President To Lam extended congratulations and presented gifts to veteran journalists in Hanoi on June 19 on the occasion of the 99th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day (June 21, 1925-2024).

Lam visited Ho Tien Nghi, former member of the Party Central Committee, former assistant to the Party General Secretary and former General Director of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), Ha Dang, former member of the Party Central Committee and former Chairman of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Ideology and Culture, Vu Van Hien, former member of the Party Central Committee and former General Director of Vietnam Television (VTV), Phan Quang, former President of the Vietnam Journalists Association and former General Director of Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV).

The President conveyed regards and warmest congratulations of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to the veteran journalists, while affirming the Party and State's gratitude towards journalists who have made contributions to the revolutionary journalism cause, the development of the country's journalism in particular and national construction and defence in general.

Wishing the veteran journalists good health, he hoped they continue to promote the revolutionary spirit to further contribute to the country's journalism, inspring younger journalists.

The veteran journalists expressed their belief that the President will make more contributions to national construction and development for the benefits of the people, and affirmed that they will continue to promote the tradition of revolutionary journalism, participate in educating the young generation, and contribute to the country's development./.

Book on Vietnam-former Soviet Union relations makes debut

The National Archives Centre III under the State Records and Archives Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs has made public a book on the relations between Vietnam and the former Soviet Union (now Russia).

The book, entitled “Vietnam – Lien Xo: Giai Doan Dau Tranh vi Hoa Binh của Vietnam. Hoi Nghi Paris” (Vietnam – Soviet Union: Vietnam's struggle for peace. Paris Conference),” was released on the occasion of the State visit to Vietnam by President Vladimir Putin from June 19-20.

With nearly 200 documents from different sources, the book highlights peace efforts by Vietnam and the Soviet Union before the Paris talks on ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam (1968-1973), the Soviet Union’s support for the Southeast Asian country during the talks, and the signing of the 1973 Paris Peace Accords.

The book, in both Vietnamese and Russian, gives an insight into the Paris Peace Talks and Agreement, while contributing to consolidating the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia./.

University of Sydney Vietnam Institute launched in Vietnam

The University of Sydney on June 18 announced the official launch of the University of Sydney Vietnam Institute, a non-profit social enterprise wholly owned by the University of Sydney.

Its mission is to conduct multidisciplinary research across various fields such as health, agriculture, arts, social sciences, business, and Net Zero initiatives, aiming to bring about prosperity for both countries. Supported by up to 40-45 million AUD (26.6-30 million USD) in non-profit funding from the Australian government and international donors, all revenue generated by the institute will be reinvested into research activities in Vietnam.

Rooted in the success story of several university-led research projects previously conducted through and in affiliation with the Woolcock Institute in Vietnam, the University of Sydney extends its dedication and investment to fostering innovation, strengthening partnerships in the country, and driving positive change through the new institute.

The institute aims to collaborate closely with academic organisations and researchers, improving in-country scientific capacity, and contributing to the region’s economic and social development. Throughout the journey, each party will assign research experts to directly participate in the project for collaborative implementation. This form of cooperation is assessed to be highly effective, benefitting all collaborators while also enhancing Vietnam's scientific research capabilities.

Professor Nguyen Thu Anh, Executive Director and Head of Research, the University of Sydney Vietnam Institute, said: “The University of Sydney Vietnam Institute has enormous potential to drive collaboration, innovation, and positive impact in Vietnam and beyond. We are committed to enhancing global engagement, research excellence, and societal impact. We look forward to collaborating with domestic and international organisations and individuals to build a robust platform that enhances multidisciplinary research capacity and improves the quality of life for local and global communities.”

The establishment of the institute marks a significant milestone in improving scientific research and innovation in Vietnam, and is one of the first Australian social enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City.

Professor Emma Johnston, Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, the University of Sydney, stated: “The University of Sydney is extremely proud to launch the institute, which honours our commitment to research and engagement in Vietnam. It builds on a long history of collaboration with Vietnamese researchers, students, industry, and government departments.

“As our flagship research initiative in Vietnam it will support current and future leaders, and be a hub for advanced research and innovative ideas, continuing to deepen the engagement between the university and Vietnam,” she said.

In preparation for the launch, the institute has established its head office in HCM City, followed by offices in Hanoi, and Can Tho.

Within the framework of the event was the Sydney Vietnam Innovation Symposium, which brings together university leaders, researchers, and scholars from both Sydney and Vietnam to discuss and share experience from decades of collaboration, aiming to strengthen research and innovation partnerships./.

Hanoi unveils ambitious plan to improve residents' lives by 2030

The authorities of Hanoi have approved a plan to improve the lives of its residents across various levels by 2030.

Specific targets include ensuring veterans and their families on monthly allowances have comfortable conditions of living, above the average in their communities.

Additionally, the city aims to slash unemployment rates to below 3.0% overall and below 3.5% in urban areas while it aims to train at least 80% of the workforce.

Social security is also a significant piece of the puzzle. The plan aims for a substantial portion of the working-age population to participate in social and unemployment insurance schemes. Beyond working years, it also strives to provide a secure future for retirees, with a target of 65% receiving regular pensions and social support.

Health and well-being are equally important. Hanoi is setting its sights on a longer, healthier life for its residents. The average life expectancy is expected to reach 77 years, with a minimum of 68 years spent in good health. Expanding health insurance coverage to 98% and encouraging residents to use primary care services are crucial steps towards achieving this goal.

But perhaps the most striking aspect of the plan (Plan No.181/KH-UBND) lies in housing. Hanoi residents can expect a significant improvement in living space, with the average square footage per person being 32 sq m.

Furthermore, the city plans to develop a staggering 2.5 million sq m of new social housing. This includes the construction of one to two independent social housing complexes, along with the most noteworthy commitment, ensuring every industrial and export processing zone in the city has access to social housing.

The success of the programme hinges on it being implemented so authorities have urged all relevant agencies to put the plan into action./.

Responsible AI must minimise violations on users’ legal rights

Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents numerous dangers and obstacles in terms of ethics, society and the legal landscape in a fast-evolving socioeconomic environment. It requires a comprehensive and extensive view based on the development of relevant legal policies, according to experts.

Responsible AI - a global agenda issue - has attracted the attention of countries around the world, including Vietnam.

Associate Professor Nguyen Thi Que Anh, principal of the University of Law at the Vietnam National University, said AI is one of the basic elements of the fourth industrial revolution. In addition to its many advantages, AI has sparked serious worries about its possible drawbacks from an ethical, societal and legal standpoint.

Vietnam has determined that responsible AI requires looking at typical national methods from around the globe in order to learn from them and develop policy recommendations for Vietnam.

She noted that Vietnam should not imitate the foreign policies and legal systems of other nations, but must instead use its own analysis, assessments and apply relevant lessons.

Citing the educational sector as an example, she said AI is crucial to bringing the concept of personalised learning to life by modifying the pace, substance and method of instruction to meet the individual needs of each student.

With the aid of AI, data can be retrieved from a variety of sources, verified, and analysed using machine learning and predictive analytics technologies.

She said: “AI has enormous potential in education, acting as a catalyst for educational transformation for all stakeholders. However, there are possible ethical and social hazards associated with the use of AI applications in education, including those related to privacy, the preservation and use of student data, discrimination based on gender, race, socioeconomic status and aptitude levels, as well as societal and cultural prejudices.”

According to Dr Ton Quang Cuong, University of Education, Vietnam National University, the application of technologies such as computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, intelligent robots, automation and sensors, have covered the entire Vietnamese education system from universal education to higher education and vocational training, even business training - lifelong education.

But there is an urgent need to determine and assess ethical norms in order to maximise advantages and minimise AI hazards because of the growing popularity of AI applications in education and the significance of this subject, he said.

The Ministry of Science and Technology recently released a decision outlining certain guidelines for researching and developing responsible AI systems, in light of the growing focus on responsible AI.

According to the ministry, the assessed AI systems will bring great benefits to people, society and the economy through supporting and solving difficult problems that people and communities are facing.

However, it is necessary to research and take measures to minimise risks while developing and using AI, balancing relevant economic, ethical and legal factors.

The ministry holds that AI research and development in Vietnam should be a human-centric resource, where everyone can enjoy the benefits of life and from AI systems.

The ministry also emphasised how important it is to reduce the possibility that AI systems could violate people's or organisations' legal rights or interests.

Nine guiding principles have been established for the study and creation of AI systems, including accountability, transparency, control ability, innovation promotion, security, privacy and respect for human rights and dignity./.

Vietnam steps up application of sanitary, phytosanitary measures

The rate of national standards and technical regulations on agro-forestry-aquatic food safety equivalent to international standards is expected to reach 100% by 2030, according to a freshly-approved project.

The project on improving the efficiency of the implementation of the WTO’s Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, or the SPS Agreement, and SPS commitments within free trade agreements (FTAs), aims to enhance the management, evaluation and testing capacity in order to support businesses in observing SPS regulations set by export and import markets; maximise investment opportunities for WTO members; and expand markets for Vietnamese agro-foresy-aquatic products, and food.

By 2025, the above-said rate is projected at 70%, all personnel in food safety and animal and plant quarantine management will receive training, and a national SPS portal be formed.

Also by 2025, information exchange among cooperatives, businesses, associations, management agencies in localities and the national SPS system will be stepped up through a database.

To that end, the project sets out a number of tasks and solutions such as raising stakeholders’ awareness of the SPS measures, strengthening the capacity of analysing and assessing risks of food safety hazards and diseases, harmonising domestic SPS regulations with international ones, and consolidating the national SPS system.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang assigned the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to work out a project perfecting the structure and functions of the SPS Vietnam Office and submit it to competent authorities for approval, along with relevant mechanisms.

It was also asked to coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and other ministries and agencies to review regulations on biodiversity management and conservation.

The Ministry of Health will take the main responsibility for amending and supplementing food safety regulations./.

HCM City hotel to host wedding fair

The “Endlessly Together” Wedding Exhibition will take place from June 22-23 at the Rex Hotel Saigon in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 1.

The event will offer a fantastic opportunity to explore top-tier wedding services, discover the latest trends, and design their special day in their unique style.

Visitors can marvel at an exquisite collection of wedding dresses and ao dai (traditional long dress) by renowned designers showcased in impressive bridal fashion shows.

The exhibition also features premium services from 24 reputable brands, including wedding dresses, suits, jewelry, shoes, photography services, wedding invitations, floral decorations, and wedding planning and consulting.

Experts from these brands will be available to offer free consultations, helping couples create the perfect wedding day.

Numerous valuable prizes await visitors at the lucky draw programme during the event, organised by Rex Hotel Saigon, a member of Saigontourist Group./.

Health ministry launches project to tackle non-communicable diseases, mental health

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has approved a project aimed at preventing, detecting, and managing non-communicable diseases and mental health disorders through the end of 2025.

The move is meant to enhance public health protection, care and improvement by strengthening preventive measures, early detection and treatment management.

The project hopes to reduce the prevalence of pre-disease conditions, illnesses, disabilities and premature deaths caused by cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma as well as mental health disorders.

Hospital reports indicate that 65-75% of inpatients suffer from non-communicable diseases, with oncology, respiratory and cardiovascular departments particularly burdened. Mental health is also a significant challenge.

Statistics from the National Institute of Endocrinology reveal that approximately 6-7% of the population has diabetes. According to the National Cardiovascular Institute of Vietnam, hypertension, the silent killer, affects 25% of people over the age of 25.

The prevalence of non-communicable diseases is rapidly increasing, yet they are detected and treated in only one-third of patients.

Vietnam's high alcohol consumption exacerbates injuries, brain strokes and heart attacks, while the high smoking rate contributes to various diseases, including cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular issues.

Non-communicable diseases are estimated to account for about 77% of all deaths in Vietnam annually, mainly due to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

In response, the MoH’s project sets several goals for 2024-2025. These include increasing prevention, early detection and treatment management rates for non-communicable diseases and mental health disorders, enhancing the health system's capacity to provide these services and improving monitoring, information management and reporting on non-communicable diseases, mental health disorders and associated risk factors.

Achieving these goals requires organising services for screening, performing health checks, measuring indicators and conducting tests to detect non-communicable diseases and mental health disorders early.

Regular screening should be integrated into medical services, especially at communal health stations, with periodic public health checks and proactive visits by high-risk individuals to medical facilities.

Screening should also be included in the healthcare management of children and students, with workplace health examinations, elderly care and prenatal check-ups for pregnant women.

The target group includes people of all ages, with a focus on those aged 40 and above and individuals determined to be at high risk for specific diseases.

Regular monitoring, check-ups, counselling and prevention are essential for high-risk individuals and those with pre-disease conditions.

This includes managing and preventing cardiovascular risk, counselling for smoking cessation, screening and interventions to reduce harm from alcohol consumption and creating psychological counselling records for those at high risk of mental disorders.

Activities should be organised through integrated health management at educational institutions, workplaces, community health stations and related medical facilities.

The MoH aims to develop and enhance the capacity of the health system to provide these services at all levels./.

Vietnamese female futsal players ready to take shot at first-ever World Cup

Coach Nguyen Dinh Hoang is working with 15 female futsal players in their first training session in Ho Chi Minh City to prepare for the 2025 FIFA Futsal Women's World Cup, to be hosted in the Philippines.

They will be training until July 16 at the Thai Son Nam Sports Centre where they will sharpen skills and have two friendlies, before leaving for an international friendly tournament running from July 11 to 15 in China.

It is the first international activity of the national team since they took silver at the SEA Games 31 in 2022.

The world governing football body, FIFA, launched the first World Cup of women's futsal in May in Bangkok, Thailand. It will feature nations from all six confederations.

Known for its rich culture, diverse landscapes and warm hospitality, the Philippines is a unique and fascinating destination for this tournament’s debut, giving fans much to get excited about both on and away from the futsal court, according to FIFA.

The Philippines automatically gets a slot as host, while the remaining 15 slots will be filled by three countries each from members of the Asian Football Confederation and South American Football Confederation; two countries each from the Confederation of African Football and Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football; one from the Oceania Football Confederation; and four from the Union of European Football Associations.

Vietnam, which is currently ranked world No 13 and Asian No 4, is expected to join the global largest competition. The 2025 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Women's Futsal Asian Cup will serve as a qualification for the FIFA Futsal Women's World Cup.

At the last continental tournament in 2018, Vietnam finished fourth.

The World Cup's proposed format will have the 16 teams divided into four groups of four, with the top two teams from each group advancing to the knockout phase, comprising of quarter-finals, semi-finals, a third-place play-off and the final./.

Can Tho looks to tighten links with India via Yoga

The 10th International Day of Yoga (June 21) was celebrated with an event held in the Mekong Delta City of Can Tho on June 19.

Nguyen Thuc Hien, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee, said that for the last over 50 years, the Vietnam - India relations, including between Can Tho and Indian partners, have been increasingly reinforced and developing strongly in all aspects. The profound cultural bond and sincere friendship between the two peoples form a precious common asset that should be treasured and promoted.

He noted the celebration of the International Day of Yoga in Can Tho aimed to not only help strengthen the two countries’ friendship but also introduce images of Vietnam to international friends.

The official expressed his hope that the Indian Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City will continue assisting Can Tho to boost cultural and arts exchanges with and attract more investors and tourists from India.

Madan Mohan Sethi, Consul General of India in HCM City, said Yoga, originating in India, is being warmly welcomed by Vietnamese people. It not only produces health benefits but also serves as a cultural factor helping enhance the two countries’ overall relations, including economic partnerships.

Vietnam is an important partner of India, the diplomat affirmed, saying he hopes to further step up cooperation between the two countries’ businesses in the future.

He pledged assistance for Can Tho to become a centre of education and information technology, and attract more students from India.

The celebration drew 1,000 local Yoga practitioners and more than 200 Indian students at the Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy./.

Vietnam, Russia enjoy fruitful energy cooperation

Energy - an important cooperation area between Vietnam and Russia, has been continuously maintained and promoted, with Russia supporting Vietnam in implementing the Nuclear Science and Technology Research Centre project with a new 10-MW reactor and human resources training, according to Tran Chi Thanh, Director of the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute under the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST).

This is the first time Vietnam has implemented a project to build a large-capacity nuclear research reactor.

Thanh said that in order to assist the verification and appraisal of feasibility study report, safety analysis reports and design documents for the project, the MST has asked Russia’s Rosatom State Atomiс Energy Corporation to create favourable conditions for Vietnamese officials to engage in implementing the basic design of the reactor and accompanying safety calculations and analyses.

Rosatom has helped Vietnam train staff for research reactor operations. Along with building specialised expert groups serving the project, the institute has sought international partners, including those from Russia, to prepare personnel for research and application to effectively exploit the new research reactor, ensuring safety when the Nuclear Science and Technology Research Centre comes into operation, said the official.

He said that the institute signed a cooperation agreement with Russia’s National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University in 2017 and another with the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) in 2023 in research and training of personnel in related atomic energy fields.

Regarding the cooperation between the institute and Russian partners, Thanh said that in the immediate future, Vietnam and Russia will focus on speeding up the project of the Nuclear Science and Technology Research Centre project to ensure its progress and efficiency, meeting regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)./.

Remains of martyrs repatriated from Laos reburied in Dien Bien

The northwestern province of Dien Bien on June 19 held a memorial and burial service for the remains of 12 Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who laid down their lives in Laos.

The remains of these unknown martyrs were found in Ngoi district, Laos’s Luang Prabang province, in the second phase of the search in the 2023-2024 dry season.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice Chairman of the Dien Bien provincial People’s Committee Vu A Bang expressed his thanks for the team of searching and gathering martyrs' remains under the Political Department of Military Region 2 to help search, gather, and repatriate the remains.

Delegates and people offered incense in commemoration of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for national independence and freedom and international mission./.

Rain to hit northern region following heatwave peak

The northern region is set to enjoy a temporary break from the heatwave amid rainy conditions next week, according to Nguyen Van Huong, head of the Weather Forecasting Department at the National Center for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting.

However, he noted that the heatwave will last until the end of the week, serving to drive temperatures in Hanoi up to 39 degrees Celsius.

Starting from next week, spells of rainfall will come and the heat wave is likely to gradually decrease.

The highest temperatures in the north will therefore range between 36 and 39 degrees, while in the northern central region from Thanh Hoa to Thua Thien Hue temperatures will likely reach over 39 degrees.  The lowest relative humidity is estimated to be at 40% to 45%.

Temperatures in southern Vietnam and the Central Highlands regions will range from 35 to 38 degrees Celsius, with the lowest relative humidity between 50% and 60%. These places will see then rain as the evening approaches.

Huong warned that the combination of heat coupled with low humidity increases the risk of fires and explosions occurring in residential areas due to the heightened demand for electricity and the potential for forest fires. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can also cause issues such as dehydration, exhaustion, and heat stroke.

Slovenia names Vietnamese businessman as Honorary Consul in HCM City

The Consular Department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a ceremony on June 19 to recognise Bui Quang Minh, a famous businessman in the Vietnamese startup community, as Honorary Consul of Slovenia in Ho Chi Minh City.

Speaking at the ceremony, Doan Hoang Minh, director of the department, said that he believes the newly appointed Honorary Consul will further contribute to growing mutual relations, as well as their respective consular relations.

He went on to affirm that his Ministry and competent Vietnamese agencies will always accompany and offer the optimal conditions possible for the diplomat to fulfil his tasks.

For his part, the Honorary Consul said that he will try his best to boost co-operative ties between the two countries in a multitude of areas, especially in terms of high technology, renewable energy, high-tech agriculture, and tourism.

He expressed his belief that through the close linkages between the Slovenian Consulate, the business communities, and the people of the two countries, both sides will together build a new chapter for the next 30 years of their diplomatic ties, towards prosperity, solidarity, and sharing.

As part of this occasion, the Slovenian Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City co-operated alongside Beta Group and Van Lang University to organise a photo exhibition themed "Ljubljana of Plečnik" - UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Slovenia.

The exhibition displays works of art featuring Slovenia's natural beauty, diverse culture, and UNESCO intangible cultural heritage sites.

The two nations first established diplomatic relations on June 7, 1994. Since then, both countries have kept nurturing their friendship and collaboration efforts across multiple fields. They always closely co-ordinate and offer mutual support at international forums. Slovenia is currently the nation’s most important economic partner in the Balkans, whilst Vietnam has become a major trading partner of Slovenia in ASEAN.

President Putin's visit to Vietnam in Russian media spotlight

The Russian press has simultaneously reported on Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Vietnam over recent days.

Russia's Tass news agency released an article quoting Le Hoai Trung, secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its External Relations Commission, as saying that President Putin's two-day state visit at the invitation of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong affirms the nation’s foreign policy. Indeed, this policy is focused on aspects such as independence, peace, friendship, co-operation, development, diversification, and multilateralization of international relations.

According to Interfax news agency, during his visit the Russian President will have meetings with Vietnamese leaders to work on further developing the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two nations in commercial, economic, scientific, and technological and humanitarian fields, as well as the exchange of views on international and regional issues.

Ria Novosti newspaper quoted Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Dang Minh Khoi as saying the trip gives both sides the opportunity to sign and implement new collaboration agreements, providing added impetus to the development of bilateral relations.

These agreements not only bring with them economic benefits, but also serve to strengthen the political and strategic relationship that exists between the two countries. In particular, amid the complicated international situation, close ties between Vietnam and Russia becomes more important than ever.

Long-term goals and specific action plans will be determined in a bid to ensure the sustainable and effective development of bilateral relations in the future. President Putin's visit to Vietnam is also a strong signal of mutual respect between the two countries.

This is a clear expression of friendship and solidarity which will contribute to consolidating the position of both sides in the international arena for the common benefit of their peoples and for the sake of peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and the wider world as a whole.

Meanwhile, the Independent, a reputable political and current affairs analysis site in Russia, has run a story entitled “Vietnam – a special destination of President Vladimir Putin”, commenting that the visit will help to reinforce motivations aimed at deepening the joint comprehensive strategic partnership. This is meaningful amid both countries heading towards the 75th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations (1950-2025).

Speaking to Vietnamese media, Associate Professor Anna Kireeva, an expert on Oriental studies at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), stated that the visit is of great significance to mutual relations as it offers the chance for both sides to reinforce their comprehensive strategic partnership at a high level. The occasion will therefore contribute to reaffirming their commitments to comply with the principles of developing relations of both countries.

The visit indicates that for Russia, the Vietnamese side is also an important partner in Southeast Asia in particular and the globe in general, he added.

Asso. Prof. Dr Maxim Syunnerberg from the Institute of Asian and African Studies at the Lomonosov Moscow State University described Vietnam as being a crucial partner of Russia in Southeast Asia and a strategic one in Asia. He recalled President Putin's 2001 visit to Vietnam as an important move that created a strong foundation and driving force to grow bilateral ties.

Economists commented that Vietnam is a developing country and a growing economy that is fully capable of bringing huge opportunities to Russia in terms of investment, production, agriculture, logistics connection, and tourism. On the other side Russia is restructuring its foreign economic relations. Therefore, this visit carries even greater practical economic significance.

Three more public security officers embark on UN mission in South Sudan

The Ministry of Public Security on June 19 handed over the State President’s decisions to deploy three officers to the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

Minister Quang said that recent decisions to this effect have shown the trust and attention of the Party and State to the force, as well as the overall growth and maturity of the entire force and each officer. This can be seen in both safeguarding national security whilst carrying out noble international tasks for the causes of peace and stability in the region and the world over.

The Minister asked the officers to unify their awareness on participating in UN peacekeeping activities, thereby affirming that this is an important task of the country in general and the Ministry in particular. Indeed, it can be viewed as a specific action that directly contributes to maintaining and creating sustainable peace and security in the region and throughout the world at large.

They were required to strictly follow regulations of the UN and the host country, as well as the Ministry of Public Security.

Since October, 2022, the Ministry has dispatched three groups with eight members to the UNMISS and the Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), as well as one officer to the Police Division at the UN headquarters. The first group finished their working tenure and returned to Vietnam in April.

NA to discuss Hanoi capital planning on June 20

The 15th National Assembly (NA) is scheduled to discuss the Hanoi Capital Planning for the 2021-2030 period with a vision to 2045, and a project to amend the master plan of Hanoi until 2045 with a vision to 2065 on June 20 as part of the legislature’s ongoing seventh session.

On the day, the NA will discuss in groups a draft law on amendments and supplementation to a number of articles of the 2024 Land Law, the 2023 Housing Law, the 2023 Law on Real Estate Business, and 2024 Law on Credit Institutions.

The bill, comprising five articles, aims to enable the Land Law, Housing Law and Law on Real Estate Business to take effect from August 1, 2024.

Particularly, the bill recommends that Clause 10 of Article 255 and Clause 4 of Article 260 of the Land Law will become operational from January 1, 2025.

In the afternoon, NA deputies will listen to a proposal and a verification report on the draft Law on Urban and Rural Planning and the draft Geology and Minerals Law before discussing in groups on the bills.

Action programme to strengthen great national solidarity

The Government on June 19 issued a resolution outlining an action programme to implement the Politburo's Resolution No. 43-NQ/TW, dated November 24, 2023, on promoting traditions and strenthening the great national solidarity bloc for a more prosperous and happier country.

The programme is to identify main and specific tasks for the Government, ministries, sectors, and localities following the Politburo's resolution.

Accordingly, ministers, heads of ministerial-level and Government agencies, and chairpersons of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities are required to focus on implementing key tasks and solutions, including raising awareness and responsibility among State administrative agencies, all-level authorities, and the public in carrying forward traditions and the great national solidarity bloc.

The programme says the implementation of Resolution No. 43-NQ/TW must be closely linked with the learning and following of President Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on great national solidarity.

It emphasises the necessity of perfecting relevant policies, and fueling the will and aspirations for national development; enhancing the effectiveness of the State apparatus and the political system; further revamping operational methods of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) and political-social organisations and mass associations; and mobilising all resources to serve national development.

Attention must be paid to building a modern working class, a strong contingent of intellectuals and businesspeople, and a comprehensive, civilised, self-reliant, and self-resilient peasant class; and educating young generations about revolutionary ideals, morality, lifestyle, patriotism, and national pride, nurturing their will and aspirations for making contributions, and raising their sense of responsibility for society and the country, it says.

The programme also highlights the importance of building and rectifying the Party, enhancing unity within the Party, upholding the Party's core leadership in building and promoting traditions and the strength of great national solidarity, and organising practical and effective patriotic emulation movements and campaigns./.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes