The 15th National Assembly will adopt nine bills during its 6th plenary session that opens in Ha Noi on October 23.

These bills are land law (revised), real estate trading (revised), housing law (revised), water resources law (revised), telecommunication law (revised), law on management and protection of defense facilities and military zones, grassroots security forces, law on identity cards (revised), and law on credit organizations.

The legislature will also approve one resolution on piloting some mechanisms and policies to tackle legal hurdles involving investment in road facilities.

In addition, the lawmakers will mull over amendments and supplementation to other laws on social insurance, archives, defense industry-security-industrial mobilization, road traffic, road traffic safety and order, the capital city, organization of People's Courts, and property auction.

Regarding socio-economic aspect, the National Assembly will evaluate the implementation of the socio-economic development plan for 2023, decide on socio-economic development plan for 2024 and financial-budget plan for 2024-2026, and discuss mid-term reports on the implementation of plans on socio-economic development, economic restructuring, public investment, repayment of public debts in the 2021-2025.

The legislative body will deliberate on reports of the Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuracy, and the Government on anti-corruption, crime prevention, judgment enforcement in 2023.

The National Assembly will hold a vote of confidence for positions elected or approved by it, conduct mid-term review of the implementation of three national target programs on rural development, sustainable poverty reduction, socio-economic development in ethnic and mountainous areas for the 2021-2025.

State leader hosts Chief of General Staff of Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces

President Vo Van Thuong pledged favourable conditions for Vietnam - Cuba defence cooperation while receiving Sen. Lt. Gen. Roberto Legra Sotolongo, Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Minister of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, who is on a working visit to Vietnam, in Hanoi on October 24.

The host highlighted the significance of the trip, which follows the 60th founding anniversary of the Cuban Committee for Solidarity with South Vietnam (September 1963) – the predecessor of the Cuba - Vietnam Friendship Association, and 50 years since Cuban leader Fidel Castro first visited Vietnam and the liberated zone in South Vietnam in Quang Tri (September 1973).

He described the visit as a vivid demonstration of the close-knit and faithful relations between the two countries and the two militaries, expressing his belief that it will be successful and contribute to relations and cooperation between the two countries.

Sotolongo affirmed the special Vietnam - Cuba solidarity, founded by Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro and nurtured by generations of leaders and the people of the two countries.

Informing his host about the outcomes of the meetings and talks between the delegation of the Cuban Ministry of Revolutionary Armed Forces and leaders of the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence, he said the two sides discussed and agreed on cooperation areas to further intensify the traditional friendship and special solidarity.

President Thuong emphasised that the Vietnamese and Cuban peoples have consistently stayed united and supported each other during revolutionary periods and trying times. The Party, State, and people of Vietnam are delighted at the substantive development of the special solidarity and cooperation in multiple fields.

Before, during or after the pandemic, both sides maintained frequent mutual visits at all levels. In particular, the two ministries have kept close relations and mutual assistance in various fields, and obtained practical and fruitful cooperation results, he noted.

 The meeting between President Vo Van Thuong and Sen. Lt. Gen. Roberto Legra Sotolongo, Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Minister of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, in Hanoi on October 24. (Photo: VNA)
To build on the achieved results, the State leader suggested that aside from increasing high-level meetings, the two ministries should step up exchanges and cooperation.

As the global situation remains complex, bilateral defence cooperation is of importance, he went on, adding that the Vietnamese Party and State always provide the best possible conditions for the Vietnamese ministry to coordinate, share opinions, and cooperate with its Cuban counterpart in the areas matching their capabilities and demand.

He asked for stronger economic, trade, and investment links to create an important material and logistical basis for national construction and safeguarding in each country.

Congratulating Cuba on the successful organisation of the recent summit between the Group of 77 (G77) and China, President Thuong said Vietnam always supports the Cuban people’s just struggle and objects to the embargo and sanctions against the Caribbean nation. He hopes the two peoples will stay united more strongly to jointly develop and safeguard their nations.

Thanking Vietnam for its consistent support for Cuba, Sotolongo stated their solidarity is unique part of a special relationship globally and a symbol of relations and cooperation of the era.

Cuba hopes to further enhance relations and cooperation with Vietnam, he added.

Vietnam’s heritage sites popularised in Malaysia

Heritage sites of the central localities of Thua Thien – Hue, Da Nang and Quang Nam have been nudged closer to Malaysian visitors through the promotion programme “the magical land of heritage sites” held in Kuala Lumpur on October 23.

The event, held by the three localities and the Malaysia – Vietnam Friendship Association, aims at luring more visitors from Malaysia – a key tourism market in the Southeast Asian region.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Deputy Director of Da Nang city’s Department of Tourism Nguyen Xuan Binh highlighted that Vietnam and Malaysia are celebrating their 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2013, which is significant for both sides to develop the relations in the future, including tourism.

In this context, the programme is expected to help the localities expand international tourism market, while popularising Vietnam’s heritage sites' tourism brand.

Charge d’affaires of the Vietnamese Embassy in Malaysia Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh stressed that tourism collaboration between the two sides has been developed on the basis of the Government-level Tourism Cooperation Agreement in 1994, with the opening of the Malaysian tourism promotion office in Vietnam and an array of promotion activities in both nations.

Malaysia is on the list of top 10 source markets for tourism in Vietnam, she said, adding the two nations boast huge potential for cooperation in the field.

Meanwhile, President of the Malaysian Association of Tourism and Travel Agents (MATTA) Nigel Wong Chun Teim stressed the tourism industry’s future has an important role to play for Vietnam, Malaysia and ASEAN as a whole, and affirmed MATTA’s commitment to continuing policy support in tourism cooperation with ASEAN and Vietnam in particular.

He expressed his hope that tourism cooperation between the two countries as well as within ASEAN will make a strong recovery in the future.

Within the framework of the event, the tourism promotion centres of Thua Thien-Hue, Da Nang and Quang Nam and the Malaysia – Vietnam Friendship Association signed a Memorandum of Understanding on communications cooperation to help Vietnam’s tourism products better penetrate into the Malaysian market.

Vietnam, Switzerland discuss cooperation in research, innovation

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Bui The Huy had a working session with Swiss State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation Martina Hirayama in Bern on October 23 to discuss bilateral cooperation in research and innovation.

At the event, the two sides informed each other of developments in science in their respective country as well as its priorities in sponsoring research and innovation activities.

Bilateral cooperation in science and technology has been implemented effectively. In October 2019, the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and the Vietnamese Ministry of Science and Technology signed a memorandum of understanding on bilateral collaboration in this field.

SERI has also appointed ETH Zurich University as a unit leading in scientific cooperation with Southeast Asia for the 2021-2024 funding period. As a result, the university is rolling out collaboration tools for startup funding and innovation pilot projects.

In addition, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) have been cooperating since 2020. Switzerland's support also includes the granting of scholarships, enabling 120 Vietnamese researchers to spend time working at a Swiss university since 1961.

Quang Binh works hard to preserve wild, migratory bird populations

The People's Committee of the central province of Quang Binh has issued directives to enhance the management and conservation of wild and migratory bird populations, with the aim of minimising poaching, trafficking, and consumption activities in the locality.

Heads of relevant departments, sectors, agencies, and organisations, and chairpersons of the People’s Committees of Dong Hoi city, and districts and towns have been demanded to instruct their civil servants and employees to strictly adhere to and disseminate legal regulations regarding biodiversity and wild bird conservation.

The provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has been requested to collaborate with the Departments of Natural Resources and Environment, and Industry and Trade, the Customs Office, the Border Guard Command, and the police of the province to regularly inspect and supervise restaurants, businesses, and markets, and strictly handle any activities involving the poaching, trapping, slaughtering, transporting, trading, processing, or keeping of wild and migratory birds.

Relevant authorities will be responsible for monitoring and implementing measures to prevent diseases originating from wild and migratory birds.

Local authorities have conducted nearly 450 inspections, destroyed numerous nets and devices used for bird trapping, and released 127 live decoy birds back into their natural habitat.

However, the apprehension and prosecution of those involved in the evil in the locality have encountered significant difficulties and limitations.

Quang Binh is one of the regions recognised for its high biodiversity. Notably, the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park - a UNESCO World Natural Heritage, and the Dong Chau - Khe Nuoc Trong Nature Reserve stand out as remarkable examples of this biodiversity. These areas, in particular, are known for their exceptionally rich diversity of bird species.

As home to 303 bird species, including 11 listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book and another 11 in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the Phong Nha- Ke Bang National Park was identified as two of more than 60 important bird zones in Vietnam by BirdLife International in 2005.

Works from 6th Hanoi Art Connecting on display

Artists from 27 countries and Việt Nam attend the 6th Hà Nội Art Connecting event held by Hà Nội Architectural University, Asia Art Link and Việt Nam Fine Arts Association. — Photo courtesy of organisation board

Artworks by nearly 160 international and Vietnamese artists will be shown at Gallery Art, Hà Nội Architectural University, from October 24. 

This is the fruit of a one-week event held by the university, Asia Art Link (AAL) and Việt Nam Fine Arts Association. 

The 6th Hà Nội Art Connecting (HAC) event is taking place at the university with participation of international artists from 27 countries, including Thai Kamol Tassananchalee, Indonesian Edi Sunaryo, American Carolyn Munskat and Don McKinney, and popular Vietnamese artists such as Lê Huy Tiếp, Phan Cẩm Thượng, Công Kim Hoa and Trịnh Minh Tiến. 

"The artists are energetic about taking part in the event," said Vietnamese popular artist and AAL founder Trịnh Tuân. "I see their desire to work and exchange their professional experiences, and overall they want to bring their artworks to the public."

This year marks the return of HAC, with its international workshop and exhibition, after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic. It is held at the university with a large number of students and a focus on research and training closely related to painting, design and sculpture.

HAC was born out of a collaboration between the University of Fine Arts and Design and AAL. True to its name, HAC aims to connect talented artists, creating a proactive community to promote the strengths, and cultural and artistic uniqueness of each country to international colleagues and friends.

It is also a bridge to connect artists, especially Vietnamese artists. Through HAC's activities, artists assess their positions and aesthetic perspectives, understanding their strengths and limitations in creating artworks as they work and co-create with international artists.

The international artists also express appreciation and enthusiasm for the event; they get to visit Việt Nam and participate in a prestigious art activity, delving into local cultural life. After each trip, Việt Nam always leaves a distinctive impression on them.

"Many thanks to the wonderful, talented and well-organised Tuân Trịnh - AAL founder. Thank you so much for the invitation and this wonderful time,” said artist Ewelina Kolakowska.

The Northern Irish artist Tommy Barr expressed his pleasure at attending the event. 

"I am once again feeling very honoured and grateful. I was looking forward to seeing many old friends at this fabulous event in Hà Nội. It has been riding high on my bucket list for quite some time," Barr said.

For a week, the artists in the fields of painting, graphics and sculpture create directly on-site at the university, where many students, teachers and the art-loving public can come and watch the artists' work process in person.

The workshops help students to orient their next steps regarding their careers after graduation. The visitors have the chance to gain a greater understanding about a variety of different kinds of art and get a first-hand look at how artists produce their works through workshops on painting, graphics, sculpture and pottery.

The programme includes seminars on art from folk to contemporary, as well as exploring other artistic fields. The artists visited the exhibition A Tide of Emotions at Vincom Centre for Contemporary Art, and Cúc Phương National Park. 

A science seminar was also held in the framework of HAC aiming at promoting international integration and developing applied fine arts training.

At the seminar, international and Vietnamese experts and artists evaluate and make orientation for art creation and applied fine arts training adapted to social practice in the context of integration.

Design training in the digital era; traditional culture preservation in applied fine arts training; and applying technology, techniques and materials in the practice of artistic creation and industrial arts training were discussed at the seminar. 

HAC has grown rapidly over recent years, featuring an increasing number of artists and countries participating. In 2016, there were only five countries and 20 international artists joining. 

First-instance trial opens for bid rigging case at Quảng Ninh health department

A trial has begun against 16 people accused of bid rigging over the purchase of medical equipment for Quảng Ninh Obstetrics and Paediatrics Hospital, totalling almost US$10 million.

Quảng Ninh Provincial People’s Court on Monday opened a first-instance trial for violations relating to the province’s health department, the hospital and the AIC Group.

The indictment reads that Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nhàn, former chairwoman and general director of the Advanced International Joint Stock Company (AIC Group), founded and managed all of the operations in the company, its subsidiaries and other businesses in the same ecosystem.

During the bidding process for six bid packages in the equipment procurement for Quảng Ninh Obstetrics and Paediatrics Hospital, Trương Thị Xuân Loan, head of an AIC Group’s project management board; Nguyễn Hồng Sơn, AIC Group vice general manager, and Nguyễn Thị Thu Phương, head of AIC financial secretary division are accused of rigging the bids under Nhàn’s direction.

Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nhàn, Trương Thị Xuân Loan, Nguyễn Hồng Sơn, and Nguyễn Thị Tích, general director of Mopha, a company connected to AIC, have absconded and are being tried in their absence.

Nguyễn Thị Thu Phương turned herself in on July 28 this year but did not admit to the crime at the investigation agency.

AIC Group won four of the six bid packages, while Mopha JSC won the other two. The packages are worth over VNĐ232 billion ($9.43 million) in total.

Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nhàn and her accomplices caused more than VNĐ50.6 billion ($2.06 million) in damages to the State, court documents read.

The indictment also said that Cimeico company general director Nguyễn Thị Quyên created value appraisals for 44 types of medical equipment that did not align with the laws. The documents were then sent to Quảng Ninh authorities to complete the bidding dossiers.

The court document said that Quyên colluded and used the price quote provided by the head investor, causing damage worth VNĐ26.7 billion ($1.09 million) to the State.

Defendant Lương Văn Tám, director of Quảng Ninh health department’s project management board is also responsible for approving the value appraisals without detailed reports, leading to damages of more than VNĐ50.6 billion ($2.07 million) from the six bid packages to the State.

Investigations revealed that the former head of the planning and investment division Phạm Trọng Hiệu and his deputy Nguyễn Đức Quang at the provincial health department also played a role in the case. However, they are both deceased and therefore not considered for criminal liability.

Former director of Quảng Ninh Obstetrics and Paediatrics Hospital Nguyễn Quốc Hùng and 14 members of the hospital board signed a document approving the list of equipment changes but did not participate in the bidding process and bid packages appraisal due to the lack of expertise.

Investigation results also said that there is no proof that Hùng and the hospital board members colluded with contractors for personal gain, and therefore, there is no basis to initiate criminal proceedings against them.

Đỗ Văn Sơn, former head accountant of AIC Group turned himself in on June 22 this year, and admitted to altering the company’s financial reports under Nhàn’s direction.

Defendants in the case have submitted more than VNĐ700 million ($28,460) in compensation for the damage caused.

The trial is expected to continue until Wednesday.

This is the third bid-rigging case in which defendant Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nhàn is tried in absentia.

Last year, Hà Nội People’s Court determined that Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nhàn played the key role in bidding violations and bribery at the Đồng Nai General Hospital and sentenced her to 30 years in prison.

In April 2023, Nhàn continued to be prosecuted by the Ministry of Public Security in the case related to equipment procurement for the Biotechnology Centre of HCM City.

Nguyễn Thị Tích (former director general of Mopha JSC) was sentenced to four years in prison, and Đỗ Văn Sơn (AIC Group’s former head accountant) was given a six-year sentence for their violations of bidding regulations at Đồng Nai General Hospital. 

Đồng Tháp Province to expand flower, ornamental plant farming

Đồng Tháp Province plans to sustainably develop flower and ornamental plant farming to improve growers’ incomes.

The Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta province has 2,160ha under flowers and ornamental plants, with the latter accounting for 78 per cent, mostly in Sa Đéc and Cao Lãnh cities, and Lai Vung and Lấp Vò districts.

There are more than 1,200 types of flowers and ornamental plants, including various rose, marigold and chrysanthemum varieties.

Sa Đéc, the province’s largest rose growing area, has more than 200 varieties.

Nguyễn Phước Lộc, a farmer in its Tân Khánh Đông Commune, grows more than 130 varieties, including 30 indigenous ones.

He sells perennial climbing rose varieties for up to VNĐ10 million (US$400) a plant, he said.

He also sells rose seedlings and hosts tourists in his flower garden, he said.

The province has five co-operatives, three farmers’ clubhouses and more than 4,500 households that grow and sell flowers and ornamental plants.

Sa Đéc has established a centre that buys, packs and sells them at home and abroad.

Bùi Thanh Sơn, deputy chairman of the city People’s Committee, said areas have been zoned for growing flowers and ornamental plants and the annual revenues from them are worth VNĐ2.8 trillion ($115 million).

Sa Đéc grows flowers and ornamental plants on 946ha, he said.

It grows large quantities of chrysanthemum, including 200,000 pots during Tết (Lunar New Year) holiday, since the flower is in highly demand for decorating houses and public places.

The city has had a tradition of growing flowers for more than 100 years.

Many households growing flowers and ornamental plants also allow visitors who come to admire the gardens.

Nguyễn Phước Lộc, chairman of the Sa Đéc City Association of Ornamental Objects, said training courses in growing ornamental objects and activities to exchange growing experiences are organised.

“Many ornamental objects made by the province’s artisans have won top prizes at contests held in Đồng Tháp as well as other provinces and cities.”

Nguyễn Phước Thiện, vice chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, said Đồng Tháp plans to develop flower and ornamental plant farming into an important sector as it restructures its agriculture.

This would help improve farmers’ incomes and the cultural and spiritual lives of local people, he added.

The province plans to increase the growing area to 3,500ha by 2025.

To achieve the target, its Department of Agriculture and Rural Development will boost seedling production and select and import high-quality varieties for cultivation.

It will teach farmers advanced techniques such as using nets and polygreen houses and automatic irrigation and help them improve packing and post-harvest preservation.

It will zone growing areas based on the conditions in each locality, and develop linkages between various stakeholders in growing and selling flowers and ornamental plants to meet the requirements of domestic and export markets.

It will link up with research institutions and universities to develop new varieties that are of high quality and meet market requirements, and collaborate with the delta’s other provinces to develop areas for growing high-quality flowers and ornamental plants.

The province will organise the first Sa Đéc Flower-Ornamental Plant Festival from December 30.

The week-long event will honour farmers and seek to develop linkages between flower and ornamental plant farming and tourism. 

Two new sections of trans-Việt Nam Hồ Chí Minh Expressway to be built in Mekong Delta

A project worth VNĐ3.9 trillion (US$159 million) that will build two sections of the trans-Việt Nam Hồ Chí Minh Expressway project in the Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta provinces of Bạc Liêu and Kiên Giang has been approved by the Ministry of Transport.

Deputy Prime Minister Trần Hồng Hà has signed a decision approving the project to build the two sections of nearly 52km along the 2,744km-long Hồ Chí Minh Expressway project.

The project includes more than 45km in Kiên Giang Province and 6.6km in Bạc Liêu Province.

The 11km-long Rạch Sỏi-Bến Nhất section will start in Châu Thành District and end in Giồng Riềng District in Kiên Giang Province.

Meanwhile, the Gò Quao-Vĩnh Thuận section will run from Gò Quao District to Vĩnh Thuận District in Kiên Giang Province, with a length of nearly 41km.

When completed, the four-lane sections will have a designed speed of 80km per hour.

Preliminary total investment for the project is estimated to be VNĐ3.9 trillion sourced from the State budget, including a construction cost of VNĐ2.8 trillion ($114 million).

The project requires land acquisition of 96ha and relocation of more than 180 local households.

Its construction is expected to be completed by 2025.

The project will help complete the transport network, improve transportation capacity, promote the circulation of goods and passenger transportation, reduce transport time and costs, and promote socio-economic development in the two Mekong Delta provinces.

The sections will contribute to gradually completing the entire Hồ Chí Minh Expressway, which passes through 28 provinces and cities in the country from the northern mountainous province of Cao Bằng to the southernmost province of Cà Mau.

The Hồ Chí Minh Expressway project is an important work, having great significance for the economy, national defence-security, hunger eradication, and poverty alleviation.

The Party and State are paying great attention to and allocate resources to implement the project.

The first phase of the Hồ Chí Minh Expressway project began its construction in April 2000, with total estimated investment of VNĐ99.2 trillion ($4.1 billion).

From 2000 to 2011, the project's progress was on track.

However, due to the influence of the global economic crisis, the Government issued a resolution in 2011 that stopped or delayed projects, including component projects of the Hồ Chí Minh Expressway project.

The project was scheduled to open in 2020 and so far nearly 90 per cent of the work has been completed.

The remaining sections of the expressway are under construction or have not yet been allocated capital for implementation.

Transport ministry reports positive results from trial use of sea sand in road construction

The Ministry of Transport is taking a bold step in road construction by using sea sand as an embankment material.

They are following the Prime Minister's lead and partnering with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to conduct thorough research, testing and evaluation.

The trial run on the DT978 return route section of the North-South expressway, Hậu Giang - Cà Mau, has been successful, utilising sea sand from Đông Hải Commune in Trà Vinh Province.

The construction phase of the pilot route has been successfully completed and commenced operations since August 2023, with on-going monitoring and evaluation.

The investor has also accomplished the development of regulations for the extraction, transportation and utilisation of sea sand as a road embankment material. Furthermore, they are in the process of finalising related procedures to facilitate its widespread application.

At present, the Ministry of Transport reports that, based on the results obtained from five rounds of experiments, monitoring and evaluation, the road base of the pilot section demonstrates robust stability. Environmental parameters, including surface water, groundwater and heavy metal indicators in the soil, remain stable. There are no indications of heightened salinity or contamination in surface water, groundwater, or the soil within the construction area.

Additionally, the Ministry of Transport has organised direct engagements with Geleximco Group and experts from the Dutch Boskalis Group to gather insights and outcomes from their extensive experience with sea sand utilisation in traffic construction projects in the Netherlands.

They have generously provided valuable information such as project names, designs, technical standards, construction technologies, sea sand extraction techniques, environmental requirements and sea sand salinity, all of which serve as a valuable reference.

Moving forward, the Ministry of Transport will continue monitoring and evaluation efforts, with the anticipation of presenting the final evaluation results by the end of 2023.

"If the research findings prove successful, this will represent a significant source of construction materials for projects in the Mekong Delta region," affirmed the Ministry of Transport.

Previously, when reporting on the progress of the pilot project employing sea sand as a roadbed construction material, a spokesperson from the Department of Science, Technology and Environment within the Ministry of Transport stated that the requisite procedures are currently in progress, with relevant stakeholders actively involved. It is expected that, if all conditions remain favourable, the Appraisal Council will convene to review and assess the outcomes of the pilot project involving sea sand as a material for transport infrastructure construction around mid-December 2023. 

EU always considers Vietnam an important partner: Ambassador

The European Union (EU) always affirms that Vietnam is an important partner in the region, Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium and head of the Vietnamese Delegation to the European Union (EU) Nguyen Van Thao told Vietnam News Agency in a recent interview.

The interview took place ahead of Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha’s trip to Brussels to attend the Global Gateway Forum from October 25-26 at the invitation of President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.

Thao said it will be the first time the EU has held the forum with topics covering sustainable development, energy transition, health care, education and connecting the EU with countries in the region, which match Vietnam's priorities and interests.

According to him, the forum will attract considerable interest from countries, especially those in Central Asia, Europe, and Africa, during which Ha will deliver a keynote speech on green transformation and energy transition, a topic to which Vietnam is strongly committed on the global stage.

Vietnam's attendance and Deputy PM Ha's speech will reaffirm that Vietnam is a responsible member joining in addressing critical issues alongside the world. It also reiterates the Government's determination and specific actions in fulfilling commitments made at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 26) in Glasgow, the UK, in 2021.

The ambassador expressed his belief that via the event, cooperation between the EU and Vietnam will grow remarkably, especially in areas of Vietnam’s interest.

The event will afford the Vietnamese side a chance to share experience and discuss joint work with countries globally to deal with common issues, he said.

As part of the event, a cooperation agreement will be signed between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance, a concrete step taken by Vietnam in implementing the Just Energy Transition Partnership established in 2022 with G7 countries and the EU.

Thao revealed that the EU highly values the agreement signing between EIB and Vietnam, adding that other sessions on digital infrastructure, education, and health care also create opportunities to enhance cooperation between Vietnam and the EU and other countries around the world.

He added that EU leaders and officials will hold meetings with Deputy PM Ha and his entourage, demonstrating the EU's high regard for its relationship with Vietnam.

The diplomat expressed his belief that with the promotion of cooperation between Vietnam and the EU in new areas such as green development, sustainability, digital economy and blue economy, their collaboration will yield even better outcomes.

France's Corsica island interested in boosting ties with Vietnam

Corsica, an island in the southeast of France, wishes to promote cooperation with Vietnam in the time to come, said Alexandre Vinciguerra, a member of the Executive Council of Corsica and President of the Corsica Development Agency at an October 23 working session with Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang.

Thang is on his working trip to Corsica from October 23-25.

At the meeting, Vinciguerra briefed the guest on local economic development with the key sectors being tourism and renewable energy. He said his island is moving towards a knowledge-based economy through opening more universities, welcoming Vietnamese businesses to explore trade and investment cooperation opportunities.

For his part, Thang highlighted long-lasting cooperation between localities of Vietnam and France, saying the two countries have just successfully organised the 12th Vietnam-France Decentralised cooperation conference.

According to the ambassador, ample room remains for Vietnam and Corsica to develop cooperative relations in such fields as tourism, culture and sustainable development, adding that the French island can play an active role in the locality-to-locality cooperation model.

The same day, Thang had a working session with Stéphane Sbraggia, mayor of Ajaccio city of Corsica on establishing relationships between Ajaccio and Vietnamese localities as well as potential areas of cooperation between the two sides.

Sbraggia said that the Vietnamese diplomat's visit to Corsica in general and Ajaccio in particular offers a good opportunity to promote cultural dialogue and explore opportunities for cooperation in trade and tourism.

For his part, the ambassador affirmed that the image of the beautiful island of Corsica has long been known to many Vietnamese people. He also thanked I Scemi Astutti (Association of Friends) of Corsica for promoting the visit, which has played an important role in strengthening relations between Vietnam and France, including Corsica.

North to expect cold spell this weekend

A cold spell with rains is forecasted to hit the northern region on October 27-28.

According to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, the cold spell will make temperatures fall by between 3-4 degrees Celsius.
Heavy rains may occur in some areas from October 26.

More cold spells with lower temperatures will continue to affect the northern region in the coming time, the centre said. However, this winter is forecasted to have higher average temperatures than those of previous years.

Meanwhile, heavy rains are still spreading in the central region from Quang Tri to Quang Nam provinces with rainfall of between 70-100mm from 7am-3pm on October 23. Rainy weather is forecasted to last until October 25.

Vocational training key for sustainable poverty reduction

Alongside support policies from the Party and State, education, especially vocational education, is considered one of the systematic and sustainable solutions to poverty.

A national survey released in January 2023 showed that the rate of households living under or near the poverty line in 2022 was 7.52 per cent, numbering over 1.97 million, based on the multidimensional poverty standards for 2022-25.

This year, the country’s poverty rate is estimated to decline to 2.93 per cent, down 1.1 per cent, while the rate of poor households in poor districts is expected to stand at about 33 per cent, a reduction of 5.62 per cent, and the rate in ethnic minority groups is hoped to drop to 17.8 per cent, completing the targets set by the National Assembly and Government.

However, according to the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA), poor people in Việt Nam easily fall back into poverty, especially those in mountainous and ethnic minority-inhabited areas.

A report released by the ministry in the second half of 2022 indicated that poverty reduction in Việt Nam has yet to be sustainable, as the risk of falling back into poverty is high.

It clarified that 20 per cent of households from ethnic minority groups who escaped poverty in 2016 fell back into poverty by 2018, while the rate among Kinh and Hoa groups was 7.6 per cent.

In the 2021-25 period, total capital poured into the National Target Programme on Poverty Reduction is VNĐ28 trillion (US$1.14 billion).

However, efforts towards sustainable poverty reduction have run into many difficulties as the majority of households living under or near the poverty line have difficulty finding sustainable livelihoods, especially those who lack professional skills.

MoLISA Deputy Minister Lê Văn Thanh said that in order to reduce poverty in a sustainable manner, it is necessary to promote the internal strengths of the people and the community, with special focus on developing socio-economic infrastructure, vocational training, creating jobs and improving income for the poor.

MoLISA’s data showed that in the 2016-20 period, 38 per cent of target households escaped poverty and 53 per cent of families became well-off households after receiving short-term vocational training support, while 90 per cent of people, after vocational training at intermediate and college levels, found stable jobs and enjoyed good income, and sustainably escaped poverty.

In the National Target Programme for Sustainable Poverty Reduction in 2021-25, vocational training and job creation have been included into a particular project with specific targets, roadmap and criteria.

The project aims to boost vocational training development in terms of scale and quality, providing vocational training support to the poor and people in poor areas, associating vocational training and job creation and sustainable livelihood development, increasing incomes and improving living conditions for labourers from poor and near-poor households as well as households newly escaped from poverty.

Đào Trọng Độ, head of the Continuing Training Department under MoLISA’s Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET), said that vocational training is an effective approach to sustainable poverty reduction which will solve the shortage in income and access to fundamental social services.

Dr. Nguyễn Thị Thu Dung, Principal of the Thái Bình Medical College and National Assembly deputy, believes that poverty reduction policies need to be redesigned to focus on investing in human resources, particularly emphasising vocational training, which is a crucial "fishing rod".

Dung said the current State-sponsored provision of vocational training for the poor mainly consists of short-term training courses, skills transmission, and providing hands-on assistance in simple, rudimentary occupations and trades. However, this approach has not proven to be truly effective and sustainable due to rapid changes in production technology and the dynamics of the current world.

The very first group that are affected by these changes are the poor as they lack accumulated assets and the skills to adapt to these changes.

Many studies on economic growth and poverty reduction argue that enhancing productive capacity for the poor is the root to ensure sustainable poverty reduction. Therefore, it is necessary to deeply embrace the spirit of "teaching a man to fish rather than giving him fish".

In addition to investing in infrastructure, connecting with developed regions, providing financial support, production techniques and product consumption, it is important to focus on improving the professional and technical skills of the poor, giving them opportunities to find employment and participate in the economic growth process, and directly benefit from it.

The World Bank and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) recommended that Việt Nam should improve labour productivity and skills, which is the key pillar for sustainable poverty reduction and growth. Instead of providing short-term vocational training support, the country should focus on formal vocational training at vocational schools, they advised.

Lessons learned in some countries such as Bangladesh, the Philippines, and the Republic of Korea affirmed the success of linking vocational education with sustainable poverty reduction. For Việt Nam, many research reports also indicated that vocational education has a direct impact on employment and income, affecting the poverty status of households.

Multidimensional poverty in the group of household heads who have graduated from college or university is less than 1 per cent, while the poverty status of the group whose household heads have not completed primary school is up to 26.6 per cent. The poverty rate decreased in households whose heads had higher levels of education, and the pace of poverty reduction in households whose heads worked without vocational skills was lower than in other household groups.

On May 28, 2020, the Prime Minister issued a directive promoting the development of skilled human resources, contributing to improving labour productivity and increasing national competitiveness.

Accordingly, Việt Nam strives to have vocational education approaching the level of ASEAN-4 countries (namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines) by 2030, and by 2045 to be approaching the level of G20 countries. This is an effective way for people to get rid of poverty without falling back again. 

Lively cultural tourism week in Van Phuc Craft Village

These days, Van Phuc Craft Village is a hive of activity in preparation for the upcoming cultural tourism and trade week to be held here.

The program with the theme "Van Phuc - Colors of Integration" is part of the activities to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Van Phuc District and the recognition of Van Phuc silk craft as a national intangible cultural heritage.

The Van Phuc Cultural Tourism and Trade Week 2023 will run from October 26 to November 2 in Ha Dong District, Hanoi, with the aim of promoting traditional silk weaving and boosting tourism activities in the conventional trading village.

Visitors can enjoy various activities on Silk Street, Food Street, Ornamental Flower Street, Antique Street, and stalls selling handicraft products from Bat Trang Ceramic Village, Kim Lan Ceramic Village (Gia Lam District), Quat Dong Embroidery Village (Thuong Tin District), and Phu Vinh Bamboo and Rattan Weaving Village (Chuong My District).

There are also experiential tours and visits to historical and cultural sites, such as the Ho Chi Minh Memorial House, communal houses, pagodas, and ancestral temples. Visitors can learn about traditional silk weaving and experience weaving at Van Phuc Silk JSC, Nguyet Nam Silk, Mao Silk, Lan Son Silk, or Vun (Scrap) Art Cooperative.

According to Nguyen Van Du, Chairman of the Van Phuc Ward People's Committee and head of the organizing committee, preparations for the event are now complete.

He added that the entrance of Van Phuc Silk Street is splendidly and impressively decorated with the traditional colors of the "Silk Village" land.

The street features a vibrant and colorful array of silk lanterns stretching hundreds of meters, beautifully arranged spinning wheels, and paintings depicting the village's silk production process. In particular, a glass bridge is currently being installed to enhance the tourist experience.

Bui Manh Hiep, the leader of the Moc painting team in Van Phuc Ward, along with the young members, is currently completing a large painting in the flower garden in front of the village temple. "The 100m2 painting depicts the process of silk farming, from raising silkworms to producing silk in Van Phuc Village," he said.

"We have been working on this painting for four days, with contributions from teachers of Van Phuc Kindergarten and Quang Trung Kindergarten and residents," he added.

In addition to the activities of Culture and Tourism Week, the authorities and people of Van Phuc are persistently promoting the village's handicrafts and local tourism products, thus contributing to improving the livelihoods of local people.

Chairman Nguyen Van Du of the Van Phuc Ward People's Committee noted that since 2022, Van Phuc Silk Village has been incorporated into two tour itineraries. Notably, in 2023, the influx of tourists visiting Van Phuc has shown a substantial increase compared to the previous year.

Nguyen Thi Nguyet, owner of Minh Ngoc Silk Shop in Van Phuc Village, remarked, "The Silk Road draws a substantial number of tourists due to its exquisite decoration, providing great photo opportunities. Furthermore, tourists visit not only for exploration but also for shopping, more so than on regular days. As a result, my family is ramping up production to diversify our offerings and fulfill the heightened demand from tourists."

The residents of Van Phuc craft approximately 70 different varieties of silk, satin, brocade, and linen, each boasting a unique array of patterns. The village annually supplies the market with one million meters of these diverse silk products, which generates revenues exceeding VND100 billion (US$4 million).

New street in Hanoi named after Chancellor Luu Co

To celebrate the merits of Chancellor Luu Co (1013-2023), a mandarin of the Dinh Dynasty, Hanoi named a street in Xuan Tao Ward, Bac Tu Liem District after him.

The naming ceremony of Luu Co Street was held on the weekend.

Luu Co Street is 1,160 meters long and 24 meters wide and runs from the intersection of Hoang Minh Thao Street opposite Building N01 T3 to the intersection of Xuan Tao-Pham Van Dong Streets. It is a street in a new urban area planned with modern architecture and landscape.

On the same day, the Hanoi People's Committee also put up nameplates for Nguyen Duy Thi Street, Duong Van An Street in Xuan Tao Ward, and Pham Tien Duat Street in Co Nhue Ward.

According to Le Thi Thu Huong, Vice Chairwoman of the Bac Tu Liem District People's Committee, Chancellor Luu Co, along with his comrades-in-arms such as Nguyen Bac, Le Hoan, Dinh Dien, Trinh Tu, Pham Hap, served under Dinh Bo Linh (924-979) in the war against 12 warlords. Dinh Bo Linh emerged victorious and founded Dai Co Viet - Vietnam's first independent state in 968, proclaiming himself Emperor Dinh Tien Hoang.

Luu Co had managed Dai La for 40 years (971-1010) or Hanoi today, repairing its citadel and preparing the ground for King Ly Cong Uan to relocate the capital from Hoa Lu to the site in 1010.

He gave the "key" to Dai La Citadel to King Ly Cong Uan.

Throughout his life and career, Luu Co made great contributions to the nation. The talent and virtue of Luu Co have been recognized and honored by the Vietnamese people for generations through many temples and genealogies.

To pay tribute to the life and great contributions of Luu Co, the Vietnam Association of Historical Sciences, in coordination with the Thang Long - Hanoi Heritage Conservation Center and the Vietnam Luu Family Council, organized the seminar "The Historical Role of Grand Master Luu Co" in Hanoi last year.

The seminar focused on discussing the career of Grand Venerable Luu Co and his contributions to the nation, as well as delving into Dai La Citadel, relics and works related to the life and name of Grand Venerable Luu Co.

Based on the results of the seminar, the Vietnam Association of Historical Sciences, the Thang Long-Hanoi Heritage Conservation Center, and the Vietnam Luu Family Council recommend the Hanoi People's Committee to name a street after Luu Co.

Grand Venerable Luu Co was born on January 3, 940, in Tri Hoi, Dai Hoang District, now Gia Tan Commune, Gia Vien District, Ninh Binh Province, the same homeland of Emperor Dinh Tien Hoang.

Annual Vo Truong Toan Award to honor dedicated teachers announced

To celebrate Vietnamese Teacher’s Day, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training announced the annual Vo Truong Toan Award to honor dedicated teachers.

This year, teachers directly teaching at general education establishments, public specialized schools (except visiting teachers), teachers at vocational education and continuing education centers, heads and deputy heads of general education establishments, vocational education and continuing education centers and specialized schools and civil servants in specialized divisions under the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City are nominees for the award.

In 2023, the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City plans to award a maximum of 10 awards at each educational grade, in which the number of managers and civil servants will not exceed 2 people.

Specifically, a maximum of 10 teachers at preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools are nominees for the award of each grade. This number is not higher than teachers at vocational education and continuing education centers, specialized schools, and the specialized divisions selected for the award.

Teachers and administrators who are nominees for the award must satisfy some criteria. Firstly, they have worked in the education sector for at least 15 years. Secondly, award nominees must be shining examples in implementing the Party's guidelines and policies, State laws, and their schools’ regulations.

Thirdly, these teachers and administrators should have good moral qualities and they are dedicated to the pedagogical profession as well as have many contributions to the city's education and training sector.

Last but not least, teachers must pioneer in innovating educational management, teaching methods, testing and evaluation and have specific initiatives and solutions to innovate teaching methods as well as apply information technology in teaching.

It is expected that the 2023 Vo Truong Toan Award ceremony will take place on November 17, 2023.

Previously, the Vo Truong Toan Award was first initiated in 1998 by the Sai Gon Giai Phong Newspaper’s initiative. The award aims to honor devoted teachers. The award is named after Vo Truong Toan, a famous teacher of ancient Saigon - Gia Dinh.

More people eligible for government-funded health insurance

The Vietnamese government has added more people to the group covered by the State budget for health insurance.

The Government has just issued Decree 75/2023/ND-CP amending and supplementing some articles of the Decree No. 146/2018/ND-CP guiding measures to implement the Health Insurance Law.

In particular, the government’s Decree 75/2023/ND-CP supplements a group of people covered by the State budget for health insurance. Accordingly, people who are eligible for government-funded health insurance are residents revolutionary-base zones during the resistance war against the French and the US with updated information in the National Population Database.

In addition, the decree has also added several special groups that are supported by the state budget for health insurance premiums. They include a number of ethnic minorities living in difficult and mountainous areas.

At the same time, the decree amends and supplements the rights of healthcare facilities in implementing health insurance for medical examination and treatment contracts.

German award-winning films screened in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City

Kinofest, the Goethe Institute's annual German Film Festival, has returned to audiences in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City for its 2023 edition from November 1 to 7.

Initiated by the Goethe-Institut Southeast Asia with the participation of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Timor-Leste, and New Zealand, Kinofest 2023 will showcase the latest award-winning films of German cinema, including those awarded at the Berlinale Film Festival.

The topic of migration captivates audiences in Germany, and cinema serves as an effective medium to express social issues in a compassionate way. The idea of migration in the context of globalization is not limited to a specific region or country.

It deals with issues of culture, identity, and challenges that individuals face in dealing with identity crises in the new era. Thus, each of us can find ourselves somewhere in the struggles and inner conflicts of this year's Kinofest films.

All seven participating films in the festival will be screened in German with Vietnamese and English subtitles.

"Kinofest's film selection process is based on the idea that German cinema is an extremely rich and diverse cinema with many interwoven cultural layers. All of them create a complex history and rich culture of the country," said Gugi Gumilang, curator of Kinofest 2023. 

In Hanoi, the festival will be opened on November 1 at BHD Star Vincom Pham Ngoc Thach with the film Toubab, 2020 by director Florian Dietrich.

The film has received many nominations and awards at German and international film festivals.

The movie is said to be an attempt to strike a precarious balance between the serious and the funny. The comedy tells the story of Babtou (Farba Dieng), who has just been released from prison and, although he was born in Germany, is to be deported to Senegal, so he decides to marry his best friend Dennis, who is also heterosexual.

The work raises issues of migration with cultural clashes, identity conflicts, and how people face identity crises in the new era.

According to the director, Babtou was meant to denounce unimaginable legal injustices and social ills. But his goal was one that is sometimes overlooked in German cinema. "It was important to me to tell a story about a very serious subject in a way and with a tone that would not exclude my own protagonists from being part of the audience," he told the German press.

Other films include We Might As Well Be Dead (2022, Natalia Sinelnikova), Sisi and I (2023, Frauke Finsterwalder), Liebe, D-Mark, Tod (2022, Cem Kaya), Elaha (2023, Milena Aboyan), Till the End of the Night (2023, Christoph Hochhäusler) and The Ordinaries (2022, Sophie Linnenbaum).

Vietnam and Cuba strengthen defense cooperation

Vietnamese and Cuban officials discussed measures to strengthen defense cooperation between the Vietnam People’s Army and the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces during talks in Hanoi on October 24.

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army and Deputy Minister of National Defense, and Senior Lieutenant General Roberto Legra Sotolongo, Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Minister of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces held talks shortly after the welcoming ceremony on the morning.
Cuong welcomed Sotolongo’s visit which he said would contribute to ramping up Vietnam – Cuba defense cooperation in line with the common perception of the two countries’ senior leaders.

Sotolongo for his part thanked Vietnam for its support to Cuba, emphasized the strong relationship between the two countries and armies, and vowed to work hard to cement the Cuba-Vietnam relationship.

The two officials affirmed that defense cooperation is one of the important pillars in the two countries’ relations, contributing to preserving revolutionary achievements, in accordance with the needs and strengths of each country.

They shared the view that both sides have actively coordinated in deploying areas of cooperation, including delegation exchanges, training, defense industry, Party work, and military medicine, following a Vietnam visit in June 2023 by the Minister of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces.

Both sides agreed to continue to maintain the exchange of delegations, share professional experiences, and increase cooperation in Party building based on the signed memorandum of understanding. They also agreed to effectively deploy defense industry cooperation in accordance with the needs, capabilities and conditions of each side, while actively deploying cooperation in other areas such as military medicine, training, and military and defense-related legislation.

The two officials also exchanged views on regional and international issues of common concern.

Vietnam, Cuba foster defence collaboration

Sen. Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) and Deputy Minister of National Defence, and visiting Sen. Lieut. Gen. Roberto Legra Sotolongo, Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Minister of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces held talks in Hanoi on October 24.

At the talks, which took place after a welcoming ceremony for the Cuban official the same day, Sen. Lieut. Gen. Cuong said that Sen. Lieut. Gen. Roberto Legra Sotolongo’s visit continues to show the close attachment as well as the loyal and pure sentiments between the two countries in general and the two militaries in particular.

The visit, which is taking place when Vietnam and Cuba is marking the 60th anniversary of Cuba's establishment of the Committee for Solidarity with South Vietnam (September 1963) the 50 years since Cuban leader Fidel Castro visited the liberated zone in South Vietnam (September 1973), will contribute to making the bilateral defence cooperation deeper, more practical, effective and long lasting, matching the common perspectives shared by senior leaders of the two countries.

For his part, Sen. Lieut. Gen. Roberto Legra Sotolongo Vietnam for its support to Cuba, emphasised the strong relationship between the two countries and armies, and vowed to work hard to cement the Cuba-Vietnam relationship.

The two sides affirmed that defense cooperation is one of the important pillars in the two countries’ relations, contributing to preserving revolutionary achievements, in accordance with the needs and strengths of each country.

They shared the view that both sides have actively coordinated in deploying areas of cooperation, including delegation exchanges, training, defense industry, Party work, and military medicine, following a Vietnam visit in June 2023 by the Minister of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces.

Both sides agreed to continue to maintain the exchange of delegations, share professional experience, and increase cooperation in Party building based on the signed memorandum of understanding. They also agreed to effectively deploy defence industry cooperation in accordance with the needs, capabilities and conditions of each side, while actively deploying cooperation in other areas such as military medicine, training, and military and defence-related legislation.

The two officials also exchanged views on regional and international issues of common concern.

The same day, General Phan Van Giang, Politburo member, Deputy Secretary of the Central Military Commission and Minister of National Defence hosted a reception for Sen. Lieut. Gen. Roberto Legra Sotolongo.

General Giang hailed the visit by the Cuban official, and extended his regards to Minister of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces Sen. Lieut. Gen. Álvaro López Miera.

Showing his sympathy to Cuba over the difficulties that the country is facing, affirming that the Party, State, people and the Vietnam People’s Army are always willing to support Cuba within the country’s capacity like Cuba has helped Vietnam.

Sen. Lieut. Gen. Roberto Legra Sotolongo briefed the host on his talks with Sen. Lieut. Gen. Cuong, during which the two sides evaluated the bilateral defence cooperation over the years and sketched out orientations for their future cooperation.

General Giang said that in the overall sound relations between the two countries, defence partnership has been reinforced and developed, becoming one of the key pillars and the model for cooperation in other fields.

The militaries of Vietnam and Cuba have maintained effective and fruitful cooperation in many areas such as delegation exchanges, military medicine, and defence industry, he said.

Lauding the results of the talks, General Giang affirmed that leaders of the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence always give optimal conditions for and direct relevant agencies to focus on the effective and substantial implementation of contents agreed by the two sides.

The same day, the Cuban guest was received by General Luong Cuong, Politburo member, member of the Standing Board of the Central Military Commission, and Director of the General Department of Politics under the VPA.

PM orders drastic measures to handle jeep rollover incident

Drastic measures must be taken to deal with the jeep rollover incident caused by flash floods in Lac Duong district, the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong, on October 24, with four tourists from the Republic of Korea killed and a Vietnamese driver injured, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has requested.

In his dispatch to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, the Government leader offered condolences to the bereaved families and ordered relevant authorities to sharpen focus on settling the consequences of the incident and identifying responsibilities of the sides involved.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is asked to join hands with the People’s Committee of Lam Dong province, the Korean Embassy, and others deal with related issues, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism ordered to give timely directions to localities regarding measures to ensure security and safety for tourists, and the National Steering Committee on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control tasked to keep a close watch on weather developments and direct localities to carry out measures in response to natural disasters.

The Korean tourists experiencing the jeep service across a stream at Cu Lan village tourist area died as the vehicle was swept away by flash floods.

Local rescue forces found the bodies of three tourists at 16:30 on October 24, around 2 kilometres from the place that the jeep was swept away.

The driver and the other tourist were able to get out of the jeep; however, only the driver survived the tragedy as the tourist died on the way to the hospital.

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Lam Dong sent a document to GBQ Company Limited – the operator of the Cu Lan village tourist area, requesting a temporary halt of its tourism activities from October 24.

Besides, the company is also asked to cooperate with competent authorities to settle the consequences of the incident.

Only when tourist safety and requirements on natural disaster prevention and control are ensured will the company be allowed to resume its tourism activities.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes