Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended the ASEAN-Australia and ASEAN-United Nations Summits in Jakarta, Indonesia, on September 7, as part of the 43rd ASEAN Summit and related summits.  
Speaking at the third ASEAN-Australia Summit, PM Chinh affirmed that over the past nearly five decades, ASEAN and Australia have become close neighbours, reliable partners and sincere friends.

To aim for new heights in the next five decades and beyond, he called for enhancing economic and trade links in a balanced and sustainable manner which should be a focus and driving force of development. He highlighted the need to jointly implement the Agreement establishing the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA), promote trade and investment liberalisation, and strengthen connectivity.

Nothing that quality workforce development is a strategic breakthrough in ASEAN-Australia relations, he wished that both sides would cooperate more intensively in this effort to better meet development requirements in the new period.

He hoped that Australia will continue to show interest and support for the development of the Mekong Sub-region, including the Mekong Delta within the framework of the Mekong-Australia Partnership.

Concluding the event, leaders adopted a joint statement on enhancing cooperation to ensure food security during the crisis period.

Addressing the 13th ASEAN-United Nations Summit, PM Chinh expected that the ASEAN-UN comprehensive partnership will truly become a flagship in strengthening international unity, persistent multilateral cooperation, ensuring sustainable peace and security, and promoting prosperity and sustainability worldwide.

To such end, he highlighted the need for active coordination in implementing the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development.

He suggested that the UN should pay special attention to and assist Vietnam and Mekong River basin countries in sustainable management and use water resource, improving the capacity to cope with climate change, particularly in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam.

He also proposed supporting Vietnam in the successful implementation of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), transitioning to a green and circular economy.

The Vietnamese leader hoped that the UN will continue supporting ASEAN's central role in the region, work closely with ASEAN to promote values toward peace, enhance dialogue and cooperation, build trust, and establish standards of conduct among nations in accordance with the rule of law.

Affirming Vietnam's active and proactive role as a member of ASEAN and the UN, the PM stressed that Vietnam will keep striving with the highest sense of responsibility to contribute to the common work of the UN.

Vietnam is committed to enhancing participation in peacekeeping activities and fulfilling international responsibilities, including its role as a member of the UN Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 tenure, for sustainable development and prosperity for all countries, regions, and the entire world, he said.

During the summits, PM Chinh reaffirmed ASEAN’s common stance on the East Sea, and proposed that partners support the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and the formulation of a legally binding, effective and substantive Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in accordance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), contributing to turning the East Sea into a waters of peace, stability, cooperation and sustainable development.

In the afternoon the same day, leaders of ASEAN and partners attended the closing ceremony of the 43rd ASEAN Summit and related summits, as well as the handover ceremony of the ASEAN Chairmanship from Indonesia to Laos.

In the evening, PM Chinh and his entourage left Indonesia, concluding their three-day trip to attend the 43rd ASEAN Summit and related summits.

Prime Minister meets foreign, UN leaders in Indonesia

Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr agreed to promote the connectivity and reciprocity of the two economies, at their meeting in Jakarta on September 7.

Chinh conveyed regards from Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, State President Vo Van Thuong, and National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue to the Philippine leader.

The Philippine President expressed his pleasure to visit Vietnam and meet Vietnamese leaders at an early date, aiming to strengthen the bilateral ties.

Both rejoiced at the strong development of the relationship in all spheres, and emphasised the importance of the Vietnam-Philippines strategic partnership in regional peace, stability, cooperation, and development. 

The two sides agreed to continue their coordination and mutual support in regional and international issues of shared concern.

They also consented to pay more attention to cooperation in such potential areas as agriculture, aquaculture, and oil and gas, and to consider expanding collaboration in new fields like digital economy, circular economy, green economy, and innovation.

The leaders affirmed their support for stronger cooperation in personnel training and labour to support the knowledge-based economy of the two countries, and concurred to soon exchange and sign an inter-government agreement on rice trade to help both countries ensure food security in the wake of complexities of the global supply chain over the past time.

They also compared notes on cooperation and coordination in maritime issues.

The Philippine leader committed further humanitarian treatment to detained fishermen in the spirit of friendship and strategic partnership, and support for Vietnam’s efforts to have the European Commission (EC)’s “yellow card” warning on illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing lifted.

The same day, PM Chinh exchanged ideas with Singaporean PM Lee Hsien Loong and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the world situation, major trends in peace, cooperation and development, and recent developments in the region.

They pointed to various difficulties facing the world economy, the complex development of the strategic competition among big countries, regional hot spots, racial and religious problems, and populism, which are posing many challenges to maintaining peace, stability and development.

PM Chinh affirmed that Vietnam will work together with other countries to further promote multilateral cooperation and international solidarity, thereby contributing to peace, security and development in the region and the world.

The PM and a high-ranking delegation of Vietnam are in Indonesia to attend the 43rd ASEAN Summit and Related Meetings.

Vietnamese PM meets with Indian, Bangladeshi leaders in Jakarta

Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh met with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi and Bangladeshi President Mohammed Shahabuddin on the sidelines of the 43rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits in Jakarta, Indonesia, on September 7.

At the meeting with PM Modi, PM Chinh once again congratulated India on its historic successful launches of the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft to the moon and the Aditya-L1 spacecraft to study the sun as well as its recent economic, military and scientific - technological achievements; and successful presidency of the Group of Twenty (G20) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).

The two PMs reaffirmed the traditional partnership, close friendship, and similar strategic interests between their countries while speaking highly of the increasingly practical and effective progress of the bilateral relations.

They shared the view that on the basis of the long-standing relations and strong political trust, Vietnam and India should increase high-level mutual visits and meetings and step up cooperation in different fields, especially such new areas as digital transformation, energy transition, and green and sustainable economic development to generate common benefits for the two countries' people.

They agreed to enhance security - defence cooperation, a pillar of the Vietnam - India comprehensive strategic partnership. Given difficulties facing the global economy, they agreed to assign their countries’ ministries, sectors, and localities to cooperate closely to help improve the strength of each economy, remove obstacles for enterprises, and facilitate bilateral trade.

Both leaders also concurred in assigning aviation agencies of Vietnam and India to consider licensing each other’s airlines to increase direct flights between their big cities to meet people’s travel demand.

PM Modi acknowledged his Vietnamese counterpart’s proposals on signing a memorandum of understanding on e-commerce and an agreement on bilateral economic cooperation, and on minimising the imposition of trade barriers on each other’s goods.

The Indian PM also affirmed that he will encourage major enterprises of India to increase investment in Vietnam.

The two PMs also agreed that Vietnam and India will continue coordination and mutual support at regional and international forums.

At the meeting with Bangladeshi President Shahabuddin, PM Chinh congratulated the South Asian country on its recent achievements, including becoming the world’s second biggest apparel exporter, and highly valued its efforts to green this industry.

The two leaders emphasised their countries’ traditional friendship and political trust, nurtured by many generations of Vietnamese and Bangladeshi leaders and people. Based on that foundation and after 50 years of diplomatic ties, the bilateral relations have been growing strongly.

They agreed to boost high-level delegation exchanges between the two countries’ Parties, Governments, parliaments and people, and coordinate to prepare for the coming visit to Bangladesh by Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Vuong Dinh Hue.

PM Chinh and President Shahabuddin said the two countries will continue sharing experience in socio-economic development, foreign investment attraction and application of green production, especially in the textile - garment and leather footwear industries.

Both sides will actively encourage their enterprises to partner with each other and increase investment, discuss the opening of more direct air routes, provide favourable visa conditions to fuel people-to-people exchanges and tourism cooperation, and foster collaboration in agriculture, fishery, transport, education - training, disaster management, and climate change response, they added.

The Bangladeshi leader lauded the impressive development of trade and investment partnerships, including the four-fold surge in bilateral trade in 10 years.

He encouraged Vietnamese firms to invest in Bangladesh and pledged to create conditions for Vietnam to increase the export of its strong products to Bangladesh. He also vowed close coordination to guarantee food security and effectively implement the MoU on rice trading for 2022 - 2027.

The two leaders affirmed that their countries will keep active cooperation and mutual support at regional and international forums, especially the United Nations, and contribute to peace, stability, cooperation and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

PM meets counterpart from the Cook Islands in Indonesia

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh met his counterpart from the Cook Islands Mark Brown in Jakarta, Indonesia on September 7, within the framework of the 43rd ASEAN Summit and related meetings.

The two PMs once again spoke highly of the signing of the Joint Communiqué to establish diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the Cook Islands on April 26, 2022, saying it has opened up numerous opportunities for bilateral cooperation in various promising areas.  

They believed that with determination and political trust, the bilateral ties will further grow, particularly in the economy, trade, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, and in addressing climate change and rising sea levels.

In the coming time, both sides will send delegates to the International Fisheries Forum in the Cook Islands in December and the International Rice Festival in Vietnam scheduled for the end of this year.

PM Brown wished to share experience in socioeconomic development as well as global and regional integration with Vietnam.

He also expressed readiness to create conditions for Vietnamese firms to invest in potential sectors such as tourism and aquaculture, and pledged to engage in early discussions and negotiations with Vietnam on a rice trade cooperation agreement.

PM Chinh, for his part, suggested that both sides further enhance mutual connectivity and support between their economies, with a focus on areas with untapped potential, such as agriculture, aquaculture and apparel while exploring the expansion of collaboration in new fields such as the digital economy, circular economy, green economy and innovation.

The two leaders agreed to strengthen mutual support at global and regional forums.

In his capacity as the incumbent Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), Brown vowed to support and act as a bridge connecting Vietnam with the South Pacific countries.

He thanked PM Chinh for his invitation to Vietnam and promised to pay a visit soon.

NA Chairman welcomes French legislators

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue hosted a reception in Hanoi on September 7 for a delegation from the France-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians' Group led by its Chairwoman Catherine Deroche.

Speaking highly of the group’s contributions to the ties between the two legislative bodies and the two countries, NA Chairman Hue said the Vietnamese NA has set up the Vietnam-France Friendship Parliamentarians' Group to strengthen the role and activities of the Vietnamese legislature in the Francophone community.

He proposed the two groups continue working closely together and hold activities to enhance the connectivity and collaboration between French regions and Vietnamese localities, and play a role in monitoring the implementation of agreements and documents signed by the two Governments.

The France-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians' Group should work to strengthen connections between businesses from both countries and encourage French companies to explore long-term business opportunities in Vietnam, he said.

In his opinion, both sides should increase cooperation in such areas as climate change adaptation, environment protection, just energy transition, and economic connectivity.

Welcoming France's initiative to organise the upcoming ASEAN Market Forum, he said Vietnam is ready to send representatives to the event.

As the Vietnam NA will host the ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians on September 14, Hue hoped that the French parliament will send a delegation to the event to enhance exchanges and understanding among young parliamentarians and contribute to its discussions.

Deroche, for her part, said the France-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians' Group hopes that both sides will continue exploring new areas of cooperation, including dealing with global challenges such as environment protection and climate change.

Highlighting that France is Vietnam’s top trade partner in the European Union, she wished that the two countries would push forward with bilateral economic cooperation.

With many active members, the France-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians' Group in the French Senate is always ready to boost mutual understanding and long-term coordination, she said.

Foreign minister hosts Dutch Ambassador

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son hosted a reception in Hanoi on September 7 for Dutch Ambassador to Vietnam Kees van Baar.

Son spoke highly of the ambassador’s active role in arranging high-level visits and events, thus contributing to deepening bilateral ties in a practical and effective manner.

He suggested the diplomat continue promoting the exchange of visits at all levels, maintaining the effective implementation of bilateral cooperation mechanisms, and working with the Vietnamese partners to deepen the strategic partnership on climate adaptation and water management and the strategic partnership on sustainable agriculture and food security through practical and context-appropriate projects and programmes.

The minister also proposed that both sides efficiently carry out high-level agreements, maintain effective cooperation in traditional areas such as politics and diplomacy, trade and investment, while enhancing joint work in areas of the Netherlands' strength and Vietnam's needs, such as circular economy, high technology, renewable energy, and more.

Kees van Baar, for his part, thanked the minister and relevant Vietnamese agencies for supporting the embassy’s activities to expand ties between Vietnam and the Netherlands in various areas.

He affirmed that the Netherlands attaches importance to the comprehensive partnership with Vietnam on the back of reliable political relations and close cooperation at multilateral forums, supports high-level exchanges and the expansion of cooperation in potential areas such as hi-tech, climate change adaptation, water management and sustainable agriculture.

On the global and regional issues of shared concern, they highlighted their support for peace, cooperation and development, as well as the settlement of disputes and conflicts through peaceful means in accordance with the United Nations Charter and international law.

Pink eye cases on the rise in Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City recorded a total of 71,740 cases of viral conjunctivitis (pink eye) during the first eight months of the year, a significant increase over the same period from last year, the southern city’s Department of Health has reported.

pink eye cases on the rise in ho chi minh city picture 1
A doctor examines a child patient with pink eye at the a hopsital in Ho Chi Minh City

It is worth noting that the number of cases has tended to increase in recent days compared to the initial months of the year, with about a third of infections recorded among school-age children.

A report from Ho Chi Minh City Eye Hospital highlights that the number of cases of conjunctivitis–cornea, a severe clinical form of pink eye, has recently been discovered, although it is not common.

In order to cope with the complicated developments of the disease, the city’s Department of Health has coordinated the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) in conducting research to accurately identify the cause of pink eye.

The disease reached its peak in 2013 and then subsided in the following years before breaking out this year.

According to health experts, it is necessary to strengthen communication with people, teachers, and parents of students about the symptoms of pink eye disease that can help prevent the spread of the disease and differentiate between the disease and other eye diseases, as well as giving homecare tips for mild cases.

An infected person should take five to seven days off from work or school to stay at home to avoid spreading the disease to others. When a person experiences pink eye, he/she should head to the nearest medical facility for diagnosis, guidance, and appropriate care.

As pink eye is easily spread through contact with an infected surface or person, people should regularly wash their hands with soap and never touch their eyes with their hands or share towels, facemasks, eyeglasses, eye drops, or washcloths with others.

78 years of National Day and 50 years of Vietnam-Australia ties marked in Canberra

The Vietnamese Embassy in Australia hosted a reception on September 6 in the Australian capital of Canberra to mark the 78th National Day and the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the nation and Australia.

More than 450 guests, including government representatives, parliamentarians, representatives of a number of Australian agencies and organisations, and a large number of diplomatic missions in Canberra were present at the event.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vietnamese Ambassador to Australia Nguyen Tat Thanh highlighted the significance of National Day and the numerous achievements recorded in socio-economic development and external relations by the nation over the past seven decades,  with the country having now made friends with 200 countries around the world, establishing partnerships with most Indo-Pacific neighbors and ASEAN members.In relations with Australia, Ambassador Thanh affirmed that Australia is a trusted partner, not only through providing COVID-19 vaccines, but also has being a good friend of the country for the past five decades with many support programmes implemented in the fields of education, infrastructure, and telecommunications.

The Vietnamese diplomat emphasized that the upgrade of relations to a strategic partnership in 2018 has boosted bilateral ties in the fields of economics, security, and innovation. In the future, the two countries will expand and deepen linkages in areas that both sides are facing, namely digital transformation, and climate change, while continuing to protect international law for peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and the world.

He also thanked the Australian veterans who attended the event and invited them to visit Vietnam in order to build more bridges of friendship.

As the honorary guest, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Tim Watts congratulated Vietnam on the occasion of National Day and affirmed that the mutual relationship has developed strongly over the past five decades and political trust between the two countries has increased strongly through the exchange of high-level delegations over recent years.

The exchange visits between the two sides not only enhance the connection between leaders, but also create further opportunities for the two countries to exchange and share information, thereby creating a foundation to build stronger ties between the two countries in the future.

Assistant Minister Watts said along with education, other areas such as development aid, telecommunications, and climate change are where Australia will strengthen its relationship with Vietnam over the coming years through an aid package worth AUD94.5 million that Foreign Minister Penny Wong announced during her visit to Vietnam in August.

In addition, Australia will also promote trade exchanges and encourage investment in the Vietnamese market, with this being reflected in Australia's Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040 that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced recently.

Assistant Minister Watts affirmed that both sides share a common vision of a region of peace, stability, and prosperity, where sovereignty is respected and each country can make its own decisions, as Vietnam did it in 1945.

Those in attendance at the event also included many overseas Vietnamese who have lived in Australia for many years, businessmen, Vietnamese scientists, and Vietnamese students based in Australia.

Vietnamese nationals in Australia rejoiced over the achievements that the country has obtained over the past seven decades and pin high hopes on the development of Vietnam-Australia ties.

At the end of the reception, guests were presented with a set of stamps commemorating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Australia, which used the images of the lotus - the national flower of Vietnam and the yellow acacia - the national flower of Australia.

Amazing ASEAN 2023 Week gets underway in Saudi Arabia

Trade offices of the embassies of Vietnam and ASEAN member states in Saudi Arabia have co-ordinated with the Lulu supermarket chain to organise Amazing ASEAN Week from September 6 to September 12 in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh.

The purpose of the event is to introduce agricultural products, food, cuisine, as well as unveiling more than 200 new products from ASEAN member countries.

The function will see Vietnam introduce 20 new products, including farm produce, fresh fruits, coconut-processed products, cashew nuts, and seafood.

Furthermore, the Vietnamese Embassy has also elevated the country’s tourism and cuisine while introducing a list of export products such as shrimp chips, cashew nuts, and coffee at the occasion.

Over the past three years, the Amazing ASEAN event at the Lulu supermarket chain has been a typical activity of ASEAN member states in Saudi Arabia aimed at promoting the culinary culture and tourism of each ASEAN member nation.

The event also seeks to strengthen connectivity among businesses and promote exports from the ASEAN region to high-end markets moving forward.

The Saudi Arabian market boasts a great demand for high-quality agricultural and food products such as fresh fruits, dried fruits, rice, noodles, cashew nuts, confectionery, chocolate, spices, canned food, fruit juice, cosmetics, garments, shoes, medical equipment, and charcoal.

Tay Ninh, Cambodian localities closely work in border management

The Border Guard Command of Tay Ninh on September 6 hosted a conference on coordination in border protection in 2023 with the police, military and gendarmerie forces of the three Cambodian provinces of Tbong Khmum, Svay Rieng and Prey Veng which share the border with the Vietnamese southwestern province.

Representatives of Tay Ninh’s border guards said last year, the force collaborated with the armed forces of the Cambodian provinces to effectively educate and call on people residing along the shared border to strictly adhere to the agreements, treaties, and regulations signed by the two governments regarding not illegally crossing the border, preventing cattle from damaging crops, and refraining from illegal logging, theft of forest products, and wildlife hunting.

Notably, in their collaborative efforts to combat crimes, the forces of both nations have intensified patrols, inspections, and criminal suppression activities along the border areas, resulting in an effective crackdown on illegal border crossing.

As many as 62 cases involving 138 individuals engaged in illegal border crossing were handled. The forces also coordinated efforts to resolve cases involving Vietnamese citizens working in Cambodia, helping to safely repatriate over 560 Vietnamese citizens.

Regarding demarcation and marker planting, the two countries have so far completed the construction of 102 out of 109 main border markers, 370 auxiliary ones, and 109 marking poles; and delineated a total of 220 km of borderline.

In 2022, the border guard force of Tay Ninh province provided assistance amounting to over 2.8 billion VND (116,399 USD) to Cambodian armed forces and people living in border areas; and granted scholarships worth 90 million VND per year to Cambodian students.

At the conference, representatives of the two sides’ forces proposed initiatives to improve the quality of coordination in border management and protection in the coming time, especially efforts to combat transnational crimes and refute false accusations related to illegal working in Cambodia.

Furthermore, delegates clarified suggestions and proposals from their border residents regarding the purchase, sale, and transport of goods across the border.

On the occasion, Tay Ninh’s border guard force and the police, military and gendarmerie forces of Tbong Khmum, Svay Rieng, and Prey Veng provinces signed a coordination programme for border management and protection in 2023.

Israeli people highly evaluate Vietnam's visa reform policy

Israeli people and businesses have welcomed and highly valued Vietnam’s new visa policy, affirming that the country is taking steps to reform its procedures in order to make it easier for foreigners to vacation and do business in the Southeast Asian nation.

The new visa policy, coming into force on August 15, is believed to open up various opportunities for tourism development.

Under the policy, the e-visa validity period is extended to 90 days from 30 days. Within 90 days after the e-visa is granted, foreigners can enter and exit Vietnam for unlimited times and without having to apply for new visas. Citizens of the countries are entitled to Vietnam’s unilateral visa exemption to be granted a temporary residence period of 45 days, instead of 15 days like in the past, and have visa granting and temporary residence extension considered in line with regulations.

Talking to the Vietnam News Agency in Tel Aviv, respondents said that instead of having to physically stamp visas onto passports, applying for e-visas will be more convenient, faster, and cost-effective.

Eran Laufman, a resident of Yavne city said six months ago, he traveled to Vietnam and was impressed by famous destinations like Ha Long Bay and Sapa. He had heard of these destinations during his previous trip to Southeast Asia but couldn't apply for a visa to Vietnam at that time because he hadn't planned it in advance.

Buta Doron, founder and CEO of Doron - Vietnam Travel, said e-visa will undoubtedly provide more convenient experiences for Israeli tourists as the application process can be performed entirely online.

The visa reforms hold even more significance in the context that the Vietnam – Israel Free Trade Agreement (VIFTA) has just been signed, and direct flights between the two countries are set to be launched soon.

Doron said these positive developments will contribute to promoting bilateral relations, particularly in tourism and trade. He expressed a hope that direct flights would make round-trip airfare between Israel and Vietnam more attractive, thus stimulating the travel demand of Israeli citizens to Vietnam.

Viet Fam, CEO of Vietfood Group, which specializes in importing farm produce and processed foods from Vietnam, said some of his friends have successfully registered e-visas and have been heading to Vietnam immediately after the new regulations came into effect.

With the e-visa validity period of up to three months, visitors have the opportunity to explore all the beautiful destinations of Vietnam, he said, adding that this fantastic policy provides convenience for holiday-makers and opens up opportunities for travel and airline enterprises.

Foreign ambassadors believe in Vietnam’s development prospect

Some foreign ambassadors have expressed their belief that Vietnam will succeed in realising its 2045 vision of becoming a high-income country and contributing more to regional and global stability and development.

Congratulating the State and people of Vietnam on the 78th National Day (September 2), Indonesian Ambassador Denny Abdi perceived that Vietnam’s enormous achievements in economic development over the past decades will promote its development momentum towards the realisation of the high-income country target by 2045.

Indonesia also shares a common vision with Vietnam as it is exerting efforts to reach its goals by the centenary of its Independence Day in 2045, he noted.

With similarities in their visions, the 10-year strategic partnership and their membership of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the two countries should keep stepping up cooperation and mutual support in the settlement of regional challenges and at international forums, he went on.

The ambassador voiced his belief that the close and long-standing relations between Indonesia and Vietnam, founded by Presidents Ho Chi Minh and Soekarno, will remain trustworthy and sustainable when both sides enhance their partnership and pursue common interests to bring about peace, stability, and prosperity to people of the two countries and the region at large.

This year, Vietnam and Australia celebrate the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic ties. Australian Ambassador Andrew Goledzinowski affirmed that Vietnam is a highly important economic partner of his country.

Vietnam is currently the 15th most populous country in the world and the fastest growing economy in Asia, he said, noting that all countries are paying special attention to the Southeast Asian nation.

Meanwhile, economic ties between the two countries are growing rapidly, with Australia turning into the seventh largest trading partner of Vietnam in recent years, according to Goledzinowski.

For his part, Dutch Ambassador Kees van Baar said among European countries, the Netherlands is the second largest trading partner and the biggest investor of Vietnam, and that there remains much potential for bilateral economic partnerships, including Vietnam’s exports to and imports from the EU.

The EU - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) has made Vietnam’s investment climate more attractive to foreign enterprises. Not many countries or regions have had such an agreement. This is one of the benefits generated by the EVFTA, the diplomat opined.

He affirmed that the Netherlands will always stand side by side with Vietnam and help the latter establish its brand in export markets and remain a trustworthy partner of the EU in the coming time.

Vietnamese Students Association set up in Ireland

The Interim Executive Committee and Advisory Board of the Vietnamese Students Association in Ireland have officially been launched in Dublin.

Speaking at the September 4 event, Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK and Ireland Nguyen Hoang Long emphasised that the establishment of the committee is an important milestone marking the operation of the Vietnamese Students Association in Ireland.

He said that the association will further bolster education collaboration in the context that the bilateral ties have been lifted to a new height with the opening of Vietnam's Honorary Consulate Office in Dublin in July 2023.

Education cooperation between the two countries is flourishing as it tops four priority areas in Ireland's official development assistance (ODA) strategy for Vietnam.

Master and PhD scholarship programmes for the Southeast Asian country have increased with Ireland now being a destination for many Vietnamese lecturers, researchers and students.

Vietnam vows to strengthen international cooperation in drug control

Vietnam is determined and committed to enhancing cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Mekong sub-region countries, and the international community in drug prevention and control efforts, striving towards the common goals of peace, stability, prosperity, and the building of a drug-free region, a senior official has said.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang made the statement while delivering a speech at the 14th ministerial meeting of the signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Drug Control in the Greater Mekong Sub-region held in Beijing on September 6.

The meeting was attended by nearly 100 delegates from six countries – namely Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, China, Laos, and Vietnam, and representatives from the UNODC.

Quang, who is also Chairman of the National Committee for AIDS, Drug and Prostitution Prevention and Control, said that over the past three decades, the Mekong sub-region countries’ cooperative mechanism in drug prevention and control has achieved important outcomes, helping to ensure security and order, promote socio-economic development, reduce poverty, and improve the quality of life for the people of the member countries.

Within the framework of the MoU signed in 1993, the UNODC and member countries have collectively built, passed, and implemented sub-regional action plans on drug prevention and control, achieving positive results.

Quang said as a responsible member, Vietnam has issued policies with long-term goals, including the national drug prevention and control programme for 2021-2025, and passed the drug prevention and control law in 2021. Vietnam has also strengthened cooperation with countries in the region and the world to address drug-related issues, and actively participated in regional and international cooperation mechanisms.

The Deputy PM affirmed that Vietnam supports the uncompromising stance against drugs and continues to pursue a long-term goal of creating a drug-free region. This involves maintaining a balance between supply reduction, demand reduction, and harm reduction through legal enforcement and socio-economic measures to eliminate the root causes of drug-related problems. Vietnam has also paid due attention to international cooperation in accordance with the principles of the three international drug control conventions.

Quang noted that the recent situation of drug production, trafficking, and use in the region and the world is extremely complex. He stressed this is an international issue that no single country can solve on its own. It requires close international cooperation and comprehensive approaches, with collaboration respecting international law, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and non-interference in internal affairs, and mutual support.

To promptly address the challenges posed by the drug situation, he suggested member countries continue to demonstrate unity and consensus in their views and positions on global drug control policies, actively contribute their voices to the concerted efforts of the international community, and support the role of the UNODC in policymaking on drug prevention and control. They should also enhance the quality of their information exchange and support each other’s capacity building, among many others.

Quang hoped that the UNODC will continue to play a constructive role in building regional cooperation programmes and efficiently managing resources. He also called for support and the development of effective drug prevention and control initiatives in the time to come.

Participants reviewed the progress of regional drug prevention and control cooperation over the past 30 years and shared each country's experiences. The conference adopted the 12th sub-regional action plan, the Beijing Declaration, and China's initiative on the settlement of synthetic drug issues in the Mekong Sub-region.

Australian site calls Vietnam “land of beauty, welcome surprises” – a leading independent music and arts publication in Australia - has run a writing titled “Vietnam: A land of beauty and welcome surprises”, emphasing Vietnam is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning landscapes, historic sites, and cultural attractions.

According to the site that is run by a team of emerging writers and photographers who talk about the music, art, film, food, lifestyle and more, Vietnam has a diverse geography that includes mountains, deltas, and coastal areas.

In central Vietnam, the land is only 50 to 80 km wide, the flexible supporting bar, as it were, if the north and south are viewed graphically as bamboo baskets. However, the rugged mountain terrain means that traversing this narrow part can take several hours.

After a direct flight from Sydney, then a short connecting flight from Ho Chi Minh City, visitors arrive coastal Nha Trang city in Khanh Hoa province where there are plenty of local experiences to try. Boat cruises, temple visits, countryside cooking classes, and rooftop cocktail bars are just a few of the many attractions in the region.

Specifically, the Vietnamese cuisine is renowned for its fresh ingredients, vibrant flavours, and use of herbs and spices. Dishes like pho (noodle soup) and banh mi (sandwich) are popular worldwide.

The site mentions a small village homestay, surrounded by rice fields, outside of Nha Trang that specialises in teaching traditional Vietnamese cuisine. Visitors can learn how to roll their own rice paper rolls.

The freshness of food is a recurring theme. They can see tanks of live eels and king prawns ready to serve, and often the fruits, spices and herbs are locally grown.

Another popular tourist destination in Nha Trang is the Po Nagar Cham Hindu temples - an important part of the culture, overlooking the harbour and dating back to the 7th century. They are remarkably preserved, considering their age and the monsoonal seasons that frequent this region. These towers are dedicated to the goddess Po and there is a steady stream of people making offerings and prayers inside these remarkable temples.

It is noted that the capital of Vietnam is Hanoi but the country's largest city is Ho Chi Minh City, with approximately 10 million residents and transient workers.

The French influence is obvious in many of the public buildings. Even private residences are decorated in traditional French colonial style.
About an hour south of Ho Chi Minh City is the Mekong River, the world’s largest inland fishery. Visitors can explore the coconut production along the delta. Cruising along the river in a long boat, whilst eating fresh dragon fruit, mango and rambutan, they can learn about the regional coconut production.

“Vietnam is a land of contrasts and surprises, from local farmhouses to the most cosmopolitan hotels and restaurants,” the writing concludes.

Fishermen in distress in Truong Sa brought to mainland for treatment

Military Hospital 175 under the Ministry of National Defence, in co-ordination with Army Corps 18, has successfully transported three fishermen having health problems while operating in the waters off Truong Sa in the south-central province of Khanh Hoa to the mainland for emergency aid, the hospital reported on September 6.

The fishermen, who are residents of Binh Thuan province’s Phu Quy district, showed symptoms of dizziness and fatigue and suffered breathing difficulties after diving at a depth of 10-20m to catch seafood on September 5.

They were brought to the health station of Sinh Ton island where they received first aid. After a consultation via telemedicine system with Naval Medical Institute and Military Hospital 175,  doctors said the patients must be brought to the mainland for treatment.

The same day, a helicopter operated by Army Corps 18 was sent to the island to pick up the patients and safely brought them to the hospital in the early morning of September 6.

Portuguese - Vietnamese dictionary introduced in Hanoi

A Portuguese - Vietnamese dictionary was introduced in Hanoi on September 6 by the Vietnam - Brazil Friendship and Cooperation Association.

Speaking at the ceremony, Associate Professor, Dr. Vu Kim Bang, head of the compiling board, said this aims to meet demand of those who love Portuguese and wish to spread the use of the language in Vietnam.

He emphasised that the dictionary was compiled with the most updated language and methods, aiming to both serve the study and teaching of the language in Vietnam and provide practical assistance to Vietnamese people who want to work, do business and travel in Portuguese-speaking countries.

Besides, the dictionary is also a bridge that contributes to spreading the culture of Portuguese-speaking countries in general, Portuguese and Brazilian culture in particular in Vietnam, he added.

According to the board, with diverse topics and high applicability, the introduction of the dictionary is expected to contribute to enhancing exchanges and mutual understanding about politics, economy and culture between Vietnam and Brazil in particular and Portuguese-speaking countries in general.

Vietnam’s National Day marked in Japan

The Vietnamese Embassy in Japan on September 6 organised an event marking Vietnam’s 78th National Day, drawing the participation of more than 500 guests.

Speaking at the ceremony, Ambassador Pham Quang Hieu recalled the historical day of September 2, 1945, when President Ho Chi Minh delivered the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Over the past 78 years, the Vietnamese Party, State and people have tirelessly fought for the nation’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and self-determination, making contributions to regional and global peace, stability, cooperation and development, he said.

Vietnam has played an increasingly important role in the Indo-Pacific, and become a trustworthy partner and responsible member of the international community, Hieu highlighted, adding the country wants to join hands with foreign friends to promote globalisation and international integration towards inclusive and sustainable development in the world.

Touching on the Vietnam – Japan relations, Hieu stressed that the ties have developed in all fields, especially after they set up their bilateral extensive strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia in 2014.

He said he believes that with high political trust, coupled with supplementary strengths, the bilateral ties will bear more fruits in the time to come.

The diplomat also expressed his hope that the Vietnamese community in Japan will strengthen solidarity, and make contributions to developing the bilateral relations for mutual benefits, as well as peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

For his part, Japanese State Minister for Foreign Affairs Takei Shunsuke read Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s congratulatory message on the occasion of the Vietnam’s National Day which emphasised the robust ties between Vietnam and Japan.

Vietnam is a key partner of Japan to realise its Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy, he said, adding the two sides should work together for regional and global peace and prosperity amidst complicated global situation.

He stressed Vietnam is a promising destinations for Japanese investment in ASEAN, while the 500,000-strong Vietnamese community in Japan is making great contributions to the Japanese economy.

UK, Vietnam now closer than ever: British Ambassador

The UK and Vietnam are now closer to each other than ever with their relations at an all-time high and boasting much potential for the years to come, according to UK Ambassador to Vietnam Iain Frew.

Ahead of the 50th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties (September 11, 1973 - 2023), he told the media on September 6 that people-to-people connectivity is one of the most important factors helping nurture their friendship.

The two countries have recorded fruitful cooperation in such fields as economy, defence, education, climate change response, and innovation. In terms of culture, cooperation has been carried out not only at the Government level but also between artists, academic, and cultural establishments of both sides, he noted.

Frew highlighted tourism links, elaborating that the number of Vietnamese visitors to the UK has grown impressively after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mentioning cultural connectivity via sports, the diplomat said he has seen the passion Vietnamese fans give to the football teams of Vietnam as well as England at the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023, adding that sports have a crucial role to play in connecting the two peoples.

To step up cultural exchanges, he perceived that cooperation between the two Governments should be further promoted. Besides, it is necessary to boost visa granting to facilitate the mobility of tourists, students, and experts.

The Vietnamese Government should also issue tax incentives and investment funds to support cultural and innovation industries so that British enterprises and organisations will subsequently reinforce partnerships with Vietnam, he added.

The ambassador went on to say that he has witnessed the dynamic development and huge potential of economic cooperation. In 2022, bilateral trade hit a record of 6.9 billion GBP (8.6 billion USD), rising 29% from the previous year and almost doubling the figure in 2012.

Earlier this year, the UK reached a deal on joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), he noted, describing it as a supplement to the UK - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (UKVFTA).

Frew held that these agreements will further promote the two countries’ flourishing relations in agriculture, finance, technology, clean energy, and education.

He noted there will be numerous common challenges in the future, including the global issues of post-pandemic supply, environmental pollution, and green growth. Vietnam also faces challenges related to infrastructure, energy transition, and educational development to secure a skilled workforce.

Not only the UK but other international partners are also ready to assist Vietnam, he said, adding that his country pledges to cooperate with Vietnam to weather global challenges, including climate change.

Ministry sets up two inspection teams to monitor diphtheria

The Ministry of Health (MoH) on Wednesday founded two groups to inspect, monitor and direct diphtheria prevention and control in Hà Giang and Điện Biên northern mountainous provinces.

These two inspection teams, focused on diphtheria prevention, are led by officials from the General Department of Preventive Medicine (VNCDC) and the Department of Medical Service Administration, as outlined in the MoH's official decision.

The teams comprise experts from various departments within the MoH, the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, and the Việt Nam National Hospital of Pediatrics.

Their primary responsibilities include collaborating with the two provinces to enhance diphtheria prevention and control measures, monitoring and managing outbreaks, and administering vaccinations to combat the disease.

Additionally, they are tasked with identifying and treating diphtheria patients and conducting educational and awareness campaigns to promote epidemic response practices.

The experts are responsible for assessing the situation and proposing solutions to control the diphtheria epidemic in the coming time.

One person died of diphtheria recently in Mèo Vạc District, Hà Giang Province.

The victim was identified as V.M.D., a 15-year-old belonging to the Mông ethnic group, residing in Khâu Vai B Village, Khâu Vai Commune.

This marks the first reported case of diphtheria in the province in nearly two decades.

In response, the district has implemented several measures to prevent the spread of the disease and minimise the number of cases and fatalities.

Diphtheria is an acute bacterial infection caused by specific bacteria. While the disease is more common among young children, it can also affect adults lacking immunity, according to the VNCDC.

The disease can easily transmitted through the respiratory system or through direct contact with secretions from the patients’ nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Healthy carriers of the bacteria, when coughing or sneezing, especially in densely populated areas with unhygienic conditions, can also spread the disease.

Previously, the disease was quite common in most localities across the country. Since the diphtheria vaccine was included in the expanded vaccination programme, the disease has been controlled. Only a few cases have been recorded due to non-vaccination, usually in remote areas where vaccination rates are low.

Diphtheria has not been eliminated in Việt Nam, so people can still contract the disease if they are not vaccinated or come into contact with the pathogen. 

Hosting Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians demonstrates Việt Nam’s responsibility: official

With the hosting of the ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians (GCYP) in mid-September, Việt Nam continues to demonstrate its role and responsibility to the world community, Chairman of the National Assembly (NA)'s Committee for Foreign Affairs Vũ Hải Hà has said.

Talking to the media, Hà said the conference will help promote the role of young parliamentarians and youths in addressing global challenges, as well as their contributions to the implementation of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.

The GCYP, the only important multilateral foreign affairs activity hosted by the Vietnamese legislature this year, is a continuation of its previous proactive and positive activities to address global problems through the trend of digital transformation and innovation to make progress in meeting the goals set out in the current development stage of Vietnam as well as in the world, he stated. 

With the theme "The role of young people in promoting the implementation of the sustainable development goals through digital transformation and innovation”, this conference’s discussions will focus on digital transformation, innovation, start-up, and cultural and human values in sustainable development.

These topics raised by the Vietnamese NA at this event have been highly appreciated by international friends, Hà said, adding that the goal is to promote contributions by young people to the UN Agenda and through current world development trends such as digital transformation and innovation.

He expressed his hope that ideas raised by young people this time will help boost socio-economic development in each country, and fulfil the UN sustainable development goals.

The ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians is scheduled to take place from September 14-18 in Hà Nội capital city.

As of August 28, 64 delegations registered for the event, with a total of 244 attendees, including 172 legislators and 72 assistants and others, according to Hà.

Children’s theatre programme closed after 23 years

The long-running theatre programme for children Ngày Xửa Ngày Xưa (Once Upon a Time) was closed in HCM City this week.

The programme was started by talented artists from IDECAF (Institute of Cultural Exchange with France), one of the region’s leading private drama troupes, in 2000.

It was produced by Meritorious Artist and theatre actor-director Thành Lộc and his partners.

It provided young audiences with new concepts and techniques in Vietnamese drama. Lộc and his artists worked hard to foster a love of theatre among children and teenagers.

The programme’s last show, called Nàng Công Chúa Và Chiếc Áo Tầm Gai (The Princess and the Thorn Coat), was staged at the Bến Thành Theatre last Sunday. More than 200 audience members were in attendance.

The musical was closed after 63 performances in front of nearly 20,000 spectators.

It is based on The Wild Swans, a literary fairy tale by Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen.

The Vietnamese version features a princess who rescues her family from an evil witch. Love, friendship, bravery and honesty are also highlighted.

Last year, the programme offered Cuộc Phiêu Lưu Của Thuyền Trưởng Sinbad - Đại Chiến Nàng Tiên Cá (The Adventures of Sinbad - The Battle of Mermaids), a musical by director Đình Toàn.

It is a re-telling of the adventures of Sinbad from The Arabian Nights, a collection of Middle Eastern folk tales.

It was staged for 60 shows attracting 18,000 fans.

“Through our programme, we wanted to provide children with new concepts and techniques in drama. We also hoped to foster love of the theatre among the youth,” said the programme’s founder Lộc.

Ngày Xửa Ngày Xưa produced 33 plays with more than 900 performances and shows for more than 30,000 children and teenagers, including disadvantaged children who live in open houses and shelters around the city.

It attracted talented artists, including Meritorious Artist Mỹ Duyên and Hữu Châu, and cải lương (reformed opera) star Bạch Long.

The programme’s producers spent a lot to make many beautiful outfits, accessories and stage designs for the plays.

IDECAF Drama features 30 professional artists, along with backstage workers.

The theatre offers many experimental shows in drama, musical, cải lương (reformed opera) and hát bội (central drama), two genres of traditional theatre in the south and central regions.

It also offers performances targeting children.

“We have worked hard to stage quality drama plays and musicals to entertain young audiences,” said producer Huỳnh Anh Tuấn, owner of the IDECAF who has 25 years in the industry. 

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes