The Ninh Binh Tourism Week 2024 will feature various special activities for visitors coming to the northern province between June 1 - 8.

Under the theme “The Yellow Colour of Tam Coc - Trang An”, the week will be held at the Tam Coc - Bich Dong tourist area in Hoa Lu district.

Outstanding events include a tour to explore Tam Coc paddy field and agricultural rituals on June 1 afternoon, an opening ceremony on June 1 evening with the participation of over 10,000 people, the launch of a walking street, folk art performances, displays of local handicrafts, as well as a photography tour themed "Tam Coc Yellow Season”.

A photo exhibition titled "Tam Coc - Trang An Yellow Season" will be held along with many other cultural programmes such as water puppet shows, cheo (traditional opera), xam (buskers’ singing), and a goat fighting contest.

According to the organising committee, the week is a typical annual tourism product of Ninh Binh. This year, it also marks 10 years since the Trang An landscape complex was recognised by UNESCO as a world cultural and natural heritage site.

The Tam Coc - Trang An Yellow Season is an event held annually since 2018 in early summer, as rice fields ripen along Ngo Dong River.

The Tam Coc paddy field, known as one of the five most beautiful in Vietnam, is entering its most charming time of the year, just in time for the Ninh Binh Tourism Week. The field is attractive in part because it shows the interconnectivity between nature and people./.

Coastal provinces’ efforts in IUU fishing prevention and combat pay off

The south-central province of Binh Thuan has recorded positive results in preventing and fighting illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, Nguyen Van Chien, Vice Director of the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development reported to a working group from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) at a working session on May 29.

Chien said that the province has mobilised the engagement of the whole political system in the work, focusing on urgent solutions following the Prime Minister’s directions.

Thanks to the close supervision of local fishing vessel fleet, especially those with high risks, the province has seen no fishing vessels violating foreign waters since early 2023, Chien said.

The official said that so far, 1,942 operating boats out of 1,953 local fishing vessels with a length from 15m and above have installed Vessel Monitoring System (VMS). The remaining 11 vessels are currently out of service.

The locality has updated the data of 5,935 fishing boats with a length from 6m and above to the national fishing vessel registration system Vnfishbase, while issuing fisheries exploitation licences to 3,290 vessels. The remainders are waiting for new licences as their old licences expired on April 30.

Besides, the province has applied strict punishments on violations of IUU fishing regulations. Last year, the provincial Sub-Department of Fisheries sanctioned 378 cases and collected a total fine of 3.5 billion VND (137,484 USD), while the provincial Border Guard Command sanctioned 197 cases with a fine amount of 650 million VND.

Addressing the working session, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien, deputy head of the National Steering Committee for IUU Fishing Prevention and Control asked Binh Thuan to work harder in the work, especially in dealing with violations.

He explained that from now until September, drastic actions are needed to have the European Commission (EC)'s “yellow card” warning, which has imposed on Vietnamese seafood exports, lifted.

Earlier, the MARD's working group inspected IUU prevention and control at two fishing ports and a number of agencies in Binh Thuan.

Meanwhile, the central province of Nghe An, which has a coastline of more than 80km and nearly 3,400 fishing vessels, has also shown strong performance in IUU fishing prevention and combat.

Currently, 2,450 local fishing vessels with a length of 6m and above have been registered, reaching 97.69% of the total number of vessels subject to registration.

The province has issued a plan to specify targets, tasks and solutions stated in the Government’s Resolution No. 52/NQ-CP on the action programme and plan to realise the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat’s Directive 32-CT/TW on strengthening the Party leadership over IUU prevention and combat and boosting sustainable development of the fishery sector.

Under the plan, the provincial People’s Committee asked local administrations at all levels, agencies, organisations and individuals to join hands in preventing violations of IUU prevention and control regulations from early, while closely managing the local fishing boat fleet and strictly handing violations.

Local authorities were requested to monitor 100% of operating fishing vessels and conduct regular patrols at sea. Organisations and individuals failing to complete their tasks will receive strict punishments, according to the plan./.

Vietnamese student athletes ready for 13th ASEAN Schools Games

A send-off ceremony was held in Da Nang on May 30 for the Vietnamese student athlete delegation competing in the 13th ASEAN Schools Games slated for June 1 – 7 in the central city.

Tran Van Lam, head of the Vietnamese delegation, said the best 137 athletes from national and regional competitions have been chosen. They will face tough competition from regional contenders.

Vietnam’s 189-strong team expect to finish in the top three in the medal tally at the tournament.

The Vietnamese delegation joins over 1,300 athletes and coaches from 10 Southeast Asian nations. The Games will be held under the theme "Connect to Shine Bright," promoting friendship and fair competition.

Athletes will compete in swimming, basketball, badminton, athletics, Pencak Silat, and Vovinam. A total of 107 events will be contested, awarding 107 sets of medals./.

First-ever International Day of Play celebrated in Hanoi

In anticipation of the inaugural International Day of Play on June 11, the UN agencies in Hanoi celebrated the occasion early on May 30, following the March 25 approval of the UN General Assembly’s resolution initiated by Vietnam and co-sponsored by 138 countries.

Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Do Hung Viet emphasised the importance of play, especially to the well-being and development of children. He stressed the need for all children, whether in urban, rural or remote area, to have access to playgrounds, toys, safe spaces, and opportunities for physical activity.

On the occasion, he called on UN agencies and the private sector to collaborate with Vietnam in addressing the shortage of games, recreational activities and resources for children.

UNICEF Acting Chief Representative in Vietnam Leslie Miller thanked the Vietnamese Government for initiating and promoting the resolution on the International Day of Play.

Sharing the same sentiment, Chief Operations Officer of LEGO Group Carsten Rasmussen expressed a desire for continued cooperation with the Vietnamese Government and UNICEF to expand play and learning opportunities for children.

The event also showcased the creativity of Vietnamese children. Over 8,000 artworks were submitted to UNICEF on the theme of dream playgrounds, with 31 chosen for presentation there./.

Deputy PM receives LEGO Chief Operations Officer

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang hosted a reception in Hanoi on May 30 for Chief Operations Officer of the Denmark-based LEGO Group Carsten Rasmussen who is on a working visit to Vietnam.

At the event, Deputy PM Quang affirmed that the Vietnamese Government treasures and pays special attention to the LEGO plant in the southern province of Binh Duong which is built in line with the global development trend and one of important solutions for the country to concretise the net-zero commitment it made at the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26).

LEGO plant will be a standout example for Vietnam’s foreign investment attraction in the coming time since it initiates a green production method that the country and the whole world are heading towards, he said, stressing the plant is a vivid illustration for the commitments of the two countries’ leaders on enhancing bilateral investment and trade ties.

He spoke highly of the efforts made by ministries, sectors and Binh Duong province to remove bottlenecks and push ahead the construction of the plant.

Quang expressed his hope that Danish Ambassador to Vietnam Nicolai Prytz and LEGO leaders will continue working to call for Danish firms to land investment in Vietnam.

Carsten Rasmussen thanked the Vietnamese Government, ministries, sectors and the locality for their support for LEGO to develop its plant which is sixth and first-ever carbon-neutral one in the world.

LEGO is working with Binh Duong province to build a solar energy farm to serve the plant, and it is expected to become operational on the outset of 2025, he said.

Meanwhile, the Danish diplomat stressed that the one-billion-USD LEGO plant is the largest overseas project of Danmark and also a typical model for green and sustainable development.

He said he has been impressed by Vietnam’s strong commitment to the net-zero target by 2050, holding its efforts to realise the goal will help the country hold competitive edge in attracting foreign investments./.

Eight arrested for trafficking drugs from Laos

Border guards of central Quang Nam province and relevant forces have arrested eight people for trafficking 198kg of drugs, including 44 heroin bricks and 181.75kg of other drug types, from Laos to Vietnam.

The arrest took place in the vicinity of the Nam Giang International Border Gate on May 26, the Quang Nam Border Guard said on May 30.

This was the latest in the crackdown on a drug trafficking ring from Laos to Vietnam.

The Border Guard of Quang Nam is coordinating with relevant agencies of the Ministry of Public Security and the Vietnam Border Guard High Command to continue investigating the case./.

Australian veteran shares journey of searching Vietnamese martyrs’ remains in Binh Duong

Vietnamese Ambassador to Australia Pham Hung Tam received John Bryant, an Australian veteran who participated in the May 1968 battle at So Ga, So Hoi and Dong Tram bases, north of Thu Dau Mot town (now in Binh My commune, Bac Tan Uyen district) the southern province of Binh Duong.

Bryant shared his journey with several Australian and US veterans in their efforts to find possible burial places of Vietnamese martyrs who died in this battle.

After more than 15 years, with tireless efforts and support from the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence and Binh Duong province, 20 sets of Vietnamese martyrs' remains were found and buried at the provincial martyrs’ cemetery.

The war veteran said he had been touched when returning and directly participating in the search for and gathering of remains of Vietnamese martyrs in Binh Duong, adding that he was very grateful for the love of the Vietnamese people, especially the love of the martyrs' relatives for Australian veterans.

In the near future, Bryant plans to return to Vietnam to continue contributing to the search for martyrs' remains.

Ambassador Tam showed his thanks for the veteran’s sentiment and efforts in support for the gathering of martyrs’ remains in the southern province.

He proposed Bryant encourage other Australian veterans to join this work to contribute to the two peoples’ friendship./.

Gavi to continue support for expanded immunisation programme in Vietnam

Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thi Lien Huong has had a meeting with Chief Programme Officer at Gavi Aurelia Nguyen to discuss current and future support for Vietnam under the Vaccine Alliance’s strategy for assisting middle-income countries in the 2021 - 2025 and 2026 - 2030 periods.

The meeting took place on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva. It was also attended by Ambassador Mai Phan Dung, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation, and other international organisations in the Swiss city.

Gavi announced that it is ready to continue helping Vietnam deploy the two new vaccines of pneumococcal and HPV vaccines.

Huong highly valued Gavi and Aurelia Nguyen’s contributions to the expanded programme on immunisation (EPI) in Vietnam.

She noted the Ministry of Health will soon complete procedures for receiving Gavi’s rotavirus vaccine support, which will be used together with the locally made Rotavin vaccine to immunise children under one year of age in the fourth quarter of 2024.

The Deputy Minister added that under her instruction, the EPI of Vietnam is working on a dossier proposing Gavi help with deploying the pneumococcal vaccine for children less than one year old, and the cervical cancer vaccine for 11-year-old girls. The proposal will be sent to Gavi this September.

She proposed that Gavi assist Vietnam in deploying new vaccines under the EPI in the next three years.

The official also called on the organisation to continue helping the country improve the vaccination quality and rate amid impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic so as to ensure the sustainability of and maintain vaccination achievements in Vietnam.

Aside from support of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and other countries’ governments, Gavi has provided considerable assistance for the EPI in Vietnam for more than 20 years.

It has helped the country with immunisation safety, the deployment of Hepatitis B vaccine for newborns, measles prevention and control, and especially the deployment of new vaccines for the EPI such as the ones against five dangerous infectious diseases, the injectable polio vaccine, and the rotavirus vaccine, thus significantly helping to change the structure of childhood diseases in Vietnam./.

Conference for career guidance in AI, semiconductors held in HCM City

The Ho Chi Minh City Computer Association and HCM City Artificial Intelligence of Things Club organised a conference for career guidance in artificial intelligence of things on May 30.

It sought to offer career orientation for high school, college and university students to help enhance workforce quality in the fields of AI and semiconductors.

Vu Anh Tuan, general secretary of the association, said Vietnam is focusing on training high-quality manpower for the semiconductor industry.

His association would work with city’s educational facilities to provide career guidance, with this event being the first step.

In the last five years, there has been a greater focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in schools around Vietnam, a large number of STEM clubs have come up and contests have been instituted in these subjects.

This helps foster a passion for technology among students from a young age, he said.

Ngo Quoc Hung, founder of the startup studio Centre of Talent in AI Startup Studio, said his institute offers training in AI programming to students, and highlighted the importance of combining the teaching of technology with lively practical applications in AI to inspire passion and startup ideas and make students want to join big AI companies down the line.

Students who are passionate about technology should start to do small projects that might only require a small investment but lead to big projects in future, he said, pointing out that would be a great learning experience even if the projects fail.

Experts from the Centre for Technology Business Incubation (at the HCM City University of Technology) and chip research and development company Nanochap shared experiences and startup models in the semiconductor industry.

Vietnam is becoming a top destination for companies in the semiconductor industry, who are building new factories or carrying out expansion worth billions of dollars.

It has a favourable location in Southeast Asia, a large supply of necessary rare earth elements for semiconductor chip production and a stable political environment.

Vietnam's semiconductor industry is expected to be worth over 6.16 billion USD by the end of 2024.

Thomas Rooney, senior manager of industrial services at Savills Vietnam, said the Government and businesses need to work together to improve the investment climate, infrastructure and manpower to create suitable conditions for the development of the semiconductor industry.

Vietnam is also focusing on creating optimal conditions for AI research, development and application, and training a highly skilled workforce with the help of leading technology companies./.

Over 10 hectares of crops destroyed by grasshoppers in Lang Son

A plague of grasshoppers has damaged a vast area of forest and plantation in the northern province of Lang Son's Binh Gia District.

A representative at the Binh Gia District People's Committee said they were taking measures to exterminate tens of millions of grasshoppers, devastating forests and crops in the area.

"The grasshoppers have appeared over the past week and quickly developed in number," he said. "The insects had consumed some 10 hectares of bamboo forest and vegetable, rice and corn fields."

The committee warned local people to take measures to prevent the insects from their farms.

"Grasshoppers live around 5-6 months and can fly as far as 40-60 kilometres," the committee said. "They move in large numbers and may cause substantial damage."

Local authorities have asked people to catch the insects using various methods and prepare insecticide to prevent them from spreading to other areas.

Remains of Vietnamese martyrs repatriated from Laos

A ceremony was held on May 30 in the Lao southern province of Attapeu to hand over and repatriate the remains of eight Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who sacrificed their lives in the neighbouring country during the war.

Attending the ceremony were representatives of the Lao government and Champasak, Sekong and Attapeu provinces, and the Steering Committee for Search and Repatriation of Remains of Fallen Soldiers (Steering Committee 515) of Vietnam's Kon Tum province.

Participants at the event offered incense and flowers in tribute to the martyrs who devoted their lives to the noble international spirit.

The remains will be reburied at the martyrs' cemetery in the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum.

Searching and gathering the remains of martyrs is a sacred activity to express gratitude to heroes and martyrs, reflecting the tradition of “when you drink water, remember its source” of the Vietnamese people, contributing to educating the revolutionary and patriotic traditions for people of the two countries./.

Chinese top foreign arrivals in Vietnam in May

China surpassed the Republic of Korea (RoK) to become biggest market for Vietnamese tourism in May, as reported by the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism (VNAT).

More than 357,000 Chinese tourists arrived in Vietnam this month, while the number of Korean arrivals hit 351,000.

According to details given by Agoda, tourists from China choose Vietnam because of its rich culture and beautiful natural landscapes. This year saw destinations such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Nha Trang, Da Nang, and Phu Quoc pearl island enter the top five choices among Chinese tourists.

Vietnam welcomed nearly 1.4 million international arrivals during the reviewed period, down 10% compared to the previous month but up 51% compared to the same period from last year.

Rounding off the top 10 markets are Taiwan (China), Japan, India, the United States, Cambodia, Malaysia, Australia, and Thailand.

In the first five months of the year, the number of foreign tourists reached about 7.6 million, an annual increase of 64.9%. Among them, over 6.3 million travelled to Vietnam by air.

Vietnam tennis team to compete at Davis Cup's World Group III

The Vietnamese tennis team is set to depart for Jordan to compete at the 2024 Davis Cup Group III events in Asia/Oceania, the Vietnam Tennis Federation (VTF) announced on May 29.

According to the schedule, the tournament will take place in the Jordanian capital of Amman from June 10 to June 15.

The local team will include coach Truong Quoc Bao and several outstanding players such as Nguyen Van Phuong, Vu Ha Minh Duc, Pham La Hoang Anh, Truong Vinh Hien, and Dinh Viet Tuan Minh.

They will together to take part in training at National Defense Sports Center 2 (Military Region 7) before leaving for the World Group III tournament.

In February, the country failed to reach the Davis Cup's World Group II after losing 3-2 to South Africa in the playoffs in the northern province of Bac Ninh.

This comes after Vietnam lost their home advantage in the Davis Cup 2021 group stage as COVID-19 raged across the country. Vietnam had been chosen to host group three in the Asia-Oceania zone of the Davis Cup, with the venue supposed to be Hai Dang Tennis Club in the southern province of Tay Ninh. However, due to the ongoing COVID-19 wave in the nation, the ITF instead appointed Jordan as host.

Vietnam last hosted the Asia/Oceania Group III in 2018, finishing top that year.

HCMC to close downtown roads for river festival

HCMC will ban vehicles from many roads in the city center on the evening of May 31 to facilitate a public viewing of a fireworks display during the opening ceremony of the second river festival.

According to the Department of Transport, the restricted hours for vehicles apply from 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on specific sections of nearly 20 roads, including Le Loi, Nguyen Hue, Dong Khoi, Ton Duc Thang and Vo Van Kiet.

Vehicles are also restricted from traveling on sections of other roads such as Ngo Van Nam, Nguyen Tat Thanh, Ham Nghi, Hai Trieu, Huynh Thuc Khang, Ton That Thiep, Nguyen Thiep, Ngo Duc Ke, and Mac Thi Buoi.

Ba Son and Khanh Hoi bridges, along with the surrounding areas of Me Linh Square, will be closed for the festival.

Residents are advised to use alternative routes during the restricted times.

Specifically, vehicles traveling from Binh Thanh District to District 4 can take the route: Nguyen Huu Canh – Ton Duc Thang – Chu Manh Trinh – Le Thanh Ton – Pham Hong Thai – Nguyen Thi Nghia – Nguyen Thai Hoc – Ong Lanh Bridge – Hoang Dieu – Nguyen Tat Thanh.

In the reverse direction, road users are advised to opt for the route: Nguyen Tat Thanh – Hoang Dieu – Ong Lanh Bridge – Nguyen Thai Hoc – Nguyen Thi Nghia – Cach Mang Thang Tam – Nguyen Thi Minh Khai – Xo Viet Nghe Tinh.

An alternative route for vehicles from Thu Duc City bound for District 5 will be Vo Nguyen Giap – Dien Bien Phu – Dinh Tien Hoang – Vo Thi Sau – Ba Thang Hai – Le Hong Phong. Conversely, Le Hong Phong – Dien Bien Phu – Vo Nguyen Giap.

This year, HCMC’s river festival, themed “Legendary Voyage,” will last 10 days from May 31 to June 9, aiming to introduce specific tourist products of the city and the northern region.

Vietnam among 10 qualification hosts for 2025 AFC U20 Asian Cup

The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) has announced a list of 10 countries who will host 10 Groups of the qualifying round for the 2025 AFC U20 Asian Cup, including Vietnam.

The Vietnamese men’s football team will host the qualifiers for the 2025 U20 Asian Cup alongside Cambodia, China, Chinese Taipei, Laos, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Singapore, and Thailand.

The 10 best teams in each group and the five best second-place teams in the qualifying round are set to advance to the 2025 AFC U20 Asian Cup which will be held in China.
The top four teams of the tournament will then qualify for the 2025 FIFA U20 World Cup in Chile as the representatives of the AFC.

The AFC is scheduled to hold a draw for the qualifying round of the U20 Asian tournament on June 13 at its headquarters in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.

The Vietnamese men’s football team have been placed in Pot 1 ahead of the draw together with strong rivals Uzbekistan, Iraq, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Australia, and Iran.

A total of 30 young national team footballers have taken part in a training session in Hanoi. They will fly to China on June 2 as they head to compete in a friendly international tournament where they will face hosts China, the Republic of Korea, and Uzbekistan on June 4, June 8, and June 10, respectively.

The Vietnamese team have taken part in the Asian tournament nine times. Their best result was making the semi-final round of the AFC U20 Asian Cup in 2016, thereby qualifying for the 2017 FIFA U20 World Cup.

Judo fighters to defend regional top place in Indonesia

Việt Nam team will fight for top position at the Southeast Asian Judo Championship in Indonesia.

As many as 75 martial artists including national champions such as Nguyễn Hoàng Thành, Đỗ Thu Hà, Nguyễn Ngọc Diễm Phương and Nguyễn Xuân Phi landed in Bali on Tuesday.

They will compete in the senior and junior (from 15-20 years old) divisions against nearly 200 fighters from nine countries.

While men will combat in eight weight categories ranging from 55kg to over-100kg, the women's will fight in seven, from 44kg to over-78kg.

Athletes will also vie for medals in performance events.

Competitions will begin on May 30 and end on June 6.

Last year, Vietnamese athletes secured 29 golds, 20 silvers and 20 bronzes and took top place in the medal tally.

Mekong Delta Marathon presents new courses, cultural activities for runners

As many as 10,000 runners will flock to Hậu Giang Province to take part in the 2024 International Vietcombank Mekong Delta Marathon on July 6 and 7.

Participants will not only enjoy the impressive route, but will also experience the beautiful scenery and delicious cuisine of the southern provinces during the two-day competition, which will also include plenty of sideline activities.

Local and international athletes will run four different routes of 5km, 10km, 21km and 42km under the theme of 'Shine together', going through Vị Thanh City landmarks like Xáng Xà No Canal, Chiến Thắng Park, Hòa Bình Square and endless fields of pineapples.

"This year, the running courses are designed differently. The non-looped courses, recognised by the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS), are expected to enhance athletes' experience. Athletes may use their results here to register for other major world marathons," said Nguyễn Tử Anh, director of Nexus Sport Events, the tournament organiser.

In addition to big bonuses given to high-ranking runners, the organisers will present a special prize to the female runner with the best result in the full marathon category. She will receive a ticket to take part in one of six World Marathon Majors next year.

Last year, former SEA Games champion Hoàng Nguyên Thanh won the marathon. He chose to run at the Berlin Marathon this September.

“The International Vietcombank Mekong Delta Marathon is both a playground, a motivation and a source of inspiration for all classes of people of all ages from urban to rural areas to participate in running," said Trương Cảnh Tuyên, head of the organising committee and permanent deputy chairman of the Hậu Giang People's Committee.

"This is a very respectable and proud programme that needs to be promoted in the weeks to come."

He added that marathon is not only a sports activity but also a chance for the province to show off its vibrant strength, beauty and prosperity to Vietnamese people and foreign friends alike.

After running, athletes will have chances to participate in other cultural and tourism activities such as a tree planting festival, an exhibition of Hậu Giang's artifacts and photographs showing the area's culture, sports and tourism, along with a book fair and a fair featuring local products and cuisine as well as tours to discover Hậu Giang.

The Mekong Delta Marathon was the first running event organised in the region. The tournament has received strong support from the local authority and amateur and elite runners.

The number of participants has risen from 4,000 at the first-ever marathon in 2019 to more than 9,000 in the fourth one last year, with nearly 10,000 expected next month. 

Conference talks Vietnam’s minimisation of impacts from war-left toxic chemicals

An international conference was held in Hanoi on May 30 to discuss the science and technology for the treatment and mitigation of the impacts of war-left toxic chemicals/dioxin on people and the environment in Vietnam.

In his remarks, Major General Ngo Van Giao, Director of the Department of Military Science under the Ministry of National Defence, stressed that the consequences of lingering toxic chemicals/dioxin left from the war have continued to affect human health and the environment in the country.

Over the years, with the support and attention of the international community, Vietnam has made great efforts in researching, addressing, treating, and minimising such impacts, reaping significant achievements.

However, there remained limitations and challenges in the work, including the slow progress due to insufficient resources in terms of funding, equipment, and technologies, incomplete victim surveys, and a lack of original records for victim identification.

The conference saw domestic and foreign participants sharing experiences regarding the collaboration and support for victims, and the establishment of criteria and requirements in designing dioxin treatment technologies and environmental monitoring solutions. Additionally, various important solutions were proposed to further promote the mitigation of the war aftermath in the time to come./.

Australian veteran shares journey of searching Vietnamese martyrs’ remains in Binh Duong

Vietnamese Ambassador to Australia Pham Hung Tam received John Bryant, an Australian veteran who participated in the May 1968 battle at So Ga, So Hoi and Dong Tram bases, north of Thu Dau Mot town (now in Binh My commune, Bac Tan Uyen district) the southern province of Binh Duong.

Bryant shared his journey with several Australian and US veterans in their efforts to find possible burial places of Vietnamese martyrs who died in this battle.

After more than 15 years, with tireless efforts and support from the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence and Binh Duong province, 20 sets of Vietnamese martyrs' remains were found and buried at the provincial martyrs’ cemetery.

The war veteran said he had been touched when returning and directly participating in the search for and gathering of remains of Vietnamese martyrs in Binh Duong, adding that he was very grateful for the love of the Vietnamese people, especially the love of the martyrs' relatives for Australian veterans.

In the near future, Bryant plans to return to Vietnam to continue contributing to the search for martyrs' remains.

Ambassador Tam showed his thanks for the veteran’s sentiment and efforts in support for the gathering of martyrs’ remains in the southern province.

He proposed Bryant encourage other Australian veterans to join this work to contribute to the two peoples’ friendship./.

Vietnam wishes to strengthen multifaceted ties with Poland: FM

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son received Anna Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef, Undersecretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Hanoi on May 29.

The Polish official is on a visit to Vietnam to convene a political consultation at the deputy ministerial level between the two foreign ministries.

Son affirmed that Vietnam always treasures and wishes to enhance multifaceted cooperation with Poland.

The minister suggested the two countries step up all-level mutual visits to strengthen political trust and mutual understanding, thus creating a foundation for promoting and expanding cooperation in other areas. In particular, they should continue to effectively maintain the political consultation at the level.

Appreciating the Polish Government’s active support for the Vietnamese people there, he called on all-level authorities of the European nation to continue creating favourable conditions for the community to settle down, practically contribute to the local society and economy, and perform their role as a bridge of bilateral friendship and multifaceted cooperation.

On this occasion, the host official also proposed Poland ratify the EU - Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) to facilitate equal and mutually beneficial investment partnerships.

For her part, Radwan-Röhrenschef noted she is impressed with Vietnam’s achievements in socio-economic development and integration into the world.

She shared her host’s opinions and proposals, pledging to promote Polish ministries and sectors’ coordination with Vietnam to further boost the effectiveness of bilateral cooperation in all spheres./.

Da Nang enhances collaboration with France

A delegation of the People’s Committee of Da Nang city led by its Chairman Le Trung Chinh paid a working visit to France from May 27-29.

During his stay, Chinh had a working session with Mayor of Le Havre city Edouard Philippe who visited Vietnam in 2018 in his capacity as French Prime Minister and visited the central city in 2023.

At this meeting, the two sides discussed cooperation potential and priorities between the two cities.

The Da Nang delegation also made field trips to Le Havre Port, and Siemens Gamesa, New Port 2000 and GMP wharves to learn about seaport infrastructure, maritime logistics activities, and potential cooperation with the French city.

In Paris, the delegation had working sessions with the Vietnamese Embassy on the prospect of promoting locality-to-locality cooperation with France, and leaders of Ubisoft Entertainment SA - a French video game publisher headquartered in Saint-Mandé with development studios across the world - on its current investment projects in Da Nang.

At the meeting, Ubisoft proposed Da Nang support it to rent office at the city's Software Technology Park II.

Ubisoft has invested in Da Nang since February 2020 and is focusing on developing mobile games./.

Lawmakers discuss NA supervision programme for 2025

General Secretary of the Nation Assembly (NA) and Chairman of its Office Bui Van Cuong on May 30 presented a report summarising the anticipated supervision programme for 2025, as part of the NA’s ongoing 7th session.

According to the report, the legislature and its Standing Committee have issued resolutions on the supervision programme for 2023 and 2024 to ensure feasibility and meet practical requirements.

Notably, in 2023, for the first time the NA conducted simultaneous supervision of three national target programmes during their implementation phase to expedite the completion of the set objectives. In 2024, the NA conducted specialised supervision on the implementation of policies and laws regarding real estate market management and social housing development, immediately after the revised real estate business law and the revised housing law were passed.

Cuong said that in 2025, in accordance with the provisions of the law on supervisory activities of the NA and the People's Councils, the body will review the implementation of NA resolutions on question-and-answer activities and specialised supervisions throughout the entire five-year term.

Accordingly, the Standing Committee has selected two topics for the NA to consider and choose one for supreme supervision. The first option involves the implementation of policies and laws on environmental protection since the enforcement of the Environmental Protection Law in 2020, while the second considers that on the development and utilisation of human resources, particularly high-quality ones, to meet the requirements of socio-economic development.

Many of the participating deputies lauded good outcomes achieved through the supervision activities so far, especially concerning the practice of thrift and anti-waste measures, the mobilisation, management, and utilisation of resources for COVID-19 prevention and control, and the realisation of national target programmes./.

Party delegation attends Int’l Conference of Asian Political Parties’ meetings

A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) led by deputy head of its Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Ngo Le Van attended the 41st meeting of the Standing Committee and the 2nd meeting of the Business Council (IBC-2) of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) held in Bangkok from May 27-30.

The committee focused on major directions and measures to promote the role of political parties and governments in solving conflicts by peaceful means, and respecting international law; and promote ICAPP's international influence in regional and international political life.

It agreed to approve a plan to expand cooperation between ICAPP and regional and international organisations in the coming time, including a plan to sign a cooperation agreement with the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) and the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), the renewal of the cooperation agreement with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), and the presence of ICAPP in UN mechanisms.

Meanwhile, under the theme of “Tourism Promotion and Food Security”, the IBC-2 attracted the participation of nearly 100 delegates from 22 political parties, international organisations, and Asian businesses who focused on exchanging views on how to promote food security and the role of tourism in the process of governments giving top priority to restoring growth and sustainable development.

The meeting approved the Bangkok declaration on food and tourism, affirming the indispensable role of parties in forming cooperation and policy consultation mechanisms between political parties, especially ruling parties that are ICAPP members, thereby promoting cooperation between governments, and contributing to strengthening the basic foundation towards a future of sustainable and comprehensive development.

Promoting its role as a member of the ICAPP Standing Committee for many past terms, the CPV has participated in and made positive contributions to the implementation of the organisation's goals. On the sidelines of the meetings, the CPV delegation has had bilateral meetings and contacts with representatives of participating parties to exchange measures to promote relations with these parties and countries; and actively contributed to the process of orienting important focuses of ICAPP in the coming time.

Established in September 2000, ICAPP is the largest party channel dialogue forum of more than 350 political parties in Asia./.

Deputy PM hosts Lao Finance Minister

The Vietnamese Government will continue to support and facilitate cooperation between the finance ministries of Vietnam and Laos, Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai affirmed in Hanoi on May 30.

At a reception for visiting Lao Minister of Finance Santiphab Phomevihane, he said the Vietnamese Party, State, and people always give top priority to consolidating and enhancing the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

Over the past time, the two sides have closely coordinated in implementing high-level agreements, and the outcomes of the 46th meeting of the Vietnam-Laos Intergovernmental Committee, co-chaired by the two Prime Ministers in Hanoi on January 7, along with meetings between other high-ranking leaders, he said.

For the collaboration between the two ministries, Khai said it has helped both fulfill their finance-budget tasks, and expressed his hope that they will continue working together to materialise agreements of the committee, and their joint statements and agreements in particular, contributing to socio-economic development in each country.

The Deputy PM noted his hope that Santiphab Phomevihane will pay more heed to the efficient use of capital assistance and removing obstacles to the cooperation.

For his part, the Lao official informed his host that the two sides have completed 80% of the plan set in their cooperation agreement, saying they will work harder to implement cooperation agreements and strengthen the time-honoured friendship between the two countries./.

Steering committee’s meeting reviews anti-corruption

The standing board of the Central Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negative Phenomena convened a meeting to discuss and give opinions on the results of handling several cases in the last five months.

The committee acknowledged the drastic efforts in the work throughout the period, especially in strictly implementing the conclusions by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who is head of the committee, and the committee’s 25th session; and the progress of investigating and handling cases under the committee's supervision and direction.

Legal proceedings were initiated against 2,100 cases involving 4,211 defendants nationwide, As many as 2,030 cases involving 4,042 defendants prosecuted, and 3,198 defendants involved in 1,686 cases tried at the first instance for offenses related to corruption, economic crimes, and abuse of power.

Notably, two new cases involving eight people under the oversight of the committee were prosecuted.

Longstanding and complicated corruption and other negative cases involving many ministries, sectors, and localities have been resolutely and rigorously handled.

The inspection and auditing work in areas prone to corruption and negative phenomena requested by the Steering Committee has been strengthened.

Assets worth over 7.5 trillion VND (nearly 294.6 million USD) were confiscated and reclaimed, lifting the total amount recovered since the establishment of the Steering Committee to over 85 trillion VND.

Efforts to detect and handle the cases in localities continue to be intensified. Since the beginning of the year, local prosecution agencies have initiated 190 new corruption cases involving 463 defendants.

Looking ahead, the standing board of the committee requested Party committees and authorised agencies to continue to further promote the work, focusing on thoroughly handling serious and complex cases of public interest.

The standing board agreed to include two cases under the oversight of the Steering Committee, which involve Thuan An Group and related agencies and localities; and Phuc Son Group, Thang Long Investment Trading and Real Estate JSC, and some related agencies and localities./.

Foreign Minister attends launch of Vietnamese Business Association in RoK

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son attended the launch of the Business Association of Vietnamese in Korea (BAViK), the first official organisation representing Vietnamese businesses operating in the Republic of Korea (RoK), in Seoul on May 30.

In his address, Minister Son stressed that the BAViK's establishment marks an important milestone in the growth of the Vietnamese business community in the RoK and contributes to the overall development of OV communities abroad.

He noted that in 2022, the two countries established their comprehensive strategic partnership, with the RoK ranking first in foreign direct investment (FDI), second in official development assistance (ODA), and third in labour and trade cooperation.

The Vietnamese Party and State always offer special policies and mechanisms in support of OV business community, the minister said, urging Vietnamese entrepreneurs and firms to fully tap economic cooperation advantages and opportunities, foster connection with domestic partners, and contribute to both Vietnam's development and the Vietnam-RoK comprehensive strategic partnership.

The BAViK, officially recognised by the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese on October 21, 2023, now has over 40 member companies operating in various sectors. Notably, they have invested in 29 projects in Vietnam out of a total of 421 by OVs from 32 countries and territories.

The same day, Son attended a dialogue with young Vietnamese intellectuals and scientists working in sci-tech fields in the RoK. He told the intellectuals that the Vietnamese Party, State and Government always appreciate the OVs’ economic, investment and brainpower potential.

The minister stressed that the Vietnamese Government is committed to promoting research and development (R&D), artificial intelligence (AI), and semiconductor industry. He highlighted favourable policies and institutions to attract talent, support entreprises and train human resources.

He informed the OV intellectuals that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has established a dedicated task force for semiconductor industry development, which is ready to work to connect OV expertise and technology with domestic partners to serve the cause of industrialisation and modernisation.

Expressing confidence in the Party and State’s policies and guidelines on national development, participants also offered specific proposals for sci-tech development at home./.

President hosts ASEAN, Timor Leste diplomats

President To Lam hosted a reception in Hanoi on May 30 for Ambassadors and Chargé d'Affaires of ASEAN countries and Timor-Leste, who came to extend their congratulations on his election as the Vietnamese State leader.

On behalf of the guests, Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Khamphao Ernthavanh extended congratulations and warm regards from leaders of Laos and other ASEAN countries to President Lam.

She hailed Vietnam’s crucial role in strengthening ASEAN's unity and central role, as well as shaping the ASEAN Community Vision beyond 2025 during its nearly 30 years of ASEAN membership.

The diplomat believed that under the sound leadership of the President, the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Southeast Asian countries will grow stronger and deeper, significantly contributing to regional peace, security and stability.

President Lam, for his part, affirmed ASEAN’s special position in Vietnam’s foreign policy. He expressed belief that on the back of six-decade collaboration, ASEAN countries will continue to uphold the spirit of sharing and understanding, harmonising the interests of their own and the region as a whole, and working together to address outstanding challenges at present.

Expressing delight at the positive development of ties between Vietnam and Southeast Asian nations within both bilateral and multilateral frameworks, he noted that Vietnam has successfully built strategic partnerships and comprehensive partnerships with all ASEAN members and affirmed desire to see Timor-Leste soon become a full member of the ASEAN family.

According to him, Vietnam and Southeast Asian countries have been closely working together in economy-trade-investment, national defence-security, education-training and people-to-people exchange, while expanding into new fields in the Industry 4.0 era such as innovation, digital transformation, digital connectivity, green economy and clean energy.

He wished that the diplomats would serve as an important bridge to boost friendly cooperation between Vietnam and Southeast Asian nations, join hands to build a united and strong ASEAN Community for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and beyond./.

FM receives Chairman of Korea-Vietnam Economic and Cultural Association

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son received Chairman of the Korea – Vietnam Economic and Cultural Association (KOVECA) Kwon Sung Taek on May 30 as part of his official visit to the East Asian country.

At the event, Son highlighted that his trip to the country from May 30 to June 1 aims at promoting the implementation of the high-level agreements between the two nations, including the action plan to carry out the Vietnam – Republic of Korea (RoK) Comprehensive Strategic Partnership signed between the two governments during Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol’s visit to Vietnam in June last year.

He affirmed KOVECA members’ unceasing dedication has contributed to consolidating the friendship between the two peoples as well as bolstering multi-faceted collaboration between the two countries.

Son expressed his belief that KOVECA and its members will continue promoting its key role in strengthening the sound cooperative ties, encouraging Korean firms to step up investment and trade with Vietnam, and create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese people living, working and studying in the host nation.

He said he hopes that the association will pay attention to and support Korean-Vietnamese multicultural families, helping fortify the friendship between the two countries.

Kwon Sung Taek, for his part, affirmed that he will make further efforts for the development of bilateral relations and friendship in the coming time.

The same day, Son hosted a reception for representatives of the Ly family in the RoK, who are descendants of a prince of the Ly Dynasty, during which the FM expressed his delight at the success of the clan and its contributions to the host nation’s development as well as the Vietnam-RoK ties over the past 30 years.

He affirmed that the Vietnamese Party and State always see the Ly family as well as Vietnamese people in the RoK an indispensable part of the nation, and has paid due attention to assisting them so that they could thrive in both their host nation and homeland.

Speaking highly of the Ly family’s practical activities to strengthen bonds between the two nations, Son expressed his hope that the Ly descendants will continue turning their hearts to the homeland with various support activities.

According to the Ly family's representatives, the family has arranged trips to Vietnam on the occasion of the Tet holiday, introduced the Vietnamese market and investment climate and mobilised Korean firms to invest in the country, and helped Vietnamese brides better integrate into the life and culture of the RoK./.

Vietnam, Poland convene deputy ministerial-level political consultation

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang and Undersecretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anna Krystyna Radwan-Röhrenschef co-chaired a deputy ministerial-level political consultation in Hanoi on May 30.

Affirming that Vietnam always values and wishes to enhance multifaceted cooperation with Poland, Hang suggested Poland expedite the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) and support the early removal of the European Commission (EC)’s "yellow card" warning against Vietnam’s seafood exports.

She thanked the Polish Government for assisting the Vietnamese business community hit by the recent fire incident at a shopping centre in Warsaw, and requested further support for the victims and the Vietnamese community in Poland so that they can early return to normal lives, thus upholding their role as a bridge for bilateral cooperation.

Hailing Vietnam as a top priority partner and a potential economic partner of Poland in the region. Radwan-Röhrenschef agreed to push for the Polish Parliament's early approval of the EVIPA and expressed support for stronger EU-Vietnam ties in sustainable fisheries development and the EC's early removal of the yellow card for Vietnamese seafood exports.

Both sides vowed to enhance exchanges at all levels across the Party, State, Government and Parliament channels while stepping up coordination across national defence-security, education-training, sci-tech, agriculture, culture, tourism, labour, environment, climate change response, digital transformation, green development, water resource management, and more.

They committed to further close cooperation at multilateral forums such as the United Nations, to reinforce relations between ASEAN and Poland, and between ASEAN and the EU. The two sides agreed to coordinate to hold cultural and music exchanges in 2025 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Vietnam-Poland diplomatic ties.

The two sides will actively implement a consultation mechanism on economic cooperation between the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Polish Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. They will consider establishing an Inter-Governmental Committee on Economic Cooperation between the two countries, continue to effectively carry out the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), thus facilitating stronger market presence for each other's goods.

They will encourage Polish businesses to increase investment in Vietnam, particularly in pharmaceuticals, information and communication technology, renewable energy, processing and manufacturing industries, mining, and shipbuilding.

On the occasion, Hang proposed that the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs continue providing opportunities for Vietnamese diplomats to attend its short-term training courses on international law.

On global and regional issues of shared concern, host and guest underlined the importance of settling disputes and conflicts in line with international law and the United Nations Charter.

Regarding the East Sea issue, they called for ensuring peace, stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea in accordance with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)./.

Vietnam attends Canada’s leading defence, security exhibition

A delegation from the Ministry of National Defence of Vietnam led by Major General Le Quang Tuyen, Deputy Director of the General Department of Defence Industry, attended CANSEC 2024, Canada’s military equipment trade show that took place in Ottawa on May 29-30.

At the event, the Vietnamese delegation explored the product development trends, technological advances, and solutions in the defence sector of countries around the world, enabling it to make advice to the Ministry of National Defence in building and developing the domestic defence industry.

The show provided a chance for Vietnam to learn the way to organise a defence exhibition serving the Vietnam International Defence Expo 2024 slated for December 19-22, to which the delegation took the occasion to invite international businesses to attend.

Held by the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI), CANSEC is the largest international defence and security exhibition in Canada, which has been organised annually since 1998.

The exhibition introduces modern, leading technologies, products and services for the army, navy, air force, aerospace and joint forces. CANSEC is also a place to introduce technologies and products for rapid response forces, border management agencies and special operations forces.

This year, the event featured 280 booths from leading firms such as Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, Hanwha, CAE, General Dynamics, and Thales.
It drew 250 international delegations and about 4,500 visitors./.

Diplomat hails UNICEF’s support for Vietnam in child care, protection

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Vietnam’s Permanent Representative to the UN, has spoken highly of UNICEF’s support for the nation in protecting and promoting children’s rights, particularly those related to education, health care, nutrition, and vaccination.

Receiving Director of UNICEF’s Public Partnerships Division June Kunugi in New York on May 30, Giang affirmed that as child care and protection are a leading priority in its socio-economic development strategy, Vietnam has devoted necessary resources for child development.

He expressed his hope that UNICEF and Kunugi, who will take up her role as Regional Director for East Asia and the Pacific this summer, will continue assisting Vietnam to mobilise resources, develop policies, and enhance specific and practical cooperation programmes and plans to achieve more positive results in this regard while helping the National Fund for Vietnamese Children realise the targets on children.

Kunugi, for her part, expressed her impression of and commended the achievements that Vietnam has recorded during its nearly 40 years of Doi moi (Renewal), describing them as a foundation for the country to reap encouraging results in child care and protection.

UNICEF highly values Vietnam’s proposed resolution on the International Day of Play, which was recently adopted by the UN General Assembly, she said, affirming that the organisation will join hands with the group of core countries to organise the first celebration on June 11 to make it a meaningful event for the comprehensive development of children across the globe.

The two sides concurred to work together for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam - UNICEF partnership. They will also discuss measures to improve UNICEF operations' efficiency in mobilising resources, implementing programmes and projects, and promoting cooperation and coordination in Asia-Pacific./.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes