President meets Vietnamese community in US hinh anh 1 
President Vo Van Thuong (sixth from the right) has a meeting with representatives of the Vietnamese community in the US. (Photo: VNA)
President Vo Van Thuong had a meeting with representatives of the Vietnamese community in the US on November 14 (local time) on the occasion of his trip to the country to attend the APEC Leaders’ Week and bilateral activities at the invitation of US President Joe Biden.

Thuong emphasised the foreign policy of diversification and multilateralisation in international relations of the Party and State, noting that Vietnam's foreign activities have contributed to raising Vietnam's role, position, and reputation on the international arena.

He highly valued contributions by the diplomatic sector, including Vietnamese representative agencies in the US, to those achievements.

The leader urged the Embassy and Vietnamese representative agencies in the US to strive to promptly concretise cooperation agreements between the two countries and ordered ministries, sectors, and localities of Vietnam to actively participate in this process.

President meets Vietnamese community in US hinh anh 2
President Vo Van Thuong speaks at the meeting (Photo: VNA)

He asked the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the UN to work harder to expand the ties between Vietnam and international organisations, establish cooperative partnerships, and advance Vietnam’s position and prestige.
Vietnamese representative agencies in San Francisco and Houston were demanded to strengthen cooperation between Vietnamese and US localities, and encourage overseas Vietnamese to invest in the homeland.

Ambassador to the US Nguyen Quoc Dung said Vietnamese representative agencies have worked hard on promoting political, economic, and cultural diplomacy, and citizen protection, contributing to mobilising resources for national development and raising Vietnam’s position.

He highlighted the fruitful development of the Vietnam – US relationship, saying Vietnamese representative agencies in the US have made efforts to adequately prepare for significant diplomatic engagements between the two sides.

According to the ambassador, about 30,000 Vietnamese students are studying in the US, ranking 5th in the world and first in Southeast Asia. Many US businesses are interested in Vietnam and most large US companies have invested in Vietnam.

Head of the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the UN, Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang said the staff of the agency always strive to overcome difficulties and fulfill the multilateral diplomatic mission in line with the Party and the State's foreign policy.

Can Tho, AstraZeneca partner in promoting medical innovation

The People’s Committee of the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho on November 14 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with AstraZeneca Vietnam Co. Ltd. on cooperation in innovation in the healthcare sector.

According to Tran Viet Truong, Chairman of the Can Tho People’s Committee, the partnership is expected to help Can Tho promote innovation in particular healthcare areas, including disease prevention and control, medical and biological research, and human resources training. It will also increase the access to new medicines and vaccines in Can Tho and the Mekong Delta region.

In the future, the two sides will jointly conduct a number of programmes in respiratory health, as well as those of cardiovascular, kidney, metabolic, tumor and digestive health care, he said.

Hoang Quoc Cuong, Director of the city Department of Health, said that the Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, which trains more than 2,000 doctors and medical staff each year for the Mekong Delta region, is well positioned for AstraZeneca to build an innovative healthcare centre in Can Tho. The centre will conduct in-depth research and train high-quality human resources for the healthcare sector with the engagement of foreign experts.

Cuong said that currently, 60% of patients in Can Tho hospitals are from Mekong Delta localities, or about 12 million people of the total 20 million in the region.

Under the MoU, AstraZeneca Vietnam will work with Can Tho to give cancer screening to 10,000 people in the region where the rate of pulmonary tuberculosis is highest in the country.

Cuong said he hopes that in the coming time, the two sides will expand screening for cancers of the liver, breast, cervix, and thyroid, while strengthening the application of artificial intelligence in image diagnosis.

Nitin Kapoor, Chairman and General Director of AstraZeneca Vietnam, pledged that the firm will strengthen cooperation with Can Tho in promoting innovation in the medical field, providing solutions and initiatives related to clinical trials, health examination and treatment, as well as in increasing the application of AI in the screening of lung cancer, asthma, and chronic pulmonary embolism.

The firm also commits to joining hands in environmental protection and sustainable development in the globe, he said, noting that it is implementing a 50-million-USD package to reduce carbon emissions in Vietnam.

Currently, AstraZeneca runs 20 medical innovation centres around the world.

National news agencies of Vietnam, Armenia ink cooperation deal

The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) and the Armenpress News Agency of Armenia signed a cooperation agreement via video conferencing on November 14, marking the official collaboration in specialised activities between the two national news agencies.

VNA General Director Vu Viet Trang said the agreement provides the basis for them to officially exchange news in different forms and carry out other cooperation projects matching each side’s demand and capacity.

She expressed her belief that the two news agencies will better fulfill their duties of introducing the countries and people of Vietnam and Armenia, and covering events of public concern in both countries as well as emerging issues in the region and the world. This will help enhance mutual understanding between the two peoples and promote exchanges, traditional friendship, and multifaceted cooperation between the countries.

The VNA has been developing diverse forms of news to publish on multiple platforms while gradually applying artificial intelligence to reduce manpower and cost and step up data journalism based on the rich source of data it has stored for nearly eight decades, she went on.

She said that as Armenpress is strongly developing multimedia news such as videos and podcasts, the VNA wishes to learn from experiences shared the Armenian side, which was established in 1918, as they will be very useful for the VNA during the digital transformation process.

The official noted as prestigious news agencies, their cooperation will contribute to the substantive, practical, and effective growth of the Vietnam - Armenia relations. She considered the agreement, signed in the presence of Armenian Ambassador Vahram Kazhoyan, as an important milestone in the expansion of multifaceted ties.

On this occasion, Trang thanked the ambassador and the embassy of Armenia for helping strengthen the two news agencies’ connections, adding that the VNA hopes for the ambassador and the embassy’s effective coordination in the agreement implementation.

Speaking via video conferencing, Armenpress Director Narine Nazaryan also viewed the deal signing as an important contribution to the Armenia - Vietnam ties, and said the cooperation is highly meaningful in the era of technological development, as today's news is without borders.

For his part, Armenian Ambassador to Vietnam Vahram Kazhoyan affirmed that the 20th century became a demonstration of the friendship between the two countries, with then President Ho Chi Minh’s visit to Armenia from July 21 to 23, 1959 marking a new era of bilateral relations. The opening of the Armenian Embassy in Hanoi 10 years ago was a new start of the development of their ties.

He perceived that the signing of the cooperation agreement between the two agencies will help Armenian and Vietnamese people access high-quality news more quickly from prestigious and trustworthy sources.

Vietnamese, Lao fronts enjoy fruitful cooperation: officials

Vice President and Secretary General of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Nguyen Thi Thu Ha received a delegation of the Lao Front for National Construction (LFNC) Central Committee led by its Vice President Inlavanh Keobounphanh in Hanoi on November 14.

The two officials, who are respectively members of the Vietnamese and Lao Party Central Committees, informed each other of their countries’ socio-economic development during the first nine months of 2023, and the cooperation results of the VFF and LFNC central committees

They noted with satisfaction that together with the growing relations between the two Parties and the two States, the VFF and LFNC have also recorded extremely positive results in bilateral ties over the past years.

The two sides have worked together to carry out many important activities, including maintaining meetings and mutual visits at all levels. Their cooperation in all fields has become increasingly substantive and fruitful. People-to-people diplomacy has been promoted to help enhance mutual understanding and connections between Vietnamese and Lao people, thus creating a solid foundation for the countries’ relations, they added.

Keobounphanh said that the LFNC has received comprehensive assistance from the Vietnamese side, especially in holding delegation exchanges. It is working to implement the signed memoranda of understanding and also coordinating with the Vietnam Farmers’ Union Central Committee to share experience to help with the establishment of a farmers’ union of Laos, thereby supporting people to further take part in national economic development.

To effectively carry out the signed cooperation agreement, she called for continued coordination from the VFF Central Committee to successfully hold a conference among the presidents of the LFNC, the VFF, and the Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodian Motherland in 2024. She also asked the VFF to continue helping the LFNC to train personnel and share experience in mass mobilisation.

For her part, Ha suggested both sides keep close coordination to properly carry out the cooperation agreement between the VFF and the LFNC for 2022 - 2027, and increase delegation exchanges at all level, especially those for personnel training and experience sharing.

HCM City, China’s Yunnan province promote cooperation

Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Vo Van Hoan received visiting President of Yunnan province's Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Liu Xiaokai on November 14, discussing cooperation between the two localities in the time to come.

Hoan underlined that the Vietnamese Party, Government, and people always value the traditional neighbourliness with the Party, government and people of China. HCM City has set up friendly ties with eight Chiense provinces, he said.

Agreeing with Yunnan’s cooperation proposals, he stated that the two localities’ geographical differences present opportunities for them to complement each other in their development process. HCM City is ready to further promote joint activities between the sides’ authorities and people toward soon translating collaboration ideas into specific programmes and projects.

Expressing a desire to work with HCM City to elevate the localities’ ties to new heights, Liu stated Yunnan wants to increase their high-ranking delegation exchange as well as inter-department, inter-sector, economic and trade cooperation.

Yunnan encourages and supports local enterprises to seek investment and trade opportunities in HCM City and vice versa, he affirmed. He also proposed that the southern economic hub create favourable conditions for Yunnan enterprises to participate in its market.

Yunnan wants to further step up the sides’ people-to-people and cultural exchange serving their increasing mutual understanding, friendship, and cooperation, he said.

PM demands officials enhance sense of responsibility towards administrative reform

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh urged officials to raise their sense of responsibility towards administrative reform while chairing the sixth meeting of the Government’s Steering Committee for Administrative Reform on November 14.

The meeting was held in the form of videoconferencing, connecting the committee with the People’s Committees of the 63 provincial-level localities nationwide.

In his remarks, PM Chinh, who is also head of the steering committee, affirmed that administrative reform has recorded many improvements.

Special attention has been paid to institutional reform and law building, while administrative procedure reform and improvement of the investment and business climate continued to be intensified. 

The PM noted that since 2021, nearly 2,500 business regulations have been abolished or streamlined, and ministries have cut and simplified 437 administrative procedures related to citizens' papers.

He said the reform of the apparatus's organisation has also made good progress, with most ministries completing regulations on the functions and tasks of their internal bodies and all 63 provincial-level localities basically completing the rearrangement of their departments, thus significantly streamlining the organisational apparatus.

At the same time, several important institutions and policies on public affairs and public servants have been promulgated. 

The Government leader also highlighted the drastic efforts in digital transformation and digital Government building. As a result, the rate of administrative procedure applications submitted online to ministries and agencies increased 1.5 times from 2022 to 80.7% of all dossiers, and the rate among applications submitted to local administrations rose 1.8 times to 6.5%.  

All 63 localities have completed the connection and data sharing between the national population database and the administrative procedure portals, issued 84.7 million chip-based ID cards, verified 91.2 million units of information on the social security database. 

The PM also pointed out certain shortcomings in the work, saying that they are mostly attributable to subjective causes.

He stressed that some officials, especially those holding top positions in some agencies and localities, are not fully aware of their responsibility in the work. Some ministries, sectors, and localities have not taken drastic actions. Mechanisms and policies remain contradictory and overlapping. The capacity of civil servant and public employees at certain places has yet to meet requirements, and discipline observance is not strict. Meanwhile, the coordination among agencies and units is not timely and effective enough, he added.  

The PM emphasised the need to enhance officials’ sense of responsibility and activeness, take flexible and active steps in implementing administrative reform tasks, boost power decentralisation and resource allocation in tandem with inspection, supervision and power control, and stringently enforce administrative discipline.

He required members of the Steering Committee to uphold their leadership to fulfill administrative reform tasks for 2023, with a focus on the reform of institutions, administrative procedures, the state administrative apparatus, public affairs regime, public finance, and the building and development of an electronic Government and a digital Government.

He requested ministries, sectors, and localities to continue reviewing and reforming their work methodology, bring into play their leaders’ role to fruitfully perform administrative reform duties, and increase dialogue with people and businesses in order to grasp the situation and order the settlement of obstacles.

Vietnam, Laos to step up sharing mass mobilisation experience

Permanent Vice Chairman of the Mass Mobilisation Commission of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Pham Tat Thang held talks with Vice President of the Lao Front for National Construction (LFNC) Central Committee Inlavanh Keobounphanh in Hanoi on November 14.

Thang, who is also a member of the CPV Central Committee, underlined the results of cooperation between the two Parties and the two countries. He also informed his guest about the results of the Vietnamese commission’s mass mobilisation activities.

Expressing her delight at the development of the Laos - Vietnam special solidarity, Keobounphanh, a member of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee, gave a brief presentation of the recent situation of Laos and some activities of the LFNC. She also provided her evaluation of the cooperation between the two Parties and the two countries, particularly between the LFNC and the Vietnamese Mass Mobilisation Commission.

During the talks, the two sides discussed some cooperation focuses for the time ahead, including increasing mass mobilisation experience exchange and personnel training.

They showed their determination to effectively carry out the signed cooperation agreement as well as the outcomes of the recent talks between the chairperson of the Mass Mobilisation Commission and the LFNC President, thereby contributing to the unceasing consolidation of the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

During their working trip to Vietnam, the LFNC delegation also paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum, had meetings with the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and the Vietnam Farmers’ Union Central Committee, and visited some “smart mass mobilisation” models in Hanoi and Ninh Binh province.

PM asks France to support Vietnam in preventing emerging infectious diseases

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received in Hanoi on November 14 French virologist Prof. Francoise Barre-Sinoussi during which he asked France in general, the Paris-based Pasteur Institute and the Professor, to encourage scientists to continue conducting research, especially those on emerging infectious diseases in Vietnam.

The PM expressed his admiration for the French professor, who co-discovered the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS in 1983, received a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2008. Since 1988, the professor has come to Vietnam more than 20 times and provided training for and helped scientists, hospitals and research institutes connect with experts around the world and join international research network

Chinh said that the Vietnam - France cooperation has been continuously strengthened and developed over the past time, including medical collaboration, especially in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. He affirmed that Vietnam appreciated the results of medical cooperation with France in general and with the Pasteur Institute in particular.

He suggested that France in general, the Pasteur Institute and Prof. Barre-Sinoussi encourage scientists to continue conducting research, especially those on emerging infectious diseases in Vietnam; further support Vietnam in expanding cooperative activities, exchanging experiences, training scientific staff, building facilities, transferring technology, and implementing research projects in preventing and controlling HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and C and other infectious diseases in Vietnam.

The PM proposed continuing technical assistance and choosing Vietnam as one of the global research sites in the field of health in general and monitoring the status of epidemic models in particular, consulting on developing policies to meet the goal of ending HIV/AIDS and other epidemics in the country.

He also suggested helping Vietnam in training medical human resources, increasing scholarships for Vietnamese medical students and staff to study and practice in France, acting as a bridge for scientists to exchange and work in the two countries, and providing funding for Vietnam to implement specific programmes and projects in the health sector.

Prof. Barre-Sinoussi and her colleagues thanked the Vietnamese Government and Prime Minister for their support and for creating conditions for the two sides to cooperate and effectively implement projects in the field of health, serving as a model for the world to follow.

They said that they will continue to accompany Vietnam not only in the fight against HIV but also in the prevention and control of infectious diseases such as COVID-19, tuberculosis, hepatitis, monkeypox, dengue fever and other emerging infectious diseases.

They added they are ready to provide technical assistance, exchange research, support human resources trainingin the health sector for Vietnam and act as a bridge connecting Vietnamese scientists and those in the world as the Vietnamese Prime Minister suggested.

Police officials of Lao Cai, China’s Honghe county hold talks

Deputy Director of the Lao Cai provincial Police Department Col. Tran Quoc Huy held talks with Huang Bizhong, chief of the public security bureau of Honghe county of China’s Yunnan province, in northern border Lao Cai city on November 14.

Huy said since 2022, the two sides have actively provided effective counseling for local authorities regarding policies and measures to ensure stability, security and safety in border areas and important political and cultural events of both countries.

Last year, they worked closely together to share information and roll out anti-pandemic measures, thus preventing the spread of the disease in border areas.

The regular fight against illegal entry-exit has proved highly effective. Both sides have actively spread a nationwide movement for border management, encouraging citizens to discover and report cross-border violations, especially drug, criminal and cyber crimes, to law enforcement agencies. 

Huang, for his part, said the fight has made important contributions to maintaining an environment of peace and stability in border areas, in service of socio-economic development there.

Concluding the talks, both sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding outlining future orientations to cooperation in several key issues.

Vietnam to help seek solutions to Asia-Pacific, UNESCO issues: official

As the Vice President representing the Asia-Pacific of the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference, Vietnam will help build consensus and seek appropriate solutions to urgent issues of the Asia-Pacific and UNESCO, said Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ha Kim Ngoc.

Vietnam was elected to the post at the 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference, which is taking place in Paris from November 11 to 22. This is the first time the country has held this position at one of the two most important governing bodies of UNESCO, Ngoc, who is also Chairman of the Vietnam National Commission for UNESCO, told the Vietnam News Agency.

He said the election holds importance in many aspects as it affirms the country’s stature and prestige in the world as well as the international community’s trust in its contributions and chairmanship capacity at global multilateral forums.

As the representative of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the Asia-Pacific, which has a large number of members with varying development levels, politics, cultures, sizes, interests, and priorities, Vietnam will continue bringing into play the soft power from its national prestige and the capacity of grasping common concerns, harmonising interest differences among members, negotiating, chairing, leading, and proposing initiatives to build consensus and seek appropriate solutions to urgent issues of the Asia-Pacific and UNESCO, Ngoc said.

The country will actively join in the shaping of the UNESCO cooperation in issues of shared concern, he noted, elaborating that it will propose policies and promote UNESCO’s leading role in multilateral cooperation in education - training, culture, science - technology, and information - communications to maintain peace, respond to global challenges, and assist countries to augment efforts to realise the Sustainable Development Goals.

Besides, it will contribute to the implementation of UNESCO’s focal programmes such as the Medium-Term Strategy for 2022 - 2029, the programme and budget for 2024 - 2025, Open Science, the ethics of artificial intelligence, education for sustainable development, the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage values, climate change response, and the reform of UNESCO to enhance the organisation’s democracy and transparency, according to the Deputy Minister.

He noted that Vietnam’s active and responsible contributions to promoting dialogue, cooperation, consensus, and appropriate solutions to issues of shared concern amid the highly complicated international situation have been welcomed by UNESCO leaders and countries.

That has not only affirmed the pioneering role of Vietnam’s diplomacy but also demonstrated the country’s soft power and stature, he remarked.

Over 47 years of cooperation, Ngoc added, Vietnam has continually been assessed as a dynamic and responsible member by UNESCO leaders, and described by the UNESCO Director-General as a model of effective cooperation with this organisation.

In particular, since the historic visits by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh to the UNESCO headquarters in November 2021 and UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay to Vietnam in September 2022, and with the implementation of the two sides’ memorandum of understanding on cooperation for 2021 - 2025, the bilateral partnership has been lifted to a new level that is more substantive and effective, he said.

The official noted that for the first time, Vietnam has concurrently held positions at four governing mechanisms of UNESCO, namely Vice President of the General Conference, Vice Chair of the Intergovernmental Committee of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, member of the Executive Board, and member of the Intergovernmental Committee of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, reflecting the international community’s trust in Vietnam’s contribution and chairmanship capacity at the multilateral organisation.

The high-level contributions to the shaping of strategic issues and global policies are another success of Vietnam at UNESCO as seen in its ministers’ participation in international events of UNESCO.

Vietnam has also successfully organised many important international activities such as the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention which was also attended by the UNESCO Director-General, the conference on science, ethics and human development, and the conference on volcano speleology and global geoparks in 2022; the ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the 2003 Convention in 2023, and especially the international conference on harnessing UNESCO designations for sustainable development in Vietnam last July – the first on this topic held so far.

In addition, Vietnam has received the UNESCO recognition for 12 titles and heritage elements since 2021, including documentary, tangible and intangible cultural heritage, two world biosphere reserves, two global creative cities, one global learning city, and two world figures of culture.

The recognition has not only shown the international community’s high evaluation of the country’s heritage and cultural values, its people’s wisdom and virtues, and its contributions to UNESCO efforts in preserving heritage and cultural values and boosting sustainable and inclusive development, but also created more momentum for domestic socio-economic development, according to Deputy Minister Ngoc.

Portugal treasures bilateral ties with Vietnam: top Portuguese legislator

Portugal always treasures bilateral ties and cooperation with Vietnam at multilateral forum, President of the Assembly of Portugal Augusto Santos Silva told visitng Standing Vice Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Tran Thanh Man during their meeting in Lisbon on November 14.

Vietnam always plays an important role in Portugal’s external policy, especially in the field of economy, he said, adding that Vietnam can help Portugal expand its relations with Asian countries.

Portugal, despite its small population, is a gateway to the world thanks to its location in the meeting point of Europe, Africa and Latin America, said Silva.

He suggested that Vietnam and Portugal strengthen people-to-people exchange with a priority of opening of diplomatic representative office in each other country.

Silva affirmed that Portugal will conduct a general election in March 2024, but whatever the result is, it will not affect the country’s relations with Vietnam in multilateral forums.

He thanked Vietnam for supporting the popularisation of Portuguese by establishing the Camões Portuguese language centre at Hanoi University in 2016.

For his part, Man affirmed that Vietnam always values the relationship with the European Union (EU) and its members, including Portugal. He expressed his delight that the two countries have maintained regular delegation exchanges and meetings at multilateral forums.

The Vietnamese NA Vice Chairman hailed Portugal’s plan to open its diplomatic representative office in Vietnam, pledging to create optimal conditions for and support this plan, which is expected to help foster bilateral ties and the exchange of information in many areas in the future.

He said that Vietnam also plans to launch its embassy in Portugal in the time to come, asking for Portugal’s assistance in the work.

Man proposed that the two sides coordinate closely to optimise opportunities brought about by the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) to complete the target of 1 billion USD in two-way trade in the time to come.

He also asked for Portugal’s support in persuading other EU members to ratify the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) soon.

Man suggested that Portugal hasten the European Commission to remove the “yellow card” warning against Vietnamese seafood export taking into account Vietnam's determination and efforts in fully and seriously implementing the EC's recommendations on sustainable fisheries development.

He proposed that Portugal continue creating favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community to settle down and integrate into the host society.

The two legislatures should increase delegation exchanges and consider the formation of friendship parliamentarians’ groups with each other to promote their partnership, while strengthening coordination and mutual support at regional and global inter-parliamentary forums, Man suggested.

Earlier the same day, NA Standing Vice Chairman Man had a meeting with former President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Duarte Pacheco.

Congratulating Pacheco on his successful performance of the IPU leader role, Man spoke highly of the important contributions that Pacheco has made to the IPU over the years. He expressed his belief that as a member of the Portuguese Parliament, Pacheco will continue to contribute to promoting external relations of the union.

For his part, Pacheco recalled his good memories during his trips to Vietnam and showed his impression at the success of the 9th Global Conference for Young Parliamentarians in Hanoi in September.

He underlined the high cooperation potential between the two countries, suggesting that they should send more business delegations to each other country to explore partnership opportunities.

He pledged that he always supports and will discuss with the new IPU President if Vietnam wishes to host the World Conference of Speakers of Parliament.

Also on November 14, NA Standing Vice Chairman Man had a meeting with Filipe Leite de Sousa, a representative from the Vovinam Federation in Portugal (WFVV), during which Man lauded the federation’s activities to popularise the Vietnamese traditional martial arts. Filipe Leite de Sousa vowed to continue to work hard for stronger friendship and cooperation between Portugal and Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh City strengthens relations with China’s Shanghai city

A delegation of Ho Chi Minh City led by Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen held talks with Chen Jining, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai on November 14 within the framework of their working trip to China from November 13-18.

The HCM City leader expressed his delight at the positive development of relations between the two Parties and two countries since the historic visit to China by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in 2022. He said that Vietnam always attaches great importance to promoting the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, which is a consistent policy, a strategic choice and a top priority in its foreign policy.     

Welcoming the delegation, Chen stressed that the two Parties and two states have strengthened their ties across the fields, and in that framework, Shanghai and HCM City have signed many cooperative agreements.

He briefed the Vietnamese delegation about the socio-economic development of Shanghai in recent years and wished to continue to enhance the bilateral relationship of the two cities. 

Chen affirmed that the two cities have many similarities and there is still a lot of room for collaboration in many fields, contributing to implementing common high-level perceptions for the stable, healthy and sustainable development of the relationship between the two countries and the two cities.

After the talks, leaders of the two cities witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on friendly exchange and cooperation between the Vietnam Fatherland Front’s chapter in Ho Chi Minh City and the Shanghai Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and another between the police forces of HCM City and Shanghai.

On this occasion, Vietnam’s new-age carrier Vietjet announced that it will open a new air route linking HCM City and Shanghai from December 1.

Also on November 14, the delegation of HCM City visited the school of the Shanghai Party Committee and Shanghai Library East, the biggest library in China.

Earlier on November 13, the delegation had a working session with Zhu Zhisong, Party Secretary of Pudong New Area (Shanghai) during which the two sides shared information about the strengths of the two localities, policies to attract investment as well as the formation of a financial centre.

Overseas Vietnamese in Luxembourg believe in prospects of bilateral relations

The Vietnamese community in Luxembourg has shown their belief in the prospect of the relations between the two countries, hoping that cooperation will be expanded from the economic and financial areas to cultural exchange.

Doan Nhat Minh, president of the Aide au Vietnam (support Vietnam) charity association in Luxembourg, highlighted the Vietnamese community's significant development in recent times, saying that the well-being of the community has improved, with the majority of people securing stable employment.

Established in 2000, Aide au Vietnam has focused on assisting underprivileged children, those with disabilities, and charitable centres, victims of natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam. Its projects provide vocational training for disabled individuals, enable hearing-impaired children to participate in communication courses and provide them with hearing aids.

Minh recommended that the Vietnamese government should create favourable conditions for travel between the two countries by considering visa exemptions for citizens of Luxembourg visiting Vietnam for less than 30 days. This will help increase Vietnam’s competitiveness in the tourism industry, she said.

Dr. Nguyen Duy Cu, who is working in cyber security and cybersecurity, and online fraud and scams prevention in Luxembourg, said that he is very proud and happy to witness the growing Vietnam – Luxembourg relationship.

Accompanying Prime Minister Xavier Bettel of Luxembourg during his visit to Vietnam in May this year to promote cooperation and investment, Cu said that there is huge potential for collaboration between the two countries, especially in promising areas such as logistics, high technology, education, and the high-tech labour force.

He hoped to share his expertise and contribute to connecting Vietnamese partners with Luxembourg in detecting and preventing cyberattacks and fraud on telecommunication networks.

Cu also serves as a bridge connecting the Vietnamese community in Luxembourg. The VietLux group, under his guidance, is a platform for sharing information and promoting unity among Vietnamese expats in Luxembourg.

He showed his hope that Vietnam and Luxembourg will continue to expand comprehensive cooperation in the coming time, contributing to providing more development opportunities for people and businesses of both countries.

Vietnamese, Japanese students join exchange in Tokyo

The Vietnamese Embassy in Japan held an exchange event called "Teenage Ambassadors 2023” for Vietnamese and Japanese high school students on November 14.

The annual event was sponsored by the AEON 1% Club Foundation, a member of Japan’s AEON Group, as part of the activities for the two countries’ young people to interact with each other from November 13-19 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties, with 50 Vietnamese and 50 Japanese students taking part.

President of the foundation Yoshiki Mori said the event aims to promote friendship between the countries, providing a platform for Japanese youths and their friends from other nations to interact directly and improve mutual understanding about each other’s culture and history.

Vu Thi Lien Huong in charge of the embassy’s education section answered questions related to preparations to become diplomats in the future, keys to excelling in foreign languages, and how to apply language skills in diplomatic work.

Apart from watching a video on the 50-year history of Vietnam-Japan relations, students sang the song "Friendship” in both Vietnamese and Japanese, and enjoyed cultural performances and typical Vietnamese dishes together.

On the following days, students will join a series of activities such as visiting the National Diet building, the Prime Minister's Office, the University of Tokyo, and famous landmarks, and experiencing the traditional Japanese culture.

Exhibition spotlights history of Vietnam-Italy friendship

An exhibition featuring Vietnam-Italy solidarity, and the beauty of the land and people of Vietnam is being held from November 13-18 within the framework of the Vietnam-Italy Year 2023 in Genoa.

In his opening remarks, Vietnamese Ambassador Duong Hai Hung said he was touched when being present at Genoa port on the occasion of 50 years since the ship Australe, commanded by Captain Luciano Sossai, loaded with food and clothing and medicine, including 8,000 bottles of blood, left the port to Vietnam’s Hai Phong port.

Prefect of Genoa Cinzia Teresa Torraco said that the exhibition recalls the journey of a humanitarian ship departing from Genoa bringing goods to Vietnam.

That is the history of solidarity and friendship that has become closer between the two countries, she added.

Among the many documents displayed at the exhibition, there are those about the trip to Hai Phong port in 1973 of the ship Australe, and the "Vietnam Week" held from January 6-13,1973 and the international protest against the war on May 12, 1973 in Milan city, giving visitors an insight into the history of friendship of Vietnam and Italy.

This year's exhibition also includes photos featuring the beauty of the land and people of Vietnam today, especially its great achievements, and rich and diverse culture.

Symposium explores potential of Vietnam - Germany innovation cooperation

The Consulate General of Vietnam in Frankfurt city of Germany and the Vietnam - Germany Innovation Network (VGInetwork) have held a symposium looking into the prospects of the two countries’ cooperation in artificial intelligence (AI), innovation, and smart city development.

Consul General Le Quang Long highly valued the coordination between VGInetwork and the Consulate General’s science and technology division to hold the symposium to share information about new technologies to help develop priority economic and technical fields in Vietnam such as smart city development and AI.

He also applauded the development of VGInetwork and its expansion to the experts in the southwest of Germany to contribute to the two sides’ innovation cooperation.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thinh, head of the spatial information management and modelling research group at the Technical University of Dortmund and also Chairman of VGInetwork, highlighted the network’s outstanding activities and the potential of the countries’ cooperation in smart city and smart building development.

Prof. Dr. Vu Duc Binh from SRH University Heidelberg, who is also a member of VGInetwork, held that with Germany’s strengths in digital technology and Vietnam’s large information technology (IT) manpower, AI is a highly potential cooperation orientation promising practical benefits for both countries.

Meanwhile, member of the VGInetwork executive board Vuong Hong Tri and a working group of the network, who attended the recent inauguration of the Vietnam National Innovation Centre in the suburbs of Hanoi, reported on their activities at the Vietnam International Innovation Expo 2023 to open up opportunities for the countries’ cooperation in IT, AI, and manpower training.

They also proposed a techfest or IT day of Vietnam be held in Germany in 2024 to connect the startup and innovation ecosystems of the countries.

Tran Dong, head of the Consulate General’s science and technology division, highly valued the network’s achievements since its establishment over four years ago, including in developing energy, auto & mechanic, digitalisation & AI, and biotech & medicine hubs, expanding the fields of research cooperation, and admitting new members to contribute to the homeland’s development.

Da Nang looks to expand cooperation with USAID

Authorities of Da Nang city always support projects of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and hope to sign more cooperation agreements on projects related to the environment, fintech, and green energy with the agency in the future, said Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Le Trung Chinh.

During a reception in the central city on November 15 for Director of USAID in Vietnam Aler Grubbs, Chinh highly valued projects implemented by the agency in Vietnam, including an urban energy security technical assistance project in Da Nang, and those in education – training, and health.

These projects help enhance the capacity of localities to develop green energy, promote a circular economy, protect the environment, and support people with disabilities, Chinh said.

USAID’s projects also contribute to fostering collaboration between universities and businesses, improving teaching and research ability, and speeding up innovation, he added.

Grubbs said the two sides have effectively collaborated in programmes to enhance local capacities in reducing air and water pollution, waste management, and promoting the development of green energy.

USAID has been supported by universities, departments, and sectors in Da Nang to implement projects to assist people with disabilities, deal with areas contaminated with toxic chemicals, and promote green energy, she noted.

She expressed her hope that the two sides will work closer in more areas, and soon sign memoranda of understanding (MoU) on cooperation in the coming time.

According to reports, the USAID-funded urban energy security technical assistance project in Da Nang was completed, focusing on developing green energy and circular economy, and training activities to improve capacity on green bonds, and green and sustainable finance for banks and financial institutions. USAID is also implementing two projects in Da Nang on health and education.

Women ready for national football championship

HCM City 1 is determined to defend its title while Thái Nguyên T&T  set a medal target in the National Women's Football Championship which will begin on November 16 in Hà Nội.

Thái Nguyên has gradually become a strong force in the domestic league after receiving support from T&T Group over the last two years.

In their third year under the new sponsor, Thái Nguyên wants to finish in the top three for the first time.

“This year, Thái Nguyên remains a good force. Captain Trần Thuý Nga is still a key player along with national defender to lead my team," said coach Đoàn Việt Triều.

"We also have talented young players. Among them, striker Ngọc Minh Chuyên has proved her ability.

"In football, we always face challenges that make us develop. This year, both club managers and coaches set the goal of being in the top three."

Meanwhile, as the reigning champions, HCM City 1 is determined to protect its crown, which is considered not an easy task in the context of rising threats from Hà Nội 1 and Việt Nam Coal&Minerals.

Coach Đoàn Thị Kim Chi had no national striker as Huỳnh Như is playing in Portugal. Youngster Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Ngân will lead the front line.

She will be supported by teammates K’Thủa, Ngọc Duyên, Kim Phụng and Ngọc Châm, who are knocking on the door of the first team this season.

HCM City 1 still has top players such as World Cup participants Trần Thị Kim Thanh, Trần Thị Thu, Trần Thị Thuỳ Trang and Nguyễn Thị Bích Thuỳ. Their higher level of quality has helped HCM City 1 win the national title 10 times.

Hà Nội 1 will be under new head coach Đặng Quốc Tuấn and plan to add the 11th trophy to their collection this season.

Their ambitions rely national team members such as strikers Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nhã, Ngân Thị Vạn Sự and Phạm Hải Yến, defender Trần Thị Hải Linh and goalkeeper Đào Thị Kiều Oanh.

After their 2022 National Cup victory, Việt Nam Coal&Minerals have a strong base when targeting better results than last year's third place.

Coach Đoàn Minh Hải maintained his line-up that won the National Cup such as goalkeeper Khổng Thị Hằng, forward Khổng Thuý Hằng, midfielders Dương Thị Vân and Nguyễn Thị Vạn, and defender Lương Thu Thương.

Hải believed that his star players and youngsters would be a good combination to lift the team to a new height.

Former champions Phong Phú Hà Nam who are in their rejuvenation process also wanted to have a medal this season.

Hà Nam is home to famed national players such as midfielder Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Dung, goalkeeper Lại Thị Tuyết and defender Trần Thị Duyên. They are expected to help guide younger teammates.

Falling out of the top three last season was a big blow to coach Nguyễn Khánh Thu who encouraged the team to work hard in the last months for a strong return.

This season will see Sơn La FC back to action after two years off because of financial problems.

The club has received strong support from Thái Sơn Bắc Electric Equipment Trading Company and Sơn La Province leaders.

In an effort to push the tournament competitiveness, the Việt Nam Football Federation (VFF) and its sponsors have increased the bonuses for the national championship to a total of VNĐ1.13 billion (US$46,200).

The winners will walk away with VNĐ500 million instead of VNĐ300 million as announced last month.

The second-placed team will receive VNĐ300 million and the third-placed one will take home VNĐ200 million.

Other awards such as most valuable player, top scorer, best goalkeeper and fair-play team will also earn bigger bonuses.

The tournament features eight teams competing from November 16-December 28. 

Hà Nội 1 and HCM City 1 will play each other in the opening match at the VFF's Football Field.  

All matches are free for supporters and will be live broadcast on VTVcab channels and VFF's social networks.

Two children die, two others remain missing in Phu Yen River

Two children have drowned while two others remain missing when swimming in a river in the southern central province of Phu Yen on Tuesday afternoon.

Rescue team look for the missing children on the Ba River on November 14.

A report from the Tay Hoa District Police Department said that a group of 10-year-old boys went to the Ba River at around 2pm on November 14 after finishing their class.

"Four of them went into the river to swim while two others stayed at the bank," the report said. "It started to rain heavily at that time and the four boys were swept away as the water lever rose up quickly. The two boys on the bank ran to call for help."

Tay Hoa Police sent a rescue team to the area and found two bodies about a kilometre away at 4pm the same day. They are still looking for the two others.

Ba River runs through three provinces of Kon Tum, Gia Lai, and Phu Yen.

The central and southern central of Vietnam has seen heavy rains since November 13, with Phu Yen reporting a rainfall of between 100-300 mm, causing floods and landslides in many areas.

50th anniversary of diplomatic ties heralds new chapter of Vietnam - Luxembourg relations

Vietnam and Luxembourg are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations (November 15, 1973 - 2023), which is believed to herald a new chapter of their ties that Vietnam should optimise in the time ahead.

At a press meeting during his official visit to Vietnam from May 3 to 5 this year, Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel said his country has always stood side by side with Vietnam, even during trying times, and the two sides are determined to elevate their relations to a new height, especially amid the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations.

During the visit, the two countries signed an agreement on the strategic partnership in green finance.

Since 1973, Vietnam and Luxembourg have travelled a long path of cooperation in such areas as development cooperation, finance, transport, connectivity, logistics, technique, medical technology, digital technical services, and banking.

As of March 2023, Luxembourg had 64 investment projects worth 2.6 billion USD in Vietnam, ranking third among the 24 EU members and 17th among the 139 countries and territories investing in the Southeast Asian nation. The projects concentrated on communications, construction, and real estate in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Ba Ria - Vung Tau province, among others.

The EU - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), coming into force in 2020, has helped create bright prospects for the countries’ trade links. Bilateral trade reached 144.57 million USD during the first 10 months of 2023, equivalent to 77.3% of that in 2022.

During Vietnamese PM Pham Minh Chinh’s official visit in December 2022, the Trade Promotion Agency under the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce inked a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in promoting trade ties and business dialogue.

During PM Bettel’s trip this year, the two sides agreed to step up the effective implementation of the cooperation deal between the Vietnam Stock Exchange and the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. They also agreed to enhance collaboration in banking and attracting the European country’s resources to help Vietnam carry out the green growth strategy for 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050.

About bilateral cooperation, Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Nguyen Van Thao stressed that the two countries do not cooperate for the sake of formality but have selected the areas matching their demand to boost partnerships in.

Luxembourg is a global centre of green finance while Vietnam is highly vulnerable to climate change and needs to develop a green and sustainable economy – a target requiring green finance to reach, he noted.

Thao emphasised that the 50th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic relations will herald a new chapter of their ties that will be much brighter, and Vietnam should maximise it in the time ahead.

Luxembourg Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Jean Asselborn expressed his belief that both sides’ current efforts in air transportation, finance - banking, fintech, or research, science, and technology will continue and even accelerate in the coming time. They will also bolster cooperation to cope with multifaceted impact of climate change, particularly the sea level rise and flooding that are seriously affecting many countries, including Vietnam.

Developing based on the shared interests, cooperation achievements, and friendship nurtured over the last 50 years, the Vietnam - Luxembourg relations are assessed as highly dynamic, productive, and increasingly substantive.

HCMC works to become member of UNESCO Creative Cities Network

Ho Chi Minh City is working to become a member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. This is the content of a national scientific conference held yesterday.

The Ho Chi Minh City Institute for Development Studies (HIDS) in collaboration with the HCMC University of Culture organized the national scientific conference on promoting cultural resources to build and develop the ‘Creative City’ of Ho Chi Minh City.

The conference focused on three topic groups to find solutions for Ho Chi Minh City to participate in UNESCO's creative city network, including advantages and challenges of Ho Chi Minh City's culture in developing a creative city; Ho Chi Minh City's cultural resources to build and develop a creative city and solutions to promote cultural resources to build and develop a creative city in the coming time.

The Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee on October 25 issued a decision approving the Project to develop Ho Chi Minh City's cultural industry until 2030. This includes the goal of joining the UNESCO creative cities network; thereby, contributing to the preservation and promotion of cultural values and the image of the culture and people of Ho Chi Minh City to international friends.

Contest ‘Vietnamese Teenagers – Global Citizens’ 2023 kicks off

The Central Council of the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization yesterday launched the contest ‘Vietnamese Teenagers – Global Citizens’ 2023 at Le Van Tam Junior High School in Binh Thanh District of HCMC.

Vice Chairman Le Anh Quan of the Central Council informed that the contest is held to offer an interesting playground for members of the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization and other teenagers to update their own knowledge, practise their foreign language skills, and develop their soft skills.

Another goal of the contest is to strengthen the relationship between the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization and schools, families nationwide so that Vietnamese teenagers have favorable conditions to focus on academic learning, moral training, active integration in international activities, which will ultimately turn themselves into global citizens in the future.

The contest is for all teenagers from 11-15 years old studying in junior high schools or at this level in junior-senior high schools all over the country.

To participate in the contest, teenagers have to either write a short paragraph or present a short talk in a video clip about their own understanding on the concept ‘Global Citizen’. They will then sit an English language proficiency test.

The preliminary round of the contest ‘Vietnamese Teenagers – Global Citizens’ 2023 is expected to begin from November 14, 2023 to February 18, 2024. The semi-final round takes place from February 28 – March 28, 2024. The national final round happens in May 2024 in Binh Dinh Province.

In this contest launch ceremony, the organization board delivered 10 scholarships, worth VND1 million each (US$41) to some teenagers joining in the contest.

First Permanent Court of Arbitration Vietnam Conference held in Hanoi

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) and the Vietnam Association of International Law (VSIL) co-organised the first PCA Vietnam Conference in Hanoi on November 15.

The event was held on the occasion of the first anniversary of the opening of the PCA Office in Hanoi which is the fifth of its kind in the world along with the PCA headquarters in the Peace Palace in The Hague.

Participants at the event discussed measures to build trust among countries, new issues and trends in international investment, energy transition, the current situation, and the outlook of international commercial arbitration in Vietnam.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu said that Vietnam supports the PCA's activities and actively promotes cooperation with the PCA through its representative office in Hanoi.

In the Resolution commemorating the 125th anniversary of the PCA, Vietnam and other countries at the United Nations General Assembly recognised the PCA's role in promoting peaceful measures to solve international disputes, including conciliating measures in addition to arbitration procedures.

He said that Vietnam respects basic principles of international law, including the principle of peaceful solution of international disputes.

To perfect the socialist rule-governed state, Vietnam needs an effective legal system with a force of qualified lawyers, extensive international integration, and a dynamic legal environment.

Marcin Czepelak, Secretary General of the PCA, thanked the Government of Vietnam, ministries, and agencies for supporting the PCA Office during the past year.

He emphasised that the conference reflected the PCA's fundamental values of peace, legal principles, and prosperity, creating opportunities for policymakers, experts, legal practitioners, and businesses to discuss recent developments in conciliation procedures between countries, dispute resolution procedures by arbitration between countries and investors as well as among businesses.

Regarding the operation of the PCA Office in Hanoi in the past year, it dealt with nearly 30 cases, had activities to connect with the lawyer and arbitrator community in Vietnam, and held training activities for employees of ministries, agencies, and State-owned corporations in Vietnam.

In the coming time, through its office in Hanoi, the PCA hopes to continue to coordinate with Vietnamese agencies to improve regulations on arbitration proceedings to help them meet international standards and create a favourable environment for international arbitration in Vietnam.

Czepelak expected that the PCA Vietnam Conference to become an annual event and Vietnam will become an arbitration venue in cases handled by the PCA.

ASEAN’s social welfare policies discussed at meeting in Quang Ninh

The 19th ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD) was held in Ha Long city in the northeastern province of Quang Ninh on November 15, with the participation of representatives from relevant agencies of ASEAN countries, the ASEAN Secretariat and Vietnam’s ministries and agencies.

Vietnam’s Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) chaired the meeting that was held in-person for the first time after four years held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Nguyen Van Hoi shared Vietnam’s outstanding social welfare achievements, including growing coverage of social insurance and unemployment insurance, more beneficiaries of social sponsor policies, and increased benefits in basic social services such as healthcare, education, water and information access. 

Hoi called on participants at the meeting to review performance, develop plans for next year, and suggest practical initiatives for the benefit of each country and for the harmonised development of the ASEAN community which centres on people.

As ASEAN's commitments to social welfare and development are becoming more and more extensive, in the face of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, ASEAN member countries give many priorities to social security, social affairs, and post-pandemic recovery.

Vietnam chose the theme "Responsive Social Protection in the Changing World" for the meeting to contribute to the implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025, the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Master Plan 2025, and "No one is left behind”.

Participants at the meeting recommended initiatives and proposals on strengthening the role of SOMSWD to make it an important specialised agency of ASEAN with practical cooperation activities in social protection.

They also agreed on the need to promote close partnerships between ASEAN and three countries of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, and other international and regional partners to optimise their technical and financial support for social welfare in the coming time.

Vietnam pledges to play more active role in ASEAN-US cooperation

Vietnam will play a more active role in cooperation between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the US, especially within the framework of the ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting Plus (ADMM+), Minister of National Defence General Phan Van Giang affirmed on November 15.

Addressing in the ASEAN-US Defence Ministers’ Informal Meeting in Indonesia, Giang praised the US commitment to supporting ASEAN’s centrality and promoting comprehensive cooperation with the region, especially in economy, trade, investment, and science-technology.

The minister also shared the view that the region is facing many traditional and non-traditional security challenges, requiring the cooperation and contributions of all countries.

He and other ASEAN ministers affirmed that with its central role, ASEAN stands ready to cooperate with the US and other partners to handle these challenges.

For his part, US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin recalled the attendance of all US Defence Secretaries at ADMM since 2010, which he said, demonstrates the importance the US attaches to ADMM , an important cooperation mechanism in the regional security architecture.

He noted his hope for more effective, substantive defence cooperation with the grouping, for regional peace and security, through joint exercises or the US-ASEAN Emerging Defence Leaders Programme.

The official held that maritime security plays the most important role in regional security, and emphasised the significance of ensuring the freedom and openness of maritime routes in accordance with international law.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Giang and Austin met to discuss measures to promote bilateral defence cooperation, focusing on war consequences settlement and humanitarian aid such as bomb and mine clearance, dioxin remediation, and searching for soldiers missing during wartime in Vietnam.

 Minister of National Defence Gen. Phan Van Giang (R) and his US counterpart Lloyd Austin. (Photo: VNA)
Giang said that Vietnam will organise the second International Defence Expo in late 2024 and expressed his hope that US defence industry businesses will attend this event.

Lao Party delegation pays working visit to Binh Thuan province

A delegation of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party led by Governor of the Central Bank of Laos Bounleua Sinxayvoravong paid a working visit to the south central province of Binh Thuan on November 15.

Receiving the Lao delegation, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Duong Van An briefed the guests on the province’s socio-economic development, defence, security, and political system building.

He said Binh Thuan has boosted social-economic development based on three pillars, namely industry, tourism and agriculture. The province has paid due attention to infrastructure development, particularly in transport, residential areas, industrial clusters, and irrigation.

At the meeting, the Lao delegation and leaders of Binh Thuan province discussed and shared experience in the Party building work and new-style rural area construction.

Bounleua congratulated Binh Thuan province on its achievements during the past time, especially its post-pandemic economic recovery. As Binh Thuan has optimally exploited advantages and overcome disadvantages to develop fields, including tourism, and solar power, the province can offer valuable lessons for localities in Laos, he said.

The official also emphasised that their visit to Binh Thuan province helped tighten and cultivate cooperative relations between Lao provinces and Binh Thuan in particular, and the special friendship between Vietnam and Laos in general.

Activities held to mark 50-year ties between Vietnam and Italy

The Vietnamese Embassy in Italy in the last few days held meetings and activities within the framework of the Vietnam-Italy Year 2023 in Genoa.

On November 13, Vietnamese Ambassador to Italy Duong Hai Hung met with Prefect of Genoa Cinzia Teresa Torraco. At the meeting, the Italian official emphasised that the relations between Vietnam and Italy in general and Vietnam and Genoa in particular see great potential for growth, especially in blue economy, seaports, rice export, sustainable agriculture, and climate change response.

Receiving the Vietnamese Ambassador, Genoa city’s Deputy Mayor Paola Bordilli appreciated the dynamism, development achievements and potential of Vietnam. She said that the city is building an ideal factory - an innovation centre to promote innovation and technology.

She hopes the city and Vietnam will cooperate in such fields as education and training, culture, arts, and a possibility of establishing the Genoa-Vietnam sea transport route.

For his part, Vietnamese Ambassador Hung expressed his respect for the solidarity and friendship between Italy and Vietnam in the past and their cooperation today.

He said the two sides need to boost their relations and informed that many Vietnamese delegations planned to visit Genoa to seek cooperation opportunities. He hoped that Genoa will also send delegations to Vietnam and direct flights between the two countries will soon be opened.

On November 14, the Vietnamese Embassy in Italy and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam organised Vietnam-Liguria Business and Investment Forum, which provided a great opportunity for stakeholders to promote business connections between Vietnam and Italy.

Italian representatives at the forum assessed that Vietnam has important advantages to promote business and investment such as strategic location and stable politics. The two sides have a lot of potential for cooperation as Vietnam is a production hub and its sea transport is increasingly bustling.

Within the framework of the Vietnam-Italy Year 2023 in Genoa, Ambassador Hung also visited Fincantieri Group - one of the world's largest shipbuilding groups.

He also met with Claudio Orazi, Director of Carlo Felice Theatre, to promote cultural cooperation and met with Paola Dameri, Deputy Rector for International Cooperation, University of Genoa.

On this occasion, Ambassador Hung visited the Office of the Italy - Vietnam Friendship Association in Liguria and had a meeting with Mauro Cotogno, President of the association, and Italian friends.

Meanwhile, the Vietnamese Embassy in Italy also coordinated with relevant agencies to organise two photo exhibitions featuring Vietnam-Italy solidarity, and the beauty of the land and people of Vietnam.

President Ho Chi Minh’s life, revolutionary career spotlighted in Japan

The Vietnamese Embassy in Japan held a talk on the life and revolutionary career of President Ho Chi Minh for the Vietnamese community in Japan on November 15.

Opening the event, held as part of the project to popularise and honour President Ho Chi Minh - a national liberation hero and a great man of culture – among the international community, Ambassador Pham Quang Hieu said the talk aims to provide officials from the embassy, Vietnamese representative offices and Vietnamese community in Japan a deeper insight into the life and revolutionary career of President Ho Chi Minh, thus encouraging them to continue to study and follow the leader’s moral example.

Prof. Hoang Chi Bao, a senior expert and former member of the Central Theory Council, who has spent his whole life to research Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, told stories about the leader’s life and his journey to seek the way to liberate the nation from colonial yoke.

The stories reflected the leader’s revolutionary spirit, simple lifestyle and his whole-hearted love and devotion for the nation, as well as his sacrifice for the struggle for national liberation and peace, development and progress of Vietnam and the world.

They inspired national pride among the Vietnamese community, especially youngsters, encouraging them to make contributions to the development of the homeland.

Prof. Bao also introduced publications on the ideology, morality and lifestyle of President Ho Chi Minh, including the leader’s testament.

Exhibition spotlights French-style hallmarks in Hai Phong

The “Hai Phong – France Heritage” exhibition opened in the northern port city of Hai Phong on November 15, highlighting the city’s buildings bearing hallmarks of the French architecture.

The week-long event, jointly held by the municipal People’s Committee and the French Embassy, is part of the activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations and the 10 years of the strategic partnership between the two nations.

On show are 684 maps, documents, and images featuring the city’s architectural landmarks, expansion and planning until 2030 with a vision to 2050, as well as standout achievements in recent years.

Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Tho said that Hai Phong’s distinctive charm is shaped up by an array of buildings with a touch of French architecture which have remained intact and boasted cultural values over the past 100 years.

The works reflect the blend of the Vietnamese and French culture in the city, he said, adding local authorities have paid due attention to preserving and promoting the values of the heritage.

Former President of the French Academy of Architecture, and President of the France-Vietnam academy of architecture Thierry Van De Wyngaert said that the exhibits provide an insight into the buildings designed by French architects during the 19th and 20th century in Hai Phong city.

He expressed his hope that similar exhibitions will be held in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Paris.

Vietnamese, Cambodian provinces step up efforts in searching, repatriating martyrs’ remains

The Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang and the four Cambodian provinces of Koh Kong, Preah Sihanouk, Kam Pot and Kep on November 15 agreed to continue cooperation in searching, gathering and repatriating remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who laid down their lives in Cambodia during the wartime.

Speaking at the signing ceremony of cooperation documents between the two sides for the 2023-2024 dry season, Vice Chairman of the Kien Giang Provincial People’s committee Nguyen Luu Trung emphasised that over the past time, K92 Team of Kien Giang province has received enormous support from the authorities, armed forces and people of the Cambodian provinces in searching and repatriating martyrs' remains.

Since the implementation of an agreement signed between the Vietnamese and Cambodian governments on August 28, 2000 on the search, gathering and repatriation of the remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts, the K92 Team of Kien Giang province has searched and collected 2,105 sets of remains in the four provinces of Cambodia. In particular, in the 2022 – 2023 dry season, the unit searched and collected 25 sets of martyrs' remains.

Despite countless efforts, many martyrs’ remains have not been found due to changing topographical conditions. Kien Giang province hoped that the Cambodia side will continue to create favorable conditions to help the K92 Team to carry out the task of searching, gathering and repatriating remains of the martyrs, Trung said.

You Sokun, Deputy Governor of Cambodia’s Kampot province, stressed that Cambodia will continue to coordinate closely with relevant units and the K92 Team of Kien Giang province to locate and mobilise people to provide clear information about graves to search, gather and repatriate the remains of martyrs to their homeland.

EP official lauds Vietnam’s progress in green transition

Chairman of the European Parliament (EP)'s Committee on International Trade (INTA) Bernd Lange commended Vietnam’s progress and capacity in green transition, at a meeting with Permanent Vice Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) Tran Thanh Man in Brussels on November 15 (local time).

Recalling the Global Gateway Forum (GGF) organised by the EU last month, Lange said among the GGF-funded projects, there were those for Vietnam, demonstrating the active partnership between the EU and Vietnam and facilitating Vietnam’s production in the European market.

The INTA Chairman expressed his delight at the access of e-vehicles by Vietnamese automaker VinFast to the European market, stressing green transition is a common concern, and ample room remains for this trend.

Regarding the implementation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), Lange expressed his belief that the two sides will join hands to handle pending issues, and suggested them seek solutions for agricultural standards.

He also lauded Vietnam’s commitments and efforts in joining International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions.

Vietnam plays an important role in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Lange said, emphasising his and the EU’s stance of supporting the freedom of navigation and overflight, and supporting the stance in the direction of respecting international law, especially in the East Sea.

For his part, Man said his working trip to the EP aims to promote in-depth discussions between the Vietnamese legislature and the EP, especially those made during the visit to Vietnam by the INTA Chairman in September 2022.

Vietnam always attaches importance to its comprehensive partnership and cooperation with the EU, he said, noting with pleasure the positive developments of the relations between Vietnam and the EU, and between the Vietnamese NA and the EP in particular.

Since the establishment of the diplomatic ties 33 years ago, and of the comprehensive partnership and cooperation 11 years ago, Vietnam has become an important partner of the EU in ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific, he continued.

Man spoke highly of joint efforts in maintaining the inter-parliamentary dialogue channel in a substantive and effective manner through delegation exchanges, along with the cooperation mechanism to materialise the EVFTA, contributing to promoting priorities and settling issues in the Vietnam-EU relations.  

The EU is one of Vietnam’s leading trade and investment partners, and development assistance suppliers, he said, elaborating that the two-way trade reached 62.4 billion USD last year, up 14% year-on-year.

Vietnam will seriously and fully implement commitments in the EVFTA, while further reviewing and perfecting its legal system on labour, and realising international commitments it has joined, the legislator pledged.   

Man proposed the EP back the enhancement of the comprehensive partnership and cooperation between Vietnam and the EU and its member countries across spheres, including inter-parliamentary cooperation, and urge parliaments of the remaining EU countries to soon ratify the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA).

He also suggested the INTA Chairman to urge the European Commission (EC) to soon remove its “yellow card” warning on Vietnamese seafood, and support strengthening the Vietnam-EU cooperation in green transition, digital transformation and climate change response.  

Man called on the EU and its member countries to continue supporting Vietnam and ASEAN’s stance on the peaceful settlement of disputes in the East Sa in accordance with international law, particularly the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

He invited the INTA Chairman to visit Vietnam at an appropriate time. In reply, Lange said he plans to revisit the Southeast Asian nation next January.

Vietnamese, French localities cooperate in heritage conservation

A scientific seminar on promoting the value of archaeological heritage and an exhibition entitled “From the Underground to the Museum: A Journey of Artifacts” have been held by Thang Long-Hanoi Heritage Conservation Centre in Toulouse city of France.

The events were part of a cooperation project between Hanoi capital of Vietnam and Toulouse city of France on technical assistance to preserve and promote typical urban heritage values and archaeological relics at the royal citadel, which has been launched since 2020 with funding from the French Development Agency (AFD) and Toulouse.

In his opening remarks, Nguyen Thanh Quang, the centre’s director, highlighted the outcomes of the project, saying it has achieved positive results, helping to promote the traditional cooperative relationship between the two cities, and is a typical model of cooperation between localities of France and Vietnam.

Discussions, scientific researches, and exhibitions jointly organised by experts from both sides in Hanoi and Toulouse have tightened the relationship between the heritage of the Thang Long Imperial Citadel and other heritage sites of Toulouse, helping the public have a deeper understanding of the history and culture of the two cities, he said.

Quang hoped that French friends will continue to support the preservation and popularisation of the heritage value of the Thang Long Imperial Citadel in the coming time, specifically in the fields of heritage tourism, staff training and conservation of French architectural works in the heritage area.

 Staff members of the Thang Long-Hanoi Heritage Conservation Centre exchange with French experts. (Photo: VNA)
For his part, Vice Mayor of Toulouse Jean-Claude Dardelet said that the project has offered opportunities for experts from Vietnam and France to share experiences.

Despite facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic and personnel changes, both sides have worked hard to overcome them and achieve great successes, he said.

The project’s outcomes opened up new cooperative opportunities for the two cities, especially in the fields of heritage conservation and research, and tourism promotion, the official added.

Minimum wage fixing for labourers under discussion

A consultation workshop on the draft dossier for the accession to the Minimum Wage Fixing Convention 1970 (Convention 13) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) was held in Ho Chi Minh City on November 15.

Jointly organised by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) and the ILO, the two-day event is offering a forum for wage and labour experts, representatives of employees and relevant agencies in southern localities to discuss minimum wage issues for workers.

Addressing the event, Mai Duc Thien, deputy head of MoLISA’s Legal Department, briefed participants on the daft dossier, and emphasised the significance of Convention 131 and the obligations of its member countries.  

Promoting Vietnam’s access to Convention 131 represents a new step towards ensuring a decent standard of living for labourers and establishing a fair working environment in line with international labour standards, Thien said.

Nguyen Thanh Mai from the same department said Vietnam’s accession to the convention aims to ensure a minimum living standard for laborers and their families, contributing to addressing income inequality among labourers, minimising wage-related disputes, and increasing labour productivity.

Additionally, adhering to international labour standards will help improve the competitiveness of Vietnamese goods in demanding international markets, thus addressing labour-related barriers and facilitating exports, she said.

According to Xavier Estupinan Gonzalo, a wage expert from the ILO, minimum wage systems have been established in many countries to address issues of poverty and labour inequality, contributing to ensuring sustainable social security development.

The minimum wage must be adequate to provide protection for all workers in employment relationships, including women, youth, and migrant labourers, regardless of the types of contract they have agreed upon, he said.

Delegates discussed contents of Convention 131 and proposed principles and mechanisms for adjusting the minimum wage, criteria for determining the minimum wage, measures to apply regulations on minimum wages, and relevant international experience.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes