Da Lat aims to become ‘Green Paradise’ through sustainable tourism development hinh anh 1

The Central Highlands resort city is exerting efforts to become a "Green Paradise" with attractions such as eco-tourism and health tourism in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, focusing on intelligent tourism.

In recent years, many tourists exploring Da Lat have found that this plateau city with vast areas under flowers and pine forests is not as they had expected.

A lack of systematic and sustainable cooperation has led to monotonous and overlapping tourism products, with limited competitiveness.

Revenue from tourism activities does not correspond to the current number of tourists.

The road and air transportation networks linking Da Lat and Lam Dong to crucial tourism destinations have seen some expansion, yet they still fall short, failing to meet the region's growing tourism demands and not fully capitalising on the potential for regional connectivity.

Furthermore, there are limited promotional and advertising initiatives targeting foreign markets, and the tourism workforce does not meet international requirements.

Moreover, there is a lack of well coordination among various departments, agencies, localities, and relevant entities involved in tourism development.

To address these challenges and position Da Lat as the focal point of Lam Dong province, the city must take fundamental, creative, and sustainable steps.

First, more eco-tourism, resort, healthcare and wellness centres should be established.

Second, Da Lat should focus on investing in six main tourism product categories, namely luxury resorts and health tourism, eco-tourism and adventure, agricultural and rural tourism, cultural and spiritual tourism, and urban tourism and creative tourism.

Third, special priority should be given to unique tourism products and the distinctive strengths of Da Lat. And

Last, to achieve the goal of developing Da Lat into a high-quality and modern city linked with brands like the City of Love, City of Heritage, City of Creativity, and UNESCO's City of Music, effective urban management policies are necessary to balance conservation and development.

Alongside preserving the urban heritage landscape and upgrading the quality of existing tourist attractions, Da Lat should focus on investing in three large-scale integrated resort areas.

Digital exhibition affirms Vietnam’s sovereignty over sea, islands

A digital exhibition titled “Vietnam’s Hoang Sa, Truong Sa – Historical and Legal Evidence” opened in Ham Thuan Nam district, the south-central province of Binh Thuan on November 4.

This event aims to popularise documents and evidence affirming Vietnam’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) to teachers and students, thus helping raise their awareness of the national sea and island sovereignty.

Nguyen Le Thanh, Vice Director of the provincial Department of Information and Communications, said that the sea and islands are an inseparable sacred territory of the fatherland throughout its thousand-years history.

Mai Thi Ngoc Anh, Vice Chairwoman of the People’s Committee of Ham Thuan Nam district, said the exhibition offers a good chance for local residents to access knowledge, historical legal evidence and valuable documents about Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, thus promoting the love for the homeland, raising their responsibility of the national building and defence.

Japan Job Fair 2023 draws Vietnamese students

Nearly 30 leading Japanese corporations and firms are recruiting over 2,500 employees and interns in Japan and Japanese affiliates at the Japan Job Fair 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City on November 4.

The event was held in both in-person and online formats by the Vietnam-Japan Institute of Technology (VJIT) and the Business Cooperation Centre under the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HUTECH), in collaboration with Japan’s Pasona group and the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

They recruited labour in various fields, including construction and engineering, control and automation engineering, mechanical engineering, electromechanical engineering, electrical engineering, information technology and communications, economy, manufacturing, and construction.

HUTECH Vice Rector Nguyen Thanh Phuong affirmed that the event enables the Japanese firms to introduce their products, showcase technology, and recruit students from various fields.

It also provides an excellent opportunity for students to get hands-on experience with new technologies, engage with potential employers, and gain insights into the job market in Japan, he added.

Party official’s visit seeks stronger cooperation with Finland

Truong Thi Mai, Politburo member, permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, and head of the committee’s Organisation Commission, paid a working visit to Finland from November 2 - 4.  

During meetings and working sessions with leaders of the host parliament, government, the Communist Party of Finland, and representatives from Finnish ministries and the Finland - Vietnam Friendship Association, the Vietnamese official expressed her joy at the fruitful development of bilateral relations.

She briefed them on Vietnam’s socio-economic development and international integration achievements after nearly 40 years of renewal, as well as its future goals and development strategies.

Mai suggested the two sides continue to promote high-level exchanges, people-to-people exchanges, and expand trade-investment cooperation. She also urged the two countries to step up cooperation in science - technology, innovation, forestry, and telecommunications, thus contributing to advancing bilateral relations in a practical and effective manner.

The official called on the Finnish side to create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community to live, study, and work stably in the country.

The Finnish side expressed pleasure at the growing cooperative relationship between the two countries, affirming that Vietnam is the most important partner of Finland in Southeast Asia.

There is a big room for the two countries to expand cooperation in information technology, energy, and forestry, they said, suggesting the two sides take better advantage of opportunities brought by the European Union - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).

They affirmed that Mai’s visit contributed significantly to deepening bilateral relations.

On the occasion, the two sides also discussed international and regional issues of mutual concern, affirming the principle of respecting international law and the UN Charter in resolving international differences. They also mentioned the desire to promote relations between EU and ASEAN in general, and Finland and ASEAN in particular, for peace, cooperation and development in each region and the world.

Danish Ambassador: Green Strategic Partnership brings bilateral ties to new level

Danish Ambassador to Vietnam Nicolai Prytz highlighted the recent establishment of Green Strategic Partnership (GSP) between Vietnam and Denmark has opened up a new chapter in their 50-year relationship, during a recent meeting with the press.

Prytz said since 2015, Vietnam and Denmark have shifted away from a donor-recipient relationship toward a partnership on an equal footing, with extensive cooperation across all sectors, including political dialogue, green growth, energy, agriculture, food, health care, and culture, with a primary focus on capacity-building in these areas.

According to him, the two countries previously had strategic cooperation in various fields related to green growth. Therefore, when they moved toward a relationship called the GSP, it meant that they are seeking a precise term for the collaboration that has been taking place between them.

He stressed that over the past years, the Vietnamese Government has made strong commitments to green transformation, including Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh's commitments at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

Meanwhile, Vietnam is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change, heavily reliant on fossil fuels, and with a growing energy-intensive industry.

Therefore, the Danish diplomat said he believes that the GSP will focus on addressing Vietnam’s issues of national and global significance for Vietnam and steering efforts toward greater adoption of green technology and sustainable practices.

He stressed that the agreement to establish the GSP has taken the already close and successful cooperation between Vietnam and Denmark to a new level. Additionally, it provides a robust framework for Denmark to assist Vietnam in developing an economy with climate resilience and low carbon emissions, and promoting a circular economy.

Vietnam is one of the five countries with which Denmark has established a GSP, along with India, Indonesia, South Africa, and the Republic of Korea.

The diplomat revealed that the GSP will be carried out at political, cooperation programme, and economic levels. At the political level, the two governments will continue their dialogues on green growth and climate change issues.

Vietnam and Denmark will promptly discuss and develop a GSP action plan with ambitious objectives and specific actions. It will increase the exchange of knowledge and best practices, strengthen capacity building, and facilitate technology transfer in various strategic cooperation programmes in fields such as energy, agriculture, health care, education, statistics, and more. This plan will also include new initiatives in areas of mutual interest, such as sustainable development, climate, and maritime solutions, he said.

Vietnam calls for political will, int’l action to respond to sea-level rise

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN, has urged countries worldwide to implement commitments and enhance actions and finance for climate, including commitments made at the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Climate Ambition Summit in September 2023, to effectively address impacts of climate change and sea-level rise.

Addressing the Informal Plenary Meeting on Existential Threats of Sea-level Rise Amidst the Climate Crisis at the 78th UN General Assembly in New York on November 3, the diplomat said Vietnam welcomes the study of the International Law Commission on provisions and interpretation of international law on the issue of sea-level rise; and the UN General Assembly's adoption of the Resolution requesting an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the obligations of states with respect to climate change.

He emphasised the need to consider the issue of sea level rise and all efforts and measures to address the impact of this phenomenon based on international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Mobilising the political will and action of the international community in supporting these countries is extremely important, he stressed.

He called for the acceleration of the establishment of a fund for loss and damage agreed by countries at the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27).

The diplomat also underlined the benefits of countries with special circumstances, including small island nations and countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, saying that their interests should be taken into account in all plans, programmes and actions.

As one of the countries with a long coastline and severely affected by climate change, Vietnam is making great efforts to strengthen climate action, towards implementing its commitments, including establishing the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), and developing a resource mobilisation plan, Giang said.

Vietnam is also willing to cooperate and share experiences and lessons with other countries and partners to promote common efforts in response to climate change and sea-level rise, he went on.

Speakers and representatives of countries attending the event discussed  challenges caused by climate change and rising sea levels on security, development and people's livelihoods, especially in small island countries and lowlands.

Regulations and interpretations in international law on statehood, sovereignty and territory in the event of being affected by rising sea levels were also tabled.

PM points to measures for socio-economic development to year's end

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired the monthly Government meeting in Hanoi on November 4 to review the socio-economic performance in October and the first 10 months of this year.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment reported that the consumer price index in October went up 3.6%, and in the first 10 months of this year up 3.2% year on year.

Revenue to the State budget in the 10 months reached 86.3% of the annual estimate while the total export-import turnover rose by 5.6% and public investment disbursement was equivalent to 56.74% of the plan assigned by the Prime Minister.

In October, the index of industrial product rose by 4.1% year on year. Foreign tourist arrivals hit 1.1 million, bringing the 10-month figure to nearly 10 million, marking a 4.2-fold increase from the same period last year.

During January-October, there were over 183,600 new and reactivated enterprises, up 2.9% annually, and about 18 billion USD in foreign direct investment were disbursed, up 2.4%.

Cabinet members focused their discussions on several key issues, including salary reform, disbursement of public investment capital, and the three national target programmes. They also looked into stepping up the progress of key works, attracting foreign tourists to Vietnam, and stimulating innovation and administrative reform, thus creating favourable conditions for citizens and businesses in production and trade.

For the remaining months of this year, the PM requested actively and effectively following conclusions reached at the eighth plenum of the Party Central Committee, resolutions and conclusions of the Party, National Assembly and Government, with a focus on 2023 major tasks.

He clearly pointed out the overall objective, which is to continue prioritising economic growth, maintaining macro-economic stability, controlling inflation, and ensuring major balances of the economy.

To strongly step up driving forces of growth, he called for improving the efficiency of State-owned investment capital. Additionally, there should be innovative measures to attract investment from the entire society, with a particular focus on selectively choosing FDI in large-scale and hi-tech projects, especially in sectors like manufacturing and processing, electronics, semiconductors, and hydrogen.

To boost exports, the PM directed maintaining traditional markets while actively expanding new markets, particularly major and promising ones.

Regarding the domestic market, he suggested stimulating demand and continuing to spread the "Vietnamese people prioritise Vietnamese products" campaign while combating smuggling, trade fraud, and counterfeits while taking strict actions against violations.

Apart from industry, agriculture, tourism and services, he ordered developing services with potential and advantages such as transportation, logistics, education, health care, and banking.

The PM also underlined the importance of expediting the disbursement of public investment capital, the socio-economic recovery and development programme, and the three national target programmes. The target is to achieve a disbursement rate of at least 95% of the 2023 capital plan and complete the approval of planning by the end of this year.

Other tasks include actively recovering corporate bond and real estate markets, tackling difficulties in production and trade, ensuring social well-being services to leave no one behind, fine-tuning legal regulations in sci-tech market, and striving to meet or exceed the target of welcoming 13 million foreign tourists this year.

Ministers and heads of sectors were also urged to raise their sense of responsibility and focus on performing essential tasks, thereby contributing to meeting yearly targets.

NA Chairman meets outstanding household businesses

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue has affirmed that the Party, State and people always attach importance to the role of entrepreneurs and businesses, including household businesses - the core force in the national industrialisation and modernisation.

At a meeting with representatives from outstanding family businesses nationwide on November 3 in Hanoi, he further said decisions and policies of the Party and State are always for the benefit of people and businesses, and put people and businesses in the centre.

According to the top legislator, the household business community in Vietnam is not only growing rapidly in quantity but also increasingly improving its quality, management capacity and social responsibility. Many of the businesses have grown into famous private economic corporations not only in the country but also in the world.

The NA, its Standing Committee and the NA Chairman himself always support the development of the Vietnamese family business community, Hue said, praising its efforts implementing social responsibilities.

He urged the businesses to pay attention to enhancing cooperation and coordination with each other in order to participate deeper in global value chains.

The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) needs to make more efforts in supporting and promoting the development of household businesses, he said, promising the NA will issue correct and timely decisions, strengthen document review, and supervise law enforcement to ensure an open, transparent, healthy and fair business environment to facilitate businesses’ operation.

Addressing at the meeting, VCCI President Pham Tan Cong said that after 37 years of doi moi (renewal), a strong team of entrepreneurs and businesses was formed with over 900,000 businesses, more than 20,000 cooperatives and some 5 million household businesses, accounting for about 70% of the total Vietnam.

Vietnam hastens workforce training for semiconductor industry

Though bringing in billions of USD in revenue, the Vietnamese semiconductor industry is still facing a host of challenges, especially the shortage of a skilled workforce.

The Vietnamese workforce in the sector is still in the "red alert" category, despite significant progress in investment attraction and technological transfer. Hired workers still need to complete 6-12 months of advanced training to meet job requirements.

According to the HCM City Semiconductor Industry Association (HSIA), 95% of the direct investment in the semiconductor technology in Vietnam come from foreign sources. There are only about 50 semiconductor manufacturers nationwide.

Vietnam currently has more than 5,500 chip design engineers, with the majority in Ho Chi Minh City, accounting for over 76% of the total. The industry requires 5,000-10,000 engineers per year, but the ability to meet this requirement is limited to about 20%.

HSIA Nguyen Anh Tuan said in the semiconductor production process, Vietnam primarily focuses on chip design, accounting for some 52%.

The other stages such as production, packaging and testing only make up 48%, but they are still in the early stages of development. This means that out of the 5,500 semiconductor workers in Vietnam, the majority are primarily focusing on design while there is a significant shortage of workforce for the other stages.

Tuan said the HSIA also held working sessions with the University of Natural Sciences under the Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City) to address the issue.

 Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)
Industry insiders said close collaboration among the State, educational institutions, and businesses is essential to this effort, adding that the State should issue specific policies and regulations to encourage firms to invest in semiconductor research and development. Additionally, there should be policies to assist universities in investing in physical infrastructure, human resources, and expert teams for education and research in this field.

The Ministry of Education and Training was advised to promptly review and add curricula related to the semiconductor field, as well as connect foreign experts and international universities with domestic educational institutions to facilitate the training of a qualified workforce for the industry.

Vietnam, Japan promote innovations for further development

Six best solutions of the programme “Inno Vietnam – Japan Fast Track Pitch 2023” (Vietnam – Japan Innovation: The Road to Success) were announced at a ceremony in Hanoi on November 3.

The six winners were selected from nearly 100 solutions sent to the organising board since the programme was launched by the National Innovation Centre (NIC), in collaboration with the Japan Trade Promotion Agency (JETRO) and the Japanese Embassy in Vietnam, on August 29.

Inno Vietnam – Japan Fast Track Pitch 2023 is within the framework of the "ASEAN - Japan Co-Creation Fast Track Initiative" activity co-chaired by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan.

Speaking at the award ceremony, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung said the six winning solutions are the best innovations, helping enterprises optimise processes and create practical values to society, while highling that the progamme is a brige to promote the connection between both business communities and deepen the bilateral ties between Vietnam and Japan.

“Vietnam – Japan Innovation: The Road to Success” was launched in a new and volatile context to find effective solutions which are expected to help turn challenges into opportunities, Dung emphasised.

Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Nishimura Yasutoshi said that 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of establishment of the diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan.

Over the past 50 years, Japanese businesses have expanded their business in Vietnam. The Japanese Business Association in Vietnam has about 2,000 member companies operating in fields from electrical manufacturing, electronics, automobiles to retail, information technology, and energy.

Japan will commit to supporting several innovation projects in Vietnam, especially in digital transformation and green development, he said.

On this occasion, the two ministers held talks during which, Minister Dung asked the Japanese minister to continue to pay attention to and support the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the NIC in particular.

He hoped that more Japanese technology enterprises, research institutes, and universities would open offices, R&D centres, and experimental manufacturing plants (fablab) at the NIC's Hoa Lac facility.

Vietnam chairs discussion of ESCAP committee on macroeconomic policy

Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Phan Chi Thanh, who is also Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), chaired the final discussion of the fourth session of ESCAP’s Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty Reduction and Financing for Development on November 3.

During the three-day session in Bangkok, countries shared the view that the world and the region are encountering many macro-economic challenges, including a slow growth outlook, soaring inflation and interest rates, tightened fiscal policies, the shortage of public funding sources for sustainable development, and risks of a debt crisis in many countries.

Given that context, participants discussed measures on enhancing the sustainability of public debts and boosting sustainable finance to secure sustainable development goals and climate actions in the Asia-Pacific region.

Under the chair of Ambassador and Permanent Representative Thanh, the session adopted six recommendations and two decisions.

In particular, participants proposed the ESCAP Secretariat continue implementing studies, supporting capacity building, promoting dialogue, and sharing information and experience in sustainable finance and public debts with member countries. They called for creating conditions for regional and sub-regional cooperation mechanisms to narrow the shortage of funding sources; helping resolve macro-economic policy issues and debt crises, and increasing investment in sustainable development; and promoting coordination with the consulting group on finance provision for sustainable development strategies to elevate the mechanism on sharing policies and experience related to macro-economic challenges and sustainable finance issues.

This was the third time Vietnam had been elected to the executive boards of major conferences of ESCAP over the last two years, affirming Vietnam's increasing role and contributions to the forum.

ESCAP is the most inclusive intergovernmental platform in the Asia-Pacific region, comprising with 53 official member states and nine associate members. It supports socio-economic development and the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the region.

Meanwhile, the Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty Reduction and Financing for Development, one the nine specialised committees of ESCAP, convenes annual sessions to look into measures for helping countries build policies on economic development and mobilisation of finance and resources for sustainable development.

Conference promotes value of biosphere reserves for sustainable development

Effective management of biosphere reserves plays an important role in achieving sustainable development goals, through the promotion of new initiatives for economic development, while ensuring social, cultural and environmental sustainability, said Hoang Thi Thanh Nhan, Deputy Director of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Agency (NBCA) under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Nhan was speaking at the annual meeting of Vietnam's Biosphere Reserves Network and the scientific conference on "Promoting the value of Vietnam's biosphere reserves for sustainable development" on November 3 on the occasion of the International Day for Biosphere Reserves. The event was jointly held by the Vietnam National Committee on the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB Vietnam) and the NBCA, with the support of UNDP Vietnam.

She said that the ministry has been working on establishing policies and myriad legal frameworks to further strengthen the management of biosphere reserves in Vietnam.

There have been numeral initiatives, models, and successes in the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources that have been implemented and upscaled across the network of biosphere reserves in the country, she said, adding the Biosphere Reserves Network has actively contributed to the pursuit of Vietnam’s sustainable development goals.

Up to date, Vietnam is home to 11 biosphere reserves, second only to Indonesia in the number of biosphere reserves in Southeast Asia. The ecological makeup of these biosphere reserves has been integral to the lives of not only millions of Vietnamese people, but also countless endemic plant and animal species. Promotion of their utility for climate regulation, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable human-nature coexistence have been of paramount importance to national policymaking.

Sustainable management of biosphere reserves is, thus, the key to unlocking their potential. The Global Environment Facility and UNDP Vietnam have taken a deep interest in promoting environmental resilience and supporting local livelihoods in the face of escalating climate-induced extremes through the strengthening of nature-based mechanisms such as biosphere reserve.

"Mainstreaming Natural Resource Management and Biodiversity Conservation Objectives into Socio-Economic Development Planning and Management of Biosphere Reserves in Vietnam" project implemented by the MoNRE and UNDP, is a prime example of said efforts.

Spanning across Western Nghe An, Cu Lao Cham – Hoi An, and Dong Nai biosphere reserves, the project prioritises restoration of 4,000 hectares of degraded forest land, sustainable management of 60,000 hectares of designated conservation areas, the improvement of 2,500 local households’ economic conditions, and uplifting women’s participation in project activities.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hoang Tri, Chairman of MAB Vietnam, shared that the annual meeting of Vietnam's Biosphere Reserves Network is an opportunity for the network of 11 biosphere reserves in Vietnam to look back on its one year of operation, take stock of learned lessons, and collectively define pathways for the next period.

In the coming years, the network aims to build a unified management framework, develop and apply the World Biosphere Reserve eco-label, promotion of eco-tourism, green economy and people's livelihoods to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation in biosphere reserves in Vietnam.

Sustainable management of biosphere reserves in Vietnam has garnered significant attention from various stakeholders, with UNDP and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) playing a pivotal role in these efforts. Their focus has been on promoting environmental resilience and supporting local livelihoods in the face of escalating climate-induced challenges.

Intersectoral coordination mechanism needed for gender-based violence response

An advocacy workshop held in the central province of Ha Tinh on November 3 called for the building of an intersectoral coordination mechanism in gender-based violence prevention and response.

Deputy Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Nguyen Thi Ha said that in Vietnam, gender equality and gender-based violence prevention and response are among the issues attracting attention from the Party, State, Government, and relevant ministries and sectors as seen in institutional and policy solutions, awareness-raising communications, capacity building, and pilot models of support services for violence victims.

Despite many important results obtained, the prevention of and response to gender-based violence are still facing numerous difficulties and challenges, she noted, pointing that gender-based violence remains relatively popular, and most female victims haven’t sought help from official support services or local authorities.

Service supplying establishments still encounter infrastructure, equipment and manpower shortages while their staff’s capacity is limited and especially, the coordination among related agencies and units is still inconsistent, thus affecting the quality of assistance for victims and making victims reluctant to seek help, Ha said.

The official underlined the necessity to expand and improve the quality of the support service network, and boost the engagement of and coordination among all relevant agencies and organisations from the central to grassroots levels.

Matt Jackson, Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Vietnam, held that it is necessary to devise an intersectoral coordination mechanism and invest in expanding this mechanism to ensure the timely delivery of assistance.

UNFPA pledges to continue helping the Vietnamese Government build an intersectoral coordination mechanism at the national and local levels that matches international standards and leaves no one behind, he affirmed.

That mechanism will ensure efforts in gender-based violence prevention and response are comprehensive and consistent, and victims can access support services in a timely and quality manner regardless of where they live or what circumstances they are in, he added.

At the workshop, representatives of ministries, sectors, localities, and service suppliers discussed and gave many feasible recommendations. Information, experience, and opinions at the event will be taken into account during the formation of an intersectoral coordination mechanism in this regard at the national level./

Promoting cooperation between Vietnamese and Chinese localities

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha on November 4 suggested strengthening cooperation between Vietnamese and Chinese localities during his meeting with Shanghai mayor Gong Zheng on the sidelines of the 2023 China International Import Expo (CIIE).

Ha highly appreciated Shanghai’s outstanding socio-economic development achievements in recent years, especially in the pilot implementation of new reform policies of China.

He emphasized the important role Shanghai plays in China’s economic development as well as the world economy, noting international trade promotion initiatives such as the CIIE have contributed to promoting global trade growth, digital transformation and green transformation.

The Deputy PM affirmed Vietnam’s consistent policy of strengthening the traditional friendship, neighbourliness and comprehensive cooperation with China which was founded and cultivated by President Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam and President Mao Zedong of China, as well as generations of revolutionary predecessors of the two countries.

The Government of Vietnam always supports and creates conditions for localities of the two countries, including Shanghai, to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, he assured his host.

Mayor Gong Zheng warmly welcomed the Vietnamese Government delegation to the sixth CIIE in Shanghai, at a time when the two countries are celebrating 15 years of their comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership.

He briefed his guest on Shanghai’s economic development, with last year’s GDP hitting approximately US$660 billion, ranking fifth on the list of leading cities in the world in terms of economic scale. The city is currently sprucing up construction of five world-class economic, trade, finance, transportation and science - technology centres.

Shanghai is ready to further enhance cooperation with Vietnamese localities, said Gong.

He proposed three key areas of future cooperation, including enhancing sustainable trade exchanges; expanding cooperation in production capacity; and deepening cultural-education cooperation, as well as people-to-people exchanges, especially with the younger generation, contributing to consolidating and continuously promoting the comprehensive strategic cooperation partnerships between the two countries.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha and Shanghai mayor Gong Zheng agree on the necessity of enhancing cooperation between the two countries' localities, including between Shanghai and Ho Chi Minh City and other Vietnamese cities.

Deputy PM Tran Hong Ha welcomed the Mayor’s proposals, and affirmed Vietnamese localities and Shanghai have great potential to expand cooperation.

He proposed that Shanghai closely coordinate with Vietnamese ministries, agencies and localities to concretize the two countries’ high-level common perceptions; maintain regular exchanges; and promote the efficiency of existing cooperation mechanisms, especially between Shanghai and Ho Chi Minh City and some other Vietnamese localities such as Hanoi and Hai Phong.

He stressed the need to maximize the potential and strengths of each side; further improve the effectiveness of economic - trade, investment and tourism cooperation; and facilitate market access for Vietnamese goods to Shanghai.

He also proposed enhancing the sharing and exchange of experiences in urban development and management, innovation, investment attraction, and monetary finance.

Deputy PM Tran Hong Ha is in Shanghai for the sixth China International Import Expo (CIIE) at the invitation of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China and the Organizing Committee of the 6th CIIE. Vietnam is attending the 6th CIIE as an honorary country.

At the November 5-10 expo, the Vietnam pavilion features the nation’s economic achievements and its trade and tourism potential.

Trans-national drug trafficking ring busted in central Vietnam

Border guards of the central province of Ha Tinh caught red-handed a Vietnamese man trafficking 1,000 synthetic drug pills and 100 grams of ketamine into Vietnam from Laos.

The drug trafficker, Le Anh Tuan, 29, hails from nearby Thanh Hoa province.
Tuan was found carrying the drugs hidden in his bag at 9:00 a.m. on November 1 on National Highway 8A running through Ha Tinh.

The suspect admitted that he was hired by a Lao national to bring the illicit drugs into Thanh Hoa. Authorities are currently further investigating the case.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes