Vietnamese, Lao localities enhance cooperation in forest, wildlife protection hinh anh 1
At the  forest protection department of Huong Tra township, Thua Thien - Hue province. (Photo: VNA)
Officials of Salavan province of Laos and central Thua Thien-Hue province of Vietnam have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in protecting forests, forest products and wildlife in the border areas of the two localities in the 2023-2028 period.

Under the document, the two sides will coordinate to prevent and control illegal logging, mining, wildlife hunting, and timber and wildlife trade along the shared border areas.

The localities will work on inspecting and supervising the import and export of forest products and wildlife, and educating local communities on the importance of forest management and protection, and wildlife conservation.

They are seeking funding from international organisations to restore wildlife populations that are on the verge of extinction.
According to Lao media, the two nations have had long-lasting cooperation in many development areas of Laos, especially in ago-forestry collaboration.
Last year, Vietnam and Laos agreed to strengthen comprehensive cooperation in agriculture, forestry, and rural development, focusing on applying technologies, training human resources and investing in trade development.

They have cooperated in a series of agro-forestry projects, including those to support agricultural and rural development and poverty reduction models in Houaphanh and Xiengkhuang provinces of Laos.

Vietnamese and Lao authorities are also developing a master plan for flood prevention and drainage to ensure food security in central Khammouane and Savannakhet provinces of Laos.

Book on Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong released

The Nhan Dan newspaper and the Su That (Truth) National Political Publishing House on June 20 held a ceremony to launch a book about the people's trust and support for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day (June 21, 1925-2023).

Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Popularisation and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia attended the event and gave the book's copies as presents for ministries and agencies.

The book “Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong with domestic people’s trust and international friends’ support” consists of 181 pieces of writing, articles, poems, letters and messages, which are selected from thousands of articles and writings on newspapers and social networks. 

At the event, Pham Thi Thinh, Deputy Director and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Su That (Truth) National Political Publishing House, said that the book aims to provide authentic information and documents from diverse perspectives, which reflect not only the affection for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong but also the trust and expectation of people in all parts of the country and the support of international friends for the Party and State in Vietnam’s renewal cause. 

The book focuses on a number of theoretical and realistic issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam; the fight against corruption and negative phenomena; ethics and lifestyle of cadres and party members and building a culture of integrity; and the Party leader's style and ethics. 

Thinh said that the book follows two previous ones on the Party General Secretary – the first entitled “General Secretary and State President Nguyen Phu Trong, with affection from the country's people and international friends” published in 2019 and the second “The affection of the country’s people and international friends for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong” in 2021.

Besides printed version, the book is also available online at for free.

Deputy head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Popularisation and Education, Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists’ Association, and Editor-in-Chief of the Nhan Dan newspaper Le Quoc Minh affirmed that the book about General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has many meanings and practical values.

The book contains articles and opinions of people from all walks of life, saying that the Party General Secretary's thoughts and guiding viewpoints reflect his vision, wisdom, insight, determination, comprehensiveness, and convincingness; contribute to clarifying the theoretical thinking of the Party on corruption and negativity prevention and control as well as Party building work, he said.

Vietnam defeat Syria 1-0 in friendly match for FIFA Days

Vietnam defeated Syria 1-0 in a friendly match on June 20 at Thien Truong Stadium in the northern province of Nam Dinh for FIFA Days.  

It’s the second match of the national football team under French coach Philippe Troussier. Earlier, the team won 1-0 in a friendly against Hong Kong (China).

Supported by over 21,000 audients at the stadium, the Vietnamese national men’s football team pushed forward right after the game started, continuously creating dangerous situations for Syria, particularly in the 10th, 17th, and 35th minutes of the match.

Entering the second half, coach Troussier let Tuan Hai and Tien Anh in to add strength to the attack. The change of persons immediately proved effective.

In the 49th minute, from a pass from Thai Son, striker Tuan Hai handled the ball skillfully against the opponent's defender and then finished accurately, opening the score for Vietnam.

Syria tried to push back but their efforts were not enough to make Vietnam play defensively. The hosts reduced the intensity of attacks but still controlled the game.

With the victory against Syria, Vietnam is expected to improve its position in the next update of the world ranking.

Syria is ranked 90th in the world rankings, five places above Vietnam.

Vietnam has played Syria three times since 2009. The team won one, drew one, and lost one. In their encounter in 2016, Vietnam won 2-0.

Lawmakers scrutinise draft revised Land Law on June 21

The National Assembly is scheduled to spend the whole day on June 21 to discuss the draft Land Law (amended) as part of its ongoing fifth plenary session.

The final draft law comprises 16 chapters and 263 articles. Compared to the earlier draft that was publicised to collect public opinions, it has 40 new articles, and sees 13 ones being removed.

After studying the public’s comments and suggestions, the compilation board draft law revises the entire content of Article 79 in the direction that the State takes land to implement socio-economic development projects for the benefit of the nation and the society in order to promote land resources, improve the efficiency of land use, develop socio-economic infrastructure in a modern direction, implement social welfare policies, protect the environment and preserve cultural heritages.

It also supplements regulations on decentralisation of authority to acquire land to district-level People's Committees, regardless of whether land users are organisations or individuals, except for the case of land taking for national defence and security.

The draft stipulates in details principles to decide land prices.

Press must act as bridge between Party, State, people: Deputy PM

The press must truly become a bridge between the Party, the State and the people, guiding and motivating the people to follow the Party and State's guidelines and policies, said Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha.

He made the request during a meeting held in Hanoi on June 20 by the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education, the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Vietnam Journalists’ Association (VJA) and the Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV), on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day (June 21).

The Deputy PM urged the press to fulfill its role as a sharp communication tool to popularise policies effectively, an efficient means of social supervision and criticism, and a broad social forum to enable the people to exercise their right to democracy and their role of social mastery, supervision and criticism.

Conveying his heartfelt gratitude to all journalists and the press nationwide for their proactive, positive, and dedicated support of the Government, he wished that the press would continue fueling even stronger aspirations, resilience and determination in every citizen and business, encouraging and motivating the spirit of innovation, contributing to successfully achieving the socio-economic development goals this year.

At the event, VJA Standing Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Loi lauded many press agencies, journalist associations and unions for actively responding to the campaign on building a cultural environment in press agencies in connection with studying and following the thought, ethics and lifestyle of President Ho Chi Minh, with effective and practical models from the central to local levels.

Head of the Commission for Information and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia, for his part, stressed that the Party, the State, and the entire society always pay attention to the press, while recognising the role, mission, and significant contributions of the press in the field of information and communications. 

The press agencies need maintain and uphold their pioneering and key role in communication work, working as a sharp ideological weapon of the Party and State in any stage of the country, he said, reminding them to build meticulous and thorough communication plans in preparation for the organisation of Party congresses at all levels and the 14th National Party Congress.

Additionally, greater emphasis should be placed on cultivating a cultural environment within the press agencies, he said.

The meeting also discussed a plan on preparations for the 100th anniversary of the Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day in 2025.

Vietnam hopes for stronger cooperation with EU: Deputy Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang on June 20 received the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the Countries of Southeast Asia and ASEAN led by its Chairman Daniel Caspary who are paying a visit to Vietnam.

At the meeting, Quang expressed his delight at the profound and substantive developments in the relationship between Vietnam and the EU over the past time. Currently, the EU is one of Vietnam's leading trade-investment partners. Meanwhile, Vietnam is the EU's largest trading partner in ASEAN.

Quang said that he hopes the two sides will continue to cooperate closely, focusing on areas where the EU has advantages and those that follow common trends to serve green growth, sustainable development and climate change response. 

Stronger bilateral cooperation will contribute to promoting the Vietnam-EU comprehensive partnership, bring practical benefits to people and businesses of both sides as well as actively contribute to maintaining peace, stability, development, and prosperity in the region and the world.

Quang called on the EU official and the delegation to support Vietnam in having the European Commission (EC)’s “yellow card” warning against its seafood exports lifted.

For his part, Caspary and the delegation appreciated the role and position of Vietnam in the region as well as in the world.

He said Vietnam is also considered one of the good examples of achieving outstanding results in poverty reduction, foreign direct investment attraction, infrastructure development, and its commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050.

Regarding the removal of the yellow card, Caspary noted that it is an important issue for Vietnam and expressed his hope that the issue will soon have results in line with the expectations of the two sides.

At the meeting, the two sides also discussed regional and international issues of common concern, including the East Sea issue and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Vietnam attaches importance to expanding ties with Russia: NA Chairman

Vietnam always attaches importance to strengthening and expanding relations with Russia, considering it one of the top priorities in its foreign policy, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue has said.

At a reception in Hanoi on June 20 for Chief Justice of Russia Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Lebedev, Hue welcomed the Russian official's ongoing visit which takes place at a time when the two countries are celebrating the 10th founding anniversary of comprehensive strategic partnership.

Congratulating Lebedev and Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court of Vietnam Nguyen Hoa Binh on their successful talks, Hue affirmed that the Vietnamese NA supports comprehensive and extensive cooperation between the two nations' judicial sectors in general and the supreme courts in particular. He believed that the outcomes of the talks will lead to significant and beneficial cooperation between the two sides in the near future.

He expressed his delight that the exchange of delegations at all levels between the two nations have been maintained and stepped up despite the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the Vietnamese NA is actively preparing for an official visit to Vietnam by Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin.

According to the top legislator, the 13th Party Central Committee issued a resolution on continuing to build and complete the socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam in the new period, which includes various contents related to improving the effectiveness of the court system. In this process, the invaluable support, cooperation and sharing of experience regarding law and justice from Russia and its Supreme Court in particular holds significant importance.

Lebedev, for his part, said the Supreme Court of Russia submitted 187 draft laws to the Federal Assembly, of which 108 have become laws. According to the Russian law, when the Federal Assembly reviews draft amendments or supplements to certain laws, the collection of the Supreme Court’s feedback is mandatory. Apart from the legislative work, the Supreme Court has also engaged in various forms of cooperation with the Federation Council and the State Duma, particularly in fine-tuning and enforcing laws, amending and supplementing activities of courts.

Besides working closely with the Federal Assembly of Russia, the Supreme Court has also summarised the practice in the enforcement of laws, analysed and recapitulated trial practices for publication on journals of the government and the Supreme Court, he said.

Lebedev believed that his visit will contribute to expanding ties with the Supreme People’s Court of Vietnam, and that the two nations will promote the exchange of visits at all levels as well as tourism and people-to-people exchanges as Russian citizens are keen on travelling to and vacationing in Vietnam.

Cambodia to ink cross-border payment agreements with Vietnam, Laos

The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) will soon sign agreements with the Bank of Lao (BOL), the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) and other countries in the region to boost the usage of the local currency in the economy through technological advancement that makes it easier for the people, NBC’s Deputy Governor Chea Serey has said.

Addressing an event to promote the usage of riel with the participation of about 300 people who are local authorities, provincial banking officials and students in Stoung district of Kampong Thom province, she said the cross-border payment coverage will expand the riel circulation.

The official went on to say that with the new payment method, users are required to scan QRs in those countries to pay in riel for products or services they purchase overseas from the accounts they created with banks or microfinance institutions (MFIs) with riel in Cambodia because QRs cannot be scanned with US dollar.

The usage of riel will also be promoted when tourists come and make payments in riel with Cambodia’s merchants, she said.

When tourists visit Cambodia, merchants need to have QR codes that enable them to scan in riel to make payments, thus, if they place QR codes in US dollar at their counters, tourists will be unable to scan to make payments to them, Serey noted, adding that all these things will further boost the usage of riel. However, she did not mention when the deals will be reached.

Serey pointed out that the demand for riel usage has been increasing gradually as the circulation of riel in Cambodia has increased 16.6% on average annually to about 14.1 trillion riels (3.4 billion USD) in 2022 from approximately 356 million riels in 1998, but the rising US dollar has still affected Cambodia’s economy, especially the inflation in terms of the foreign exchange.

The official said that the rising value of US dollar against other foreign currencies with falling value may also affect the country’s tourism industry as foreign tourists need to convert their respective local currencies to US dollar to pay for products or services in Cambodia even though their prices do not increase.

Speaking on June 14 at a meeting with nearly 20,000 factory workers in Por Senchey district of Phnom Penh, Prime Minister Hun Sen said the circulation of riel has been sufficient in Cambodia’s economy, adding the government has allowed foreign businesspeople and investors not to convert US dollar to riel to pay wages to their employees at their factories.

Party chief urges provincial-level committees to play more active role in anti-corruption fight

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong asked provincial-level Steering Committees on Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negative Phenomena to take drastic actions in combating corruption in their locality without relying on higher-level agencies, while addressing a conference in Hanoi on June 19.

The conference, held by the Central Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negative Phenomena, reviewed the one-year operation of the provincial-level committees.

The Party chief, who is also head of the central steering committee, stressed the important role of the committees, which were established by Standing Boards of municipal and provincial Party Committees and tasked with instructing and monitoring the combat in localities. 

The committees and all-level Party Committees should carry forward their sense of responsibility, he said, urging greater efforts in building and rectifying the Party and the political system, and preventing and driving back degradations in political ideology, morality and lifestyle, and the phenomena of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation”. 

Trong also asked all-level Party organisations and Committees to strengthen their combat capacity, and leaders of the Party organisations and Committees, as well as agencies, organisations and localities to set examples in the fight.

He suggested the committees identify sectors and areas vulnerable to corruption and focus their leadership on the anti-coruption fight in those areas, while raising the efficiency of self-inspections. "If any agency or locality failed to detect corruption and negative phenomena during self-inspection, the heads of that agency or locality as well as its Party committee must bear responsibility and be subject to severe punishment," he said. 

He required that attention be paid to build a culture of integrity and no corruption among officials, Party members, public servants, State employees and people. The higher position an official holds, the better example he should set, the Party leader said.  

He also emphasised the need to quickly detect and promptly handle bottlenecks and issues of public concern in order to create greater changes for the better in the anti-corruption fight in localities. 

To that end, inspections, supervisions and the settlement of complaints and denunciations must be stepped up, he said, noting that disciplinary measures by the Party, the State and other disciplinary measures must be imposed concertedly.

The Party General Secretary urged accelerating the investigation and prosecution of major cases under the management of the central and provincial steering committees on prevention and control of corruption, singling out the cases related to Viet A, AIC, FLC and Van Thinh Phat companies, Vietnam Register and those involved officials at different levels.

At the same time, he underlined the Party's strategic and essential policy on respecting and bringing into play the right to mastery of the people. 

He highlighted the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organisations, press agencies and people in the combat, as well as the efficiency of supervisions by all-level People’s Councils.

Trong suggested the provincial-level committees set up hotlines or take other suitable methods to receive public feedback on the work.

It is a must to build personnel with firm mettle and pure morality, and complete regulations to effectively prevent unhealthy interference into the operation of anti-corruption agencies, he said, stressing the need to fight corruption and negative phenomena right in anti-corruption agencies.

President hails visit by Chief Justice of Russia

President Vo Van Thuong has expressed his belief that the ongoing visit to Vietnam by Chief Justice of Russia Lebedev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich will further deepen Vietnam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership.

During his reception in Hanoi on June 19 for Lebedev, President Thuong thanked the guest for conveying Russian President Vladimir Putin’s letter to him. He said he concurs with the points raised by Putin in the letter, particularly in regards to further enhancing the long-standing traditional friendship between the two countries across all areas, especially amid complicated developments in the region and the world at present.

Vietnam always values the comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia, he said, adding that Vietnam wishes to promote deeper and more effective Vietnam-Russia cooperation, which will meet the practical interests of both nations, for the sake of peace, stability and development in the region and the world.

He lauded the two judicial sectors for maintaining the exchange of delegations and coordinating in professional activities, regularly sharing stances on regional and global issues, maintaining annual evaluation of cooperative outcomes and adding new areas of collaboration in a more practical and effective manner.

The President stressed that the Vietnamese court sector plays a crucial role in implementing the strategy for building and fine-tuning the socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam until 2030, with a vision to 2045, which includes various aspects related to improving the operating efficiency of the court system.

Vietnam encourages international cooperation between the Vietnamese court sector and the Supreme Court of Russia, as well as courts of other countries, to share information, professional expertise, and improve legal and judicial systems, he said.

The host believed that in the near future, the two court sectors will work more closely together, making active contributions to the development of each nation, as well as tightening traditional cooperation between the two nations.

Lebedev, for his part, said Putin highlighted the long-standing friendship with Vietnam as one of the priorities in Russia's external relations.

Russia advocates enhancing cooperation with Vietnam across the board, including priority areas for 2022-2023, he said, adding that Russia highly values and appreciates the working outcomes of the Vietnam-Russia Inter-Governmental Committee. Amid the complicated global situation at present, both countries need to expand cooperation in areas such as oil and gas, economy, investment, agriculture, as well as cooperation between the two countries' court sectors and judicial agencies.

Briefing the host about the activities of the Supreme Court of Russia and its joint work with the Supreme People's Court of Vietnam, Lebedev said both sides have jointly improved the quality of trials, ensuring fairness and democracy in line with the law.

The two sides agreed to increase the exchange of delegations, improve the capacity and professional qualifications of judges and court officials at all levels.

Nearly 836 billion VND raised, over 1 million aided in national humanitarian month

Close to 836 billion VND (35.53 million USD) were donated and more than 1.16 million needy people were aided in May – the National Humanitarian Month this year.

The figures were 11 times and 2.08 times higher than the set targets, respectively.

According to the Central Committee of Vietnam Red Cross Society (VRCS), the 2023 programme saw the participation of many organisations, individuals, businesses, and benefactors, mobilising the biggest amount of financial donations and helping the highest number of vulnerable people among all editions to date.

Themed “From our heart – Joining hands in building humanitarian community,” the peak period of the month was from May 8-19, with various activities taking place nationwide.

The programme was fist held by the VRCS in 2018. So far, it has raised nearly 3 billion VND and supported 5.4 million people in need.

Vietnam highly values ties with EU, says NA Chairman

Vietnam treasures and wishes to boost its relationship with the European Union (EU) - a leading important partner in Vietnam's foreign policy, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue has said.

During his reception in Hanoi on June 19 for the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with the Countries of Southeast Asia and ASEAN (DASE) led by its Chairman Daniel Caspary, Chairman Hue spoke highly of positive and significant outcomes in the Vietnam-EU relationship across the pillars of politics, diplomacy, economy-trade-investment, agro-forestry-fisheries, national defence-security, development cooperation and human rights dialogue.

Vietnam always supports the strengthening of ASEAN-EU strategic partnership. Vietnam, including its National Assembly, is ready to play an active role in this process, he said.

Caspary, for his part, briefed the host about the delegation’s agenda with relevant Vietnamese agencies, including a mechanism on cooperation in the implementation of the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and in certain areas within ASEAN, as the EU-ASEAN relationship has been upgraded to a strategic partnership.

Stressing that both sides have been experiencing extremely challenging times due to COVID-19 and global conflicts, Caspary believed that in such context, the EU-Vietnam ties will play an increasingly important role. He expressed his expectations that two-way trade will continue to increase in the future, and parliamentary cooperation plays a crucial role in the overall cooperative relationship between the EU and Vietnam.

DASE members said mutual visits and delegations exchanges will contribute to raising mutual understanding, trust and closer ties, bringing prosperity to the people on both sides. The consistent rise in bilateral trade volume over time demonstrates the importance of the EVFTA.

They expressed their interest in the fisheries sector, policies promoting the development of Vietnam's regions while ensuring the quality of growth, solutions and orientations to building eco-friendly energy programmes.

According to Chairman Hue, Vietnam is investing significant resources into three national target programmes on sustainable poverty reduction, new rural development, and socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas. Among these, the Vietnamese National Assembly is conducting the highest-level supervision on the implementation of the NA’s Resolutions on the National Target Programmes on new rural development and sustainable poverty reduction for 2021-2025, and socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the 2021-2030 period.

On regional and global issues of shared concern, Hue suggested that the EU continue playing an active role and contribute with concrete actions to ensure the rule of law, freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea. He also urged for enhanced cooperation between the EU and ASEAN on this matter.

The host wished that both sides would continue working closely together, particularly sharing parliamentary experience, improving legal frameworks and addressing global challenges, and at important multilateral and regional parliamentary forums.

Caspary said the EU is making efforts to seek approval from the remaining countries' parliaments for the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA).

He hoped that the EU’s "Global Gateway" initiative will contribute to a strong connection between the EU and ASEAN, as well as between the people of both blocs. The Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership (ASEP) meeting, scheduled to take place in Europe this year, will provide an opportunity for both sides to engage in discussions and exchanges to further boost collaboration.

On the occasion, Hue conveyed his invitation to a delegation of young EP members to the ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians which is to be jointly organised by Vietnam and the Inter-Parliamentary Union this September.

Vietnamese, Russian supreme courts engage in effective cooperation: Chief Justice

Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court Nguyen Hoa Binh spoke highly of the effectiveness of cooperation between the Vietnamese and Russian supreme courts so far at his talks with visting Chief Justice of Russia Lebedev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich in Hanoi on June 19.

Binh elaborated that the two sides have exchanged their high-level and expert-level delegations in order to expand collaboration and strengthen research in the legislative and judicial fields. The Vietnamese court has learned a lot from Russia’s experience in court apparatus organisation, such as its overhauling of the policies for judges and juvenile justice.

For the Supreme People's Court to fulfil its mission in the realisation of the strategy for building and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam till 2030 with orientations to 2045, the cooperation in sharing information and experience on the law and justice by Russia and its Supreme Court is of special significance, Binh noted.

He expressed his belief in the growth of the Vietnam-Russia ties and in the more practical contributions of the courts’ joint work to the countries’ development and traditional ties.

For his part, Lebedev stated the collaboration and friendship between the two countries have brought about fruitful outcomes, with their judicial systems actively coordinating to exchange experiences and improve the legal system via many signed projects.

He highly appreciated the fact that representatives of the Vietnamese justice sector always actively participate in international seminars and conferences on international disputes, reflecting the desire to solve problems in accordance with international law.

Mikhailovich took the occasion to invite Binh to attend the Asia-Pacific judicial conference organised by Russia in the Russian Far East in early this October.

Vietnam, Laos review search for remains of Vietnamese soldiers, experts

The Vietnamese and Lao Governments’ special working committees on search, collection and repatriation of remains of Vietnamese voluntary soldiers and experts who sacrificed in Laos during wartime convened their 28th meeting in Vientiane, Laos on June 19.

The Vietnamese side was led by permanent member of the Central Military Commission and Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lieut. Gen Vo Minh Luong while the Lao side was headed by Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chairman of the General Department of Politics under the Lao People’s Army Sen. Lieut. Gen Thongloi Silivong.

They said during 2022-2023 dry season, Vietnam's search teams found and repatriated 194 sets of remains of fallen soldiers, including 10 who have been identified by name and hometown.

During 2023-2024 dry season, the Vietnamese side will continue maintaining eight search and recovery teams in Lao cities and provinces. Additionally, both sides will urge the public to provide information on fallen soldiers and the burial sites of Vietnamese voluntary soldiers and experts who sacrificed their lives in Laos during various periods of war.

In conclusion, they signed the minutes of the 28th meeting and agreed to jointly organise a ceremony to honour collectives and individuals in Laos who made outstanding contributions to the effort during 2013-2020.

In the afternoon the same day, Lao Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Gen. Chansamone Chanyalath hosted a reception for Luong and his entourage.

Luong informed the host about the outcomes of the 28th meeting to the Lao leader and wished that in the near future, the Lao Party, State, people and particularly the Deputy PM would continue offering support to the search and repatriation of remains of Vietnamese voluntary soldiers and experts.

Agreeing with Luong’s proposals, Chanyalath expressed his profound gratitude to the Vietnamese Party, State and people for standing side by side with the Lao counterparts during both wartime and peacetime.

Proposal to bring COVID-19 from Class A disease to Class B approved

The National Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control has agreed with the Health Ministry’s proposal of bringing the COVID-19 from a Class A infectious disease, deemed as “especially dangerous”, to Class B "dangerous".

Class A infectious diseases are those with high infection and fatality rates, like polio, influenza A-H5N1, plague, smallpox, Ebola, Lassa and Marburg hemorrhagic fever, West Nile fever, yellow fever and cholera.

Meanwhile, Class B ones are those that can spread fast and cause fatalities, including HIV/AIDS, rabies, influenza, diphtheria, pertussis, tuberculosis, mumps, dengue fever, malaria, measles, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, tetanus, and rotavirus diarrhea.

The steering committee also requested ministries, sectors and localities to continue studying recommendations of the World Health Organisation (WHO) to appropriately apply to the disease situation in Vietnam; and prepare plans for COVID-19 prevention and control suitable to the new situation, especially in strengthening grassroots health care and preventive medicine, and mobilising and using resources.

The Health Ministry was asked to research and implement vaccination against COVID-19 in accordance with the situation, and consider putting it in the National Expanded Immunisation Programme.

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs was required to maintain the effective implementation of social welfare work, especially for those affected by the pandemic.

HCM City’s medical tourism spotlighted in Cambodia

A Vietnam-Ho Chi Minh City tourism promotion programme took place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on June 19, highlighting the southern Vietnamese metropolis’ strength in medical services.

The event, co-organised by the Vietnamese Embassy in Cambodia and HCM City Department of Tourism, featured screening of short video clips on culture, food, and tourism products, notably health-related ones, in the city; and a networking event for Vietnamese and Cambodian firms seeking mutual understanding and partnerships.

In her remarks, Deputy Director of the HMC City Department of Tourism Bui Thi Ngoc Hieu highlighted the city’s collaboration with and assistance for local travel businesses to complete their medical care packages.

The economic hub boasts 131 hospitals with high-qualification human resources and reasonable costs for health examination and treatment, she said.

Minister Counsellor Ngo Van Tuat at the embassy expressed his delight at the countries’ sound tourism partnership, as shown in the growing number of their people visiting the respective side.

In 2022, nearly 200,000 Cambodians came to Vietnam, ranking 4th among sources of foreign tourists to the country. In the first five months of 2023, the figure exceeded 167,000, accounting for 3.63% of the total number of international visitors to Vietnam. Meanwhile, Cambodia hosted more than 466,000 Vietnamese, ranking 2nd in the country’s foreign-arrival lineup. In the first three months of this year, the number of Vietnamese tourists to Cambodia reached over 200,000.

Tuat said Cambodian tourists, especially young people, often choose HCM City for its dynamism, while many include medical examination and treatment at the city's modern hospitals and clinics in their trips.

The diplomat hoped that the programme will help Cambodian firms and people know more about HCM City, opening up more business cooperation opportunities and pushing up the number of tourists to both nations.

He stated that the embassy is willing to act as a bridge connecting the sides in fostering their tourism partnership, contributing to stronger traditional relations and people-to-people exchange between the nations.

Prak Chandara, Under Secretary of State of the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism, said he believes in the countries’ long-term relationship and good cooperation and solidarity, especially the bonds between their two sister cities – Phnom Penh and HCM City, will be increasingly consolidated and deepened.

International Day of Yoga marked in Ha Nam province

A celebration of the ninth International Day of Yoga was held at the Tam Chuc national tourism site, the northern province of Ha Nam, on June 20.

The activity, organised by the provincial People’s Committee and the Indian Embassy in Vietnam, aimed to help improve public awareness of health care and also strengthen the Vietnam - India solidarity and friendship. It attracted yoga experts and coaches from India, over 500 yogis from across Ha Nam, as well as international visitors.

In his remarks, Ta Dinh Quyen, Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and head of the organising committee, said the event, deeply imbued with the two countries’ cultural identities, is hoped to contribute to bilateral friendship and encourage physical exercise in the community to improve public health. It was also expected to introduce locals as dynamic and hospitable hosts to visitors from nationwide and other countries.

Dr Monica Sharma, Director of the Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre at the Indian Embassy in Vietnam, said the UN decision to select June 21 as the International Yoga Day received support from member states, including Vietnam – a comprehensive strategic partner of India.

The day is dedicated to the practice of yoga and the reception of its benefits. Yoga is not only a type of physical exercise but also a lifestyle. Through the practice, people can improve the strength, flexibility, and balance of their bodies, reduce stress, and boost their ability to focus. It also helps practitioners raise their sense of responsibility towards community health, she added.

At the celebration, more than 500 people joined in artistic yoga performances.

Vietnam lose 1-2 to Poland in women’s friendly game

The Vietnam national women’s football team lost 1-2 to their hosts U23 national women’s team in a friendly game held in Poland on June 19 afternoon.

The Polish players, in their good form, brought pressure to bear on their Vietnamese visitors, and it was experienced goalkeeper Kim Thanh who repelled attacks and helped to keep the clean sheet in the first minutes.

When coach Mai Duc Chung’s players gradually regained the tempo, the hosts suddenly counterattacked and opened the scoring in the 23rd minute. Magdalena Sobal broke through from the right side into the penalty area, before defeating goalkeeper Kim Thanh.

After the goal, the Vietnamese women tried to push the offensive line up. However, the SEA Games 2023 champions could only look for opportunities from set pieces. In the 32nd minute, veteran striker Huynh Nhu was sent out, putting Vietnam at a disadvantage.

Several minutes into the second half, goalkeeper Khong Thi Hang was sent in to replace Kim Thanh, and the 30-year-old goalkeeper successfully repelled a shot from the Polish striker in the penalty box. However, she was defeated by Gabriela Grzybowska from a penalty spot in the 58th minute.

Coach Mai Duc Chung then made several substitutions to test the players’ ability. The players’ efforts were paid off with 22-year-old Ngan Thi Van Su’s diagonal shot into the back of the Polish net three minutes before the referee’s last whistle.

The Vietnamese women will have another training exercise on June 20 before returning to Frankfurt to play another friendly game against the German national women’s team.

The national players are training in Germany and Poland ahead of their competitions at FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 to be held in Australia and New Zealand this July.

National team comes first in group stage at Asian volleyball tournament

Vietnam defeated Uzbekistan to win their second match at the 2023 Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC) Challenge Cup which took place on June 19 in Indonesia, with the victory seeing the nation take the lead in Group D.

The team, led by coach Nguyen Tuan Kiet, quickly dominated the game, leading 3-0 (25-11, 25-6, 25-18) after an hour.

This comes after the Vietnamese players easily trounced their Mongolian rivals with a score of 3-0 (25-12, 25-17, 25-12). After two wins, Vietnam topped Group D to advance to the next round. Their upcoming opponents on June 21 will be the losing team from the match between Chinese Taipei and Iran held on June 20.

The cup is an international competition held in Asia and Oceania for unranked senior women's national teams of the members of the Asian Volleyball Confederation, the sport's continent governing body. The final match is scheduled to take place on June 25, with its winner being given a berth at the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) Women's Challenge Cup.

Following Indonesia, the Vietnamese team is expected to head to the Republic of Korea for training before joining the 19th Asian Games which is slated for September.

Lao orders, medals presented to Thai Nguyen’s organisations, individuals

A ceremony was held in the northern province of Thai Nguyen on June 20 to present Lao orders and medals to local organisations and individuals in recognition of their contributions to strengthening friendship, special solidarity, and cooperation between Thai Nguyen and Luang Prabang province of Laos.

Authorised by leaders of the Lao Party and State, Secretary and Governor of Luang Prabang Khamkhan Chanthavisouk handed over the honour to 10 organisations and 36 individuals.

Secretary of the Party Committee of Thai Nguyen Nguyen Thanh Hai was granted with third-class Freedom Order.

Speaking at the event, Hai highlighted the fruitful relations between Vietnam and Laos in general, and between Thai Nguyen and Luang Prabang in particular, saying that Thai Nguyen always attaches importance to education cooperation with the Lao locality.

The relationship between Thai Nguyen and Luang Prabang has always been promoted, contributing to enhancing comprehensive exchange and cooperation, and tightening the special friendship and solidarity between the two Parties and States, he said.

Chanthavisouk expressed his belief that cooperation between Thai Nguyen and Luang Prabang, as well as northern localities of Laos, will keep growing in the future.

On this occasion, the two sides discussed issues related to their cooperation in socio-economic development, education - training, tourism culture, and digital transformation.

Famed singer hosts variety talk show on YouTube

Celebrated Vietnamese singer Thu Minh has introduced a variety talk show on YouTube.

The show, called Muse It, features Minh’s live performances of new songs along with her hits such as Đường Cong (The Curve), and Bay (Flying).

Discussions about her life and singing career are included as well.

Minh also invited 15 Vietnamese famous music producers, singers and artists to join her in the show, such as Noo Phước Thịnh, Phương Thanh and Trúc Nhân.

In the show’s opening episode broadcast on June 15, Minh and pop star Noo frankly talk about challenges they met during their careers.

Noo began his professional career in HCM City in 2009 when he was at university. He quickly became a star and has won many music awards such as Cống Hiến (Devotion) Awards and Mai Vàng (Golden Ochna) Awards for best singer.

Minh and Noo also sing a new dance pop song B52 about crazy love composed by producer Phúc Bồ.

The video has earned more than 16,000 views.

Minh began her career in HCM City after winning top prize at the HCM City Television Singing Contest in 1993, and soon became famous for her beauty and strong voice.

She has released 10 albums and 15 music videos.

She won several top prizes for best female singer, best album and best single given by prestigious organisations, such as Radio the Voice of HCM City and Việt Nam Television.

Minh also won the Best Asian Artist title at the 2013 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA).

The show Muse It, consisting of 15 episodes, is broadcast at 8pm every Thursday on Thu Minh’s YouTube channel. 

Construction of bridge between Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu, Đồng Nai provinces begins

Deputy Prime Minister Trần Hồng Hà broke ground for the construction of the Phước An Bridge between Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu and Đồng Nai provinces late last week.

The construction will cost VNĐ4.9 trillion (US$207 million), with VNĐ2 trillion ($85 million) provided by the central Government.

The 4.4km bridge over the Thị Vải River is expected to be completed in later 2027.

Nguyễn Văn Thọ, chairman of the People’s Committee of Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu Province, where the ceremony was held, described the bridge as a very important and urgent requirement.

It will link Phú Mỹ Town in Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu with Nhơn Trạch District in Đồng Nai, improving connectivity with the Cái Mép-Thị Vải Port Complex in the former province by sharing the load with other roads like National Highway No. 51.

Vietnam helps Laos develop educational infrastructure: Lao media

The Lao media reported on June 20 that the Vietnamese government has provided a grant of more than 2.1 million USD for the construction of a new secondary school in Xienghon district, Xayaboury province of Laos.

The former school has been demolished and preparations are being made to start construction of the new one, it said.

The new school will comprise a 3-storey building with 27 classrooms, a multi-purpose building along with ancillary works such as a gate, entrance road and drainage systems. It is expected to be completed in mid-2025.

The Lao media quoted Xayaboury provincial authorities as saying that the project is the result of the continuing cooperation between the governments of Laos and Vietnam, aiming at improving the educational environment.

They said that the new school not only helps teachers and students in Xienghon district have better facilities and teaching and learning environment but is also in line with the province’s development policy and Lao government on education and human resources development.

They also thanked the Vietnamese government for its financial support for educational infrastructure, emphasising that the school will add to the long-standing ties, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Laos and Vietnam.

Over the years, the Lao and Vietnamese governments have collaborated in numerous spheres, including economic development, education, public health, agriculture, trade, tourism and human resources development, according to the Lao media.

The two countries are carrying out high-quality projects through cooperation in the fields of education and human resource development for the 2021-2030 period, it said.

Vietnam and Laos have a long history of mutual assistance in the field of education, which has been identified as a strategic area of cooperation, and a symbol of great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

Vũng Tàu-Bình Thuận coastal road widening begins

Work to widen the coastal road between Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu and Bình Thuận provinces - Provincial Road No. 994 - began late last week, with groundbreaking being held in Vũng Tàu City.

To cost VNĐ6.5 trillion ($275 million), it will be an important transport project for inter-regional and inter-provincial connectivity.

The 77km road starts at Road No.91B in Phú Mỹ Town, passes through Bà Rịa and Vũng Tàu cities and Long Điền and Đất Đỏ districts, and ends at National Highway No. 55 in Bình Châu Commune, Xuyên Mộc District in Bình Thuận Province.

The four-lane road will be widened to six-eight lanes.

It is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2026. 

ESPIC public speaking contest held to promote safety for kids online

The ESPIC public speaking contest final was held on Sunday, promoting solutions for the growing concern of children's safety online. 

The event was organised by the Justice for Children Club, under the Hanoi Law University Youth Union. The Club was founded with the goal of connecting like-minded young people, enhancing their access to justice, and protecting children's rights and interests.

Internet use among children has grown rapidly in recent years, especially since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The proliferation of smartphone use makes it easy for children to access content on a variety of platforms. Some bad actors are taking advantage of children's naivety and exploiting their curiosity for profit, targeting them with content that is inappropriate for their age group.

Students who entered the public speaking contest felt the need to protect children when they are browsing online. Attendees were taught the best practices for safeguarding their own kids from harmful content. The contest made a valuable contribution to raising public awareness on this potent issue.

Contestant Vũ Như Quỳnh, a student at the National Economics University, said: "I was quite nervous when I participated in the contest because the contestants had very strong arguments and examples. But I believe this is a great opportunity to take to the stage and challenge myself."

Founded in 2019, The Justice for Children Club is a non-profit organisation that upholds the spirit of volunteerism to build a future where children's rights and interests are fully protected.

The contest's organisation also serves as a platform for young people to develop soft skills. Students can also foster a community by participating in club activities.

The final round of the competition featured ten candidates and was divided into three parts. The participants took turns speaking in groups and individually in front of a panel of judges.

The panel was made up of experts in children's health and safety with extensive experience in debate and communication. Members of the panel have worked for the National Assembly Office, Vietnam Television (VTV), and other prominent organisations for many years.

Contestant Ninh Bảo Kỳ, a student at Hanoi Law University, earned the top prize after three rounds of the competition. On the issue of protecting children in cyberspace, he said: "The current usage of photographs of sobbing children to manipulate the media on social networks must be halted. The evils that tend to befall children are immense, necessitating prevention on the part of all persons and organisations in society."

Dr. Đào Lệ Thu, Director of the Center for Comparative Research on Public Law, under the Institute of Comparative Law said: “The candidates' reflexes were strong. This contest, which has numerous connotations, was effectively organised by the club. I hope the students can participate in many meaningful events like this one."

HCM City forecast to have many severe cases of hand, foot and mouth disease

HCM City is forecast to have many severe cases of hand, foot and mouth disease, with even fatalities, in the near future if the city does not take effective prevention and treatment measures.

A report from the Pasteur Institute in HCM City showed that as of June 11, the whole southern region recorded 9,028 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease, including four deaths that tested positive for Enterovirus 71 (which can cause severe illness in some cases).

In HCM City, there have been 2,407 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease so far this year, no deaths have been recorded.

Local hospitals have given inpatient treatment to 147 cases, all of which were under six years old. Of which, 18 children with severe hand, foot and mouth disease are being treated in the intensive care units of three Children's hospitals and 14 children are in critical condition requiring mechanical ventilation and one case has to undergo dialysis.

In response to the situation, the city’s Health Department has built a plan to ensure the treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease following three scenarios.

Under the first scenario, there are less than 50 new hospital admissions per day, less than 200 inpatients and less than 20 severe cases in hospitals, the total number of hospital beds for hand, foot and mouth treatment is more than 200, with 30 beds for intensive care. Paediatric patients will be given priority to be treated at three children’s hospitals in the city.

Under the second scenario, the number of new hospital admissions per day increases from 50-100 cases, the health system has to serve 200-700 inpatients and 20-70 severe cases. The total number of beds for hand, foot and mouth treatment will be 700, including 80 intensive care beds. In addition to three children’s hospitals, the city’s Hospital for Tropical Diseases will be mobilised for treatment.

Under the third scenario, the city has 100-200 new hand, foot and mouth cases per day and health facilities have to serve 700-1,400 inpatients with about 70-140 severe cases. The total number of sick beds that need to be prepared is 1,400, including 150 intensive-care beds. Severe paediatric patients will be treated at three children’s hospitals and the city’s Hospital for Tropical Diseases. The treatment system will classify paediatric patients for outpatient and inpatient treatment, and specifically assign medical facilities to treat the patients in order to avoid overloading and minimise the number of deaths.

The city’s health department says hand, foot and mouth disease is an infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which can progress rapidly and threaten life, so people, especially families with children under five years old, should strictly implement disease prevention measures such as frequent hand washing with soap under running water for children and caregivers; regularly clean surfaces and tools children come into contact with every day.

When detecting signs of illness, the children should be taken to the nearest medical facility. Parents have to closely monitor children to detect early signs of serious illness such as high fever, constant crying, rapid pulse and weakness in limbs.

Previously, on June 12, the Ministry of Health sent a document asking provinces and cities to strengthen measures against hand-foot-mouth disease. 

Đồng Tháp aims to increase value chain of lotus products

The Mekong Delta province of Đồng Tháp aims to expand lotus farming, increase the value chain of lotus products and promote tourism based on visits to lotus fields.

Đồng Tháp Province's Tháp Mười District strives to have a total lotus growing area of 1,000 ha by 2025 and develop five lotus material areas in Tân Kiều, Mỹ Hòa, Trường Xuân, Hưng Thạnh and Thạnh Lợi communes.

The district aims to form a chain linking production and processing to product consumption in order to improve the value of lotus products, ensure sustainability and improve competitiveness.

Farmers in Đồng Tháp grow six varieties, mostly in the district, where conditions are conducive.

Lotus farming requires low investment and fetches incomes four to six times higher than rice, according to farmers.

Besides fresh flowers, seeds and roots, the province also produces various types of lotus-related products such as essential oil, cosmetics, wine, milk, tea and other beverages and food.

The province, well known as the land of pink lotuses, has developed tourism products such as lotus field tours and foods made from the flower.

Lotus is one of the five key products in the province’s agriculture restructuring plan, as products made from the flower have been exported, providing high incomes for farmers.

The province has 50 lotus products recognised under the national ‘One Commune – One Product’ programme, including lotus flower tea, lotus plumule tea, lotus leaf tea, fresh lotus seeds, and dried lotus seeds.

Tháp Mười District also aims to develop lotus products combined with eco-tourism and lotus cuisine.

The district has established the Tháp Mười eco-tourism area with more than 40ha of lotus, with local households offering homestays and foods made from the flower to tourists.

Its breath-taking natural landscapes and distinctive cultural and historical treasures have proven to be ideal for the Mekong Delta province of Đồng Tháp to develop a host of appealing tourism products, especially those relating to lotus flowers.

The flower’s beauty with its sacred position in Buddhist precepts impresses many who come to visit these wild wetlands of Đồng Tháp, or The Plain of Reeds.

In Đồng Tháp, the lotus not only carries an image of beauty but also of high-value agriculture, making it the perfect symbol of the land and the people.

For many, it has long held a reputation as the “Land of the Lotus”.

Eco-tourism sites around Đồng Tháp often feature the lotus as the centrepiece, encouraging weekend visitors to come out to fields in communes in Tháp Mười District, particularly Mỹ Hòa and Tân Kiều. The community-based tourism model these sites have promoted is now being widely expanded.

Visitors say they find peace and serenity in the fields of pink and white lotus blossoms, with fatigue and stress seeming to float away.

Associate professor Đặng Văn Đông from the Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute said that Đồng Tháp is a locality with favourable conditions for lotus growth.

The province is strengthening research into and cultivation of new lotus varieties, and will establish more lotus area in Tháp Mười for growing new lotus varieties, according to its Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

It will expand the cultivation of specialty varieties meant for producing various products such as flowers, seeds, roots, and others, it said. 

Hà Nội focuses on developing ecological agriculture

In recent years, Hà Nội has been exploring the potential of ecological agriculture, alongside culture and traditional craft villages, in order to develop a fresh agricultural tourism model that offers captivating experiences for visitors.

The capital city has witnessed the establishment and development of numerous ecological agricultural models, resulting in positive outcomes.

Vũ Thị Hương, Director of Hà Nội Agricultural Promotion Centre, said that the development of ecological agriculture was a crucial premise for building liveable rural areas. In addition to improving the livelihoods and quality of life for rural residents, agricultural development in suburban areas also played a vital role as the 'green lungs' for the inner city.

Currently, there are 11 ecological farms operating under the educational and experiential tourism model and four agricultural cooperatives utilising the rural farm model in Sóc Sơn, Ba Vì, Thanh Trì, Gia Lâm and Thường Tín districts.

Located in Thường Tín District, Hồng Vân Commune has developed as an ecological village combined with eco-tourism services. The commune attracts nearly 60,000 visitors each year, generating an estimated income of more than VNĐ6 billion annually.

In 2018, the city’s authority recognised the commune as an ecological craft village tourism destination. This milestone was important for the local government and residents to continue promoting the development of ecological agriculture in conjunction with building a new rural area.

The commune aimed to become a central hub connecting key regions and an attractive tourist destination in the capital city by 2025.

Vĩnh Ngọc Commune in Đông Anh District has been known as a successful model for organic grape cultivation combined with eco-tourism. Leveraging advantages in agriculture, transportation, and tourism, Vĩnh Ngọc Commune has established a professional grape cultivation association consisting of five members covering nearly five hectares of land. Visitors can experience the stages of grape planting, tending, and harvesting.

With two harvests per year, the estimated grape production is expected to reach 50 to 60 tonnes annually, with a selling price of VNĐ200,000 per kilogram, bringing significant income to farmers.

This model has promoted agricultural development, increased farmers' income, and created ecological spaces in urban areas.

Previously, the residents of Phù Đổng Commune in Gia Lâm District mainly engaged in dairy cattle farming, but due to unstable income, they have switched to flower and ornamental plant production.

The commune developed a large area of paperflower (bougainvillea glabra) plants. This transition, combined with income from visitors who came to visit and take photos in the flower gardens, has resulted in an annual income of over VNĐ780 million per hectare per year.

In 2020, the municipal People's Committee recognised the commune as Phù Đổng Paperflower Craft Village.  

Nguyễn Kim Loan, vice chairwoman of the People's Committee of Thạch Thất District said the committee would enhance skills to better serve visitors and establish multiple places to promote locally distinctive products under the "One Commune, One Product" (OCOP) programme and improve the value of ecological agricultural and local craft products.

Tạ Văn Tường, deputy director of the city’s Department of Agriculture and Rural Development stated that Hà Nội is focusing on the pilot development of six ecological agriculture models with a sustainable and responsible approach to green tourism in Thường Tín, Đan Phượng, Thanh Trì, Mỹ Đức, Thạch Thất, and Sơn Tây Town.

Localities needed to establish specialised models for cultivating crops and raising livestock, such as flowers and ornamental plants, fruits and vegetables, food crops, livestock farming, and poultry farming. These models aimed to meet the consumption demands of visitors and attract them to eco-agricultural models, thereby increasing income for farmers, he said.

Dr Đinh Phạm Hiền from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s International Cooperation Department said Hà Nội should identify its distinctive agricultural products to attract visitors.

He suggested the city promote the application of technology in ecological agricultural production to improve product quality. Currently, Hà Nội has 164 high-tech application models, which provide favourable conditions for localities to develop ecological agriculture with high economic efficiency.

Hiền suggested functional departments support farmers in scientific and safe production techniques; provide training sessions to enhance communication skills with visitors for farmers; investing in supporting infrastructure at ecological agricultural sites; and connect with businesses to attract visitors for experiential tours combined with shopping at ecological agricultural sites.

Nguyễn Mạnh Quyền, vice chairman of the Hà Nội’s People's Committee said the city has launched the plan for the development of agricultural tourism and rural areas linked to the construction of new rural areas in Hà Nội in the period of 2021-2025.

The city would take various measures to attract business to invest in this sector and support the training of human resources. This would create conditions for the development of rural tourism in alignment with the progress of enhancing new rural areas, he added. 

Journalists honoured with book fair in HCM City

The first ever fair to showcase journalists’ books and collections of their reportage has opened at the HCM City book street.

Held to honour the contributions of journalists and introduce their works to the public, the event marks the 98th Việt Nam Revolutionary Press Day, June 21.

There are 291 books on display the works of journalists in many topics, such as "Hồ sơ lửa" (The Fire File) by Lại Văn Long, “Chào thế giới bây giờ con đã đến” (Hello to the World, I Am Here Now) by Lê Quốc Minh, "Những ngọn khói về trời" (Souls Return to the Sky) by Bùi Phan Thảo, and “Cà Nóng chu du Trường Sa” (Cà Nóng Travel Trường Sa) by Bùi Tiểu Quyên.

Vice president of Việt Nam Journalists Association, Trần Trong Dũng, said the fair was meant to enrich the city’s cultural space and promote the reading culture.

Several conferences will be held where 11 senior journalists will meet visitors and discuss their experiences.

According to the organisers, all the books on show will be donated to the Việt Nam Press Museum and the journalism faculty, HCM City University of Social Sciences and Humanities.

It is being organised by the Việt Nam Journalists Association, Việt Nam Publishing Association, Department of Information and Communications, and HCM City Journalists Association.

The six-day event will run until June 22.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes