Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang met with visiting Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) Tatiana Valovaya in Hanoi on October 19, pledging more contributions from Vietnam to the UN.

Appreciating the Director-General’s role in connecting and supporting Vietnam in multilateral activities in Geneva, Hang said the country is actively implementing the foreign policy identified at the 13th National Party Congress, which is multilateralisation and diversification of external relations, active integration into the world, being a trustworthy partner and active and responsible member of the international community, and equal and mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries on the basis of the fundamental principles of the UN Charter and international law.

Therefore, Vietnam has made and will make more contributions to the common works of the UN and international organisations in Geneva, she remarked.

The Deputy Minister called on the UNOG Director-General and relevant bodies of the UN to continue providing optimal conditions for Vietnamese officials, experts, and citizens to work at the agencies, and to assist Vietnam, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and developing countries to increase multilateral diplomatic activities in Geneva.

Applauding the “17 Faces of Action” initiative, launched by Valovaya and the Association of Swiss Women and Empowerment (ASWE) and implemented in various countries, she said the participation in this initiative is among Vietnam’s moves to effectively carry out its priorities while serving as a member of the UN Human Rights Council for 2023 - 2025 to enhance cooperation and dialogue in the international community to promote gender equality and implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Valovaya, who is on a working visit to Vietnam and attending the opening ceremony of a “17 Faces of Action” exhibition, said she is impressed with Vietnam’s high-level commitment to multilateralism and its concrete and practical contributions to the works of Geneva-based international organisations. She also highly valued the country’s outstanding role in joining hands with other ASEAN countries to step up cultural diplomacy, cultural diversity, and international solidarity in the community of diplomats in Geneva.

The Director-General affirmed that she, the UNOG, and other agencies will continue supporting and creating favourable conditions for Vietnam and ASEAN’s activities in Geneva.

Welcoming Vietnam’s participation in the “17 Faces of Action” initiative, she spoke highly of the country’s achievements in promoting gender equality and efforts to carry out the 2030 Agenda, particularly the provision of conditions for women to engage in the political system, women’s economic empowerment, and the enhancement of women’s role in science, technology, and innovation.

Also on October 19, the UNOG Director-General had a meeting with leaders of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, and talked about multilateralism and the role of female leaders to the school’s lecturers and students.

Vietnamese President meets with senior CPC official in Beijing

President of Vietnam Vo Van Thuong met with Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, member the Committee’s Secretariat and Chief of the Committee’s Office, in Beijing on October 19.

The two sides applauded the progress in the relations between the two Parties and the two countries, especially since the historic official visit to China by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong in late October 2022, as seen in frequent all-level delegation exchanges and meetings, many new and important achievements obtained, enhanced political trust, promoted economic and trade cooperation, and Chinese investment in Vietnam reaching a new level.

They also discussed concrete measures for implementing the agreements reached between the two Parties and countries’ top leaders, and continuing to foster the friendship and cooperation across the board.

President Thuong affirmed that Vietnam and China are close neighbours and share similar political regimes, development paths, and goal of socialism building.

The Party, State, and people of Vietnam attach importance to the reinforcement and development of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with their Chinese counterparts, and consider this as the strategic choice and top priority in Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, and multilateralisation and diversification of external relations, he stated.

He asked the two countries to keep close coordination and make good preparations for high-level mutual visits, strengthen cooperation between their ministries, sectors, and localities, promote substantive cooperation in all fields, and maintain the development trend of economic and trade ties.

The President called on China to continue expanding the import of Vietnamese farm produce, increase investment in major projects typical for its development level, step up the partnership in connecting the countries’ road and railway infrastructure, boost cooperation in developing the digital economy, digital infrastructure and digital manpower, and tighten cultural and people-to-people links to consolidate the foundation for their long-lasting friendship.

On the basis of the high-level common perceptions, the Vietnamese leader asked both sides to properly control and satisfactorily resolve differences and outstanding problems in bilateral relations in accordance with the United Nations Charter and international law, for the sake of the two peoples and for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region.

At the meeting, Cai said Vietnam and China are important neighbours of each other and share broad common interests. China always views Vietnam as a priority in its neighbourhood foreign policy and is ready to join Vietnam in increasing the strategic opinion exchange and promoting the unceasing development of sustainable and long-term relations between the two Parties and the two countries.

He suggested stepping up exchanges between their Parties, States, and peoples to further intensify friendship between the people of Vietnam and China.

The senior CPC official also agreed on the need to foster economic and trade ties, transport infrastructure connectivity, and cooperation in the digital economy; encourage Chinese businesses to continue bolstering investment in Vietnam; and increase the frequency and quality of locality-to-locality connections, thereby actively contributing to the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

Vietnam joins 12th China-ASEAN music festival

A troupe from the Vietnam National Academy of Music is scheduled to stage several high-quality concert performances at the 12th China-ASEAN music festival, which kicked off on October 18 in China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

In addition, an academic forum focusing on Vietnamese music will take place as part of the event.

More than 500 musicians from 14 troupes from China and ASEAN member countries are expected to perform 14 concerts during the six-day festival, which is treating audiences to original contemporary music compositions by 90 composers from nearly 20 countries. Many of the works and musical instruments staged display the distinctive characteristics of ASEAN cultures.

The event also features academic activities, including a musical conference and a presentation on the piano.

The festival, sponsored by the Guangxi Arts University, has been held since 2012. Over the past over decade, it has showcased operas, symphonies, and orchestras, as well as ASEAN folk songs and dances.

President meets with Vietnamese representative agencies in Beijing

President Vo Van Thuong had a meeting with officials and staff members of Vietnamese representative agencies in China on October 19 as part of his trip to attend the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing.

Briefing participants on the objectives of his trip, President Thuong said that along with realising the common perceptions reached by leaders of the two Parties and countries during Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to China last October, it also aims to affirm Vietnam’s support to initiatives benefiting peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

It also provides a chance for the Vietnamese President to meet with heads of state and heads of delegations from different countries and international organisation to discuss measures to enhance the efficiency of comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and the countries and organisations, he said.

The State leader informed the participants about the home country's socio-economic situation recently, President Thuong said that the Party and State consistently pursues a foreign policy of being a friend, trustworthy partner and responsible member of the international community. On the foundation of national interests, Vietnam is willing to set up diplomatic relations, cooperate closely and expand partnership with all countries on the principle of equality, fairness, ensuring national independence, territorial integrity and respect for international law for peace and development in the region and the world, he said.

He underlined the significance of the Chinese market to different sectors of Vietnam, especially agricultural products, and asked the agencies to pay attention to maintaining, expanding and developing the market.

The President also hailed the efforts of officials and staff of the Vietnamese embassy and diplomatic agencies in China in organising visits of delegations from the Party, State, sectors and agencies at all levels to China, expressing his hope that they will continue to overcome all difficulties to complete all assigned tasks.

Earlier the same day, President Thuong visited a model of new-style rural area in Xiaoludian village in Heizhuanghu township in Chaoyang district, which is about 20km from Beijing downtown. The village is famous for the traditional profession of ornamental fish farming.

Lao Cai, RoK bolster training cooperation

Lao Cai College in the northern mountainous province of Lao Cai on October 19 signed a cooperation agreement with Korea Polytechnic IV of the Republic of Korea (RoK) to improve the former’s education and human resources quality.

Under the cooperation deal, Korea Polytechnic IV will provide training and grant level-4 certificates in education and training for the Lao Cai College’s automobile technology and industrial electricity lecturers, while helping the Vietnamese college to develop a Korea Polytechnic IV-standard training programme.

Both sides also agreed to promote education-training cooperation in the fields that the RoK is facing labour shortages. Accordingly, part of the training programme will be carried out in the RoK, helping students have opportunities to get jobs there.

The Lao Cai College is among 75 vocational schools that were approved by the Prime Minister to become high-quality education establishments by 2025.

Rector of the Lao Cai College Hoang Quang Dat said that with a view to realising the target, the college has paid due attention to international cooperation activities to build development strategy and develop training programmes for both students and lecturers.

Outstanding cooperation projects include Fulbright Programme and Access project with the US Embassy, and the Australian Government-funded Gender Responsive Equitable Agriculture and Tourism (GREAT).

The Lao Cai Collage is providing training for ethnic people in the northeast and northwest regions, with more than 80% of its graduates getting employments. It has given priority to developing seven international and regional standard majors, namely industrial electricity, hospitality management, tourism, tourism service and travel management, automobile technology, veterinary medicine, and welding.

Kon Tum strengthens cooperation with Cambodia’s Ratanakiri province

Leaders of the Central Highlands province of Kon Tum and Cambodia’s Ratanakiri province on October 19 signed a memorandum of understanding on bilateral cooperation for the 2023-2028 period.

Under the document, the two provinces' leaders showed their determination to intensify development collaboration in the spirit of friendship, respect and trust.

They agreed to support the development of tourism and trade services, promote investment, encourage business incentives, and support and speed up the organisation of exhibitions and trade fairs. The two provinces will promote the connection of Kon Tum's tourism sector with Cambodian provinces on the basis of the Tourism Development Plan in the Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam Development Triangle Area for the 2021 - 2025 period, with a vision to 2030.

In the socio-culture field, the two sides will increase the organisation of exchange activities, and the sharing of experiences in developing traditional culture; and strengthen cooperation in human resources training and development. Accordingly, Kon Tum will continue to provide 10 scholarships for the 2024 - 2029 period for students in Ratanakiri province. Ratanakiri will continue creating favourable conditions for the Vietnamese province in searching and repatriating remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who died in Cambodia; and help protect legal rights and interests of Vietnamese citizens living and working in Ratanakiri.

Regarding defence and security, the two provinces will continue to promote the dissemination of information about treaties and protocols on land border demarcation and marker planting between the two countries to their people; and coordinate in preventing all terrorist activities, illegal border crossing, the plantation, production, transport, trading, storing, and use of drugs, human trafficking, the trading of weapons and explosives, and the illegal logging and transportation of wood.

Secretary of the Kon Tum Party Committee Duong Van Trang proposed Ratanakiri to continue supporting and creating favourable conditions for Vietnamese people and businesses in the province.

Nhem Sam Oeun, Chairman of the Ratanakiri provincial Cambodian People's Party (CPP) Committee and the province’s Governor, said that the two provinces have many similarities such as airport and expressway planning, which will be a favourable condition for them to promote cooperation activities in culture and tourism.

Brick structure in Hanoi under archaeological excavation

The Hanoi Museum has coordinated with the Institute of Archaeology and the People’s Committee of Dan Phuong district in excavating a brick structure in Hong Ha commune, which is believed to be an ancient tomb.

The excavation site is included in the road project area in Hong Ha, with objects unearthed to be preserved by the museum.

On May 12, an ancient brick tomb was also discovered in Hong Ha during the road construction, and archaeologists hold that it daté back between the first and the fourth centuries.

Over the past years, some brick tombs have been found in the Ciputra urban area, Duc Tu commune (Dong Anh district), Pham Van Dong street (Bac Tu Liem district), and other areas in Hanoi.

Vietnam strives to raise female UN peacekeepers to 20% by 2025

Vietnam is striving to raise the rate of female officers in the country's peacekeeping force to 20% by 2025, Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lieut. Gen Hoang Xuan Chien told a conference in Hanoi on October 19.

Chien said Vietnam pledges to continue maintaining staff of the Engineering Unit and Level-2 Field Hospital as well as those in peacekeeping missions. He wished to continue receiving support from the UN and international community to expand the country's presence and capability as requested. 

The officer noted that Vietnam is among the leading countries regarding the rate of women in peacekeeping forces, with 16%, compared to the general rate of around 10%. 

Col. Pham Manh Thang, Director of the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations, reported that both the Engineering Unit Rotation No. 1 and the Level-2 Field Hospital No. 4 of Vietnam had excellently performed their tasks during their terms . 

He said the Engineering Unit Rotation No. 1 had fulfilled the tasks assigned by the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA). The team built, upgraded and repaired major transportation routes and patrol roads totalling 303 km in length, ensured the smooth flow of traffic on all routes, undertook repairs and maintenance for camp facilities, bridges, and infrastructure in the UNISFA operational area.  

It was chosen by UNISFA Force Commander as the pioneering unit in the smart camp project, which involves restructuring the mission's infrastructure.

Meanwhile, the Level-2 Field Hospital No. 4 provided treatment for 1,468 patients, came up with plans to fight COVID-19, malaria, monkey pox and Ebola.

The two units actively engaged in mobilisation activities such as providing free checkups and medicines for local people and helping the host locality dredge canals and build drainages. They also planted trees in schools, hospitals, villages and military bases to create a clean and beautiful environment, and donated books, notebooks, writing materials and clothing to local students. 

Concluding its tenure, the Engineer Unit Rotation No. 1 received commendation letters from the UNISFA Force Commander, the Director of the UN Police Division, the Chief of the UN Mission Support, the Ministry of Education and Department of Education of Abyei in recognition of their significant contributions and dedication to assigned work.

The hospital and five staff members received certificates of merit from the UNISFA Force Commander for performing their assigned tasks extremely well.

On the occasion, collectives and individuals of both units received certificates of merit from the Minister of National Defence and the Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army for their outstanding achievements at UN missions.

Dialogue helps students prevent, respond to gender-based violence in cyberspace

A dialogue on preventing and responding to gender-based violence in cyberspace was held at FPT Hanoi University by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Vietnam on October 18.

MoLISA Deputy Minister Nguyen Thi Ha told 400 FPT students that the strong development of technology and digital transformation has brought about many great opportunities and achievements for development, while also posing new challenges and risks in all fields.

The prevention of and response to gender-based violence, and protection of children in cyberspace are two of the contents receiving special attention from the Government and relevant ministries and sectors.

Therefore, the dialogue was organised to provide information and skills for, and raise awareness of students so that they are able to protect themselves and others, to detect and prevent gender-based violence when using the Internet.

UNFPA Representative in Vietnam Matt Jackson said that ensuring everyone can freely participate online without fear of violence and abuse is vital.

He called for joint efforts to end gender-based violence against women and girls in cyberspace. All spaces, whether virtual or real, must be free from violence against women and girls, he stressed.

Matt also called on students to join UNFPA's Bodyright campaign to raise their voice and push digital companies, social platforms, content sharing sites and policymakers to take virtual violence and online abuse as seriously as they do copyright infringements.

APGC Senior Amateur Championship to take place in Quang Nam in November

The Asia-Pacific Golf Confederation (APGC)’s Senior Amateur Championship is scheduled to run at the Vinpearl Golf Nam Hoi An in the central province of Quang Nam from November 21-23, announced the Vietnam Golf Association (VGA).

The Asia-Pacific’s premier team and individual championship for senior male golfers is expected to attract 100 golfers from countries and territories among 47 APGC members, including Vietnam, Japan, the Republic of Korea, China, New Zealand, Hong Kong (China), Taiwan (China), India, Thailand, and Malaysia.

Participants will compete in both individual and team events, with the champion earning a slot at the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews (R&A)’s Senior Amateur Championship.

Director of the tournament Bach Cuong Khang said that this event affirms the VGA’s organising capacity for international tournaments and highlights Vietnam's golf infrastructure, particularly its ability to host high-quality golf competitions.

Additionally, the tournament serves as an opportunity to introduce and promote the image of the Southeast Asian nation as a friendly and welcoming tourist destination.

Founded in 2006, the championship has been held 12 times, with the most recent edition taking place in Malaysia in 2019. In 2013, Vietnam hosted the tournament for the first time at the Montgomerie Links Golf Course in the central city of Da Nang.

EROPA conference concludes in Hanoi

The 2023 conference of the Eastern Regional Organisation for Public Administration (EROPA) wrapped up in Hanoi on October 19 afternoon.

Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Trieu Van Cuong said that during the three-day event with four plenary sessions and four panel discussions, 150 scientists from many countries talked about various dimensions of public governance in connection with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Speeches delivered at the conference analysed the importance of public governance to the realisation of the SDGs amid numerous challenges facing countries after the COVID-19 pandemic such as food insecurity and unemployment.

Participants highlighted the necessity for issuing breakthrough policies to serve as the basis for economic recovery and development, and that the socio-economic development of a country will be the meter of public governance effectiveness. Some also recommended enhancing cooperation among countries and regions to jointly deal with global issues, the official went on.

Cuong noted that the 2023 conference of EROPA took place in the context of various challenges to sustainable development in the world. Therefore, the selection of “The Role of Public Governance in Socioeconomic Recovery and Development” as the theme of the meeting reflected EROPA’s role and sense of responsibility toward regional and global development issues.

The deputy minister said studies presented at the conference provide many precious suggestions for Vietnam.

At the 29th General Assembly of EROPA held on this occasion, participants approved the agenda of the EROPA Executive Council, and presented the Carlos P Ramos Award for Best Conference Paper and the award for female authors.

The 2023 conference and general assembly of EROPA were hosted by the National Academy of Public Administration and chaired by the Vietnamese Ministry of Home Affairs.

EROPA, an international organisation of states, groups and individuals in the region of Asia and the Pacific, was founded in 1960 as a response to the common desire among developing and developed countries to promote regional cooperation in improving knowledge, systems and practices of government administration to help accelerate economic and social development.

It was the first organisation in the region to be devoted to the development of public administration in order to advance the economic and social development of countries in Asia and the Pacific.

Thai National Assembly President wishes to promote parliamentary cooperation with Vietnam

President of the Thai National Assembly Wan Muhamad Noor Matha said he hopes to welcome a high-level delegation from the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) to Thailand in the near future to exchange measures to further promote cooperation between the two parliaments, while receiving Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand Phan Chi Thanh in Bangkok on October 19.

He said he highly appreciates the valuable contributions of over 100,000 Vietnamese people living in Thailand to the host nation’s socio-economic development.

The top legislator of Thailand also hailed the countries’ cooperation in recent times, including exchanges across parliamentary, governmental, business, and people-to-people channels. The bilateral ties in investment and trade have also been continuously fostering through road and air connections.

He went on expressing his gratitude to the Vietnamese Government for its support and facilitation of Thai businesses' investment and business activities in Vietnam.

For his part, Thanh stated that the two countries' law-making bodies have been cooperating well at various multilateral parliamentary forums such as the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF), and Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

He wished that the two parliaments will continue to work more closely together, especially in terms of high-level and multilevel delegation exchanges, coordinating bilateral and multilateral activities, and sharing legislative experiences. He reiterated the Vietnamese NA Chairman’s invitation, hoping to host the Thai NA President and other parliamentarian leaders in Vietnam at a suitable time in the near future.

Vietnamese flag flies at Asian Para Games Village

Vietnam’s national flag was hoisted at the Asian Para Games Village in Hangzhou, China, on October 19, marking the official presence of the Vietnamese sports delegation to the 4th Asian Para Games.

The Games is scheduled to take place in Hangzhou from October 22-28, featuring 22 sports with 564 events.

The Vietnamese sports delegation to the event comprises 71 members, including 48 athletes who will compete in seven sports, namely track and field, swimming, weightlifting, chess, table tennis, badminton and Taekwondo.

Vietnam’s goal is to win 3-4 gold medals and to have as many as possible athletes qualified for the 2024 Paris Paralympics.

At the 2018 Asian Para Games in Indonesia, Vietnam bagged a total of 40 medals, including eight golds, eight silvers and 24 bronzes, ranking 12th.

Vietnam backs promotion of international cooperation in human rights: Diplomat

Vietnam supports increasing the exchange of views and international cooperation in the field of human rights on the basis of fair and constructive dialogue, mutual respect and understanding, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, for a common goal of promoting and better protecting human rights, a Vietnamese diplomat has said.

Politicising human rights-related issues and interfering in internal affairs will not bring effective solutions, Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations (UN), said at a recent debate on the promotion and protection of human rights of the 78th UN General Assembly’s Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee.

Giang said that in the process of promoting human rights, it is necessary to comprehensively promote the rights, with priority given to promoting the right to live in peace, the right to development, the right to education, the right to health, and the right to work, anti-discrimination and social justice.

He highlighted Vietnam’s consistent policy, efforts and achievements in promoting and protecting human rights in nearly four decades of renewal, with an approach of putting people at the centre.

As a member of the UN Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 term, Vietnam has actively participated and taken specific initiatives such as proposing resolutions to promote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, climate change and human rights. These initiatives are the country’s practical and significant contributions to the common affairs of the UN in the spirit of mutual respect, dialogue and cooperation, and ensuring all rights for everyone, Giang stressed.

At the event, participating countries emphasised the significance and importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (1993), and affirmed the principles of universality, interconnectedness, interdependence and inseparability of human rights.

Amidst challenges of the world situation, they stressed the need to continue promoting multilateralism, strengthening solidarity, and boosting coordination and cooperation to maintain peace, implement the Sustainable Development Goals, and better ensure the rights and essential needs of people.

Complying with international law is responsibility of all countries: Diplomat

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations, has emphasised that in the context when the world is facing new complex developments and challenges, implementing the rule of law at all levels is very important to the development of each country and the international community.

Speaking at a general debate of the 6th Committee for Legal Affairs of the UN General Assembly convened on October 18 in New York, the Ambassador said that complying with international law is not only the responsibility of countries but also a way to rebuild trust, demonstrate sincerity, strengthen solidarity, promote multilateralism and effectively respond to common challenges. It is unacceptable to interpret and implement laws with double standards or selectively, he said.

Regarding current conflicts in many regions of the world, the Vietnamese representative called on relevant parties to comply with their obligations under international law and humanitarian law, quickly end violence, restore peace, ensure the security and safety of people and essential infrastructure, and provide humanitarian aid.

Sharing efforts to promote the rule of law in the region, Giang said that Vietnam is working with other ASEAN countries to build a peaceful, stable and prosperous Southeast Asia region. Recent developments in the East Sea have still caused concerns and affected peace, security and stability in the region. Therefore, all relevant parties need to comply with international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) as well as diplomatic and legal processes.

As one of the founding members of the UNCLOS Group of Friends, Vietnam together with nearly 120 other members are actively promoting the understanding about and compliance with the 1982 UNCLOS as well as the application of the 1982 UNCLOS in the maritime sector.

Vietnam is one of the first countries to sign the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Treaty, the Ambassador said, affirming that Vietnam is continuing to carry out judicial reform, strengthen the legal system to build a law-governed state, and will work closely with the UN and other partners to promote and ensure stronger compliance with the rule of law principles at national and international levels.

Laos regarded as top priority in Vietnamese foreign policy

Vietnam always treasures its relationship with Laos, considering it to be a top priority in its foreign policy, said President Vo Van Thuong at a reception held on October 19 for General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith.

The meeting was put on to mark the occasion of the Vietnamese State leader’s attendance at the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) in Beijing.

General Secretary Sisoulith conveyed his cordial greetings to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, and National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue. He went on to reiterate the good results of his visit to Vietnam in September on the occasion of the high-level Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia meeting.

The two leaders emphasised that over recent times, ministries, sectors, and localities of the two countries have actively worked together in implementing high-level agreements, thereby making efforts to remove difficulties and obstacles. As a result, many key co-operation projects have made positive progress.

Amid a complex and fluctuating global situation with many challenges mixed with opportunities, the two sides agreed to continue to further promote the close political relations that exist between the two countries, together contributing to maintaining the peaceful and stable environment. This will ultimately contribute to development, continuing to focus on effectively implementing high-level agreements, treaties, and co-operation plans between the two Parties and two countries.

They will work closely together to competently prepare for high-level activities and effectively deploy bilateral co-operation mechanisms, whilst strengthen defence and security ties, considering this to be one of the key pillars of the two countries’ relationship.

Both sides agreed to maintain effective cultural, sports, and tourism exchange mechanisms, properly carry out the Project to improve the quality and effectiveness of joint co-operation in the field of education and human resource development in the 2021 to 2030 period.

This is along with striving to completely resolve problems in a number of economic, trade, and investment co-operation projects, stepping up collaboration in science, innovation, digital economy, e-commerce, and digital transformation between state management agencies, as well as between businesses.

They affirmed the importance of increasing linkages and connectivity among Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, especially in economics-trade, infrastructure, tourism, and cultural exchanges.

The leaders also concurred to boost co-ordination to ensure that Laos will successfully accomplish its role as the ASEAN Chair in 2024, thereby helping to promote the central role of ASEAN and bring about practical benefits to the citizens of the bloc.         

Vietnamese publications debut at German book fair

A delegation representing the National Political Publishing House led by Vu Trong Lam, director and editor-in-chief of the publishing firm, is taking part in the Frankfurt Book Fair which is being held in Germany from October 18 to October 22.

The delegation held working sessions alongside several renowned foreign publishing houses in order to discuss issues related to purchasing and selling copyrights for translated books from various languages to Vietnamese and vice versa.

The local publisher met with Tallandier of France, Springer Nature, as well as both Oxford University and Cambridge University of the UK as part of efforts to seek measures aimed at promoting co-operation in the fields of publishing, copyright, and training experts.

The Frankfurt Book Fair was first held back in 1949, with this year’s edition marking the 75th edition of its kind.

The annual event draws the participation of over 4,000 publishers from across the globe.

France promotes tourism through photo exhibition

The French Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City opened a photo exhibition in District 1 on October 18, which promotes France as a tourist destination. 

The photographs are on display on the concrete wall fence of the French Consulate General building in HCM City till late January 2024.

The exhibition serves as an introduction to 14 activities that travelers can explore during their vacation in France, ranging from ziplining, and scuba diving to visiting castles, showcasing a rich experience France has to offer.

Emmanuelle Pavillon-Grosser, consul general of France in HCM City, shared her insights with The Saigon Times, saying the importance of diversifying the imagery that the Vietnamese hold of France.

She noted that while the Eiffel Tower stands as an iconic symbol of France, the exhibition aims to shed light on France’s natural beauty and a variety of activities the European country offers. The hope is that this event will inspire more people to consider France their travel destination, which is the fundamental goal of this initiative.

For more than 30 years, France has been one of the world’s leading tourist destinations. Before the pandemic, in 2019, 90 million foreign tourists came to discover France’s richness of natural and architectural heritage and enjoy a world-renowned art of living.

PM encourages Zamil Group’s operation expansion in Vietnam

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh received leaders of Zamil Group and Zamil Steel Vietnam upon his arriving in Riyadh on October 18 for the first summit between ASEAN and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and a working trip to Saudi Arabia.

Founded in 1920, Zamil is one of Saudi Arabia’s largest industrial groups that specializes in general construction, paints, plastics, petrochemicals, shipbuilding, and port management. The group now employs more than 12,000 people in 60 countries.

Zamil Steel established a representative office in Ho Chi Minh City in 1993 and built its first factory at Noi Bai Industrial Park in Hanoi in 1997. Later, Zamil Industrial Investment Group (ZIIG) and Mitsui & Co., Ltd teamed up to establish wholly foreign invested joint venture Zamil Steel Vietnam.

Currently, Zamil Steel Vietnam is operating two factories with a total capacity of 120,000 tonnes of steel per year. It employs more than 1,000 employees, and boasts a business network expanding to 10 Southeast Asian countries plus Bangladesh.

At the meeting, Abdul Rahma Al Zamil, chairman of Zamil Group, thanked Vietnam for supporting Zamil Steel Vietnam’s operations in the country. He briefed the PM on the group’s investment plan, and proposed that the government create conditions for the group to export its products through Vietnam to other countries in the region.

Chinh for his part welcomed Zamil’s operation expansion plan in Vietnam, and asked it to continue to further promote its corporate social responsibility, modernize production technology, and increase the ratio of high, sustainable and environmentally friendly technology in its products.

He briefed the CEO on Vietnam’s market development potential driven by high economic growth, large population with a rapidly growing middle class, and people’s improved income.

In addition, Vietnam has joined 16 free trade agreements (FTAs) bilaterally and multilaterally with major powers and free trade areas worldwide. It has a favourable geographical location, a complete seaport, airport and logistics system connected to major markets in the region and the world, and a conducive investment and business environment.

The government has issued many important economic development policies and guidelines, especially in priority areas such as green economy, circular economy, high technology, digital transformation, innovation, and startups.

The PM asked Zamil to share experiences, connect and encourage other Saudi Arabian firms to invest, produce and do business in Vietnam.

The Government of Vietnam is committed to accompanying and creating favourable conditions for foreign investors, including Zamil Group, to carry out business investment activities in compliance with local regulations, he assured the CEO.

Ho Chi Minh City to host Vietnam-Korea Friendship Cultural Festival

The Vietnam-Korea Friendship Cultural Festival will be held in District 1 of Ho Chi Minh City on October 21 - 22.

The largest-ever event of its kind will be co-organised by the Korean Embassy in Vietnam and the Korean Cultural Centre in Vietnam, the Korea Tourism Organization, the Korea Creative Content Agency, the Korea Copyright Commission, and the King Sejong Institute Foundation.
Visitors to the festival will have the chance to participate in a number of interesting Korean cultural programmes and activities, such as joining traditional Korean games and a K-POP dance battle, trying out traditional Korean Hanbok costumes, and sampling delicious Korean street food.

Furthermore, renowned Korean and local artists, including Sunggyu, Cho Joo Han, Sinu Ha Linh, Orange, and Roy Nguyen, will also perform at the festival.

The festival will include a number of stalls showcasing Korean movies, tourism, and entertainment products.

A series of activities aimed at promoting Busan's bid to host World Expo 2030 will be also introduced within the framework of the festival.

Hanoi taps cultural, agricultural tourism in outlying districts

Hanoi taps cultural, agricultural tourism in outlying districts hinh anh 1
At Van An - Hai Dang ecological site in outlying district of Thanh Tri. (Photo: VNA)

The capital city of Hanoi increasingly places importance on tapping natural resources, cultural and historical values, traditional craft products, agriculture and rural areas in order to support tourism development, heard a conference held by the municipal Tourism Department on October 18.

Specifically, the city prioritises investment in tourist destinations linked with heritage sites, craft villages, agricultural and rural tourism. It aims to build tourism products that offer immersive experiences, with captivating stories that reflect its unique cultural identity.

With a long history and rich cultural traditions, the outlying district of Thanh Tri boasts 154 cultural and historical relics, 45 traditional festivals, and 8 locations associated with revolutionary events.

At present, Thanh Tri is developing a clean vegetable cultivation model covering 140 ha, attracting visitors for tours, sightseeing and shopping. Hanoi has also recognised Dai Ang and Yen My as city-level tourist destinations. These are strengths, potential, and favourable conditions for cultural and agricultural tourism products.

A representative from the department said in the coming time, the department will partner with Thanh Tri district and travel companies to build a heritage tour linking Hanoi’s downtown with Thanh Tri, Thuong Tin and Phu Xuyen.

It will also call for investments in the Thanh Tri Sports, Recreation and Eco-tourism Park covering 707 ha, develop unique tourism products linked with cultural and historical relics, craft villages and scenic spots, step up agricultural and spiritual tourism, and promote the One Commune, One Product (OCOP) program and culinary experiences related to tourism.

To build Thanh Tri into a key tourist destination of Hanoi during 2025-2030, the department will work with the district to promote civilised behavior and community-based tourism among the local population.

Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia boost economic cooperation for sustainable development

A joint delegation of the National Assemblies (NAs) of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia had a working session with officials of Vietnamese localities in the CLV Development Triangle area in the Central Highlands province of Gia Lai on October 18.

The meeting is a part of the first joint field survey by the three NAs in localities in the Development Triangle, and is an important activity in preparation for the first Vietnam – Laos – Cambodia Parliamentary Summit in December this year.

Established in 1999, the CLV Development Triangle has promoted its role as an effective mechanism, connecting the three neighbouring countries, ensuring peace, security, and politics, and promoting poverty reduction and socio-economic development in the region.

In his opening remarks, Chairman of Vietnamese NA's External Affairs Committee Vu Hai Ha expressed the hope that at the meeting, leaders of ministries and sectors will submit reports on cooperation in the triangle in terms of foreign affairs, economics, culture – society, defence – security, which serve as the basis for participants to discuss and make proposals on enhancing the three NAs' role in promoting cooperation and connectivities among the three economies towards sustainable development.

Cambodian and Lao officials highly valued the field survey, saying that it will contribute to further tightening the friendship and solidarity between the three countries, thus developing policies and institutions to jointly promote economic development and integration, and maintain security and defence in the region.

At the meeting, representatives from the Central Highlands of Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Dak Nong, and Dak Lak, and the southern province of Binh Phuoc made recommendations to strengthen the role of the three countries' parliaments in promoting cooperation, partnership, solidarity and prosperity, and expanding connection among the three economies towards sustainable development.

Previously, on October 17 afternoon, the joint delegation made field trips to the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia border T-junction and the Bo Y International Border Gate in Kon Tum.

In the first nine months of 2023, two-way trade between Vietnam and Laos reached 1.19 billion USD, while Vietnam – Cambodia trade hit 6.5 billion USD, down 1.96% and 23% year-on-year, respectively.

The five Vietnamese localities in the CLV Development Triangle recorded an economic growth rate of 8.62% in 2022. Meanwhile, the localities’ GRDP per capita reached 60.6 million VND.

Experts recommend expanding maternity coverage

Experts concurred that the draft amended Law on Social Insurance should supplement maternity benefits in voluntary social insurance in a workshop on Wednesday in Hà Nội.

The workshop on expansion of maternity protection in Việt Nam was co-organised by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women).

It is held in response to the Vietnamese Women’s Day, which falls on Friday.

Representatives at the workshop said that the adjustment would connect social security policies with economic and employment policies, as well as child care services.

Speaking at the workshop, Caroline Nyamayemobe, acting representative of the UN Women in Việt Nam, emphasised that when facing poverty or financial difficulties, women might not take maternity leave or have to return to work earlier than medically recommended.

By helping to protect women's employment and income during and after childbirth, maternity protection would ensure that women's reproductive role would not compromise their equal opportunities, economic, health and family security, she said.

Acknowledging Việt Nam's superior policies on maternity leave and maternity benefits for workers covered by social insurance, Nyamayemobe noted the need to research more appropriate policies for women who are not eligible for compulsory social insurance, including informal workers who do not have access to maternity benefits.

Because without income from maternity benefits, women having to take time off work and facing increased expenses due to pregnancy, childbirth and child care will bring financial difficulties for most families.

Within the workshop’s framework, representatives shared experiences and successful lessons in expanding maternity benefits for women.

Andre Gama, social protection programme manager for ILO Country Office in Việt Nam, noted the right to maternity benefits for women, with the goal of protecting the health and safety of mothers and children.

It will also protect women facing economic vulnerability caused by the risks of income and health loss from pregnancy and giving birth.

Maternity protection must include employment protection and non-discrimination when women take maternity leave, financial and medical benefits for mothers during breastfeeding.

It should also protect workplace health for women when returning to work after maternity leave.

Some experts mentioned challenges in the work, including the fact that people paying voluntary social insurance at present do not have any maternity benefits.

They agreed that it was necessary to review and evaluate the current policies to amend and supplement them in accordance with actual conditions and the country's socio-economic development.

Maternity policies should be integrated with other policies in national target programmes for socio-economic development.

Maternity benefits in Việt Nam are among the best in the region in terms of leave time and benefit rate.

But the limitation is the low coverage rate. Only people participating in compulsory social insurance are entitled to maternity benefits, with the beneficiary rate only accounting for about 30 per cent of the workforce, according to the ILO.

Currently, employees participating in voluntary social insurance are not entitled to maternity benefits.

Considering this, in the draft amended Law on Social Insurance, the maternity regime is redesigned in the direction of expanding voluntary social insurance regimes, creating favourable conditions for transition between voluntary social insurance and compulsory social insurance. 

North braced for strong rains, cold spell

A strong cold spell is forecasted to hit the northern region from October 20 with the lowest temperatures falling to 15 degrees Celsius in some mountainous areas. 

According to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, the cold spell will first hit the northeast and then spread to the northwest and down northern central areas, making temperatures fall to between 19-22 degrees Celsius in low-lying areas and between 16-19 degrees Celsius in mountainous localities. Some high mountains can experience lower temperatures of below 15 degrees Celsius.Due to the impact of Storm Sanba, the northern region would also see heavy rains from Thursday evening to Saturday evening, the centre said.

Sea areas from Quang Ninh to Thai Binh provinces will face strong winds and high waves from October 20.

At 7 am on October 21, the tropical storm is forecasted to make a U-turn south and southwest and deteriorate into a tropical depression.

Heavy rain that has battered central localities for the past few days is anticipated to subside from October 19.

Quang Ninh bans water traffic ahead of Storm Sanba

The northern coastal province of Quang Ninh will close beaches and ban vessels from sailing from 3pm on Thursday as Storm Sanba approaches.According to the Quang Ninh Provincial Hydrometeorology Centre, local waters will experience strong wind ls and high waves from Thursday afternoon as the storm makes landfall in the area.

The local Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and Search and Rescue has asked the transport department to ban all vessels including fishing, cargo and tourist boats from going to sea from 3 pm and call for all vessels operating at sea to seek shelter before 6 pm on October 19.

According to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, Storm Sanba was over the waters to the southwest of China’s Hainan Island as of 4 am on October 19. It was moving to the northwest at a speed of about 10 km per hour.

From evening of October 19 to October 21, the coastal areas in the southern part of the Red River Delta, the northeastern region of the North, and the north central provinces are forecast to experience moderate to heavy rainfalls.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes