The fireworks teams from France and Italy have been selected to compete in the final night of the  Da Nang International Firework Festival (DIFF) 2023, the organisation board announced on June 25.

According to Vice Chairwoman of the municipal People's Committee Ngo Thi Kim Yen, who is also head of the organisation board, the jury found it difficult to choose the two teams for the final as all the eight teams have shown endless creativity in their eye-catching fireworks performances which left a deep impression on the audience.

The French and Italian teams combined music and fireworks in an artistic and smooth form, and their fireworks displays are very consistent with the rhythm and the emotion of the music, said composer Nguyen Duc Trinh, Chairman of the Vietnam Musicians' Association, a member of the jury.

According to the draw result, the Italian team will perform first, and the French team's display will close the DIFF 2023.

This year, the organisation board of DIFF 2023 has decided to double the prize value. The champion will receive a prize of 20,000 USD, while the runner-up will receive 10,000  USD.

Additionally, two sub-prizes worth 3,000 USD each will be presented to the most creative team and the team that receives the most votes from the audience.

The final night will be broadcast live on VTV1 channel of Vietnam Television at 8:pm on July 8.

One dead, three injured in Phu Yen passenger bus accident

A passenger bus suddenly crashed into a roadside house in the southern province of Phu Yen on Sunday evening, killing the driver and injuring three passengers. 

Phu Yen Police Department said that the accident occurred in Tuy An District at 8.50 pm on June 25 when the bus crashed into the house of Nguyen Thi Phuong's family in Chi Thanh Town.

The crash left the 47-year-old driver stuck in his cabin and badly injured and three passengers suffering from various injuries. They were taken to a local hospital but the driver died on the morning of June 26 due to his injuries.

Police are further investigating the cause of the accident.

Short filmmaking contest offers prizes to five filmmakers

The 2023 CJ Short Film Making Project has announced five filmmakers who will receive funds to make short films.

They are Huỳnh Công Nhớ with a project named Thằng Bé Bán Kem (A Boy Selling Ice-Cream), Anh La with Vùng Trũng (Low-lying Land), Vũ Hoàng Hiệp and Tuấn Lê with Anh Em Kiếp Này (Brothers for Life), Lý Bá Minh with Tàn Ngày Rực Rỡ (The Remains of the Brilliant Day), and Đoàn Sĩ Nguyên with Rừng Dịu Dàng (Gentle Forest).

The projects’ themes are inspired by real stories about life and family, and love of nature and the country.

These five filmmakers beat out nine other finalists at the presentation and Q&A round held on June 14 to receive VNĐ300 million (US$12,790) each from the contest for filmmaking.

After the Q&A round, they attended a training course with filmmakers from the Korean Academy of Film Arts.

They will also be mentored by five judges, including the country’s leading directors Phan Đăng Di, Nguyễn Hoàng Điệp, Trịnh Đình Lê Minh and Trần Thanh Huy, and film producer Trần Thị Bích Ngọc, to ensure that their films meet qualifications for international film festivals.

In addition, the filmmakers will receive support for equipment and post production by HCM City-based film studios HK Film and DZS Media.

The film production will take place from July 1 to November 8, while the premiere is expected to be held in late November.

The organisers, CJ Cultural Foundation and CJ CGV Vietnam, will offer financing to filmmakers to help them register to participate in top international film festivals such as Cannes, Berlin, Venice, and Busan.

The judges said that the five projects would have the opportunity to go further at top film festivals because all the contestants had a clear vision in directing and careful preparation.

The CJ Short Film Making Project, initiated in 2018, aims to bring works by Vietnamese filmmakers to top international film festivals.

Many productions from the contest have been selected to screen and compete at over 50 international film festivals around the world.

This year, the contest has received around 400 entries of contestants from more than 10 provinces and cities across Việt Nam.

Filmmakers from the US, Germany, Singapore, New Zealand and Canada also sent their projects to the contest.

All the entries feature different genres, and various topics and stories covering various aspects of life and humanity. 

Binh Thuan hopes to improve Provincial Competitiveness Index ranking

Bình Thuận Province hopes to improve its business environment and thus economic competitiveness. — VNA/VNS Photo

Bình Thuận Province is seeking to improve its ranking in the Provincial Competitiveness Index this year.

According to the 2022 PCI survey by the Việt Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, it ranked 42nd out of 63 provinces and cities, down 21 places from the previous year and its lowest level ever.

Speaking at a conference on how to improve the PCI ranking and business climate earlier this week, Đoàn Anh Dũng, Chairman of the Bình Thuận People’s Committee, said the province had frankly acknowledged the limitations and weaknesses that led to its slide.

Bình Thuận is among provinces with average economic performance, according to the provincial leader.

So it has to find ways to improve its business environment and enhance its competitiveness, and strive in 2023 and the following years to climb into the top 30 in the PCI and also Provincial Green Index.

He said the business support services, transparency, land access and tenure, and provincial leadership proactivity sub-indexes saw their scores fall, dragging its PCI ranking down.

To improve its ranking again, Bình Thuận planned to create a level playing field for all businesses and have suitable measures to support small and micro businesses, he said.

It would continue to work on administrative reform, especially in areas such as taxes and fees, land administration and social insurance, and make inspections less burdensome for businesses, he said.

Dũng also highlighted the need to improve business consultation and promote the role of business associations.

Experts told the meeting that localities should create mechanisms and policies to support small and medium-sized enterprises through funding support, information and training and policy advice.

Small businesses create jobs and ensure social security along with providing logistics and products for large businesses, they pointed out.

Dũng said the province was determined to promote the use of IT to reduce the unofficial costs incurred by businesses.

It would set up hotlines for feedback from the public and businesses, and provincial and local leaders needed to hold dialogues with business communities to quickly solve problems, he said.

His administration would step up oversight of public officials, and those found causing trouble for businesses or violating regulations would be severely punished, he added. 

Photo exhibition spotlights Vietnamese, Lao world heritages

A photo exhibition on world heritages of Vietnam and Laos, the first of its kind in Laos, took place in Vientiane on June 23.

Jointly organised by the Vietnamese Department of Fine Arts, Photography, and Exhibition and Vietnam Cultural Centre in Laos, the event introduced 180 photos, including 160 capturing 26 heritages of Vietnam such as Hoi An ancient town, My Son sanctuary, Thang Long imperial citadel, Ha Long Bay, Hue court music, and four heritages of Laos including the ancient capital of Luang Prabang, Wat Phou world heritage site, Plain of Jars, and Khaen music.

Photos on display were taken by various Vietnamese and Lao photographers, authentically capturing the current beauty, value, and vitality of the heritages. They embodied stories of the countries’ history, culture, ideas, knowledge, customs, beliefs, and aesthetics.

The exhibition remains open to the public in the capital until the end of July before moving to other Lao localities.

247th anniversary of US Independence Day marked in HCM City

The US Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City hosted a ceremony on June 23 to celebrate the 247th anniversary of the US Independence Day (July 4, 1776-2023).

Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Duong Anh Duc said promoting similarities and looking towards the future is a prominent feature in Vietnam-US relations, including ties between Ho Chi Minh City and the US, especially amid the global economic downturn and the increasing impact of climate change on people's health and lives.

Therefore, Ho Chi Minh City welcomes and wishes to work closely with US partners in various areas, with a focus on economy, renewable and eco-friendly energy, sustainable development, innovation and digital transformation, thereby further deepening bilateral comprehensive partnership, he said, adding that the city pledges to create favourable conditions for foreign businesses, including those from the US.

US Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Susan Burns said Vietnam and the US are effectively collaborating on climate change mitigation by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the use of energy and cooperation in health care, education and security.

She stressed that diversity, inclusiveness, accessibility, and most importantly, fairness will continue to be priorities in the internal and external policies of the US.

Wushu Vietnam gears up for ASIAD

The Vietnamese wushu team is gearing up for the Asian Games (ASIAD) 19 in China this September.

The team earned six gold medals at the SEA Games 32 held in Cambodia. This will be a driving force for the team when they travel to China.

“We will try our best at the ASIAD to earn medals for the country,” head coach Nguyen Van Chuong said.

However, the Vietnamese wushu team has not set a specific goal on which medals they will win as according to coach Chuong, wushu is a martial art originating from China, so the host athletes are expected to have outstanding achievements. Besides China, teams from China’s Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei and the Republic of Korea are also very strong in this martial art.

Chuong added: “At the ASIAD 19, Vietnam will send 13 athletes to compete. They all have chances to compete for medals. In wushu , it depends a lot on psychology, technique and tactics, so Vietnamese will make every effort to gain the best results.”

Currently, the Vietnamese wushu team is training in China. In August, the whole team will have intensive training sessions ahead of the ASIAD.

The golden hope for is Duong Thuy Vi, who won gold at the ASIAD 17 in 2014.

Vu Van Trung, head of the wushu section of the National Sports Administration said: “The hope on Vi is completely grounded as she took the gold medal at the 32nd SEA Games in May in the jianshu and qiangshu event. This category will also be present in the upcoming ASIAD 19. In addition, we expect that Nong Van Huu, Nguyen Thị Hien and Nguyen Le Chi can also win medals".

Vietnam joins international community addressing food security crisis\

Vietnam recognises the importance of humanitarian assistance and supports the role by relevant United Nations agencies and regional agencies in mobilising and delivering humanitarian assistance in conflicts, disasters, other emergency situations, for saving lives, effective response to food insecurity, emergencies, said a Vietnamese representative at the meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on Humanitarian Affairs Segment 2023.

Addressing the meeting that took place on June 21-23 in Geneva, Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai, head of the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the United Nations (UN), WTO and other international organisations in Geneva, said that Vietnam shares the concerns of and joins with the international community in addressing the risk of a global food security crisis which directly threatens the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world, especially in the least developed countries and those affected by conflicts, disasters, epidemic, climate change, and economic stagnation.

According to Mai, Vietnam has contributed to the COVAX Facility in joining the international community’s efforts in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, Vietnam contributed to the United Nations humanitarian emergency funds to support those people in need.

She said that addressing the global challenge of food insecurity and risk of famine requires multilateral cooperation and international solidarity to find a global and comprehensive solution. 

In the coming time, countries threatened by the food crisis need to be supported, the global supply chain restored and the pressure of increasing prices of agricultural products controlled for post-pandemic recovery. 

In the long term, member states need to work towards the overarching goal of building an inclusive and sustainable food system and invest in climate-resilient agriculture to increase future harvests, in association with addressing the linkage between peace and development, food production, energy, water resources and climate change adaptation. 

Mai said that Vietnam believes that peace and stability are the precondition for humanitarian assistance activities, adding safe and unimpeded access to humanitarian relief for those in need can be only ensured in an environment of peace and stability. 

Meanwhile, humanitarian activities should be based on the principles of neutrality, impartiality, and independence, upholding the United Nations Charter and international humanitarian law. Humanitarian solutions should also be compatible with the specific conditions, circumstances and needs of each country.

Vietnam has always implemented a people-centred policy and focused on achievements in ensuring national food security as well as in contributing to world food security. It is implementing agricultural restructuring, associated with dealing with the relationship between food production, energy, water resources and adaptation to climate change, promoting green transition, circular economy and building new-styled rural areas, post-pandemic recovery, and inclusive development.

Mai also emphasised that Vietnam is ready to join the international community’s efforts to ensuring the world’s food security as well as addressing the urgent challenges of rising food insecurity and the risk of famine. The country is also willing to share with other countries its experiences in guaranteeing national food security. 

This year, ECOSOC’s meeting concentrated on discussions about addressing the unprecedented global challenge of food insecurity and the risk of famine: scaling up prevention, response and resilience.

During the meeting, representatives of countries, international organisations and speakers discussed the humanitarian challenges facing the world, particularly the risk of hunger, global food insecurity, increasing impacts of climate change. The challenges are threatening the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world, especially in underdeveloped countries and countries affected by conflicts, natural disasters, epidemics and climate change, with women and children being the most affected.

Lychee farmers fill up northern Bắc Giang's Lục Ngạn District

The northern province of Bắc Giang is famous for thiều lychees, which grow mainly in Lục Ngạn District. Farmers in the district are very busy these days harvesting the popular fruit.

Hundreds of lorries and motorbikes carry lychees to markets in every corner of the province. The peak harvest season begins in early June and lasts for more than a month. Various travel agencies in and around the province have already planned tours for visitors to pick lychees at farms in the region.

The lychee plantation area totalled 30,000 hectares in the province. Experienced lychee traders say Lục Ngạn lychees were first exported to China in 1997, mostly in dried form which Chinese people add to their tea.

The fruit is also the first Vietnamese agricultural product to be granted a special certificate by Japan, which took negotiations lasting nearly three years. In addition to Japan, thiều lychees have already earned geographical protection in six countries, namely China, Laos, Cambodia, South Korea, Singapore, and Australia. The protection is like a passport to help speed up the customs clearance processes, raise prices, and improve the value of the farm produce.

In 2023, Central Retail Việt Nam will consume about 300 tonnes of lychees from Lục Ngạn District. The total output is estimated at over 180,000 tonnes. 

Việt Nam in Group D of Futsal Asian Cup 2024 qualifiers

Việt Nam is in Group D in the qualifiers for the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Futsal Asian Cup 2024, according to the draw of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC).

Accordingly, Việt Nam will compete against South Korea, Nepal, and the tournament's hosts Mongolia.

Among the three rivals in the group, South Korea are likely to be the biggest challenge for Việt Nam.

However, the Vietnamese team led by coach Giustozzi Diego defeated South Korea 5-1 in the Asian futsal tournament last year. With that in mind, Việt Nam still hopes to lead this group.

Việt Nam is now placed seventh in the Asian men’s futsal rankings. South Korea and Mongolia rank 20th and 31st, respectively.

A total of 31 Asian futsal teams have been divided into eight groups in the 2024 AFC Futsal Asian Cup.

The participating teams will compete in a round-robin format, with the best eight group winners and seven second-placed teams progressing through to the final round, which will also serve as the qualifying round of the 2024 FIFA Futsal World Cup.

The AFC Futsal Asian Cup 2024 is scheduled to be held on October 7 - 11 in Mongolia. 

RoK receives more Vietnamese migrant workers under EPS Program

Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on June 23 in Hanoi regarding sending and receiving Vietnamese migrant workers to work in the RoK under the Employment Permit System (EPS) Program.

Signatories to the MoU were Minister of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung and RoK Minister of Employment and Labour Lee Jung-sik.

The new MoU is similar to previously signed MoUs, with provisions highlighting the responsibility of relevant units of both countries in implementing the EPS Program.

The MoU will be valid for two years from the signing date and will remain in effect during the negotiation of new extension.

Labour co-operation between Vietnam and the RoK officially started in 1993 through a collaboration programme focusing on labour supply. The RoK has become one of the key markets, attracting plenty Vietnamese migrant workers who come to work in the Northeast Asian country.

As of June 1, as many as 48,950 Vietnamese guest workers have been working in the RoK market with an average income ranging between US$1,500 and US$2,000 per month.

Vietnam sent more than 5,423 workers to the RoK in the first half of the year, and it aims to dispatch 10,000 migrant workers to the market under the EPS Program this year.

Currently, there are over 33,500 Vietnamese guest workers working in the RoK under the EPS Program.

Xuan Nghi finishes fourth at Miss Teen International 2023

Vietnamese beauty Bui Vu Xuan Nghi finished fourth at Miss Teen International 2023 during the pageant’s grand finale held in Cambodia on June 22.

The 19-year-old girl left a hugely positive impression on judges and spectators thanks to her beauty and attractive catwalk skills.

The winner of the beauty contest went to the contestant from Venezuela. The first, second, and third runner-up spots were awarded to the representatives from India, Cambodia, and the Dominican Republic, respectively.

Xuan Nghi, a student at Hong Bang International University in Ho Chi Minh City, first rose to mainstream attention after winning the local beauty contest Nét đẹp Thiếu nữ Việt (Vietnamese Women’s Beauty) in December 2022.

She has since performed in many fashion shows nationwide and joined in charity activities across the country.

Last year saw Ngo Ngoc Gia Han, a 16-year-old girl of Ho Chi Minh City, crowned Miss Teen International during the pageant’s grand finale held in India on July 30.

Int’l Day of Yoga marked in Ba Ria - Vung Tau

Nearly 1,000 yogis in the southern province of Ba Ria - Vung Tau gathered at an event on June 25 to celebrate the International Day of Yoga 2023 (June 21).

Speaking at the event, Chairwoman of the Ba Ria- Vung Tau’s Yoga Federation Nguyen Thi Lan said the event is a chance for yogis to meet, exchange experience and share expertise in the practice, spread a positive lifestyle, balance the mind, and relieve stress in life.

For his part, Tushar Garg, Administrative Assistant Section Officer of the Consulate General of India in Ho Chi Minh City, said Yoga brings several benefits to exercisers at every age groups.

Practicing yoga helps improve health and working productivity, and creates positively impacts on social relationships while helping people maintain harmony with the surrounding environment, he added.

The International Day of Yoga was first celebrated in 2015. This year, the day is themed “One world, One health”. Yoga emphasises the values of mindfulness, moderation, discipline and perseverance. Applied to communities and societies, Yoga offers a path for sustainable living.

Yoga is a 5,000-year-old tradition from ancient India that combines physical, mental and spiritual pursuits to a harmony between the body and the mind and with the nature.

In recognition of its health benefits for the world population, the United Nations General Assembly designated 21 June as the International Day of Yoga (IDY), following a call by Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi in September 2014.

Vietnam was a co-sponsor of the UN General Assembly resolution establishing the International Day of Yoga and has been an important partner of India in promote and celebrate the International Day of Yoga. The immense popularity of Yoga in Vietnam demonstrates a sound awareness about benefits of practicing yoga and its role for deep cultural and people-to-people connection between the two countries.

Cao Bang resumes operations of border gate with China

Entry-exit activities have resumed at Ta Lung - Shuikou border gate pair between Vietnam and China since June 25 after more than three years of closure due to impacts of COVID-19 pandemic.

The re-opening of the border gate pair, which connect the northern province of Cao Bang in Vietnam and Guangxi of China, was made following agreement between authorities of the two sides, aiming to facilitate traveling activities of people of Vietnam and China.

Authorities of the two sides have sent staff, vehicles and equipment to ensure security, order and smooth entry-exit activities of people through the gate, while medical quarantine is also  strictly monitored.

Remains of volunteer soldier brought home from Laos

A memorial ceremony and a reburial service were held in the northern province of Yen Bai June 25 for Lo Van Noi, a Vietnamese volunteer soldier who laid down his life in Laos during war time.

Colonel Han Van Hung, head of the search team for war martyrs' remains under the Political Department of Military Region 2 said that as of early May this year, the team found the remains of four soldiers in Luang Prabang province. Among them, Noi is the only soldier to be identified. 

Provincial officials attended the ceremony and offered incense and flowers to express gratitude for the deceased.

Women football: Vietnam present good show at friendly with Germany

Despite a close loss 1-2 to Germany in Offenbach Stadium near Frankfurt on June 24, the Vietnamese women's football team presented a good show at the friendly match.

In the first half, German players dominated the game from the first minute. They continuously put pressure on Vietnamese goalkeeper Kim Thanh. In the third minute, striker Pauling Krumbiegel scored a goal for Germany.

However, from the 15th minute, Vietnam regained part of control and made many good attempts. In the 42nd minute, Duong Thi Van made a beautiful long shot to Germany's goal, but failed to defeat goalkeeper Frohms.

In the second half, Vietnamese players played more steadily and confidently, with outstanding performance from goalkeeper Kim Thanh.

However, Thanh failed to prevent No.29 of Germany from scoring a goal in the 80th minute.

After several unsuccessful attempts, in the 90th minute, Thanh Nha overcame the defence of Germany to shorten the score to 1-2, which was kept until the end of the game.

Coach Mai Duc Chung said that through the game, Vietnamese players learnt a lot from their rival, which helps them to be better prepared for important games ahead.

The match attracted nearly 14,000 audience, including thousands of Vietnamese football fans who dyed the 20,000-seat Offenbach stadium in red, the colour of Vietnam's national flag.

Americans healing the wounds of war honored by Vietnam

Three Americans – a peace activist, a war correspondent, and a politico-military analyst – were presented with Vietnam’s medal of honor for their anti-war advocacy, healing the wounds of war, and fostering friendship between the two countries.

On June 17 in Washington DC, Phan Anh Son, Vice President and General Secretary of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) and Ambassador of Vietnam to the US Nguyen Quoc Dung respectfully conferred the badge of peace and friendship between nations on Ron Carver, Ronald Haeberle, and Daniel Ellsberg. This is VUFO’s highest distinction in recognition of what the three Americans have done to boost mutual understanding between the two peoples.

Since the war ended in 1975, they have carried out multiple humanitarian projects to help Vietnamese people overcome war consequences and have sponsored disaster recovery in Vietnam.

Ron Carver, a peace activist who joined demonstrations demanding an end to the US war in Vietnam, was visibly moved at the commemoration ceremony.

“I’m very moved to receive this award. My time working against the war 50 years ago and my time over the past six years, with eight visits to Vietnam working with the War Remnants Museum and working with Renew to clear the hundreds of thousands of landmines and bombs that still cover the countryside has been very important to my life, as a young man and now as an older man. And so to be here at the Embassy and receive this support is a tremendous honor of my life,” he said. 

Ronald Haeberle, a  war correspondent who took more than 60 photos documenting the bloody massacre at My Lai hamlet, Son My village, Quang Ngai province, on March 16, 1968, was present at the emotional ceremony. His photos helped bring the brutal massacre to light and stoked more vehement anti-war protests.

The mass anti-war movement spreading all over the world encouraged Vietnam’s resistance on the military and diplomatic fronts and resulted in the signing of the 1973 Paris Peace Accords on ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam. It forced the US government to withdraw its troops and enabled Vietnam to reunify the country. The victory owed a lot to the valuable contributions of American friends like Haeberle.

Since peace was restored in Vietnam, Mr. Haeberle has returned to Son My village many times for humanitarian missions, education on mine accident prevention, and support for victims and people with disabilities.

In 2020 he raised more than US$28,000 to help people in Quang Ngai and Quang Tri recover from devastating storms and floods. Mr. Haeberle said he will continue to help Vietnamese in need and he believes strongly in the future of Vietnam-US relations.

“I think the relationship between Vietnam and the US will become stronger and stronger with win-win cooperation and reasonable agreements together. To me that would be fantastic."

Daniel Ellsberg, a political activist who was called an American hero after revealing Pentagon documents concerning the war in Vietnam, could not attend the ceremony because of health reasons. Pictures of Vietnam's grateful gift were delivered to him the day before his death.

PM attends groundbreaking ceremony for vital transport projects

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of Ring Road No.4 in the Hanoi Capital Region and the first phase of Cao Lanh - An Huu Expressway in the Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap, in Hanoi on June 25 morning.

The ceremony was held in a hybrid format connecting Hanoi's outlying districts of Hoai Duc, Thanh Oai, Soc Son, Thuong Tin of Hanoi, the northern provinces of Bac Ninh and Hung Yen, and Dong Thap.

Ring Road No.4 in the Hanoi Capital Region has a total length of over 112km, with around 58.2km in Hanoi, nearly 19.3km in neighbouring Hung Yen and some 35.3km in Bac Ninh.

The route has a total investment of more than 85 trillion VND (over 3.61 billion USD), with more than 28.1 trillion VND of which funded by the State budget.

This is the first national important project implemented under the public-private partnership (PPP) form in accordance with the Investment Law.

Meanwhile, the Cao Lanh - An Huu Expressway, which is built with public investment of nearly 6 trillion VND, has a total length of over 27km running through the Mekong Delta provinces of Dong Thap and Tien Giang.

Speaking at the event, PM Chinh stressed that investment in infrastructure development, including transport infrastructure, is one of the three strategic breakthroughs defined by the Party and State in socio-economic development.

He praised the authorities of Hanoi, Bac Ninh and Hung Yen for their endeavours in completing over 80% of the workload of ground clearance compensation and resettlement work in areas related to the project, and urged them to strive to fulfill the work in the third quarter of this year, in order to ensure the handover of land for construction as schedule.

Investment in transport infrastructure is the top political task of all localities, ministries and sectors for the practical benefit of localities and the country, he stressed.

Tây Nguyên people donate land for bulding rural roads

In order to build a new-style countryside, many people in remote, isolated and ethnic minority communes in the Tây Nguyên (Central Highlands) province of Gia Lai have become aware of the common interest and voluntarily donated their land to build roads, making their villages be more spacious rural areas.

Ksor Jinh, head of Myah Village, Ia Krái Commune of Ia Grai District, said that in the past, the village had only a small path which was very slippery in rainy season causing danger to people.

Now there are concrete roads to the village, Ksor Jinh said.

To build the road, Ksor Jinh donated 100 sq.m of land and mobilised villagers to hand over their land.

“At first, many households did not agree to donate land, but after analysing the common benefit for the community, they happily handed over their land,” said Ksor Jinh.

“There were three poor households who were willing to cut down dozens of coffee trees which were in the harvesting period,” he said.

Thanks to the land donation, three concrete roads with a total investment of VNĐ1.2 billion (US$50,000) were built connecting the difficult-to-reach village of Myah to the commune’s centre, which helps people travel more safely and transportation of agricultural products be more convenient.

Nú Village of Ia Khai Commune invested to build a 800m-long road thanks to donations of cashew gardens by the villagers.

Rơ Châm H'MonH, the village’s head, said that to hand over the land, people had to cut down 300 cashew trees which were bearing fruit.

At first, many people refused to do because these trees were large assets.

To set an example, he voluntarily cut down his 19 cashew trees in advance to donate land to build a road to the village.

However, for the community’s benefit, people were happy to donate their land, he said.

And after being persuaded many times, the villagers understood the interests of community and then agreed to donate land, he said.

Nguyễn Mai Lương, chairwoman of Ia Khai Commune, said that building roads to villages encroached on the cultivated land of the people so the authorities had to mobilise the villagers to donate land.

Up to now, Del Village of Ia Tô Commune has four roads with a total length of 2km thanks to people’s land donations.

According to Puih Glang, the village’s Party secretary, when making ground clearance for building roads, two households of Siu Giới and Puih Blung refused to dismantle 200m of fencing so the construction was stalled for months.

After being persuaded by the commune’s officials and villagers, they agreed to donate land.

Not only have they donated land, people of Del Village also contributed VNĐ400,000 ($15) per household for road construction, he said.

According to Lê Ngọc Quý, chairman of Ia Grai District, since the implementation of the National Target Programme on New Rural Development, the district’s Party Committee and Government have so far determined and mobilised the maximum participation of the whole political system, people, social organisations and business community.

Up to now, the road system in the district has basically met the travel demands that contribute to improving people's lives, he said.

Ia Grai district has developed a project to strengthen leadership and mobilise people to donate land to expand rural roads in the period of 2023 - 2025 with the aim of meeting the criteria of new rural development by 2025.

The district has set a plan to build at least 200km of rural roads to remote communes and villages by 2025.

Since 2020, the district has mobilised locals to donate land for building roads with a total area of more than 20,000 sq.m, of which the people of Ia Yok commune donated 4,000 sq.m and Ia O commune over 7,000 sq.m. 

Kiên Giang Province takes fancy to new-style rural areas

The Mekong Delta province of Kiên Giang plans to add at least three new-style rural communes and 14 advanced new-style rural communes this year.

It plans to invest VNĐ9.2 trillion (US$390 million) raised from various sources for the purpose.

It already has 107 of its 116 communes recognised as new-style under the eponymous national programme.

To new-style status, a commune must meet the programme’s 19 criteria related to infrastructure, irrigation, electricity, environment, income, education, healthcare, social security and culture.

For advanced new-style, they must meet higher standards across all criteria.

The programme has helped improve the appearance of rural areas, value of agricultural production and lives of rural people, according to the province Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Kiên Lương District’s Bình Trị Commune, which used to be economically disadvantaged, was recognised as a new-style rural commune last year.

Roads there are now paved with cement or asphalt, and power and water supply are universally available.

The commune has developed many effective models such as industrial shrimp farming, shrimp-rice farming and breeding of aquatic species in mangrove forests.

This has helped hundreds of households escape poverty, according to the commune People’s Committee.

Châu Thái Bình, deputy secretary of the Bình Trị Commune Party Committee and chairman of its People’s Committee, said: “To meet the criteria of new-style rural areas, the [administration] has organised numerous advocacy activities to enhance the public’s awareness of the purpose and meaning of the programme and encourage them to participate.”

The commune had mobilised resources from various sources to invest in rural infrastructure, he said.

Nguyễn Văn Mách, a local resident, said: “The programme has made Bình Trị Commune more beautiful and cleaner.

“Seeing the change, I feel proud and hope to continue to contribute to the programme.”

To further improve the lives of its people, Bình Trị said it targeted recognition as an advanced new-style rural commune.

To achieve that, the province had built infrastructure including road and irrigation facilities.

Lê Hữu Toàn, deputy director of the agriculture department, said the province had built new-style rural areas together with restructuring agriculture and developing the rural economy, small industry and services, and developed agriculture towards circular economy and eco-farming.

It had developed rural occupations and tourism, improved the efficiency of co-operatives and developed products under the “One Commune-One Product” programme, and these had helped reduce poverty and improve lives in rural areas, he said.

They had also boosted agricultural production significantly, he added.

The province has increased the use of advanced farming techniques, new seed varieties and high-quality farming methods such as Vietnamese and global good agricultural practices.

Kiên Giang, the country’s largest rice producing province, has established large-scale areas for farming rice and shrimp using the intensive method.

It has developed semi-industrial and industrial shrimp breeding areas in the Long Xuyên Quadrangle and shrimp-rice farming areas in the U Minh Thượng region.

Besides shrimp and rice, the province has also developed concentrated farming areas for other agricultural products such as pepper in Gò Quao and Giồng Riềng districts and Hà Tiên and Phú Quốc cities, and pineapple areas in Châu Thành, Gò Quao and Vĩnh Thuận districts.

It has developed efficient concentrated farming areas, mechanized farming and improved processing and preservation of agricultural products through value chains, according to the department.

It plans to invest more in rural infrastructure, expand agricultural distribution and develop craft villages and rural tourism. 

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes