Diverse activities planned for Binh Thuan tourism week hinh anh 1
Binh Thuan has enough factors to develop many types of tourism. (Photo: vneconomy.vn)

The south central coastal province of Binh Thuan, host of the Visit Vietnam Year 2023, will hold a Golden Tourism Week from October 21-24 with the highlight being the week's opening ceremony and a celebration of the 28th anniversary of Binh Thuan Tourism Day.

According to organisers, a lot of activities will be held within the framework of the event, including a fish sauce week which reenacts the history of Phan Thiet fish sauce making occupation and a talk show with the theme “Phan Thiet fish sauce - 300-year journey” with local fish sauce artisans.

A photo exhibition on Binh Thuan's cultural and tourism development achievements as well as cultural and art exchanges will also be organised on this occasion.

According to the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism (DoCST), the event aims to introduce the potential and advantages of local tourism to tourists at home and abroad, thereby, contributing to promoting the development of the tourism industry and attracting domestic and international investors to the locality.

It is also an opportunity to unlock the locality’s strength, especially its specialty products such as fish sauce and dragon fruit.  

The event is expected to help businesses strengthen exchanges and cooperation with regions and localities across the country to promote typical products of regions to travelers, the department said.

To achieve the goal of welcoming 6.7 million visitors in 2023 and turning tourism into one of the three key economic sectors, Binh Thuan continues to take full advantage of its advantages and potential to develop tourism in a sustainable way, more professionally, gradually turning Binh Thuan into a national tourist area.

Since the beginning of this year, the province has implemented solutions to attract tourists; focusing on promoting tourism and destinations under the theme  "Binh Thuan - Green convergence" of the Visit Vietnam Year 2023.

According to a report by DoCST, Binh Thuan welcomed an estimated 4.5 million tourists in the first half of this year, up 86% year-on-year. Of the total, there were more than 135,000 foreigners, a 4.4-fold increase compared to that of the same period last year. Revenue from tourism is estimated at 11.3 trillion VND (482 million USD), a 1.5-fold rise against the same period last year

Last year, the province welcomed over 5 million visitors with a revenue of 12.8 trillion VND. 

Vietnam beat Hong Kong 1-0 in friendly match

Vietnam won 1-0 over Hong Kong (China) in a friendly match in Lach Tray Stadium in the northern port city of Hai Phong on June 15.

In the first half, the Vietnamese players stormed into the Hong Kong team's area, applied high-pressing tactics, controlled the game, and sought ways to earn goals.

The only goal came to Vietnam in the 31st minute when Nguyen Quang Hai fell in Hong Kong's penalty area after getting fouled, and brought the hosts a penalty.

The game ended with a 1-0 victory for Vietnam, who will play another friendly match against Syria in Thien Truong Stadium in the northern province of Nam Dinh on June 20.

Australian, Italian teams ready for competition at Da Nang int’l fireworks festival

Fireworks teams from Australia and Italy are carefully preparing for their shows themed “Conquer Dreams”on June 17 at the ongoing Da Nang International Fireworks Festival (DIFF) 2023 in the central city of Da Nang.

They both are strong teams, with Australia the champion of the 2015 event, and Italy winning the title in 2017 and 2018.
Damiano Baraido, leader of the Italian team said that his team are very excited about the theme “The World Without Distance" of DIFF 2023, adding that the event conveys a message that despite the differences in language, skin colour, and ethnicity, everyone can connect with each other.

The team are confident in their performance, Damiano Baraido said, noting that he and teammates will innovate the lighting effects through new techniques to provide more spectacular performances.

Meanwhile, Christian Anthony Howard from the Australian team said his team have brought with them new ideas, new products as well as new remixes with great tunes.

Members of both teams said that they are impressed by the beauty of Da Nang as well as the hospitality of local people.

After three years of hiatus, over 5,000 fireworks enthusiasts were once again able to witness the magnificent displays of light and sound along the Han River, creating a dazzling "feast" for the eyes.

This year's festival features teams from the UK, Poland, Canada, France, Finland, Australia, Italy, and Vietnam, all of which have a long-standing tradition in the art of firework displays. These teams will come together to tell stories through light, music, and the soaring heights of artistic expression and emotions, promising to deliver unforgettable surprises and impressions.

Da Nang is the only locality in Vietnam to host a fireworks festival, making it a magnet for the best fireworks producers from around the world each year since 2008. It has been building a "Fireworks Festival City" reputation to promote it as a top destination in central Vietnam and Asia.

The DIFF has helped the city win recognition as Asia’s Leading Festival & Event Destination in 2016 and 2022 by the World Travel Awards.

Vietnam to treat Covid as common disease in late June

The Ministry of Health is currently developing a plan to address relevant issues before reclassifying Covid-19 from a Group A infectious disease to a Group B disease by the end of this month.
Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Lien Huong mentioned the plan at a medical communications talk show held on June 14.

Reclassifying Covid to Group B means that the disease will be treated as a common illness, bringing the country one step closer to declaring the end of the Covid pandemic.

When the reclassification is approved, patients will no longer receive free treatment, and local authorities will have increased responsibilities in developing sustainable plans for disease prevention and control, according to Huong.

Earlier, in light of the current disease situation in Vietnam, the Ministry of Health proposed that the Government shift Covid from Group A of highly dangerous infectious diseases to Group B of dangerous infectious diseases.

In addition to the reclassification, the ministry will finalize a plan for sustainable control and management of the pandemic from 2023 to 2025. The ministry will also continue the vaccination program, tailoring it to the specific needs of each locality.

The ministry has also updated treatment regimens and infection control measures, as well as included Covid vaccines in the national vaccination program.

In the year till now, the country has reported over 85,000 Covid cases, which is an 8.5-fold decrease compared to 2021 and 48 times lower than 2022. During the past five months, 20 people died of Covid, accounting for 0.02% of the total cases.

Scorching heat waves over Central region to last until August

Central localities are forecast to be scorched by extreme heat waves until August.

The National Center for Hydrology Meteorology Forecasting reported that maximum temperatures in several places of Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, Ha Tinh, Thua Thien- Hue, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai and Binh Dinh provinces exceeded 37 degrees Celsius on June 13.

It is expected that the capital city of Hanoi and the Northern region will suffer from a new sweltering heatwave next week.

According to General Director of the General Department of Meteorology and Hydrology Tran Hong Thai, there are 85 percent of chance and 60 percent of chance that rains will occur in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City respectively this evening.

On hot days, residents in the Central mountainous region are recommended to prevent the risk of thundery rains, hails and whirlwinds.

Vietnam, Czech bolster links between businesses

The Vietnamese Embassy in the Czech Republic and the Czech Chamber of Commerce jointly held a business forum in Prague on June 15 to bolster links between businesses and seek ways to strengthen traditional friendship and multi-faced cooperation of the two countries.

Speaking at the event, Ambassador Thai Xuan Dung praised the sound relationship of the two countries amid complicated developments in the world and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, two-way trade reached 2.4 billion USD.

Chairman of the Czech Chamber of Commerce Zdenek Zajicek highlighted that the forum is an opportunity for enterprises of both sides to share experience and boost collaboration.

He expressed his hope that the chamber will be a realiable partner to help enterprises of the two countries solve difficulties and barriers in commerce activities by directly pointing out bottlenecks to governments of both sides as well as in the framework of the European Parliament (EP).

For his part, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Edvard Kozusnik affirmed Vietnam is the most important partner of the European country in Asia. With an average economic growth of 6-7% in the past two decades and a large market scale, Vietnam is a potential partner of the Czech Republic.

Jan Zahradil, a member of the EP, spoke highly of Vietnam's strong development, saying that the country has a significant role in Southeast Asia region and the Czech Republic hopes Vietnam can act as a bridge so that it can penetrate more in economic activities in ASEAN region.

In addition, he also mentioned the positive effects of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) which helps strengthen trade relations between Vietnam and the EU in general, and with EU member states in particular.

The trade accord can be a model for further agreements between the EU and other countries, he added.

Participants at the forum exchanged ideas and information about the two countries' markets with focus on potential cooperation areas as well as seeking measures to remove difficulties and obstacles in the implementation of cooperation and connection between enterprises of the two countries.

Vietnam affirms commitment to equal access to justice for all

Vietnam has made great progress in strengthening the legal framework, and ensuring everyone's equality before the law and in line with international standards on human rights, a Vietnamese representative told the UN General Assembly (UNGA)’s high-level debate in New York on June 15.

Addressing the session themed “Equal access to justice for all: advancing reforms for peaceful, just and inclusive societies”, Minister Counselor Le Thi Minh Thoa, Deputy Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, said that equal access to justice plays an important role in ensuring justice and equity, contributing to the achievement of the overarching goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

According to her, in Vietnam, free or affordable legal aid services are available to ensure the equal supply of opportunities for all people. Many programmes have been implemented to raise public awareness, eliminate discrimination, and support women, children, people with disabilities and ethnic minorities.

In order to ensure transparency, accountability and fairness in the administration of justice, the judicial system has been continuously strengthened, she said, adding that Vietnam has also improved the capacity of its legal staff and applied technology to modernise court processes and facilitate online proceedings so that justice can be easily accessed by all citizens.

The Vietnamese representative also shared lessons learned in addressing the root causes of injustice such as poverty and inequality, ensuring inclusive economic growth, and improving social welfare and equal opportunities so that everyone can participate in the development process.

On this occasion, she emphasised the need to intensify international cooperation, and share experiences, knowledge and resources to promote a global environment where justice is accessible to all.

The UNGA debate was chaired by Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Vietnam’s Permanent Representative to the UN, who is Vice President of the 77th UNGA session.

ASEAN peacekeeping meeting wraps up in Vietnam

The eighth ASEAN Peacekeeping Centres Network (APCN) Conference successfully concluded on June 15 after three days of sitting under the chair of Vietnam.

Col. Pham Manh Thang, Director of the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations (VDPO), said that the conference had completed the agenda, achieving the set goals, thereby further strengthening the partnership on peacekeeping activities among ASEAN members.

The conference approved the minutes evaluating the results and progress of the APCN and agreed on the direction and mode of operation of the network in the coming years. It pledged to continue implementing the ASEAN Peacekeeping Partnership Plan of Action with the ASEAN Peacekeeping Staff Exercise (APSE) as the focus to improve training capacity and coordination in effectively performing tasks at the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission, contributing to the common peacekeeping efforts of the international community, said the VDPO director.

Thang thanked the delegations of APCN member countries for their enthusiastic participation and practical contributions to the conference, especially the plenary sessions and thematic discussions. He also congratulated Indonesia on taking the role of APCN chairmanship in 2024 and pledged to work closely with the country to successfully organise the next APCN Conference.

Rear Admiral Retino Kunto M.T. Opsla, Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces Peacekeeping Centre (IAF PKC), appreciated the preparation and successful organisation of the conference by host Vietnam.

He said that the biggest goal of the APCN is to promote and strengthen cooperation among members through sharing experience, exchanging experts and capacity-building activities in the field of peacekeeping.

He went on to say that the conference held at this time is appropriate in promoting commitment to intra-regional cooperation and building strategic steps to respond to many emerging challenges.

The conference brought about positive results towards peace and stability in the region through cooperation and mutual understanding based on mutual respect in Southeast Asia, Opla said.

At the end of the event, the director of VDPO - APCN 2023 Chair handed over the network's flag to the representative of Indonesia as Chair of APCN 2024.

Schools propose many solutions to enhance AI application

Schools proposed many solutions to enhance the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the education sector.

The Ho Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology yesterday coordinated with educational units to organize a seminar named ‘Artificial Intelligence and applications in schools’ with the participation of nearly 200 educational administrators including representatives from departments of Education and Training and school administrators.

At the seminar, speakers analyzed the strengths and limitations of AI as well as the potential benefits of AI application to the education sector in Vietnam. On that basis, representatives of school units have proposed many solutions to promote the application of AI in training for the creation of a generation of dynamic students, to meet innovation requirements.

Sharing at the workshop, Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hai, Research Team Leader of the THRIVE STEM education program at the University of Missouri (USA), said that in order to protect the privacy and information security of students, the educational administrating agencies need to establish clear guidelines for data collection, storage and use, and avoid heavy reliance on AI. During teaching and learning, teachers still play an important role in fostering relationships and understanding students' socio-emotional needs.

HCM City to deal with riverbank erosion through dyke construction
HCM City Department of Transport has proposed building three dykes to protect local riverbanks being eroded.

The three VND600 (USD25.53 million) projects will be carried out in Binh Thanh and Binh Chanh districts.

The biggest one is the VND274 billion dyke at Can Giuoc River in Binh Chanh District. It is 160 metres long and 7 metres wide.

It was followed by one at Cho Dem-Ben Luc River with VND233 billion. The dyke is 200 metres long and 4 metres wide.

Meanwhile, the VND106-billion dyke which protects Saigon River is 100 metres long and 7 metres wide.

As many as 32 sections of HCM City’s riverbank are facing a high risk of erosion with Thu Duc City and the districts of Nha Be and Can Gio being hardest hit. Among those, eight were in critical condition, including three in Nha Be, two in Binh Chanh, two in Thu Duc and one in Can Gio.

HCM City authorities have tightened inspection to tackle illegal sand extraction in local rivers.

Programme to promote tourism brand through films

A programme to develop Vietnamese tourism through cinema in 2023 will take place in the central coastal province of Khánh Hòa from June 16-18.

Jointly organised by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Khánh Hòa Province, it aims to create a bridge between businesses with those working in the film industry and the locality, contributing to promoting the Vietnamese culture and tourism as well as show off the landscapes and economic potential of the province.

This is also a good opportunity to promote the public-private partnership model, develop tourism through cinema, and attract more domestic and international tourists.

Within the framework of the programme, there will be a photo exhibition, film screenings, a forum on tourism and cinema connectivity, a gala dinner, and an investment promotion conference.

A concert will be broadcast live on VTV1 channel of the Vietnam Television, with the participation of many Vietnamese renowned singers like Hồ Ngọc Hà or Văn Mai Hương.

According to Tạ Quang Đông, deputy minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, this is the first programme that has ever been held by the ministry with the aim to link the development of Việt Nam’s tourism through cinema and combine cinema, one of the strongest developing sectors in the country in recent times, with tourism.

“This is the most powerful method to promote Việt Nam’s brands, including tourism ones. Based on the development and spread of cinema around the world, combining cinema with tourism will help to attract more tourists to Việt Nam," Đông said.

"Via films, international tourists will get to know the country as a safe, friendly and attractive destination." 

Vietnamese flutist holds first solo art exhibition

An exhibition featuring artwork by Vietnamese flutist Lê Thư Hương is taking place at an ancient villa in Hà Nội.

The musician has always been inspired by Japanese writer Haruki Murakami.

This has become Hương’s inspiration and the message she wishes to convey in her first solo exhibition – Dưới Nước (Underwater).

There are more than 30 paintings on display, showcasing a dynamic and contrasting colour palette that was created in a spontaneous and free-spirited way, brimming with enthusiasm and without any strict adherence to basic rules.

Hương has never had any professional training in painting. The creation of her paintings is guided with her intuition and passion for art, similarly to the way she plays the flute.

Her paintings have a surreal quality that captures the movement and emotions of water, as if reflected in the spectrum of sunlight, radiating like the sound of a flute in a symphony under the bright lights of a stage.

These images remain etched in the minds of viewers, bringing forth a positive energy and igniting a desire to explore the hidden artistry within themselves. 

The painting Flying over the Texas Sky is intriguing, highlighted by shimmering strokes full of emotion. It can be viewed in any direction, as each of them evokes a different image and feeling, depending on each individual's aesthetic sense.

One highlight of the exhibition is the Collection Fantastique, a series of five paintings that correspond to the classic symphony Symphonie Fantastique by French composer Hector Berlioz.

Hương completed the series in five months, using a predominantly blue colour palette to evoke a dreamlike atmosphere.

The main character is a fish but also might be an eye that symbolises the ability to see into the depths of one's soul and transcend beyond physical limitations in a love story. They wander through their surreal world, carrying with them passion, hope, and burning desire, along with the bitter-sweetness of unrequited love.

Hương’s gift for art is inspired from his father, painter Lê Bá Dũng, PhD in art, also the creator and author of many artworks and researches on art.

Underwater exhibition runs until June 16 at the ancient villa located at 56 Phó Đức Chính Street, Ba Đình District, Hà Nội.

Hương, 45, has a BA in music from the Royal Danish Academy of Music, a master's in music from the Việt Nam National Academy of Music, and a doctorate in musical arts in flute performance from the University of North Texas, US.

She is now working as a lecturer at the Việt Nam National Academy of Music and the principal flutist of the Hà Nộii Philharmonic Orchestra. 

Vietnam’s commitments reiterated at UNSC’s open debate on climate change

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations, emphasised the strong commitments made by Vietnam at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-26), while attending the UN Security Council (UNSC)’s open debate on climate change, peace and security on June 13.

The event was chaired by Minister of Climate Change and Environment Mariam Almheiri of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – the UNSC Chair in June.

Ambassador Giang said climate change is a multidimensional challenge that impacts the environment, economy and society, while also acting as an amplifier of risks to global peace and security. It potentially exacerbates tensions in conflict-affected areas, create conditions for the development of terrorism, and affect the livelihoods and well-being of people, particularly women and children. Climate change can also disrupt food security and water resources, and in extreme cases, lead to international conflicts due to competition for scarce resources.

He affirmed that the UNSC, with its responsibility to maintain global peace and security, needs to continue promoting its climate change agenda.

The UNSC should adopt a comprehensive approach to addressing the root causes of conflicts, striking a balance between traditional and non-traditional security challenges, and incorporating climate change risk analysis into the functions and mandates of peacekeeping and special political missions, he said, adding that the UNSC should support and work closely with relevant mechanisms such as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement while enhancing cooperation with national and regional climate change initiatives to effectively and appropriately respond to emerging issues and situations.

Reiterating Vietnam's recommendations at the UNSC to establish a comprehensive database on the multidimensional impacts of climate change, Giang vowed to continue actively joining in discussions and initiatives related to climate change, including the UN Climate Ambition Summit and the COP-28 in the UAE later this year.

Delegates at the event said nine out of 16 countries most vulnerable to climate change are facing conflicts and require the presence of the UN peacekeeping or special political missions.

Opinions emphasised the need to further leverage the role of the UNSC and enhance the capacity of the UN missions to better assess the security risks posed by climate change. This would serve as a basis for the UNSC to address conflicts more effectively and build peace.

Vietnam eyes stronger partnership with Canada in renewable energy development

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations, received Canadian Ambassador for Climate Change Catherine Stewart in New York on June 14.

Giang thanked for the support of Canada - one of the international partners, together with Vietnam, that established the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) and said that Vietnam wants to step up cooperation with Canada in terms of finance, investment, technical assistance and experience sharing, especially in renewable energy development. 

He expressed his joy at the effective and comprehensive cooperation between the two nations on the occasion of the 50th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties, and re-affirmed Vietnam's commitment to cutting emissions to net zero by 2050 as announced at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in the UK.

For her part, Stewart hailed the Vietnamese government's efforts in coping with climate change and promoting energy transition in recent times.

Canada is keen on promoting a global carbon pricing initiative, and hopes that Vietnam considers participating in the initiative, she said.

The Canadian government’s initiative aims to provide a forum for countries that established carbon markets as well as those interested in the issue to share and learn from the experience of each other and enhance technical support with the goal of pricing 60% of the emitted global carbon volume by 2030, Stewart noted.

Exchange held for HCM City youth, Vietnamese peacekeepers

Youngsters in Ho Chi Minh City had an exchange on June 14 with peacekeepers of Vietnam's Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 3 in South Sudan.

The event aimed to inspire patriotism and national pride among local youth, and highlight the role of the youth in UN peacekeeping operations.

At the exchange, peacekeepers, doctors from Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 3 told stories and memories of their operations in South Sudan, and their training sessions before joining the mission.

Captain Nguyen Manh Hiep, a nurse of the air ambulance force who has participated in the UN peacekeeping missions three times in the Republic of South Sudan, said that each officer and soldier of the Vietnamese peacekeeping force always remind themselves to promote the good traditions of the force in general and Vietnam’s Level-2 Field Hospital in particular. They have acted as ambassadors of peace and culture, bringing the image of people and military of Vietnam to the world, he said.

Within the event’s framework, a number of activities were held, including a photo exhibition on activities of Vietnamese peacekeepers in South Sudan. The Vietnam Youth Federation in HCM City presented Vietnam's Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 3 with 100 bags of seeds and 100 “I love my Fatherland” badges.

Through the peacekeepers, sponsors of the event presented 100 pairs of shoes to needy adolescences and children of South Sudan.

Meanwhile, the Vietnam Youth Federation in HCM City and Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 3 signed an agreement on cooperation in organising regular exchanges and dialogues, making communications works, holding online exchange on Lunar New Year occasion, and supporting children of the peacekeepers in Vietnam.

Nearly 1.5% of Vietnamese population donate blood

Approximately 1.5% of Vietnamese population has joined blood donation drives, with more than 1.4 million units of blood being collected last year, according to figures compiled by the Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation.      

This information was released by the committee to mark the occasion of the World Blood Donor Day on June 14.

This comes as various activities have been held across the country since 2007 in response to the World Blood Donor Day in order to recognise and honour the noble deed of blood donors.

Associate Professor Nguyen Ha Thanh, director of the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, said that with tens of thousands of people regularly donating blood, there is no longer a shortage of blood during the summer season and Tet.

A wide range of voluntary blood donation events have been successfully organised such as the People's Day of Voluntary Blood Donation on April 7 , the World Blood Donor Day on June 14, and Red Spring festival which aims to raise community awareness on the benefits of voluntary blood donation whilst mobilising more people to donate blood.

Under the theme of “Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often” selected by the World Health Organization, this year's World Blood Donor Day has called on people to participate in blood donation activities regularly, including plasma.

Kazakh violinist puts on impressive performances during Vietnam tour

Aiman Mussakhajaeva, director of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts, has conducted a successful tour of Vietnam after putting on an impressive solo performance during the Vietnam - Kazakhstan Friendship Concert held at the Vietnam National Academy of Music.      

Along with solo performances with the orchestra, she enjoyed a stunning duet performance with Honorary Professor KazNUA, and Meritorious Artist Bui Cong Duy under the conductor Tran Nhat Minh, playing popular masterpieces alongside Honorary Professor KazNUA and Meritorious Artist Bui Cong Duy with conductor Tran Nhat Minh.

Most notably, the concert saw the participation of Kazakh folk artists group ''Syrly saz Ensemble'', pianist Sara Assabayeva, who is also Dean of Piano Faculty of Kazakhstan National Academy of Arts, and artists from the Vietnam National Academy of Music.

During the concert tour, Prof. Aiman Mussakhajaeva and Prof. Sara Assabayeva and the group of Kazakh folk artists paid a working visit to the Vietnam National Academy of Music and delivered a masterclass to students there.

Furthermore, representatives from the Vietnam National Academy of Music and the Kazakhstan National Academy of Arts signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on stepping up co-operation in cultural exchange, as well as sharing international integration experiences, thereby creating additional development opportunities for the next generation of artists.

Vietnam and Bhutan promote friendly relations

Vietnamese Ambassador to India, Nepal and Bhutan Nguyen Thanh Hai presented President Vo Van Thuong’s Credentials to King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck in Thimpu, capital of Bhutan, on June 14. 
After the ceremony, the King received the ambassador who conveyed President Thuong’s greetings and invitation to the King to visit Vietnam.

King Wangchuck congratulated Hai on being appointed Ambassador of Vietnam to the Kingdom of Bhutan. He expressed his admiration for Vietnam’s past struggle for national liberation and its present socio-economic development achievements, as well as its international integration process.

The King highly appreciated the enhanced people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, which he said help foster bilateral cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, investment and other fields.

He also shared major directions in the development of Bhutan, the happiest country in the world.

Ambassador Hai for his part expressed his honour to undertake a new mission in Bhutan, and vowed to try his best to promote mutual understanding and bilateral cooperation in the fields of mutual interest and strengths, such as tourism, agriculture, afforestration, furniture production, garment making, and services, among others.

Vietnam and Bhutan established diplomatic relations in January 2012. The two countries have maintained good friendly relations.

Vietnam currently has two investment projects in Bhutan with a total registered capital of US$937,000. Along with the increasing number of tourists to each other’s markets, bilateral trade has gradually been enhanced after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Companies can maximise efficiency by optimising supply chain planning: survey

By investing in optimised supply chain planning, companies can maximise efficiency, minimise costs and deliver exceptional value to their customers, a survey done by a consulting firm CEL has found.

The specialists in demand and supply chain management in emerging markets conducted an industry survey on supply chain planning to uncover valuable insights and address the challenges faced by businesses in this critical area.

The results shed light on the current state of supply chain planning practices and provided a road map for organisations to enhance their planning capabilities.

The survey across industries and regions captured responses from supply chain professionals, decision-makers and industry experts.

It found that, on average, companies spend 41 per cent of total planning time on data preparation, underlining the need for efficient tools and processes to streamline this process.

When it comes to technology tools and platforms, 30 per cent of companies use dedicated planning software, while 35 per cent still rely on Excel spreadsheets, showing the importance of adopting advanced planning technologies to enhance accuracy, collaboration, and overall planning effectiveness.

Over 44 per cent of respondents identified demand unpredictability as the most challenging aspect of supply chain planning. This underscores the need for robust demand management practices and the incorporation of real-time data to improve forecasting accuracy.

Some 16.7 per cent of companies do not integrate finance into their planning process, representing a missed opportunity to align financial goals and objectives with supply chain planning efforts.

In terms of satisfaction with planning tools, 67 per cent expressed dissatisfaction with what they currently have, indicating significant room for improvement in technology solutions to meet the evolving needs of supply chain professionals.

Julien Brun, founder and managing partner at CEL, commenting on these survey findings, pointed to the critical role of effective supply chain planning in today's competitive landscape.

Stakeholders discuss E-waste recycling challenges

A number of businesses and industry associations shared their feedback on the draft Decision regarding recycling costs determination proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) at a workshop on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) on E-Waste on Tuesday in Ha Noi.

Electronic waste, or e-waste, describes discarded electronic devices.

The proposed Decision outlines a reasonable and valid recycling costs norm for a unit volume of products and packages (Fs), administrative cost of management, supervision and support to perform the waste collection and recycling responsibilities of manufacturers and importers.

The Law on Environmental Protection 2020 and Government Decree No. 08/2022 require manufacturers and importers of certain products and packages to take responsibility for recycling and treatment based on mandatory recycling rates and specifications.

“EPR follows the principle the polluter has to pay. Manufacturers bring products and packages to the market, and after consumption, they become waste that they must be responsible for recycling,” said Nguyen Thi, MONRE’s senior legal expert.

Organisations and individuals involved in manufacturing or importing products and packages with recycling value can either recycle themselves or contribute financially to Viet Nam's Environmental Protection Fund to support recycling efforts.

According to the draft Decision, manufacturers and importers of products like batteries, accumulators, tyres, lubricants, and packages for food, cosmetics, drugs, fertilisers, animal feed, detergents, and commercial cement will be responsible for recycling costs starting from January 1, 2024. Electrical and electronic products will be included from January 1, 2025, and vehicle products from January 1, 2027.

E-waste in Viet Nam is rapidly increasing, but proper recycling and appropriate recycling infrastructure are lacking. The introduction of EPR is expected to encourage the establishment and development of collection and recycling infrastructure in the country, although this process will take time to yield visible results.

Nguyen Duc Quang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, representative of the Consultant Group (DHBK), said the draft Decision has for the first time provided a list of waste products and packaging with norms of recycling costs for each product group. Along with that, it has formalised the adjustment factor, an important component in the rational calculation of the recycling cost norm.

However, there are concerns among enterprises and associations regarding the high recycling costs (Fs), which could create a significant financial burden for their businesses and potentially lead to increased product prices for consumers.

Representatives from Samsung Vietnam pointed out that the fee levels should be compared to those of other countries, suggesting that the difference should be around 100 per cent, while the draft indicates a difference of 200 per cent or more.

Panasonic raised similar concerns, stating that with the proposed Fs, the company would have to pay around VND40-50 billion annually for recycling fees, which account for about 5-7 per cent of the product prices.

The discrepancy in recycling costs for different products was also highlighted, with mobile phones having a recycling cost proposed to be five times higher than that of light bulbs, despite mobile phones having higher intrinsic material value.

Dr. Bernd Kopacek, an International Expert from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), pointed out that the recycling cost norms for electrical and electronic devices primarily focus on dismantling and recycling iron, aluminium, copper, and glass, while ignoring the recycling of other parts and the treatment of hazardous substances. He emphasised the need to consider the costs of treating hazardous substances and the revenues from precious metals. He also noted that the current approach would make it difficult for the formal sector to compete with informal collectors who pay for scrap.

According to the draft Fs, the financial contribution and funding support for recycling discarded products and packaging is determined by volume (kilogramme) for the group of electrical and electronic products. Followingly, refrigeration equipment has an Fs of VND9,399/kg recycled, fixed and portable air conditioners VND12,746/kg, monitors and devices containing displays VND13,230/kg, mobile phone VND27,656, and fluorescent light bulbs VND6,438/kg.

In response to these concerns, Nguyen Duc Quang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, explained that different electrical and electronic products have different recycling costs (Fs) based on the recycling technology used, the amount of recovered material, and the value of the material. Efficiently recycled products will have lower Fs, while products that haven't been effectively recycled in Viet Nam will have higher Fs.

Quang further stated that the draft decision focuses on dismantling, but for some products like TV screens and fluorescent light bulbs, Viet Nam lacks treatment technology due to the hazardous waste they contain. Therefore, the consultant group proposed including additional criteria such as material recovery rates and the presence of hazardous or unrecoverable materials.

Quang also added recent surveys supported by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) revealed that existing recycling facilities in Viet Nam are treating e-waste as hazardous waste rather than a valuable resource. Many treatment processes only involve manual demolition and hazardous waste treatment through curing and destruction.

Meanwhile, Hua Phu Doan, Vice President of the Vietnam Waste Recycling Association, suggested that the recycling cost should include investment costs in waste treatment technology to incentivise private enterprises to develop the waste treatment industry in Viet Nam.

Recently, 14 business associations submitted proposals to MONRE, requesting a reduction in recycling costs. They argued that the Fs is based on insufficient data and doesn't consider the value of recovered products in line with the principles of the circular economy. 

Meta's three priority areas in 2023 to help drive business growth, profitability

Meta will focus on three priority areas in 2023 that will help drive business and industry growth in Viet Nam, including video growth, particularly Reels, the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for businesses and building better business ROI through business messaging.

The Meta community has continued to grow over the past 20 years, reaching 3 billion people worldwide who use at least one of Meta’s apps every day, and 3.8 billion every month.

The business community is an important part of Meta as they become more connected and meet various opportunities and a wider customer base through features that support their business journey.

Speaking of content, Reels has become the most popular and most consumed type of content among the communities on Meta, and Reels has the fastest-growing format in the APAC region. According to Meta's Q4 2022 earnings call, the number of viewed Reels globally has doubled, and re-shared Reels content by the community on Facebook and Instagram has more than doubled compared to last year.

The growth of Reels is closely tied to the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in providing personalized experiences for people. According to findings from the Culture Rising Study, discussions about AI on Facebook and Instagram have increased by 173 per cent compared to last year. AI technology has also helped people see more personalised Reels videos that align with their preferences. The personalisation technology from AI has driven a 24 per cent increase in people's consumption of Reels content on Instagram.

One of the breakthroughs Meta has made to help businesses develop is the launch of Meta Advantage Suite in 2022 - a suite of products that simplifies the steps in ad creation and connects advertisers or business owners with the right creative assets and the right audience, at the right time.

In May, Meta also shared more details about how AI is being used to improve the performance of ads for businesses, including a first look at our AI Sandbox that’s testing generative AI capabilities for advertisers, new features in our Meta Advantage Suite of ad automation tools and more details on our AI infrastructure and modelling investments that underpin it all.

The third focus is the role of Business Messaging to facilitate business conversations between business owners and their audiences. Currently, over 1 billion people worldwide connect with businesses through Meta messaging apps every week.

A study conducted by Forrester Consulting and Meta in December 2022 also showed that Business Messaging products have a 61 per cent better impact compared to other communication channels previously used. For example, in terms of sales, the order value from customers is 22.1 per cent higher due to communication between sellers and buyers through business messaging. 

Hanoi Buffaloes come back to secure first VBA win

The Hanoi Buffaloes came from behind to beat the Cantho Catfish 86-72 in their second match of the Vietnam Pro Basketball league (VBA) on June 13 in Hà Nội.

It was the Buffaloes' second game after a loss in the opener to Saigon Heat on June 10 at Cầu Giấy Gymnasium. Meanwhile, the Catfish played their first game of the season.

Having more time to practise and rest, the Catfish were full of energy and quickly dominated the first quarter, leading 16-5 after the first seven minutes.

Coach Erik Rashad asked the Buffaloes to strengthen their defence while opening more attacks after the unexpected beginning.

Anthony January and Russell Smith became the key players of the 2022 VBA's runner-up. They took turns scoring points and helped the Buffaloes to narrow the gap to 19-14 before the break.

The second quarter still belonged to the Catfish as heritage player Michael Soy and foreigner De Angelo Hamilton poured in buckets. They maintained their lead of 41-36.

However, the third and fourth quarters saw an outstanding performance from Tâm Đinh, captain of the national team at the 32nd SEA Games.

He pushed the team and was the master in both attack and defence. Nguyễn Tiến Dương also played an important role in scoring and assisting in the Buffaloes' attacks.

The strong effort by Ja Morgan also pushed the Buffaloes ahead. They levelled the score before wrapping up the match at 86-72.

January, with 22 points and 21 rebounds, was awarded Player of the Game.

Russell Smith completed a double-double with 20 points and 13 rebounds.

Tâm Đinh scored 22 points along with six rebounds, four assists and two steals.

Hamilton of the Catfish was the best scorer of the Catfish with 22 points, nine rebounds and three assists.

The next VBA games will be between defending champion Saigon Heat and Danang Dragons.

Meanwhile, the Catfish will rest two days before their match with the Nha Trang Dolphins on June 16. The Buffaloes will see the Danang Dragons a day later. 

Suburban district preserves traditional culture while building new-style rural areas 

Hà Nội’s suburban district of Thanh Trì has been building new-style rural areas with modern socio-economic infrastructure, but at the same time, paying great attention to preserving and promoting traditional cultural values.

Located in the south of the capital, Thanh Trì is a sacred land with extraordinary people. The district also has a rich history, culture and revolutionary traditions.

Implementing Hà Nội Party Committee's programme on "Strengthening the effective implementation of the National Target Programme on building new-style rural areas in association with restructuring the agricultural sector and developing the rural economy, improving the farmers’ living quality and spiritual life in the period of 2021-25", Thanh Trì has acknowledged that the preservation and promotion of traditional cultural values is one of the important and long-term tasks that directly links to the district’s socio-economic development. 

According to chairman of Thanh Trì District People's Committee Nguyễn Tiến Cường, the preservation and promotion the cultural traditions will create new values that present distinctive features of the district.

Therefore, the district has actively implemented the preservation and promotion of traditional cultural values. Thanh Trì currently is a model locality of Hà Nội in relic restoration, promoting the traditional values of festivals and folk dances and other cultural activities.

The district has developed a project to support the restoration and promotion of ancient folk dances such as dragon dance, lion dance, sênh tiền dance, and flag dance. Among the ancient dances is bồng dance of Triều Khúc Village in Tân Triều Commune that originates more than 1,000 years.

Vice president of Hà Nội Folk Arts Association, Giang Nguyên Thái, said the ancient folk dances of Thanh Trì have significant cultural and spiritual value for local people.

Aiming to promote traditional culture, Thanh Trì has also concentrated on preserving cultural values, especially the intangible cultural heritages. Currently, there are 50 intangible cultural heritages in the district including traditional festivals, traditional crafts and performing arts.

In addition, among 45 traditional festivals taking place in the district, the Triều Khúc Village Festival has been recognised as National Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Other intangible cultural heritages include archaeological sites, religious monuments, unique performing art forms of ca trù (ceremonial singing), chèo (popular opera), and bồng dance.

Every year, Thanh Trì organises several cultural activities and art programmes such as Festival of Ancient And Folk Dances, festival dedicating to folk songs of three regions North, Central and South, and the singing contest "Young Voices of Thanh Trì District.

Vice chairman of Thanh Trì District People's Committee Nguyễn Văn Hưng said that generations of local people have always concerned themselves with the importance of preservation and promotion of traditional cultural values, and with the building of cultural life in residential areas.

Thanh Trì has also developed projects on relic restorations and promote the values of traditional festivals and ancient dances in the area. The district will also promote further its distinctive cultural values to people across the country.

The article is published under the coordination of the Coordination Office of the New-Style Rural Development Programme in Hà Nội. 

Rain helps to ease hydropower plant water shortages

Many areas have witnessed heavy rain, which has helped to ease water shortages for hydropower plants.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Industrial Safety Techniques and Environment Agency, following the rain, the water level in many hydropower reservoirs, including Lai Chau, Son La, Thac Ba, Hoa Binh, Ban Chat and Tuyen Quang, have slightly increased, escaping dead level.

The nine hydropower plants of Son La, Lai Chau, Huoi Quang, Ban Chat, Thac Ba, Tuyen Quang, Hua Na, Trung Son and Thac Mo are operating at low capacity due to water shortages.

Meanwhile, the water level of the Son La, Thac Ba, Ban Chat, Ban Ve, Hua Na and Thac Mo hydropower plants has remained at dead water level.

From 7 pm Tuesday to 7 am Wednesday, rainfall in many areas, including Tuyen Hoa in Tuyen Quang Province, Bao Nhai in Lao Cai Province, Minh Tien in Yen Bai Province and Vu Chan in Thai Nguyen Province, topped 100 mm.

The northern region of Vietnam has been forecasted to continue facing rain until June 17.

Ceremony marks UNESCO recognition of Cham people’s pottery art

A ceremony was held in the south-central province of Ninh Thuan on June 15 to receive the UNESCO certificate inscribing the art of pottery making of Cham people on the list of intangible cultural heritage in need of urgent safeguarding and kick off the Ninh Thuan Grape - Wine Festival 2023.

The event in Phan Rang - Thap Cham city took place in the presence of President Vo Van Thuong and central and local officials.

In his remarks, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha said the UNESCO recognition is an affirmation of Vietnam’s cultural identity in the world’s cultural heritage treasure and also shows respect for women’s role in the modern society.

From now on, the art becomes a common asset of humanity, he noted.

Meanwhile, with their industriousness and endless creativity, local residents have successfully grown many high-yield grape varieties, turning Ninh Thuan into a magnet of experience tourism for travellers.

The biennial Grape - Wine Festival is an occasion to honour farmers, entrepreneurs, and scientists and seek opportunities for popularising the brand of Ninh Thuan grapes and wine to the domestic and international markets so that the products can become a typical cultural identity of the province, according to Ha.

He asked the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Ninh Thuan to build more detailed and practical plans on preserving and bringing into play tangible and intangible cultural heritage values, improve people’s material and spiritual lives, and create a cultural environment in the community.

The Deputy PM called on all-level authorities, sectors, and the entire society to join hands in upholding UNESCO-recognised cultural heritage pieces as well as others so that the fine traditional cultural values will accompany the country on the development path and contribute to the world’s culture.

On this occasion, he also appreciated international friends’ valuable assistance for Vietnam to maintain and promote traditional cultural values.

Activities in celebration of the UNESCO certificate reception and the Grape - Wine Festival 2023 last from June 13 to 18. They include 12 special cultural, sports, and tourism activities at the provincial level, and a wide range of other events at the district level across Ninh Thuan.

Earlier on June 15, President Thuong visited artisans and residents of Bau Truc, an ancient pottery village in Phuoc Dan township of Ninh Phuoc district.

Cham pottery products are mainly household utensils, religious objects, and fine art works, including jars, pots, trays, and vases. They are made by women and viewed as an expression of individual creativity based on the knowledge transmitted within the community. Instead of using a turntable, the women revolve around the piece to shape it. The pottery is not glazed but fired outdoors with firewood and straw for seven to eight hours, at a temperature of about 800 degrees Celsius. Raw materials (clay, sand, water, firewood and straw) are collected locally, and the knowledge and skills are passed on to younger generations within families through hands-on practice.

Ninh Thuan food festival opens

A food festival themed "The taste of Ninh Thuan cuisine" opened in Phan Rang - Thap Cham city, the south central province of Ninh Thuan on June 15 with 50 stalls from 25 food businesses.

According to the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, this year's festival featured cooking performances, displays of cooking art, ingredients, and clips promoting images of typical raw material areas from the north to the south.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Nguyen Long Bien, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, said that Ninh Thuan cuisine is the interference and harmonious combination of the central region's cuisine and Cham culinary culture. Local dishes or specialties are often not sophisticated in terms of design or decoration, mainly focusing on taste and freshness.

The festival is an opportunity for organisations and individuals engaging in food business to meet, exchange, introduce products and promote their brands to visitors, he said.

During the festival, the first Ninh Thuan Talented Chef Contest will be held.

The festival, taking place until June 18, is part of activities marking the inscription of the art of pottery making of the Cham people on UNESCO's list of intangible cultural heritage and Ninh Thuan Grape - Wine Festival in 2023.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes