Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh met with a delegation of Chinese friendship scholars who supported Vietnam during the past two resistance wars as well as the current national construction in Beijing on June 28 as part of his official visit to the country.

The delegation was led by Vice President of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) Yuan Mindao.

The Chinese scholars highlighted the mutual support between the two neighbouring countries during difficult periods, saying the friendship, cultivated by Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong, is an invaluable asset shared by the two countries and peoples forever.

The Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership has been developing fruitfully and healthily, they said.  

The CPAFFC and the China-Vietnam Friendship Association have maintained good relations with the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and the Vietnam-China Friendship Association, and organised various cultural exchanges and festivals, contributing to promoting people-to-people exchanges, the scholars continued.

They noted that the CPAFFC has also coordinated with the VUFO in promoting exchanges and cooperation between Vietnamese and Chinese localities.

PM Chinh thanked the Chinese scholars for their sentiments to Vietnam, and affirmed that the great friendship between the two countries was sourced from sentiments between Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong.

He suggested the CPAFFC, the China-Vietnam Friendship Association, the VUFO and the Vietnam-China Friendship Association preserve historical documents and work to enhance the friendship between the two countries.

He urged the Chinese scholars to contribute more to the Vietnam-China relationship with practical actions.

PM meets leader of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh met with Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Wang Huning in Beijing on June 27, as part of the Vietnamese leader’s ongoing official visit to China.

The two sides shared delight at the positive progress in the relations between the two Parties and countries over the years, while discussing and agreeing on measures to strengthen the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and China in all fields, including collaboration between the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) and the CPPCC.

PM Chinh conveyed regards from Vietnamese high-ranking leaders and VFF Central Committee President Do Van Chien to Wang, underlining that Vietnam and China have enjoyed a close neighbourliness, and the two Parties, countries and peoples have given each other priceless support during the past struggle for national independence and current socialism building cause.

Vietnam always attaches great importance to maintaining and developing the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China, taking it as a consistent, strategic and long-term policy as well as the leading priority in the country’s external policy.

PM Chinh suggested that the two sides continue to maintain high-level meetings and exchanges, while expanding cooperation among their  localities, organising friendly meetings, people-to-people exchanges, youth festivals and people’s forums between the two countries, and resuming tourism partnership.

He said that the VFF and the CPPCC should strengthen exchanges of experience to optimise their role in the political life in each country, and consider the organising the second friendship exchange between the two organisations and among localities along the shared border.

For his part, Wang affirmed with the Vietnamese PM that Vietnam and China are each other's important neighbours with wide range of common interests.

China always considers Vietnam as a priority in its external policy on neighbours, and is willing to work with Vietnam to increase the strategic exchanges and promote the relations between the two Parties and countries in a sustainable and long-standing manner, he said.

The official affirmed that the CPPCC supports the increase of people-to-people exchange activities, thus deepening the friendship between the two peoples and expanding economic, trade and investment cooperation and transport infrastructure connectivity, enhancing the frequency and quality of collaboration among their localities.

The CPPCC is willing to foster exchange, cooperation and experience sharing with the VFF to make positive contributions to the growth of the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, Wang stated.

China considers Vietnam a priority partner in foreign policy

China considers Vietnam a priority partner in its overall periphery diplomacy, Chinese President and Party General Secretary Xi Jinping told Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh in Beijing on June 27.

This is China’s strategic choice for the long-term development of the Sino-Vietnamese relations, he said, adding China is willing to promote the relations between the two Parties and States to develop more deeply and substantively.

Chinh, who is in China for an official visit, affirmed that developing a stable, healthy, sustainable and long-term relationship with China is always a strategic choice and a top priority in Vietnam’s foreign policy.

Vietnam supports the ‘one China’ policy, and is willing to discuss China’s global initiatives, he assured his host.

The PM underlined the need to strengthen visit exchanges at all levels, to improve the quality of bilateral cooperation in all fields, especially in economy, trade and investment.

He suggested that China continue to accelerate the opening of its market for Vietnamese agricultural products, support the opening of Vietnamese trade promotion offices in China, and grant additional quotas for Vietnamese goods transiting Chinese railways to a third country.

He also proposed that China examine the possibility of developing a high-speed railway connecting the two countries, and encourage its businesses to expand high-quality investment in Vietnam.

In reply, Xi stressed that China would help developing countries hasten development and realize national industrialization and modernization goals.

China is willing to work closely with Vietnam to maintain strategic exchanges and promote high-level contacts at all levels, while expanding the import of Vietnamese goods and strengthening railway, road and border gate infrastructure connections, as well as other connections on development strategies between the two countries, he said.

The Chinese leader expressed hope that the two sides would enhance communication on the China-Vietnam friendship, and soon organize a youth friendship meeting to increase mutual understanding, especially between the two countries’ young generations.

He welcomed Vietnam’s willingness to join China’s global initiatives for the sake of peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world at large.

The two leaders also exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual concern. They agreed to jointly control and properly handle disagreements, maintain peace and stability at sea, and consolidate a favorable environment for the development of each country.

Prime Minister meets top Chinese legislator in Beijing

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) of China Zhao Leji on June 27 compared notes on measures to enhance and deepen the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in general and the two countries’ legislatures in particular in the time ahead.

At the meeting in Beijing, which took place as part of Chinh’s China trip, the two sides rejoiced at developments of the relations between the two Parties and countries over the past time, including cooperation between the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) and the NPC.

Chinh suggested the two sides step up all-level delegation exchange, strengthen and deepen the substantive, mutually beneficial cooperation across spheres, and intensify the sharing of experience in Party building and national management, as well as people-to-people exchange.

Vietnam and China should closely and effective coordinate at multilateral forums, and satisfactorily handle differences in the spirit of friendship, matching high-level common perceptions and international law, he emphasised.

The PM expressed his hope that the legislatures will create a favourable legal foundation for, and urge ministries, agencies and localities to actively materialise the high-level common perceptions, as well as signed documents and agreements, while boosting collaboration in different fields, helping promote the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

Chinh said the substantive legislative cooperation forms an important part of the relations between the two Parties and countries, and suggested the NA and the NPC maintain the exchange of delegations between its committees and all-level People’s Councils, carry forward the role as a friendship bridge of the two friendship parliamentarians groups, and enhance experience exchange.

He conveyed the invitation of the Vietnamese top legislator to China’s young parliamentarians to attend the ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians to be hosted by the Vietnamese NA in Hanoi from September 14-18.

For his part, Zhao affirmed the geographical proximity between the two countries, and their similarities in development ideals and paths, saying the exchange of experience in Party building and national management and the deepening of the friendly neighbourliness and comprehensive cooperation match aspirations of the two countries’ people.

Agreeing with PM Chinh’s proposals, he stressed that maintaining the Vietnam-China solidarity and friendship is a practical need, enabling the two countries to firmly step towards socialism and prosperity.

China attaches importance to developing the cooperation and friendship with Vietnam, and stands ready to work together with the country in realising the reached agreements and high-level common perceptions, thus advancing the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership to a new height, he noted.

The NPC is also willing to foster and deepen the friendship and practical cooperation with the Vietnamese NA, Zhao affirmed.

President of National Council of Switzerland begins official visit to Vietnam

President of the National Council of Switzerland Martin Candinas arrived in Hanoi on June 27 afternoon,  beginning his four-day official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

The visit demonstrates Switzerland’s appreciation for Vietnam. Switzerland wishes to intensify bilateral cooperation, especially in the economy and trade, as well as works toward the signing of a free trade agreement between Vietnam and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) to which Switzerland is a member.

It is an important parliamentary diplomacy activity that marks the resumption of high-level delegation exchange between the two countries following the COVID-19 pandemic.

It also aims to further promote cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries, making bilateral parliamentary cooperation increasingly effective and substantive.

During the visit, Martin Candinas is scheduled to hold talks with Chairman Hue, pay a courtesy visit to President Vo Van Thuong and meet Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh as well as have a working session with Minister of Industry and Commerce Nguyen Hong Dien.

He will have working sessions with some localities in Vietnam and sidelines activities.

Party official receives Cuban Trade Union leader

Politburo member, Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)'s Central Committee and head of its Organisation Commission Truong Thi Mai hosted a reception in Hanoi on June 27 for a delegation of the Central Union of Cuban Workers (CTC) led by its Secretary General Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, who is also Vice President of the World Federation of Trade Unions.

Mai highlighted the special, exemplary, faithful and pure friendship between the two Parties, States and peoples of Vietnam and Cuba, which was founded by President Ho Chi Minh and Cuban leader Fidel Castro and has been nurtured by generations of leaders of the two sides over the past more than 60 years, becoming a shared treasure of both sides.

She thanked Cuba for providing Vietnam with priceless support during Vietnam’s struggle for independence, and affirmed that Vietnamese people always stand by, accompany and maintain solidarity with, and support the Party, State and people of Cuba.

Mai briefed the guests on the reform and international integration process led by the Communist Party of Vietnam, as well as major socio-economic achievements that Vietnam has gained towards becoming a developed country by 2045.

Expressing delight at the positive results that Cuba has achieved, Mai said she believes that under the leadership of the Cuban Communist Party and with the support from the Cuban people, the country will overcome all difficulties and successfully implement its socio-economic model update scheme and gain greater achievements.

The official lauded the cooperation outcomes between the CTC and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL), suggesting that the two sides continue to effectively implement their signed memorandum of understanding, thus deepening the relations among the two trade union organisations in the new period.

For his part, CTC leader Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento informed the host of the current situation in Cuba and the implementation of the country’s socio-economic model updating scheme.

He underlined that the Party, State and people of Cuba attach great importance to maintaining and reinforcing the special friendship with Vietnam.

The CTC will coordinate closely with the VGCL in realising their agreements, while increasing experience sharing between the two sides, he pledged.

The same day, VGCL President Nguyen Dinh Khang and CTC Secretary General Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento held talks, during which they exchanged experience in trade union affairs as well as measures to support labourers in overcoming difficulties after the COVID-19 pandemic. They pledged to continue to support each other at international forums.

Top legislator receives Central Union of Cuban Workers delegation

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue hosted a reception in Hanoi on June 27 for a delegation of the Central Union of Cuban Workers (CTC) led by its Secretary General Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, who is also Vice President of the World Federation of Trade Unions.

Hue stressed that the Vietnam-Cuba relations have been developing fruitfully, as reflected through high-level visits by leaders of the two countries over the past time.

He shared difficulties and challenges facing the Caribbean nation due to embargo and COVID-19 pandemic consequences, natural disasters and recent fires, and affirmed that Vietnam stands ready to exchange its experience in national construction with Cuba.

Vietnam always encourages its businesses to invest in Cuba, he continued, suggesting Cuba further remove obstacles to investors in the country.

The NA Chairman also reiterated the consistent stance of the Vietnamese Party, State and people on supporting the just revolutionary cause of their Cuban counterparts, and noted his belief that under the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba, Cuban people will overcome difficulties and successfully complete the process of updating the Cuban socio-economic model.

For his part, Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento congratulated Vietnam on its achievements, and expressed his belief that under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Vietnamese people will successfully fulfil targets set at the 13th National Party Congress.

Recalling Hue’s official visit to Cuba last April, he said it has contributed to deepening the bilateral relations, and the business forum held within the trip has helped maintain and strengthen the bilateral economic and trade ties.

The guest informed the host about outcomes of his talks with Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour Nguyen Dinh Khang, during which the two sides shared experienced in trade union affairs.

Cuba is preparing for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Cuban leader Fidel Castro's visit to the liberated zone in South Vietnam in Quang Tri province (September 1973), he said, adding that the CTC will coordinate with Vietnam’s concerned agencies in the celebration.

On this occasion, NA Chairman Hue asked Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento to convey his invitation to President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernández to soon visit Vietnam again.

Earlier the same day, Politburo member and permanent member of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee’s Secretariat and head of the committee’s Organisation Commission Truong Thi Mai received the Cuban delegation.

New heat wave to hit northern, central regions

The northern and central regions will face a new heat wave from June 29, ending days of rainy and cool weather. 

According to the National Centre for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting, the heat wave will start in some areas from June 29 with average temperatures ranging between 35-36 degrees Celsius. From June 30, it will spread to more areas with rising temperatures, reaching 38 degrees Celsius in provinces from Thanh Hoa to Phu Yen.

The heat wave is forecasted to last until July 5.

Meanwhile, the Central Highlands and Southern regions are still having rains and thunderstorms in the afternoons and evenings until the weekend with average rainfall of between 20-40mm.

Heavy rain fears leave Da Lat hotel owners in dire straits

Many tourists have cancelled their room bookings in the Central Highlands resort city of Da Lat due to fears of heavy rains and flooding, leaving hotel owners in a desperate situation. 

"Social media users have constantly shared pictures of Da Lat being heavily flooded, which has encouraged tourists to change their plans and cancel hotel bookings," said Vu Anh Vu, owner of a hotel in Da Lat.

On June 23, many parts of Da Lat were heavily flooded following half an hour of heavy rain, felling trees and paralysing vehicles.

However, the weather in Da Lat has improved, but many social media users have continuously posted photos of flooded streets and heavy downpours on Facebook pages, leaving tourists confused.

At Vu’s hotel, his staff have constantly received calls from customers asking about the weather.

"We have to reassure customers and send them current pictures and videos of Da Lat to make them feel secure," Vu said.

In addition, some Facebook users have compiled images of heavy rains and flooding of Da Lat in the past years and then shared them widely on social media, leaving tourism business owners in dire straits because now is the peak summer travel season.

Da Lat, famous for its year-round cool climate and French colonial heritage, is a popular tourist destination in Vietnam

Over 240 million USD disbursed for 19 northern localities

Over 240 million USD disbursed for 19 northern localities hinh anh 1
Nearly 5.7 trillion VND (242.2 million USD) from the national target programme on socio-economic development in ethnic-inhabited and mountainous areas for the 2021-30 period was disbursed for 19 provinces and cities in the northern region from 2021 to May 31, 2023.

The figure was released at a conference reviewing the three-year implementation of the national target programme and putting forward key tasks for the 2023-2025 period, held in Tuyen Quang province on June 26.

After three years of implementation, the programme has made great contributions to the implementation of socio-economic development plans of localities.

Its resources and policies have been focused on investing in the development of essential infrastructure works, and contributed to raising people's incomes, as well as the conservation and promotion of ethnic cultural identity.

By the end of 2023, important targets of the programme are expected to be reached. Up to 99.2% of the communes will have motorways to commune centres that are paved with asphalt or concrete; the average percentage of villages with concrete road will be 91.7%; the average rate of schools and classrooms being built solidly will reach 90.1%; and that of health stations 92.3%. Up to 98.6% of the households will gain access to electricity from the national grid and other suitable power sources; the average rate of workers in vocational training age will reach 54.7%; the average rate of 5-year-old kindergarten students going to school 92.8%; and the average rate of villages with community houses 92%.
At the conference, delegates pointed to difficulties and limitations in the implementation of the programme, including the slow allocation of capital in localities which affects the implementation and disbursement in 2022, especially for large-scale projects.

A representative of Tuyen Quang province proposed the Government Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs consider not assign detailed capital to each project in order to help localities take the initiative in allocating and adjusting capital sources; but pay attention to allocating resources from international cooperation projects to Tuyen Quang to improve investment efficiency of the national target programme.

Minister-Chairman of the Government Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs Hau A Lenh affirmed that the programme is a major policy which is of particularly great significance for comprehensive socio-economic development, ensuring national defence and security, building the Party and the political system, and consolidating and strengthening the great solidarity bloc, and consolidating and maintaining people's trust in the Party and the State.

Vietnam hands over remains of American servicemen to US

A ceremony to transfer one set of remains believed to be of American servicemen who died during the Vietnam War was held at Da Nang International Airport on June 27.

Representatives of the US Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City, the Vietnam Office for Seeking Missing Persons (VNOSMP) and the US Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) attended the ceremony.

DPAA and Vietnamese recovery teams located the remains during the 151st Joint Field Activity (JFA), which took place in the central provinces of Nghe An and Quang Binh from mid-May to July, 2023.

Prior to the repatriation ceremony, a team of US and Vietnamese forensic scientists examined the remains and recommended that they be transported to DPAA’s laboratory in Hawaii for further testing.

This is the 161st hand-over of American servicemen’s remains since 1988. The operation has identified 733 remains of US soldiers so far.

Over 1 million students register for National High School Graduation Exam

More than 1 million candidates arrived at examination venues nationwide on June 27 to complete procedures for their participation in the 2023 National High School Graduation Exam, which will commence the next day.

They listened to the examination regulations, verified their information, and corrected any mistakes detected.

According to the Ministry of Education and Training, a total of 1,024,063 students registered for the test, an increase of over 20,000 compared to last year.

The number of examination locations across the country amounts to 2,273 with 44,661 test rooms. Approximately 250,000 people have been mobilised to organise the event and ensure its security and safety.

As scheduled, the two-day exam will begin on June 28 with Literature and Mathematics tests, and conclude on June 29 with the tests of social sciences, natural sciences, and foreign languages.

Numerous activities to celebrate 50th anniversary of Vietnam – Malaysia ties

A ceremony to announce activities celebrating the 50th founding anniversary of Vietnam – Malaysia diplomatic ties was jointly held by the Vietnamese Embassy in Malaysia and the Malaysia – Vietnam Friendship Association (MVFA) in Kuala Lumpur on June 26.

The event offered a chance for the two nations to review the development of the bilateral relations and set out plans to promote cooperation in the future.

In his opening remarks, Vietnamese Ambassador to Malaysia Dinh Ngoc Linh highlighted the fruitful development of the Vietnam – Malaysia relationship across fields over the last five decades, especially after the two nations upgraded their ties to a strategic partnership in 2015.

He expressed his belief that the bilateral relations will continue growing stronger as the two sides boast huge potential for cooperation, especially in sustainable development, innovation and technology.

The close and steadfast cooperation will elevate the strategic partnership between the two countries to a new height, the diplomat affirmed.

MVFA President Tran Thi Chang said the association plans to organise a series of cultural and sports activities in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic ties, including a boat race, a football tournament, Vietnam Day, and a trade promotion fair in Malaysia, she said.

According to former Malaysian Ambassador to Vietnam Dato Azmil Zabidi, increasing two-way trade is considered evidence of the flourishing cooperation between the two countries, and also a strength that needs to be further intensified.

In the framework of the event, the MVFA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Biotechnology Information Centre and the Digital Heritage Department of Malaysia.

Vietnam is the 11th trading partner and the 7th biggest export market of Malaysia, with two-way trade hitting about 15 billion USD in 2022. The two countries are expected to lift their trade to 18 billion USD by 2025.

Vietnam, IOM advocate enhanced regional cooperation to improve migrants’ health

Officials of Vietnam and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) have voiced support for stronger cooperation in ASEAN to improve the access of migrants, especially transboundary ones, to healthcare services.

An international conference was held in Hanoi on June 26 by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health and the ASEAN Secretariat with support from the IOM and the World Health Organisation (WHO). It attracted over 160 officials, experts, and scholars from ASEAN member countries who attended both in person and via videoconference.

According to reports delivered at the event, ASEAN has long been a source, a point of transit, or a destination of migrants and their families. It has the third biggest number of international migrants in Asia, after India and China.

Migration has caused complex burdens of health security on the region, including risks of communicable diseases, occupational injuries and accidents, mental health problems, non-communicable diseases, and maternal and child health. Such infectious diseases as HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis (TB) remain challenges to ASEAN members. Some countries still record a high incidence of TB, HIV, and malaria cases. Notably, the Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam are among the 30 countries with the highest rates of TB infections in the world.

ASEAN is currently uneven in terms of health services. Meanwhile, universal health coverage is a target hard to be reached even among citizens in their countries, not to mention migrants.

The IOM’s recent studies pointed out that barriers to transboundary migrants’ access to health services include the language barrier, discrimination, financial limitation, a shortage of transnational health insurance, and the lack of a mechanism for transnational patient transfer. Migrants were even more vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic, when they were unable to fully access necessary health services.

In her remarks, Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Lien Huong stressed the need to share experience, initiatives, and policy models to strengthen cooperation among ASEAN members, as well as between ASEAN and partners to improve migrants’ health.

IOM Chief of Mission in Vietnam Park Mi-hyung applauded the cooperation between the IOM and the Health Ministry.

She noted in a dynamic world with growing travel demand, regional cooperation and partnerships are important to improving migrants’ health, and that healthy migrants will help create healthy communities.

Park also highlighted the progress made by the IOM and ASEAN countries in promoting action plans on migrants’ health in accordance with the Global Compact for Migration.

Migrants’ health is one of the bloc’s priorities under the ASEAN Post-2015 Health Development Agenda, particularly ASEAN Health Cluster 3 on strengthening health systems and access to care.

Vietnam, Russia enhance defence cooperation

Deputy Defence Minister Hoang Xuan Chien has asked the Russian Ambassador to Vietnam to promote defence cooperation between Vietnam and Russia.

At a reception for Ambassador Gennady Stepanovich Bezdetko in Hanoi on June 26, the deputy minister stressed that Vietnam always treasures the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia.

He said along with the good development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, defence cooperation has continued to be rolled out effectively in the fields of delegation exchange, training, scientific research in the framework of the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre, military technology and military history.

Chien proposed that the two sides continue to effectively implement the defence cooperation plan for 2023, especially joint activities of the two defence ministries such as the 6th defence strategic dialogue  at the deputy defence minister level, and the conference of the Coordinating Committee for the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre.

He urged Russia to accelerate assistance for the building of dossiers on the 70-year defence cooperation between Vietnam and the Soviet Union/Russia Federation, and expand collaboration in cyber security and strategic research.

Ambassador Bezdetko affirmed that the Russian defence ministry always wants to strengthen cooperation with the Vietnamese defence ministry under signed documents. He pledged to make the best possible preparations for the joint activities of leaders of the two defence ministries.

Victory over US’s naval blockage 50 years ago spotlighted

The historical meaning of the victory in countering the US’s naval blockade using torpedoes, mines and magnetic bombs in the north 50 years ago (June 27, 1973-2023) and lessons from the victory were spotlighted at a conference held in the northern port city of Hai Phong on June 26.

Participants highlighted the US imperialists’ plot of using mines and magnetic bombs to block the northern rivers and seas in order to suffocate the development of the north, thus limiting and preventing the region’s ability to supply aid to the southern battlefields.

They also underlined the Party and President Ho Chi Minh’s responding policies and measures to foil the US’s scheme.

Along with pointing out the causes and significance of the victory, participants also highlighted experience learnt from the success of Vietnamese military and people, and its application in the building and protection of the national sovereignty over seas and islands in the current period.

Addressing the event, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Bong - Secretary of the Party Committee and Political Commissar of the Vietnam People’s Navy - attributed the victory to the wise and creative leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, as well as the solidarity between the naval force and the people of the north, thus maintaining the operation of the gateway for trading activities and transport routes

After 50 years, the victory has still helped inspire patriotism, national pride and spirit of self-reliance and desire for peace among the community, strengthening people’s trust in the leadership of the Party in the new period, he stated.

Vietnamese, Cambodian naval academies strengthen cooperation

The Vietnam Naval Academy (VNNA) and the Royal Cambodian Navy Academy on June 26 signed a memorandum of understanding on establishing twinning relationship in Nha Trang city, the central province of Khanh Hoa.

This event is a milestone in the cooperation between the armies and navies of the two countries, contributing to fostering the fine traditions between Vietnam and Cambodia.

Addressing the signing ceremony, VNNA Director Rear Admiral Nguyen Van Lam emphasised that after 56 years of diplomatic ties (June 24, 1967 - 2023), the friendship and cooperation between the two Parties, States, peoples and armies have made an important contribution to strengthening the peace, stability, cooperation and development of each country and the region at large.

The Vietnam-Cambodia traditional friendship, cultivated by late President Ho Chi Minh, late King Norodom Sihanouk and senior leaders of the two countries, has moved to a new deeper stage with the motto "good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation and long-term sustainability".

Every year, Vietnam and Cambodia offer each other hundreds of long-term and short-term scholarships for students, postgraduates and officials of ministries, agencies, armies and navies of the two countries. The Vietnam Navy Academy has trained thousands of officers from the Royal Cambodian Navy, he said, noting that these are concrete and meaningful actions demonstrating the friendship between the two armies and the two neighbouring countries.

Lam suggested that in the coming time, the two sides strengthen education to raise awareness of officers, soldiers and people on the special friendship and solidarity between the two nations as well as enhance cooperation in the field of education and training; strengthen the exchange of delegations, expertise and naval scientific studies.

For his part, Vice Admiral Non Sophat, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Royal Cambodian Navy, sincerely thanked the Party, State, People and People's Army of Vietnam for their wholehearted support in the past as well as at present. He proposed that the VNNA will strengthen collaboration and support in all aspects to help build a stronger Royal Cambodian Navy Academy in the future.

Golf tournament in Belgium raises funds for AO victims in Hoi An

The annual golf tournament Vietnam Ambassador's Cup 2023 was held at Hulencourt golf course in Genappe town of Belgium on June 25 to raise funds for Agent Orange (AO) victims in Hoi An city in the central province of Quang Nam.

Co-organised by the Vietnamese Embassy in Belgium and Chris Geykens, a representative of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA Hoi An) in Belgium, this year's event also aimed to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Belgium diplomatic ties and the 10th anniversary of the tournament.

This year's event raised a total of 12,240 EUR which will be donated to the VAVA chapter in Hoi An to assist the families of AO victims in developing their household economy, such as poultry and fish farming, mushroom and vegetable cultivation, and tourism business.

Held for the first time in 2013, the event has so far raised more than 1.2 billion VND (52,100 USD) in support of AO victims in Hoi An.

HCM City, French region to team up in economy, heritage conservation, ecological transition

Ho Chi Minh City and the Ile-de-France region have agreed to work together in studying and building specific cooperation programmes in economic development, heritage conservation, and ecological transition.

The agreement was reached at a June 26 meeting in Paris between the region's Regional Council and a HCM City delegation headed by Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen.

At the event, Nen informed his hosts on the development of his metropolis, which is earmarked to become the nucleus of the southern Vietnamese key economic region.

France has so far invested in approximately 300 projects worth over 310 million EUR in HCM City, he noted, pledging further favourable conditions for French investors.

HCM City wants to learn from France’s experiences for growth in innovation, digital economy, and green economy, the city leader said, highlighting the southern economic hub’s plans to gradually convert vehicles to electric ones, increase the use of rooftop solar power, and accelerate the implementation of a wind power project in Can Gio.

The city houses many architectures built from the French colonial period and ancient villas, which are the subjects of its conservation efforts to preserve the local cultural values and draw tourists, Nen said.

The French side emphasised its support for these plans, affirming that it will consider teaming up with the city's agencies to set up groups of technical experts to evaluate specific needs and capabilities of both parties.

In September, the Paris-Ile-de-France institute for planning will send a working delegation to the city.

Visiting France from June 25-28, the HCM City delegation also had a working session with Bertrand Anbroise, Director in charge of international business at Semmaris Group, which manages the Rungis international market on the outskirts of Paris. Rungis is the world's largest wholesale market for fresh produce, with an annual turnover of over 10 billion EUR.

The city has plans to restructure its three wholesale markets - Binh Dien, Thu Duc, and Hoc Mon, and it intends to consider the model of Rungis for the second phase of the renovation of Binh Dien market.

Film screenings offer glimpse into Vietnamese cinema in Sri Lanka

Several Vietnamese movies were introduced to international friends at a film show organised by the Vietnamese Embassy in Sri Lanka at the National Film Corporation (NFC) Cinema Hall in Colombo capital from June 23 to 25.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Vietnamese Ambassador Ho Thi Thanh Truc said that the show aims to promote cultural and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.

Furthermore, it also helps to introduce Vietnamese landscapes and the daily lives of local people to Sri Lankan citizens, as well as friends from across the world, she noted.

This is the fourth time that the Vietnamese Embassy in Sri Lanka has organised the film show in Colombo.

Running with a different theme for each organisation, the event has left a deeply positive impression on Sri Lankan people, helping them to gain greater understanding about Vietnamese history.

K.P. Jayantha, director of the Mass Media Ministry, shared that the two countries boasted many similarities in terms of geography and culture, making it easy for both sides to understand each other.

This year Vietnamese films on show convey messages of family affection, homeland love, and student love, drawing plenty of attention from Sri Lankan audiences, he stressed.

The three-day event opened with a showing of the film Hạnh Phúc Của Mẹ (The Happiness of a Mother) that tells a moving story of a mother suffering from terminal cancer who tries her best to help her little son diagnosed with autism.

Mắt Biếc (Dreamy Eyes) was also screened, with the film produced by Vietnamese-American director Victor Vu and awarded the Golden Lotus, often dubbed the Vietnamese Oscars, for best picture at the 22nd Vietnam Film Festival in 2021.

Another movie selected for the screenings was Thạch Thảo (Forget Me Not) which tells a beautiful love story of two high school students.

Vietnam dominates ASEAN+ Age-Groups Standard Chess Champs 2023

Talented Vietnamese chess players successfully brought home a total of 178 medals at the ASEAN+ Age-Groups Standard Chess Championships 2023, which was held in Thailand from June 17 to 26.

After winning the majority of individual and team titles in the standard chess, Vietnamese players continued to shine in both the rapid and blitz chess.

According to experts, Vietnam’s triumph came beyond expectations at the tournament, as the team won 41 out of 42 championship titles in team events across all age groups.

With these outstanding results, the country topped the medal tally with 92 golds, 37 silvers, and 49 bronzes. It was followed by the Philippines with 15 golds, 38 silvers, and eight bronzes, and India with three golds, three silvers, and three bronzes.

HCM City's children hospital resumes liver transplantation following 8-month hiatus

The Children's Hospital 2 in HCM City resumed liver transplants on Monday after an 8-month hiatus.

The suspension of transplants was caused by difficulties in obtaining the necessary certifications for adult organ transplantation, limited operating rooms, a shortage of staff, and a shortage of organ donors for transplantation, according to the hospital.

This led to many families with children suffering from end-stage liver disease having to seek treatment in Hà Nội, resulting in longer travel distances and higher costs.

The hospital will perform liver transplant surgeries for two boys on the waiting list this week, Dân Trí (Intellectual) online newspaper reported.

The first case is an 11-year-old boy named L.G.B. from Bình Định Province. He was born with biliary atresia and underwent an intestinal bypass surgery when he was just one month old. After more than 10 years of doctors' best attempts to help him, he has developed severe liver cirrhosis. A liver transplant is his last hope and his mother has decided to donate a portion of her liver to save him.

The liver transplant surgery for B. was scheduled for Monday morning, with help from medical teams of two hospitals in HCM City. The surgeon from Children's Hospital 2 is responsible for the liver transplant, while the HCM City Medicine and Pharmacy University will assist in obtaining the donated liver.

Three days later, Children's Hospital 2 will proceed with another liver transplant surgery for a second child. This case also involves a child with biliary atresia receiving a liver donation from the biological mother.

Dr. Phạm Ngọc Thạch, deputy director of the hospital, said that despite the limited physical facilities, the current operating room is still capable of performing organ transplants.

The hospital mainly encounters difficulties when operating rooms need to accommodate complex undertakings like open-heart surgeries and neurosurgery.

Children's Hospital 2 has sent a request letter to the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital for assistance in obtaining organs from adult donors for surgeries.

Regarding the fact that patients from this hospital have travelled to Hà Nội in search of liver transplant opportunities, Dr. Thạch said that Children's Hospital 2 maintains contact and will exchange information with the Vietnam National Children's Hospital to monitor the lab results and health status of the children.

Children's Hospital 2 will publicly announce the resumption of liver transplants to allow parents to bring their children back for treatment if needed. The hospital will also have policies in place to support the expenses of families facing financial difficulties.

Hand-foot-mouth disease on the rise in the south, 7 dead so far

Cities and provinces in the south are seeing a spike in the incidence of hand-foot-mouth disease among children, and in the number of patients in serious condition, and there have been at least seven deaths due to the disease.

The southern region’s 20 cities and provinces have so far this year recorded around 11,000 cases, mostly caused by the Enterovirus 71 (EV71) virus, which can lead to severe complications and death, according to the Pasteur Institute in HCM City.

There have been seven deaths this year.

EV71 also caused HFMD outbreaks in 2011 and 2018.

HCM City and Bình Dương, Đồng Nai, An Giang, and Kiên Giang provinces have seen a spike in infections and severe cases in the past few weeks.

Although the number of infections in HCM City has been down 53 per cent from the same period last year, the number of severe cases increased, according to its Department of Health.

More than 3,430 cases have been recorded in the city, with 184 currently being treated at hospitals, all of them under six years old.

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in Đồng Tháp Province reported a total of 902 cases so far this year, including one death.

In An Giang Province, the number of HFMD cases rose sharply this month to an average of 90 a week.

It has recorded 600 HFMD cases and also one death.

Paediatrics hospitals in the south are facing a lack of drugs for treating severe HFMD cases like gamma globulin and phenobarbital.

Trần Quang Hiền, director of the An Giang Department of Health, said the drugs were expected to be available again from early next month.

HCM City expands public parks

HCM City has increased the area devoted to public parks by 21.74 hectares since 2021, surpassing the set target.

The municipal people’s committee announced a report to review the local public park and green space development over the past two years.  

Since 2021, 9.3 hectares of public green space have been added and 15,985 trees have been maintained this year despite difficulties in public investment disbursement. The figures show a rise of 232 percent and 133 percent respectively against the target.

HCM City has prioritised investment in 75 public park projects by 2025, however, a lack of investment among other issues has affected the implementation.

Under the city’s plan on increasing public parks and the green coverage between 2021 and 2030, the city adds at least 150ha of public parks and 10ha of public green spaces by 2025. By 2030, there will be one square metre of park per capita and 3-4 sq.m of overall green space per capita.

According to the city's Department of Construction, the city is home to 369 public parks and parks of residential areas with a total of 500 hectares. The current ratio of park areas and the city’s population is very low at only 0.55 square metre per capita.

Southernmost province to develop ecotourism project in U Minh Ha National Park

The People’s Committee of the Mekong Delta province of Ca Mau on June 26 approved a project of ecotourism, recreation, and leisure in U Minh Ha National Park from now until 2030.

The project aims to develop recreation, leisure, and ecotourism in the national park associated with the preservation and development of the local Cajuput forest ecosystem and biodiversity of the land as well as the protection of natural landscapes and environment, ensuring the harmony between tourism exploitation and natural resource valuation.

U Minh Ha National Park will implement the project at the two functional areas covering an area of 1,318 hectares in Vo Doi Village, in Tran Van Thoi District’s Tran Hoi Commune, connecting with tourist attractions in the provinces, such as Hon Da Bac Tourist Area, Trem River Ecotourism Area, households participating in the community tourism model, and others in the neighboring provinces in the region.

Central Highlands region at risk of landslides in rainy season

With hillslope geomorphology, the Central Highlands region is at risk of landslides, especially in residential areas, and unfinished construction works in the rainy and stormy season.

These days, heavy downpours punctuated the day in many places in Gia Lai, Kon Tum provinces. The water in the rivers also rose rapidly and swept away all obstacles. Several riverbank erosions were seen along the Ba River in Gia Lai Province and Dak Snghé River through Kon Ray District, Po Co River through Dak Glei District and Ngoc Hoi District, Dak Bla River through Kon Tum City in Kon Tum Province, causing productive land losses in the river.

Even in Kon Tum City, landslides caused by rain in Hai Ba Trung Street in Quang Trung Ward lead to the risk of road breakage. In Tu Mo Rong District, landslides damaged property and land on a number of road sections in the road 672 through Mang Ri Commune and Ngoc Hoang - Mang But - Tu Mo Rong - Ngoc Linh streets through Van Xuoi Commune. These landslides, along with subsidence, resulted in road breakage.

According to a leader of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tu Mo Rong District, responsible agencies have repaired the landslide point at the road 672. The Ngoc Hoang - Mang But - Tu Mo Rong - Ngoc Linh streets were damaged so seriously the locality reported to the Kon Tum Department of Transport for repairing further. In the immediate future, the local administration has installed warning signs for the safety of people.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Tho - Head of the Kon Tum Department of Transport’s Traffic Infrastructure Management Department - said that there were 10 national highways, provincial roads and other roads managed by the unit that was affected by heavy rain and they were flooded in recent days, causing damage of billions of Vietnamese dong. The unit has mobilized contractors in charge of maintaining roads for people to travel on the roads safely.
Meanwhile, it seems that every year there are landslides of different sizes and levels in Lam Dong Province’s Da Lat City, partly due to sloping terrain and people leveling the ground to facilitate the construction of houses.

Recently, after heavy rain, residents’ houses at the Ba Thang Tu Street in Ward 3 of Da Lat City were submerged in water due to a clogged drain. Worse, after just over 2 hours, it caused a landslide of about 7m high. The local government then moved property and people out of the danger zone.

Recent heavy rains have played a role in a deadly rock slide. A 40-year-old Nghiem Dinh Quang was buried by a large cascading soil and rock which engulfed the house No. 686.

In the face of unusual weather developments, the Lam Dong Provincial People's Committee directed the organization to inspect and review all works and projects in the process of construction such as traffic, irrigation, construction and areas residential areas living in hilly slope areas with high risk of landslides, low-lying areas to promptly request investors and the construction unit to stop the construction of the work.

The provincial People's Committee has just decided to approve a VND11.5 billion investment project to urgently relocate people out of flash flood areas in Lien Ha Commune. The project will support the emergency relocation of 17 households with 65 members in 4 villages of Sinh Cong, Chien Thang, Lien Ha 1, and Lien Ha 2 in Lien Ha Commune and invest in essential infrastructure in the area.

Ministry requests stricter monitoring of recreational use, production of N20

The Ministry of Health requests stricter monitoring of the production, trade and recreational use of nitrous oxide (N2O; laughing gas).

In its official dispatch to health departments in provinces and cities, the Ministry requested to strictly supervise the manufacturing and recreational uses of N2O.

According to the Ministry’s dispatch, localities were asked to strengthen inspection and supervision of N2O importers as well as establishments selling and extracting N2O gas products to ensure compliance with the law on chemical management as well as food additive management.

Local authorities necessarily implement regulations to prevent overuse of N20, especially at recreational places such as bars, karaoke clubs, cinemas, offices, and schools. In addition, business regulations and conditions on manufacturing and selling N2O need to be reviewed, amended, and supplemented to protect the health of consumers from overusing and abusing N2O.

HCMC applying digital map to maintain security

The scientific project ‘Applying Digital Map at the Command Center of HCMC Public Security Department for Administrating and Assigning Patrol Teams to Ensure Security’ has received much appreciation thanks to its practicality.

Ho Chi Minh City is a mega one with a population of over 10 million, one-tenth of whom come from other regions to work and study, making it a lucrative venue for crimes and a hot spot of severe traffic congestion.

To ensure peaceful life for city dwellers, in 2018, HCMC Public Security Department formed its patrol team named Task Force 363 to frequently monitor public security and order and fight against criminals. Since its beginning, the team has greatly contributed to maintaining security in the city. However, due to limited application of technologies, information exchange and update among team members was not as effective as expected.

In 2022, the Party’s Committee and the Board of Directors of the Department proposed research activities to implement IT and digital transformation in the task force’s daily operation to actively detect and stop criminals in the city. The mission fell upon the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union of the Department.

After much study, a digital map was established, consisting of a surveillance camera system, a data transmission line, an online video conferencing system connecting the HCMC Department of Public Security with Thu Duc City and all districts, a system of radio switchboards and wired phones, a system of necessary databases, and technical facilities for IT covering the whole city. The map has been installed and piloted in 10 teams of Task Force 363 – HCMC level and 57 teams of Task Force 363 – district level.

The introduction of this digital map has immensely changed the operation, administration, and coordination styles of the Task Force. An order is timely delivered from the Command Center, along with suitable coordination of teams in Task Force 363 to increase patrols on troublesome roads or areas as to public security.

Data sent back to the Command Center help the officers here better understand the situation and assign more staff if necessary. Thanks to that method, all 57 teams of Task Force 363 have been able to improve their performance and are always ready to aid localities when needed and vice versa.

The map has been used in the whole Task Force since the beginning of this year, helping them to timely stop over 15,000 potential criminals and perform regular patrols and armed control in complicated areas. The teams of Task Force 363 have detected and handled nearly 1,600 law offenders as to public security.

Statistics from HCMC Public Security Department reveal that in the first 5 months this year, the number of crimes regarding public security dropped by 3.28 percent compared to this time last year. In particular, street crime rates fell by 9.28 percent while the detection rate of drug-related criminals was 25.44 percent. The quantity of traffic accidents decreased according to all three criteria. 570 violation cases of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) were identified, contributing to reducing traffic accidents caused by drunkenness.

Russian man arrested, prosecuted for operating six usurious lending websites

Ho Chi Minh City Police temporarily detained Maksim Zubkov, the manager of six companies involved in usurious lending practices, on the evening of June 26.

After conducting an extensive investigation into six companies involved in usurious lending practices, charging an interest rate of 2,555 percent per year, the Ho Chi Minh City Police have temporarily detained Maksim Zubkov, the manager of these companies.

On the evening of June 26, the Investigation Police Agency of the HCMC Police served the decision to prosecute and a two-month temporary detention order for Maksim Zubkov, a Russian national born in 1982 and residing in District 7, HCMC, who has been charged with the offense of "Engaging in usurious lending in civil transactions."

On March 3, the Binh Thanh District Police, in collaboration with various departments of the HCMC Police, conducted administrative inspections of Phuc Loc Tho Company Limited, Bao Tin Kim Long Company (licensed for pawnshop services as their primary business activity), Gofigo Company, Infobot Company, Solution Lab Company, and Infinity Company (licensed for management consulting services, excluding financial, accounting, legal, and auditing advisory and legal services). These companies operate their offices on the 7th, 8th, and 11th floors of the Thuy Loi No.4 Building, located at No.102 Nguyen Xi Street, Ward 26, Binh Thanh District, HCMC.

During the inspection, the police discovered and temporarily confiscated a substantial amount of documents and electronic data relating to the unauthorized provision of consumer credit. It has been determined that these six companies operate with a coordinated organizational structure, wherein employees collaborate to engage in activities involving the illicit provision of consumer credit, disguised as pawnshop operations, conducted through online platforms.

The lending operations were systematically organized, with specific roles assigned to each individual, including directors, department heads, team leaders, and employees of these companies.

During the investigation, the police have commenced legal proceedings against 22 suspects, including directors of Phuc Loc Tho Company Limited, Bao Tin Kim Long Company, Gofigo Company, Infobot Company, Infinity Company, as well as several department heads, team leaders, and employees directly involved in managing and operating the lending activities on websites such as,, and They are being charged with the offense of "Engaging in usurious lending in civil transactions."

Further investigation has revealed that the six companies above are independent legal entities under the law. However, they are all under the management and operation of Maksim Zubkov to lend money through the websites, namely "," "," and ""

Maksim Zubkov was taken to the police headquarters for additional questioning and confessed to the criminal activities.

The case is currently undergoing further investigation.

Nguyen Trai-inspired film to be screened in 30 countries

Director Luong Dinh Dung will release the movie Anh Hung (Hero) about Nguyen Trai (1380-1442) and the unjust case of Le Chi Vien (Lychee Garden), which led to the execution of three generations of Nguyen Trai's family in 1442.

According to Dung, the motion picture production based on Le Ngoc Minh's screenplay will be completed by 2024 and distributed in 30 countries.

Nguyen Trai was born in Thang Long (now Hanoi) into a family of influential dignitaries. Nguyen Trai joined Le Loi's rebellion and successfully drove the Chinese Ming invaders out of Vietnam, ending the second Chinese domination of the country. Le Loi was then crowned King Le Thai To (1385-1433), and Nguyen Trai served as mandarin of the court.

Nguyen Trai had an extremely beautiful and youthful concubine of exceptional intellect, Nguyen Thi Lo, who was believed to have had an affair with the young King Le Thai Tong (1423-1442).

While visiting Nguyen Trai's estate, Lychee Garden, the Emperor suddenly fell ill and died.

The nobles at the court blamed Nguyen Thi Lo for the young emperor's death. They accused her of regicide and had her beheaded along with most of her extended family.

Later, Le Thai Tong's third son, King Le Thanh Tong (1442-1497), officially pardoned Nguyen Trai on the grounds that he was completely innocent of Le Thai Tong's death.

For his contribution to Vietnamese literature and thought, Nguyen Trai is considered one of the 14 typical heroes of the Vietnamese nation, a list that includes luminaries such as Hung King and Tran Hung Dao. Nguyen Trai has been honored by UNESCO as a "World Cultural Celebrity". He is also the author of Binh Ngo Dai Cao (Great Proclamation on the Pacification of the Wu).

The Lychee Garden Case is one of the great cases of improprieties in Vietnamese history. It left a lot of unanswered questions about the death of King Le Thai Tong. It's the heartbreaking case in Vietnamese that has served as the inspiration for many movies, books, and plays.

The context of Luong Dinh Dung's film is set in 1464, when King Le Thanh Tong was 23 years old. He had only one night to mend the wrong done to Nguyen Trai and save his only son, Nguyen Anh Vu. Otherwise, Vu would be beheaded the next day and the Nguyen Trai clan would be extinct.

According to director Le Dinh Dung, the movie has thrilling action scenes and re-enacts the unjust verdict against Nguyen Trai's family.

He added that he would like to make movies about other historical figures such as Ly Thuong Kiet, Hai Ba Trung, among others, so that the younger generation has a correct view and deep knowledge of national history.

This year, Luong Dinh Dung has been appointed to the jury of the 19th Pune International Film Festival (PIFF). He's also a consultant for the Tallinn Black Nights International Film Festival, one of the 15 largest international film festivals in the world.

He has directed many films that have been screened abroad and at international film festivals, such as Father and Son, 578 Magnum.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes