A delegation of the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly (NA), the State President, the Government, and the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee laid wreaths at the monument to war heroes and martyrs on Bac Son street and paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum in Hanoi on July 27 on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947 - 2024).

The delegation included President To Lam, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man, permanent member of the Party Central Committee's Secretariat Luong Cuong, President of the VFF Central Committee Do Van Chien.

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Party and State leaders and formers leaders pay tribute to war heroes and martyrs at the monument on Bac Son street. (Photo: VNA)

Former General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, Former NA Chairpersons Nguyen Sinh Hung, Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, and Vuong Dinh Hue; Politburo members, along with incumbent and former officials also attended the activity.

Also in the morning of the same day, delegations of the Central Military Commission - the Ministry of National Defence; the Central Public Security Party Committee - the Ministry of Public Security; the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs; and the Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, and VFF Committee of Hanoi, among others, paid tribute to the heroes, martyrs at the monument, and President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum./.

Two more Vietnamese military officers to join UN peacekeeping forces

The Ministry of National Defence on July 26 handed over the State President’s decisions to two officers who will join the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA).

Major General Pham Manh Thang, Director of the Vietnam Department for Peacekeeping Operations (VDPO) under the ministry, said in order to prepare replacement forces, the department has selected highly qualified officers and organised various training courses following requirements of the UN while sending officers abroad for training.

The two officers to be deployed to the UN missions this time have participated in two major peacekeeping exercises – the Competency Evaluation for Prospective Peacekeeper Programme (CEPPP) and the Vietnam - India Bilateral Army Exercise (VINBAX) 2023.

He affirmed that, preparations for the deployment of the two officers have been basically completed. The two officers themselves have expressed their determination to fulfilling their tasks.

Addressing the event, Deputy Minister of National Defence Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien said that joining UN peacekeeping missions is an honour not only for each individual but also for the Vietnam People's Army (VPA). Officers of the VPA have affirmed their mettle, will and capacity in the eyes of international colleagues and friends over the past 10 years of Vietnam's participation in this special humanitarian activity, he added.

Chien, who is also Chairman of the defence ministry's steering committee on participation in the UN peacekeeping operations, requested the two officers to strictly follow the Party, State and army’s foreign policies, the VPA's disciplines, regulations of the United Nations and laws of the host countries. The officers were urged to quickly grasp the local situation and perform well their assigned duties.

He asked the VDPO coordinate with relevant agencies to select and train suitable personnel to prepare a reserve force for future deployments.

Vietnam has to date deployed over 800 officers to the UN peacekeeping missions in Abyei, Central African Republic and South Sudan, and the UN Headquarters. According to heads of the UN missions and agencies, Vietnamese peacekeepers have shown strong performance in implementing their assigned tasks with professionalism and discipline, leaving good impressions on mission leaders, friends, and international colleagues with specific, practical, and humane contributions./.

Vietnam attends 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Vientiane

Deputy Foreign Minister Do Hung Viet, who is also head of the ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) delegation of Vietnam, led a Vietnamese delegation to the 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting (AMM-57) in Vientiane, Laos on July 25.

In his speech, Viet commended Laos for its chairmanship role and expressed support for the theme and priorities of ASEAN this year. He said ASEAN's resilience lies in its ability to maintain unity, centrality, strategic autonomy and capacity to respond to shifts in the global and regional landscapes.

Underscoring the importance of ASEAN connectivity, Viet highlighted a community-wide approach, the expansion of agenda connectivity in the fields of sustainable infrastructure, electricity networks, electric vehicle ecosystem, cross-border payment, and supply chain resilience. He also highlighted the need to align sub-regional cooperation with ASEAN's overall progress to help sub-regions optimise their development potential and leverage new growth drivers.

In its relations with partners, the bloc should request countries to respect its central role both in words and actions, ensuring effective and meaningful cooperation, he said. Viet reaffirmed ASEAN's principled stance on global and regional issues, and laid stress on the necessity of adhering to and fully and effectively implementing all provisions of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and at the same time creating an environment conducive to negotiations on a quality, substantive and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in line with international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (UNCLOS).

At the meeting, heads of delegations discussed ways to further deepen ASEAN’s relationship with partners, bolster cooperation in traditional areas while expanding into new potential ones. They also underlined the importance of maintaining an open, transparent, inclusive, rules-based regional structure with ASEAN at its core.

ASEAN foreign ministers' meetings with partner countries under the ASEAN 1 framework will continue on July 26./.

Vietnamese enterprises encouraged to invest in Algeria

Vietnam and Algeria hope to enhance intergovernmental projects and cooperation in several areas, heard a meeting in Hanoi on July 26between Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi and Algeria's Minister of War Veterans and Rights Holders Laid Rebigua who attended the state mourning of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

The Algierian official expressed his condolences on the passing of the late leader, highlighting his position in both Vietnam and Algeria.

The Vietnamese minister thanked the sound sentiment of Algeria for the deceased and emphasised the deep bond between the two nations. He noted that Vietnam and Algeria share a strong traditional friendship and cooperation in trade, diplomacy, agriculture, industry, and construction. This partnership is facilitated by the Vietnam-Algeria intergovernmental committee, which has held 12 meetings to discuss various cooperative initiatives.

The 12th meeting, held in Hanoi in October 2023, resulted in 15 draft memoranda and commitments to regular delegation exchanges to strengthen mutual understanding. Recent activities included discussions with Vinfast automaker and the signing of a cooperation agreement with the Institute of Traditional Medicine Research.

Additionally, locality-to-locality cooperation has been strengthened, exemplified by a twinning and cooperation agreement between Dien Bien province in Vietnam and Algeria's Batna province.

As the chair of the Vietnam-Algeria Intergovernmental Committee, the Ministry of Construction will continue to promote cooperation in the agreed areas and implement the outcomes of the 12th meeting, enhancing the bilateral relationship.

Minister Nghi expressed his hope for increased cooperation and experience sharing, particularly in the housing sector.

The Algerian Minister affirmed the long-standing and strong cooperative relationship between the two countries, demonstrated by 21 agreements signed. Algeria has also fostered bilateral visits and cooperation in energy, law, and other fields.

He expressed his commitment to further promoting Vietnam-Algeria intergovernmental projects, enhancing trade and investment, and encouraging Vietnamese businesses to invest in Algeria's commercial market.

Nghi reiterated Vietnam's commitment to enhancing cooperation with Algeria, aiming to elevate the bilateral relationship to new heights./.

Over 5,600 delegations pay final respects to Party General Secretary

More than 5,600 delegations with over 252,000 people formally paid tribute to General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong at the National Funeral Hall in Hanoi, the Reunification Hall in Ho Chi Minh City, and his hometown in Lai Da village, Dong Hoi commune, Hanoi's outlying district of Dong Anh during the two-day state funeral on July 25-26.

The attendees included leaders from the Party, State, ministries, agencies, mass organisations, localities, and units, as well as the military and diplomatic delegations, international organisations, international friends, and fellow citizens.

As many as 434 delegations with 136,886 people bid farewell to the late leader at the National Funeral Hall, 1,588 delegations with 56,600 people in Dong Hoi commune, and 3,585 delegations with 58,532 people in Ho Chi Minh City.

There were 100 foreign delegations coming to say goodbye to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

According to the organising board of the state funeral, over 483,000 people sent their heartfelt condolences to the late leader via the e-identification app VNeID.

The immense turnout for the national mourning prompted the organising board to extend the respect-paying ceremony to 24:00 at the National Funeral Hall, and 23:00 in Ho Chi Minh City and Dong Hoi commune instead of 22:00 on July 25 as announced earlier.

The memorial service was held at 1pm on July 26 at the National Funeral Hall, followed by the burial ceremony at 3pm at Mai Dich Cemetery in the capital city./.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong remembered abroad

Vietnamese embassies in foreign countries have held remembrance ceremonies for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who breathed his last on July 19.

At the ceremony on July 25, the staff of the Vietnamese Embassy and representative offices in Argentina observed a minute’s silence for the late leader.

Writing in the condolence book, Ambassador Ngo Minh Nguyet praised General Secretary Trong as an excellent leader who left many imprints helping advance Vietnam’s diplomacy, saying he made very important contributions in terms of ideology and theory, and instructed the building and development of the comprehensive, modern diplomatic sector imbued with the characteristics of the “Vietnamese bamboo tree”.

The leader gave due attention and special sentiments to the sector, especially in building a contingent of diplomats who have qualities, mettle, ethics, and qualifications, the ambassador continued.

Recounting the Party chief’s warmth and closeness, Nguyet affirmed that his legacy is extremely valuable to the Party and the nation.

Representatives from Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the embassies of Cuba, Brazil, the US, Indonesia, Thailand, Algeria, the Vatican, Iran and Croatia, the Argentina-Vietnam Culture Institute, the Asian Chamber of Commerce, former Argentine diplomats in Vietnam, and local friends paid homage to the General Secretary at the embassy.

Charge d'affaires of the Cuban Embassy in Argentina Leonardo Baster expressed his deepest sympathy over the passing of the Party chief, a close friend of the Caribbean nation.

Throughout his political career, the General Secretary made relentless efforts to consolidate the relations between the Vietnamese and Cuban people, he wrote in the condolence book, praising the leader’s loyalty and friendship.

A representative from the Vatican also extended the deepest condolences to the Vietnamese people and the bereaved family, and lauded the Party chief’s role in promoting the Vietnam-Holy See relations.

Sharing the sorrow, a representative from the US Embassy wrote the General Secretary “was a champion of deep ties between the US and Vietnam. We will remember his commitments to building future oriented towards peace”.

A Thai diplomat said the Party leader’s legacies will be in the heart and memory of the Vietnamese people. Meanwhile, a representative from the Iranian Embassy expressed hope that Vietnamese people and the bereaved family will overcome the grief and loss to strive for prosperity and development of Vietnam.

At the headquarters of the Vietnamese Embassy in South Africa, Vietnam’s national flag was flown at half-mast, and the condolence book for General Secretary Trong was opened on July 25.

Ambassador Hoang Sy Cuong expressed his deep gratitude to the Party chief for his enormous devotions and contributions to great victories of the nation.

Many foreign diplomatic corps, international delegations, and representatives from South Africa’s agencies paid tribute to the Vietnamese Party leader at the ceremony.

Fikile Mbalula, Secretary-General of African National Congress (ANC) of South Africa, paid floral tribute to the Party chief, and extended condolences to the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), the bereaved family, and the Vietnamese people over his death.

General Secretary Trong is a prominent leader who has paved the way and devoted his lifetime to national independence, self-reliance, and diversification and multilateralisation of relations, the message said.

The ANC also honoured the Party chief for his special leadership in fostering the relations between the two Parties and States, and affirmed the importance it will continue attaching to the bilateral ties.

Ambassadors and representatives from Eswatini, Kuwait, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Cuba, Venezuela, Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, and local officials also came to the embassy to pay homage to the late Vietnamese leader.

A similar ceremony was also held at the Vietnamese Embassy in Paris on July 25, where Minister Nguyen Van Hung and a delegation of the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, representatives from Vietnamese associations in France, diplomatic corps, foreign embassies, paid respects to General Secretary Trong.

Ambassador Dinh Toan Thang said the leader’s passing is a great loss to the Vietnamese Party, State and people, and Vietnamese communities abroad, including France.

Under the Party leadership, headed by the General Secretary, Vietnam’s diplomacy with the characteristics of the “bamboo tree” has seen historical turning points, with improvements in the relations between Vietnam and major partners, the ambassador said.

His instructions over the Vietnam-France relations as well as Vietnam’s foreign affairs have served as the lodestar for activities of diplomats, and officials of Vietnamese representative agencies in France, as well as fundamental guidelines and strategies for Vietnamese and French partners to contribute to deepening the bilateral ties.

Writing in the condolence book, Hung praised the Party chief’s contributions to building Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity, and pledged efforts to promote his legacy in culture.

On July 25 afternoon, representatives from foreign embassies and international organisations in France paid tribute to the late leader at the embassy.

In a letter of condolences to President To Lam, French President Emmanuel Macron said the Party chief made great devotions to the Vietnamese people, spared no efforts for Vietnam’s sovereignty, and greatly contributed to national socio-economic development, as well as cooperation between the two countries.

Lao Ambassador to France Kham-Ink Khitchadeth wrote in the condolence book that General Secretary Trong is an eminent leader dedicated to peace, friendship, cooperation and development of people in Vietnam and the world.

The diplomat also highlighted the Party leader’s contributions to fostering the Vietnam-Laos relations, and affirmed that the Lao Party, Government and people always remember efforts and valuable contributions of the late leader to Laos.

Gerard Daviot, former President of the France-Vietnam Friendship Association (FVFA), told the Vietnam News Agency that he is impressed by the leader’s humanity and enthusiasm, saying he sees the General Secretary’s imprints in pursuing Ho Chi Minh’s career as a lodestar in his work.

The Party chief made various reforms, including those in child education, especially in remote areas, and took strong actions against corruption, Daviot continued.

Firmin Edouard Matoko, Assistant Director-General for Priority Africa and External Relations of UNESCO, also lauded the General Secretary as an outstanding politician and a great personality, who constantly strived for peace, not only for Vietnam but for the whole world, and always supported initiatives of UNESCO.

Matoko expressed his hope that the General Secretary's example will be promoted all over the world.

Ambassador of Sri Lanka Manisha Gumasekera, and the country’s permanent delegation at UNESCO commended the Party leader’s contributions to enhancing the relations between the two countries.

A representative from Russia’s permanent delegation at UNESCO said the leader will be remembered in Russia for his huge contributions to the Vietnam-Russia ties and their international relations, and as an excellent leader. /.

Algerian friend’s sentiments towards Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong

The passing of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is not only a great loss to Vietnamese people but also to those who love Vietnam, stated Mohamed Djouadj, an Algerian who is Vice Chairman of the World Vovinam (Vietnamese martial arts) Federation and Chairman of the African Vovinam Federation.

In an interview granted to Vietnam News Agency, Djouadj held that under the leadership of General Secretary Trong, the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has led the country to reap considerable socio-economic achievements.

Vietnam has become a model of sustainable development in difficult and complex conditions thanks to the country’s internal strength and outstanding national qualities, he commented.

In terms of culture, General Secretary Trong paid great attention to building an advanced culture imbued with national identity, he noted, asserting that this is considered the true spiritual foundation of society, the inner strength and an important driving force for the development of Vietnam.

Djouadj recalled General Secretary Trong’s saying that “culture is the soul of the nation,” and “as long as culture endures, the nation endures”.

Lauding Vietnam’s bamboo diplomacy policy, Djouadj held that the diplomatic school with the strong identity of "Vietnamese bamboo" initiated by General Secretary Trong has inherited Vietnamese historic traditions and concretised President Ho Chi Minh's idea on diplomacy and based on the country's current context.

The policy has helped Vietnam reap many positive results, he said, noting that Vietnam has established partnership with many countries and expanded its network of partners while ensuring sovereignty and territorial integrity and maximising national and ethnic interests.

The bamboo diplomacy also helped Vietnam create economic miracles and record the fastest growth rate in Southeast Asia, he said, adding that Vietnam's international position has constantly enhanced, and the Vietnamese people are increasingly proud of their country.

Djouadj affirmed that under the leadership of General Secretary Trong, Vietnam has been "prosperous and peaceful", with good economic development, stable society and increasing international status.

General Secretary Trong left a great and profound legacy for Vietnam's foreign policy. Through inheriting and creatively applying Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thought, General Secretary Trong led Vietnam in implementing a diplomatic policy of independence, self-reliance, diversification and multilateralisation amid a complex international and regional context. Djouadj emphasised that the Party leader shaped and successfully applied the art of balancing relations between Vietnam and major countries.

General Secretary Trong is a shining example in studying and respecting President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle, he said, holding that the biggest lesson he left for the younger generation is the will to not avoid difficulties and challenges and to live and devote to the fullest.

The Algerian friend underlined that the legacy left by the talented leader who devoted his whole life to the struggle for national independence and for the peace and prosperity of the Vietnamese people, will continue to inspire future generations in Vietnam./.

Russia's largest education institution proud of outstanding student Nguyen Phu Trong

During his theoretical research career, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was a post-graducate student at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA or Presidential Academy) - the largest educational institution in Russia.

From August 1946 to 1991, the academy was called the Soviet Academy of Sciences (AON) under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. During the period, Vietnam sent many ideological theorists to study and do research there.

In September 1981, Trong was sent to the Soviet Union as a research fellow, where he did his Candidate of Science (now Doctoral) dissertation in Historical Science (Party-Building major) at the AON. His classmates at the time still kept fond memories of the young Vietnamese researcher.

Leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) Gennady Zyuganov, who was a classmate of General Secretary Trong at AON recalled that he and Trong took the same courses, went to the same lecture hall, were tested by the same teachers and attended conferences and meetings together.

Trong looked gentle and friendly and he spoke Russia quite well, Zyuganov said, noting that as a leader, he is very principled and steadfast. He expressed his joy when the Vietnamese people presented the world communist movement with such a talented, knowledgeable, hard-working, sincere, and deserving leader.

The thesis on activities of the Communist Party of Vietnam to strengthen relations with the masses in the current period (based on the experience of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) of the Vietnamese Party leader is now displayed in the library of the academy along with other research books on Vietnam which are usually sought by students for reading.

Natalya Shafinskaya, head of the International Development Department of the Presidential Academy, said that the academy is proud and honoured to train many leaders of other countries, with General Secretary Trong of Vietnam among them.

Le Huynh Duc, President of the Vietnamese Students’ Association in Russia, a RANEPA graduate student, said that many people have read and use the dissertation of the Party leader for reference.

It can be seen that from the beginning of his career, General Secretary Trong had viewed the prestige of Party members among the people as one of the most important issues of the Party. In fact, when he held the top position in the Party, the General Secretary continued to pay great attention to the issue of transparency, and he had initiated and implemented the anti-corruption movement to regain the people's trust in the Party's leadership.

Vietnam's successes in fighting corruption and economic development have become research topics at this academy.

Duc said that Russian academics have shown interest in the General Secretary's theoretical legacies. In scientific seminars at the academy, Vietnam’s "bamboo diplomacy" school also draws much attention.

Shafinskaya said that after hearing about the passing of the General Secretary, the Presidential Academy sent a letter of condolence and will send a delegation to the respect-paying ceremony held at the Vietnamese Embassy in Moscow to show respect for the former student who came from a country with countless difficulties but thrived with will and a thirst for knowledge, becoming a leader trusted by the people./.

Moscow mourns Vietnamese Party chief

A two-day respect paying ceremony began on July 25 morning at the Vietnamese Embassy in Russia to honour Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Dang Minh Khoi described the General Secretary as a humble and approachable leader who always showed affection and concern to his subordinates.

He highlighted the "Vietnamese bamboo" diplomatic style initiated by General Secretary Trong, saying it has a very practical meaning for those working in foreign affairs.

He said all of those engaged in diplomatic work, both at home and abroad, will never forget the guidance and trust entrusted by the Party, State and people and pledge to keep striving to live up to the expectations of the General Secretary, to better serve the country and people.

Aleksey Yatskin, First Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia, praised the late leader’s legacies, saying that the two nations would continue to build on the foundation he laid for the benefit of the Vietnam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership.

The condolence book is filled with heartfelt messages and sympathies from representatives of the embassies of Laos, Cambodia, India, and China; Deputy Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Councill Andrey Klimov; representatives of major universities in Moscow; Vietnamese associations, businesses and others, reflecting the widespread respect and admiration for the Vietnamese leader./.

Indonesia media highlights Party General Secretary’s great role in Vietnam's renewal process

Indonesian news agencies and newspapers have run articles highlighting the great contributions of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to national construction and development in Vietnam.

Kompas research magazine on July 20 published an article hailing the outstanding role of General Secretary Trong and emphasising his imprints on Vietnam's development.

According to the article, the Party leader has been known globally for introducing the “bamboo diplomacy" approach, which is flexible and capable of responding to geopolitical winds in the world. While developing international relations, Vietnam bases on national values and stays open to all partner countries without losing its identity. The large-scale anti-corruption campaign initiated by the General Secretary is an unprecedented tough, effective measure. He is also a model of purity and corruption combat, winning the people’s trust. This is one of the key factors to create consensus in national development. The passing of the General Secretary is a great loss to Vietnam.

Meanwhile, Tempo newspaper reported that after nearly 60 years of working, General Secretary Trong made great and extraordinary contributions to the glorious revolutionary struggle of his Party and nation. His passing is a huge loss to the Party, State and people of Vietnam and his family.

"Nusantara Post" newspaper assessed that under the leadership of the Party leader, Vietnam has become a rising power in Southeast Asia, balancing historical relationships with a modern approach in international diplomacy. In addition, the Communist Party of Vietnam emphasised the importance of maintaining a socialist orientation and adapting to global economic changes through the Doi Moi (Renewal) policy.

Sharing the same views, Ipotnews and Indonesia Satu newspapers highlighted that General Secretary Trong led Vietnam to establish good and balanced relations with major countries, gathering national internal strength to maintain impressive economic growth over the past decade.

Other major newspapers and media agencies in Indonesia such as The Diplomat, CNN-Indonesia, Metro TV, RRI, and Liputan-6 also reported the passing of the Vietnamese leader and praised his role in the country's development./.

Conference on biomedical engineering development opens in Binh Thuan

The 10th International Conference in Vietnam on the Development of Biomedical Engineering (BME10) opened on July 25 in Phan Thiet city, south central province of Binh Thuan.

Themed “Healthcare Evolution towards 5P Medicine in Low-and Middle-income countries ecosystem”, the three-day event was organised by International University under Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City. It drew the participation of nearly 300 domestic and foreign scientists as well as local researchers and students.

The biennial event has received 270 reports of reputable scientists from countries such as the US, France, Switzerland, Australia, Japan and the Republic of Korea.

Nguyen Minh, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, said this is the first time Binh Thuan has hosted such an important event, saying it serves as forum for international biomedical engineering community to share valuable experiences, develop supporting networks as well as strengthen collaboration to improve education, research and development and entrepreneurship in low-income, middle-income and developed countries.

Through the conference, Binh Thuan hopes to explore opportunities to cooperate with prestigious universities and research institutes to train and foster high-quality human resources in the fields of science and technology, promote research, transfer, application and strong development of science – technology and innovation, meeting the socio-economic development needs of the locality.

Associate Professor, Nguyen Thi Hiep, head of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at International University, said that the conference aims to create conditions for domestic and international researchers to exchange and sign cooperation in teaching and scientific research in biomedical engineering, thereby encouraging creativity and development./.

Lai Chau workers receive help before going to RoK

The Employment Service Centre in the northern mountainous province of Lai Chau and the MAIEDU Training Consultant Joint Stock Company provided a month-long Korean language training and career orientation for 47 local workers who will go to work in Mungyeong city, North Gyeongsang province, the Republic of Korea (RoK), later this year.

As seasonal workers, they will work mainly in agriculture such as growing potatoe, mustard green, melon, chili, and onion, and harvesting vegetables, tubers, and fruits with a monthly salary of 25-40 million VND (986-1,580 USD), not including overtime.

Ealier this year, 63 workers got such jobs there.

According to the provincial Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, currently many rural workers in districts across the province have no jobs while it’s harvest time in the RoK. Authorities of Lai Chau province and Mungyeong city signed a labour cooperation agreement under which the Korean side accepted seasonal workers from Lai Chau.

In 2022, the Vietnamese Government issued a resolution on continuing a pilot programme on sending seasonal Vietnamese workers to the RoK through cooperation agreements between localities of the two countries in the 2022-2027 period./.

Four human trafficking victims repatriated from Cambodia

Border guards of the Moc Bai International Border Gate Post have coordinated with the police of Tay Ninh, Dak Lak, An Giang, Bac Lieu, and Thanh Hoa provinces to receive 39 Vietnamese citizens from Cambodian authorities, including four human trafficking victims.

Of the 39 citizens, 33 are male and the rest female, who are from 22 localities across the nation.

The four human trafficking victims are from Hanoi, Cao Bang, Dien Bien, and Yen Bai.

Right after verifying the information of the victims, the post made a report to the anti-human trafficking division under the Department of Drugs Prevention and Control of the Border Guard Command.

The division then coordinated with Blue Dragon Children's Foundation, which specialises in supporting victims of human trafficking in Vietnam, to send the four victims home.

The force also handed over two people in law violation cases to the police of Bac Lieu and Thanh Hoa./.

Remains of Vietnamese martyrs reburied in An Giang, Kien Giang, Tay Ninh

A memorial and reburial ceremony was held in the Mekong Delta province of An Giang on July 24 to honour the sacrifices of 88 Vietnamese volunteer soldiers who laid their lives in Cambodia and An Giang.

Search teams from Military Zone 9 and the provincial Military Command recovered the remains during the 2023-2024 dry season in Cambodia’s Kandal, Kongpong Chnang, Takeo, and Kampong Speu provinces, as well as An Giang’s Tinh Bien township and Chau Doc city.

A similar ceremony took place in the Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang, where 28 remains were laid to rest the same day. They were discovered in Cambodia’s Koh Kong and Kam Pot provinces, along with two in Kien Giang.

Since 2001, Kien Giang provincial authorities have collected and repatriated 2,132 remains to Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts in the Cambodian provinces of Kam Pot, Kep, Koh Kong and Preah Sihanouk under an agreement between the Vietnamese and Cambodian governments.

To commemorate War Invalids and Martyrs’ Day (July 27), a separate ceremony was held at Hill 82 Tan Bien Martyrs Cemetery in the southern province of Tay Ninh to lay to rest the remains of 172 Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who fell down in Cambodia. They were brought back to Vietnam in the second phase of repatriation during the 2023-2024 dry season./.

Bilingual book honours national treasures

The Su That (Truth) National Political Publishing House in coordination with the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism has published a Vietnamese-English book titled “Thousand Years of Vietnam National Civilisation” featuring national treasures. As of January 18, 2024, Vietnam had counted 294 artifacts and groups of objects recognised as national treasures, through 12 approval rounds since 2012.

These national treasures hold special values as they represent the country's history, culture, and science. They are being preserved in provinces and cities across the country with specific methods, depending on their materials and ages. The recognition of the national treasures is carried out following a strict process.

To win the recognition, an artfact must satisfy criteria regarding origin, uniqueness, and values in terms of history, culture, and science, and be evidence of a major event or closely linked to the life and career of a national hero or an outstanding figure. It would be a famous work of art with ideological, humanistic, and aesthetic values, representing a specific trend, style, or era; and a typical invention or creation with high practical values that can promote social development during a certain historical period. Over the recent times, attention has been paid to introducing and promoting such treasures through various forms, from organising exhibitions both in and outside the country to introducing them through websites, social media, digital platforms; and publishing thematic stamp collections.

The publication of the bilingual book aims to help the public gain an insight into all the national treasures, thus contributing to honouring them and promoting their values.

The book will guide readers on a chronological journey through the national treasures, starting from the period BC to the revolutionary war, marked by the great turning point of the 1975 Spring General Offensive and Uprising. The book shows images of the treasures and relevant information most concisely, yet enough for readers to gain a basic and comprehensive understanding of their origins, eras, characteristics, and unique, exemplary values./.

Officials, diplomats in Asia mourn for late Party leader of Vietnam

The passing of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong has saddened foreign officials, diplomats, and overseas Vietnamese who have continued coming to Vietnam’s diplomatic missions in many countries, including India, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Laos, to offer condolences.

The Consulate General of Vietnam in Mumbai city, the Indian state of Maharashtra, held a respect-paying ceremony on July 25 - 26, when national mourning was also observed in the homeland.

Representatives of the Maharashtra administration, the consulates general of such countries as Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Iran, and Switzerland, along with associations, agencies, and sectors of Mumbai and Maharashtra paid homage to the late leader and extended condolences to the Party, State, and people of Vietnam and the bereaved family.

Rahul Gandhi, a leader of the Indian National Congress, paid his last respect to General Secretary Trong at the Vietnamese Embassy in New Delhi. In his message of condolence, Gandhi emphasised the deceased’s over six decades of efforts to build a strong CPV, all people’s admiration for his pure ideology and morality, as well as his decisive leadership that has helped build a more integrated society and lift millions of people out of poverty.

At the Vietnamese Embassy in Bangladesh, the two-day respect paying ceremony saw the presence of 27 delegations, including those of Vietnamese people in Bangladesh, the host country’s Foreign Ministry, leaders of the Communist Party of Bangladesh and the Workers Party of Bangladesh, which have official relations with the CPV, along with many local friends.

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Bangladesh Ruhin Hossain Prince wrote in the condolence book that his party will forever remember and treasure Trong for his substantial contributions to the development of a modern Vietnam and the corruption combat.

President of the Workers Party of Bangladesh Rashed Khan Menon stated that the General Secretary’s passing is a loss to not only Vietnamese people or the CPV but also the communist movement in Southeast Asia.

Ambassadors and high commissioners of ASEAN member countries and the nations having comprehensive strategic partnerships with Vietnam like China, Russia, India, the Republic of Korea, and Japan came to offer condolences. They also hailed the leader’s dedications to Vietnam’s relations with their countries.

In the Philippines, the Vietnamese Embassy also received a number of delegations representing the host country’s Government and state agencies to pay tribute to the Vietnamese leader.

Coming to the respect-paying service, Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines Charles Jose wrote in the condolence book that General Secretary Trong will be remembered as a hope and a bright source of inspiration for the Vietnamese people as he put people’s interests at the centre of policies.

More than 30 representative diplomatic bodies in the archipelago nation, including the US, China, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the UK, Germany, Canada, and Southeast Asian countries, sent letters of condolences and paid tribute to the Party chief.

Delegates from businesses, the World Health Organisation (WHO), some organisations and associations, and the Vietnamese community in the Philippines were also present at the ceremony.

A large number of Vietnamese expatriates, including young people, in Malaysia also came to the respect-paying ceremony at the Vietnamese Embassy there on July 25 - 26.

Nguyen Ba Tan, First Secretary of the embassy, said the number of Vietnamese studying and working in Malaysia, has been on the rise over the last 10 years. There are now more than 30,000 Vietnamese, including about 800 students, in Malaysia. He expressed his hope that the ideology, contributions, and lifestyle of General Secretary Trong will become a lodestar for overseas Vietnamese to follow.

Eighty-two delegations with more than 300 members representing the Government, diplomatic missions, associations, and the Vietnamese community in Malaysia paid their respect to the Party leader at the two-day service.

In Laos, hundreds of delegations from the country’s Party agencies and administrations from central to local levels, foreign diplomatic missions, and Vietnamese people’s associations also visited the respect-paying ceremonies held by the Vietnamese Embassy and consulates general across Laos on July 25 - 26.

The Vietnamese Embassy in Vientiane capital received more than 110 delegations to the ceremony on July 25 - 26. The events held by the consulates general of Vietnam in southern Pakse province and northern Luang Prabang province saw the presence of over 50 delegations each. The Consulate General in the central province of Savannakhet received more than 30 delegations coming to pay tribute and wrote in the condolence book.

In particular, on the two days of national mourning in Vietnam, the Party organisations and administrations of Houaphanh and Xiengkhuang provinces in northern Laos organised respect-paying services for General Secretary Trong./.

Vietnamese Deputy FM calls for stronger partnership between ASEAN and partners

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Do Hung Viet attended the 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting (AMM-57) in Vientiane, Laos, on July 26, where he welcomed the progress in relations between ASEAN and its partners, emphasising the need for coordination to further deepen existing cooperation areas.

He stressed economic, trade and investment cooperation should be a pillar and motivation to develop the relations practically, adding that it is necessary to promote economic connectivity, and effectively utilise free trade agreements between ASEAN and its partners.

Viet, who is also head of the ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) delegation of Vietnam, called on countries to coordinate more closely to effectively take advantage of new trends and growth drivers, and intensify cooperation in new areas such as science and technology application, innovation, digital and green transition, and energy transformation, towards sustainable development.

The Vietnamese official suggested that ASEAN and its partners should continue to promote dialogue, consultation, and trust building, and join efforts in responding to common challenges through ASEAN-led mechanisms, contributing to shaping an open, transparent, inclusive regional structure that upholds international law, with ASEAN playing a central role.

He expected partners to continue to support ASEAN's common stance on the East Sea, as well as ASEAN's efforts to build the East Sea into a sea of peace, security, stability, cooperation and sustainable development.

At the event, representatives from ASEAN member nations and the bloc's partner countries emphasised their commitments to effectively implementing existing economic and trade agreements, and agreed to complete negotiations on the establishment, upgrading and review of FTAs with partners such as China, the Republic of Korea, India and Canada as planned.

They affirmed to continue expanding cooperation in new and potential areas such as digital economy, digital transformation, green transition, smart agriculture, energy transformation, and climate change response, contributing to promoting inclusive growth and sustainable development.

ASEAN's partners proposed many cooperation initiatives of common interest such as strengthening ASEAN-China people-to-people exchanges; and implementing the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Connectivity Initiative, the ASEAN-India Fund for Digital Future, a key initiative on digital innovation and the ASEAN - RoK Methane Reduction Action Partnership, the EU-ASEAN Green Initiative and the EU-ASEAN Sustainable Connectivity Package (SCOPE).

Discussing regional and international issues such as the East Sea, Myanmar, the Korean Peninsula, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the Middle East in the spirit of frank and practical dialogue, delegates from ASEAN and its partners emphasised the importance of maintaining and promoting peace, security, and stability, and creating a favorable environment for inclusive growth and sustainable development.

The foreign ministers adopted many documents such as the ASEAN-Australia Plan of Action for the 2025-2029 period; the ASEAN-UK Joint Statement on Strengthening Connectivity, the ASEAN-China Joint Statement on Strengthening Humanitarian Mine Action Cooperation; and the Joint Statement of ASEAN and Russia Foreign Ministers Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of Russia’s Accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC).

Within the framework of the ASEAN+1 meetings with Australia, Canada, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea (RoK), the European Union (EU), India, New Zealand, Russian Federation and the UK, Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Do Hung Viet and Foreign Minister of the RoK Cho Tae Yul co-chaired the ASEAN-Korea Foreign Ministers' Meeting, during which the Vietnamese official affirmed that the RoK is one of ASEAN's most important partners.

He highly valued the RoK's commitment to promoting a stronger partnership with the bloc and welcomed the RoK's proposal to establish a comprehensive strategic partnership with ASEAN.

The RoK official took the occasion to send his deepest condolences to the Vietnamese delegation over the passing of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

He highlighted the progress in connectivity cooperation between ASEAN and the RoK in terms of infrastructure, institutions and people-to-people exchanges, saying that these contributed to creating a solid foundation for the bilateral relationship to continue developing dynamically and positively in the coming time.

The RoK and other ASEAN countries thanked and highly appreciated Vietnam's efforts and important contributions in its role as coordinator of the ASEAN-RoK relations over the past three years, which create favourable conditions for efforts to elevate the bilateral relationship in the coming years.

On July 27, ASEAN Foreign Ministers and partners will attend the ASEAN-US Meeting and meetings within the frameworks of ASEAN+3, the East Asia Summit (EAS) and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)./.

Global outpouring of grief for Vietnamese Party chief

A wave of condolences have poured in from world leaders, international organisations, rulling parties, Communist parties and partner parties following the death of Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

President Joko Widodo extended his profound condolences to the President, Government and people of Vietnam, and the family of the General Secretary, praising the Vietnamese Party chief as a respected leader who made significant contributions to Vietnam-Indonesia relationship.

King of Denmark Frederik X sent his letter of codolences to President To Lam, and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen extended condolences to his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Minh Chinh.

In their letters, the Danish leaders highlighted Vietnam's strides on the path of development and prospertity during the Gerneral Secretary's term, as well as the establishment of the green strategic partnership between Vietnam and Denmark, that has promoted and strengthened the good traditional friendship between the two countries, aiming to build a greener future for the benefit of the two peoples. "Denmark wishes to continue to cooperate with Vietnam to deepen this friendly relationship."

Grand Duke of Luxembourg Henri, President of Panama Jose Raul Mulino Quintero, President of the Swiss Confederation Viola Amherd, Secretary-General of the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) Louise Mushikiwabo, the President of the Rally of Houphouëtists for Democracy and Peace (RHDP) from Côte d'Ivoire, and President of the People's Party of Kazakhstan E. Ertysbaev extended their condolences to President Lam.

Prime Minister of the State of Palestine Mohammad Mustafa cabled a letter of condolences to PM Pham Minh Chinh.

Government of Rwanda, Director-General of the World Health Organisation Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Secretary-General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong, and Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union Doreen Bogdan-Martin also expressed their condolences with the Vietnamese Government and people.

The first secretary of the Communist Party of Belarus Central Committee sent a letter of condolences to permanent member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee’s Secretariat Luong Cuong.

The Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee received condolences from Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM), the Communist Party of Finland, the Communist Party of Norway Central Committee, General Secretary of the People's Party of Palestine Bassam Salhi, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Sudan Fathi Alfadi, the African National Congress party, Cyprus's Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL) Central Committee, the general secretary of the National Liberation Front (FLN) Party of Algeria, and acting chairman and representative of the Democratic Party of Korea Park Chan Dae.

The chairman of the Socialist Democratic Party of Germany sent a letter of condolences to head of the Party Central Committee's Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung.

Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Israel Katz extended his condolences to Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son.

According to the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations, about 150 letters and messages of condolences were sent to Vietnam through people-to-people channels from July 20-26. The late General Secretary was widely praised as a "staunch communist fighter," "exemplary Party member," "outstanding theorist," and "humble, approachable leader"./.

International organisations highly evaluate Vietnamese Party chief's imprints

Representatives of international organisations on July 26 sent condolences and paid tribute to General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong at the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the United Nations (UN), the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and other international organisations in Geneva, Switzerland.

In the condolence message from the World Health Organisation (WHO), Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said under the Party chief's leadership, Vietnam achieved many accomplishments in socio-economic development, helping millions of people escape poverty, improving the lives of a majority of the population, and pushing Vietnam towards the goal of becoming a upper-high-income country.

Vietnam's recent policies have contributed to strengthening the healthcare system and improving the health and lives of its people, he wrote, adding that WHO looks forward to continuing its collaboration with the Vietnamese Government based on the legacy left by General Secretary Trong.

Meanwhile, in his condolences sent to the Party, Government, and people of Vietnam, Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Martin Chungong underlined the important role played by General Secretary Trong in increasing Vietnam's presence in the international arena and fostering strong cooperation among countries, particularly in the fields of economy, culture, and security.

Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) - the UN's telecommunications agency, wrote in her message of condolences that General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was a figure with exceptional charisma as well as broad and profound knowledge in the field of information technology and communication. She also underlined the Vietnamese Party leader's long-term commitment and visionary efforts to advance information and communication technology in service of socio-economic development in Vietnam.

The same day, representatives of other international organisations, including the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the UN Office in Geneva, also came to the headquarters of the Vietnamese mission to pay homage to the Party chief, expressing their hope that Vietnam will continue upholding achievements it made in the areas of socio-economic development and anti-corruption.

On July 25 and 26, the Vietnamese Embassy in Hungary and Slovakia held respect-paying ceremonies and opened the books of condolences for the General Secretary.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Hungary Nguyen Thi Bich Thao expressed her sorrow at and an immense sense of loss at the Party leader's passing, stressing that the Party has lost an intelligent, exemplary, and steadfast leader, while the State and people have lost a distinguished fighter who devoted his whole life to the country and people.

State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations of Hungary Boglárka Illés, and President of the Hungarian Workers Party Gyula Thumer; representatives of many diplomatic delegations of Laos, Malaysia, Japan, Russia, Canada, Iran, Nigeria, and Palestine; working delegations from the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, and the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations, and representatives of associations and the Vietnamese community in the country, came to pay tribute and wrote in the condolence book for General Secretary Trong.

Earlier, Venerable Thich Thuong Tanh and over 20 Buddhist followers at Tue Giac Temple in Budapest held a ceremony to pray for the repose of the soul of the Party chief.

Meanwhile, representatives from more than 20 delegations, including Slovak friends, ambassadors of many countries in Slovakia, and overseas Vietnamese in the country came to the Vietnamese Embassy to pay their respects, wrote in the condolence book, and send condolences over the passing of General Secretary Trong.

In his condolences, Marian Kery, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Slovak National Council, expressed solidarity with the Vietnamese people, affirming that General Secretary Trong, a leader with courage and outstanding ability, has built the prestige and respect of other countries towards Vietnam.

On July 26, after two days of opening the condolence book and organising the tribute-paying ceremony for General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia welcomed nearly 70 delegations coming to pay their respects to the Vietnamese Party leader, including those of the Cambodian People's Party, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Government and ministries and localities of Cambodia, the Khmer-Vietnamese Association (KVA) in Cambodia, the Cambodia - Vietnam Friendship Association, the Vietnam - Cambodia Business Association (VCBA), the Cambodian Alumni in Vietnam Association (CAVA), and the the National Council of the Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodian Motherland.

Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet wrote in the condolence book, sharing his deep sorrow with the Government and people of Vietnam, as well as the bereaved family over the Party leader's passing.

PM Hun Manet wrote that General Secretary Trong was an extremely important leader who dedicated his whole life to the happiness and prosperity of the Vietnamese people, as well as contributing to the enhancement of the Vietnam-Cambodia brotherly relationship.

The same day, the Consulate General of Vietnam in Preah Sihanouk province of Cambodia continued to receive many delegations from local agencies and departments, as well as Vietnamese expatriates and citizens living and working in the locality, who came to pay tribute to the Party leader./.

Vietnamese embassy explores businesses opportunities in Algerian localities

The Vietnamese Embassy in Algeria held a working trip to Constantine and Bordj Bou Arreridj provinces from July 21-23 to explore market potential, promote trade and foster connections between Vietnamese and Algerian firms.

Meeting Governor of Constantine Abdelkhalek Sayoda, Vietnamese Ambassador to Algeria Tran Quoc Khanh highlighted the promising spheres for bilateral cooperation, including pharmaceuticals, tourism, agriculture, construction, labour and freshwater aquaculture, as encouraged by President Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

Sayoda praised Vietnam's economic and trade achievements. He noted that both nations are at similar developmental stages and emphasised the need for enhanced economic and trade collaboration to bring Vietnam and Algeria closer together.

Expressing his desire to establish a twinned relationship with a suitable Vietnamese locality, he welcomed all forms of cooperation and encouraged people-to-people exchanges. The governor also urged Vietnamese firms to join cultural, art, and tourism events in Constantine to gain a deeper understanding of the local culture, lifestyle and people.

President of the Constantine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Souici Larbi underlined Algeria's interest in financial cooperation with Vietnam, saying that that both Constantine and Algeria are ready to welcome Vietnamese government leaders or officials from ministries to the country to sign cooperation agreements in this field.

Larbi pointed out the interest of Constantine enterprises in industrial machinery, noting that local companies are ready to diversify their partnerships if Vietnamese firms can meet the required technical standards.

Representatives of Constantine firms also expressed interest in collaborating in personnel training for restaurants and hotels, higher education, agriculture, and business incubation via fostering partnerships between universities in Constantine and those in Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho, and Da Nang cities of Vietnam.

In Bordj Bou Arreridj, the Vietnamese delegation was briefed on the province's investment incentives under Algeria's updated Investment Law 2022 by President of its Chamber of Commerce and Industry Belouahri Radjeh.

Vietnamese firms accompanying the delegation explored potential cooperation with local companies in pharmaceuticals, industrial machinery and equipment, construction, and labour export.

During the trip, the delegation also introduced several halal-certified products from Vietnamese companies, inviting local friends to taste these products./.

Vietnam, Guinea-Bissau pledge to solidify ties

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son hosted a reception in Hanoi on July 26 for Secretary of State for International Cooperation of Guinea-Bissau Nancy Raisa Cardoso, saying that her presence at the state funeral of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong reflects Guinea-Bissau’s respect and sincere sentiment toward the eminent leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam and people.

Son affirmed that under Vietnam’s foreign policy direction shaped by General Secretary Trong, Vietnam values its traditional friendship and seeks to expand multifaceted cooperation with friend countries in Africa, including Guinea-Bissau. This foundation of political trust, he noted, is essential for collaborative development.

He suggested that both nations work together to fulfil commitments made during previous talks between the Secretary of State and Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Minh Hang. These commitments span politics, diplomacy, economy, trade, investment, and agriculture, aiming to bring about effective, long-term and substantive collaboration.

Nancy Cardoso stressed that Guinea-Bissau values its traditional friendship with Vietnam and looks to enhance effective cooperation between the two countries and their foreign ministries, aiming to achieve breakthroughs in bilateral ties.

During earlier talks, Hang described the Secretary of State’s visit as a valuable opportunity to review and propose measures to foster bilateral ties.

The Government of Guinea-Bissau considers Vietnam a priority partner in its foreign policy and stays ready to expand practical and effective cooperation across various areas, Nancy Cardoso said.

Both sides agreed to facilitate the exchange of delegations at all levels, offer mutual support at international forums and act as bridges to bolster cooperation with regional organisations such as the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Additionally, they will focus on sharing experience in socio-economic development and policymaking.

They pledged to continue promoting key trade items such as cashew nuts and explore potential new products, including agricultural goods and textiles, and plan to sign bilateral cooperation agreements on agriculture, seaports and trade.

Regarding agricultural cooperation, Hang affirmed that Vietnam is ready to assist Guinea-Bissau in developing agriculture through bilateral or trilateral projects, thereby helping the African country gradually achieve food security and self-sufficiency.

While in Vietnam, the guest also held working sessions with the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VAAS) and T&T Group to discuss specific plans for cooperation in agriculture and agricultural trade./.

Party official hosts delegation of Dominican Republic's MIU Party

Chairman of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung hosted a reception in Hanoi on July 26 for a delegation of the United Left Movement (MIU) Party of the Dominican Republic, led by Secretary of the MIU Party's Central Committee and head of its International Department Marthe Pevez, who is in Vietnam to attend the state funeral of General Secretary of the CPV Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong.

Trung, who is also Secretary of the CPV Central Committee, said the presence of the MIU delegation at this sorrowful time demonstrated the profound solidarity and close bond between the two parties and the people of the two countries.

He highlighted General Secretary Trong's profound directions to value the support of political parties, progressive forces and the people of Latin America and promote traditional friendship with Latin American political parties in a practical and effective manner in the new situation.

The noble revolutionary moral example set by the General Secretary is a valuable spiritual legacy that inspires and motivates the entire Vietnamese Party, army and people to unite and steadfastly pursue the path of renewal and the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation and diversification of external ties, as well as the path to socialism under the CPV’s leadership, Trung said.

The host agreed on the need for the two parties to continuously strengthen their relationship, effectively implement key cooperation directions, coordinate their stances and offer mutual support at multilateral forums of international political parties, and expand each Party's foreign relations in the Latin America and Asian regions.

Pevez, for her part, stressed that the MIU always admires and respects General Secretary Trong’s important contributions and everlasting legacy, not only for Vietnam's revolutionary cause but also for the cause of building a better new society in Latin American countries, including the Dominican Republic.

Recalling the General Secretary’s political vision, noble compassion, strong will at her meetings with the Vietnamese Party chief, she affirmed that the MIU attaches great importance to further deepening its cooperative relationship with the CPV.

Pevez expressed her desire to effectively realise the cooperation agreement and consensus between the two parties, aiming to strengthen the political foundation and lead the way in promoting comprehensive cooperation across potential areas between the two nations./.

PM receives Special Envoy of Thai government leader

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted a reception in Hanoi on July 26 for Jakkapong Sangmanee, Minister Attached to the Thai Prime Minister's Office and the Thai PM’s Special Envoy, who is in Vietnam to attend the funeral for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

The Vietnamese Government leader expressed his deep gratitude to the Thai minister and delegation for coming to Vietnam to pay respects to the Party leader, describing this as evidence of the friendship and close ties between leaders and the people of the two countries.

He also extended his sincere thanks to Thai leaders for their condolence messages, affirming that Vietnam highly appreciates the warm sentiments from the Thai Royal Family, Government, and people towards General Secretary Trong who devoted his whole life to the country's development and laid a solid foundation for the Vietnam-Thailand Strategic Partnership in June 2013.

PM Chinh took this occasion to reiterate his invitation to Thai PM Srettha Thavisin to visit Vietnam and co-chair the 4th Vietnam-Thailand joint cabinet meeting at a suitable time.

Jakkapong, on behalf of the PM, Government, people of Thailand, extended the deep condolences PM Chinh and via the PM to the Party, State, Government, and the people of Vietnam, as well as the bereaved family of General Secretary Trong over the country's great loss.

He expressed his admiration for the Vietnamese Party chief’s important contributions to the renewal and development cause of Vietnam as well as his role in advancing the Vietnam-Thailand Strategic Partnership.

The minister affirmed that Vietnam is one of Thailand's important partners in the region, particularly in the economic field. He thanked the Vietnamese Government and called for its continued support and favourable conditions for Thai businesses to invest and operate in Vietnam.

He also asserted that the Thai Government will consistently not allow hostile forces to use Thailand's territory to carry out activities that undermine neighbouring countries, including Vietnam.

On this occasion, the two sides discussed and agreed on several bilateral cooperation directions in the coming time, including the effective implementation of the "Three Connections" strategy, strengthening cooperation in the areas of security, trade, tourism, and transport, with a focus on stronger aviation, road, and rail connectivity./.

Foreign officials pay tribute to Party General Secretary abroad

More than 400 delegations came to the Vietnamese Embassy in Japan to pay tribute to and write in the condolence book for General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong on July 25 and 26.

Senator Natsuo Yamaguchi, President of the Komeito Party - a partner of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in the ruling coalition in Japan, affirmed that the fine and enduring relationship between Vietnam and Japan saw significant contributions of General Secretary Trong. Building on the foundation established and contributed by the Party chief, Yamaguchi hoped that the two countries will further strengthen the bilateral ties, which he said, is the best way to honour the late leader's efforts.

Japanese Minister for Digital Transformation Kono Taro wrote in the condolence book: "Our sentiments are with the people of Vietnam". He also expressed his hope for the continued strength of the bilateral relationship.

Chief of the Japanese Joint Staff Gen. Yoshida Yoshihide wrote: "The Japan Self-Defence Forces stand with the people of Vietnam in this moment of sorrow."

Special Envoy of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and Director-General for Foreign Affairs Hironori Yamamoto noted that the Vietnamese Party chief exercised a strong leadership to further Vietnam's development. He also so highlighted the Party chief's significant contributions to enhancing the Vietnam-Japan friendship relations over the past years.

Governors of Japanese prefectures also expressed their appreciation for the General Secretary’s contributions to the bilateral ties and offered respectful wishes for his eternal rest.

Former Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Yushita Hiroyuki hailed General Secretary Trong as an eminent leader of Vietnam and a great friend of Japan.

On July 25 and 26, the Vietnamese Embassy in the Netherlands hoisted the national flag at half-mast and opened a condolence book for General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Gerrie Willems, Acting Director of the Asia and Oceania Department at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representing the Dutch Royal Family and Government, wrote in the condolence book.

Ambassadors and chargé d'affaires from European, Latin American and Asian countries, particularly the ambassadors of ASEAN member countries in the Netherlands, also came to pay their respects and wrote in the condolence book, honouring the General Secretary's practical contributions to strengthening Vietnam's friendship and cooperation with nations.

From July 25-26, nearly 30 diplomatic representatives of various countries and over 200 Vietnamese nationals in Singapore came to the Vietnamese Embassy to pay their respects and bid farewell to the Party chief.

Diplomatic representatives of the Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, Australia, Thailand, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Israel, and the APEC Secretariat also came to pay homage to the Party chief, reflecting the broad international respect and admiration for General Secretary Trong’s leadership and legacy./.