Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is not only one of Vietnam's most prominent leaders over decades, but also a rare genius theorist in a historial period with many changes like today, General Secretary of the Mexican Labour Party (PT) Alberto Anaya Gutierrez has said.

Mexican PT leader told Vietnam News Agency correspondent in Mexico that when learning about the passing of the Party General Secretary, he recalled his visit to the Vietnamese leader when the Party was treated at the Hanoi-based Central Military Hospital 108 in 2019.

According to Gutierrez who has visited Vietnam many times, that was a time that marked remarkable development in the relationship between the two Parties as the two Party leaders went beyond the framework of traditional diplomatic protocols to have a meeting. This was also the last time he had met General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, whom he greatly admired.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong highly promoted the combination of Marxism-Leninism and the revolutionary cause. Over the past ten years, the General Secretary has led the Party, Government and people of Vietnam to make important contributions to the development of Vietnam's socialism. His vision and leadership style are not only a guideline for the Vietnamese revolution, but also bring many valuable lessons to revolutionary movements in the world.

According to the PT Party leader, under the leadership of Party General Secretary Trong, anti-corruption and Party rectification in Vietnam have been carried out drastically, gaining many important results, firmly maintaining social order and following the socialist path in line with Vietnam's situation.

The anti-corruption campaign has also contributed to boosting the economy, reflected in the country's economic growth rate in recent years. The 2023 gross domestic product (GDP) reached a growth rate of more than 5% in in the context that the global economy was witnessing many negative fluctuations due to the impact of geopolitical conflicts.

Regarding foreign affairs, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's "bamboo diplomacy" imprint is vividly demonstrated through maintaining an open, balanced foreign policy of diversification and multilateralisation of intetnational ties. This diplomatic policy imbued with Vietnamese identity has also left a deep impression in the hearts of international friends.

According to Gutierrez, Vietnam is not only mentioned as a model of patriotism and a rich history of fighting foreign invaders, but also a country that has made many miracles on the path of national construction and development with its growing role and position in the international arena. This is also part of the legacy that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong left.

Previously, in an interview with the Vietnam News Agency correspondents last June, PT Party General Secretary Alberto Anaya Gutierrez said he had special affection for General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong - an outstanding leader of the Vietnamese people.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong: A man of great personality

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong passed away on July 19. In an interview with Voice of Vietnam, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh shared his honor and pride in working with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong for more than eight years in various positions.

"First, the General Secretary was an outstanding leader who worked for the goal of building a strong, prosperous country with happy, thriving people, earning great prestige not only domestically and regionally but also globally. Second, he was a profound practical activist and an excellent theorist of the Party, significantly contributing to building socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam, considering the people as the center, the subject, the resource, and the driving force for development," Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said.

Third, he was a great culturalist with cultural ideas embracing national identity. He emphasized that culture is the soul of the nation. If culture remains, the nation will remain, and if culture is lost, the nation will perish. Last, he was a person of great personality, who valued honor as the most sacred thing. He was compassionate, humane, and kind," he added.

Throughout his life, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong devoted himself to building a clean and strong Party, improving the leadership capacity and combat capacity of the Party organization and Party members, and creating an effective and efficient apparatus. He was instrumental in the anti-corruption movement within the Party and the State.

For the government, Prime Minister Chinh said, "The Party stressed the need to build a government that is clean and honest, and acts for the people. Next year's achievements must surpass those of the previous year, and the next quarter's achievements must be better than the previous quarter's. This advice is comprehensive, and clear for us to make our performance most effective."        

Oversea artist recalls unforgettable memory with Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong

Vu Kim Thanh (centre) and his wife pose for a group photo with Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong during the leader's visit to the UK in 2013.

Painter and photographer Vu Kim Thanh, currently Deputy Director of the Vietnamese Family Partnership (VFP), a London-based charity that aims to bring Vietnamese community together, said he was shocked and deeply sad upon hearing the news on the passing of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. 
Talking to Vietnam News Agency reporters in London, Thanh recounted his memories with the Party leader, notably the meeting during the Party General Secretary's visit to the UK on January 22-23, 2013. As a reporter for a local newspaper, Thanh had the honour to greet the Party leader and the Vietnamese delegation at the airport.

He had the opportunity to film and take photos of the General Secretary from the moment the plane landed until he met with British diplomatic officials in the VIP lounge at Heathrow Airport. He also followed the delegation to the Vietnamese Embassy in the UK to meet with embassy officials, overseas Vietnamese, and various associations.

The visit was very successful and Thanh also had an indelible personal memory as the Party leader attended the opening ceremony of an art exhibition that was organised by the Vietnamese Embassy, showcasing his paintings.

During the visit, the Party leader left a profound impression and many warm feelings among the overseas Vietnamese in the UK in general and Thanh in particular, regarding his talent, wit and humanity.

General Secretary Trong is a personality of modesty, integrity and dedication to the public interest following the path of the great President Ho Chi Minh, he said.

Thanh also expressed his admiration for Party leader's decisive actions in eliminating corrupt officials and believed that Trong's moral example will be followed by future leaders.

People nationwide express special feelings for Party General Secretary

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s great contributions to the Party and the nation have left deep impressions on Party members and people nationwide, who have special sentiments for the late leader.

Pham Dai Duong, secretary of the Party Committee and head of the delegation of National Assembly deputies of the central province of Phu Yen, said upon hearing the news of the Party chief’s passing, officials, Party members and residents in the province have expressed their boundless grief.

The Party leader set a bright example of simplicity, approachability, and modesty, Duong said, calling him a great personality of the nation, who has been loved and respected by not only people at home but also international friends.

His instructions on Party and political system building, socio-economic development, national defence and security, and new-style rural area building during a visit to Phu Yen have been materialised over the past years, with significant achievements reaped, Duong said.

The leader’s guiding principles, and theoretical and practical lessons will continue to be widely spread among local officials, Party members and people, he pledged, emphasising their absolute confidence in the Party leadership and the State governance, as well as their solidarity, unity and consensus in realising targets set at the 13th National Party Congress and the 17th provincial Party Congress.

Nguyen Thi Dieu, a kindergarten teacher in the mountainous district of Song Hinh, Phu Yen province, who had a chance to meet the Party chief in Hanoi last year as a role model in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s example, expressed her deep respect for General Secretary Trong, saying he is a very approachable leader.

For Trieu Duc Thanh, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee and former chairman of the People’s Committee of northern Ha Giang province, the General Secretary is a staunch, capable, knowledgeable and respectable communist.

“I myself and officials and people in Ha Giang always have absolute trust in the Party leadership, and stay united to successfully complete the targets set at the 13th National Party Congress,” he said, highlighting the Party chief’s anti-graft crackdown, with zero tolerance on corruption.

Hạng Mi De, former head of the provincial Party Committee’s Information and Education Board, said in any circumstances, the General Secretary always skillfully handled domestic and foreign affairs, contributing to the Party's strength, the country's development, and a prosperous and happy life for all people.

Duong Thi Phuong, a resident in residential area No. 5, Tran Phu ward, Ha Giang city, showed her grief at the Party leader’s death, and her belief that the country will grow firmly and strongly under the Party leadership.

Mai Van Tri, a Party member in Thuan Loc ward, the central city of Hue, said General Secretary Trong is an eminent son of the nation, noting he and the Party Central Committee, the Politburo and the Secretariat have rolled out various guidelines to help Vietnam overcome difficulties and steadily move forward.

What the leader did have contributed to consolidating the Party’s position, and won the absolute trust of officials, Party members and people nationwide, he affirmed.

Nguyen Van Thuan, a retired official in Vinh Ninh ward, Hue city, said General Secretary Trong is an excellent disciple of President Ho Chi Minh, and that he was always dedicated to taking care of people’s lives.

The great achievements in national construction and development over the past time see the huge contributions of the Party leader, he said.

Gold Star Order recognises Party chief’s special contributions: Australian professor

Professor Carl Thayer from the Australian Defence Force Academy, the University of New South Wales, has emphasised that the conferment of the Gold Star Order, the highest decoration in Vietnam, on Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong acknowledges his very special contributions to the country.

In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), the professor noted major achievements the Party leader made, including his anti-corruption campaign, during which he declared “no off-limits zones and no exceptions”.

The drive has eliminated many corrupt officials and held a number of leaders accountable, even those at the highest positions, Thayer added, affirming with the Party chief’s “blazing furnace” campaign, Vietnam has made marked progress in the fight against corruption.

The campaign is just part of the General Secretary’s efforts in Party building and rectification in order to place individuals with talents and good ethics in the Party’s high-ranking posts, and resolutely dismiss those who no longer deserve public trust, the professor said, calling them strategic decisions.

Thayer said the General Secretary devoted his lifetime to Party building, and that he overhauled many Party regulations, particularly those on things that Party members should do and are not permitted to do, with an emphasis that Vietnam is a rule-of-law State under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV).

Regarding the top leader’s contributions to Vietnam’s foreign policy, the professor stressed that he established the legitimacy and reputation of the CPV and its leadership during meetings with foreign leaders.

General Secretary Trong had met with President Joe Biden of the US, President Vladimir Putin of Russia, President Xi Jinping of China and President Narendra Modi of India, and in joint statements issued after those meetings, the countries all expressed their respect for Vietnam’s political system, Thayer continued.

The professor also took note of the late leader’s noteworthy imprint on Vietnam's external policy with the phrase “bamboo diplomacy,” using the image of the Vietnamese bamboo tree, with strong roots and a sturdy but flexible trunks to describe Vietnam’s foreign policy of “more friends, fewer foes”.

General Secretary Trong remained steadfast in protecting socialism in Vietnam, as well as its independence and self-reliance, but he is also very practical in promoting national interests, Thayer said.

He held that Vietnam has made many important decisions in recent times, including strengthening and upgrading its relations with the Republic of Korea, the US, Japan and Australia to the highest level that is the comprehensive strategic partnership.

Asked about the Vietnam-Australia relationship, the professor said it has received the support from the two major parties in Australia, and highlighted contributions by the large number of Vietnamese in Australia to the bilateral ties./.

Vietnamese community in Laos mourns General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

After the passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the Vietnamese community in Vientiane, Laos, has come together to mourn the loss of an exemplary figure, a distinguished disciple of President Ho Chi Minh.

The General Association of Vietnamese People in Laos and its chapter in Vientiane on July 20 sent condolence letters to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's family to express their profound sorrow.

In its letter, the General Association of Vietnamese People in Laos stated that with the passing of the Party leader, the nation has lost an outstanding son, and Vietnamese people both in and outside the country have lost a steadfast and extraordinary leader.

In the memories of Vietnamese expatriates in Laos, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is remembered as an exemplary and modest individual. His caring and precious contributions have strengthened the nation's unity, mutual affection, and unwavering trust in the Party and the State. His image and personality will forever be a great source of inspiration for Vietnamese both at home and abroad, the letter read.

Meanwhile, the Vietnamese community in Vientiane expressed that the Party leader's care and affection have strengthened the bonds of solidarity, love, and trust in the homeland, the Party and the State of Vietnam among every expatriate in Vientiane, and more broadly, among all expatriates in Laos.

On the same day, the Vietnamese community gathered at Phat Tich Pagoda in Vientiane to hold a memorial service to express their deep respect for, and mourn General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Venerable Thich Minh Quang, head of the Vietnam Buddhist Coordination Board in Laos and Abbot of Phat Tich Pagoda said that the death of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is a great loss for the Vietnamese nation. The Venerable expressed his hope that the Vietnamese people will turn this loss into concrete actions, uniting the entire nation following the teaching of President Ho Chi Minh that "Unity, unity, great unity. Success, success, great success."/.

Party chief embodies image of Vietnamese bamboo tree: Korean writer

Cho Chul-hyeon, who penned a book on Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong published in the Republic of Korea (RoK) in May, said he was deeply saddened by the passing of the Vietnamese Party chief.

Cho’s book is the first dedicated to the leader published abroad. Its Vietnamese version is being compiled by the Vietnam News Agency (VNA)’s Publishing House and expected to be made public soon.

The author told the VNA’s correspondents in Seoul that he will fly to Hanoi hoping to have a chance to pay last respect to the Party chief, even from a distance, expressing his deepest condolences to the Vietnamese people over the General Secretary’s death.

Praising the Party leader’s contributions to the Party, the State and the people of Vietnam, Cho said he was an eminent disciple of President Ho Chi Minh, and that he devoted his entire lifetime to the nation’s prosperity as well as Party building.

The writer held that the Party chief constantly sought ways to bring the Party closer to the people as reflected through his doctoral dissertation topic, and his pen name of “Party builder” while working for the Communist Review in the 1970s.

The General Secretary truly became an ideologist of communism with profound theories, he said, elaborating that the leader interpreted the theory of the superiority of socialism in an understandable, humane way, which is a great achievement of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Cho highlighted the leader's imprint on the fight against corruption, stressing the Party chief’s firm perception that ensuring integrity and ethics within the Party should begin with Party members to build a Party strong enough to lead the country.

As the top leader, General Secretary Trong worked hard to attract foreign investors and promote Vietnam as a country of democracy and high economic growth for years.

He was commended by the world with his “blazing furnace” anti-corruption drive, one of the keys of Vietnam’s reform policy, according to the author.

In addition, the leader’s “bamboo diplomacy” has been held in high regard in the international arena as it has proven effective in the relations with the three powers of the US, China and Russia, Cho said, further explaining that within one year, the Presidents of all the three countries visited Vietnam, drawing global attention.

Through such important diplomatic events, Vietnam has reaped many positive cooperation outcomes, and seen its reputation and position elevated in the international arena, the writer said.

Cho went on to say that the General Secretary remained steadfast in his policy of expanding international cooperation and strengthening integration. In 2014, as Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly, he visited the RoK and established many foundations for the future bilateral cooperation.

Regarding his book on the Party leader, Cho said it highlights the legacy of the General Secretary, stressing not only young Vietnamese but also people worldwide should follow his example.

Cho affirmed the General Secretary himself embodies the image of the Vietnamese bamboo tree, with strong roots and a sturdy but flexible trunks, and that he is a profound theorist, who led the Vietnamese people with high intellect and humane spirit, thereby raising the Vietnamese culture to a new level./.

Cuban media highlighted Vietnamese Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong’s contributions

Cuba’s official media all published news about the passing of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong, a great brother and friend of the Cuban people, on July 20, the first day the Latin American nation mourned the Vietnamese Party chief.

Articles entitled "Death of Phu Trong, an irreparable loss for Cuba", "Vietnam lost a world leader" and many others about the death of the Vietnamese Party leader were posted on the front page of e-newspapers such as Granma, Prensa Latina, CAN, Cubadebate, Radiorebelde, Radiohc, Cubasi and Radioreloj.

The news and articles also quoted or included the entire condolence messages of General Raúl Castro Ruz and First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez sent to Vietnamese President To Lam.

“The passing away of comrade Nguyen Phu Trong is an irreparable loss for Cuba. Cuba will always remember comrade Nguyen Phu Trong as a great brother who tirelessly promoted the special friendly relationship between the two Parties, parliaments, Governments, and peoples,” the messages read.

The messages stated that Trong's life and career are a priceless legacy for future generations. “His contributions regarding the role of the Communist Party, the creative application of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought, and his vision of international relations in the current context are among his outstanding contributions to the building of socialism in Vietnam, which is evidenced in the victories in the Doi Moi cause in Vietnam under the wise leadership of the CPV,” read the messages.

They confirmed to President To Lam their support and solidarity as well as the persistent will to continue promoting the unbreakable bond of brotherhood between Cuba and Vietnam.

According to Cuban media, throughout his long political career, the Vietnamese Party chief was one of the people who enthusiastically promoted the special relationship of fraternity and mutual trust between the Parties, National Assemblies, Governments and people of Cuba and Vietnam.

The e-newspaper on July 19 published an article by Dr Ruvislei González Saez, highlighting the great contributions of the Vietnamese Party leader to the country's development.

He stated that Trong is the only senior Vietnamese leader to hold office for three consecutive terms since the start of the Doi Moi (renewal) process, thanks to his excellent leadership ability. His theoretical thinking has been applied into practice and achieved important results in the socialist transformation in Vietnam.

The author emphasised that Trong is one of the most prominent Vietnamese politicians in the field of theory, making significant contributions to exploring complex issues associated with building socialism with historical and cultural characteristics of the country.

The Party chief's thinking has had a strong impact on the profound development of a socialist-oriented market economy, the recognition of market and trade-monetary relationships in the above-mentioned production methods, as well as the adjustment of the socio-economic development model to suit the historical and specific conditions that the world is facing, by recognising the open economy of the country.

The ideology of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has left a legacy and important lessons for the international socialist movement, the author said.

The author also highlighted the role of the Party chief in the fight against corruption, leading to improved transparency and leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Regarding foreign policy, under his leadership, Vietnam has carried out one of the most successful external relations with its special imprint, by implementing a foreign diplomacy bearing the character of the Vietnamese bamboo in line with the principle of "four Nos".

The Vietnamese Party leader promoted the policy of making friends with the world, which achieved great balance with the world's largest powers and maintained high-level relations with all of these powers. He has helped deepen special relationships with Laos, Cambodia and Cuba, while strengthening comprehensive strategic partnerships with China, Russia, the US, India, the Republic of Korea, Japan and Australia.

Trong personally fostered relations with Cuba, notably the special relationship with leaders Fidel Castro Ruz, Raúl Castro Ruz as well as with the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and President Miguel Diaz-Canel. He has visited Cuba many times, notably the one in 2018, when he stated that "this is not a visit but a return to reunite with my brothers".

Concluding the article, the author said not only that Vietnam has lost an outstanding leader, but it can be said that the world has also lost one of its current and witted leaders, adding that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong left behind a great theoretical and practical legacy./.

People nationwide express special feelings for Party General Secretary

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s great contributions to the Party and the nation have left deep impressions on Party members and people nationwide, who have special sentiments for the late leader.

Pham Dai Duong, Secretary of the Party Committee and head of the delegation of National Assembly deputies of the central province of Phu Yen, said upon hearing the news of the Party chief’s passing, officials, Party members and residents in the province have expressed their boundless grief.

The Party leader set a bright example of simplicity, approachability, and modesty, Duong said, calling him a great personality of the nation, who has been loved and respected by not only people at home but also international friends.

His instructions on Party and political system building, socio-economic development, national defence and security, and new-style rural area building during a visit to Phu Yen have been materialised over the past years, with significant achievements reaped, Duong said.

The leader’s guiding principles, and theoretical and practical lessons will continue to be widely spread among local officials, Party members and people, he pledged, emphasising their absolute confidence in the Party leadership and the State governance, as well as their solidarity, unity and consensus in realising targets set at the 13th National Party Congress and the 17th provincial Party Congress.

Nguyen Thi Dieu, a kindergarten teacher in the mountainous district of Song Hinh, Phu Yen province, who had a chance to meet the Party chief in Hanoi last year as a role model in studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s example, expressed her deep respect for General Secretary Trong, saying he is a very approachable leader.

For Trieu Duc Thanh, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and former Chairman of the People’s Committee of northern Ha Giang province, the General Secretary is a staunch, capable, knowledgeable and respectable communist.

“I myself and officials and people in Ha Giang always have absolute trust in the Party leadership, and stay united to successfully complete the targets set at the 13th National Party Congress,” he said, highlighting the Party chief’s anti-graft crackdown, with zero tolerance on corruption.

Hạng Mi De, former head of the provincial Party Committee’s Information and Education Board, said in any circumstances, the General Secretary always skillfully handled domestic and foreign affairs, contributing to the Party's strength, the country's development, and a prosperous and happy life for all people.

Duong Thi Phuong, a resident in residential area No. 5, Tran Phu ward, Ha Giang city, showed her grief at the Party leader’s death, and her belief that the country will grow firmly and strongly under the Party leadership.

Mai Van Tri, a Party member in Thuan Loc ward, the central city of Hue, said General Secretary Trong is an eminent son of the nation, noting he and the Party Central Committee, the Politburo and the Secretariat have rolled out various guidelines to help Vietnam overcome difficulties and steadily move forward.

What the leader did have contributed to consolidating the Party’s position, and won the absolute trust of officials, Party members and people nationwide, he affirmed.

Nguyen Van Thuan, a retired official in Vinh Ninh ward, Hue city, said General Secretary Trong is an excellent disciple of President Ho Chi Minh, and that he was always dedicated to taking care of people’s lives.

The great achievements in national construction and development over the past time see the huge contributions of the Party leader, he said./.

Party General Secretary in hearts of OVs in Laos

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s devotions and contributions to Vietnam have engineered the nation’s development, making the overseas Vietnamese (OVs), including those in Laos, glow with immense pride in the respected leader.

With her boundless grief at the passing away of the Party chief, Principal of the Nguyen Du Lao – Vietnamese bilingual school Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong affirmed he was a vivid example of the study and following of President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings.

Party General Secretary Trong’s pioneering and resolve to fight corruption and negative phenomena have made significant contributions to bolstering the socio-economy, stabilising the political situation, fortifying defence, security and foreign affairs, and consolidating the people’s confidence in the Party and State, she said, highlighting the teachers and students of the school will follow the eminent leader’s example.

Reminiscing the time when she had the honour to meet Party General Secretary Trong during his trip to Laos, Huong stressed that the images of a kind and warm leader with silver hair, tolerant eyes and a friendly smile have left lasting impression on her.

She held that he always attached much importance to and given a top priority to the time-tested traditional friendship and special ties between Vietnam and Laos, which have been nurtured by generations of leaders of both sides.

Under the vision of Party chief Trong, the two countries have stood shoulder by shoulder to develop the relations to a new high, she added.

Chairman of the Vietnamese Association in Vientiane Le Van Mui, meanwhile, expressed his outpouring of grief over the passing of the Party leader, who gave him sincere words of advice including those on how to make the Vietnam – Laos relations closer and closer.

Party General Secretary Trong has been a towering figure in the community, he said, adding many OVs in Vientiane went to the pagodas to pray for the leader.

Showing his depth of emotion when receiving the bad news, Vice Chairman of the Vietnamese Business Association in Laos Hoang Van Quan said that Party leader Trong’s leadership helped Vietnam weather headwinds, while creating a facelift for the nation, with improved lives seen in both rural and urban areas.

Quan said the humble Party chief with valuable lessons impressed him a lot.

Another OV in Laos, Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, affirmed that Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong left a special imprint in the nation’s fortune, adding he is a great father that the OVs always trust in and feel proud of.

As the head of the Central Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negative Phenomena, the Party leader, with his political resolve, drastically, harmoniously and comprehensively drove the anti-graft campaign.

Many ideas, viewpoints, guiding principles, and action principles in fighting corruption and negative phenomena initiated and directed by the General Secretary have proven effective, affirmed in reality, and brought about valuable lessons in both theory and practice, she added.

Over the past time, Vietnamese high-ranking leaders visiting Laos have took time to meet with the Vietnamese community here to get a better insight into their desire and propose the host nation create more favourable conditions for them, she said, expressing her gratitude towards the Party, State, especially Party General Secretary Trong, who she described as a father of her homeland./.

Vietnamese Embassy in Thailand continues citizen protection measures

The Vietnamese Embassy in Thailand on July 19 supported family members of those who died in the Bangkok hotel incident to receive their personal belongings handed over by Thai police, and continued to provide them with guidance on relevant consulate procedures.

It has also sent detailed information to domestic authorities and asked for support in the procedures for the import of the bodies, scheduled for July 20 and 21. The office will continue to closely follow the incident and coordinate with relevant authorities, and take subsequent and necessary citizen protection measures.

Earlier, on July 19 morning, Ambassador Pham Viet Hung received Sanan Angubolkul, Chairman of the Thailand-Vietnam Friendship Association, who came to express condolences on the incident.

On July 16, six people, four of them Vietnamese together with two others of Vietnamese origin, were found dead at Grand Hyatt Erawan hotel in Pathum Wan district of Bangkok, Thailand. Medics at the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital of Thailand on July 17 confirmed that the six died of cyanide poisoning./.

Vietnam attends meeting marking 45 years of Nicaraguan Revolution

A Vietnamese delegation led by Nguyen Minh Tam, deputy head of the Party Central Committee Commission for Foreign Affairs, took part in activities marking 45 years of the Nicaraguan Revolution in capital Managua (July 19).

More than 700 international delegates from political parties and socio-political organizations of 17 countries around the world attended the ceremony, demonstrating their support and solidarity with the Nicaraguan Revolution.

In their speeches, President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo reviewed the historical tradition of the revolutionary struggle to gain power, while highlighting national achievements in building and developing the country under the leadership of the Sandinista National Liberation Front.

The Sandinista National Liberation Front affirmed that it would continue to strengthen its force, and renovate and promote its comprehensive leadership role in the new situation, with a focus on attaching importance to political - ideological work and raising awareness of the masses about the revolutionary cause.

It thanked international mainstream parties for their solidarity with the Nicaraguan Revolution, and at the same time, proposed measures to prevent sabotage plots by hostile forces.

During his stay, Vietnamese officials had meetings with President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo, National Assembly President Gustavo Porras, Foreign Minister Denis Ronaldo and a number of ministers in charge of Nicaragua’s economy, investment and trade.

The Nicaraguan leaders highly appreciated the Vietnamese delegation’s visit, considering this a great source of encouragement and support for the Sandinista National Liberation Front and the Nicaraguan revolution, as well as a vivid demonstration of the traditional solidarity, friendship and cooperation between the two Parties and countries.

On this occasion, the President and other leaders of Nicaragua sent their deepest condolences to the Party, State and people of Vietnam over the recent passing of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong.

Tam for his part congratulated Nicaragua on the achievements it has recorded over the years, and expressed his belief that under the leadership of the Sandinista National Liberation Front headed by President Ortega and the strong support of the people, Nicaragua would overcome all difficulties and challenges and continue to develop and enhance its role in the international arena.

The two sides informed each other about the development policy line of each party and each country, and discussed some directions to promote cooperative relations between the two Parties and countries in the coming time.

Da Nang forum connects regional, int’l scholars in training, research

The ACIR+ 2024, held by the Vietnam - Korea University of Information and Communication Technology (VKU) under the University of Da Nang, gathered some of the world’s leading scientists in information technology, communications, and digital economy from major universities of the UK, Poland, the Republic of Korea, Ireland, France, Germany, and Southeast Asian countries.

At the forum, representatives of seven ACIR member units talked about ideas of jointly holding in-depth conferences and workshops on training areas. Participants also listened to Vietnam and other countries’ leading professors sharing innovation and scientific research-related experiences.

In his opening speech, VKU Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr Huynh Cong Phap said that with the participation of top experts from many countries and support from international organisations, the ACIR 2024 was a meaningful forum for sharing knowledge, experience, and new initiatives. It affirms the VKU’s pioneering role in fostering innovation and improving the training quality, while also demonstrating the solidarity and cooperation of the regional and international academic community.

Academic and scientific research cooperation activities among ACIR members and international partners are also generating positive results, opening up many sustainable development opportunities for universities and their students and also contributing to the development of education and scientific research in Southeast Asia and the world, Phap added.

The ACIR was initiated by the VKU in 2023 with support from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and foreign scientists. It looks to enhance cooperation to improve the quality of training, innovation, and scientific research in the region, and attract new ideas./.

Lao Cai makes use of strengths to meet tourists’ travel trend

The northern mountainous province of Lao Cai has made use of its strengths to develop new tourism products that meet tourists’ travel trend.

One of the new products that have drawn a large number of visitors recently is farmstay which allows tourists to join locals in agricultural activities such as growing vegetables or raising fish and livestock, and harvesting and using their products to cook meals.

Ta Van commune in Sa Pa town is well-known for community-based tourism villages that draw numerous tourists.

Grasping tourists' need, many local homestay service providers have used their agricultural production area to create unforgettable experiences to visitors.

Hoang Hien, the owner of Lua homestay, said that she found that visitors are particularly interested in experiencing the local life.

From May, foreign tourists come and plant rice in terraced fields with local residents.

After a working day, they have dinners with the locals.

In August and September, the tourists are offered to harvest rice, ride buffalos and bathe in streams.

Ricard, a French tourist, said visitors want to have such experiences, enjoying locals' daily lives in places where they come, not simply taking photos.

Meanwhile, visiting a farmstay model in Bat Xat district, visitors not only relax and participate in daily activities with local residents but also pick and collect herbal medicinal plants, till the field.

They also have chance to join preparing traditional meals with local residents in the community house of the Red Dao Phin Ngan.

Thanks to the massive forest area, the farmstay tourism model is booming in Lao Cai, generating twin benefits, helping increase income for locals and promote sustainable environment.

In order to expand agrotourism, Lao Cai has worked to connect tourists and destinations by organising events and farm trips for travel firms and media agencies.

Besides, it is developing many other tourism products in association with the promotion of the cultural identities of local ethnic minority groups.At the same time, Lao Cai has strengthened coordination with domestic and foreign localities such as Hanoi, Hai Phong, Quang Ninh, Yunnan (China), and Nouvelle Aquitaine region (France) to promote its tourism sector.

The Lao Cai Department of Tourism planned to organise a number of large-scale events to lure visitors in the coming time, such as Bac Ha White Plateau Festival, Rose and Love Festival, Triathlon tournament in Bac Ha, Sa Pa Snow Festival, and international tourism fair 2024.

According to the provincial Department of Tourism, in the first half of 2024, the province earned 13.5 trillion VND (531.18 million USD) from tourism services, a year-on-year surge of 24%.

The locality welcomed more than 4.1 million visitors, fulfilling 48.67% its plan for the whole year. Sa Pa town, honoured by Tripadvisor as one of top five Trending Destinations in the world in 2024, remained Lao Cai's key destination with nearly 2 million visitors accommodated in the first half of this year.

This year, Lao Cai targets to attract 8.5 million visitors with tourism revenue of over 27 trillion VND./.

"Living Fully in Vietnam" held in Israel to mark diplomatic ties

The Vietnamese Embassy in Israel on July 19 hosted a cultural exchange themed "Living Fully in Vietnam”, as part of a series of events celebrating the 31st anniversary of Vietnam-Israel diplomatic ties (July 12).

Nearly 50 guests attended the event, including local residents with a fondness for Vietnam, international friends, embassy staff, and representatives of the Vietnamese community living and working in Israel.

They were treated to video presentations showcasing Vietnam's stunning and diverse landscapes, its renowned cuisine, and the warm hospitality of its people.

Vietnamese Ambassador Ly Duc Trung further enriched the experience by providing insights into Vietnam's socio-economic achievements under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam. He highlighted Vietnam's attractiveness to investors and its potential as a potential trade partner of foreign businesses.

He saw this event as an opportunity to step up people-to-people diplomacy and tourism exchange, adding that several firms already engaged in business and trade activities with Vietnam will continue to serve as a bridge connecting with even more potential partners interested in exploring opportunities there./.

Vietnam’s images introduced at summer camp in Slovakia

The Vietnamese Embassy in Slovakia has introduced the image of land and people of Vietnam at a summer camp held by the University of Economics in Bratislava from July 15-19.

The eveng attracted the participation of four other embassies in Slovakia, namely Canada, Portugal, Chile and the Republic of Korea, with 50 students aged 11-18.

The programme at its 5th edition actively contributed to introducing political - economic - cultural - tourism - educational features to youths in Bratislava as a future career orientation.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Slovakia Nguyen Tuan highlighted the programme's significance, saying that it helped Slovak students better understand multiculturalism and multi-ethnicity, and international friends, including Vietnamese.

At the event, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia, travel companies, Vietnam’s FPT company in Slovakia and the Vietnamese community provided the students with useful diverse information about Vietnam.

Vietnamese history, culture, national traditions and the beauty of Vietnam and its people were introduced to Slovak youths in various forms.

In addition to talks and exchanges, young Slovak people enjoyed Vietnamese traditional food./.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes