President To Lam departed Phnom Penh on July 13 afternoon, successfully concluding his two-day state visit to Cambodia at the invitation of King Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni.

The President and his delegation were seen off at Phnom Penh Airport by Senior Minister in charge of General Affairs of the Ministry of the Royal Palace Kuy Sophal, Minister of Tourism Sok Soken, Cambodian Ambassador to Vietnam Chea Kimtha, and other Cambodian officials, along side Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang.

This is Lam’s first visit to Cambodia after he took office. His visit is of great significance and is viewed as a milestone for the bilateral ties to grow more intensively and extensively under the motto of “good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation, and long-term sustainability.”

During his stay, the Vietnamese State leader met King Preah Bat Samdech Preah Boromneath Norodom Sihamoni, held talks with President of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) and President of the Senate Samdech Techo Hun Sen and Prime Minister Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, and had a meeting with President of the National Assembly Khuon Sudary.

King Norodom Sihamoni greatly valued the visit, saying it demonstrates the importance the Vietnamese Party and State, and the President himself attach to the bilateral relationship.

At the meetings, the two sides showed their elation at the comprehensive, effective and practical development of the Vietnam-Cambodia cooperation over the past years, bringing benefits to their people.

They applauded mutual support, solidarity and sacrifice the two countries granted to each other during their past struggles for national liberation, as well as the current national construction and development process.

Hun Sen praised Vietnam for its support and sacrifice to the Cambodian people during their past struggle against the Pol Pot genocidal regime, and their revival efforts.

Both sides consented to renew and diversity communications methods to raise public awareness, especially among young generations, of the traditional friendship, closeness, solidarity, and all-around cooperation between the two nations.

Cambodia, Vietnam agree to fast-track implementation of signed agreements

Vietnamese President To Lam and Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet have consented to accelerate the implementation of signed agreements such as a Memorandum of Understanding on development and connection of Vietnam - Cambodia border trade infrastructure, and an agreement on bilateral trade promotion for the 2025-2026 period.

At his talks with the Cambodian Government leader held on July 13 in Phnom Penh, President To Lam expressed his joy for the first State visit to Cambodia in his new position and respectfully conveyed regards and good health wishes from Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and other Vietnamese senior leaders to Prime Minister Hun Manet.

Lam congratulated the tremendous achievements that the Cambodian people have recorded and believed that Cambodia will achieve its goal of becoming a high-middle-income country by 2030 and a high-income country by 2050 and people's lives will increasingly improve, and the country's role and position will be further enhanced in the region and the wider world.

The host leader congratulated the great achievements the Vietnamese people have obtained under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam led by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

PM Hun Manet expressed his confidence that Vietnam will continue to reap even greater achievements towards prosperous development, becoming a bright spot in the region and the world.

The two leaders noted their satisfaction with the strong and comprehensive development of bilateral relations in a multitude of fields, thus bringing practical benefits to the people of each country. The efforts include maintaining regular exchanges and meetings at all levels and channels, especially the Party, State, National Assembly, and people-to-people exchanges.

Vietnam is one of Cambodia's major trading partners. In the first quarter of 2024 alone, trade turnover ranked second, accounting for 22.2% of the neighbouring nation’s total export turnover and it is believed that bilateral trade will soon reach the target of US$ 20 billion in the time ahead.

Holding in-depth discussions on directions and solutions to ramp up bilateral relations in the coming time, the two leaders highly agreed on major directions, notably continuing to maintain and strengthen political trust.

They emphasized the need for the two countries to cooperate closely to preserve and reinforce solidarity between the two countries; enhance regular exchanges of visits and contacts at high levels and at all levels across all channels; and well implement signed commitments, agreements, treaties and cooperation mechanisms.

The two sides pledged to continue deepening the pillar of defence and security cooperation, emphasizing the principle of not allowing hostile forces to use one country's territory to sabotage the other; cooperate more closely in preventing high-tech crimes and cross-border crimes, continuing to build a border of peace, stability, cooperation and sustainable development; and support each other in training officials and improving law enforcement capacity.

Regarding economic connectivity, they agreed to drastically accelerate traffic connections and border gate pairs, and actively coordinate with Laos to well deploy "One journey, three destinations" tourism packages through Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam; and effectively operate the newly opened direct air route Hanoi - Phnom Penh - Hanoi of the national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines.

The leaders agreed that the two sides would continue to coordinate to resolve arising issues in the spirit of solidarity and friendship, with a focus on building and developing the border gate system, ensuring smooth traffic connections along both sides of the border to promote the socio-economic development of the two countries as well as border localities, and effectively participating in regional connectivity initiatives.

Thanking President To Lam for affirming that Vietnam encourages businesses to increase investment in Cambodia, PM Hun Manet pledged to continue to create favorable conditions for Vietnamese businesses and support and protect Vietnamese investors which are also an important target of the Cambodian Government to strengthen connections between the private sectors of the two countries.

Underlining the importance of cooperation in human resource development, the two leaders consented to further boost cooperation in this important field, including Vietnam continuing to provide scholarships to Cambodian students in Vietnam.

In addition to supporting each other to improve the capacity of officials, the two sides will also pay more attention to attracting students from both nations to study in each country in industry groups suitable to new development trends such as digital transformation, and science and technology applications.

They will continue to negotiate and seek fair and reasonable solutions to expedite the settlement of areas with incomplete demarcation in the near future; augment cooperation to prevent human trafficking and cross-border drug transportation; and ensuring security and safety for people in border provinces.

Concerning regional and international cooperation, host and guest concurred to support Laos in fulfilling its role as Chair of ASEAN 2024 and the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) 2024; bolster cooperation in the Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam Development Triangle and the Greater Mekong Subregion; cooperate in the management and sustainable use of Mekong River water resources for the benefit of communities in the basin, for the future of future generations and for solidarity among riverine countries, in the spirit of mutual respect, understanding, and equal and mutually beneficial cooperation.

On this occasion, Vietnam News Agency and Cambodia's national news agency Agence Kampuchea Press (AKP) signed a professional cooperation agreement in the field of information and communication to meet the current development needs of journalism in the digital technology era as a contribution to fostering good neighborliness and traditional friendship.

The same day, the Vietnamese State leader met with representatives of Vietnamese representative agencies and the Vietnamese community in Cambodia 

Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang told Lam that more than 100,000 Vietnamese are living, working and studying in the neighbouring nation.

Vietnamese community representatives suggested the Vietnamese Party and State call on the Cambodian Government to offer more favourable conditions for them in matters relating to nationality, education, training and employment, while facilitating the operation of Vietnamese associations and businesses.

They also noted wish for scholarships for disadvantaged children, the building of schools and education institutions for Vietnamese people in Cambodia.

Briefing overseas Vietnamese on his meetings with Cambodian leaders, President Lam stated that both sides continue placing high priority on reinforcing their time-honoured friendship and all-around cooperation.

He said he asked Cambodia to adopt more favourable policies in support of people of Vietnamese origin, along with more incentives towards Vietnamese firms.

Affirming that the Party and the State always take heed to OVs, especially people of Vietnamese origin in Cambodia who are still facing plenty of difficulties, President Lam asked them to raise their legal status and comply with local legal regulations.

He urged the Khmer-Vietnamese Association, Vietnamese associations and the Vietnamese community in Cambodia to stay united, offer mutual support, and try their utmost to contribute to the socio-economic development of the host country and the homeland, as well as the close-knit relationship between the two nations.

On this occasion, Lam presented US$20,000 to the Khmer-Vietnamese Association to support its operation, and 200 gift packages to people in difficult circumstances.

Vietnam, Cambodia strive to achieve US$20 billion trade target

Both nations will continue to promote economic co-operation and connectivity, especially cross border trade with a view towards reaching trade turnover of US$20 billion over the following years.

Vietnamese President To Lam held a meeting with President of the Cambodian National Assembly (NA) Khuon Sudary on July 13 as part of his two-day State visit to the neighbouring nation.

At the meeting, NA President Sudary highlighted President To Lam's state visit as a new milestone in contributing to promoting and deepening relations between the two countries.

The host leader expressed his gratitude for the whole-hearted support that the Party, State, and people of Vietnam have given to Cambodia in their previous struggle for national independence, including joining efforts with the Cambodian army and people to overthrow the previous genocidal regime of Pol Pot, as well as in the current national construction and development process.

He told President To Lam that the new Cambodian NA building donated by Vietnam is expected to be inaugurated and will soon be put into operation.

The Vietnamese State leader conveyed the greetings of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and senior Party and State leaders of Vietnam to NA President Sudary and expressed his positive impression at the strong and dynamic development seen in Cambodia under the wise reign of King Norodom Sihamoni, the skillful leadership of the Senate, NA, and Royal Government, with the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) serving as the core.

As part of this occasion, President To Lam congratulated Cambodia on successfully organising elections for the Senate and at municipal, provincial, and district levels which serves to demonstrate the people's trust and support for the role of the CPP under the leadership of President Hun Sen.

Both sides showed their elation at seeing bilateral co-operation between the two countries enjoy stable development momentum over recent times, while both nations’ leaders have maintained regular contact. Indeed bilateral co-operation mechanisms continued to be effective, coupled with growing cohesion and attachment between the two countries.

They hailed collaboration between the two legislatures in implementing the Cooperation Agreement signed in November, 2022, as well as in co-ordinating with the Laos NA to successfully organise the first parliamentary summit of the three countries in December, 2023. This created a foundation for the three countries' parliamentary ties to develop strongly, thereby further tightening the traditional friendship and solidarity that exists among the three nations.

Host and guest underlined the need to continue to maintain, preserve, and constantly strengthen the good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, as well as the comprehensive and long-term sustainable co-operation between the two sides on the basis of mutual trust and respect for the benefit of the two peoples.

The two sides agreed to continue maintaining regular high-level and all-level contacts, as well as exchanges via all channels, including parliamentary one.
They will continue to co-ordinate efforts to build borders of peace, friendship, co-operation, and sustainable development, while simultaneously enhancing the role of the two legislatures in fostering bilateral ties. There will be a specific focus on building institutions and fine-tuning the legal system to strengthen connection between the two economies, further expand education-training co-operation, and facilitate increasing the effectiveness of collaboration across multiple fields.

The joint efforts include continuing to tighten relations between of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam; and closely co-ordinating and supporting each other at parliamentary and international forums such as the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly(AIPA), the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), and the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF).

The Vietnamese President thanked and asked the Cambodian side to continue paying attention to and solving difficulties faced by people of Vietnamese origin in Cambodia, including naturalisation, thus helping them to stabilise their lives, integrating and doing investments in the host nation to serve as a bridge for a stronger friendship.

he same day, President To Lam and his delegation laid wreaths at the Independence Monument, the monument of the late King Norodom Sihanouk and the Vietnam - Cambodia Friendship Monument in Phnom Penh.

President To Lam holds talks with Cambodia’s CPP, Senate leader

President To Lam held talks with President of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and President of the Senate Samdech Techo Hun Sen in Phnom Penh on July 12, during which the Vietnamese State leader congratulated the CPP on its great success at the recent elections and Hun Sen on his election as President of the Senate.

President To Lam hailed Hun Sen’s precious sentiment towards and key role in the maintenance and development of the friendly neighbourliness and comprehensive cooperation between the two nations.

Hun Sen greatly valued Lam’s first state visit to Cambodia as the State leader of Vietnam, considering the trip a contribution to the countries’ friendship and close-knit relations.

Both sides noted their appreciation for the cooperation achievements recorded in the recent past as seen in the increased political trust with frequent visits and meetings between both nations’ leaders, the substantive development of security - defence cooperation that has become a pillar of bilateral ties, and the stronger trade and investment links, with Vietnam among big investors and trading partners of Cambodia.

Furthermore other cooperation areas like education, culture, and tourism have become more and more diverse. Particularly, people-to-people exchanges have been conducted extensively in various forms, especially between the provinces sharing the borderline. The collaboration between the Vietnamese National Assembly and the Cambodian Senate and National Assembly has been increasingly intensified, helping consolidate party-to-party and government-to-government ties.

The stability, peace, and development of a country also benefit the other, the two leaders added

They applauded the assistance, solidarity, cohesion, and sacrifice their countries have given to each other during the past struggles for national liberation in the past as well as the current national development, emphasizing that this is an undeniable truth.

Hun Sen underlined Vietnam’s assistance and sacrifice that helped his nation to escape from the Pol Pot genocidal regime and revive.

To boost strong development of bilateral relations in the new period, both host and guest consented to actively carry out the high-level agreements and results of the high-level meetings between the two Parties.

Vietnam and Cambodia will increase meetings and interactions between all-level leaders and via all channels, especially between young leaders and youths of the countries, as well as young leaders of the Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam Development Triangle Area.

They will bring into play the mechanisms of the Joint Committee for economic, cultural, scientific and technical cooperation, and the cooperation and development conference of border provinces.

New cooperation mechanisms such as the meeting between the foreign ministers of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos will be actively realized. Additionally, exchanges, cooperation, and mutual assistance will be expanded between the two countries’ legislative, executive and judicial bodies, people’s organizations, and localities, they stated.

Both leaders said that their countries will develop security - defence cooperation more comprehensively and profoundly; adhere to the consistent principle of not allowing any hostile force to use a country’s territory to sabotage the other and considering a country’s safety as the other’s benefit; bring into play the mechanisms of the annual meeting among the ministers of public security/interior of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, the meeting of the three countries’ defence ministers, and the three countries’ joint exercise on response to non-traditional security challenges; and also bolster coordination between the two nations’ competent forces.

Particularly underlining the historic significance of the Vietnam - Cambodia relations, both leaders reached high consensus on the need to strongly reform and diversify communication and education forms help the two countries’ people, especially the young, to have right awareness of the traditional friendship, solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, countries, and peoples. They also stressed the resolve to prevent hostile forces from distorting or driving a wedge into their countries’ friendship.

The Cambodian host also underscored the importance of cooperation in human resources development, asking Vietnam to continue assisting Cambodia in this regard.

The two leaders concurred to continue augmenting the Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia cooperation, including effectively implementing the agreements reached at the high-level meeting among the leaders of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the CPP, and the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party.

They were of the same mind about maintaining and capitalizing on the meetings among the three countries’ Prime Ministers, parliamentary leaders, ministers of public security, national defence and foreign affairs, along side leaders of some other ministries and sectors.

Solidarity and cohesion among Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia will be solidified for the sake of each nation and the region, they went on to say.

Replying to Lam’s invitation, Hun Sen affirmed that he will pay a visit to Vietnam in the near future, with specific date being arranged through diplomatic channels.

Vietnam always gives top priority to developing ties with Cambodia

Vietnam always values and gives top priority to strengthening and developing relations with Cambodia, President To Lam said at a meeting with King Norodom Sihamoni on July 12 as part of his State visit to the neighbouring country.

At the meeting, King Norodom Sihamoni welcomed the Vietnamese State leader’s visit which, he said shows the importance that the Vietnamese Party and State, as well as the President, attach to the close-knit and trustworthy relations between the two nations

He expressed his confidence that the visit will mark a new milestone in consolidating the Cambodia - Vietnam good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation, and long-term sustainability.

The King also used this occasion to express his deep gratitude to the Vietnamese State and people for helping the Cambodian people to escape from the genocidal regime in the past and develop the country at present.

He affirmed that he will continue supporting the sound traditional friendship between the two countries as his father, late King Norodom Sihanouk, used to do.

In response, President Lam emphasized that generations of Vietnamese leaders and people always appreciate the good sentiments along with precious support and assistance from late King Norodom Sihanouk and generations of Cambodian leaders and people for Vietnam during the past struggle for national independence and the current cause of national construction and development.

King Norodom Sihamoni and President Lam noted with satisfaction that the Vietnam - Cambodia relations have continued growing steadily, the mutual trust and cohesion between the two countries’ leaders and people been increasingly enhanced, while bilateral trade is now a bright spot with impressive growth.

Host and guest voiced their hope that in the time ahead, the two sides will intensify all-level delegation exchanges and meetings; bolster cooperation in economy - trade - investment, culture, science - technology, and people-to-people ties; and properly settle outstanding problems in the spirit of friendly neighbourliness, solidarity, and cohesion.

Both leaders affirmed that their countries’ traditional friendship, solidarity, and mutual assistance, nurtured with great efforts and even sacrifice by former generations, are a priceless asset that needs to be maintained for future generations.

They also pledged to continue nurturing that sound relationship, and further step up communications to educate young people on the solidarity between the two nations and their people and to keep propelling the Vietnam - Cambodia friendship forward.

President Lam invited King Norodom Sihamoni to make a visit to Vietnam in 2024. The King appreciated the invitation with pleasure, noting that he will visit Vietnam in the near future.

Following the meeting, President Lam paid a courtesy call on Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk and invited her to visit Vietnam soon.

Later on the same day, King Norodom Sihamoni hosted a banquet in honour of the Vietnamese President and his entourage.

State leader meets Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Association Chairwoman

Vietnamese President To Lam held a meeting with Samdech Men Sam An, chairwoman of the Cambodia-Vietnam Friendship Association, on July 13 within the framework of his state visit.

She applauded the fraternity and neighbourliness that exists through many ways which cannot separate the strategic and traditional friendship between the peoples of Vietnam and Cambodia. She also pledged to further collaborations with the association's other leaders to strengthen the friendship, solidarity, and people-to-people exchanges in a bid to protect and preserve friendly ties between the two peoples.

In response, President To Lam hailed Sam An's contribution to fostering the positive relations between the two countries, emphasizing that the co-operation efforts have been ceaselessly enhanced and developed in recent times, with senior leaders maintaining regular contact whilst holding effective exchanges and bilateral co-operation mechanisms.

Both sides have co-operated closely within multilateral and sub-regional frameworks, contributing to peace, stability, and development in the region and the world, he continued.

The Vietnamese State leader said he hoped that with her deep sentiments towards the country and people of Vietnam, Sam An, who is no longer a cabinet member, will continue to make positive contributions to reinforcing the friendship and comprehensive collaboration that exists between the two countries.

He suggested the Vietnam - Cambodia Friendship Association intensify people-to-people exchanges, especially between the youth, as well as striving to strengthen education and communication work so that people from all walks of life, particularly the young, have a deep understanding of the importance and responsibility for further preserving and cultivating bilateral ties.

The Vietnamese President asked the Vietnam - Cambodia Friendship Association and the Cambodia - Vietnam Friendship Association to continue to promote and replicate the friendship incubation movement that they have been implementing.

He voiced his hope that Sam An and other leaders of her association will support the removal of difficulties faced by people of Vietnamese origin in Cambodia, especially in legal documents, helping them to stabilize their lives and integrate into the local community.

He also proposed the association support and offer optimal conditions for Vietnamese investors and enterprises conducting business in the Cambodian market.    

President visits Royal University of Phnom Penh

President To Lam on July 13 visited the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) within the framework of his state visit to Cambodia.

Established in 1960, it is Cambodia's oldest and largest university. It hosts around 20,000 students in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

Within the framework of the higher education cooperation programme between Vietnam and Cambodia for the 2001-2025 period, Cambodia established the Institute of International Studies and Public Policy at the RUPP including the Faculty of Vietnamese Studies with the aim of further promoting cooperation between Cambodia and Vietnam.

Cambodian students will be properly trained in Vietnamese at the faculty before considering studying in Vietnam.

Meeting with the university’s staff, lecturers and students, the President appreciated the university’s achievements, especially in providing important and abundant human resources for the national development of Cambodia.

Lam said that he is delighted to see Cambodia’s positive developments and the growing comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Cambodia, particularly education cooperation - a bright spot in the two countries’ relations.

Praising the cooperation programme between the RUPP and the Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City in establishing a centre for Vietnamese language and Vietnamese studies, he hoped the centre will become a cradle for Cambodian and international students to learn Vietnamese language and culture to better understand and love Vietnam and its people.

The President also thanked the RUPP for training generations of Vietnamese students in Khmer language, many of whom have contributed to cultivating the good relations between the two countries.

He also hoped that the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training will continue to cooperate closely and exchange experience with each other.

Vietnam welcomes and is ready to receive Cambodian students in general and the RUPP students in particular to study and research in the country, he said.

On this occasion, Vietnam's FPT Corporation gave 50 FPT Elead computer sets to the RUPP./.

Vietnamese, Cambodian news agencies step up cooperation

The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) and the Cambodian news agency AKP on July 12 renewed their cooperation agreement within the framework of President To Lam’s state visit to Cambodia.

The signing took place following the talks in Phnom Penh between VNA General Director Vu Viet Trang and AKP Director General Sokmom Nimul.

Trang affirmed that this visit demonstrates the desire to make the information and communications cooperation between the two agencies more substantive and effective, meeting the requirements of the press in the digital technology era, matching the dynamic cooperation between the two countries at all levels, and contributing to strengthening the Vietnam-Cambodia relationship.

She stressed that although in-person meetings were not held over the past time due to COVID-19 impacts, the two sides have still effectively carried out cooperation activities.

She used the occasion to thank the Cambodian agency for its support to VNA correspondents in the host country.

Briefing the AKP leader on the VNA’s operation, Trang said the agency has optimised new media technology in different stages, and worked to raise the capacity of its personnel in the digital technology era.

In the context of strong digital transformation, the VNA has put in place various solutions to diversify its products, and utilised rich data sources, she said, adding its news productions see the combination of text, image, audio, infographics, and video clip, and the public can access them through different platforms.

The VNA boasts a network of representative offices in all of the 63 cities and provinces at home, and 30 cities in 28 countries worldwide, according to the General Director. Besides, it has sourced products from about 40 news agencies and media service providers worldwide, including the AKP.

Nimul, for her part, spoke highly of the effective cooperation between the two agencies, stressing the VNA is a friend and a reliable partner of the AKP. She also highlighted the VNA’s support for the Cambodian agency’s development.

The relations between the news agencies as well as the two countries are based on their friendship, closeness, and mutual support, she continued.

Nimul expressed her belief that the talks and the signing will help tighten the VNA-AKP relationship, promote their important role as national news agencies, and contribute to consolidating and enhancing the Vietnam-Cambodia relations.

Briefing Trang on the AKP’s ongoing reforms, which focus on technology and personnel, Nimul called for the VNA’s further support in these fields, especially television broadcasting.

The two sides agreed to propose that the two countries’ competent agencies consider the possibility for the VNA and the AKP to coordinate in implementing a project to improve bilateral cooperation capacity within the framework of Vietnam-Cambodia intergovernmental cooperation in the time ahead.

They stressed need to cooperate more closely and regularly in verifying information, and providing accurate and timely information for audiences both at home and abroad in order to prevent fake news from affecting the Vietnam-Cambodia relations.

The agreement for the new period between the news agencies covers information and delegation exchanges, technical support, assistance to correspondents, training for journalists, and coordination at press forums.

On this occasion, the Vietnamese agency presented television equipment to its Cambodian counterpart.

During their stay in Cambodia on July 12-13, the VNA delegation also visited the Vietnamese Embassy, and had a working lunch with Cambodian Minister of Information Neth Pheaktra, during which they compared notes on press management and development orientations in the two countries./.

President hosts Cambodian alumni in Vietnam

Cambodian alumni studying in Vietnam has been making positive contributions to the development of the Vietnam-Cambodia relations, President To Lam affirmed on July 13 morning during his meeting with the Cambodian Alumni in Vietnam Association (CAVA) as part of his state visit to the neighbouring country.

Reviewing important milestones in Vietnam - Cambodia ties, the President affirmed that the relations have achieved many positive results which greatly contributed to the development of each country and consolidated the two countries’ relationship under the motto of “Good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation, and long-term sustainability.”

The President emphasised that over the past time, the bilateral relations have been continuously growing. The two countries’ leaders have maintained regular contacts and exchanges, and bilateral cooperation mechanisms have proven effective. The two sides have paid great attention to promoting economic, trade and investment ties while collaboration in education, training, culture and tourism has been increasingly developing.

In particular, high trade growth is one of the bright spots in the two countries’ cooperation, he said, adding the two sides have also cooperated closely within multilateral and sub-regional frameworks, contributing to peace, stability and development in the region and the world.

In the context of the current rapidly changing and complicated world situation, President Lam hoped that Cambodian alumni studying in Vietnam will always be a strong bridge that connects the two countries.

He wished that they will help the Cambodian people, especially the young, know more about the position and importance of the Vietnam-Cambodia relations to the development of each country.

Agreeing with the proposals of the alumni association, the President said he will ask relevant Vietnamese agencies to grant more scholarships to Cambodian students to study at Vietnamese universities and consider establishing a Vietnamese Alumni in Cambodia Association, thereby further promoting the friendship between the two countries.

The State leader believed that with a complete organisational structure, a large number of members and good sentiments towards the country and people of Vietnam, the CAVA will operate effectively and contribute to the development of Cambodia as well as Vietnam-Cambodia relations.

CAVA President Uch Leang and the association’s members expressed their honour to meet President To Lam on his first trip to Cambodia.

They also showed their deep gratitude to the Party, State and people of Vietnam for providing great support and assistance to Cambodia in general and to Cambodian students in Vietnam in particular.

Uch Leang affirmed that Cambodian alumni will continue to serve as a bridge to help Cambodian younger generation understand the solidarity and close relations between the two countries' people./.

NA Chairman outlines key tasks for second half

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man chaired a meeting in Hanoi on July 12 to review the performance of the legislature, its Vice Chairpersons, Office, and affiliated agencies in the first half of this year and to set the stage for a productive second half.

He highlighted the significant achievements of the NA and its Standing Committee, attributing the country’s progress to their dedicated efforts and strategic guidance.

Looking ahead, he outlined the primary objectives for the latter half of the year. Central to these goals is the preparation for the 15th NA’s 8th session scheduled to commence on October 21. Additional priorities include holding the sixth conference of full-time lawmakers, ensuring the successful execution of the NA Delegation Party's agenda for Q3, and meticulously preparing for the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th meetings of the NA Standing Committee.

He called for implementing the contents of the 2024 Law and Ordinance Building Programme, with a focus on both timeliness and quality. Key legislative tasks include amending 11 draft laws for the NA’s approval during its 8th session and providing initial opinions on 12 additional bills and draft laws, all integral to the 2024 Law and Ordinance Building Programme.

Relevant agencies were assigned to thoroughly prepare for parliamentary oversight and legal forums, and effectively carry out the 2024 NA programme on external activities.

Man also called on the NA Ethnic Council and NA committees to adhere to their working regulations and those of the NA Standing Committee, striving to accomplish assigned tasks.

Vietnam attends 14th annual East Sea conference in US

A Vietnamese delegation led by Vice President of Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam Nguyen Hung Son attended the 14th annual conference on East Sea (also known as South China Sea) held by the Washington DC-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on July 11.

The hybrid conference saw the participation of policy makers and officials from the US administration, along with experts and scholars from the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Vietnam and Taiwan (China). They included congressman Darrell Issa, who is also a member of the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and US Assistant Secretary of Defence for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Ely Ratner.

The conference offered an opportunity for scholars, diplomats and researchers around the world to discuss and evaluate the recent situation in the East Sea, new developments from geopolitical, legal, political-diplomatic and environmental aspects and impacts on the East Sea situation. They also made recommendations and suggestions for coordination between relevant parties to respond to challenges and promote cooperation in all fields to keep the East Sea situation peaceful and stable.

According to Dr. Nguyen Hung Son, at the conference, Vietnam highlighted the importance of the East Sea to peace and stability in the region in general. Maintaining peace in the waters benefits not only the East Sea coastal countries but also the international community.

In addition, the Vietnamese representative also shared the importance of complying with international law, especially in the context of many acts of disobedience to international law not only in the East Sea but also in other regions around the world. Vietnam also upholds the responsibility of relevant countries for coordinating in building trust, promoting cooperative measures, jointly controling the risks of conflict, and ensure long-term peace and stability in the East Sea.

The conference was made with the support from the Foundation for Environmental Security and Sustainability (FESS), the Embassies of Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines, and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom

Artworks by famed anti-war artist Lê Bá Đảng exhibited for the first time in Quảng Trị

The famed late anti war artist Lê Bá Đảng's exhibition Khát Vọng Hoà Bình (Desire for Peace), in his hometown, has over a hundred pieces never been seen before, after his family brought them from France to Việt Nam.

Visitors view the artworks of artist Lê Bá Đảng in his hometown in Quảng Trị Province. -- VNA/VNS Photo Nguyên Linh

The display contains a variety of art forms including oil and watercolour paintings, sketches, woven carpets, wooden and bronze statues, ceramics and, amazingly, bits from a B52 plane.

The exhibition also features documents supporting the resistance and opposing the war, written by the artist and his wife and documents on the fine arts project in his hometown of Quảng Trị.

This exhibition honours the values of peace and calls on everyone visiting to work together to create a peaceful and happy life.

This is the third time that the works of Đảng have been exhibited in his hometown. 

The first was in 1992, after more than half a century away, when he returned home to Việt Nam.

The second time was in 2021 when his family organised a small exhibition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth.

The late artist, who was born and grew up in Bích La Đông village in central Quảng Trị Province’s Triệu Phong district, left Việt Nam at the age of 18 to join the French Resistance fighting against the Nazis. 

He was subsequently captured, but after being released he studied at the Toulouse School of Fine Arts (Ecole des Baux-Arts Toulouse) in 1942-48.

Đảng also had several exhibitions at the HCM City Museum, the International Festival of Huế and the War Exhibition at the Việt Nam National Museum of History of Hà Nội between 2002-2011.

During his 70-year career, Đảng received many titles, including the Award of the International Institute of Saint-Louis in the US, in 1989 and the Order of Art (Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres) by the Ministry of Culture of France in 1994.

The French-Vietnamese artist was given a medal by the Vietnamese Government for his peace and anti-war activities.

Today, his works are in the collections of the Cincinnati Museum of Art, the Rockefeller Collection in New York and the Phoenix Museum of Art, among others.

The exhibition will end on July 14 at Bích La Đông Village, Triệu Thành Commune, Triệu Phong District, Quảng Trị Province. 

Vietnam helps Lao university promote scientific research, training

A ceremony to kickstart the construction of a scientific research and training centre at the National University of Laos was held by the Vietnam National University - Hanoi (VNU) and the Lao Ministry of Education and Sports on July 12 under an agreement between the two governments.

Addressing the event, VNU President Le Quan said with modern equipment and concerted technical infrastructure, the centre is expected to effectively serve scientific research and training to improve the professional expertise, knowledge, and management skills of experts and scientific personnel, enabling them to acquire, master, and advance technologies that have been prioritised for cooperation by the two universities.

The establishment of a strategic partnership between the VNU and the Lao university aims to promote educational and scientific research cooperation between the two countries through the exchange of students and lecturers, the organisation of scientific seminars, and the development of joint research projects, he noted.

President of the National University of Laos Dexanoulath Senduangdet highlighted the significance of the project, calling it a symbol of the strong cooperation between Laos and Vietnam in general and between the two universities in particular.

The project will greatly benefit the Lao education institution, especially in scientific research and training activities, and serve as a learning and research centre for researchers, teachers, and students in the fields related to law, climate change and environmental science, political and administrative science, information and communications technology, agriculture, and agricultural technology, he added.

With a total investment of over 142 billion VND (nearly 5.6 million USD), sourced from the Vietnamese Government’s non-refundable aid, the project will meet priority cooperation areas in scientific training and research within the collaborative programme between the two parties.

It is expected to contribute to further deepening the special relationship between the two countries./.

Workshop promotes Vietnam-UK collaboration in energy transition

A workshop themed “Future Technologies for Net Zero 2050: UK and Vietnam" was held at the Imperial College London (ICL) on July 12, gathering academics, scientists and researchers from the two countries.

The hybrid event was co-organised by ICL and the Vietnamese Intellectual Society in the UK and Ireland (VIS), aiming to explore the potential of new technologies to catalyse clean energy transition in both countries and facilitate collaboration for solutions to the grand challenges in achieving Net Zero in Vietnam and the UK.

Speakers shared new technologies, research and practical experiences in industrial decarbonisation, green hydrogen production and conversion, and battery management and storage.

They also touched up challenges and solutions to achieve the Net Zero goal in Vietnam, focusing on issues such as renewable energy, green hydrogen, energy storage, circular economy, climate finance, business models and social impacts, and policy orientations on energy transition.

Associate Professor Yen Tran, a member of the VIS Executive Board and head of the event’s Organising Committee, said the workshop offers chance for Vietnamese scientists to get updates on new technologies in the UK in the field of Net Zero, and their application possibility in Vietnam, as well as experience in policy, governance and innovation in energy transition.

According to the Associate Professor, many British foundations and organisations are ready to fund and provide consultations for projects in green energy and sustainable development./.

International workshop discusses digital transformation in radiobroadcasting

More than 300 domestic and international radio experts, speakers, reporters and editors gathered at a workshop in the province of Thanh Hoa on July 12 to share experiences in radiobroadcasting digital transformation.

The workshop was held as part of the ongoing 16th national radiobroadcasting festival that opened on July 11.

At the workshop, media experts and speakers shared the digital transformation experiences of radio and television stations in the world.

They also provided participants with update technological trends such as digital storage systems and digital content management and distribution platforms.

Experiences in managing the convergent newsroom model, AI technology application to programme production activities, and the production of multi-platform journalistic contents were also discussed at the event together with solutions to ensure information security and copyright protection in cyberspace for the broadcasting industry./.

Lao media extensively cover Vietnamese President’s visit

Vietnamese President To Lam’s state visit to Laos on July 11 and 12 continued grabbing the headlines of the media in the neighbouring country.

The online version of Pasaxon, the official organ of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee, has published many articles about the visit and the two countries’ relations.

The articles wrote that during meetings between President Lam and senior leaders of Laos, they affirmed the consistent importance attached and the highest priority given to the reinforcement of the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, considering this as a priceless asset and a vital factor of the revolution in each country.

Pathet Lao, a newspaper of the Lao News Agency, has also extensively reported the visit which, it said, aimed to enhance and develop the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries’ Parties, States, and people.

On its front page on July 11, the newspaper ran an article stressing that Laos and Vietnam are neighbours which share a borderline and long-standing cooperation. Throughout the resistance wars for national salvation, the two countries always stood side by side with each other to fight against common enemies and stayed cohesive, which became an incomparable close-knit relationship.

That tradition, founded by Presidents Ho Chi Minh, Kaysone Phomvihane and Souphanouvong, has been unceasingly consolidated and nurtured by generations of the two countries’ leaders, according the writing.

It noted that the Lao and Vietnamese Parties, States, and people have jointly built up the friendship in various areas, especially political and diplomatic relations which have obtained significant results.

Amid complex developments of the regional and international situation, President Lam’s visit reflected Vietnam’s support for Laos’s efforts to achieve national reform and construction targets, thus contributing to national development and the successful implementation of the resolution of the 11th LPRP National Congress. The trip’s outcomes will help strengthen the two countries’ special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation, Pathet Lao wrote.

Besides, the national radio and television stations, along with many other media agencies of Laos have also reserved wide coverage for the Vietnamese leader and delegation’s activities during the visit./.

Vietnam helps Laos build drug treatment and rehabilitation centre

Construction of a drug treatment and rehabilitation centre started in Vientiane province of Laos on July 12 with the support from the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security.

Once put into operation, the centre can provide treatment and rehabilitation services for 500 patients and working conditions for 70 employees.

Speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony, Vietnamese Minister of Public Security Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang said that after the Academy of Politics of the Lao People's Public Security, the centre is a result of the special solidarity and close cooperation between the two Parties, States and people of the two countries in general, and between the two public security forces in particular.

The work also aims to celebrate the 62nd founding anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Laos (September 5, 1962 - 2024), and the 47th anniversary of the signing of the Vietnam – Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (July 18, 1977 - 2024).

On behalf of the Party, Government, and the Ministry of Public Security of Laos, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Security Gen. Vilay Lakhamphong expressed his sincere thanks to the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security for supporting Laos in building the centre.

Vilay believed that the centre will make an important contribution to the implementation of the Lao national programme on solving drug problems and helping the Lao public security force complete its tasks well, especially in the drug treatment and rehabilitation./.

Carbon market to create motivation for green transition: Deputy PM

A carbon market will create motivation for green transition, said Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha on July 12.

Chairing a meeting on the establishment of a carbon market in Vietnam, Ha said that the establishment is difficult and complex, with many developments and changes, requiring a unified commitment to global-scale implementation.

Currently, many countries have established carbon markets, gradually forming technical barriers related to carbon credits for goods.

"To ensure the interests of businesses and the nation, Vietnam cannot stand aside this trend," he emphasised.

He urged ministries and agencies to analyse and clarify the necessary conditions to form a carbon credit market with full political and legal bases and engagement of each ministry and sector, and then develop a synchronous implementation roadmap.

The operation of the carbon market must follow a roadmap under the management of the State, match the capacity and development levels of businesses and the economy, and ensure national interests, Ha said, adding that it’s necessary to learn experience through joint ventures, partnerships or cooperation mechanisms but ministries and agencies must stay proactive.

According to the Deputy PM, the project on the establishment of the carbon market aims to help Vietnam fulfill international commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creating new financial flows for greenhouse gas emission reduction activities, and creating motivation for green transition for industries and economic fields.

He said that on the basis of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment must allocate emission quotas for each field, industry, and enterprise; guide ministries, agencies, businesses, and consulting organisations on calculation formulas, measurements, statistical reports, appraisals of emission quotas and carbon credits.

Deputy Minister of Finance Le Tan Can said that carbon market transactions are proposed to be made on an online platform. It is expected that the roadmap for carbon market development includes two phases with the pilot phase from 2025 to 2027 and the official operation from 2028.

Groups of solutions include greenhouse gas inventory and allocation of greenhouse gas emission quotas; carbon credit management; greenhouse gas emission quota and carbon credit trading system; management, inspection and supervision; and awareness improvement and capacity enhancement.

Specific tasks are perfecting legal mechanisms and policies; building a system for credit trading and organising and operating the carbon market; and communications programmes to raise awareness of the carbon market among target groups.

In Vietnam, more than 300 programmes and projects have registered to be implemented with carbon credit mechanisms. Of these, about 150 were granted more than 40.2 million carbon credits which have been exchanged on the world carbon market./.
Vietnam, Australia step up cooperation in promoting gender equality

Vietnam has attached great importance to gender equality and has reaped significant progress in this regard thanks to collaboration with other countries, including Australia, Vietnamese Ambassador to Australia Pham Hung Tam told Australian Ambassador for Gender Equality Stephanie Copus Campbell at a working session on July 11.

Tam expressed his delight at cooperation results between the two countries in promoting gender equality, emphasising this remains a focus of the bilateral ties.

He also congratulated Australian candidate Natasha Stott Despoja on her re-election to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

The ambassador lauded the growing interest of both countries in gender aspects in priority agendas such as climate change, and bilateral cooperation areas.

For her part, Campbell noted her deep impressions during her Vietnam visit in May, with significant outcomes, especially her meetings with representatives of ministries, agencies, the private sector, and businesses where women hold leadership positions.

She expressed her desire to share Australia's experience in gender equality practices and international cooperation in this field with Vietnam.

Campbell believed that the Southeast Asian nation will continue affirming its role and making significant contributions to multinational-level cooperation in gender equality, contributing to raising collective voices on this issue.

On this occasion, the two officials exchanged views on emerging challenges related to gender equality./.

Vietnam, Laos boost cooperation in training Lao students

The Lao Embassy in Vietnam, in collaboration with the Mekong University, held a conference in the Mekong Delta province of Vinh Long on July 12 to sum up the training and management of Lao students in Vietnam in the 2023-2024 academic year, and put forward tasks for the following year.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, there were nearly 10,200 Lao students learning at educational institutions in Vietnam, of them 252 rewarded for their outstanding performance.

Lao Deputy Minister of Education and Sports Phankhavong Samlane appreciated the effectiveness of the coordination and training organisation of relevant parties as well as the efforts of Lao students in the past school year.

For the coming academic year, he expressed his hope for continued good coordination and more efforts to promptly address shortcomings in the training work.

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Van Phuc asked educational institutions to focus on increasing the quality of training, especially in accreditation and curriculum innovation.

On this occasion, the Lao Embassy awarded a Certificate of Merit to the Mekong University for its achievements in training human resources for Laos, and the university also granted scholarships to the Lao Ministry of Education and Sports and provinces to select and send qualified individuals with suitable capabilities to study and conduct research at the university./.

European Association of Urology opens representative office in Việt Nam

The European Association of Urology (EAU) on July 12 officially established a representative office in Việt Nam located at HCM City-based Bình Dân Hospital.

Speaking at the launching event, Tăng Chí Thượng, director of the city’s Department of Health, said this is an important step forward in professional cooperation, helping domestic patients benefit from modern techniques from the world.

“This is an important basis for developing activities to exchange knowledge and professional experience, deploy scientific research, and promote specialised fields of urology where Việt Nam has its own strengths and characteristics,” he said.

The department will create favourable conditions for in-depth training activities, meeting international standards that are included in the high-quality human resource training programme of the city’s health sector, he said.

Trần Vĩnh Hưng, director of Bình Dân Hospital, said the hospital has been an important partner of EAU in standardising techniques and improving the application of advances in the field of urology - andrology in treating patients.

The opening of the EAU representative office aims to open up opportunities for strategic and bilateral cooperation in training, scientific research, and clinical practice guidance based on the development needs of doctors in the country and the region.

In the coming time, the parties will enhance cooperation, focusing on the fields of gender medicine, male infertility and male reproductive endocrinology.

The event took place within the framework of the ongoing EAU-ESAU Masterclass on Andrology held in HCM City from July 12 to 14.

The three-day masterclass is co-organised by EAU, the EAU Section of Andrological Urology (ESAU), the Vietnam Urology and Nephrology Association (VUNA), and Bình Dân Hospital.

More than 130 doctors in the fields of urology - andrology, reproductive support and related specialties across the country are participating in the masterclass.

In the first of its kind in Việt Nam, the masterclass brings an opportunity for the learners to update in-depth knowledge about men's health and skills in clinical practice treatment of male pathology.

It is carried out by professors from Europe (Italy, Germany, Greece, Spain) and Asia (Japan, the Philippines), along with leading domestic speakers. 

Greater efforts needed towards 1,200km of expressways in Mekong Delta: PM

The Mekong Delta is expected to have about 1,200km of expressways, with some 600km to be completed within this tenure, Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính said during a field trip to the Châu Đốc-Cần Thơ-Sóc Trăng expressway project on July 13.

This is his third fact-finding trip to expressway projects in the region, covering Cần Thơ City and 12 provinces.

The Châu Đốc-Cần Thơ-Sóc Trăng expressway stretches 188.2km, with sub-projects in An Giang, Cần Thơ, Hậu Giang and Sóc Trăng, and total investment amounting to VNĐ44.69 trillion (US$1.75 billion). Its construction began in June 2023, and the whole route is scheduled to be put into service in 2027.

The Government leader inspected the work in Thạnh Tiến Commune, Vĩnh Thạnh District, Cần Thơ City, and in Bình Thạnh Commune, Phụng Hiệp District, Hậu Giang Province, where he got updates on site clearance, material supply, and obstacles to the sub-projects. He asked engineers and workers to speed up the progress, and strive to ensure set targets.

On this occasion, Chính had a meeting with representatives from ministries, agencies and contractors, during which he urged stronger determination, greater efforts and more drastic actions to meet the target of 1,200km of expressways, thus creating momentum for regional development.

He suggested major contractors to team up with their local peers to mobilise on-site personnel, equipment, materials and logistics, and stressed the need to prevent corruption and other negative phenomena during the construction.

Earlier the same day, the leader and his entourage paid tribute to President Hồ Chí Minh and heroic martyrs at the Cần Thơ City martyrs’ cemetery.

Japanese director shows off new version of masterpiece of Vietnamese theatre

One of the most popular plays by the late Lưu Quang Vũ, Hồn Trương Ba Da Hàng Thịt (Trương Ba's Soul in Butcher's Body) will be performed in Hà Nội.

From July 12 to 14, Japanese director Tsuyoshi Sugiyama and Vietnamese artists will showcase the new 2024 version of the play.

Hồn Trương Ba Da Hàng Thịt was penned by Vũ early 1980s, developed from a folk tale of the same name. The playwright brought significant messages to audience about life and existential truths.

It illustrates the conflict between the soul of a poor, diligent, loving farmer, Trương Ba and the large, crude, lazy body of the butcher.

In his work, Vũ reveals his compassionate heart towards human tragedies, particularly Trương Ba who chooses death to protect himself from base desires and the worst aspects of ordinary life.

This choice serves as a reminder to audience about the true value of life. Happiness cannot be attained by living through others' bodies nor can freedom be achieved when controlled by others' hands. True happiness comes from being oneself.

With a running time of two hours, the play incorporates new elements in expression while staying true to the original script. The director makes the play with modern aspects such as live music throughout, costume changes and altered characters for a fresh perspective.

"I haven't changed the script, but I have changed the characters," said Sugiyama. "In the older versions character Đế Thích is played by an actor, in my version an actress will act this role. Plus, I let one artist play different roles.

"I use abstract elements to globalise the Vietnamese play aiming at introducing Vietnamese talented playwrights to the world."

Vũ (1948-88) was a celebrated playwright, poet and essayist in Việt Nam. His literary repertoire includes 50 theatrical plays, three short stories, one collection of essays and several books of poetry. He is considered as a phenomenon of Vietnamese theatre in 20th century.

His works were charactised by their gritty realism and great humanity, portraying the darker side of society.

Premiered in 1984, Trương Ba’s Soul in the Butcher’s Body has undergone various adaptations, transitioning between spoken drama, puppetry and physical theatre.

Jeonggwan Junior Choir, Korea to perform

The Jeonggwan Junior Choir from Busan, in Korea will be performing in the ancient town on July 13-14 as part of their trip to Việt Nam, with a set which includes modern and traditional folk music, Korean-style pop and international melodies.

The Hội An city’s Culture and Sports Centre said the Korean choir troupe, who had joined the Việt Nam International Choir Competition in Hội An, will play to the public at the city's Park Hall on July 13 and hold another performance at 106 Bạch Đằng street in the Old Quarter at 7pm on July 14.

The choir, founded in 2014, who are all aged between 11 and 15, have been touring the world, with performances in Romania, Austria, Czech, Hungary, Taiwan, China, Japan and now Việt Nam.

Their performances are part of a series of cultural exchange activities to boost friendship ties between Korea and Hội An.

The historic town of Hội An officially became a member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) in the Crafts and Folk Art category.

As part of that recognition, the city is committed to preserving folk arts as a consistent feature in traditional festivals and communal activities, as well as promoting tourism.

Hội An, in co-operation with Interkultur, one of the world’s leading organisers of choir festivals, has successfully hosted the Việt Nam International Choir Competition for years.

The ancient town is also welcoming art troupes from Korea including Hahoe Folk Village, a UNESCO-recognised world heritage site in Gyeongsangbuk, the World Music Assemble One, RAAK, Sachoom and Bibap Bang A Tha Ryeong.

Korean and Vietnamese visitors can also share traditional culture, crafts and food, and try on Hanboks, as part of the annual Korean Cultural day, which has been held in the city since 2017.