Vietnam commits to repelling tuberculosis hinh anh 1
Vietnam shares valuable scientific research and experience at the Union World Conference on Lung Health 2023. (Photo:
With valuable scientific research and experience shared at the Union World Conference on Lung Health 2023 that took place in Paris on November 15-18, Vietnam demonstrated its strong commitment to tuberculosis (TB) prevention, according to Director of the National Lung Hospital Dinh Van Luong.

The country’s achievements in new treatment regimens, diagnostics quality and screening as well as the expansion of TB prevention were highlighted at the event, said Luong, who is the head of the National TB Control Programme. He added presentations that spotlighted Vietnam’s experience in post-pandemic response and recovery were highly commended by foreign delegates.

Particularly, Vietnam affirmed its pioneering role in joining efforts to test TB vaccine in 2023, he stressed.

The conference brought together 3,000 delegates who were representatives from governmental organisations and public health establishments, doctors, and TB-affected people all over the world.

In the framework of the conference, representatives from Vietnam’s National TB Control Programme had working sessions with several partners, including the University of California, San Francisco, the University of Sydney, TB Alliance and CHAI.
Vietnam is currently ranked 11th among the 30 countries worldwide with the highest burden of TB and multidrug-resistant TB.

The country detected 103,120 TB patients in 2022, up nearly 31% year-on-year, and 1.8% against that of 2020, proving the strong recovery of the National TB Control programme.

With new treatment regimens such as BPaL having been put in place, the country has carved out a high multidrug-resistant TB treatment success rate.
WHO estimates that over 25 years, a vaccine that is 50% effective in preventing TB disease among adolescents and adults could save 8.5 million lives.

It would also reduce the need for antibiotic treatment and save billions of dollars in costs faced by TB affected households, most of whom are poor and vulnerable.

Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia inspect preparation for border defence friendship exchange

The delegations from the Ministries of Defence of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia on November 20 inspected the preparation and final rehearsal of activities within the framework of the first Border Defence Friendship Exchange between the three countries slated for December 12 in the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum.

Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lieut. Gen Hoang Xuan Chien led the Vietnamese delegation, while the Lao and Cambodian delegations were led by Deputy Minister of Defende Lieut. Gen. Vongkham Phommakone, and Deputy commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and Joint Chief of Staff, respectively.  

The inspection was conducted at the T-junction of the borderlines of the three countries where numerous activities will be held.

Delegates visited the exercise field and observed practical scenarios simulating a series of emergency medical responses to earthquake disasters.

Sen. Lieut. Gen. Chien praised agencies, units and forces joining the exercise for overcoming difficulties to conduct training and practice, thus contributing to the success of the exchange.

Based on on-site inspections, the delegations’ heads engaged in discussions on details related to the organisation of various activities, proposed several options and organisational methods, and reviewed all contents of the exchange programe.

After completing the field inspection activities, the Vietnamese officer co-chaired a meeting with representatives of the Lao and Cambodian delegations to agree on contents related to organising the exchange programme.

 Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lieut. Gen Hoang Xuan Chien speaks at meeting with representatives of the Lao and Cambodian delegations. (Photo:

Chien highlighted the significance of the exchange, saying that it is an important political event, contributing to tightening solidarity, friendship and cooperation between the military as well as border protection forces, local authorities and residents in the shared border area between Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia.

He acknowledged close coordination between agencies and units of the Ministries of Defence of the three countries, and authorities of Kon Tum province in preparing for the programme, expressing the hope that the three sides will collaborate closer in this work.

Representatives of the three sides highly agreed on plans for the event, and showed their determination to organise the event successfully.

Conference launches national strategy to combat antimicrobial resistance

Vietnam and international healthcare research partners convened a two-day conference on November 20 to launch the country’s national strategy on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) prevention and control for 2023-2030, as part of activities responding to the ongoing World AMR Awareness Week.

The strategy was issued by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh via a decision dated September 25 this year. According to Luong Ngoc Khue, vice chairman of the National Medical Council, the issuance reflects the efforts of the Vietnamese government in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other international partners to counteract the increasing AMR issue.

At the conference, Deputy Minister of Health Tran Van Thuan stressed that AMR remains a concern in Vietnam despite scientific advancements made in the past decade, with antibiotic resistance trending upward over the years. Many challenges persist, including the limited capacity of laboratories to monitor and analyse data, inappropriate prescription of antibiotics, and a lack of enforcement of regulations on antibiotic sales.

Thuan called for the commitment of all sectors, agencies, organisations, and individuals to responsibly use antibiotics to strongly support the campaign against antibiotic resistance in Vietnam.

A representative of the WHO in Vietnam took the occasion to commend the government's approach to the matter and responsiveness during the World AMR Awareness Week —a global campaign held annually from November 18-24.

Vietnam is among the first six countries in the Asia-Pacific region to develop and implement a national action plan on AMR prevention and control, earning international recognition for its efforts and contributions to the global AMR fight.

Vietnamese agricultural products and cuisine introduced at UN Bazaar

A range of Vietnamese handicrafts, agricultural products, and cuisine were recently showcased at the UN International Bazaar with the theme of “United for Children, Clean Environment” in Geneva.

The event was jointly held by the permanent delegation of Vietnam to the UN, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and other international organisations in Geneva, with a view to raising funds for disadvantaged children around the world.
As part of her opening speech, Tatiana Valovaya, director general of the UN Office in Geneva (UNOG), emphasized that the fair has contributed to introducing different cultures around the world whist serving as bridge between Geneva and international friends.

Through booths at the fair, visitors were able to discover souvenirs and enjoy the culinary arts of various countries, as well as enjoying unique musical performances, she added.

The event saw the Vietnamese delegation in Geneva introduce a number of unique agricultural and handicraft products to international friends.

The highlight was lovely and sophisticated stuffed animal products created by the skillful hands of disabled artisans of the Kym Viet company based in Hanoi.

For her part, Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai, head of the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the UN, the WTO, and other international organizations in Geneva, revealed that in recent years the UN Women’s Guild (UNWG) has always provided support for disadvantaged children, offering relief from natural disasters and epidemics, as well as granting scholarships to children in many countries.

Through introducing Vietnamese handicrafts and cuisine at the bazaar, the delegation has helped to elevate the image of the nation and its people, thereby making a significant contribution to the charity activities run by the UNWG.

Vice President meets head of Denmark-Vietnam Friendship Organisation

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan hosted a reception for the Denmark-Vietnam Friendship Organisation (DAVIFO) right after she arrived in Copenhagen on November 20 (local time) for an official visit to the European country.

She affirmed that the Vietnamese State highly values the organisation’s contributions to the comprehensive partnership between the two countries over the past more than 45 years.

DAVIFO has also played a role in promoting the land and people of Vietnam in Denmark, and enhancing the friendship between the two peoples, Xuan continued.

She noted her hope that the organisation will continue its support to Vietnam, and mobilise more resources for projects in disadvantaged areas in the Southeast Asian nation.

DAVIFO President Trine Glue Doan told her guest that the organisation has held many community events annually to share information about Vietnam, and raised funds for and supported development projects in the country.

DAVIFO will work harder to better assist Vietnamese people, while enhancing cooperation with the Sweden – Vietnam, Norway - Vietnam friendship organisations to promote Vietnam’s image in the three Scandinavian countries, she pledged.

The two sides agreed to foster cooperation between DAVIFO and the Vietnam-Denmark Friendship Association, thus enhancing exchanges between residents of the two countries, especially their youths.

Fourth Asia-Pacific Red Cross Red Crescent Youth Forum held in Hanoi

The fourth Asia-Pacific Red Cross Red Crescent Youth Forum was held on November 20 in Hanoi.

As part of her opening remarks at the event Huynh Thi Xuan Lam, vice president of the Vietnam Red Cross Society (VRC), hailed the selection of the theme “Resilience Rising: Inspiring Youths’ Leaders in Innovative Disaster Preparedness” for the youth forum. She said that the theme affirmed the passion, high determination, and great efforts of young people in continuing the noble humanitarian missions of previous generations, as well as their role, task, and responsibility of joining hands to solve problems facing humanity.

She voiced her hope that young people from red cross associations in the Asia-Pacific region, including Vietnam, will come together to promote their intelligence, youth, creativity, and enthusiasm to participate in and actively contribute to the success of the forum; along with affirming their pioneering role in activities and initiatives of the regional and international Red Cross - Red Crescent movement.

Maha Barjas Hamoud Al Barjas, vice president of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), said that people are living in a world filled with ongoing humanitarian challenges, including wars and natural disasters.

Humanitarian crises have had a disproportionate impact on young people, whilst causing challenges of disruption to education, unemployment, as well as exposure to or risk of being affected by violence (sexual violence, gender-based violence) and health risks, she said. She went on to stress the need to change the way to think, work, and become more connected to maintain sustainability and suitability for the current and next generations.

At the forum, delegates exchanged views on skills and solutions to participate in intergenerational dialogue, how to build a foundation for participation in the Youth Engagement Strategy (YES) 2.0, and ways in which to build up knowledge about innovation and digitalisation, as well as disaster preparedness.

NA Vice Chairman receives Governor of Japan’s Tochigi prefecture

National Assembly (NA) Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong on November 20 hosted a reception for visiting Governor of Japan’s Tochigi prefecture Fukuda Tomikazu.

Phuong spoke highly of Fukuda’s visit, which takes place on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties, and stressed that the bilateral extensive strategic partnership is thriving, with economic cooperation being a bright spot.

The legislator thanked Japan for adjusting the ODA programme for Vietnam, and increasing loans for high-tech projects.

He also thanked the Governor and other leaders of Tochigi for their incentives given to the Vietnamese community in the prefecture, and their efforts in encouraging local businesses to invest and expand operations in Vietnam.

The NA Vice Chairman expressed his hope that the Governor will pay more attention to promoting delegation exchanges and expanding cooperation with Vietnamese localities, while enhancing collaboration in education-training, especially vocational training, by admitting more Vietnamese interns and workers.

Lauding cooperation between Tochigi and Vietnam’s  northern province of Vinh Phuc, Phuong said he believes that it will be a bright spot and a model in the Vietnam-Japan extensive strategic partnership in general and the relations between their localities in particular.

For his part, Fukuda affirmed that Vietnam is an important partner in Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy, and noted his belief that the bilateral relationship will be tightened in the time ahead.

Vietnam-Japan Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group convenes fourth meeting

The Vietnam-Japan Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group held its fourth meeting in Hanoi on November 20.

Chairing the event, head of the group Truong Thi Mai said the Vietnam-Japan relationship is now at its best stage in history since the establishment of diplomatic relations, marked by a high level of political trust.

Speaking highly of the group's activities since the third meeting, Mai, who is also Politburo member and head of the Party Central Committee’s Organisation Commission, highlighted the exchange of delegations and meetings on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties this year, joint cultural and people-to-people exchange activities, thereby affirming the crucial role of the group in building relations between the two countries’ leaders, parliamentarians, the group and the Japan-Vietnam Parliamentary Friendship Alliance (JVPFA).

Vice Chairwoman of the Vietnamese National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations and deputy head of the group Le Thu Ha said in the last half of this year, the group continued to be one of the most active and effective parliamentary friendship ones, engaging in numerous high-level contacts and diverse activities.

Next year, the group will continue working with the two countries’ agencies to hold activities marking the anniversary, thus leaving a lasting impression on the bilateral extensive strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia. It will also step up and jointly hold the exchange of high-ranking delegations between the two countries and legislatures, and strengthen the exchange of lawmakers as well.

At the same time, it will continue partnering with the JVPFA and Japanese lawmakers to boost coordination in various fields, including trade, investment, health, education, agro-forestry, people-to-people and locality-to-locality exchanges.

At the event, participants offered opinions on the group’s activities for next year.

Vietnam, Azerbaijan consolidate traditional friendship

Vietnam always attaches importance to consolidating the friendship and cooperation with traditional partner countries, including Azerbaijan, said Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung.

During talks with Deputy Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) and head of the YAP’s Central Office Tahir Budagov in Hanoi on November 20, Trung underscored the importance of deepening the relations between the two ruling parties, contributing to strengthening and developing the long-standing and friendly bilateral relations between Vietnam and Azerbaijan.

Vietnam pursues the consistent foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, cooperation and development; diversification and multilateralism of foreign relations, attaching importance to Party-to-Party diplomacy, considering it an important channel to create political foundation for expanding and enhancing bilateral ties with other nations.

Budagov, for his part, affirmed that bilateral ties have been built on the foundation of friendship and mutual respect.

He said President of Azerbaijan and YAP Chairman Ilham Aliyev highly values the strengthening of cooperation with Vietnam in all fields.

The YAP attaches importance to the promotion of relations with the CPV, considering it a crucial political foundation to deepen Vietnam-Azerbaijan relations, thus meeting the interests of the two nations’ people.

On global and regional issues of shared concern, both sides discussed the developments of the Vietnam-Azerbaijan relationship and orientations to ties between the two Parties and countries in the near future, including in politics-diplomacy, economy, trade, education, and sharing of experience in Party building and people-to-people exchange.

Both sides debated mutual support at forums of political parties, regional and international forums, including ensuring peace and security in the East Sea in accordance with international law and the United Nations Charter, for the sake of peace and stability in the region and the world and for the interests of the two countries’ people.

On the occasion, the two officials signed a cooperation agreement between the CPV and the YAP.

PM hosts Romanian Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received in Hanoi on November 20 Romanian Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism Stefan-Radu Oprea who is in Vietnam for the 17th session of the Vietnam-Romania Joint Committee on Economic Cooperation.

The PM thanked Romania as the rotating President of the European Union (EU) in 2019 for its support in promoting the conclusion and signing of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA). He also thanked Romania for donating 300,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Vietnam in 2021 and for creating favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community to stabilise their lives and do business in Romania.

Both host and guest were delighted at the growing relations between Vietnam and Romania in many aspects, such as politics, diplomacy, economics, labour, education-training and culture. Two-way trade turnover hit 425 million USD in 2022, up 14.8% from the previous year.

Vietnam always attaches important to and prioritises its traditional friendship with Romania, Chinh said. In the coming time, along with increasing the exchange of all-level delegations on all channels of the Party, State, Government and National Assembly and people-to-people exchanges, he suggested that the two sides need to determine economic - investment - trade cooperation as an important pillar in the bilateral ties.

The two sides should effectively take advantage of the EVFTA, opening markets for each other's goods, strengthen the exchange of business delegations, attract investment in fields that Vietnam needs and Romania is strong, such as mechanics, specialised machinery, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, and automobile manufacturing, renewable energy, mining and petrochemical, he went on.

PM Chinh proposed that Romania open its market for Vietnamese goods, especially agricultural and aquatic products such as shrimp, fish, coffee and fruits.

He also suggested Romania encourage other EU member countries to soon ratify the EVIPA and urge the European Commission (EC) to soon remove the "yellow card" warning on its seafood. He also called for promoting cooperation in green transition, circular economy development and climate change response, strengthening collaboration in labour, employment, education - training, culture and tourism.

Agreeing with the PM's proposals, Minister Oprea said that during the ongoing Vietnam visit, the Romanian delegation, with the participation of a number of sectors and enterprises, wishes to explore cooperation with Vietnam in the fields of oil and gas, agriculture, information technology, pharmaceuticals and tourism to realise agreements and commitments between Vietnam and the EU and with Romania.

Romania is ready to be a gateway for Vietnamese goods to enter Europe, he added.

The same day, Tran Tuan Anh, Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission, received Minister Oprea, during which he emphasised that ample room remains for cooperation between Vietnam and Romania.

Anh suggested that Oprea pay attention to promoting collaboration between the two countries in some orientations such as boosting bilateral economic, trade and investment cooperation, green transition, circular economy and climate change adaptation, developing high technology, digital transformation and innovation as well as labour, culture and tourism fields.

For his part, Oprea affirmed that Romania will make efforts to further promote cooperation in all aspects with Vietnam, especially in economics, trade and tourism, people-to-people exchanges to match with the momentum of development of relations between the two countries.

Vietnamese charity foundation in Berlin marks 10th anniversary

Sen Vang (Golden Lotus), a Vietnamese charity foundation in Berlin, was praised for its performance at a ceremony marking its 10th founding anniversary on November 19.

Chu Tuan Duc, Minister Counsellor of the Vietnamese Embassy in Germany, said through specific and practical activities, the 120-member foundation has provided support for many people.

On this occasion, Duc presented certificates of merit from the Vietnamese Embassy to the foundation and five individuals for their outstanding contributions to its operation.

Chairwoman of Sen Vang Duong Thi Bich Ngoc told the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) that the initiative that each member contributes 10 EUR (10.92 USD) monthly in support of the poor has been formed, stressing the foundation has raised nearly 600,000 EUR over the past 10 years, of which over 210,000 EUR was mobilised within three years when the COVID-19 pandemic was raging.

With the donations, the foundation has built 20 houses, 16 rural bridges, three schools, one canteen, and one playground, presented thousands of wheelchairs to individuals in Vietnam, and adopted five orphans in the homeland after the pandemic.

In Germany, amid the pandemic outbreak, it called for efforts in making masks and gloves, and cooking meals for frontline doctors and nurses, as well as supported flood victims.

Vietnamese, Chinese localities coordinate in border management

A delegation of Border Guard Commands of Vietnam’s four provinces of Cao Bang, Quang Ninh, Lang Son and Ha Giang, and representatives from the Guangxi General Station of Immigration Inspection of China held talks in Cao Bang on November 20.

The two sides agreed to coordinate to strictly implement cooperation agreements signed, enhance information exchange, and work together to supervise the operations of vehicles.

They will also work on building pilot smart road border gates, coordinate to organise the “citizen reception day” at border gates on a rotating basis, and step up the information work to raise public awareness of immigration regulations.

Colonel Dinh Duc Hung, Commander of Cao Bang province’s Border Guard Command, said since the beginning of this year, the two sides have maintained contacts and conducted 10 joint patrols with the participation of 244 officers, while coordinating in customs clearance and crime combat.

Border guards of the four Vietnamese localities and the Guangxi General Station of Immigration Inspection have well performed inspections and supervisions at border gates, completed customs procedures for more than 500,000 people and 150,000 vehicles, and delivered 5,363 leaflets on legal regulations to border residents.

Fourteen fishermen in distress saved off coastal waters of Binh Thuan province

A German-flagged cargo ship fished 14 fishermen in distress out of waters off the coast of Binh Thuan province in the south central region around noon on November 20.

The fishermen, originally from Binh Dinh province, were rescued by a ship named Barzan en route from China to Singapore, according to the Binh Dinh People’s Committee.

The National Committee for Incident and Natural Disaster Response, Search and Rescue sent coast guard vessel CSB 6007 to receive the fishermen, which are now in stable health.

According to initial information, their fishing vessel, coded BD 98268 TS, broke up and sank amid strong winds at 3:30am on November 20, in an area about 92 nautical miles northeast of Binh Thuan’s Phu Quy Island. The crew members clung to the floating parts from the original vessel to survive.

Notified of the incident, the Binh Dinh People’s Committee asked the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the High Command of Coast Guard Region 3, and the Vietnam People’s Navy to quickly send personal and equipment to save the fishermen. It also deployed to a team to coordinate with Binh Thuan authorities in the search and rescue.

Vessels operating near the area of the incident were also asked to help with the search and rescue mission.

Conference launches national strategy to combat antimicrobial resistance

Vietnam and international healthcare research partners convened a two-day conference on November 20 to launch the country’s national strategy on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) prevention and control for 2023-2030, as part of activities responding to the ongoing World AMR Awareness Week.

The strategy was issued by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh via a decision dated September 25 this year. According to Luong Ngoc Khue, Vice Chairman of the National Medical Council, the issuance reflects the efforts of the Vietnamese government in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other international partners to counteract the increasing AMR issue.

At the conference, Deputy Minister of Health Tran Van Thuan stressed that AMR remains a concern in Vietnam despite scientific advancements made in the past decade, with antibiotic resistance trending upward over the years. Many challenges persist, including the limited capacity of laboratories to monitor and analyse data, inappropriate prescription of antibiotics, and a lack of enforcement of regulations on antibiotic sales.

Thuan called for the commitment of all sectors, agencies, organisations, and individuals to responsibly use antibiotics to strongly support the campaign against antibiotic resistance in Vietnam.

A representative of the WHO in Vietnam took the occasion to commend the government's approach to the matter and responsiveness during the World AMR Awareness Week —a global campaign held annually from November 18-24.

Vietnam is among the first six countries in the Asia-Pacific region to develop and implement a national action plan on AMR prevention and control, earning international recognition for its efforts and contributions to the global AMR fight.

Fourth Asia-Pacific Red Cross Red Crescent Youth Forum held in Hanoi

The fourth Asia-Pacific Red Cross Red Crescent Youth Forum was held in Hanoi on November 20.

In her opening remarks, Vice President of the Vietnam Red Cross Society (VRC) Huynh Thi Xuan Lam highly appreciated the selection of the theme “Resilience Rising: Inspiring Youths’ Leaders in Innovative Disaster Preparedness” for this youth forum, which, she said, affirmed the passion, high determination and efforts of young people in continuing previous generations’ noble humanitarian missions, as well as their role, task and responsibility of joining hands to solve problems facing humanity.

She expressed her hope that young people from red cross associations in the Asia-Pacific region, including Vietnam, will promote their intelligence, youth, creativity, and enthusiasm to participate in and actively contribute to the success of the forum; and affirm their pioneering role in activities and initiatives of the regional and international Red Cross - Red Crescent movement.

Vice President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Maha Barjas Hamoud Al Barjas said that people are living in a world filled with ongoing humanitarian challenges, including wars and natural disasters.

Humanitarian crises have imposed disproportionate impacts on young people, and caused challenges of disruption to education, unemployment, exposure to or risk of being affected by violence (sexual violence, gender-based violence) and health risks, she said, stressing the need to change the way to think, work, and become more connected to maintain sustainability and suitability for the current and next generations.

At the forum, delegates discussed skills and solutions to participate in intergenerational dialogue, how to build a foundation for participation in the Youth Engagement Strategy (YES) 2.0, and build up knowledge about innovation and digitalisation, and disaster preparedness.

Injured fisherman receives urgent care on Truong Sa island

The medical station of Sinh Ton island, Truong Sa (Spratly) district in the south-central province of Khanh Hoa recently provided urgent care for an injured fisherman, according to the command of Naval Region 4.

Ngo Van Hai, 46, had his left hand stuck in an ice grinder while in the area around 45 nautical miles from the island at 8:30 am on November 19. He was then taken to Sinh Ton island for emergency care.

Military doctors on the island said Hai got an extensor tendon injury, while the back of his hand was crumpled and the carpal bones broken.

After getting the emergency care, he has been in stable condition and will stay at the medical station for further examination and treatment.

Bilingual school in Laos celebrates Vietnamese Teacher’s Day

The Nguyen Du Lao-Vietnamese bilingual school in Vientiane on November 20 held a ceremony to celebrate Vietnamese Teacher’s Day (November 20, 1982-2023).

Teachers and students joined a musical performance to express their best wishes to the school's teachers.

Principal Sivanheuang Phengkhammay said that each teacher in the school not only teaches students but also joins in promoting the Vietnamese culture and the great solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Laos.

On this occasion, the Vietnamese Association in Vientiane gave 51 gifts worth 18,360 USD totally to teachers.

Currently, it has 30 classes with over 1,000 students from preschool to high school level, and 66 officials and teachers. The Vietnamese students account for about 45%.

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan begins working visit to Denmark

Vietnamese Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan arrived in Copenhagen on November 20, beginning an official visit to the Kingdom of Denmark at the invitation of Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

Bilateral relations between Vietnam and Denmark have increasingly been strengthened over the past five decades, especially after the two countries upgraded their ties to a comprehensive partnership in 2013 and established a green strategic partnership in early November 2023.

Trade exchanges between the two countries have prospered over the past decade, with two-way trade turnover increasing from US$480 million 2013 to nearly US$900 million last year. Denmark currently has 155 investment projects in Vietnam with a total capital of US$1.79 billion. Notably, the Lego Group project in Binh Duong province is the largest, valued at more than US$1 billion.

This visit to Denmark by Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan is to affirm the close bond, trust and mutual understanding between the leaders and people of the two countries, contributing to consolidating and deepening the comprehensive and strategic relationship between Vietnam and Denmark, according to Luong Thanh Nghi, Vietnamese Ambassador to Denmark, in a recent interview granted to Vietnam News Agency.

In addition to meetings with Danish leaders, the Vice President will also meet with a number of leading Danish businesses to affirm Vietnam’s commitment to creating a stable and favorable environment for foreign businesses, including Danish firms, to operate efficiently in the country.

Xuan’s trip is an opportunity for the two sides to promote mutually beneficial cooperation in the areas of energy, green transformation, and sustainable development, among others, said the ambassador.

HCM City seeks planning ideas for Bình Quới - Thanh Đa Peninsula

HCM City plans to organise an international competition focused on seeking the best planning and architectural ideas for the development of Bình Quới - Thanh Đa Peninsula.

The Office of the municipal People's Committee has announced that the municipal People's Committee vice chairman Bùi Xuân Cường approved the proposal of the city’s Department of Planning and Architecture to organise the competition.

The planning scope of Bình Quới - Thanh Đa Peninsula in Bình Thạnh District covers an area of 426ha.

The competition aims to discover distinctive ideas and the most viable and optimal development solutions that foster connectivity across both banks of the Sài Gòn River covering the peninsula, and improve the efficiency of land utilisation in this area, aligning with the city’s development direction.

According to the HCMC Department of Planning and Architecture, Bình Quới - Thanh Đa Peninsula has undergone several years of research and investment attraction efforts.

However, the approved development project for the new urban area is large in scale, requires a significant total investment, and involves intricate tasks related to land compensation and resettlement.

Consequently, the implementation has been delayed for several years. The delayed progress of the project has adversely affected the lives and rights of thousands of households residing on this peninsula, as well as impacting management activities in the area.

The city’s current urban development strategy underscores the need to optimise the strategic and distinctive locations within the city, efficiently utilising the city's unique location and waterfront landscapes, particularly in the surrounding areas along the Sài Gòn River.

The objective is to generate new drivers for the city's development, foster economic growth and international integration, and elevate the city's standing to enhance national competitiveness within the region.

It will focus on organising and restructuring urban areas, particularly the central core of the inner city, and effectively exploit the urban land reserve.

With its advantageous geographical position, scenic landscapes, and the remaining land reserve in the city's development plan, the Bình Quới - Thanh Đa Peninsula is emerging as a pivotal location.

To fully leverage the strengths of this peninsula, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive and long-term planning and implementation process.

In this process, planning ideas play a crucial role, contributing to shaping the future development of the long-delayed Bình Quới - Thanh Đa Urban Area. 

Fourteen fishermen in distress saved off coastal waters of Binh Thuan province

A German-flagged cargo ship fished 14 fishermen in distress out of waters off the coast of Binh Thuan province in the south central region around noon on November 20.

The fishermen, originally from Binh Dinh province, were rescued by a ship named Barzan en route from China to Singapore, according to the Binh Dinh People’s Committee.

The National Committee for Incident and Natural Disaster Response, Search and Rescue sent coast guard vessel CSB 6007 to receive the fishermen, which are now in stable health.

According to initial information, their fishing vessel, coded BD 98268 TS, broke up and sank amid strong winds at 3:30am on November 20, in an area about 92 nautical miles northeast of Binh Thuan’s Phu Quy Island. The crew members clung to the floating parts from the original vessel to survive.

Notified of the incident, the Binh Dinh People’s Committee asked the National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the High Command of Coast Guard Region 3, and the Vietnam People’s Navy to quickly send personal and equipment to save the fishermen. It also deployed to a team to coordinate with Binh Thuan authorities in the search and rescue.

Vessels operating near the area of the incident were also asked to help with the search and rescue mission.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes