Central budget to be allocated to buy vaccines for expanded immunisation programme hinh anh 1
In 2023, the central budget will continue to be allocated  for the Ministry of Health to purchase vaccines for the expanded programme on immunisation for all localities nationwide, according to Resolution No.98 recently issued by the Government.

The Government assigned the ministry to guide localities in planning and determining their vaccine needs, and organise the purchase in accordance with regulations, ensuring thrift, efficiency, promptness and safety.

The Vietnamese expanded programme on immunisation (EPI), launched in 1981, is providing vaccines to 12 preventable diseases, namely Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, Hib, Measles, Rubella, Japanese Encephalitis, Cholera (in high-risk areas), and Typhoid (in high-risk areas).

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), in Vietnam, it is estimated that the EPI has saved 42,000 lives and prevented more than 6.7 million childhood diseases like polio, tetanus, diphtheria, measles and pertussis with high vaccine coverage. Official 2017 data indicated a coverage of 97% for Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), 97% for measles-containing vaccine (MCV) first dose, and 93% for MCV second dose.

Dr. Dang Thanh Huyen, deputy head of the EPI Office under the Ministry of Health, said on July 10 that many new kinds of vaccines will be included in the programme in the coming time.

According to the roadmap, the vaccine against Rotavirus will be provided in a number of localities in 2023 and the whole nation in 2024.

Meanwhile, vaccines against pneumococcal disease, cervical cancer, and seasonal flu will be introduced from 2025, 2026 and 2030, respectively, said Huyen.

President attends event honouring martyrs, revolutionaries

State President Vo Van Thuong joined other officials and former leaders at an art performance in tribute to martyrs, revolutionaries on July 19, on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947-2023).

The event, which virtually connected Hang Duong Cemetery in Con Dao in the southern province of Ba Ria - Vung Tau and Martyrs' Cemetery A1 in the northwestern province of Dien Bien, was jointly organised by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the People’s Committees of the two localities.

Addressing the event, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha extended warm regards and deep gratitude to heroic mothers, revolutionary veterans, heroes of the People's Armed Forces, sick and wounded soldiers, relatives of martyrs, and people with meritorious services to the revolution throughout the country.

Vietnamese people always remember that peace and happiness today come at the cost of the sacrifice and blood of their fathers, he stressed.

During the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialists, 1.2 million people laid down their lives for national liberation and reunification. There are nearly 200,000 martyrs whose remains have not been found, and nearly 300,000 unidentified.

Over the past 76 years, the Party, State and the whole society have paid great attention to supporting and taking care of relatives of war invalids, martyrs, and people with meritorious services, Ha affirmed.

Many policies have been implemented concertedly, helping improve the living standards of people with meritorious services and their relatives, he said, adding the whole political system has joined hands in strengthening gratitude activities such as searching for and gathering remains of martyrs, constructing cemeteries, and identifying remains of martyrs.

Earlier the same day, delegates lit candles to pay tribute to heroes and martyrs at Hang Duong Cemetery and Martyrs' Cemetery A1.

Vietnam Fatherland Front leader meets chairman of Chinese parliament

Do Van Chien, Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee, had a meeting in Beijing on July 19 with Zhao Leji, member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee’s Political Bureau and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China.

Chien expressed his delight at the flourishing relations between the two Parties and the two countries, especially the significance of the official visits to China by CPV General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in November 2022 and Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh in late June 2023.

Vietnam highly treasures and gives the top priority to the ties with China. It also supports China to develop and bring into play its positive role to help with regional and global peace, stability, and prosperity, he affirmed.

He briefed his host on the VFF’s position and role in the current period, along with its cooperation with the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), including implementing the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on bilateral cooperation for 2014 - 2019 which has been extended.

About the visit by the VFF Central Committee delegation, he said he will meet Wang Huning, member of the CPC Central Committee’s Politburo Standing Committee and Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, to discuss cooperation orientations for the time ahead, the signing of a new MoU, and the organisation of the second friendship exchange between the VFF and the CPPCC, and between the VFF committees of the seven Vietnamese provinces bordering Yunnan province and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China.

The visiting official said he hopes Zhao will support the CPPCC to successfully cooperate with the VFF, and that as the President of the VFF Central Committee, he will do his utmost to further contribute to the traditional neighbourliness and friendship between the two Parties, States, and peoples, and help promote fruitful ties between the VFF and the CPPCC as well as between the National Assembly of Vietnam and the National People’s Congress of China.

Zhao shared his guest’s view on the two countries’ relations, noting China highly values the top priority Vietnam gives to the development of bilateral connections.

China is ready to join Vietnam in strategic cooperation and socialism building, he remarked.

He said that the two countries should increase high-level exchanges, tap into the potential of their complementarity and ensure uninterrupted supply chains, boost people-to-people exchanges, comply with their common perceptions, and accelerate multifaceted cooperation.

On this occasion, Chien conveyed National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue’s invitation to visit Vietnam to his host, and invited the Chinese parliament to send a delegation to the ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians, scheduled to take place in Vietnam from September 14 to 18.

Zhao voiced his hope to visit Vietnam at an appropriate point of time and said the two countries should strengthen exchanges between their legislative bodies.

Also on July 19, the VFF Central Committee delegation had a working session with head of the Beijing CPPCC Committee Wei Xiaodong and visited the CPC Museum.

PM underlines three priority areas of administrative reform

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh pointed out three priority areas of administrative reform for the time ahead, while chairing the fifth session of the Government’s steering committee for administrative reform on July 19.

At the event, connected with the 63 provincial-level localities via videoconferencing, PM Chinh, who is also head of the committee, highly valued the efforts and achievements in this regard by the committee, ministries, sectors, and localities, but also requested stronger moves to better serve people and businesses.

He demanded pushing ahead with administrative reform, especially that of administrative procedures, enhancing the policy response capacity, reforming internal administrative procedures, and promoting administrative discipline and improving the quality of civil servants.

The Government leader pointed out three priority areas, namely reviewing legal documents to detect bottlenecks; overhauling administrative procedures at all levels to facilitate production and business activities and create livelihoods for people; and examining personnel to commend those fulfilling duties and deal with poor-performing ones in line with the Party and State’s regulations.

PM Chinh asked members of the steering committee and leaders of ministries, sectors, and localities to view administrative reform as a focal task and a criterion for assessing officials, civil servants and public employees’ performance; promote agency leaders’ sense of responsibility towards administrative reform; accelerate the settlement of problems facing people and enterprises; speed up the re-organisation of their subordinate agencies and units; increase inspection to boost discipline; and stringently handle wrongdoings.

He also assigned tasks to certain ministries and sectors, expressing his belief that administrative reform, especially that in tandem with digital transformation, will be promoted to help carry out political and socio-economic tasks for 2023 and beyond.

Since 2021, ministries and ministry-level agencies have cut or streamlined 2,352 business-related rules regulated in 191 legal documents. They have also implemented plans on the abolition or simplification of 470 others of this kind in 56 documents, according to the steering committee.

The Government Office reported that so far, 31.16% of the results of the settlement of administrative procedures have had electronic versions, and 66.48% of the administrative procedure dossiers digitalised.

Meanwhile, 62 of the 63 localities and 10 of the 21 ministries and sectors have merged their public service portals and electronic single-window information systems into ministry- and provincial-level information systems for handling administrative procedures which have also been connected with the National Public Service Portal.

Vietnam Fatherland Front leader meets overseas Vietnamese youths

The Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee held a get-together in Hanoi on July 19 for overseas Vietnamese youths attending the 2023 Summer Camp.

Vice President of the VFF Central Committee Hoang Cong Thuy emphasised that the great national unity has always been identified by the Party as a strategic issue and a top task of the revolution, and the overseas Vietnamese community is an indispensable part of that great national unity bloc.

Stressing that overseas Vietnamese youths and students are the future of the overseas Vietnamese community, Thuy affirmed that as the "common house" of the great national unity bloc, the VFF has actively coordinated with the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs in activities for them, including this summer camp.

He expressed his hope that participants in this event will contribute to stepping up the implementation of youth movements and connect with those in the homeland to create a network supporting each other.

On this occasion, Thuy awarded the VFF Central Committee’s Certificates of Merit to overseas Vietnamese youths with outstanding achievements in working and learning, and with great contributions to the homeland.

The 2023 Summer Camp, which is taking place in 10 localities across Vietnam from July 18 to August 2, offers a chance for 120 participants to visit relic sites and tourist attractions, and learn about culture, history and traditions of the country. The overseas Vietnamese youths can also partake in gratitude and memorial activities, hold exchanges with local youngsters, and join voluntary youth programmes and competitions, among others.

First held in 2004 by the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs, the camp aims to connect Vietnamese young people from different parts of the world while fostering the pride that they have for their home country. Since then, it has brought thousands of outstanding overseas Vietnamese youngsters from 16-24 years old to visit their motherland.

Forum promotes digital transformation, innovation among youths

The Hub Network, in collaboration with the Global Shapers Community (GSC) Hanoi and the FPT Corporation, held the Hub Forum – The Execution on July 19, with the aim of promoting digital transformation and innovation among young people.

The forum aimed to disseminate the spirit of modernisation, digital transformation and innovation to youth union members and young people, especially students of universities, colleges and academies.

It also contributed to attracting investment, strengthening connectivity between generations of Vietnamese people, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, experts, and socio-economic and political organisations to better support the young generation in this field.

The Hub Forum attracted the participation of over 400 delegates, and more than 200,000 visits on online channels.

The GSC is a group of 40 young entrepreneurs who create positive influence for the society in Hanoi. Meanwhile, the Hub Network comprises of 22 startup clubs across Vietnam, with a vision to become the No.1 youth organisation supporting youth startups in the country.

People's Artist Trần Bảng, the "Chèo tycoon" passed away, aged 97

People's Artist Trần Bảng, a celebrated Chèo director, composer and researcher, known as "the contemporary Chèo tycoon", has passed away at the age of 97.

People's Artist Trần Bảng was born in 1926 in Vĩnh Bảo District, Hải Phòng, and is a famous Chèo director, composer and researcher, known as a "Chèo tycoon".

He is the person who found and preserved many ancient Chèo plays and supported Chèo artists, adapting and reconstructing many classic plays such as Quan Âm Thị Kính (Goddess of Mercy), Xúy Vân (Ms Xúy Vân), and Cô Tấm (Ms Tấm). 

Throughout his life as a Chèo director and composer, the play he was most devoted to was Goddess of Mercy, which he restored three times in 1957, 1968 and 1985.

In 1953, he collaborated with artists Năm Ngũ and Dịu Hương to create the play Chị Trầm (Sister Trầm) - the first modern play of the revolutionary Chèo stage.

He also staged many contemporary Chèo plays such as Lọ nước thần (Spirit of Water Bottle), Tình rừng (Forest Love), Cờ giải phóng (Liberation Flag), Máu chúng ta đã chảy (Our blood has flowed) and Đường đi đôi ngả (Double Way). 

He wrote several books on Chèo research such as Essay on Chèo, Chèo Performance Technique, and Chèo - A Phenomenon of National Theater.

Trần Bảng is one of the founders of the Central Union of People's Literature. He was one of the people who laid the first bricks to build and be the Director of the Việt Nam Chèo Theater.

He used to be the Director of the Theater Arts Department and the Deputy General Secretary of the Việt Nam Theater Artists Association.

Because of his tireless dedication to Chèo, he received many awards, including the State Prize for Literature and Arts in 2001, and the Hồ Chí Minh Prize in Literature and Arts in 2007.

The Chèo artist passed away at the age of 97 in Hà Nội on July 19 from pneumonia. 

Another earthquake occurs in Central Highlands district

Kon Plong district in the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum was struck by a magnitude 3.6 earthquake at noon on July 19, marking the 10th quake hitting the area since July 15.

According to the Vietnam Earthquake Information and Tsunami Warning Centre under the Institute of Geophysics, the quake occurred at 11:45am, with its epicentre at a depth of about 10.1 kilometres.

Earlier, the area was shaken by nine quakes measuring from 2.5-3.0 on the Richter scale between July 15-18. However, they posed no disaster risk.

Earthquakes have been occurring frequently and continuously in Kon Plong since 2021. Recently, their frequency and magnitude has been on the rise. The strongest earthquake hitting the area in recent years was a magnitude 4.7 quake recorded on August 23, 2022.

Dr. Nguyen Xuan Anh, Director of the Institute of Geophysics, advised local residents and authorities to pay attention to seismic resistance factors in construction. Authorities at all levels should regularly popularise and instruct people on measures to prevent, avoid and minimise damage when strong earthquakes occur.

Party Central Committee's Office requested to better consultancy work

Politburo member and Permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Truong Thi Mai on July 19 asked the Party Central Committee's Office to improve its consultancy work and well fulfill its assigned tasks in the remaining months of this year.

Speaking at the office’s conference to review its activities in the first half of 2023, and deploy tasks for the second half, Mai requested the office to both work directly and coordinate with relevant agencies to ensure the working agenda of the Party Central Committee, including its 8th plenary session with many important contents.

The office should continue modernising its method of working, paying attention to the personnel work, and upholding the responsibility for setting example of leaders, said Mai, who is also Chairwoman of the Party Central Committee's Organisation Commission.

Member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and Chief of of the Party Central Committee's Office Le Minh Hung promised that its staff will exert greater efforts to better fulfilll their missions.

Over 9 trillion VND needed for protection and exploitation of aquatic resources

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) estimates that it needs about 9.035 trillion VND (382.02 million USD) to carry out the planning on protection and exploitation of aquatic resources for 2021 – 2030, with a vision to 2050.

The information was unveiled at a meeting of the council for the appraisal of the planning, which took place in Hanoi on July 18 and was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and chairman of the council Tran Luu Quang.

Of the estimated cost, the central budget is set to account for nearly 21%, local funds make up 24.5%, and funds mobilised from other sources, 54.6%.

In the 2021-2025 period, the required capital is approximately 1.25 trillion VND, accounting for 13.8% of the total, with the remainder earmarked for 2026-2030.

The planning is developed in the context of the rapid depletion of marine ecosystems and aquatic resources in coastal and inland areas due to excessive exploitation and even destruction. Its objective is to protect, conserve, and develop aquatic resources in various aquatic areas and preserve marine biodiversity.

Among its many targets, by 2030, 27 marine conservation areas will be established and effectively operating, with a total area of approximately 454,676ha designated as protected marine areas.

Concluding the meeting, Quang emphasised that restoring order in the exploitation of aquatic resources in the next two to three decades is a challenging task. This is due to the depleted aquatic resources, the large number of fishing vessels, and the fact that fishing is a traditional occupation for many people.

The Deputy PM requested that the planning scheme must include a list of projects arranged in order of priority and with more specific details. He stressed the need to clearly identify the capacity for capital mobilisation during the 2021-2025 period to ensure feasibility immediately after the document is officially approved.

Exhibition showcases graphic art works

An exhibition themed ‘Graphic art – from folk to contemporary’ opened at Anh Duong Art Space in Long Bien district of Hanoi on July 19.

Telling a story of the Vietnamese graphic art over a decade, it features various woodblock collections with exquisite and elaborate carvings.

On display are more than 50 artworks by six Vietnamese contemporary graphic artists, namely Nguyen Nghia Phuong, Phan Hai Bang, Vu Dinh Tuan, Pham Khac Quang, Vu Bach Lien, and Nguyen Khac Han. These renowned artists represent the contemporary graphic art scene in Vietnam in recent years.

Co-organised by the Hanoi Studio Gallery and the Anh Duong Art Space, the exhibition is open to the public until September 29.

State President commemorates war martyrs at Con Dao cemetery

State President Vo Van Thuong on July 19 offered incense in commemoration of war martyrs at Hang Duong Cemetery on Con Dao island of Ba Ria – Vung Tau province to mark 76 years of Vietnamese War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27).

President Thuong was joined by former State President Nguyen Minh Triet and Truong Tan Sang, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for Popularisation and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia, Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for Mas Mobilisation Bui Thi Minh Hoai, and other officials representing ministries, agencies and localities.

They all respectfully offered incense and flowers in commemoration of late Party General Secretary Le Hong Phong, late Hero of the People’s Armed Forces Vo Thi Sau, and many other compatriots, heroes and martyrs who have been laid to rest on Con Dao island.

They then attended a death anniversary of heroic martyrs, revolutionary soldiers and patriotic compatriots who died on the island in Con Dao. The ceremony was held at Con Dao Memorial.      

President Thuong and other officials also spent a moment of silence commemorating Vietnamese predecessors, President Ho Chi Minh, heroic martyrs, revolutionary soldiers and patriotic compatriots who sacrificed their lives for national independence and freedom.

Con Dao is a sacred land that marks the resilient and indomitable struggle of heroic martyrs, revolutionary soldiers, and patriotic compatriots during the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialists. In those fierce battles, they spared no blood, bones and youth, devoting themselves to the cause of national liberation and reunification for the noble ideal of “Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom”.

Currently, Hang Duong Cemetery is home to 1,922 graves, while Con Dao Temple has names of 2,284 martyrs written on stone steles erected there.

Hoi An and Ho Chi Minh City among top 15 favourite cities in Asia

The ancient city of Hoi An in the central province of Quang Nam along with Ho Chi Minh City have been listed among the top 15 favourite cities in Asia of 2023, as chosen by readers of United States magazine Travel+Leisure.

According to the results of the voting, Hoi An scored 87.86 points out of 100, ranking 13th in the list, while Ho Chi Minh City scored 87.64, finding itself at 14th.

The two cities were rated based on criteria such as sights and landmarks, culture, food, friendliness, shopping, and value.

Located beside the Thu Bon river, Hoi An ancient town boasts a unique architectural style of tube-shaped houses adjoining one another along the streets. Visitors to the town also have a chance to visit Cầu (Bridge) pagoda, the famous Japanese corner, Chinese-style pagodas, and French-style cafes.

The UNESCO-recognised World Heritage Site also impresses its visitors with the peaceful life of local people coupled with its unique culture, tradition, and beauty.

Meanwhile, with a history spanning more than 300 years, the southern metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City has strived to become a dynamic and attractive destination for both domestic and foreign guests.

As Vietnam’s biggest economic engine and largest city, it offers a number of historic sights and delicious food for visitors to enjoy.  

Udaipur in India was named as the best city in Asia this year, followed by Kyoto of Japan and Ubud of Indonesia.

In its survey, Travel + Leisure asked readers to weigh in on their own travel experiences around the globe and to share their opinions on the top hotels, resorts, cities, islands, cruise ships, spas, airlines, and more. 

Nearly 165,000 readers completed this year’s survey, an increase of nearly 25% over pre-pandemic voting levels. 

Da Nang festival, tournament to promote golf tourism

The Danang Golf Tourism Festival 2023, featuring the BRG Open Golf Championship Danang 2023, is scheduled for August 25-September 2 at golf courses in the central city of Da Nang and surrounding areas, the APEC Sculpture Garden and Bach Dang street.

The event will be co-organised by the Department of Tourism, the Department of Culture and Sports, the Da Nang Tourism Promotion Center, and the Viet Nam Golf Services Joint Stock Company (VGS CORP).

It aims to promote Da Nang's image, infrastructure and potential for golf tourism development, creating a premise for the city to continue to host regional and world events and tournaments, and develop golf tourism, especially in the field of sports and golf tourism.

Slated for August 29-September 2, the BRG Open Golf Championship Danang 2023, which is part of Asia Tour's Asian Development Tour system, is expected to see the participation of 144 professional golfers, including 120 professional golfers in Asia and 20 professional and amateur golfers nominated by the sponsors.

In addition to the championship, the festival will also features an exchange with international golfers, a city tour for international golfers, an international seminar on golf, a check-in space, exhibitions, and fashion shows, among others.

Malaysian PM’s Vietnam visit hoped to develop substantive bilateral ties

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s official visit to Vietnam from July 20-21 is expected to contribute to consolidating political trust, promoting multifaceted cooperation, and developing the two countries’ relations in a more substantive and effective manner.

This is the Malaysian leader’s first official visit to Vietnam since he took office last December. The trip will be made at the invitation of his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Minh Chinh, according to an announcement of the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Vietnam and Malaysia set up their diplomatic ties on March 30, 1973, and upgraded their relations to the Strategic Partnership level in August 2015.

The two sides have regularly organised high-level meetings and contacts and delegation exchanges, and maintained cooperation mechanisms.

The two countries also approved the Action Programme on the implementation of the Strategic Partnership for the 2021-2025 period with major orientations in order to effectively tap potential and strengths of each country, towards mutual recovery and resilient and sustainable development in the post-COVID period.

Malaysia is currently Vietnam's second largest trade partner in ASEAN, after Thailand, and ninth in the world, and is Vietnam's third biggest export market in ASEAN. Meanwhile, Vietnam is Malaysia's third largest trade partner in the association. Two-way trade reached 14.68 billion USD in 2022, up 17.4% year-on-year. The two countries are striving to raise the figure to 18 billion USD by 2025.

Malaysia ranks second in ASEAN and 10th out of 140 countries and territories pouring capital into Vietnam, with 702 valid projects totaling 13 billion USD in 32 out of the 63 provinces and cities.

Meanwhile, Vietnam has 21 valid projects totaling 853 million USD in Malaysia, ranking ninth out of 78 countries and territories investing in the country.

At present, around 12,000 Vietnamese people are working in Malaysia, accounting for nearly 1% of the number of foreign workers in the nation.

Over the past years, Vietnam and Malaysia have also promoted collaboration in education, culture-tourism, science and technology and people-to-people exchange.

Currently, there are about 1,000 Vietnamese students studying in Malaysia. The two sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in education on March 6, 2019 to replace the one inked in 2004, and another on cooperation in the field of higher education on October 17, 2023.

Malaysia is among 10 markets seeing the largest numbers of Vietnamese tourists. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the total visitor exchange between the two countries in 2019 reached about 1 million. In 2022, Vietnam welcomed more than 170,000 Malaysian tourists, and Malaysia also served about 170,000 Vietnamese travellers.

In Vietnam's relationship with Malaysia, people-to-people diplomacy plays a particularly important role and is becoming more and more important.

The Vietnam-Malaysia Friendship Association was established on June 5, 1994. The association has maintained regular exchanges with the Malaysian Embassy in Hanoi and the Vietnamese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. On March 8, 2022, the Malaysian government granted a license to establish the Malaysia - Vietnam Friendship Association.

Currently, there are around 30,000 Vietnamese people living in Malaysia.

Top legislator requests thorough preparations for first NA election anniversary

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on July 18 chaired the first meeting of the steering committee for the organisation of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the first NA general election (January 6, 1946-2026).

On January 6, 1946, the first general election to elect NA deputies successfully took place across the country, marking an important milestone in the process of building a democratic institution and legally affirming the right to mastery of the Vietnamese people.

The success of the first general election opened up a new period for the country - that with a National Assembly, a unified Government, a progressive Constitution and a complete administration system eligible to represent the Vietnamese people in the international arena in domestic and foreign affairs.

Speaking at the meeting, NA Chairman Hue stressed that the celebration will be an important political event.

This will be not only an opportunity for the Party, people and army to look back on the history of formation and development as well as achievements of the legislative body over the past 80 years, but also become a patriotic emulation movement at all levels, in all sectors, organisations and localities, and among the entire people.

He required thorough preparations for commemorative activities, including compiling a book and producing a documentary featuring the NA’s history, and restoring the relic site of the NA Standing Committee in the northern mountainous province of Tuyen Quang.

Ambassador meets Deputy Speaker of Tanzanian parliament

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations, met with Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly (NA) of Tanzania Mussa Azzan Zungu on July 18 on the sidelines of the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

Giang congratulated Tanzania on successfully presenting its voluntary national review on the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals at the forum.

He applauded the relations between the two countries as well as the sound cooperation between their NAs, especially within the framework of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

The diplomat expressed his hope that Tanzania will send a delegation and contribute to the success of the IPU’s ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians to be hosted by Vietnam this September.

Giang also called on the Tanzanian Government and NA to continue supporting and ensuring the rights and interests of the Vietnamese community and businesses in the African country.

Congratulating Vietnam on its achievements in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, Deputy Speaker Mussa Azzan Zungu affirmed that his country will send representatives to the conference.

He also shared Giang’s view on bilateral relations and stated the Government and NA of Tanzania have always paid attention to and created the best possible conditions for the Vietnamese community and businesses to live and operate there.

All Vietnamese students at World Mathematics Invitational 2023 win prizes

All 34 Vietnamese students have won one diamond, six gold, nine silver, 12 bronze, and seven consolation prizes at the World Mathematics Invitational (WMI) 2023 competition in Seoul, the Republic of Korea.

The event running from July 14 to 18 drew the participation of 3,000 candidates from 25 countries and territories worldwide.

The Vietnamese contestants mainly hailed from primary and secondary schools in Hoan Kiem district of Hanoi.

Dang Anh Tuan, an eighth grader from the Trung Vuong secondary school, won a special cup “The Star of the World”, which is awarded to the diamond prize winner with the highest score.

The WMI was first held in 2018, gathering together institutes and organisations worldwide that make efforts in promoting and popularising mathematics. However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic the WMI final round was organised virtually from 2020 to 2022.

Through interacting with other math-loving students representing their own countries, students can further expand their worldview, experience different cultures, thereby opening their horizons, as well as broadening their future.

Vietnam has sent contestants to the competition since 2019. In their first participation, 32 Vietnamese students all won awards in the final round which took place in Fukuoka, Japan.

HCM City faces burden of hand, foot, mouth disease and dengue fever

The Hồ Chí Minh City Centre for Disease Control (HCDC) has reported a significant increase in the number of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) cases and hospitalisations in the region.

According to their latest findings from July 3 to 9, 2023 (week 27), the outbreak is spreading rapidly throughout the city.

Since the beginning of the year, certain districts in the city have witnessed a high incidence rate of HFMD infections per 100,000 people. These districts include Bình Tân, Bình Chánh, Tân Phú, District 6, and District 8.

In the most recent week (week 27th), the city recorded 1,614 HFMD cases, showing an alarming increase of almost 2.5 times compared to the average of 716 cases reported four weeks earlier.

The surge in cases began to be noticed from May 8, 2023, and along with the increased numbers, the severity of cases has also risen.

Doctor Trần Ngọc Lưu from the Department of Infection at Children's Hospital 2, has expressed concerns about the mounting hospitalisation rates compared to a month ago. Some patients exhibit signs of worsening conditions and neurological complications, necessitating close monitoring in the recovery room.

The health sector has issued a dire forecast, predicting a continued increase in both the overall cases and the number of severe cases of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) in the forthcoming weeks. This concerning trend could persist for an extended period unless immediate and drastic preventive measures are implemented.

Doctor Lưu emphasised that the current hot season contributes to the rise of diseases related to respiratory and digestive infections, with the hand, foot, and mouth group being particularly susceptible.

In addition to the HFMD outbreak, HCMC is also facing an escalating risk of dengue fever.

According to data from HCDC, from the beginning of the year until week 27, specific districts have recorded a high incidence of dengue cases per 100,000 people, including District 1, Bình Chánh District, District 8, Bình Thạnh District, and Bình Tân District.

During week 27, the entire city documented 237 dengue cases, signifying a concerning 32 per cent increase compared to the average of 180 cases recorded four weeks prior.

Although the number of new HFMD and dengue fever cases is currently lower than in the same period last year, it is distressing to note that the ratio of severe cases to the total number of new cases in both epidemics has escalated. For instance, last year, out of 100 cases, only 10 were classified as severe. This year, with 100 new cases, the number of severe cases has risen to about 20.

Nguyễn Hồng Tâm, Director of HCDC, has revealed that no deaths have been recorded due to dengue fever at this point. However, the increase in severe cases warrants significant attention and immediate action.

According to the Department of Health, the yearly progression of dengue fever has already begun to increase. The peak season is expected to last from July until the end of October each year.

Disturbingly, surveillance reports indicate that the detection rate of larvae at risk points is alarmingly high, reaching close to 48 per cent (49 out of 103 points). This rate is anticipated to rise further with increased rainfall if drastic measures are not taken to control dengue risk areas.

The emergence of both hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) and dengue fever poses a significant challenge.

Doctor Trương Hữu Khanh, Vice Chairman of the HCM City Infectious Diseases Association, emphasised the urgency of simultaneously preventing both diseases.

"It is crucial to implement preventive practices for HFMD at home and in schools, while working collaboratively to eliminate mosquitoes, larvae, and clean up waterlogged areas to effectively combat dengue fever," he said.

Khanh further highlighted the concerning aspect of the coexistence of HFMD and dengue fever, as it places a tremendous burden on treatment resources.

To address the forecast increase in the epidemic, the Department of Health has proactively implemented a series of disease prevention measures. Hospitals have been directed to develop response scenarios and stratify treatment for both dengue and hand, foot, and mouth disease.

The Department of Health has established a three-tier response scenario for hand, foot, and mouth disease, with the final level involving pediatric hospitals and Hospitals for Tropical Diseases, equipped to handle the most severe cases.

Additionally, an expert group has been formed to address hand, foot, and mouth disease cases. This group aims to strengthen consultations for severe cases requiring referral or complicated situations with units in the city and southern provinces/cities. The assignment of Children's Hospitals 1 and 2, City Children's Hospital, and the Hospital for Tropical Diseases is to provide professional and technical support and guide hospitals in the southern region regarding prompt and effective treatment to minimize mortality from hand, foot, and mouth disease.

In light of the escalating health risks, cooperation among healthcare institutions, local authorities, and the public is of utmost importance. Immediate and cohesive efforts are essential in combatting the spread of these epidemics and ensuring the well-being of the community in Hồ Chí Minh City.

Perfect scores triple in 2023 National High School Examination

The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) on Tuesday morning announced the results of the nine subjects in the 2023 National High School Examination, with an explosion of perfect scores in citizenship education.

There are 14,693 students getting a perfect score, but only one student received a score of 10 in literature.

In 2022, the country recorded five perfect scores in literature.

In total, the whole country recorded 16,427 perfect scores, which is nearly three times higher than last year. In 2022, this number was 5,560 perfect scores.

The Civic Education accounts for 89.4 per cent of all perfect scores in the country. It has consistently been one of the subjects with the highest scores since it was included in the National High School Examination five years ago.

History ranks second in the list of the number of perfect scores nationwide. There are a total of 789 students who achieved a perfect score of 10 in History, accounting for 4.8 per cent of all perfect scores.

English also witnessed 555 students getting top marks of 10.

Other subjects also have perfect scores: Mathematics with 12 students, 70 in Physics, 137 in Chemistry, 135 in Biology, and 35 in Geography.

According to the results released by MoET, the average score in mathematics is 6.25, in literature 6.86, and in foreign languages it is 5.45.

A total of 876,102 students took the foreign language exam this year.

This subject has the highest number of students scoring below the average, with 392,784 (accounting for 44.83 per cent).

Physics, Chemistry, and Biology have average scores of 6.57, 6.74, and 6.39, respectively.

Notably, Civic Education has the highest average score with 8.29. In History it is 6.03 and in Geography 6.15.

HCM City has the highest average score in the subject of English, with 6.76.

Bình Dương, Hà Nội, Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu and Đà Nẵng rank in the follow-up. Meanwhile, Hà Giang has the lowest English exam score.

Among the exams with scores under 1, the Foreign language subject has the highest number with 192 students, followed by Mathematics with 123, and Geography with 112. The subject with the fewest scores under 1 is Chemistry, with only 14.

The nationwide top student in this year's examination is from Nam Định Province, achieving a remarkable score of 57.3.

The only student who got a perfect score of 10 in Literature is also from this province.

Vĩnh Phúc Province has the highest average score in the 2023 National High School Examination while Hà Giang recorded the lowest average score.

The results of the examination are used to determine whether a student meets the graduation requirements of high school and serve as the basis for universities and colleges to establish admission thresholds. 

Young intellectuals take part in summer volunteer programme in Mekong Delta province

From July 15 to 30, around 90 highly educated young volunteers in HCM City have taken part in building new-style rural areas, transferring technical advances, promoting digital transformation and improving digital capacity for youth in the (Mekong) Delta province of Đồng Tháp.

The young intellectuals have volunteered for numerous community activities and programmes at this year’s HCM City 2023 summer youth volunteer campaign organised by the Hồ Chí Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) of HCM City, benefiting people in the city and its neighbouring provinces.

According to the HCYU of HCM City, the young volunteers are divided into five working teams to work in the province’s Tháp Mười District.

A consultant team will carry out activities for agricultural development.

The team will organise training on breeding sea ducks, growing mushrooms and planting trees with environmental protection, as well as give about 2,000 ducklings, 300 mushroom embryo bags and 200 seedlings to locals.

It will also offer training on treating organic waste, solutions to reduce air pollution, and reducing the foul odour from agricultural waste.

It will provide technical guidance on livestock production and cultivation to local households, support locals in technology transfer and the application of science and technology into agricultural production, and consult on trading agricultural products and methods to promote consumption of agricultural products.

It will instruct locals, especially youth, on processing and preservation techniques for food and agricultural products.

Another team will provide local children with knowledge and social skills, and give away five bookcases.

It will provide students talks on building beautiful friendships, saying no to school violence, emotional management skills and positive thinking; and skills in preventing and fighting fake news on social networks, and civilised and cultured behaviour in cyberspace.

It will organise playgrounds for students with rich knowledge about astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology and math.

Three other teams will take charge of a number of activities in supporting administrative procedure reform, consulting on healthcare and providing free examinations and medicine to 500 people, and promoting digital transformation.

Đà Nẵng to host top Asian golf tour

Top Asian golfers will compete in the BRG Open Golf Championship-Đà Nẵng 2023 - the first tournament of the Asian Development Tour in Việt Nam – at the Nicklaus Đà Nẵng course of the BRG Đà Nẵng Golf resort system from August 29 to September 2.

Vice director of the city’s tourism department, Nguyễn Xuân Bình urged wide promotion and communication on the development of the sport among local residents and tourists at a press conference on the event.

Bình said the Asian golf tournament is part of a series of entertainment and cultural activities during the golf-tourism promotion, culture, shopping, and cuisine under the Đà Nẵng Golf-Tourism Festival that will see 144 golfers playing for total prizes of US$100,000.

He hoped this year's tournament would help boost the city’s tourism industry and become an attraction to regional golfers and travellers.

Division director of BRG Group Mark Reeves said BRG is very proud to be the title sponsor of the golf championship at the Nicklaus Course.

He said BRG, Đà Nẵng City’s leaders, the Asian Tour, and Vietnam Global Sports aim to repeat the great success of the 2022 tournament in 2023.

“This year’s Championship course is set up slightly differently with some new tees in play and measuring 7,388 yards, but retains the natural elements that will test to players, including coastal winds and the unique vertical bulkhead walls that define the water hazards - relieving the referees of any decision about ‘in or out of the water’.

The greens will putt fast and true so we hope to see a new course record this year,” Mark Reeves shared.

“The BRG International professional team in golf events and course conditioning are now working hard and preparing for the upcoming tournament,” he said.

“The unique Chu Đậu by BRG Group ceramic champions trophy pays homage to ‘The Open’ trophy (a golf tournament played for 151 years) fused with the 600-year cultural heritage of Việt Nam.”

Ken Kudo from the Asian Tour said: “We concluded the first event in 2022 with an exciting play-off between China’s Chen Guxin and the Philippines’ Lloyd Jefferson Go. With that victory, Chen went on to secure his 2023 Asian Tour card having finished top 5 on the Asian Development Tour Order of Merit.”

“In May this year, Đà Nẵng Golf Resort became a member of Asian Tour Destinations – the Tour’s exclusive network of world-class golfing venues. And this year’s event will play a key role in promoting the city of Đà Nẵng as a tourist and golfing destination and act as a platform to inspire young Vietnamese golfers to pursue their dreams of becoming renowned professionals,” he said.

He said Asian professional golfers from Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, and Japan, as well as from the UK, Australia, Sweden, Myanmar, India, China, and of course Việt Nam will be playing on the BRG Đà Nẵng Golf Resort - a course ranked among the Top 100 Best Golf Courses of 2022 by Golf Digest magazine

Vice director of Đà Nẵng’s tourism department Bình said the course in the central region has hosted 200,000 rounds in the first half of 2023.

Chairman of VGS Group, Nguyễn Ngọc Tuấn said it has inked a strategic partnership with the European Tour Group in organising the Legends Tour – with the greatest golf masters and major winners at Ryder Cup including Michael Campell, Ian Woosnam, Thomas Bjorn, Paul McGinley, Sir Nick Faldo and Colin Mongomeries – in Việt Nam in December with a Prize Fund reaching to $1 million.

Tuấn said Việt Nam will map it as a rendezvous of the top golf tournaments – the DP World Tour, the Legends Tour, Asian Tour and Asian Development Tour – in 2024-25, Tuấn said.

Đà Nẵng City’s golf tourism, which earned $68 million in revenue, expects to increase the figure to $186 million in the near future.

According to the International Association of Golf Tour Operators, 169 golf tourism companies operating in Asia plan to expand into Việt Nam. 

Prime Minister hails visit by Malaysian Foreign Minister

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hailed the ongoing Vietnam visit by Malaysian Minister of Foreign Affairs Senator Zambry Abdul Kadir on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Malaysia diplomatic ties this year, during a reception in Hanoi on July 19.

PM Chinh welcomed the Malaysian Foreign Minister and his Vietnamese counterpart to co-chair the seventh meeting of the Joint Commission for Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation from July 19-20, contributing to reviewing the implementation of cooperation agreements between the two countries and preparing for the official Vietnam visit by the Malaysian Prime Minister and his spouse from July 20-21.

FM Zambry Abdul Kadir, for his part, affirmed that Malaysia always values and wishes to further enhance multifaceted cooperation with Vietnam, its sole strategic partner within ASEAN.

Both sides expressed their satisfaction with the two countries' achievements made in various areas, especially in economy, trade and investment. Malaysia is now Vietnam’s second largest trade partner in ASEAN and the ninth biggest in the world. Two-way trade surpassed 14.8 billion USD last year, up 17.9% annually. Malaysia is also among the top 10 biggest investors in Vietnam, with 718 valid projects with a total registered capital of 13 billion USD.

PM Chinh suggested both sides continue with effective cooperation in various fields under the Plan of Action to Implement the Strategic Partnership for the 2021-2025 period, facilitate the exchange of delegations at high level and jointly hold celebrations for the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties. He expressed his desire to achieve a balanced two-way trade volume of 18 billion USD.

Vietnam will create favourable conditions for Malaysian firms to expand their operations in the country, he said.

He stressed that the two sides need to bolster collaboration in other important areas such as national defence, security, maritime, education-training, sci-tech, labour, culture, sports, tourism, and people-to-people exchange, while expanding joint work in emerging fields such as digital economy, circular economy, and green energy.

The host proposed Malaysia help Vietnam build capacity and develop Halal industry, as well as recognise Vietnam's efforts in combating illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing and support the European Union’s removal of the IUU yellow card warning against Vietnam's fisheries industry.

The guest pledged that at the meeting of the commission on July 20, both sides will review and propose directions for the implementation of bilateral high-level agreements.

The upcoming Vietnam visit by Malaysian PM Anwar Ibrahim will contribute to deepening bilateral strategic partnership in a substantial manner, he stressed.

He also shared the view that both sides need to work closely together at global and regional forums, maintain the unity and central role of ASEAN, and contribute to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Quảng Ngãi invests $30 million on erosion prevention projects

The central province of Quảng Ngãi is implementing a series of projects to combat coastal and river erosion, aiming to stabilise the livelihoods of local residents, as well as create transport corridors to drive socio-economic development in the localities.

Lê Quốc Đạt, director of the Project Management Board for Transportation Infrastructure Construction in Quảng Ngãi Province, said that this year, the province had prioritised allocating funding of up to VNĐ720 billion (US$30.3 million) to simultaneously implement six projects to combat river and coastal erosion.

The project management board had regularly inspected the implementation of the projects to ensure the completion of them before the rainy season, he said.

The coastal embankment project in two villages in Bình Hải Commune, Bình Sơn District, was being urgently completed before the rainy season this year, aiming to ensure the safety of nearly 400 households.

The 300m long embankment had a total investment of VNĐ25 billion and would contribute to ensuring the safety of public infrastructures.

Đặng Thị Chiên from Phước Thiện 1 Village, said that every rainy season, residents had to seek shelter after hearing alarm from local authorities. Sometimes, strong winds and waves washed away the belongings and assets of local people.

With a solid embankment, the lives of the local people would become stable, she said.

Đỗ Đô Thành, a local resident living in Phước Thiện 1 Village, said the coastal area of Bình Hải Commune had been constantly threatened by tidal inundation.

In recent years, there have been several high tides and waves that have caused coastal erosion and the collapse of houses in coastal villages.

The embankment project to combat erosion along the Trà Khúc River, passing through Tịnh Hà and Tịnh Sơn communes, Sơn Tịnh District, has been under construction since April.

The total length of the embankment project is approximately 5,128m with an investment of VNĐ200 billion. The work is scheduled to be completed this year to ensure the safety of around 260 households living along the river.

In addition, the coastal erosion prevention projects in Đức Phổ Town, Bình Dương Commune, Bình Sơn District, are also being built. 

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes