a visit to the northwestern mountainous province of Dien Bien on the threshold of the Lunar New Year (Tet), the most important and longest festival of Vietnamese people in a year.

The Deputy PM hailed the efforts of the Party Organisation, authorities, armed forces and people of Dien Bien in the past year in socio-economic development, achieving many positive results, contributing to the successful implementation of the country's socio-economic plan. By the end of 2023, the rate of poor households in the province had decreased by 4.17% per year.

The Deputy PM said he hopes that the province will continue to take care of residents, especially policy beneficiary families, people who rendered service to the nation, poor households, disadvantaged people and those in highland and border areas so that they can enjoy a happy Tet.

He urged local authorities to strengthen inspections on food safety, environmental protection and disease prevention on this occasion, along with enhancing market management, ensuring that essential goods are available.

Visiting officers and soldiers of Si Pha Phin border guard station in Nam Po district,  the Deputy PM requested the station to perform well political tasks, contributing to protecting territorial sovereignty and national border. They also were assigned to coordinate with other forces to take care of the lives of people in the locality during Tet.

During his trip, he also visited and presented Tet gifts to social policy beneficiary families, poor households, workers in difficult circumstances in Nam Po and Muong Cha districts.

Earlier on January 27, the Deputy PM and his entourage offered wreaths and incense at the Martyrs Temple in Dien Bien Phu Battlefield and the A1 Martyrs Cemetery. He also visited the Dien Bien Phu Victory Museum and handed over gifts to social policy beneficiary families in the city.

Fishermen in Bình Định Province collect trash from sea for shore

After a 20-day trip at sea to the fishing grounds off Trường Sa (Spratly) Archipelago, vessel BD-99028TS captained by Nguyễn Văn Lai of Bình Định Province, returned to Quy Nhơn City with 18 tonnes of striped fish and 50 ocean tuna.

It also brought 13kg of plastic waste collected from the sea to hand over to the Quy Nhơn Fishing Port plastic waste collection team for recycling.

Not only are they kicking their own habit of littering at sea, fishermen in Bình Định Province are also collecting waste and bringing it ashore as part of efforts to clean up the ocean.

Lai said this was the second time he and his crew had collected and brought waste to shore.

"When we were educated and given waste bags we gradually become more aware and stopped throwing trash into the sea,” he told

“After eating and drinking, we put the trash in bags and bring it ashore. We always tell each other [not to throw waste in the sea] to raise awareness of environmental protection."

Phan Thanh Trưởng, 52, of Đống Đa Ward in Quy Nhon City, owner of fishing boat BD-91052 TS, said about a recent trip: "This trip was very meaningful because we not only caught a large amount of fish but also brought back a lot of trash and empty cans and bottles from the sea.”

His vessel brought back more than 13kg of plastic waste and he sold it for VNĐ4,000 (16 US cent) per kilogramme.

The trash is exactly what fishermen discard during a trip to sea, he said.

"I always remind my crew while fishing offshore not to throw trash into the sea but to collect them in a bag and bring back.”

Ngô Minh Châu, 50, of Hoài Nhơn Township, who owns boat BD-99146 TS, recently brought back 22kg of plastic waste.

His family has four fishing boats with 40 crew members, and all collect plastic waste from sea as part of the programme which Bình Định authorities recently launched.

"When Bình Định Province launched the plastic waste recycling model, I immediately supported it because it was so meaningful.

“For a long time fishermen mostly dumped waste into the sea, but now I feel guilty about the act.

“Actually [it] is wasteful because the plastic can be recycled.”

Nguyễn Văn Luyến, a veteran fisherman, said: "The fact that the fishermen agreed to bring the waste to shore is a meaningful action that contributes to creating an unpolluted marine environment.”

Nguyễn Thị Minh Lệ, head of plastic waste collection at the port, said the programme began in November last year, and so far 102kg of waste has been brought back by 10 fishing vessels.

The waste includes plastic bottles of various colours, bottle caps and other types of packaging, she said.

"We classify and sell the waste … for recycling.”

Đào Xuân Thiện, the port’s director, said: "We always encourage fishermen to bring waste from the sea, which will help spread the message to people living near the port.

“They see that ocean trash is brought ashore, and realise people must be responsible for protecting the environment and not litter.”

The person who co-opted boat owners is Dr Trần Văn Vinh, deputy director of the province Department of Fisheries.

Vinh said an investigation in 2021 by the department found that a majority of fishing boats threw plastic waste directly into the sea, with each generating 10-15kg of plastic waste per trip of 15-20 days.

Thus, with province’s 3,200 boats discharged a combined four tonnes over a single trip.

From the study he came up with the idea of​​ fishing vessels salvaging plastic waste.

He developed specialised funnel-shaped mesh bags and other garbage collection tools to supply the boats.

"The tools are very simple and familiar to fishermen. If they are damaged, fishermen can repair them themselves or even make new bags from the discarded fishing gear.

“The bags are designed to hang from the boats, and so do not take up much space, and hold the trash securely.”

The programme was recognised by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which funded tests and production of plastic waste sorting machines and compactors for recycling.

Since November over 200 boats trialled the programme.

After a successful pilot, the programme is set to be expanded to sign up all 3,200 fishing boats in the province, Vinh added.

Cooking class promotes Thai cuisine

A cooking class featuring Thai cuisine took place at the Consulate General of Thailand on January 27.

The class was instructed by Associate Professor Torroong Jarungidanan, a foremost expert on Thai cuisine, author, and a founder of many famous Thai restaurants in Thailand.

The event had 40 participants, mostly from foreign agencies in HCM City.

They were divided into small groups, each consisting of three individuals. Each group was assisted by a staff member from the consulate to prepare ingredients and execute the cooking of the dishes.

The participants learned to make Thai traditional food, including Padthai (stir-fried rice noodle), Tom Kha Kai (a spicy and sour hot soup with coconut milk), and Crispy Shrimp with Tamarind Sauce (a dish taken directly from the hit Television series, Phrom Likhit).

Wiraka Moodhitaporn, Consul-General of Thailand in HCM said: "Since I assumed my duty in Việt Nam, I have learned that Thai culture is very famous in Việt Nam, especially Thai food, which is popular among both the locals and the expat community alike. Thai food and ingredients for Thai food can be found in supermarkets and local markets across the city, while Thai restaurants, many of which are locally owned and operated, are always packed. Therefore, the event today is not about promoting Thai food but rather to show that it is possible and, in fact, relatively easy to make Thai dishes at home by teaching the participants to cook authentic."

Chinoros Benjachavakul, a participant at the event, said that he was happy to attend and learn to make Thai traditional dishes. He also said he is really amazed that people can find all the ingredients to make Thai food in HCM City.

Additionally, the event also introduces a variety of food products from brands originating in Thailand.

The event was co-organised by the Consulate General of Thailand in HCM City, Thai Trade Center in HCM City, and the Tourism Authority of Thailand in HCM City and sponsored by Thai Airways, C.P. Vietnam, Srithai Vietnam, Central Retail Vietnam, and MM Mega Market Vietnam. 

Overseas Vietnamese celebrate Tet festival

The Vietnamese Embassy in Singapore on January 27 evening held a get-together for Vietnamese in the country on the occasion of the Tet (Lunar New Year) festival.

Ambassador Mai Phuoc Dung briefed the participants on the situation at home, as well as the Vietnam-Singapore relations, saying Singapore remained one of the largest foreign investors in Vietnam, and the bilateral ties have been developing more comprehensively.

He called on Vietnamese living and working in Singapore to build a strong community there, stay united, and preserve and uphold traditional culture.

On this occasion, the diplomat presented certificates of merit to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the Vietnamese community in Singapore.

The Vietnamese Embassy in Malaysia and the Malaysia-Vietnam Friendship Association co-organised a Tet festival at the Bukit Bintang centre in Kuala Lumpur on January 27-28, with its opening ceremony attended by some Malaysian officials and representatives of local businesses.

In her remarks, Tran Thi Chang, President of the association, promised to continue supporting Vietnamese there, contributing to tightening the Vietnam-Malaysia friendship.

Ambassador Dinh Ngoc Linh called on the Vietnamese community to make more contributions to the development of both countries, as well as the bilateral friendship, noting the Vietnamese language and culture should be further preserved.

Mohamed Amin, Senior Director of Domestic & Event, Tourism Malaysia, said special events like the festival have played a role in promoting the good friendship between the two countries and exchanges between their citizens.

The Malaysian Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture is committed to supporting the establishment of the sister-city model between Melaka and Hoi An, and Langkawi and Phu Quoc in the time ahead, he noted.

The festival featured a menu of activities promoting Vietnamese cuisine and culture.

On this occasion, the Vietnamese Consulate General in Luang Prabang of Laos in coordination with the Vietnamese community in northern Lao provinces hosted a party with the participation of Lao officials.

In Australia, the social-charitable group "New Sunlight for Children" also met ahead of Tet, during which they made banh chung (square, glutinous rice cake)  - a traditional dish of Vietnamese people on the festival.

Tet celebrations held for Vietnamese in France, Germany

The Vietnamese Embassy in France held a Lunar New Year (Tet) celebration programme at the City Hall of Paris on January 26, with the participation of more than 1,000 overseas Vietnamese in the country.

The event saw the attendance of Vietnamese Ambassador to France Nguyen Toan Thang and his spouse, Nguyen Thuy Anh, member of the Party Central Committee, Chairwoman of the National Assembly's Committee for Social Affairs, President of the Vietnam - France Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group, Ambassador - head of Vietnam’s delegation to the United Nations Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Nguyen Thi Van Anh, first deputy mayor of Paris in charge of Europe, international affairs and Francophone community Arnaud Grégoire, and others. 

In his remarks, Ambassador Thang lauded the contribution of the Vietnamese community and wished them a new year with good health, success and prosperity.

The diplomat emphasised that the year 2023 marked the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-France diplomatic ties and 10 years of their strategic partnership. It also featured many events, activities and exchanges in all fields and at all levels. 

The 12th France-Vietnam Decentralised Cooperation Conference, which took place in Hanoi in April 2023, was a typical example of closeness and diversity in their bilateral relations, he said, expressing his confidence that the close relationship between Vietnam and France in all fields will continue to bear fruits.

For his part, Arnaud Grégoire pledged that Paris will continue to promote cooperation in the C40 network, featuring nearly 100 mayors of the world's leading cities, including Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, to help the two countries' cities adapt to climate change in innovative ways. 

Participants at the event had a chance to enjoy art performances by the Vietnamese Culture Centre in France.

She underlined the contributions of the Vietnamese community in Germany to Vietnam's overall success, contributing to popularise the images of the country and Vietnamese people. The diplomat also called on the Vietnamese community to continue supporting the activities of the Consulate General, together looking toward their homeland.

PM urges great efforts to finish Quang Trach-Pho Noi power line project by mid-2024

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on January 28 presided over a conference on accelerating the progress of the Quang Trach-Pho Noi power transmission line project in the central province of Thanh Hoa as part of his visit to the project sites, stressing collective efforts to finish the project by mid-2024.

The conference was connected with sites in other eight provinces where the transmission line runs through.

The 500kV power line connects the central province of Quang Binh and the northern province of Hung Yen, running through seven other localities in between.

It consists of four component subprojects, with a total length of 519km and a total investment of about 22.36 trillion VND (908.76 million USD). Its construction began in late December 2023.

According to Vietnam Electricity (EVN), all component projects have completed procedures for investment according to the law, while 226 bidding packages for construction, material and equipment supply are in progress.

The project is now addressing several bottlenecks including slow progress of land clearance and lack of space for construction and logistics in several localities, as well as difficulties in selecting construction plans in complex and dangerous terrain, according to reports presented at the conference.

Speaking at the event, PM Chinh said that electricity is essential to people’s lives and to national socio-economic development. Therefore, sufficient electricity for production, business and consumption is a must.

While Vietnam had enough power capacity, in the past year there were still local electricity shortages due to inadequate management and allocation, he said, adding that more drastic and effective measures would be required to ensure power supply in 2024 and beyond.

The Quang Trach-Pho Noi power transmission line is an urgent key national project that plays an important role in the country’s energy security, especially the northern region, and requires the engagement of ministries, departments and authorities of localities where the line runs through. The project is set to be completed in June 2024.

“There is great pressure that comes with this goal, requiring strong determination, great efforts, and drastic actions with focuses,” said the cabinet leader.

He directed relevant ministries and agencies to coordinate and follow the project schedule, ensuring construction quality and techniques, labour and environmental safety, and avoiding corruption and misconduct.

Provincial Party Committee Secretaries and People’s Committee Chairpersons are assigned to address project-related issues according to their authority.

Deputy PM Tran Hong Ha and Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien, alongside leaders of relevant departments, will hold monthly meetings to review, accelerate project progress and design provincial-level plans.

Deputy PM Tran Luu Quang will be in charge of handling issues related to forest land conversion for the project, including amending Decree 156 which serves as a guideline to implement forestry law, before the Tet (Lunar New Year) holiday.

PM Chiinh added that local resources should be mobilised for project implementation, which will generate joint efforts while creating employment opportunities for local residents at project sites.

He also emphasised strengthening communications activities to raise awareness among people on the significance of the project to national interests, local development and citizens themselves.

Management units must also ensure safety and order at construction sites, take care of workers’ well-being, and execute prompt reward and disciplinary measures when needed, he said, adding the Ministry of Construction will oversee construction material supply and price management for the project alongside local authorities.

The PM also noted that the electric power industry and localities should look into developing power stations along this 500 kV electric transmission line to supply energy for local socio-economic development, particularly economic, industrial and tourism-service zones.

Vung Tau honoured as ASEAN Clean Tourism City for first time

Ba Ria Vung Tau was honoured as an "ASEAN Clean Tourism City" at the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) which took place on January 26 in the Lao capital of Vientiane, according to the People's Committee of Vung Tau city.      

This marks the third consecutive time that the locality has been certified by the Asia-Pacific Cities Tourism Promotion Organization.

The event aims to honour and develop high-quality tourism brands throughout the ASEAN region. 

In order to compete for the award, regional destinations must meet 108 criteria in terms of environmental management, cleanliness, waste management, environmental protection awareness, green space, urban safety and security, medical facilities, along with tourism infrastructure and amenities.

According to Vung Tau city's leaders, the recognition comes following great efforts made by both the local administration and people of the city in recent years to ensure environmental hygiene at the beaches, as well as both security and safety for tourists. 

In addition, the locality has also strived to develop many typical tourism products such as MICE, festival tourism, beach tourism, and eco-tourism. Through these efforts, Vung Tau welcomes nearly 6.5 million visitors each year.

Since 2019, Vung Tau has been an official member of the Tourism Promotion Organization for Global Cities (TPO).

Hanoi metro route slated for operation in June

The elevated section of Nhon-Hanoi Station metro route has been slated to enter use in June this year.

The Nhon-Hanoi Station metro line is 12.5 kilometres long and has eight elevated and four underground stations.  

The elevated section runs for 8.5 kilometres, connecting Nhon Town in Bac Tu Liem district and Cau Giay District. While the four-kilometre underground section runs from Cau Giay to Hanoi Station.

The work of the elevated section is mostly complete, but underground section is less than half-finished.

The elevated section is scheduled to enter operation in June this year.

Construction of the line started in 2009 and was initially scheduled for completion in 2015. It has been given four deadline extensions.

Investment has been twice raised to a total of EUR1.30 billion (USD1.41 billion) from an initial EUR783 million.

Tet gathering held for Vietnamese in New York

The Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the United Nations (UN) and the Vietnamese Consulate General in New York co-hosted a gathering on the occasion of the Lunar New Year (Tet) festival on January 27 evening (local time).

Speaking at the event, which saw the participation of more than 500 Vietnamese people, Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, stressed the importance of the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly recognising the Lunar New Year as a UN holiday from 2024.

He briefed the participants on remarkable achievements Vietnam recorded in socio-economic development and foreign affairs, and lauded contributions by overseas Vietnamese.  

Giang also provided updates on some new policies and laws at home that support returning OVs, including the amended Land Law recently approved by the National Assembly.

The two offices will continue supporting Vietnamese in New York and its adjacent areas, he pledged.

"Day of chung cake" in Paris

Both Vietnamese and French students learned how to make Chung cake (square sticky rice cake) with their own hands while engaging in the “Journee de Banh Chung” (the Day of Banh Chung) held at the Vietnamese Cultural Centre in Paris on January 28, as Tet - the most important annual festival for the Vietnamese people is just around the corner.

The event was held by the Union of Vietnamese Students in Paris (UEVP) with the support of the Vietnamese Embassy and under the sponsorship of the Union of Vietnamese Students in France (UEVF).

Speaking at the event, Nguyen Phuong Thao, counsellor at the Vietnamese Embassy in France, hailed the recent activities organised by the UEVF and the UEVP that help many students come together, share knowledge, and support each other while living far from home.

She encouraged the students to strengthen solidarity and preserve the nation’s cultural traditions.

Meanwhile, Tang Thanh Son, Deputy Director of the Vietnamese Cultural Centre, expressed his support for the UEVP and other members of the UEVF in the preparation and organisation of meaningful activities that help enhance solidarity among the youths who are living abroad.

He said he hopes that the students will strive to reap more academic achievements and contribute to building the homeland into a more prosperous nation.

Nguyen Thu Van, head of the UEVF’s internal affairs, said the event created an opportunity for Vietnamese youths to experience a truly traditional Tet, and urged them to maintain the excellent cultural traits of the nation.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes