Government launches action plan on railway transport development hinh anh 1

The Government has issued Resolution No 178/NQ-CP on an action plan for implementing the Politburo’s Conclusion No 49-KL/TW on the development orientation of Vietnam's railway transport to 2030 with a vision towards 2045.

The action plan sets out tasks including perfecting institutions and policies, completing railway planning and related plans and mobilising resources to invest in rail transport.

Accordingly, from 2024 - 2026, the Ministry of Transport (MoT) will preside over the review, amendment and supplementation of the Railway Law and related legal documents while the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MoPI) is tasked with revising the Law on Investment regarding the public-private partnership mode to attract investment.

From 2023 - 2025, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) will prioritise the allocation of the State budget to science and technology related to the railway sector. The Ministry of Science and Technology will take charge of devising and issuing mechanisms and policies to promote research, application and transfer of science and technology in the railway sector. 

The MoPI, provincial-level People’s Committees and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism are tasked with devising, reviewing and adjusting regional development plans in alignment with the railway system planning for 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050. 

During 2025-2045, the MoPI is authorised to prioritise the allocation of medium-term and annual State budgets to invest in railway infrastructure, especially in the North-South high-speed railway project, while the MoF should give priority to increasing State budget allocation for railway infrastructure maintenance.

From 2023 - 2045, the MoT is assigned to call on economic sectors to participate in railway business and transport support services.

In the conclusion issued in February 2023 on orientations for railway transport development by 2030 and vision to 2045, the Politburo identified the North-South high-speed railway as the backbone railway of the country.

The conclusion’s objective is to complete the approval of the investment policies of the North-South high-speed railway project and start the construction of priority sections in 2026-30, including the Hanoi - Vinh section and the HCM City - Nha Trang section.

According to the pre-feasibility report, the project will pass through 20 provinces. It has a length of 1,545 km, with a maximum operating speed of about 320 km per hour. The total estimated investment of the whole project is about 58.71 billion USD.

Vietnam currently has 2,440km of railway.

EU – one of Vietnam’s most important partners: PM

Vietnam always regards the EU as one of the most important partners in its foreign policy, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh affirmed at a reception for visiting European Commission (EC) Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis in Hanoi on November 2.

The EU is Vietnam’s fourth largest trade partner, while Vietnam is its biggest trade partner in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The EU is also the sixth largest investor in Vietnam.

Chinh appreciated the EU’s consideration of climate change adaptation one of the three focuses of cooperation with Vietnam for 2021 – 2027, and thanked the EU for its 210 million EUR (222.55 million USD) in non-refundable aid to Vietnam in the 2021 - 2024 period.

He suggested the EU accelerate the implementation of its free trade agreement with Vietnam (EVFTA), and create more favourable conditions for Vietnamese goods to enter the market, especially agricultural and aquatic products, striving to bring two-way trade to 100 billion USD.

Vietnam is committed to further facilitating the operations of EU enterprises, he said, adding that EU firms should be encouraged to invest in the country in such areas as digital transformation, energy transformation, sustainable development, climate change response, high technology, and logistics infrastructure in which they have strengths.  
The two sides shared ASEAN’s views on ensuring safety, security, and freedom of aviation and navigation in the East Sea, the full and serious implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and pushing ahead with the negotiations and building of an effective and efficient Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in accordance with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), for peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world.

Samsung contributes to Vietnam’s development: Top legislator

Projects implemented by the Samsung Group of the Republic of Korea (RoK) in Vietnam have contributed to shifting economic structure, promoting exports, developing supporting industry, and generating jobs in the country, National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue told Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Samsung Park Hark Kyu in a meeting on November 1.

The Vietnamese top legislator highly valued the rapid disbursement progress of the projects, saying this has helped promote socio-economic development in Vietnam.

Hue congratulated Samsung Vietnam on its business results over the first three quarters of 2023, with revenue of over 48 billion USD and export turnover of about 42 billion USD, making a significant contribution to Vietnam's import-export value.

The upgrade of bilateral relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership in December last year has opened strong cooperation opportunities between Vietnam and the RoK, he stressed.

He noted with pleasure that after more than three decades of establishing diplomatic relations, the political trust between the two nations continues to be strengthened, and multifaceted cooperation, especially in politics, economics, culture, and people-to-people exchanges, has grown substantially.

The state visit to Vietnam by RoK President Yoon Suk Yeol in June this year has created new momentum to advance the comprehensive strategic partnership, Hue said.

Applauding the commitment of the President of Sam Sung Group to accompany and support Vietnam in developing supporting industries, the NA Chairman affirmed that the Vietnamese legislature supports and is willing to create favourable legal corridors for investment, production and business of domestic and foreign businesses, including Korean firms and Samsung in particular.

For his part, Park Hark Kyu said he is impressed by Vietnam’s economic growth in recent times.

He highly evaluated the business climate of Vietnam, saying that the active and effective support by the Vietnamese side has helped Samsung overcome difficulties and challenges in recent times.

The Samsung CFO desired that the Vietnamese legislative body, and its Chairman personally will continue to pay attention to and provide favourable conditions Samsung’s activities.

He promised that Samsung will continue accompanying Vietnam in its development in the future.

170 tourist attractions in Ba Ria - Vung Tau to be digitised

The Department of Tourism of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province unveiled that the locality has digitised information of 170 tourist sites so far, with 122 locations being digitised this year.  

Accordingly, a total of 48 scenic spots and relic sites in the province now boast QR codes in order to allow visitors to scan the code to access information.

This year will see the local tourism industry test 122 points on the electronic portal on a trial basis to allow organisations, individuals, and localities to directly manage destinations.

The application of QR codes in digitizing tourist destination information is a practical activity in order to digitally transform and promote the image of Ba Ria - Vung Tau tourism to a large number of domestic and international tourists amid the Industry 4.0.

Trinh Hang, director of the Department of Tourism of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province, emphasised that by using a smartphone to scan the QR code to get  basic information about the locations and their historic significance in seven languages, including English, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, French, Russian, and Korean.

Art project preserves Katê Festival

Bình Thuận Province has launched a long-term project to preserve the Katê Festival, the largest traditional festival of Chăm ethnicity.

The project is part of the province’s cultural strategy approved by the municipal People’s Committee on October 16.

It was completed after the province achieved good results in cultural growth, and after the Katê Festival was recognised by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as an intangible cultural heritage in 2022.

The project focuses on building public spaces to show the Chăm people’s gratitude to kings, mandarins and ancestors and praying for good harvests, health and prosperity. Traditional worship and prayer activities are also highlighted.

Under the project, local cultural authorities and organisations are in charge of protecting, preserving and managing the heritage.

Tourism agencies are also encouraged to offer tours introducing the culture, art and lifestyle of Chăm people to visitors.

According to Võ Thành Huy, deputy director of the province’s Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the project is essential to the province’s cultural growth.

“Katê Festival is not only the most important festival of the Chăm people in Bình Thuận but also contributes to promoting the culture and image of the locality. Our project will provide local people, particularly youngsters and visitors, with more chances to experience traditional cultural activities,” he said.

Katê Festival is celebrated annually for three days in the seventh lunar month by the Chăm, who follow the Balamon religion.

This year, the festival was held at Pô Sah Inư Chăm Towers in Phan Thiết City’s Phú Hài District on October 14. The event also celebrated the 28th Bình Thuận Tourism Day on October 24.

Several traditional rituals such as offering costumes to Po Sah Inư Goddess, bathing Linga - Yoni statues, and the performance of a ‘thanksgiving’ ceremony, were organised.

Many people and artists in traditional clothes joined and performed in ritual and cultural shows, folk dances and music performances of Apsara dances, Ginang and Paranung drums, Saranai trumpets, and folk games.

The Chăm community in Bình Thuận has around 40,000 people mostly living in districts of Tuy Phong, Bắc Bình, Hàm Thuận Bắc and Tánh Linh, with Brahminism followers numbering around 18,000.

Apart from Katê, the Chăm people have other festivals to celebrate their religion and culture, such as Rijanưgar, Súc Dâng, and Tết Ramưwan.

In recent years, the Government and the province have promulgated policies to develop the lives of ethnic minorities in mountainous areas, including the Chăm.

Quảng Bình Museum receives 388 valuable documents and artefacts

On October 30, Quảng Bình Provincial General Museum held a ceremony to receive and exhibit 388 documents and artefacts donated by private collectors.

Received documents and artefacts range from the Metal Ages about 3000 years ago until the twentieth century, belonging to the Đồng Sơn culture, Chăm culture, and all Việt Nam's dynasties.

Besides antiques related to Quảng Bình province and the Central regions, there are also ceramic artefacts from the Southern region, including Lái Thiêu ceramics, Biên Hòa ceramics and Bình Dương ceramics. 

The collection also featured various types of ancient coins from nations throughout the world.

The two leading donators are collector Nguyễn Ngọc Ẩn with 239 artefacts and collector Nguyễn Tấn Ngọc who contributed 101 documents and artefacts. 

Recognizing this contribution, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and the Department of Culture and Sports awarded the two collectors.

Collector Ẩn is the chairman of the UNESCO Club for researching and collecting antiques in Bình Thuận province. He has gathered more than 40,000 artefacts and antiques from various historical periods, which are displayed at his house for visitors and researchers.

Since 2014, he has organized 81 donations of over 50,000 artefacts to museums, academies and tradition galleries of provinces and cities across the country.

"Collecting antiques is my passion. Currently, I am preserving tens of thousands of antiques, many of which are valuable throughout the ages," Ẩn said

"I hope that these artefacts and antiques will be introduced to the general public and the young generation, who can witness with their own eyes the prehistoric artefacts that they have only seen before in textbooks."

"Quảng Bình Provincial General Museum will preserve and widely introduce the received antiques and documents, amplifying knowledge about the history of the nation," Mai Xuân Thành, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and Sports of Quảng Bình province, said. 

Documents and artefacts are on display at Quảng Bình Provincial General Museum at 30 Quang Trung Street, Đồng Hới District, Quảng Bình. 

HCM City Drama Theatre focuses on young audiences

The HCM City Drama Theatre has prepared multiple plays with a focus on young audiences.

The play The Turtle's School Bag, written and directed by Hoàng Tấn, was performed at Lương Thế Vinh Elementary School in HCM City’s District 1 on October 23, and received positive responses from the students.

The Turtle's School Bag, including various elements such as music, dance, circus acts, drama, puppetry, and stage interaction, is the 17th production by HCM City Theater aimed at young audiences.

According to the artists from HCM City Drama Theater, The Turtle's School Bag is not just an educational story conveying dreams of an effective learning environment, but the artists also aim to create a cheerful atmosphere, providing young audiences with exciting experiences.

The characters are a noteworthy aspect of the performance, with the story being narrated through the actors' highly emotional and engaging performances, making the characters endearing and relatable, especially to student audiences.

“The friendly and enthusiastic interaction between actors and the audience brings tangible effectiveness to the performance. The reception and affection from the audience motivate actors to creatively explore outstanding and humane roles," actor Phạm Hồng said.

In addition to performances at schools, HCM City Drama Theater also participates in activities to promote literary and artistic works under the theme “Studying and Following the Thoughts, Morals, and Style of Hồ Chí Minh” from November 11 to December 30.

As part of this initiative, it will present the play The Journey to Find a Portrait, directed by Hoàng Tấn, for the audience.

According to Nguyễn Anh Kiệt, director of HCM City Drama Theatre, this plan is a collaboration between the Department of Culture and Sports and the HCM City Party Committee's Popularisation and Education Committee.

"Through literary and artistic works, we contribute to building the character, morals, lifestyles, and identities of the city's residents, reinforcing the moral and cultural foundations in officials, party members, and people. The play The Journey to Find a Portrait aims to build the image of late President Hồ Chí Minh in the minds of young people," stated Kiệt.

Director Hoàng Tấn added, “Other popular award-winning literary and artistic works from the creative campaigns launched by the HCM City People's Committee and the Department of Culture and Sports will also be staged and performed to serve young audiences in the future.” 

Technology applications valued as health sector highlights over the past three years

Technology applications in genome monitoring, sharing data on epidemics and developing remote medicine are evaluated as highlights of the domestic health sector over the past three years since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Đỗ Trường Duy, director of the National Health Information Centre under the Ministry of Health, told Lao động (Labour) online newspaper that the centre was promoting several platforms including Vtelehealth – a platform supporting remote medical examination and treatment, a platform to manage electronic health records, a platform to manage vaccination, and a platform to manage medical facilities.

The applications could be easily integrated with other medical facility platforms, he said.

The Vteleheath application had attracted more than 1,000 doctors to participate with more than 11,300 medical examination and consultation sessions conducted, reducing the load on medical facilities and enhancing medical digital transformation, he said.

Nguyễn Hoàng Bắc, Director of Hồ Chí Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, said that the hospital had built and developed a complete electronic medical record.

The electronic medical record software had many functional modules such as inpatient, outpatient, pharmacy, record management, health insurance and finance, he said.

The modules were interconnected to not only serve medical expertise but also improve management and customer service, he said.

Each patient treated at the hospital was given a complete personal health record with medical information, personal history, drug allergy information and treatment methods, he said.

Currently, the hospital also performed remote medical examination and treatment, developed artificial intelligence (AI) in diagnosis, deployed image storage and management systems, as well as built and digitised professional processes, treatment and care of patients, he said.

Professor Trần Văn Thuấn, Deputy Minister of Health, said the goal of the ministry was to continue to improve technical solutions, research, and promulgation of policies to create more favourable conditions for telemedicine, especially the deployment of digital medical platforms in the future.

Innovation in the health sector included the development and application of new ideas, technologies, processes and solutions that improve quality and promote the application of scientific advances in medicine, he said.

The health sector had pioneered innovation in several aspects, he said.

In terms of technological innovation, the health sector had strengthened the operation of new medical devices, diagnostic equipment, telemedicine solutions, electronic health records and medical information systems.

In terms of digital applications, the health sector had integrated digital technologies in medical equipment to help to continuously and remotely monitor health and promptly receive medical consultation information.

In terms of predicting disease trends through big data analysis, the health sector had applied data analysis and big data technology to extract information and help predict disease outbreaks and changing trends of the disease structure in the community.

In terms of biotechnology, the health sector had applied biotechnology innovation in the control of biological processes to develop new methods and techniques in treatment, advanced therapies such as gene therapy, stem cells and regenerative medicine.

In terms of telemedicine, innovations in telemedicine had expanded the access to health care services, allowing remote consultations with providers, reducing the need for in-person examination, improving service provision for remote areas, islands, grassroots healthcare and in cases of natural disasters and epidemics.

Thuấn also said that innovation in the health sector required coordination between medical experts, technologists, policy makers and investors to bring about positive change in the fourth revolution. 

Ministry, institutions move to develop high-quality semiconductor manpower

The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) and educational institutions are working to promote the training of human resources for the semiconductor industry, which now has great demand for high-quality manpower.

In Vietnam, 11 educational institutions are providing training closely related to the semiconductor and integrated circuit sector, and 35 others have training programmes with semiconductor and IC-related majors.

Some training branches fundamental to IC design, including electrical and electronics engineering; mechanical, aerospace, and manufacturing engineering; computer science and information system; technique and technology; and mathematics at such big universities as Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST); Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU); and Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCM) have been listed at the 201st - 550th places in the QS World University Rankings.

Assoc. Prof. and Dr. Tran Xuan Tu, director of information technology institute at VNU University of Engineering and Technology, said Vietnam boasts young and abundant human resources with good mathematical mindset and improving capacity.

The fields of technology and technique, especially information technology, automation, electronics, and computer engineering, which are linked with different steps of the semiconductor industry are grasping young people’s interest. Therefore, domestic institutions need to devise training plans and keep improving the quality of human resources to optimise this advantage, he opined.

Assoc. Prof. and Dr. Tran Manh Ha from the VNUHCM said that four schools of the VNUHCM are providing training connected with IC design, namely University of Technology, University of Science, University of Information Technology, and International University.

For 2023 - 2030, the VNUHCM plans to train 1,500 engineers and graduates, 500 others holding the master’s degree, and 15,000 holding certificates on IC design. It will build four training laboratories and two in-depth ones and establish an institute for semiconductor research.

However, Ha also pointed out certain difficulties such as the shortages of codes for IC design training branches, training curricula and courses, support for lecturers, experts and attraction of talented students, laboratories, and an IC research and design centre that connecting schools with experts and businesses.

Assoc. Prof. and Dr. Bui Thanh Tung from the Hanoi-based VNU noted this university has about 20 training branches relevant to semiconductor and IC, with about 1,500 students each year. It has developed semiconductor and IC research groups and invested in equipment and laboratories.

Strong at scientific, technical and technological branches, the HUST currently has seven branches near and two others specialised in IC design with an annual admission target of more than 3,000 students.

Assoc. Prof. and Dr. Nguyen Duc Minh from the HUST also pointed out several challenges, including the shortages of specialised software and equipment, learning materials, lecturers, and students.

To scale up semiconductor-related training, Tung held that it is necessary to issue a code for the pilot training in semiconductor and IC, encourage businesses to invest in and coordinate with educational institutions in developing semiconductor and IC human resources, and attract excellent researchers to teach at universities.

Meanwhile, the VNUHCM suggested a national strategy for the semiconductor industry be released to mobilise long-term resources, and codes issued for the training in IC design at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. It also proposed the MoET devise mechanisms for identifying student admission targets and sharing laboratories since investment in these facilities are costly.

Representing Da Nang University, Assoc. Prof. and Dr. Nguyen Hong Hai proposed the city’s authorities to build policies for attracting semiconductor businesses, and provide favourable conditions for domestic and foreign scientists and experts to teach and conduct studies at local schools. It is also important to set up a centre for semiconductor research connecting the State, businesses, and universities.

Speaking at a recent workshop, Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son said if Vietnam manages to develop the semiconductor industry, its stature will be promoted. The MoET views developing human resources for this sector as one of the focal tasks to be boosted in higher education next year and beyond.

As this is a new industry, new methodology and vision are required, he said, adding that firstly, institutional solutions such as resolutions of the Government and the National Assembly are needed.

The MoET will complete standards for those training branches as soon as possible so that schools can design their training programmes. It is ready to create conditions for capable universities to recruit students. A special mechanism will also be created for them to attract experts and coordinate with domestic and international partners, according to the minister.

Vietnam, Egypt exchange experience in green finance attraction

The Vietnam Embassy in Egypt on October 31 held a hybrid workshop to exchange experience in attracting green finance between the two nations, as part of activities marking the 60th founding anniversary of their diplomatic relations (1963-2023).

Addressing the event, Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Huy Dung held that the Vietnamese and Egyptian Governments are committed to stepping up green growth, considering it a sustainable development path amid the global economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic and unexpected developments in international relations.

The diplomat briefed participants Vietnam's national green growth strategy for the 2011-2020 with a vision for 2050, adding that the country made a commitment at COP26 to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The cost of the green transition and carbon reduction process is estimated at around US$17 billion per year and requires significant external resources, he noted.

Dung said to fulfill and meet their commitments to sustainability, it is crucial for Vietnam and Egypt to leverage climate diplomacy serving the attraction of green financial resources.

For his part, Ambassador Rao'f Saad, Advisor to the Egyptian Minister of Environment, highlighted the crucial role of climate diplomacy in mobilising funds for green projects.

He held that Vietnam and Egypt have a golden opportunity to initiate a new phase in their bilateral relations by enhancing climate diplomacy, strengthening cooperation in technology research and transfer for mutual benefits.

Showcasing theoretical and practical aspects of climate diplomacy, speakers stressed the importance of collaboration in developing domestic technologies to reduce dependence on those from developed nations, and promoting green growth and technology self-sufficiency. They also discussed cooperation in the fields of banking, finance, and business startup to ensure that the Vietnamese and Egyptian economies successfully carry out green growth policies.

Da Nang wins Best Vietnam Smart City Award for fourth time

The central city of Da Nang has been granted the Best Vietnam Smart City Award 2023 for the fourth consecutive time.

The city has also won three specialised award categories - Smart Operations and Management City for Infrastructure and Public Service; Smart, Green Environmental Management City; and Attractive City for Startups and Innovation.
The results were recently announced by Dr. Nguyen Quan, the former Minister of Science and Technology, who was the jury board. 

Initially launched by the Vietnam Software and IT Services Association (VINASA), the awards aims to promote digital transformation, the application of information technology, as well as the building of smart cities across the country, along with honouring achievements of cities, urban areas, industrial parks, and technological solutions.

The awards ceremony is expected to take place on November 31 in Hanoi.

Recently Da Nang was also awarded the Seoul Smart City Prize in the category of the Human Centricity bronze at the World Cities Summit Mayors Forum in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, for member cities of the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organisation (WeGO).

HCM City night concert to honour world’s most famous composers

A concert featuring works by Beethoven, Chopin and Grieg, the three most beloved 19th century European composers in the history of world music, will be held at the Ho Chi Minh City Ballet Symphony Orchestra and Opera (HBSO) on November 11, HBSO announced on November 1.

The event will be held in cooperation with the Mickiewicz Institute and the Warsaw Music Foundation - Poland.

Poland's leading pianist Joanna Marcinkowska will perform with the Vietnamese orchestra under the baton of conductor Wojciech Czepiel.

Works to be performed include Beethoven’s Symphony No.1, Chopin’s Polish Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra, and Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A Minor.

Vietnam, RoK seek to advance environmental cooperation

Minister of Environment of the RoK Han Wha-jin is visiting Vietnam from October 31 to November 2 for the 15th annual Korea-Vietnam Environment Ministers Meeting (KVEMM) and related events.

According to a press release published by the RoK Ministry of Environment (MOE) on November 1, key environmental issues between the two countries will be discussed during the visit. 

KVEMM is a regular ministerial-level meeting that began in 2000 to discuss the development of environmental cooperation between the two countries and promote friendship. The 15th meeting is held after a five-year hiatus since the 14th edition in Seoul in 2018.

In the framework of the visit, Minister Han will meet with Vietnamese Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Dang Quoc Khanh to review the progress of cooperation between the two countries since the previous meeting, particularly in the field of environmental education and training. They will also discuss the enhancement of future environmental cooperation, including green official development assistance (Green ODA) and biodiversity.

According to the press release, the RoK supports the Vietnamese side's proposals regarding environmental laws, national environmental master plans, producer responsibility and recycling systems, green finance, and other policy exchanges.

The RoK will focus on the activities of support teams to facilitate the entry of Korean green industry companies into the promising Vietnamese green market in the context of Vietnam's significant demand in this area.

The MOE will host a Korea-Vietnam Green Technology Presentation to promote the Asian nation’s excellent green technologies.

Healthcare issues under discussion at NA’s sixth session

Several healthcare issues were under focus at the discussion on socio-economic development at the National Assembly on November 1, part of the ongoing sixth session of the 15th legislature.

Pointing to an increase in the number of cancer patients, deputy Nguyen Tri Thuc of Ho Chi Minh City cited data of the Union for International Cancer Control as showing that Vietnam recorded over 182,000 new cancer cases in 2020, and 60% of them required radiotherapy.

However, there are only 84 ordinary radiotherapy machines in the country, meeting about 60 - 70% of the demand. Notably, there haven’t been any proton therapy machines – the most advanced radiotherapy at present that minimises adverse effects on normal tissues.

Therefore, he proposed the Government establish a proton radiotherapy centre in Hanoi and another in Ho Chi Minh City to improve the quality of public health care.

Talking about the recent slow supply of pharmaceuticals, deputy Nguyen Lan Hieu of central Binh Dinh province noted bidding in drug procurement has been improved considerably, but the trading of consumable supplies remains a big problem.

He blamed the problem on the large number of legal regulations in this regard, making it hard to concurrently meet the rules of many different ministries and sectors when procuring. Besides, it is also difficult to purchase quality supplies as some bidders are ready to commit frauds to win bids at low prices.

Hieu proposed enhancing the requirements on warranty and technique transfer as only suppliers of quality goods accept a warranty period of up to five years. He added that these requirements will be useful for the health sector if they are facilitated by detailed guidance documents.

Minister of Health Dao Hong Lan said after nearly three years of fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic, the health sector has faced many difficulties, including the serious shortages of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment and supplies at many healthcare establishments, the wave of resignation among health workers, and problematic mechanisms and policies.

She cited a report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as saying that the shortages of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies is a prolonged challenge in many countries, and have become even more severe during and after the pandemic.

This problem has different causes, mainly the scarcity of material substances and soaring prices worldwide.

In that context, thanks to directions from the Party Central Committee, the NA and the Government, the close coordination from ministries, sectors, and localities, along with support from legislators, voters and the public, the sector has strived to address difficulties and reform working methodology.

In the long term, the health sector will invest efforts in fulfilling the set tasks and targets, building and perfecting regulations and strategies, improving the quality of health examination and treatment at all levels, stepping up the prevention of infectious diseases, and resolving outstanding problems pointed out by legislators, according to the minister.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes