President Vo Van Thuong’s visit to the Vatican on July 27 will help open up new prospects for bilateral relations in the coming time, according to Deputy Foreign Minister Le Thi Thu Hang.

This is the first high-level contact move between the two sides in the past seven years, and a very important event for them to discuss measures to promote bilateral relations as well as Catholic activities in Vietnam.

Hang said that the Vietnam - Vatican relations have seen positive progress over the past time. The two sides have maintained high-level contact, as well as effectively implemented the Joint Working Group mechanism. Since 2011, the permanent representative of the Holy See has been active in Vietnam.

The Vietnamese State has followed a consistent policy of respecting and ensuring the freedom of belief and religion, creating favourable conditions for religious activities in general and Catholic activities in particular.

On the Vatican side, Pope Benedict XVI issued instructions and messages directing Vietnamese Catholic dignitaries and followers to accompany the nation, become good citizens and contribute to the country.

Italian media: Vietnam President’s visit promotes bilateral relations

Italian media ran many articles highlighting the State visit to Italy by Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong from July 25-27, stating that this event aims to leverage strengths and potential to promote cooperation between the two countries. 
In an article, Agenzia Stampa Italia newspaper stressed that since the establishment of diplomatic relations on March 23, 1973, the Vietnam – Italy relationship has developed rapidly.

After setting up a strategic partnership ten years ago, the two countries have actively promoted practical and effective cooperation in all fields, especially advancing political and diplomatic ties, the article said.

Within the framework of the strategic partnership, the two countries have coordinated to hold political consultations and meetings of the joint committees on economic cooperation, and science and technology cooperation.

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years, the bilateral relationship has been maintained and sustained through the flexible and adaptive efforts of both sides.  

Italy has consistently promoted multi-faceted cooperation with Vietnam, considering Vietnam as a priority in the Southeast Asian region to develop relations.

At multilateral forums, Italy and Vietnam often collaborate and support each other, and advocate peace, stability, security, freedom of navigation and aviation, and respect for international law.

The newspaper also reviewed other cooperation areas between Vietnam and Italy, including connections in culture and education, science – technology, tourism, and cooperation between localities.

The two countries regularly coordinate to organize various activities and initiatives to introduce and promote their culture, helping bring Italian culture closer to the Vietnamese people and vice versa.

The two sides have developed a science and technology cooperation plan for 2021-2023 with 11 joint research projects, promoting science-technology as a pillar of cooperation within the framework of the Vietnam-Italy strategic partnership.
In Vietnam's tourism development strategy, Italy is identified as one of the key markets with great potential. The number of Italian tourists visiting Vietnam grew at an average rate of 15% during the 2015 - 2019 period.

Meanwhile, L’Identità Newspaper stressed that the Vietnamese state leader will have meetings with Italian President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

According to the newspaper, after half a century, the bilateral relations have flourished across all fields, both in bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

It also highlighted cooperation between Vietnamese and Italian localities, citing the twinning relations between Hanoi and Lazio, Binh Duong - Emilia-Romagna, Ho Chi Minh City - Turin, and Vinh Phuc - Tuscany.

 Vietnam is a key trading partner of Italy in ASEAN, while Italy is the fourth largest trade partner of Vietnam within the European Union (EU). In 2022, the two-way trade hit a record high ever at 6.2 billion USD, representing a year-on-year increase of 11%.

According to the newspaper, the Italian government has included Vietnam in its list of 20 countries to continue promoting trade and investment ties until 2030. Many Italian investors operating in the processing sector have invested effectively and gained success in the Vietnamese market.

Vietnam, Israel further promote friendship, cooperation

Vietnam and Israel should consider science-technology and high-tech agriculture as priority areas for cooperation, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during their talks on July 25.

At the talks – part of Quang’s official visit to Israel from July 23-25, the Deputy PM affirmed that Vietnam encourages and will create favourable conditions for Israeli businesses.

Netanyahu welcomed and spoke highly of the significance of Quang's visit, especially as the two countries are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations.

He expressed his impression of Vietnam's socio-economic development achievements, affirming that the country is an important partner of Israel.

He said that with complementary advantages, the two sides have great potential to strengthen cooperation in all fields, especially in science-technology and start-ups, innovation, high-tech agriculture, water treatment technology, and medicine.

Deputy PM Quang affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Israel, and conveyed an invitation from Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh to Netanyahu to visit Vietnam soon.

For his part, Netanyahu accepted the invitation, expressed his hope to soon pay an official visit to Vietnam, and also invited Chinh to pay an official visit to Israel soon.

During the talks, the two sides agreed to jointly promote the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Israel through measures such as increasing the exchange of delegations at all levels; coordinate and support each other at international forums and organisations; promote the exchange of business delegations; organise trade and investment promotion activities; effectively exploit the newly-signed Vietnam - Israel Free Trade Agreement; and consider the opening of direct flights between the two countries at an early date. 

Before the talks,  witnessed the signing ceremony of the Vietnam - Israel Free Trade Agreement. 

The same day, Quang met Israeli President Isaac Herzog and received representatives of Israeli businesses. On the evening of July 25, he left Israel and headed to Egypt for an official visit.

Austrian media spotlights President’s official visit

Austrian media spotlights President’s official visit hinh anh 1
A screenshot of the artcle on the site
Most of Austrian major media channels and newspapers on July 24 ran articles on the official visit by State President Vo Van Thuong and his spouse to the European nation, emphasising that the trip will enhance the countries’ long-standing and good traditional relations.

The site reported that Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen held talks with his guest in the capital city of Vienna with an aim of further expanding the bilateral diplomatic relations that have spanned over five decades since 1972.

Its article quoted the Austrian leader as saying the cooperation between the two nations that has transcended beyond economic matters and included programmes on climate and the environment protection. He called Vietnam the most important trading partner of Austria in the ASEAN region, an open and dynamic economy, and an attractive destination for Austrian firms. The article also cited Thuong’s statement on Vietnam’s wish for even closer cooperation with Austria in various areas such as politics, economy, culture, and sports.

During the talks, the leaders discussed cooperation in the Indo - Pacific region and supported an international order based on the rule of law and strengthened multilateral systems. Thuong affirmed Vietnam's desire to be an active and responsible member of the international community, and to resolve conflicts through peaceful means based on the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law.

The article also mentioned that this is Thuong's first visit to a country within the EU since taking office in March this year. Ahead of the talks, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg and his Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son signed a memorandum of understanding on enhancing collaboration between the two nations.

Meanwhile, the website of the Austrian parliament ( reported on the meeting between Thuong and President of the Federal Council Claudia Arpa who emphasised Austria's keen interest in expanding good partnership with Vietnam in such areas as renewable energy and health care, among others. According to her, Europe can learn many things from Vietnam's culture of respecting the elderly. The two leaders also discussed the ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians in Vietnam this September. Arpa said that Austria will send a delegation to the event. Both sides supported the strengthening of exchanges between the nations’ specialised parliamentary committees.

The official website of Vienna ( quoted Mayor Michael Ludwig as stating that Thuong’s official visit is an important step in maintaining and expanding the relationship between Vienna and Hanoi. According to the site, the Vietnamese State leader, in response, expressed his desire for deeper and broader cooperation between the two capitals across areas, especially tourism, culture, arts, city management, and environment.
In addition to the aforementioned sources, many other online newspapers in Austria such as,,,, and also covered the visit extensively, highlighting its significance in maintaining traditional relations and promoting future cooperation between the sides.

President Vo Van Thuong meets governor of Burgenland state of Austria

President Vo Van Thuong visited the Austrian state of Burgenland and met with Governor Hans Peter Doskozil on July 25 as part of his official trip to the European country.

Welcoming the President, his spouse and the high-ranking delegation of Vietnam, Doskozil considered the official visit a special milestone marking the development of the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation to a new height, following the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties.

President Thuong congratulated Burgenland on its enormous strides turning the state into a dynamic economic hub and a leading locality in terms of renewable energy, agriculture, and tourism in Austria.

He called on the Governor to encourage Burgenland enterprises to seize investment and business opportunities in Vietnam in the fields where the state is strong, and assist the Southeast Asian nation in renewable energy and green growth.

Thuong also voiced his support for Burgenland to set up partnerships and hold mutual visits with some Vietnamese localities that share economic, social, cultural, and tourism similarities with it, thereby helping promote people-to-people exchanges, mutual understanding, friendship, and cooperation between the two countries.

Noting that his state is striving for net zero emissions by 2030, Doskozil agreed to boost connectivity with Vietnamese localities in renewable energy, especially the battery technology, tourism, and culture - arts.

He highly valued President Thuong’s suggestions, affirming that Burgenland wishes to cooperate with Vietnamese localities, particularly in investment, trade, sustainable development and people-to-people exchanges, to further contribute to the reinforcement and expansion of their countries’ relations.

Vietnam promotes cooperation with Indonesia, Iran

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on July 25 hosted separate receptions in Hanoi for Indonesian Ambassador to Vietnam Denny Abdi and Iranian Ambassador Ali Akbar Nazari.

At the meeting with Abdi, Hue spoke highly of Indonesia's role not only in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) but also in the region and the world, as a member of the G20.

Vietnam is Indonesia's only strategic partner in Southeast Asia, he said.

During a State visit by the President of Vietnam to Indonesia last year, the two countries completed negotiations on the delimitation of the two countries' exclusive economic zone (EEZ) boundary. The NA leader expressed his hope that the two sides will soon hasten respective legislatures to ratify an agreement on the EEZ delimitation for early enforcement.

For his part, Abdi said that Indonesia wishes to cooperate closely with Vietnam not only for the benefits of each country but also for the common interests of the region and the world. Welcoming the positive collaboration results between the two countries in the field of trade, the ambassador underlined the need to promote growth in the region, especially in the current period.

The ambassador said the completion of EEZ delimination negotiations will help the two countries expand cooperation in the fields of aquatic farming and processing and fisheries, contributing to ensuring food security for the region.

According to Abdi, by implementing the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), both Indonesia and Vietnam want to receive support to make the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy and attract more foreign investment in this field.

On this occasion, the NA Chairman affirmed that Vietnam will do its best to support Indonesia to successfully organise the upcoming ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) General Assembly, and hoped that Indonesia will assist the Vietnamese National Assembly in hosting the ninth Inter-Parliarmentary Union (IPU) Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians.

Receiving the Iranian ambassador, Hue said Vietnam the friendship and cooperation between the two countries have developed fruitfully over the past time.

Vietnam always attaches importance and wishes to maintain and promote the friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Iran, he said.

Nazari said that Vietnam and Iran share many similarities, therefore, the two countries can jointly tap this potential for the benefits of their people.

Stressing the important role of parliamentary diplomacy, the ambassador welcomed the two countries' parliaments to discuss strengthening coordination and mutual support at multilateral forums such as the IPU.

On the ground of the 50-year relationship, Vietnam wants to promote comprehensive relations with Iran across all channels of Party, National Assembly, Government, and people-to-people exchange, Hue said, suggesting the two countries share experience in national construction and development.

Vietnam treasures friendship, cooperation with Israel: Deputy PM

Vietnam attaches importance to consolidating and further developing friendship and cooperation with Israel, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang told Israeli President Isaac Herzog at their meeting on July 25.

At the meeting as part of his official visit to Israel, Deputy PM Quang expressed his pleasure to visit Israel on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Vietnam-Israel diplomatic relations.

To futher promote multi-faceted cooperation between the two countries, Quang suggested the two sides strengthen the  exchange of high-level delegations. 

He affirmed that Vietnam encourages and creates favourable conditions for Israeli businesses to strengthen cooperation with Vietnam, especially in areas that Israel is strong and Vietnam needs such as science - technology and innovation.

For his part, President Isaac Herzog expressed his respect for the history, land and people of Vietnam, and highly valued Vietnam's role and position as well as its remarkable socio-economic development in recent years.

He said that Quang’s Israel visit will open up good opportunities to enhance the multifaceted cooperation between the two countries.

During their meeting, the two sides discussed and agreed on specific measures to improve the efficiency of bilateral cooperation such as implementing the free trade agreement be signed during the visit, raising trade turnover, promoting investment and tourism cooperation, opening a direct route soon, creating favourable conditions for the issuance of visas for citizens of the two countries in order to boost people-to-people exchange and economic cooperation.

On this occasion, Quang conveyed the regards and invitation from President Vo Van Thuong to Israeli President Isaac Herzog to visit Vietnam soon. President Herzog accepted the invitation with pleasure.

Two jailed for smuggling endangered turtles

The People’s Court of Thang Binh district in the central province of Quang Nam on July 25 sentenced two wildlife traffickers to a total of 13 years in prison for illegal keeping and trading endangered, precious and rare turtles in large quantities.

Huynh Thi Kim Cuong, 55, of Binh Nguyen commune, Thang Binh district, was sentenced to 10 years and Nguyen Thi Yen of Kham Duc town, Phuoc Son district, Quang Nam province was given three years in prison.

On October 4, 2021, Cuong was caught red-handed illegal possessing 12 endangered turtles, including 10 Bourret’s box turtles (Cuora bourreti) and two big-headed turtles (Platysternon megacephalum) at her home. Investigation found that Yen sold 5 Bourret’s box turtles, two big-headed turtles and some other wild animals to Cuong. A search of Yen's home also found one Bourret’s box turtles.

Both Bourret’s box turtle and big-headed turtle are rare and endangered species subject to protection at highest level under the law, and the keeping, trade and transport of them are banned. 

Notably, in August 2018 Cuong was given a suspended sentence for illegal smuggling 126 endangered wild animals, including King Cobras and turtles.

In Vietnam, any act of illegally hunting, killing, raising, confining, possessing, transporting, or trading of rare and endangered species or their parts and products is a serious violation of the law and may be subject to prosecution./

Tornado spotted in northern Vietnam

A tornadic waterspout appeared in the sea close to Xuan Dam commune of Cat Hai district in the northern city of Hai Phong on the morning of July 25.

The natural phenomenon was recorded at 7 a.m. following a period of heavy rain. Witnesses said the waterspout reached a height of up to hundreds of metres high and lasted for three to four minutes, causing no damage.

This is the first time that a tornadic waterspout has appeared in the area.

Waterspouts are typically created when tornadoes develop and pass over the sea. They have a five-part life cycle, including the formation of a dark spot on the water surface, a spiral pattern forming on the water surface, the formation of a spray ring, the development of the visible condensation funnel, and ultimately their decay.

Tornadoes are said to be rarely seen in Vietnam and they typically appear at the beginning and during the rainy season. This phenomenon is more typical in the south compared to the north.

Tornadic waterspouts had previously been see in the sea off Nha Trang, a coastal city in central Vietnam, as well as in Vung Tau city and Rach Gia city in the Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang.

Phu Quoc receives over 100 Chinese tourists after COVID-19 hiatus

A Vietnam Airlines plane landed at Phu Quoc International Airport early on July 25, bringing more than 100 Chinese visitors to the tourist resort of Phu Quoc dubbed Island of Pearl in southern Vietnam.

The visitors coming from Shanghai made up the first group of Chinese visitors to the island of Vietnam following a two-year hiatus due to the impact of the COVID19 pandemic.

During their five-day stay on Phu Quoc island, the Chinese travelers are scheduled to make a tour of famous entertainment spots on the island such as VinWonders Theme Park, Vinpearl Safari, Grand World Area, Phu Quoc Night Market, and Hon Thom Cable Car system.

They particularly visit scenic spots and historical sites to learn about the culture and life of the local people.

Huynh Quang Hung, head of the Phu Quoc municipal administration, said tourism has already gathered steam on the island after a long period of COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, Phu Quoc has resumed air routes to Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Republic of Korea, Thailand and China.

Thu Duc’s first running race to be held in September

The first annual running competition of Thu Duc City, HCMC is set to take place between September 1 and 3 with the participation of 4,000 runners.

Starting from the Thu Thiem New Urban Area, the SonKim Thu Duc City Run will pass through Thu Duc City’s historical and cultural landmarks, and feature distances like 21 kilometers, 10 kilometers and five kilometers.

There will also be shorter distances of three kilometers and one and a half kilometers specifically designed for children.

The event will not only focus on running but also feature cheerleading activities, hot-air balloon performances, and costume programs.

Inspired by the world’s oldest annual marathon, the Boston Marathon, the SonKim Thu Duc City Run is expected to promote sports in Thu Duc City, and foster community activities.

The SonKim Thu Duc City Run is an eco-friendly event that utilizes recycled materials for its race-kit facilities. The event will be organized by the Thu Duc People’s Committee and local real estate developer SonKim Land.

Le Truong Hien Hoa, deputy director of the HCMC Department of Tourism, said the city is actively working to brand itself as a “City of Events” to boost both domestic and international tourism. The running race is among the city’s new tourism offerings.

Hospital fee adjustment expected to help both hospitals, patients

After the release of Circular No.13/2023/TT-BYT on fees for disease diagnosis and treatment in public hospitals, the Health Ministry is developing a new strategy to calculate hospital fees for nearly 10,000 medical services to be applied from 2024.

Owning a medical insurance, 38-year-old Le Thi H from Cau Giay District of Hanoi still opts for private hospitals or the service sector of public hospitals. What concerns her is the inconsistent medical fees among public hospitals at different levels.

For instance, the highest fee for disease diagnosis in Bach Mai Hospital in Hanoi is VND150,000 per turn (US$6.34) if treated by a professor. The most expensive one in Hanoi Medical University Hospital is double regardless of doctors. In HCMC, the highest fee is VND500,000 ($21.1) per turn while the costliest one in HCMC Oncology Hospital is VND200,000 ($8.45).

Statistics from the Department of Planning and Finance under the Health Ministry reveal that the proportion of patients choosing the service sector of central-level and provincial-level public hospitals is under 10 percent. This figure is zero in rural-district-level hospitals.

The introduction of Circular No.13 is to unify medical fees in the service sector of public hospitals and to guarantee consistent service quality and medical treatment conditions in correlation with the paid money. This does not affect disease diagnosis and treatment using health insurance.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha stressed that this new regulation on medical fee calculation gives way for state-owned hospitals to become financially autonomous, increase their service quality, and have sufficient resources to retain high-level human resources. This regulation also adds extra revenues to invest in healthcare in remote areas of the country.

Dr. Diep Bao Tuan, Director of HCMC Oncology Hospital, commented that Circular No.13 is the first to give detailed legal instructions on disease diagnosis and treatment in the service sector of public hospitals. It is a legal basis for these medical institutes to precisely calculate service fees. However, state-owned hospitals are allowed to adjust these charges to satisfy both the hospital and patients.

Dr. Dao Xuan Co, Director of Bach Mai Hospital, praised the openness of this Circular, saying that it does not give one fixed service rating but provides a fee range from the minimum to maximum so that each hospital can adapt to its own needs and current medical facilities. In addition, the Circular allows state-owned hospitals to partner with foreign counterparts or foreign experts to improve service quality and better serve patients.

At the same time as introducing Circular No.13, the Health Ministry is developing the economic-technical norms for nearly 10,000 technical medical services for the sake of correct and sufficient calculation. This list will be released and come into effect among public hospitals when the Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Law (amended) is applicable on January 1, 2024.

To explain this new calculation method, Deputy Minister of Health Tran Van Thuan said that the current method only considers four out of seven aspects, namely medicine and medical supplies, electricity and water use, medical equipment maintenance, and staff salary. The other three are covered by patients, consisting of major repair of fixed assets, asset depreciation, training cost and scientific research.

Until 2018, the Health Ministry announced a list of 18,000 techniques for disease diagnosis and treatment to be the foundation for the current economic-technical norms as well as prices of technical medical services. There is still overlapping in these services that need rearrangement for a more precise calculation in order to reduce the cost patients have to pay, and thus ensuring the rights of both the hospital and its patients.

The estimated increase in medical fees in the upcoming time is inevitable when the national monthly base salary rises. More importantly, this fee growth must be parallel with better medical service provision and a more professional attitude of the medical staff when communicating with patients.

What is also worth mentioning is the outdated fee frame for disease diagnosis and treatment using health insurance. With such a shortage in revenues compared to the essential spendings, public hospitals find it a tough challenge to develop professionally. Obviously, precise calculation of medical fees is a must for state-owned hospitals to decrease their dependence on the state budget and have more conditions to develop to the fullest.

The Health Ministry has just proposed hospital fee adjustments based on the rise of the national monthly base salary. Accordingly, the increase of disease diagnosis and treatment fees will be 5 percent, and the health insurance fund expenditure will grow by VND2.7 trillion ($114 million) a year. This proposal can be applied from this July.

If also counting the management cost, the fees will see an extra growth of 4 percent while the health insurance fund expenditure will rise by VND2.18 trillion ($92 million) a year.

The Health Ministry will review the asset depreciation for hospitals at each level and specialty to suggest a feasible route to add this sum into the fees for disease diagnosis and treatment, taking into consideration the ability to balance the health insurance fund, patients’ ability to pay medical fees, and the current socio-economic status. This proposal, when approved, is planned to come into effect at the end of 2025.

Nearly 678,000 vehicles fail in their first inspection

Vietnam Register yesterday informed that another 83 vehicle registration centers have resumed their work, making a total number of centers in operation reach 267/281.

The congestion in front of vehicle registration centers lately has been fully addressed.

Thanks to this restart of 83 registration centers, at present, the congestion status of vehicles in need of registration nationwide is completely eliminated. Many even work under their normal capability.

During this time, Vietnam Register has upgraded its vehicle registration management software in order to minimize the cases of unwanted information change of registered vehicles.

Reports reveal that among nearly 2.9 million transport means applied for registration in the first 6 months of this year, around 678,000 failed to meet technical safety and environmental protection criteria. They need repairing and adjusting before the second inspection can take place.

Minister of Transport Nguyen Van Thang asked that Vietnam Register closely monitor and timely deliver necessary directions to vehicle registration centers in the country so that any arisen problems can be promptly addressed. This will create a more stable registration activity.

He also stressed on the further use of IT to ensure transparency, publicity, and high applicability. The target is for all needy vehicles to apply online via the corresponding app and to use cashless payment for this procedure.

HCMC Drainage Planning adjusted

HCMC People’s Committee yesterday informed about the conclusion of its Vice Chairman Bui Xuan Cuong on adjusting HCMC Drainage Planning until 2040, with a Vision to 2060 and on drainage system maintenance, construction projects in the city.

Accordingly, HCMC People’s Committee assigned its Office to review and prepare the corresponding draft adjusted planning for the drainage system in HCMC until 2040 with a vision to 2060 to send to the Construction Ministry for approval.

The HCMC Department of Construction must also compose a report on the achievements and challenges in the maintenance tasks for the city’s drainage system to submit to HCMC People’s Committee. Including in this report are feasible solutions to carry out urgent infrastructure projects, especially in hot spots of urban flooding, to synchronously decentralize management on canal and river systems.

Finally, the movement of ‘City Dwellers Say No to Littering on Streets and Canals for a Cleaner, Greener, and More Environmentally Friendly City’ in the 2022-2025 period should be continued.

In related news, Chairman of HCMC People’s Committee Phan Van Mai asked that state departments and the local authorities in related districts as well as the project’s Management Board must maintain the progress of Tham Luong – Ben Cat – Nuoc Len Canals improvement project.

Any problems should be discussed and tackled so that the tasks of land compensation distribution, land clearance, and resettlement support can be accelerated. It is necessary to ensure the construction quality of all bidding packages in this project, while land compensation must reach 100 percent of the allocated capital in 2023.

Each locality must use all possible ways to update the public about this important project so that they can support it.

HCMC Transport Department is requested to cooperate with relevant units, the localities, and project investors to guarantee smooth traffic flow during the building time. River and canal bridges as well as pedestrian bridges should be built consistently with the water infrastructure of this project to provide the most convenient conditions to local residents.

Finally, the HCMC Departments of Planning & Architecture and Construction must work with related districts and investors to review the planning for the building of corresponding parks, public trees, and landscapes along both sides of the above canals.

National Assembly Museum of Vietnam to be established

The first conference on the establishment of the National Assembly Museum of Vietnam was held at the National Assembly house in Hanoi on July 24.

The project aims to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the first National Assembly general election (January 6, 1946-2026).

At the session, delegates agreed that the organization and operation of the National Assembly tradition hall now meet the requirements for the establishment of the National Assembly Museum of Vietnam.

On January 6, 1946, the first National Assembly election was held nationwide, marking a landmark in Vietnam’s history and legally affirming the right to mastery of the Vietnamese people.

It was a model of democracy in elections and a foundation on which to build the country with a National Assembly, a unified Government, a progressive Constitution, and a complete administration system eligible to represent the Vietnamese people in the international arena in domestic and foreign affairs.

Central leaders visit famillies of gun attack victims in Dak Lak

A delegation of leaders and officials of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Internal Affairs visited and extended condolences to the families of the gun attack victims in Dak Lak Province on July 24.

The visit was attended by Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Internal Affairs, Phan Dinh Trac, and Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung, marking the 76th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27).

The delegation offered incense to commemorate the fallen police officers and communal cadres and extended the deepest sympathy and condolences to their relatives.

Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Internal Affairs, Phan Dinh Trac suggested leaders of the Party Committee and the People’s Committee of Dak Lak Province pay attention to supporting and assisting the martyrs’ families to overcome their grief and difficulties and move forward in life. 

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs has signed a decision on submitting to the Prime Minister the proposal to grant the "To Quoc ghi cong" (The Fatherland Acknowledges the Merit) certificates to the police officers and communal cadres passing away while on duty, said Minister Dao Ngoc Dung.

In addition, the families of the six martyrs will enjoy the preferential policies designed for people who made significant contributions to the country’s cause of national construction and protection, he added.

Young artists’ conversation with Hang Trong folk painting

An exhibition themed “Dialog with Hang Trong Folk Painting” is underway at the Temple of Literature in Hanoi until July 31, 2023 featuring a series of artworks by young painters in the “From Tradition to Tradition” project.

Alongside 29 Hang Trong folk paintings on Do (poonah) paper, owned by collector Nguyen Quang Trung, the event features 38 artworks by 22 young artists, which are inspired by the former and painted on silk or Do paper, in oils or lacquer.

Displayed in the front hall of the Imperial Academy, they create a harmonious blend that excites visitors: an interesting conversation between tradition and tradition, as well as tradition and modernity, with Hang Trong paintings as the centerpiece.

Hang Trong folk paintings often depict outstanding features of the cultural and religious life of the Vietnamese people, while the works of the new generation are improvised variations that still exude a distinct Hang Trong aura.

Among the young painters, Doan Thi Hong Duong has recreated the familiar Hang Trong pair of Vinh Hoa and Phu Quy, or High Position and Great Wealth, on two layers of transparent silk for greater depth. Notably, the words ‘Vinh Hoa’ and ‘Phu Quy’ were hand-embroidered to reflect the combination of Vietnamese folk painting and traditional embroidery.

Similarly, Hoang Thi Viet Huong brought typical details in Hang Trong worship paintings on silk, creating a set of works on three out of the 36 trance-ritual gods: Cau Be Doi Ngang or Little Boy of Doi Ngang, Co Be Thac Bo or Little Girl of Thac Bo and Co Chin or The 9th Lady.

Art paintings titled "Can 2" inspired by Hang Trong folk painting and Mother Goddess worship by Hoang Thi Viet Huong
Drawing on detailed depictions of peacocks in the Hang Trong genre, Trieu Minh Hang used gold and silver brushstrokes and elaborate coating techniques in lacquer art to produce the work Phuong Vu or Phoenix Dance, featuring two phoenixes gracefully dancing in a circle as a symbol of the yin-yang harmony.

Meanwhile, Pham Thuy Tien transformed the folk painting of two princesses Quynh Hoa and Que Hoa - the saints who attend the Mother Goddess of Nine Heavens - into a composite paper collage called Ha Pham or Descending on Earth.

Gaining inspiration from the art piece Bach Ho or White Tiger, artist Trieu Khac Tien embraced abstract expressionism in the lacquer painting Gai Nam Dan (Tiger Year Girls), which depicts the brave, energetic yet still feminine women that are born in the year of the Tiger.

For the Love of Hanoi - a foreigner's affection for the capital city

"For the Love of Hanoi" by Martin Rama, an economist of the World Bank, will be released on July 29, 2023.

This is the 9th book in the series "Hanoi, the Street and the People" published by Vietnam Media and Books Co., Ltd (Tri Thuc Tre Books). 

The book contains 45 articles divided into five chapters: Hanoi is Special, What is Heritage? Preservation Campaigns, The Bui Chu Saga, and A Project for Hanoi.

“For the Love of Hanoi” traces the author’s journey to protect and develop Hanoi’s precious characteristics. It reveals his passion and clear vision to help prosper the city while preserving its special character.

By choosing young poet Nguyen Bang Ngoc as his translator and young artist Dang Viet Loc as illustrator for the book, Martin Rama probably wished to convey his enthusiasm through different “languages”: economy, emotion, and art. Because of this diversity of perspectives, For the Love of Hanoi may touch readers’ hearts in more ways than one.

As a foreigner and an economist, Martin Rama loves Hanoi in a special way. He is not nostalgic for the past and does not try to bring Her back to her old appearance. He appreciates Hanoi in the present moment and is hopeful about Her future development. Over the years, from Hanoi Promenade to For the Love of Hanoi, from being fascinated by Her to becoming committed to Her, Martin Rama has expressed not only his views on heritage preservation and urban development but also intellectual clarity and social responsibility. His passionate, relentless journey shows that he loves Hanoi with his heart but is determined to protect Her with his reason.

Martin Rama is known to many Vietnamese for his book Hanoi Promenade, which won the Bui Xuan Phai Award - For the Love of Hanoi in 2014. Almost a decade later, Martin Rama published his second book about Hanoi. Taking its title from the Bui Xuan Phai Award, the book shows Martin Rama's ever-growing love for the city, from being enchanted while strolling through Her - as he affectionately calls Hanoi - to being deeply committed to Her.

Hanoi to expand green spaces

Building a multi-purpose cultural park on the Red River's alluvial island will help Hanoi expand urban green spaces and improve the quality of life for locals, experts have said.

The municipal People's Committee has recently agreed to allow four districts - Hoan Kiem, Long Bien, Ba Dinh and Tay Ho - to continue studying the project to develop the Red River alluvial island into a multi-purpose cultural park. Funding for the development would come from these districts' budgets.

Pham Quoc Tuyen, Deputy Director of Hanoi's Department of Planning and Architecture, told local media that the area is planned for green parks, agriculture, and tourism.

"The Red River planning project has set tasks for the four districts, including reviewing and studying existing residential areas, drawing up detailed plans, and submitting them to the relevant authorities for approval," Tuyen said. 

At present, the district authorities are carrying out surveying, mapping and planning. The results will then be sent to the Hanoi Department of Agriculture and Rural Development as a basis for programming and approval."

According to the Red River Urban Subdivision Planning, the Red River in Hanoi flows through an area of 686 hectares in the downtown area from Thang Long Bridge to Thanh Tri Bridge, where more than 181,000 people live. This place is designed to be a multifunctional area for cultural, commercial and public purposes.

A green park area with short-rotation trees, ornamental plants, seasonal flowers, and tourist services is planned in the riverside area. In addition, a sports area, a community art space, and a creative space focusing on the historical and cultural values of the Red River will be built in the riverbank area of Hoan Kiem District.

Party chief praises 75-year achievements of Vietnamese artists

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong praised and thanked domestic artists and members of the Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations of Vietnam (VULA) for their contributions to the country over the past 75 years during a ceremony marking the VULA’s 75th founding anniversary (July 25) in Hanoi on July 25.

In his speech, the Party chief said with the past achievements, the literature and art sector has played a significant role in the task of building a cultural environment and combating all wrongdoings, thereby creating a healthy atmosphere in the society.

The Party and State always encourage artists’ exploration and respect their freedom of artistic creativity, advocate issuing special mechanisms and policies for literature, art and artists in line with the country's socio-economic development, he said, adding that the Party, State and people always expect artists to produce more works of even higher value in terms of ideas and artistry, reflecting the reality of the country truthfully, profoundly anf fully during the period of renewal, integration and development.

He asked artists to regularly draw valuable lessons from previous generations to move forward with greater confidence and steadfastness.

The leader proposed that Party committees and authorities at all levels should be fully aware of the important role and position of culture, literature and arts in the cause of renovation, national construction and defence; consistently encourage and facilitate cultural and artistic activities through mechanisms and policies, such as providing financial support, opening creative camps as well as discovering, training, and nurturing artistic talents.

The VULA chapters from the central to local levels were asked to improve their working efficiency, renew operation methods and work closely with ministries and agencies to fulfill their assigned tasks, foster training of political and professional knowledge and morality for artists and encourage them to contribute more to the development of culture, literate and arts at home.

As of May, 136 authors and co-authors were awarded and posthumously awarded the Ho Chi Minh Prize for Literature and Arts while and 665 others were also awarded and posthumously awarded the State Prize for Literature and Arts. Hundreds of artists were honoured with the titles of Labour Hero, Hero of the Armed Forces, and noble awards such as the Independence Order, Ho Chi Minh Order and Labour Order. As many as 452 artists were recognised as People's Artists and 2,621 others received the title of Meritorious Artist.

On the occasion, composer Do Hong Quan, Secretary of the Party Delegation to and Chairman of the VULA, presented the insignia “For the cause of literature and arts of Vietnam” to Party chief Trong.

Vietnam, US working together for people’s prosperity: Ambassador

Over the past decade, Vietnam and the US have made great efforts together to promote prosperity for their people, US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc E. Knapper told the media on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Vietnam-US comprehensive partnership (July 25, 2013-2023).

He said Vietnam and the US have deepened their cooperation tremendously in all fields such as trade and investment, health care, climate, people-to-people and cultural exchanges, education, defence, security, law enforcement, and science technology.

The US hopes to work with Vietnam to strengthen peace and stability in the region, ensuring a free and open Indo-Pacific in general and a free and open East Sea in particular, he said.

“We share with Vietnam values such as respecting each other's political systems and respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity,” he stated, adding that “we want a Vietnam that is strong, independent prosperous, and resilient.”

Regarding bilateral trade cooperation, the diplomat noted that trade between the two countries has reached nearly 140 billion USD per year.

“Although you see different figures, but basically it's grown over 300 times, a huge number in the last 10 years,” he said.

Two-way trade has increased more than 300 times from only 450 million USD in 1995, when the two countries normalised their relations, to nearly 140 billion USD in 2022, he clarified, underlining that Vietnam is the eighth largest trade partner and the biggest ASEAN exporter of the US.

Vietnam mostly exports machinery, electronic equipment, textiles, footwear, seafood, wood and wood products to the US.

He also mentioned cooperation in health care, especially when more US firms show interest in building their factories in Vietnam.

Overseas Vietnamese youth pay respect to President Ho Chi Minh

A total of 120  young overseas Vietnamese (OVs) from across 17 countries and territories worldwide paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at the Kim Lien special national relic site in the late leader’s hometown in the central province of Nghe An’s Nam Dan district on July 25, as part of their Vietnam Summer Camp 2023.

At the memorial site – which is linked with the President’s family and childhood, the group pledged to unite as one and make contributions to the construction and defence of the homeland and the growth of the Vietnamese community.

Vu Thanh Huyen, deputy head of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese’s department of information and culture, stated that for the Vietnamese expatriate community, the late leader is a shining example of character and wisdom. Visiting his hometown will help broaden their understanding and knowledge of the Vietnamese culture, history and language.

The summer camp, an annual event held by the committee, is scheduled to take place in 10 localities across Vietnam from July 18 to August 2. During the course, participants have a chance to visit and learn about the culture, history, and traditions of the country; participate in gratitude and memorial activities; have exchanges with local youngsters; and take part in voluntary youth programmes and competitions, among others.

First held in 2004, the camp has brought thousands of outstanding OV youth from 16-24 years old to visit their motherland.

International scholar hails Vietnam’s contributions to ASEAN community building

Vietnam has actively participated in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) framework and made significant contributions to building a stronger and more reliable ASEAN community, according to Dr Balazs Szanto, a lecturer in political science at the Thai-based Chulalongkorn University.

In an interview with the Vietnam News Agency regarding Vietnam's 28 years of ASEAN membership in Bangkok, Szanto emphasized that the nation’s willingness to actively engage in the bloc shows that it is not just a formal entity but an organization with an important role and influence in the region and beyond.

He said Vietnam has made significant efforts to build consensus among member countries and to ensure that the development of the community does not go off track due to diverging opportunities and interests pursued by each member. 

Concerning Vietnam's motto of being " positive, proactive, and responsible" in ASEAN-related activities, the expert noted that promoting a more proactive approach is crucial to help the bloc be ready to cope with the changing international political landscape. It is a necessary change and a trend that needs to be encouraged within the association. 

On post-COVID-19 economic recovery and growth, he expressed his belief that one of the main directions for ASEAN countries is to reduce dependence on exports and international tourism. Instead, they need to prioritise leading a strong internal market and having a robust consumer base within the bloc to drive economic development.

According to him, Vietnam has been playing a positive role in reforming its economy and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the region. These align with the country’s traditional values, which focus more on the solid foundation of domestic labour and consumers, rather than relying too much on foreign markets.

Vietnamese university honoured for supporting human resource development in Laos

The Rector of Cuu Long University in the southern province of Vinh Long, Luong Minh Cu, on July 25 received the Labour Order - Third Class from Laos for his contributions to human resource training for the neighbouring country.

Seven staff members of the university were also awarded the Friendship Medal of Laos. 

Speaking at the awarding ceremony, Lao Deputy Minister of Education and Sports SiSouk Vongvichit said that the cooperation between the university and its Lao partners makes a positive contribution to training human resources, contributing to the socioeconomic development of Laos.

It also joins building and cultivating the relationship of solidarity, friendship, and cooperation between the two countries, he said.

Vice chairwoman of Vinh Long provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Thi Quyen Thanh appreciated Cuu Long University’s efforts to improve training quality which left a positive impact on local and regional university education and training.

She also applauded the university for its cooperation in education, research, technology transfer, and high-quality human resource training with Laos.

Together with many universities and colleges in Vietnam, since 2015, Cuu Long University has been involved in preserving and building the tradition of solidarity, cooperation, and friendship between the two countries Vietnam - Laos. The university now has ten strategic partners in Laos. 

Cuu Long University supported Laos to develop a smart village model in Thongmang Village, Xaythany, Vientiane Capital; and cooperated to establish the UCL-IICT Vietnamese Friendship Training Centre in Vientiane.

Up to now, the school has received more than 500 Lao students for post-graduate, university courses, or Vietnamese language learning courses.

The university cooperates with Lao agencies to organise cultural exchange activities, and sends lectures to Laos to teach Vietnamese.

Vietnam, US cooperate in addressing war consequences

The US Ambassador to Vietnam, Marc Knapper, on July 25 visited the Centre for DNA Identification (CDI) under the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST).

During his meeting with VAST President Prof. Chau Van Minh and Director of the Vietnam Office for Seeking Missing Persons (VNOSMP) Le Cong Tien, Ambassador Knapper highlighted the productive cooperation between VAST and the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) on improving Vietnam's capability to identify remains from the war under the US Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Identification of Human Remains project worth 7.4 million USD.

ICMP has been working on developing a modified nuclear-DNA extraction technology to address Vietnam's challenges with heavily degraded remains samples. 

On July 24, at a scientific workshop that CDI and ICMP held in Hanoi to report about the project implementation, participants focused on DNA extraction capabilities of ICMP’s technology and its suitability for subsequent applications. 

Through the International Commission on Searching for Missing Persons, the USAID plans to equip a lab at CDI with advanced DNA equipment, techniques, and materials, enabling the centre to successfully extract usable DNA from highly degraded bone samples. 

Ambassador Marc Knapper reaffirmed the commitment of the United States in supporting Vietnam's  efforts to identify human remains from the war and reuniting identified remains with their family members.

USAID’s Identification of Human Remains project aims to improve Vietnam's DNA analysis capabilities and help the country develop a comprehensive system for matching DNA from highly degraded remains with the DNA from families searching for loved ones. 

This is part of the US Government’s Vietnamese Wartime Accounting Initiative, reciprocating over three decades of support from the Vietnamese side in finding and identifying the remains of more than 700 missing Americans in Vietnam.

The US and Vietnam are celebrating the 10-year anniversary of their Comprehensive Partnership this year. Their close cooperation on the settlement of war consequences is a testament to the two countries' commitment to creating a better future for the two peoples.

Miss Tourism Ambassador Vietnam 2023 launched

The beauty contest Miss Tourism Ambassador Vietnam 2023 has been officially launched in order to seek beautiful women who have the mission of promoting tourism, cultural heritage, landscape, and the people of Vietnam to the world.

At a press conference held in Phan Thiet city on July 25, the pageant was announced as part of activities to celebrate National Tourism Year 2023 getting underway in Binh Thuan province.

The winner of the contest is required to spend two years carrying out a series of cultural tourism promotion activities, whilst promoting Vietnamese images across five continents.

The preliminary round is scheduled to last till September in six localities -  Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Thuan, Da Nang, Thai Nguyen, and Tien Giang.

The semi-final round is slated for November, and the final round is set to be held from December 1 to 15 in Phan Thiet city.

Contestants must be aged 18 to 27 who have graduated from high school and stand at least 1.63 metres tall.

The contest’s winner will go on to receive a crown and a cash prize of VND300 million, while the first and second runners-up will be awarded VND200 million and VND150 million, respectively.

Ly Kim Thao, who was Miss Tourism Vietnam Global 2021, is set to work as an ambassador of the pageant.

Doctors warn of abnormal rise in chickenpox cases this summer

The Hanoi Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) has warned that the number of chickenpox cases is showing signs of rising these days, with 33 new cases detected in the capital city last week.

Since the beginning of the year, Hanoi has recorded 1,911 chickenpox cases, marking an increase of 11.5 times over the same period from last year.

Bach Mai Hospital, the largest general polyclinic in the north of Vietnam, recently endured a rise in chickenpox cases, including severe patients and even two fatalities.

As normal, chickenpox cases tend to rise in spring. However, the disease has abnormally increased over recent weeks.

Chickenpox is a contagious disease that is caused by varicella-zoster virus and is capable of affecting people of all ages.

It is typically spread from person to person via direct contact and can also be spread through saliva and daily practices, such as sharing utensils.

It takes seven to 21 days after exposure to the virus for someone to develop symptoms, including a mild fever, a running nose, a cough, a headache, fatigue, a loss of appetite, and an itchy red rash which covers the body with fluid-filled blisters.

Healthcare specialists therefore advise chickenpox patients to take a bath as normal, regularly wash their hands with soap, refrain from sharing utensils with others, and keep their houses and workplaces clean.

UNESCO Centre helps conserve cultural and fine arts heritage in Vietnam

The UNESCO Centre for Conservation of Vietnam’s Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage was inaugurated in Ho Chi Minh City on July 25.
The centre, an arm of the Vietnam Union of UNESCO Associations, has been designed to preserve and promote the value of Vietnamese cultural and artistic heritage in the past and at present, and to create new values in the future.

The facility will serve as a place to connect artists, collectors, researchers, art critics, as well as museums, cultural agencies and heritages both at home and abroad. It will also help promote cooperation in various fields with organizations and individuals involved in practical projects in the fields of fine arts, culture, and heritage conservation.

The centre will deploy projects in many areas such as organizing composition camps for young artists, and displaying paintings, creative art statues and cultural heritage in connection with heritage tourism, so as to bring benefits to the community, society as well as partners, said Nguyen Kim Phien, director of the centre.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes