The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission on July 10 announced that it will continue to direct Party Committees and Organisations at all levels to thoroughly complete inspections and disciplinary actions against Party organisations and members who committed wrongdoings related to the case of the Advanced International Joint Stock Company (AIC).

party units, members related to aic scandal to be dealt with completely picture 1
The Hanoi People’s Court runs first instance trial against Nguyen Thi Thanh Nhan former chairwoman and general director of AIC company, and 35 defendants in a case that occurred at Dong Nai General Hospital - Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

In addition, the commission will inspect and direct the provincial and municipal Party Committees and their inspection commissions to examine those who show signs of guilts in leading and directing the implementation of projects and bidding packages carried out by the Phuc Son Group Joint Stock Company and the Thuan An Group Joint Stock Company, as per the conclusions announced by the Central Steering Committee for Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negative Phenomena.

Inspections will also be conducted when there are signs of wrongdoings related to the execution of civil judgments in certain localities.

According to standing deputy head of the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission Tran Van Ron, in the first six months of 2014, the commission directed 20 localities and units to review the leadership, direction, and implementation of Party regulations and State laws regarding projects and bidding packages handled by Phuc Son and Thuan An, and related enterprises.

Specifically, the commission directly inspected six Party organisations with signs of wrongdoings, and requested the standing boards and inspection commissions of the Party Committees of 10 provinces and centrally-run cities to conduct inspections at the Party Civil Affairs Committees of their People's Committees.

During the period, among the 18,476 Party organisations and 107,165 Party members inspected by Party committees at all levels, 631 organisations and 1,767 members had committed wrongdoings or deficiencies. Party Committees at all levels also inspected 131 Party Organisations and 922 Party members upon signs of wrongdoings, of whom 89 organisations and 804 members were found to have committed wrongdoings or deficiencies, and disciplinary actions were considered for 43 organisations and 584 members.

The inspection commissions at all levels examined cases of suspected wrongdoings involving 804 Party Organisations and 2,850 members, concluding that 613 organisations and 2,390 members had committed wrongdoings or shortcomings. Disciplinary measures were considered for 95 organisations and 1,137 members. Of the total, the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission took disciplinary actions against 79 Party Organisations and 95 Party members under its authority. It also recommended the Party Central Committee and its Politburo and Secretariat take disciplinary measures against 10 organisations and 17 members.

President’s visits to Laos, Cambodia hoped to help boost trade cooperation

The state visits to Laos and Cambodia by President To Lam from July 11-13 are expected to help promote solidarity and open up more trade cooperation opportunities between Vietnam and the two neighbouring countries.

Vietnam has 10 provinces sharing border with 10 provinces of Laos. Along the borderline, there are eight pairs of international, seven pairs of main, and 18 auxiliary border gates, which facilitate regional trade and help reduce transportation time and costs compared to other countries in Asia and globally. Additionally, bilateral trade has benefited much from the 0% tariff for almost all the goods of the two countries under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement, the Vietnam-Laos Bilateral Trade Agreement, and the Vietnam-Laos Border Trade Agreement.

Furthermore, businesses can optimise Laos's connectivity with Thailand and China to increase exports to these markets in order to reduce transportation costs and enhance the competitiveness of Vietnamese goods there.

According to the Asia-Africa Market Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, two-way trade grew by over 10% annually in the 2016-2023 period. The two countries are striving to raise the annual trade turnover from over 1 billion USD currently to 2 billion USD.

Vietnam's main exports to Laos include petrol, oil, vehicles and spare parts, and steel products. Meanwhile, its imports include rubber, coal, timber, wood products, ores, and other minerals.

The trade turnover is estimated at 931.4 million USD in the first half of 2024, up 11.5% year-on-year. Of the total, Vietnam’s export revenue is about 284.2 million USD, and its import 647.2 million USD, up 5.5% and 14.4% year-on-year, respectively.

On April 8, in Vientiane, Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien and Lao Minister of Industry and Commerce Malaithong Kommasith signed a new trade agreement between the two countries. At their talks, Dien affirmed that industry and trade is a critical pillar of the bilateral cooperation, affirming the implementation of the deal will help both countries enhance mutual support in combating counterfeit goods, especially in border areas, to protect consumers and law-abiding businesses.

To tap into trade cooperation potential, the two ministers agreed on measures to implement the agreement on the Vietnamese and Lao governments’ cooperation plan and the minutes of the 46th meeting of the countries’ Inter-Governmental Committee.

Regarding trade partnerships between Vietnam and Cambodia, the Asia-Africa Market Department assessed that over the part more than 10 years, bilateral trade has maintained impressive growth and served as a bright spot in the two countries’ relations.

Between January and May 2024, Vietnam exported steel products, apparel, petrol, and oil, among others, to Cambodia. Main imports were cashew nut, rubber, vegetables, and fruits.

In the first six months of the year, two-way trade was estimated at 5.4 billion USD, of which Vietnam’s exports stood at 2.5 billion USD, down 1.1%, and its imports 2.9 billion USD, up 38.4% from a year earlier.

To promote exports to Laos and Cambodia, the department recommended Vietnamese businesses thoroughly understand and familiarise themselves with the signed legal documents to bring into full play preferential treatment offered by the countries to each other, and avoid procedural complications during customs clearance.

In addition, businesses should make use of business matching programmes and trade promotion initiatives to find partners, and pay attention to branding and brand recognition.

The department also advised enterprises to develop distribution channels in Laos and Cambodia. This includes developing distribution via the traditional retail channel like markets as well as in supermarkets./.

Hanoi students win high prizes at Japan expo

Students from the Ngo Si Lien Secondary School in Hanoi won high prizes at the recent Japan Design, Idea and Invention Expo 2024 (JDIE).

In the first team, Nguyen Phuong Linh and Phan Le Duc Phat, both 8th graders, won gold prize for their “Smart helmet” product which helps improve safety for motorcycle riders; while in the second, Le Khanh Thuy and Phan Le Tue Minh, both 7th graders, won gold prize for their “Smart dog collar” product which helps track the pet’s activities and safety.

The two products have been copyrighted and they also received other special prizes at the expo, including an international special Sakura prize for the “Smart helmet” and a special prize of the China’s Hongkong science association for “Smart dog collar”.

Held by the World Invention Intellectual Property Associations (Wiipa) from July 5-7, this year's contest attracted 343 entries from 25 different countries and territories such as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Saudi Arabia./.

Ministry requires stronger measures this summer to cope with infectious diseases

The Minister of Health (MoH) has asked provinces and cities to strengthen disease prevention during summer this year.

The requirement was released after the infectious disease surveillance system shows that currently, a number of epidemics such as dengue fever, hand-foot-mouth disease and measles are on the rise.

The MoH said that the country is experiencing hot and rainy summer weather and it is also the peak tourism season, with increased risk of sickness, especially measles and dengue fever.

To proactively deploy infectious diseases prevention and control, the MoH requests localities to promote monitoring and early detection of suspected cases and outbreaks in the community, as well as at medical facilities.

Affected areas and patients must be quarantined and samples must be taken to identify pathogens.

Health units should work closely with the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology and the Pasteur Institute to assess risks, analyse the situation to deploy measures, handle outbreaks and organise vaccination campaigns.

Localities must push up regular vaccination to ensure safety and effectiveness, review and hold additional vaccination for those who have not been vaccinated or have not received enough vaccinations.

Medical facilities should encourage families to get children and pregnant women vaccinated fully and on schedule.

The MoH demands health stations to ensure good and active treatment, minimising serious complications and deaths, strictly implement personal protection measures, infection control measures and cross-infection prevention.

Their duty is also to provide timely and complete information on infection prevention measures for patients and caregivers.

Localities are responsible for organising activities to educate personal hygiene and food hygiene, and launching environmental sanitation campaigns.

Provinces and cities will review and ensure the readiness of logistics, drugs and medical equipment to meet the requirements of epidemic prevention and control.

The local health sector will conduct training to improve capacity in monitoring, detecting, investigating pathogens, outbreak treatment measures and guidance on diagnosis, treatment, first aid and resuscitation.

Vietnamese women's futsal team to play against world number eight team

The Vietnamese women's futsal team will leave for China on July 10 for an international friendly tournament, where the team will play against a team ranked eighth in the world, the Việt Nam Football Federation (VFF) has announced.

The futsal friendly event will take place from July 11-15 in China, with Iran, Uzbekistan and the host China participating.

Iran is ranked eighth on the FIFA women's futsal rankings, while Việt Nam are ranked 13th. Uzbekistan and China are ranked 24th and 25th in the world, respectively. This quality friendly tournament presents a good opportunity for Việt Nam to gain valuable experience.

The Vietnamese team will face the Chinese, Iranian and Uzbekistan teams on July 12, 13 and 15, respectively.

"The upcoming event will be the best preparation plans for Việt Nam to get ready for the Indoor Games and the Women's Futsal World Cup qualifiers in 2025. Currently, we have experienced players who have played for the team for many years, combined with young players. I believe that next time, the young players will improve when they compete with each other," said coach Nguyễn Đình Hoàng. 

New 'cải lương' troupe opens

Theatre director and actor Hùng Vương, in co-operation with his partners, has opened the Thiên Long Cải Lương (reformed opera) Troupe in HCM City.

The troupe offers shows of cải lương and tuồng (classical drama), two traditional genres of Vietnamese theatre which began a hundred years ago.

Historical plays are also highlighted.

The troupe attracts Meritorious Artist and theatre director Lê Trung Thảo, and cải lương stars Tú Sương and Ngân Tuấn.

Young actors from art schools are also featured.

“Our troupe will support and help young artists to develop their career, while preserving and bringing the traditional art forms closer to young audiences,” said the troupe’s founder Hùng Vương.

Vương said his artists will offer experimental shows that meet the taste of young audiences. “Aside from performing, we will also speak to the audience with question and answer sessions, and dialogue,” he added.

Vương worked for Hương Tràm Cải Lương Theatre and Bến Tre Cải Lương Theatre, two leading State-owned traditional art troupes of the South.

In his mid-thirties, Vương has worked to improve his skills under the instruction of famous artists from the HCM City University of Theatre & Cinematography.

“I think new concepts and techniques in traditional theatre will help keep the art alive,” said Vương, adding that his staff has received many congratulations as well as encouragement from the city’s Theatre Artists’ Association and theatre lovers.

The troupe’s first show on Vietnamese history is scheduled to be staged on August 10.

It will star Meritorious Artist Tú Sương, who has 20 years in the industry.

Sương studied her first lessons of cải lương and tuồng from her parents, who were late actor Trường Sơn and late actress Thanh Loan.

With her strong, sweet voice and rapid improvement in performing skills, she soon became a bright star in theatre.

She has earned top prizes for Best Theatre Actress presented by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the HCM City Theatre’s Association, and leading organisations and newspapers.

She has performed in several hundred cải lương plays, music videos and TV shows.

“I’m happy to work with the young actors of Thiên Long Cải Lương Troupe. We will offer a new style of cải combined with modern concepts in singing, dancing and performance style,” said Sương.

Thiên Long Cải Lương Troupe is composed of 15 skilled actors, mostly graduates of leading art schools in the city and neighbouring provinces. The troupe’s performances will be staged on weekends, starting from August 10, at 136Đ Trần Hưng Đạo Street, District 1. 

Culture Festival 2024 to open in Bình Định

The five-day Tinh Hoa (Essence) Bình Định Festival 2024 will open in Quy Nhơn City of Bình Định Province on Thursday.

The event‘s theme is “Bình Định- Khát Vọng Biển” (Bình Định- Sea of Desire), and it aims to promote the province’s culture and tourism.

It will include a series of cultural and arts programmes featuring hundreds of performers from leading art troupes of Bình Định and other provinces in the central region.

It will have folk games, artistic performances, and cooking and sports competitions.

Local tourist agencies have been encouraged to offer new eco-tours at reasonable prices for local and foreign visitors.

A food fair with 50 stalls featuring traditional dishes of Bình Định cooked by local artisans will be included.

“Through the Tinh Hoa Bình Định Festival 2024, we wanted to promote the image of our people and their culture and lifestyle, and tourism as well,” said Hoàng Duẩn, head of the organising board.

The organisers, the province’s People’s Committee in co-operation with its partners, will host a special art programme at the opening ceremony at 8pm on Thursday.

The programme will include street shows of traditional martial arts and dances at Nguyễn Tất Thành Square. These performances will be illuminated with many LED lights.

Bình Định is considered a paradise in Việt Nam’s central region for its many beautiful beaches and islands as well as its cultural and historical sites.

Its famous tourist sites include Hòn Khô, Eo Gió, Hầm Hô, Phương Mai Sand Dunes, Cù Lao Xanh, and the Chăm tower system.

Its famous traditional art called bài chòi (folk singing) combines music, poetry, acting, painting and literature.

Art is an important form of culture and recreation within the village community, providing entertainment as well as useful stories on morality, compassion and love for the village and nation.

Bài chòi was officially honoured as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 2017.

Last year, Bình Định attracted more than five million tourists, earning more than VNĐ16.5 trillion (US$666 million), an increase of 25 per cent compared to 2022.

The province targets 5.5 million visitors and VNĐ18.5 trillion in tourism revenue this year. 

Theatre picture book for children released

Children who love theatre will find lots to enjoy in a series of picture books featuring shows produced by artists from the private art troupe IDECAF’s long-term programme.

The books will include beautiful pictures portraying IDECAF artists on stage for the programme called Ngày Xửa Ngày Xưa (Once Upon a Time).

The programme was closed in HCM City last year after 23 years.

It produced 34 plays with more than 900 performances and shows for more than 30,000 children and teenagers. Its productions provided young audiences with new concepts and techniques in Vietnamese drama.

The first book features 30 pictures representing the scenes and characters from the programme’s last show titled Cuộc Phiêu Lưu Của Thuyền Trưởng Sinbad - Đại Chiến Nàng Tiên Cá (The Adventures of Sinbad - The Battle of Mermaids).

The musical is a re-telling of the adventures of Sinbad from The Arabian Nights, a collection of Middle Eastern folk tales.

It attracted famous performers such as Meritorious Artist Thành Lộc, Mỹ Duyên, Lê Khánh and Hữu Châu.

It was staged for 60 shows attracting 18,000 fans in 2022.

The book’s pictures are colourful, depicting IDECAF artists from Cuộc Phiêu Lưu Của Thuyền Trưởng Sinbad - Đại Chiến Nàng Tiên Cá.

Young readers can learn all about the whimsical and magic stories and characters such as captain Sinbad, his staff, and mermaids.

More than 500 copies of the book have been published by the private Dân Trí Publishing House.

“Our picture books will feature IDECAFE shows and talented artists who have worked hard to foster a love of theatre among children and teenagers,” said the theatre’s managing director Trần Quang Thảo.

Thảo said picture books featuring the programme Ngày Xửa Ngày Xưa will help to expand Vietnamese theatre and entertain children and young audiences.

IDECAF Drama features 30 professional artists, along with backstage workers.

The theatre offers many experimental shows in drama, musical, cải lương (reformed opera) and hát bội (central drama), two genres of traditional theatre in the south and central regions. It also offers performances targeting children.

Its new programme for children called Truyện Thần Tiên (Fairy Tales) offers drama and musical shows based on foreign and Vietnamese folk and fairy tales.

The programme’s shows send messages on childhood, friendship, bravery, patriotism and loyalty.

Highlighted performances will combine drama, music and cải lương (reformed opera), a traditional form of Vietnamese theatre which began 100 years ago in the South.

Beautiful costumes, and light and sound effects will be offered to meet the tastes of children. 

Mekong Delta photo contest seeks entrants

Professional and amateur photographers living and working in the Mekong River Delta are encouraged to participate in a photo contest highlighting the beauty of the region.

The Mekong Delta Photo Contest themed "Mekong Delta Land and People on the Path to Innovation" is co-organised by the Việt Nam Photographers Association (VPA) and the Vĩnh Long Province Literature and Arts Union.

According to the organisers, photos should highlight the beauty of landscapes and historical heritage sites, traditional craft villages, and the culture, customs, and daily activities of ethnic minority groups in the region.

The photos should also feature achievements in economy, society and culture, national defence and security, sea and islands, building of new-style rural areas and civilised urban areas.

Each contestant can submit up to eight entries, including collections or single photos in colour or black-and-white, at the website by August 8.

Entries must be sent in a digital file in JPG format, with a maximum file size of 6 Megabytes.

Contestants will be judged by prestigious photographers from the VPA.

The organisers will present a total of one first prize, two second prizes, three third prizes and four consolation prizes.

The awards ceremony and photo exhibition will be held in late September in Vĩnh Long.

Project to elevate Việt Nam’s culinary heritage and inspire future chefs

A culinary project which delves into traditional cooking techniques across Hà Nội and the northwest mountainous regions, has been launched by TUNG Group in collaboration with fermentation expert Jason Ignacio White and Vietnamese fermentation pioneer Daniel Hoài Tiến.

The project, entitled Lên Men: Umami Unleashed, not only celebrates fermented foods, but also aims to enrich fine dining with indigenous flavours while advancing food security.

"The Lên Men: Umami Unleashed project is committed to researching and advancing Việt Nam’s ancient culinary practices. We delve into the local culinary culture of Hà Nội and the northwest mountainous region, focusing on traditional fermented foods and beverages. Our mission is to innovate formulas, refine processing techniques and develop preservation methods that elevate the sophistication of fine dining cuisine,” said Chef Hoàng Tùng of TUNG Group (T.U.N.G dining and Å by TUNG).

"Collaborating with Jason White, former director of Fermentation at the internationally acclaimed NOMA and Daniel Hoài Tiến, founder and CEO of Sông Cái Distillery, represents a significant milestone for us. It underscores our dedication to pushing culinary boundaries and celebrating Việt Nam’s rich gastronomic heritage, embodying our commitment to innovation and community enrichment.” 

The project encompasses various key activities including explorations in Lào Cai to discover traditional ingredients and cooking methods in this culturally rich culinary region, as well as an exchange event between TUNG Group chefs and KOTO trainees.

KOTO, which stands for "Know One, Teach One", was founded by Vietnamese-Australian Jimmy Phạm in 1999 and has empowered at-risk and disadvantaged youth to break the poverty cycle through education and skill development.

According to Phạm, this exchange event, one of the key events of KOTO’s 25th anniversary, offers KOTO trainees a platform to gain insights, skills and secrets from top culinary experts.

“The collaboration between TUNG Group and KOTO in Lên Men extends beyond organising events and activities, it reflects both organisations’ shared commitment to enhancing Vietnamese cuisine quality. This project is a testament to their mutual passion for preserving and promoting the nation’s traditional culinary values while making Vietnamese cuisine more accessible to domestic and international food enthusiasts,” he said.

TUNG Group will also showcase moments of innovation and collective success as chefs develop signature dishes that blend the sophistication of fine dining with the artistry of fermentation. Scheduled for July 13 in Hà Nội and July 18 in HCM City, two masterclasses limited to 30-40 participants each are expected to be transformative experiences, followed by two six course dinners for each city.

TUNG Group, led by Chef Tùng, is a culinary force shaping Việt Nam's fine dining landscape. Two restaurants of the group - T.U.N.G dining and Å by TUNG - have been recognised by prestigious rankings such as the Michelin Guide, La liste and Top 25 best restaurants in Vietnam by Robb Report, alongside a collection of other coveted accolades. 

Jason Ignacio White is a multidisciplinary scientist dedicated to the exploration of microorganisms and biotechnologies in society. He is the former director of fermentation at Copenhagen's three-Michelin-star restaurant Noma. Through collaboration with different industries, White hopes to help others bring big ideas to life that are harmonious with nature and build awareness of the potential of emerging sciences in everyday life.

Daniel Hoài Tiến is the founder and head distiller and brewer at Sông Cái Distillery. He specialises in solid-state fermentation and distillation practices that are traditional and historic to Việt Nam and has been researching and using native yeasts, fungi and bacteria in numerous fermentation applications - both for beverages and food applications.  

Three children drown at Ninh Binh pond

Three children drowned in a pond in Yen Khanh District in the northern province of Ninh Binh on July 9.

Authorities in Yen Khanh District announced on Tuesday evening that three children aged three and four had been found dead at a pond near the house of their grandmother where they were staying.

"The children, two four-year-old twin boys and a three-year-old boy were visiting their grandmother that day," the authorities cited the family's report. "As they were playing together at 4.45 pm in the yard, the grandmother did her work inside the house. She then came out to call them at 6.30 pm; she could not find them."

The grandmother called her son-in-law to help her search for the children. When he saw their ball floating on a nearby pond, he jumped into the pond and found the three boys drowned already.

Local authorities visited the family to express their condolences and provide financial support of VND24 million.

Ninh Binh, railway sector team up to develop tourism

The Tourism Department in the northern province of Ninh Binh and the Vietnam Railway Corporation (VNR) recently signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation for 2024-2030, aiming to attract more train passengers to local destinations.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Tran Song Tung said Ninh Binh boasts considerable potential and advantages for tourism development, including its location at the intersection of the mountainous northwestern region, the Red River Delta and the north-central region; a large number of scenic landscapes; and over 1,820 historical and cultural relic sites, which created many unique and charming tourist attractions.

With a consistent strategy of developing green and sustainable tourism, respecting natural, historical and cultural values, and adopting methodological methods, the province is gradually gaining a foothold and becoming a favourite destination for both domestic and international visitors.

He cited statistics as showing that Ninh Binh welcomed more than 6.28 million tourist arrivals during the first half of 2024, including over 500,000 foreigners, up 38% year on year. It earned over 6 trillion VND (236 million USD) in tourism revenue, rising 1.5-fold from the same period of 2023.

In particular, the province has ranked high in many lists of destinations compiled by prestigious international travel websites. Most recently, a full-day tour to Ninh Binh from Hanoi has been named among the Top 10 Experiences in the world for 2024 by TripAdvisor readers.

Tung held that the partnership with the VNR will help increase visitors to his province by offering more convenient travel and introducing local destinations linked with images of Vietnam’s railway sector, and build railway travel stimulation programmes to attract visitors from nationwide to Ninh Binh.

Ninh Binh will increase opportunities for tourists to access and explore local beauty in a convenient and safe manner, the official stressed, pledging close cooperation to design unique and sustainable tourism programmes benefiting both sides.

The natural beauty of Ninh Binh and the professionalism and safety of the railway system will generate memorable experiences for travellers, he stated./.

Nguyệt, Phát to be Việt Nam's flag bearers for Paris Olympics opening ceremony

Đỗ Thị Ánh Nguyệt and Lê Đức Phát will be Việt Nam's flag bearers at the Olympics Games Paris' opening ceremony.

It will be the first time that badminton player Phát has competed in the world's most important sporting event, which is being held from July 26 to August 11.

Phát who will complete in the men's singles, only earned his official place in the last moments after struggling for years to advance into the Paris ranks.

He is currently in an intensive training programme with Indonesian expert Hariawan Hong, who has worked in many different countries and whose most impressive achievement was taking the Thomas Cup 2022 trophy with the Indian team.

At Paris 2024, 172 athletes will compete in the badminton competition. The events of men’s and women's singles, men’s and women’s doubles, and mixed doubles will be contested across ten days of competition with five gold, silver, and bronze medals awarded. Matches will be held from July 27 to August 5 at the 8,000-seat Porte de la Chapelle Arena.

Archer Nguyệt, meanwhile, will be enjoying her second Olympics, having first competed at the Games in Tokyo in 2021.

The 23-year-old thought her Paris Olympic dream had ended, after her unexpected results in qualification rounds. However, on June 26, World Archery announced that Nguyệt was one of five archers taking last Olympic spots based on their latest world rankings.

She will take part in the women's individual and mixed pair (with teammate Lê Quốc Phong) recurve events.

Currently, Nguyệt is practising in Hà Nội, under coach Park Chae Soon, who previously helped South Korea win 11 Olympic golds.

Archery is scheduled to run over a seven-day period, from July 25 to August 4, at Les Invalides. One hundred and twenty eight archers (64 for each gender) will compete across five events, with the mixed team recurve returning to the Olympic programme for the second time.

It will be the second Olympic Games which will see two flag bearers of each country at the opening ceremony parade.

Traditionally, each country selected one athlete to carry their nation’s flag during the lap of the stadium. However, the Tokyo Olympic Games was the first in history which had women as close to half of the flag bearers. As a result, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), for the first time, actively encouraged nations to select a male and a female representative to carry the flag.

Việt Nam will send 16 athletes to Paris, competing in 11 sports of athletics, cycling, swimming, shooting, weightlifting, canoeing, rowing, badminton, archery, boxing and judo.

Despite many difficulties and facing tough competition, Việt Nam hopes to win medals in weightlifting, shooting and boxing.

The Sports Authority of Việt Nam plans to hold a send-off ceremony for the Vietnamese delegation on July 17 in Hà Nội. They will join the Olympic Athlete Village on July 20.

In addition to athletes and coaches, a group of officials and staff will join the team to support them during competitions.

All competitors will be tested for doping at least once before leaving for Paris. They also have to complete a test while they are there and receive the Anti Doping Education and Learning certificate, a mandatory condition to join the Olympics.

A policy of support needed to develop cultural industries, say experts

Experts discussed making contributions to the development of Vietnamese cultural industries and agreed that they need to be financially viable, but they need additional support.

A seminar held on Tuesday Hà Nội heard that Vietnamese identity and spirit needed to be supported with tax exemptions and reductions to get businesses to invest.

The National Strategy for the Development of Vietnamese Cultural Industries until 2020, with a vision to 2030 approved in 2016, is the first national strategy to meet the demand of developing cultural creativity industries.

The strategy has already created positive changes. In 2022, Việt Nam's cultural industries contributed an estimated 4.04 percent to GDP and created one million jobs, according to Nguyễn Thị Thu Phương, Head of Việt Nam National Institute for Culture and Arts (VICAS).

"Many products, events, and cultural and artistic programmes have vividly expressed Vietnamese identity and creative spirit contributing to promoting cultural soft power in international integration," said Phương at the seminar.

Experts expressed their hope that the State could have mechanisms and policies to serve as a pedestal for the cultural industry, specifically creating favourable conditions to support non-state businesses and have tax exemption and reduction policies for these businesses.

"Presently, the State does not have specific support policies for the non-State businesses to develop human resources," said musician Quốc Trung. "While this is an area that requires a long and risky investment.

"Support from the State should be equally divided among inside and outside sectors the State promoting fairness and encourage the non-State businesses which contribute to cultural industries because they also pay taxes and have social responsibility."

Lê Quốc Vinh, president of Le Bros Group said that the State needs to pay attention to supporting and encouraging the businesses to invest into the culture sector.

The private sector creates a driving force to boost cultural industries developing rapidly, so it needs to have a mechanism for the non-State businesses such as tax reduction or appropriate tax rates in daily activities for them, according to Trương Uyên Ly, director of Hà Nội Grapevine art space.

Lecturer Trịnh Lê Anh from Hà Nội Social Sciences and Humanities College said that the output of the cultural industry is tourism and this has been recognised in the world.

"Consuming cultural products is the output of cultural industry and tourism is a method to consume cultural products," Anh said.

To make good use of a cultural industry it needs to have connection between fields and branches of cultural industries and at the same time a policy to support the non-State businesses with clear binding commitments, Anh added.

The seminar was held by VICAS and Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism's Copyright Office of Việt Nam with participations from agencies, localities, associations, scientists and relevant businesses. 

Hanoi workshop talks supreme audit institutions’ role in anti-corruption

The role of supreme audit institutions (SAI) in fighting corruption and promoting transparency and good governance was highlighted at a workshop held by the State Audit of Vietnam (SAV) in Hanoi on July 9.

The event formed part of the activities marking the 30th anniversary of the SAV, and offered a platform for SAIs and international organisations to seek solutions to challenges in the fight against corruption and money laundering.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai lauded the SAV’s role and position in the political system, as well as its contributions to the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI).

The SAV has also played an important part in finance and public asset inspections and supervisions, the approval of settlements by localities, and anti-corruption, the legislator continued.

SAV Auditor General Ngo Van Tuan pointed to emerging issues in the context of globalisation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which necessitate international cooperation.

With regard to anti-corruption, he said SAIs are playing a more active role in the efforts, covering the detection and publicisation of areas vulnerable to corruption, adding they are closely coordinating with other relevant agencies in the fight.

Participants shared the view on cooperation among the institutions, as well as between them and other agencies in anti-corruption, and necessary conditions, legal foundation, personnel, and equipment for SAIs to carry forward their role in the field.

Lao minister affirms significance to preserving Laos - Vietnam ties

President To Lam’s state visit to Laos on July 11-12, his first overseas trip since he took office, demonstrates the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two parties, states and peoples which have been nurtured for a long time, a Lao official has said.

Minister of Technology and Communications and Chairman of the Laos – Vietnam Friendship Association Boviengkham Vongdara told the Vietnam News Agency that it is Laos’ honour to welcome President Lam who will make his first state visit to the nation.

Amidst the complicated and unpredictable developments in the region and the world, as well as tensions in geopolitics and economy and natural disasters across the globe that may affect the development in both countries, Vongdara held that Vietnam and Laos should stand shoulders by shoulders to preserve their ties by consolidating cooperation across all areas, including the party work and political education for young generations, while working together in defence-security and culture-society.

The Laos - Vietnam Friendship Association will promote people-to-people exchange, a channel that helps the two nations' people to tighten and develop their relations into a deeper fashion, he said, adding it will continue raising young generations' awareness of the great friendship between the two countries, and the significance to preserving it for mutual development.

Prime Minister attends mid-year political-military conference

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended the national political-military conference on July 10 to review the leadership and direction over military and defence affairs in the first six months of 2024 and launch tasks for the rest of the year.

Addressing the conference, PM Chinh hailed the achievements that the Ministry of National Defence and the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) have made so far, affirming that the VPA has excellently performed its functions as a combat force, a working force and a production force, and comprehensively completed all assigned tasks.

Analysing the regional and world situation, especially difficulties and challenges in the coming time, the PM said that the more challenging the situation develops, the heavier military-defence tasks become.

Repeating Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's directions at the recent meeting of the Central Military Commission, he asked the entire VPA to focus on eight specific tasks, including reviewing targets and missions of the Ministry of National Defence to ensure the fulfillment of the goals set by the 13th National Party Congress and the 11th Military Party Organisation’s Congress, actively performing the function of giving strategic advice to the Party and State on defence-military affairs, and enhancing the combat readiness and combat capacity to firmly protect national sovereignty.

He underlined the need to research and develop military art and operations to respond to high-tech warfare, while improving the quality of training and drills, and enhancing the commanding and combat coordination capacity.

The military must work closely with the Ministry of Public Security and other forces to maintain security and order, prevent and combat crimes, enhance law enforcement efficiency at sea, especially in averting foreign ships from violating islands and seas of Vietnam, and fighting illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, he requested.

The Government leader reminded the VPA to continue fulfilling civil defence tasks, effectively responding to non-traditional security challenges, and playing the key role in natural disaster prevention and control, incident response, and search and rescue activities.

Along with effectively implementing programmes, plans and projects in logistics - engineering and defence industry, and pioneering in innovation, the VPA should also take the lead in promoting digital economy, green economy, and circular economy while paying greater attention to attracting talents and improving living conditions for officers and soldiers, especially those based in far-flung, border, and maritime areas, PM Chinh requested.

Together with reinforcing the people-based defence, the VPA should actively, comprehensively, and effectively deploy international integration and the defence external relations work, thus maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for national development, the PM stated.

On the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27), he also expressed his deep gratitude to the Heroic Vietnamese Mothers, martyrs and heroes of the people’s armed forces, as well as wounded and sick solders, relatives of martyrs, and those who rendered services for the revolution.

Fire guts Big C Thang Long shopping mall

A fire broke out at Big C Thang Long shopping mall in Hanoi at around midday on July 10, causing a huge panic as people attempted to escape the blaze, according to details given by police of Trung Hoa ward in Cau Giay district of Hanoi.

The fire occurred at about 11:30 a.m. at a booth on the first floor at Big C Thang Long shopping centre. Dozens of firefighters and two fire engines were swiftly dispatched to the scene to put out the fire.

According to leaders of the Trung Hoa Ward People's Committee, the blaze was brought under control in about 10 minutes.

No loss of human life was reported, while the cause of the fire is still under investigation. It is known that Big C Thang Long recently held a firefighting and recue drill on July 9.

Police crackdown on football gambling

The Criminal Police Department under the Ministry of Public Security stated on July 10 that they collaborated with police of the southern province of Khanh Hoa to smash a huge online betting ring for matches at the ongoing Euro 2024 and Copa America competitions, with transactions amounting to over VND500 billion.

The gambling ring used the website to take bets from gamblers. The police found bets had been placed via a Super Master account operated by mastermind of the case Cao Dinh Hung, 33, residing in Phuoc Long ward of Nha Trang city, since February.

A total of 19 other suspects involved in the gambling ring were also arrested by police.

The case is currently under further investigation.

In Vietnam, most forms of gambling, including sports betting, are illegal, with some exceptions such as state-run lotteries.

Cultural diplomacy an important part of Vietnamese diplomacy: FM

Cultural diplomacy is an important component of Vietnam's comprehensive and modern diplomacy, a regular and continuous process, and a common task of the whole political system, stated Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son while chairing a July 9 meeting on the cultural diplomacy work for 2024.

Opening the event, which drew the in-person and online participation of 94 ambassadors and heads of Vietnamese representative agencies abroad as well as diplomatic officials, Son held that the world is facing a turning point to a new, multi-polar, multi-centre and multi-level structure, while geostrategic competition is getting fiercer with more complex hot spots and more obvious traditional and non-traditional security challenges.

In that context, countries are promoting cultural diplomacy as an effective tool for minimising differences, enhancing understanding, building trust, and promoting cooperation, he stressed.

The FM affirmed that with a new stature and strength, and in order to meet the requirements of the country in the new situation, more than ever, cultural diplomacy must truly be placed at the same level as political diplomacy and economic diplomacy, making contributions to the successful implementation of the foreign policy, serving the goal of rapid and sustainable socio-economic development, and enhancing national position and reputation at the same time.

The official pointed to five major objectives of cultural diplomacy, which are promoting trust building, enhancing national image and soft power; proactively and extensively integrating in cultural fields at regional and international organisations and forums; popularising and honouring the values of culture, the beauty of the nation, and the qualities of the Vietnamese people; advocating for UNESCO titles, turning culture into a true "intrinsic strength", contributing to the country's sustainable development; and absorbing the quintessence of the culture of mankind, contributing to building the national value system, cultural value system, family value system, and Vietnamese people’s standards.

He asked participants to focus on seeking measures to link cultural diplomacy more strongly with political diplomacy, economic diplomacy, and overseas Vietnamese affairs, and promote cultural values and the image and people of Vietnam in an innovative and creataive fashion, aiming for breakthroughs and changes in mindset for cultural diplomacy work.

At the conference, diplomats and officials pooled their proposals on the methods to implement the general and long-term cultural diplomacy strategy, including designing mechanisms to attract resources and training personnel for the work.

They pointed to the need to continuously renovate cultural diplomatic activities in a creative and flexible manner, and strengthen science-technology application in the work.

Concluding the event, FM Son sketched out nine major tasks in cultural diplomatic work in the coming time, including bolstering and deepening all-round ties between Vietnam and other countries, territories and international and regional organisations, stepping up the promotion of Vietnam's image, people and culture, and enhancing multilateral diplomacy.

The FM also asked for preparations for a national conference to review the three-year implementation of the national cultural diplomatic strategy by 2030.

Deputy FM highlights significance of President’s visits to Laos, Cambodia

The forthcoming state visits to Laos and Cambodia by President To Lam is of great significance, affirming the solidarity and close-knit ties that between Vietnam and the two countries, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Do Hung Viet said in a recent media interview given ahead of the visits.

According to the Vietnamese diplomat, the trip to the neighbouring countries gives a very important message from the Vietnamese Party and State, as well as from the State leader himself, that Vietnam always places importance on and gives top priority to the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive ties that with Laos. This is along with the good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive linkages, and long-term sustainability with Cambodia.

Through a great determination to accelerate the implementation of high-level agreements, especially the outcomes of the annual meetings between the Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), the Politburo of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP), and the Standing Committee of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP), the trip will mark a new stage of development in the Vietnam-Laos and Vietnam-Cambodia relations.

Indeed, ties are based on equality, mutual benefit, effective co-operation, and respect for each other's interests, thereby contributing to strengthening strategic trust, deepening relations with the two countries, and reinforcing solidarity that exists between the three countries and the ASEAN bloc, the official said.

The Vietnam-Laos and Vietnam-Cambodia relations are currently seeing positive and comprehensive development, based on enhanced trust and closeness, Deputy Minister Viet said, emphasizing  that collaboration through the Party channel plays a crucial role in orienting the relations towards stronger development.

Mutual defence and security ties between with both Laos and Cambodia have become a solid pillar, making important contributions to maintaining political and social stability, whilst ensuring security in each nation, especially in border areas.

The three countries firmly adhere to the principle of not allowing any hostile forces to use one country's territory against another. They are effectively promoting important co-operation mechanisms such as the Annual Conference of Ministers of Public Security and Home Affairs, the Annual Ministerial Meeting of Defence Ministers of the three nations, and the joint rescue and disaster relief exercises between the three armies.

Economic, investment, and trade co-operation continues to greatly progress, with dynamic developments seen in border economic ties, thereby contributing to enhancing the connection that exists between the three countries and improving the living standards of border residents, Deputy Minister Viet stated.

The regular meetings of the Vietnam-Laos Intergovernmental Committee aim to exchange information and to find solutions to ameliorate the effectiveness of cooperation in key areas, the official went on to say.

The nation remains one of the largest investors and trade partners of Laos, with a total of 255 valid projects valued at US$5.5 billion. It is also Cambodia's third-largest trading partner in the world and the largest within ASEAN, with 205 investment projects worth US$2.94 billion. Both Laos and Cambodia are top destinations among the 79 countries and territories where the Vietnamese side has invested in.

Concerning educational and training ties, the nation concentrates on supporting Laos and Cambodia in improving the quality of their human resources. The number of exchange students between Vietnam and the two countries is increasing with higher quality, thereby serving as a crucial foundation for enhancing cultural exchange whilst strengthening mutual understanding and interaction among their peoples.

Collaboration efforts in transportation, culture and society, tourism, and science - technology has also witnessed strong developments. Notably, the work regarding legal documents of people of Vietnamese origin in Cambodia has made greater strides, thereby making it easier for them to live and work there.

During the course of his four-day trip, the President is set to have talks and a host of meetings with all high-ranking leaders of Laos and Cambodia. This will be a favourable opportunity for them to review high-level agreements and key co-operation areas, as well las outlining  directions for future linkages.

The visits will add fresh impetus to deepening the relations that between Vietnam and the two countries, as well as step up collaboration within multilateral frameworks such as ASEAN, Mekong sub-regional co-operation mechanisms, and the UN, the Vietnamese diplomat added.

Lai Chau police successfully rescue young local girl trafficked to Myanmar

Police based in the northwestern mountainous province of Lai Chau have announced success in an operation to rescue a Vietnamese girl who had been trafficked into Myanmar as a forced worker.

17-year-old Lo Thi P of It Luong village in Nam So commune of Tan Uyen district, had fallen victim to a human trafficking scam in Myanmar.

Based on the investigation documents, in early February, 2023, the Vietnamese girl had been working in Lao Cai city when she was contacted and engaged in online conversations with an unknown person through social media. Through these interactions, the unknown criminal then persuaded Lo Thi P to come and work in Myanmar for a high salary.

After illegally entering the neighbouring country with support from the unknown human trafficker, Lo Thi P was forced to do a lot of work without being paid.

As she could not bear the excessive workload, the local girl managed to contact her family in Vietnam and promptly reported the situation to local authorities as she hoped to be rescued.

Upon receiving information of the case, the local police swiftly moved to report and initiate an investigation, taking necessary measures aimed at clarifying and verifying the details.

On July 5, in collaboration with relevant agencies, police forces successfully rescued the girl. A further investigation into the case is now underway.

Hanoi seminar empowers women in green transition

A seminar empowering women and women-owned enterprises in the green transition took place in Hanoi on July 10, with nearly 100 delegates taking part.

Co-hosted by the Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs’ Council under the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the VPS Securities JSC, the event was part of the “EmPower Women for Climate-Resilient Societies” project funded by the UNEP.

Speakers provided updates on policies, regulations, and practices that promote green growth, environmental protection, and climate change response. Discussions also covered programmes, solutions and initiatives supporting businesses and female entrepreneurs as they navigate the green transition.

Additionally, the event explored lessons to help women and women-owned small and medium enterprises (SMEs) achieve a fair transition and adapt to climate change in Vietnam.

Dr. Nguyen Sy Linh from the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment pointed out that SMEs make up over 95% of Vietnamese businesses and contributed about 45% of the country's GDP in 2022.

The green transition presents both opportunities and challenges for women-owned enterprises, particularly regarding transformation in production, consumption and waste disposal, he said, adding that SMEs cannot afford to remain on the sidelines of this global movement.

To achieve inclusive and equitable green transition goals, specific indicators and monitoring metrics are required for economic, environmental and social aspects, he said.

Delegates also looked into the challenges faced by women-owned enterprises in the green transition. They explored solutions and initiatives to assist women-led firms, including connecting them with technology solution providers, banks, and financial institutions that offer both financial and non-financial support./.

PM urges pushing national digital transformation

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on July 10 said solutions should be stepped up to boost digital economy, thus spurring economic growth and contributing to achieving socio-economic targets.

Chairing a meeting of the National Committee for Digital Transformation, the leader emphasised the prevalence of digital transformation in Vietnam, as well as its importance to economic restructuring.

The meeting also looked into the Government’s project on developing resident data, electronic identification, and authentication applications to serve the national digital transformation in the 2022-2025 period, with a vision to 2030 (Project 06).

Chinh, who is also Chairman of the National Committee for Digital Transformation, called the project a bright spot and a good model in national digital transformation, saying it has received support from the public, thus accelerating online public services.

To reach the targets set under the National Digital Transformation Programme and the project, more work needs to be done, he said, stressing drastic and concerted instructions from the central to grassroots levels would help deal with bottlenecks in the implementation.

The PM asked participants to identify limitations and obstacles, especially those regarding institutions, mechanisms and policies, trace causes behind sluggishness and draw lessons, and share experience in digital infrastructure development, the implementation of online public services, and personnel training.

Mentioning tasks and solutions for the remaining months of this year and beyond, he said they should help ensure cyber security and safety, raise the efficiency of online public services, and push ahead with administrative reform./.

Traffic police revoke 500 licences via VNeID application

Traffic police nationwide have revoked nearly 500 driving licences after inspecting over 26,960 cases in the first week of July.

The traffic police, via the VNeID application, focused on violations leading to accidents, documenting 6,892 cases and seizing 2,000 licences, with a strong emphasis on alcohol-related offences.

Efforts to combat illegal racing and enforce helmet use for riders on motorcycles and electric bicycles are ongoing.

On railways, inspections and enforcement of traffic rules at level crossings, security regulations and operational compliance by railway staff were intensified.

The waterway police have targeted overloading beyond safe waterline marks, non-compliance with registration and inspection regulations, vessel modification and repair, crew and operator regulations and port management.

In the first six months of 2024, the traffic police force inspected and handled over 2.13 million cases of traffic order and safety violations on roads, railways and waterways, imposing fines totalling VNĐ4 trillion (nearly US$156 million), revoking 407,700 driving licences, and seizing over 715,400 vehicles.

Compared to the same period in 2023, there was an increase of nearly 450,700 cases handled and an increase in fines by VNĐ800 billion.

Alcohol-related traffic accidents decreased by 37.6 per cent, there was a 66.2 per cent drop in the number of fatalities and 11 per cent fall in the numbers injured in accidents. 
Seminar in Israel highlights Dien Bien Phu Victory

The Vietnamese Embassy in Israel, in collaboration with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, on July 9 organised a seminar on the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 1954) and the signing of the “Geneva Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Vietnam (1954 - 2024) on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of those events.

Participants, who are students studying international relations and Asian studies at the university, had a chance to watch a documentary on the historic victory which marked the end of the French colonialism and created a turning point that led to the signing of the Geneva Agreement (July 21, 1954) to end the war and restore peace in Indochina.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Israel Ly Duc Trung also introduced Vietnam's socio-economic achievements in recent years, the process of Vietnam transforming from a war-torn country to an attractive destination for foreign investors and tourists, and the developments of Vietnam-Israel relations since the two countries set up diplomatic ties (July 12, 1993-July 12, 2024).

The students expressed their excitement at the information received from the seminar.

Manana Shimsilashvili, a local student who majors in Japanese studies, said that Vietnam has an admirable history, adding that the nation has had to face many difficulties but it knows how to overcome them. In this sense, Vietnam is a source of inspiration for all nations, she continued.

Previously, the ambassador and staff of the Vietnamese Embassy in Israel also engaged in a discussion on the above-mentioned topic with some lecturers and scholars of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and representatives of the Israel-Vietnam Friendship Association./.

UNESCO experts suggest greater public involvement in Lang Son Geopark preservation

Experts of the UNESCO Global Geopark Network have suggested the northern province of Lang Son to pay special attention to educating local community about the values of the Lang Son Geopark and enhancing local community’s responsibility in preserving the geopark.

At a meeting with provincial leaders on July 10, the two UNESCO experts - Kristin Rangnes and Tuncer Demir - said that the province needs to protect and promote values of the geopark in combination with its socio-economic development strategy.

In particular, they underlined the need for the province to exploit the unique local features to develop a geopark model that is different from other geoparks.

Lang Son geopark and its counterparts in the northern region of Vietnam should support and complement each other to develop together instead of competing with each other, the experts said, citing UNESCO's requirements for potential geoparks to have outstanding geological values and natural landscape that are distinctive from others.

They also asked local authorities to take measures to ensure absolute safety for people and tourists at tourist attractions. A guidebook introducing the outstanding values of each area, relic site, and scenic spot in the geopark is also necessary to help visitors gain understanding about the relic.

Appreciating the experts’ recommendations, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen said that the province will continue investing and completing the geopark’s infrastructure so that it can meet criteria of an UNESCO global geopark.

Previously, the UNESCO experts made a field trip from July 6 - 9 for on-site assessment of the dossier to seek UNESCO's recognition of Lang Son Geopark as a global one. They visited 26 out of 38 attractions across four tourism routes of the Lang Son Geopark in the districts of Bac Son, Binh Gia, Van Quan, Huu Lung, Chi Lang, Cao Loc, Loc Binh and Lang Son city.

Covering 4,842, Lang Son Geopark, established in 2021, is one of the largest of its kind in Vietnam and boasts a number of unique values.

In terms of geology, geomorphology and landscape, it is home to a rich diversity of palaeobiological fossils dating back as far as 500 million years, many of which indicate this province used to be under the sea in the past. Moreover, this park is endowed with many renowned landscapes such as the low mountain ranges surrounding valleys and villages in Yen Thinh commune of Huu Lung district, or the caves like Tham Khuyen in Binh Gia district that accommodated prehistoric humans.

Regarding cultural values, it houses a number of temples dedicated to the gods in the worship of Mother Goddesses – an intangible cultural heritage of humanity, especially Bac Le Temple, as well as villages of Tay and Nung ethnic groups with distinctive cultures./.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes