Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Nguyen Quoc Dung (front row,second from right) welcomes Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (front row, first left) in San Francisco. (Photo: VNA)

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh arrived in California on September 17 (local time), beginning a working trip to the US to attend the high-level week of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, and to conduct bilateral activities in the country.  

During his stay in the US until September 23, the PM is scheduled to attend and address the high-level general debate of UN General Assembly, UN Summits and high-level meetings on global issues such as climate change and pandemic response. He will also engage in bilateral meetings with UN Secretary General, President of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, and leaders of other countries and international organisations.

Within the framework of his bilateral activities in the US, PM Chinh will have meetings with the US Vice President, leaders of the US Congress, national security advisor, and some members of the US cabinet. He will meet the Vietnamese community and Vietnamese officials working at UN organisations, visit a number of leading US universities and businesses and the NASDAQ stock exchange, attend Vietnam - US trade and investment promotion conferences, and witness the signing ceremony of an agreement on establishing a twinned relation between Ho Chi Minh City and New York City.

Chinh’s trip holds a great significance, sending out a message of the Party, State and Government of Vietnam to the US and international friends on a peaceful, cooperative and integrating Vietnam that is joining more actively, proactively and effectively in global processes, making important contributions to the Vietnam - UN and Vietnam - US relations in line with the foreign policy of the 13th National Party Congress.

PM meets Vietnamese expatriates in United States

Upon arriving in the US on September 17 (local time) for the UN General Assembly general debate and meetings, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh met with representatives of the Vietnamese community in their host country.

At the meeting, the Vietnamese representatives thanked the Party and State for paying due attention to the physical and spiritual life of Vietnamese expatriates overseas as well as their position in their host countries.

They expected that the State would introduce more incentives to attract Vietnamese intellectuals back to the fatherland to support national development. They also expressed their desires to increase Vietnamese language teaching for overseas Vietnamese children and enhance connections among Vietnamese elites around the world to contribute to the fatherland.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh for his part briefed participants on Vietnam’s major development achievements and especially the recent upgrade of Vietnam – US relations to the comprehensive strategic partnership during US President Joe Biden’s State visit to Hanoi, which he said showed Vietnam’s increasing role and position globally.

He praised the Vietnamese community in the US amounting to 2.2 million for their practical contributions to the fatherland as well as Vietnam – US relations. He said two-way trade turnover between Vietnam and the US last year alone hit US$123 billion, including over US$100 billion worth of Vietnamese exports. Many Vietnamese students are studying in the US, while many other Vietnamese nationals live a successful life in their host country.

The PM encouraged Vietnamese expatriates to strengthen solidarity and make further contributions to bilateral relations amid unpredictable and complicated changes regionally and globally.

There remain ample room for both Vietnam and the US to ramp up bilateral cooperation, especially in trade and investment, following the lifting of the relationship, and it is the Vietnamese community that play an important role in achieving the goal, he stressed.

He also reminded that the community make every effort to preserve and promote Vietnamese culture among young generations of Vietnamese overseas.

The PM acknowledged the expatriates’ proposals and said he would direct relevant ministries and agencies to consider and make viable solutions.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh arrived at San Francisco International Airport, USA, on September 17 (local time) for a working trip to attend high-level meetings of the 78th UN General Assembly (UNGA 78) and engage in bilateral activities there.

Women play crucial role in plastic waste reduction

Women play crucial role in plastic waste reduction hinh anh 1
Tonnes of plastic waste at Sa Huynh saltwater lagoon in Quang Ngai province. (Photo: VNA)

According to national statistics, an average of about 1.8 million tonnes of plastic waste is generated annually in Vietnam, of which 90% is buried, filled or incinerated, and only 10% recycled. Meanwhile, 90% of scrap collectors and scavengers are women, a job that exposes them to a toxic environment that negatively affects their health.

As an organisation representing women’s rights and legal benefits, the Vietnam Women’s Union (VWU)  has determined that for environmental protection, recycling plastic waste is one of the major tasks which has been implemented via campaigns to reduce the use of plastics and single-use plastic products in daily life.

The project, entitled “Scaling up a Socialised Model of Waste Management in Five Cities”, is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Norwegian Government. It focuses on women’s role in plastic waste management in five cities and provinces, namely Da Nang, Quang Ninh, Binh Dinh, Binh Thuan, and Binh Duong. The project intends to verify the importance of  women's role in public awareness on waste and plastics recycling.

Nguyen Thi Minh Huong, Vice President of the Vietnam Women’s Union, said that women are disproportionately affected by negative environmental impact, especially impoverished women who often have limited access to land rights, education, and essential support services related to agriculture and finance. This vulnerability places them at a higher risk.

However, from another perspective, women also play a pivotal role in environmental conservation. They can act as agents of change, raising awareness among other family members about consumption and waste management.

From the perspective of producers, consumers, or managers, they all play an important role in preserving and protecting the environment, and protecting public health, Huong emphasised.

Among the country’s national development strategies and sectoral development policies, gender and environment in general, women and environment in particular are one of the cross-cutting issues and important goals.

In work and daily life, women are more exposed to the environment than men, with a more sensitive biological nature than men. Women are more influenced by the environment, especially when it is polluted and degrading.

On the other hands, many studies and practical evidence have shown that women often bear the primary responsibility for daily household tasks, which significantly influences consumption, classification, and disposal of plastic waste within the family.

Women play a vital role in household management, raising children, and imparting consumption habits such as not wasting water, reducing electricity consumption, limiting the use of single-use plastic products and using plastic containers. They simultaneously raise awareness about energy conservation practices, sustainable product usage, minimising use of disposable goods, and managing waste from factories, agricultural fields, and households.

The VWU endeavours to promote its members, women who are business owners to increase reusable plastic bags, use more environmentally friendly products and minimise the use of single-use plastic bags in production, business, and services, They have also worked to build a model to respond to the movement in accordance with local practical conditions.

The union has also encouraged women to proactively participate in environmental protection in the locality, and take part in the implementation of policies and laws on environment protection, anti-plastic waste and propose projects, programmes, and solutions to raise awareness on environmental protection among local residents.

Nguyen Thi Nhat Hoai, an expert of the Vietnam National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP), revealed that in a NPAP’s report on “Gender equality and social inclusion in the plastic value chain in Vietnam”, women form the majority in daily domestic works and they are more effected by the use of plastic products.

According to UNDP Deputy Resident Representative Patrick Haverman, women play a crucial role in formal and informal sectors of the collection, sorting, and recycling of plastic within households and communities. It is thus critical that authorities and communities take women’s roles into account during policy formulation.

Policymakers need to do more research, and collect data on plastics, gender, and social inclusion issues to avoid adverse impact on women, migrants, and other vulnerable groups when implementing the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policies and other relevant policies, he said.

Shawn Steil, Ambassador of Canada to Vietnam, said the Government of Canada is working with its partners around the world to reduce plastic waste and pollution.

Canada’s programming focuses on supporting women’s rights and livelihoods that complement efforts to transition to a more sustainable and circular plastics economy.

A circular economy approach is needed to tackle how we produce, use, and dispose of plastics, and coming to grips with the growing challenges related to human health, gender equality, and social inclusion, the ambassador said. 

Binh Thuan strictly deals IUU fishing-related violations

The south-central coastal province of Binh Thuan recently imposed administrative fines on two fishing boat owners for their violation of the recommendations by the European Commission (EC) regarding the prevention of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

During the first seven months of this year, provincial authorities issued fines on 183 cases, collecting 2 billion VND (over 82,440 USD), for their violations related to non-registration and non-declaration for the port entry and exit of fishing vessels, and their engagement in activities different from occupations specified in fishing licenses.

Authorities have vigorously and concertedly implemented tasks and solutions, and closely adhered to the EC’s recommendations to have its “yellow card' warning on Vietnamese seafood removed in accordance with the directives of the Party Central Committee's Secretariat, the Prime Minister, and the National Steering Committee for IUU Fishing Prevention and Control.

Apart from accelerating the installation of vessel monitoring systems (VMS) on fishing ships, closely monitoring their entries to and exits from fishing ports, and confirming the quantity and origin of seafood, they also concentrated on communications campaigns to raise local fishermen’s awareness about IUU fishing prevention and the 2017 Law on Fisheries, and strictly handled owners of fishing vessels and fishermen that encroach on foreign waters

Local law enforcement forces have also increased patrols and strengthened inspections and evidence collection to strictly deal with violations related to IUU fishing as part of the efforts to have the EC's yellow card against Vietnamese seafood exports lifted, according to the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Seminar on promoting Vietnam-Japan cooperation held in Can Tho

A seminar on promoting Vietnam-Japan friendship and cooperation took place in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho on September 15.

Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Duong Tan Hien said Can Tho now records six foreign-invested projects from Japan worth around 1.35 billion USD, making Japan the biggest out of 22 countries and territories investing in the locality. The city has also received tens of millions of USD in official development assistance (ODA) from the Japanese Government for large-scale projects such as Can Tho bridge and O Mon thermal power plant.

According to him, Japan has provided significant humanitarian and community development assistance through institutions like the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), with projects on building capacity, supporting vulnerable groups and language training centres, and improving educational infrastructure which have contributed to socio-economic development in the Mekong Delta and Can Tho in particular.

Japanese Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Ono Masuo said this year marks the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties. He wished to continue active cooperation with key units in Can Tho, such as Can Tho University and the Vietnam-Japan Friendship Association in Can Tho city to foster even better connections between the two countries’ young generations.

Chairwoman of the Can Tho Union of Friendship Organisations Le Thi Thanh Giang said together with the Vietnam-Japan Friendship Association, the union has offered all possible support to Japanese firms to do business in the city.

In June, the union in coordination with the Consulate General of Japan and the Can Tho College of Culture and Arts, held a ceremony to receive music equipment funded by the Japanese Government. The event was part of the Grant Assistance for Cultural Grassroots Projects with a total budget of 75,716 USD, she added.

At present, Japan is the biggest ODA supplier, the second largest investor, the third largest urban partner, and the fourth biggest bilateral trade partner of Vietnam.

War consequence settlement – a pillar of Vietnam-US relations

The US Institute of Peace (USIP) has recently organised its annual dialogue on war legacies and peace in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

Efforts in handling war consequences and impacts on the development of the Vietnam-US relations were among the issues tabled for discussion at the September 14-15 event.

USIP President Lise Grande rejoiced at the new, significant development of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for peace, cooperation and sustainable development between Vietnam and the US, and expressed her hope for breakthroughs in war consequence settlement in the time ahead.

Dr. Mira Rapp-Hooper, Special Assistant to the US President and Senior Director for East Asia and Oceania at the US National Security Council, held that the bilateral relationship is entering a new, meaningful page, for regional and global peace, cooperation, and sustainable development.

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Rinh, Chairman of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA), said cooperation in addressing war consequences is considered a cornerstone of Vietnam-US relations, contributing to the reconciliation, healing, and trust-building process between the two countries, and opening up new cooperation opportunities in other important areas.

A range of projects have been rolled out, demonstrating joint efforts in war legacy settlement, he stressed, suggesting the US promote cooperation in environmental treatment and overcoming the consequences of bombs and mines, and Agent Orange/dioxin in Vietnam.

Talking to the Vietnam News Agency, Tim Rieser, assistant to former US Senator Patrick Leahy, who has played a crucial role in promoting cooperation in war consequence settlement in Vietnam, said he believes that such programmes have helped bring the two countries closer and created a foundation for the reconciliation and cooperation.

Prime Minister attends opening ceremony of CAEXPO, CABIS

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, together with leaders and officials of China and ASEAN countries, attended the opening ceremony of the 20th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (CABIS) in Nanning city, China's Guangxi province, on September 17 morning.

Speaking at the ceremony, PM Chinh emphasised that CAEXPO and CABIS are important and prestigious events on economic, trade, and investment cooperation of the ASEAN-China business community. After 20 editions, they have become a symbol and guiding flags of economic, trade, and investment cooperation between China and ASEAN.

The past 20 years witnessed great strides in China-ASEAN relations, with bilateral trade increasing from 78.2 billion USD in 2003 to 975.6 billion USD in 2022, making China and ASEAN largest trading partners and leading investment partners of each other.

To strengthen the ASEAN-China cooperation and take advantage of the CAEXPO and CABIS mechanisms to bring practical benefits to regional countries, the PM proposed strongly promoting bilateral trade in a balanced and sustainable manner, striving to turn ASEAN into China's first trading partner with trade value exceeding 1 trillion USD. He also suggested coordinating to build linkage chains from raw material areas to production centres and product consumption systems, and continuing to open the market, combating protectionism, cooperating to improve adaptation ability to new standards, new tastes, and green products, while promoting science - technology cooperation and innovation.

He also emphasised the need to promote strategic connection to develop both hard and soft infrastructure, and strengthen traffic infrastructure connections and multi-modal transport, especially railways and roads.

Beside, he highlighted the strengthening of people-to-people exchange and cooperation in culture, tourism, and aviation, while enhancing collaboration in emerging fields, creating new growth drivers such as the green economy, digital economy, circular economy, new materials, and sharing economy.

According to the PM, in that process, the ASEAN and Chinese business communities need to learn, exploit, and help each other to take advantage of opportunities from CAEXPO and CABIS, turning potential and cooperation opportunities into specific results and products.

He affirmed that Vietnam is an active member contributing to the overall success of 20 CAEXPO and CABIS editions. This year, Vietnam's trade pavilion has the largest scale with the participation of 120 businesses displaying diverse and quality products in areas that Vietnam is strong in and is highly complementary to the Chinese market at 200 booths.

While attending CAEXPO and CABIS, PM Chinh visited the Vietnamese and Chinese trade pavilions.

Prime Minister returns to Hanoi after attending CAEXPO, CABIS in China

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, together with a Vietnamese delegation, arrived in Hanoi on September 17 noon, concluding his trip to China to attend the 20th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) and China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (CABIS) in Nanning city, China's Guangxi province, from September 16-17, at the invitation of the Chinese Government.

While in Nanning, the PM attended and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the 20th CAEXPO and CABIS, visited exhibition areas and trade pavilions of Vietnam and other participating countries, and joined official activities within the framework of the expo and the summit.

PM Chinh also had meetings with leaders of China and Guangxi province and received representatives from leading Chinese and ASEAN businesses to promote investment, production, and business cooperation.

The business trip contributes to enhancing political trust and strengthening bilateral relations between Vietnam and China; promotes practical cooperation, especially in economics and trade, between Vietnam and China in general and between Vietnamese localities and China’s Guangxi in particular.

At the CAEXPO, Vietnam is the country with the largest number of booths and display area in ASEAN, only after host country China. This is an opportunity for Vietnamese goods to access the markets of China and ASEAN countries, contributing to regional economic cooperation and growth, thereby making a positive contribution to the ASEAN-China comprehensive strategic partnership.

Travel programme promotes Hoang Su Phi terraced fields

The annual programme entitled ‘Travelling across the heritage land of the Hoang Su Phi terraced fields’ opened in Hoang Su Phi district, northern mountainous province of Ha Giang on September 16.

Hoang Duc Tan, Vice Chairman of Hoang Su Phi district People's Committee, said that under the programme, a series of activities with many attractive tourism products will take place in the district this month, featuring typical cultural values of ethnic groups living in the northwestern region.

The terraced fields in Hoang Su Phi span more than over 3,700 hectares of 24 communes and towns in Hoang Su Phi district. They were formed hundreds of years ago by La Chi, Dao, and Nung ethnic communities.

More than 670ha of terraced fields in 11 communes have been ranked as national landscapes by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Vietnam, ASEAN countries, RoK discuss educational innovation

A delegation of the Vietnamese education and training sector’s trade union led by its President Nguyen Ngoc An attended the 37th ASEAN Council of Teachers plus the Republic of Korea (ACT +1) Convention held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from September 15-17.

The event themed “Leading the future of education” attracted about 600 educational managers and teachers from ASEAN countries and the RoK.

It included a seminar, a session for national reports, and four sessions on supporting teaching and learning through today's digital education development, experience in teaching digital literacy, and empowering collaboration in future classrooms.

The Vietnamese delegation presented a national report on combining face-to-face and online teaching to convey knowledge to learners at all levels and a thematic report on digital skills training in schools through sample lectures.

Head of the Vietnamese delegation An said that they shared experiences, challenges, and opportunities during educational reforms.

Within the framework of the event, the Vietnamese delegation also participated in exchange activities, and cultural performances and introduced Vietnamese coffee to international friends.

Vietnam responds to World Clean-up Day

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, in collaboration with the Vietnam Farmers' Union Central Committee and Bac Ninh provincial People’s Committee, held a ceremony in Thuan Thuan town, on September 16 in response to the 2023 “Clean up the world” Campaign.

The 2023 “Clean up the world” Campaign is an opportunity for the whole social community to join hands to act for the environment and take responsibility for the environment, from small but meaningful actions, thereby actively contributing to building the future of the Earth, creating a clean environment and maintaining ecological balance for the sustainable development of humanity.

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the “Clean up the world” Campaign was initiated by Australia and has been launched globally by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), since 1993.

To date, the Campaign has attracted the participation of millions of people and more than 180 countries worldwide, becoming a worldwide community movement, contributing to raising public awareness and actions of all humanity towards environmental issues.

Responding to the Campaign since 1994, Vietnam has always focused on propagating guidelines and policies related to environmental protection and natural resources, while calling on individuals, groups and communities to join hands to take practical actions to reduce the burden on nature and the environment and adapt to climate change, towards promoting circular economy and sustainable development.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment launched actions in response to the 2023 “Clean up the world” Campaign, to encourage community activities and movements to protect the environment, towards a green and circular economy and sustainable development. Vietnam pledges to effectively implement its commitments on environmental protection and climate change adaptation.

Speaking at the launch ceremony, Vice Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Vietnam Farmers' Union Dinh Khac Dinh asked ministries, departments and agencies, at all levels, to continue to launch community movements for environmental sanitation, tree planting, and improving the environment in urban areas, residential areas and surrounding areas, especially on lakes, rivers and canals.

He hoped that relevant agencies would strengthen the integration of contents related to environmental protection in training programmes, as well as raise the awareness, consciousness and responsibility of environmental protection among all citizens and businesses.

After the launch ceremony, more than 700 delegates and people from all walks of life in the locality together collected waste to clean the environment and plant trees at the national historical and cultural relic site of Kinh Duong Vuong temple and tomb complex.

Deputy PM Tran Hong Ha meets Cuban PM

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha on September 16 met with Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz as part of the Vietnamese official’s visit to the Caribbean nation for the Group of 77 plus China (G77 China) Summit.

Ha affirmed that the Vietnamese Party, State, Government, National Assembly and people always remember the whole-hearted support of Cuba, and treasure and stay resolved to deepen the traditional solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

Vietnam supports Cuba’s just revolutionary cause and will make more efforts, together with Cuba, to overcome the current challenges, he pledged, suggesting the two sides maintain their close cooperation to create optimal conditions for their businesses to enhance their trade and investment ties.
For his part, Manuel Marrero Cruz highlighted the fraternity between Vietnam and Cuba, and thanked Vietnam for its support, especially its rice supply through both donations and commercial contracts.

The bilateral relationship is thriving as reflected through the Cuba visit by NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue in April and the trip to Vietnam later this month by the Cuban top legislator to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the visit to the liberated zone in South Vietnam by leader Fidel Castro.

The host agreed to direct ministries and agencies to coordinate more closely with Vietnam to promote the bilateral investment and trade relations, particularly in agriculture, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and infrastructure, stressing that the two sides are now able to move to a new phase of bilateral economic and trade cooperation.

The same day, Ha received Cuban Minister of Construction Rene Mesa Villafana, and visited the ViMariel Industrial Park invested by Vietnam’s Viglacera Group.
Located in the Mariel Special Development Zone, ViMariel, the first and the only industrial park invested by Vietnam in the Caribbean nation, is home to 64 investment projects worth 3.3 billion USD, of them 44 operational.

Technology a larger part of museum artifact management

Many museums in Vietnam have begun to leverage information technology to digitise and manage artifacts to better display, as well as serve conservation, education and promotion of cultural items.

Numerous challenges in preservation and conservation of artifacts within the museum system demand scientific and practical solutions. It can be said that digital technology has contributed to changing its approach to cultural heritage conservation and promotion of cultural values.

Nguyen Anh Minh, Director of the Vietnam National Fine Arts Museum, said preventive conservation to prolong the lifespan of artifacts and effective artifact management are critically important tasks for every museum. Artifact management, digitisation, and documentation are fundamental activities that ensure a museum operates efficiently.

According to Truong Nguyen Nguyen Kha, the head of the Professional Affairs at the Danang Fine Arts Museum, for effective inventory work, especially in the era of digital technology, museums need to invest in specialised equipment to assist in sorting and storing artifacts in warehouses and exhibition areas.

According to Truong Nguyen Nguyen Kha, the head of the professional affairs at the Danang Fine Arts Museum, for effective inventory work, especially in the era of digital technology, museums need to invest in specialised equipment to assist in sorting and storing artifacts in warehouses and exhibition areas.

Simultaneously, the digitisation of artifacts and the development of user-friendly software tailored to the needs of fine art museums are essential. This facilitates the data entry, review, search, and management of museum artifacts in a more scientific manner.

Sharing a similar perspective, Dinh Thi Hoai Trai, Director of Hue Fine Arts Museum, noted that museums should prioritise the application of modern technology in conservation. They should focus on the development of centralised data management strategies for inventory, preservation, research and exhibition activities.

Digitally controlled thermal and humidity sensors and night observation devices are useful for controlling display environments and security to prevent artifact theft.

Vietnam an outstanding example in implementing SDGs: Foreign MPs

Vietnam is an outstanding example in implementing sustainable development goals, Deputy Speaker of the People’s National Assembly of Algeria Monder Bouden said on September 16.

Speaking to the Vietnam News Agency on the sideline of the 9th Global Conference of Youth Parliamentarians in Hanoi, he said that Vietnam is considered by international observers as a country with a good growth rate. It is predicted that Vietnam will become a high-income country and a developed country by 2045, he continued.

According to Bouden, the conference's theme "The role of young people in promoting the realisation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) via digital transformation and innovations" was highly valued by international friends because it attracts the interest of many people and is in line with contemporary issues. The theme highlights the need to promote the role of young people in implementing the United Nations SDGs via digital transformation, innovation, and entrepreneurship, he said.

Fikile Masiko, a member of South Africa’s Parliament, said that digital transformation, especially for young people, is always a top priority for her country.

South Africa and its Parliament always encourage and create the best possible educational conditions to attract young people to participate in digital transformation as well as keep up with global trends, she added.

Sharing the same view, Belgian parliamentarian Wouter Vermeersh spoke highly of the conference's theme as young people are especially interested in new technology, digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and creative startups. The conference will contribute to connecting young people and young parliamentarians in these fields, he said.

Regarding the third session on promoting respect for cultural diversity in support of sustainable development, Nguyen Thi Ha, a Vietnamese delegate, said culture is an important factor for countries to realise sustainable development goals, adding that it is also identified as one of the elements that decide the strength and position of each country in the international arena.

Vietnam's inclusion of cultural and human issues in sustainable development at this conference has shown the viewpoint of the Party and State of putting culture on par with economics, politics, and society and, developing culture and people is to meet the requirements of sustainable development of the country, she noted.

At this session, parliamentarians exchanged views and experiences in promoting the development of each country's culture and people.

Indian’s ITEC programme celebrated in Hanoi

A ceremony to celebrate the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme was jointly held by Indian Embassy and National Library of Vietnam. in Hanoi on September 15.

Speaking at the ceremony, Ambassador Sandeep Arya said that 59 years ago, India launched ITEC's capacity building and skill sharing programme to promote economic development with developing countries.

He acknowledged that the programme includes a series of activities in many fields, including supports for the establishment of educational organisations and facilities, assistance for the provision of lecturers and equipment, as well as training of personnel at institutions in India. Over the years, it trained more than 200,000 officials from over 160 countries in civilian and defense sectors.

Deputy General Director of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) Doan Thi Tuyet Nhung expressed her respect for the people and country of India, which is considered a cradle of the human civilisation and a land of cultural diversity.

She highly valued the effective assistance from the Indian Embassy in Vietnam over the past years in providing the Indian Government’s ITEC scholarships for many reporters, editors, and technicians of the VNA. It is an opportunity for the trainees to take part in exchanges and learn expertise and professional skills from their colleagues and friends from India and other countries.

Tens of VNA reporters, editors, and technicians have joined the ITEC programme, many of whom have become leaders of the VNA. They are also those who inspire their colleagues’ love for the country and people of India, she added.

She also thanked the Indian Embassy in Vietnam for its effective cooperation and assistance over the recent past and wished for continued cooperation from the embassy in the time ahead

ITEC programme, the leading development cooperation one between India and Vietnam, started in the 1970s. The presence of more than 3,400 ITEC programme alumni in Vietnam reflects the comprehensive strategic partnership relationship between the two countries, especially in the areas of capacity building and sharing of expertise.

The programme covers human resources development in many different fields, including information technology, public administration, small- and medium-sized enterprises, business, rural development, parliamentary affairs, journalism, agriculture, renewable energy, water resources, finance, accounting, space science, and cyber security.

Cultural diversity holds vital role in realising human rights: Hanoi confab

Cultural diversity plays an important role in fully realising human rights and basic freedom, enhancing the role and status of women in the society and creating social cohesion and harmony, and it is necessary to integrate cultural diversity into national and international development policies, said Bui Hoai Son, a permanent member of the National Assembly’s Committee of Culture and Education, on September 16.

In his remarks at the third session on promoting respect for cultural diversity in support of sustainable development within the framework of the ongoing 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians, Son said that given the current context of deeper international integration, the role of cultural diversity is increasingly important. Respecting and promoting cultural diversity helps strengthen dialogues among civilisations, enhance understanding, and increase mutual respect among countries and peoples, he went on.

Thanks to the attention of the Party, State, and National Assembly of Vietnam, the cause of cultural development has achieved many important achievements which are highly appreciated by Vietnamese ethnic groups as well as international organisations and friends, Son noted. However, he said that cultural diversity in Vietnam as well as in many countries is facing many challenges, especially non-traditional ones of a digital era and globalisation, which seriously affect the sustainability of cultural heritage and cultures of ethnic groups.

Son highlighted the significant role and value of culture as a driving force for sustainable development and implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, promoting the role of culture in development policies at the national, regional and international levels, making culture an independent goal of sustainable development.

National parliaments are a key factor in affirming and fostering the role of culture in sustainable development, building and perfecting a people-centred policy, he said.

Moroccan parliamentarianKamal Ait Mik, a member of the leadership of IPU Forum of Young Parliamentarians, said that interreligious and inter-cultural dialogues and the promotion of cultural diversity are very necessary, adding that they should aim at vulnerable people such as women, children, migrants, young people, and the disabled.

In her pre-recorded speech at the session, Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Sciences of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), said UNESCO has made many efforts and specific plans to encourage young people to join in solving major problems, strengthening the role of young people, providing appropriate tools and frameworks to strengthen political dialogues and promote inclusive youth participation. UNESCO will call for more active participation of young people in the process of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in the upcoming conference in Mexico, she added.

The third session focused on discussing the role of parliamentarians and young parliamentarians in promoting respect for cultural diversity in the context of technological transformation and globalisation. Specifically, it mulled over collaboration to minimise unwanted impact of digital transformation on privacy, security and well-being. Promoting the role of culture in development policies at the national, regional and international levels as well as commitment to create a favourable environment and ecosystem for culture and cultural diversity and the role of culture and cultural diversity in sustainable development were also touched upon.

NA Chairman hosts Vice President of Cuban legislature

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on September 16 hosted Vice President of the Cuban NA Ana Maria Machado who is leading a delegation to the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians now underway in Hanoi, saying that this demonstrates the Cuban legislature’s support for Vietnam and the Vietnamese NA in particular.

Hue expressed his delight at growing bilateral ties with various visits, working sessions and cooperation activities at many levels, across different sectors and involving many localities.

Affirming Vietnam’s stance of supporting Cuba and calling for an end to the policy of blockade and embargo against the Caribbean country, he said the Vietnamese NA and himself always strongly support the Cuban NA’s bid to become an observer in the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) and enhance its relations with ASEAN. At the recent 44th AIPA General Assembly in Jakarta, the Cuban NA became an observer in AIPA.

He also said he believes that the sharing of experience between the Vietnamese and Cuban legislatures will become more practical and effective.

Machado expressed her delight at attending the conference and conveyed the regards of President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernández, Cuban lawmakers and people to Chairman Hue.

She informed the host said the leader of the Cuban NA is preparing to lead a delegation to Vietnam to mark the 50th anniversary of Fidel Castro’s visit to the liberated zone in South Vietnam in Quang Tri province and the 60th founding anniversary of the Cuban Committee for Solidarity with South Vietnam (September 25).

Recalling Chairman Hue’s visit to Cuba in April that contributed to further tightening ties between the two Parties, countries and legislatures, Machado thanked Vietnam for assisting Cuba in various areas, demonstrating the sense of solidarity at international forums, including support for the call to lift the embargo on Cuba.

She also thanked the Vietnamese NA for assisting Cuba during the COVID-19 pandemic and endorsing Cuba's observer status in AIPA, and wished to strengthen ties between the two legislatures.

The Cuban NA backs and speaks highly of Vietnam’s hosting of the ongoing global conference with highly relevant topics for sustainable global development, she said, adding that the Cuban delegation actively contributed ideas at sessions and activities of the event.

According to her, Cuba's foreign and sci-tech policies always place a strong emphasis on the role of youth and the continuity of their involvement in these areas.

Vice State President holds talks with South African counterpart

Vice State President Vo Thi Anh Xuan held talks with South African Deputy President Paul Mashatile on September 15, within the framework of her official visit to the country.

Xuan spoke highly of South Africa’s leading role in the continent as well as its important contributions to international forums, and congratulated the country on successfully organising the recent BRICS Summit.

For his part, Paul Mashatile welcomed the Vietnamese Vice President’s visit and described it as an important event taking place on the occasion of the two countries celebrating the 30th anniversary of their diplomatic relations (1993 - 2023).

He expressed his impression with Vietnam’s dynamic development achievements as well as its increasing role and position in Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific, and emphasised that solidarity and mutual supports in the fight for national independence and freedom are important factors for the two countries to promote multi-faceted cooperation in national construction and development.

The two sides spoke highly of the positive developments in cooperative relations between the two countries over the past three decades.

Vietnam and South Africa have become important partners of each other in Africa and Southeast Asia. South Africa is currently Vietnam's largest trade partner in Africa, with two-way turnover reaching nearly 1.3 billion USD in 2022.

Collaboration in defence-security, economic, agricultural investment, culture, education-training and people-to-people exchanges has also made positive progress.

On the same day, Xuan met General Secretary of the South African Communist Party (SACP) Solly Mapaila and Minister of South African Public Enterprises Pravin Ghordan, cut the ribbon at an inauguration ceremony of the Vietnamese Cultural Space in South Africa, and attended a ceremony to mark the 78th anniversary of Vietnam's National Day and the 30th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Vietnam and South Africa.

Vietnam calls for Southern development collaboration

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha on September 15 called for the promotion of cooperation, multilateral relations and solidarity among nations of the South to cope with global challenges.

In his speech on the first day of the Group of 77 developing countries plus China Summit (G77 China), now underway in Havana, Ha expressed Vietnam’s gratitude to Cuba for promoting those ethical values during its 2023 presidency.

The leader stressed the significance of facing the challenges of the countries of the South through cooperation in science, technology and research, raising the capacity of human resources in these areas and placing young people at the centre of development.

To this end, public-private partnerships and partnerships between scientists from different sectors need to be created, he said, adding that Vietnam supports Cuba’s initiative to hold similar meetings every three years to share experiences and promote digital revolution, as well as to create mechanisms to guarantee the exchange of experiences and knowledge between countries.

In this regard, he congratulated Cuba´s responsible contributions and its efforts to ensure that the G77 China, home to two-thirds of the world’s population, undertakes actions that will increase solidarity in the shared purpose of eliminating poverty and narrowing technological gaps with developed nations.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel emphasised strategic meanings of strengthening solidarity, international collaboration, particularly in areas of science, technology and innovation, in order to solve challenges of the globe.

Meanwhile, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres stressed the importance of the G77 Group and China while calling for equality for Southern countries. He also asked developed countries to quickly implement their commitments to strengthen preferential financial policies and provide climate finance to support developing countries in overcoming current development challenges.

Further discussions on measures to bolster science, technology and innovation collaboration among Southern countries will be carried out on September 16.

In the meetings with heads of foreign delegations including Laos, Cambodia, China, Mongolia, Venezuela, Yemen, and the UN Secretary General, Vietnam won praises as a successful model in the COVID-19 fight and for its impressive achievements in socio-economic recovery.

Vietnam and other member states of the bloc also discussed measures to intensify bilateral collaboration and multilateral mechanism.

Themed “Current Development Challenges: role of science, technology and innovation”, the summit focuses on exchanging solutions and promoting roles of G77 group and China in bolstering economic recovery and realising the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Vietnam takes steps towards net zero emissions

The issuance of the national plan on the implementation of the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use is another step taken by the Vietnamese Government towards achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

The declaration was launched at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November 2021. A total of 143 nations signed the declaration, accounting for over 90% of the world’s forest coverage. This effort aimed to “halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 while delivering sustainable development and promoting inclusive rural transformation.”

The national plan by 2030 is intended to realise goals of sustainable agricultural and rural development, greenhouse gas emission reduction, climate change response, biodiversity conservation, sustainable forest management, and transition to a green economy and a circular economy.

Under the plan, the area of downgrading natural forests restored and upgraded is set at 10% by 2025, and 20% by 2030. Meanwhile, the area certified for sustainable forest management is expected to reach 0.5 million hectares by 2025, and 1 million hectares by 2030.

Vietnam will perfect mechanisms and policies to promote sustainability in agro-forestry production and consumption, and raise resilience of forest land to climate change.

Efforts will be made to advance rural livelihoods by empowering the community, consolidating the land management system, and improving the multi-purpose management of forests.

The plan also aims to promote the access to and efficient use of domestic and international financial resources, as well as the public-private partnership in agro-forestry production, and sustainable forest management, and support local residents, especially ethnic minority groups.

The Vietnam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development noted that to improve forest quality, it is a must to review the area of forestry land and forest for the harmonious forest allocation.

The agency also asked localities to build a list of high-yielding forest tree species that are suitable with local soil conditions and satisfy market requirements, while optimising technologies in forestation.

Statistics showed that Vietnam was home to over 14.7 million hectares of forests last year, and its forest coverage reached 42.02%.

Over the past years, competent forces, localities, and residents have worked hard to promote forestation, forest protection and biodiversity conservation, reaping significant achievements, with the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak, the northern province of Dien Bien, and the southern province of Ca Mau as role models in this regard.

Vietnam, Belgium’s Flanders cooperate toward buidling climate-resilient cities

A networking event on building cities that are economically sustainable and climate-resilient between Vietnam and the Flemish Region of Belgium (or Flanders) took place in Ho Chi Minh City on September 15.

The event, co-organized by the HCM City Investment and Trade Promotion Centre (ITPC) and the Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), was an opportunity for Vietnamese and Belgian enterprises to meet, interact, and form partnerships in sectors of Belgium’s strength such as smart construction, renewable energy, and a circular economy.

According to Vice Chairman of the municipal People's Committee Ngo Minh Chau, the bilateral relationship between Vietnam and Belgium has transformed from purely humanitarian cooperation to an increasingly effective economic partnership over the past five decades. Belgium runs 89 active projects worth nearly 1.1 billion USD in Vietnam, of which 43 valued at almost 9.5 million USD are located in HCM City.

For the Vietnamese southern metropolis, the European nation is one of its key trade and investment partners. Between 2015 and now, both sides have implemented numerous practical projects in seaport development, agriculture, health, and social development. Their import-export turnover reached nearly 400 million USD in the first seven months of 2023.

Chau went on to note that the city and Flanders signed a memorandum of understanding in December 2016 on agricultural cooperation. This is an important foundation for enhancing their collaboration in high-tech and sustainable farming. The pact has paved the way for joint works in other areas like building sustainable urban areas capable of adapting to climate change.

At the workshop, towards a goal of creating green, nature-friendly, and smart urban areas, foreign experts proposed various solutions such as appropriate urban planning based on population density, sustainable construction techniques, flood prevention measures, and more.

Steven Petit, the creative director of the Belgian-based Omgeving company specializing in architecture and urban planning, said that in large cities like HCM City, there are numerous challenges posed by climate change. To adapt, it is necessary to design urban areas with a focus on nature, which may include creating water zones within the city to provide green environments for the residents.

Vietnam Days in South Africa 2023 launched

The "Vietnam Days in South Africa 2023" event took place in the South African city of Pretoria from September 14 to September 15, with the Vietnamese cultural space attracting a large number of local people.      

The event was organised by the Department of Cultural Diplomacy and UNESCO under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in co-ordination with partners to mark the official visit of Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan to South Africa from September 14 to September 17.

The function witnessed a series photo exhibition held to feature the country’s dynamism and friendliness, along with Vietnam-based world cultural heritage sites recognised by UNESCO, traditional festivals, characteristics of a wet rice civilization, and Dong Ho folk paintings.

Visitors to the occasion also had the chance to experience the process of printing paintings from woodblocks onto paper using traditional methods.

The Vietnamese cultural space in South Africa represented the start of a series of "Vietnam Days Abroad 2023" events.

In addition, it was also the first time that this cultural diplomacy activity has been held in Africa. Moving forward, the Vietnam Cultural Space will be held in France and Japan in October and November, respectively.

Vietnam supports Cuba in becoming observer at AIPA-44 General Assembly

The Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) always strongly supports the Cuban NA’s bid to become an observer in the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) and strive to boost ties with ASEAN, NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue has said.

NA Chairman Hue hosted a reception on September 16 for Vice President of the Cuban NA Ana Maria Machado, who is leading a delegation to the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians which is now underway in Hanoi, saying that this highlights the Cuban legislature’s support for Vietnam and the Vietnamese NA in particular.

The top Vietnamese legislator displayed elation at the ever-growing bilateral ties developed through various visits, as well as the working sessions and co-operation activities at many levels across different sectors and involving many localities.

Affirming the nation’s stance of supporting Cuba and calling for an end to the policy of blockade and embargo against the Caribbean country, he said the Vietnamese NA and himself always strongly support the Cuban NA’s bid to become an observer in the AIPA and foster its relations with ASEAN. At the recent 44th AIPA General Assembly held in Jakarta, the Cuban NA became an observer in AIPA.

He also stated his belief that the sharing of experience between the Vietnamese and Cuban legislatures will become increasingly more practical and effective.

Machado therefore expressed her delight at attending the conference and conveyed the regards of President of the NA of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernández, Cuban lawmakers, and people to Chairman Hue.

She informed the host said that the leader of the Cuban NA is in the process of preparing to lead a delegation to the country to mark the 50th anniversary of Fidel Castro’s visit to the liberated zone in South Vietnam in Quang Tri province and the 60th founding anniversary of the Cuban Committee for Solidarity with South Vietnam on September 25.

Recalling NA Chairman Hue’s visit to Cuba in April which contributed to further tightening ties between the two Parties, countries, and legislatures, Machado thanked the Vietnamese side for assisting Cuba across a multitude of fields, demonstrating the sense of solidarity at international forums, including support for the call to lift the embargo placed on Cuba.

She also thanked the Vietnamese NA for assisting Cuba during the COVID-19 pandemic and endorsing the island nation’s observer status in the AIPA, in addition to seeking to boost ties between the two legislative bodies.

The Cuban NA backs and praises Vietnam’s hosting of the ongoing global conference which boasts highly-relevant topics for sustainable global development, she said, adding that the Cuban delegation has actively contributed ideas at sessions and activities of the event.

According to her, Cuba's foreign and sci-tech policies always place a strong emphasis on the role of youth and the continuity of their involvement in these areas.

At the meeting, both sides also said that the special and close-knit relations that exist between both sides are growing very well across multiple fields on the basis of substantive and more effective parliamentary co-operation, along with experience sharing between the two legislatures.

Learning opportunities, support policies crucial to innovation and start-ups

Learning opportunities and support policies for innovation and start-ups take centre stage as diplomats and entrepreneurs shared best case practices in the field at the 9th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians on Friday.

Speaking at the panel discussion on innovation and start-ups, Denis Naughten, a member of the Irish Parliament, cited an example of how enterprise programmes are opened to students aged 12 to 18 in Ireland as they face growing career pressure that comes with secondary education.

The activities, during which the whole class turned into a company with marketing, sales, manufacturing and material-sourcing divisions, not only helped build their entrepreneurial spirit and get an insight into how business works but also developed critical teamwork skills, said the Irish official.

A network of over 300 digital hubs has been set up across Ireland, each of them linked to an enterprise development officer who will support innovative ideas and potential start-ups that may be generated from the engagement within the hubs.

“Innovation is essential if they want to stay ahead in a competitive and fast-changing market,” said Naughten, who is also the chairperson of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Working Group on Science and Technology.

Nguyễn Thành Trung, founder and CEO of the Vietnamese start-up “unicorn” SkyMavis, stressed the role of policymakers in developing the start-up ecosystem, which in turn is the decisive factor in the existence and sustainability of technology entrepreneurship.

“The government's influence can be a make-or-break factor to start-ups,” said Trung.

Noting that not only Việt Nam but the world at large is struggling to promulgate new technology-related policies, Trung underlines that digital information nowadays is no longer a choice but a necessity and also a commodity.

Whether a clear legal corridor, whether open or strict, will be a great help to start-ups which are now having to spend a significant amount of time on business structure problems and legal issues, said the entrepreneur.

Sharing an example of how China develops its innovation and start-up sector, manager of the Beijing-based HICOOL Global Entrepreneur Summit and Entrepreneurship Competition Tingyu Yuan said that the initiative officially began in 2018 by former Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang.

A series of measures under the mass entrepreneurship and innovation policies have been implemented, including simplifying the start-up registration process and reducing the bureaucratic hurdles, and the online one-stop policy which allows entrepreneurs to complete business registration through a single online platform without the need to physically visit different government departments.

“This encourages more people to participate in entrepreneurship and especially creates more possibilities for young graduates to creatively consider their careers and to utilise their knowledge and skills for the best development,” said Yuan.

Alongside tax relief measures, comprehensive banking services and establishment support are also available to start-ups.

These include low-interest rates and loans, inclusive financial policies and instruments, financial literacy and management skills training.

“All the improvements of institutions and policies in the promotion of innovation or start-ups are the basic structures that we can see the need to make the most effort in all the social segments to build and foster a supportive, tolerant and encouraging environment.”

"There is an African saying that 'it takes a village to raise a child', similarly, to nurture a start-up we would need a robust ecosystem," said Biniam Gebrezgi, a specialist on the Civil Society and Youth, Governance and Peace Building Team of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes