Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh arrived in Hanoi at noon on September 27, concluding his trip to attend the high-level week of the 78th United Nations General Assembly and hold bilateral activities in the US, as well as his official visit to Brazil.

During his eight-day trips to the US and Brazil, PM Chinh had over 70 activities in five cities, namely San Francisco, Washington D.C and New York of the US, and São Paulo and Brasilia of Brazil.

Attending the high-level week of the 78th UNGA, PM Chinh delivered speeches at the UNGA’s general debate and UN summits on global and all-people issues such as climate change and pandemic response.

On this occasion, the Vietnamese Government leader had nearly 20 bilateral meetings with leaders of countries and international organisations and US politicians.

He also visited the US’s universities, and worked with leaders of leading business associations, investment funds, and groups such as Microsoft, Synopsys, Facebook, Apple, Google and Boeing.

While in Brazil, PM Chinh held talks with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, met with leaders of several political parties and friendship associations, delivered a policy speech at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and worked with leaders of some businesses.

Despite his busy working agendas, the PM spent time meeting with overseas Vietnamese, as well as US and Brazilian friends who have made contributions to Vietnam’s relations with the two countries.

NA Chairman concludes official visits to Bangladesh, Bulgaria

Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Vuong Dinh Hue arrived in Hanoi at noon on September 27, wrapping up his official visits to Bangladesh and Bulgaria.

The visits, lasting from September 21-26, were made at the invitations of Speaker of the Bangladeshi Parliament Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury and President of the NA of Bulgaria Rosen Zhelyazkov.

The top Vietnamese legislator and his entourage, including representatives from NA agencies, ministries, sectors and localities, engaged in a total of about 70 activities during the trips.

In Bangladesh, he held talks with his Bangladeshi counterpart Chaudhury; met with President Mohammed Shahabuddin; and received Chairman of the Bangladesh Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Faruk Khan, President of the Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) Shah Alam, and President of the Workers Party of Bangladesh (WPB) Rashed Khan Menon. He also attended the inauguration of a photo exhibition on the 50th founding anniversary of the diplomatic ties between the two countries.

During his stay in Bulgaria, Hue held talks with his Bulgarian counterpart Zhelyazkov; had separate meetings with President Rumen Radev and Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov, and hosted receptions for Chairwoman of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) Korneliya Ninova, and Chairwoman of the GERB-UDF parliamentary group Desislava Atanasova.

He signed memoranda of understanding on enhancing cooperation between the Vietnamese legislature and its Bangladeshi and Bulgarian counterparts.

Five cooperation agreements were also inked on this occasion, covering collaboration between the NA Office, ministries, sectors and localities of Vietnam and their counterparts in Bangladesh and Bulgaria in such areas as culture and tourism.  

In both nations, the Vietnamese leader delivered speeches in front of diplomats, scholars, professors, lecturers, students, researchers and the press regarding the global and regional situation, as well as the good traditional friendship between Vietnam and the two countries. He also attended forums on policies and laws to promote bilateral economic, trade and investment ties.

He received representatives from friendship associations, major businesses of the two countries, and multi-national groups, visited the Vietnamese Embassies, met with representatives of the Vietnamese communities in Bangladesh and Bulgaria, and made field trips to their economic facilities and localities.

For Bangladesh, the visit took place at the time when the two countries are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations, thus contributing to consolidating and expanding the friendship as well as the effective, practical cooperation between the two countries in all fields.

It also demonstrated the Vietnamese NA’s commitments to foster cooperation with the Bangladeshi Parliament following the visit to Vietnam by the Bangladeshi Speaker in 2017.

This was the most important political and diplomatic event between the two countries on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations. It has been the first visit by a NA Chairperson, also the most senior leader of Vietnam to Bangladesh since 2018.

For Bulgaria, it has been the first visit by a Vietnamese top legislator after the trip by then NA Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong in 2008. The visit has contributed to consolidating and strengthening the time-honoured friendship and multi-faceted cooperation between the two countries in general and their legislative bodies in particular, while accelerating the implementation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).
Hue appreciated and thanked the Bulgarian NA for its ratification of the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) ahead of his visit.

The NA Chairman and leaders of the two countries also exchanged views on regional and international issues of shared concern.

NA Chairman visits Bulgaria’s University of National and World Economy

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue visited the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia, Bulgaria, on September 25 (local time) on the occasion of his visit to the country.

During a meeting with the leadership of UNWE, NA Chairman Hue thanked Bulgaria and UNWE in particular for helping train over 30,000 Vietnamese students and graduate students.

As close friend of the Bulgarian people, Vietnam always follows and rejoices at Bulgaria's achievements in socio-economic development and integration, which bring prosperity and stability to the country, and contribute to enhancing Bulgaria's international position, the Vietnamese top legislator said. 

The rector of UNWE Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov briefed the Vietnamese top legislator on the university’s formation and development, saying that the century-old university trained thousands of Vietnamese students, including former Vietnamese NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung.

The university has set up effective cooperative relations with a number of Vietnamese universities such as the Open University and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, he said.

Dimitrov expressed his wish to expand cooperation with other Vietnamese universities in the near future.

NA Chairman Hue expressed full support for the Bulgarian university to expand cooperation with Vietnamese universities, stressing that educational cooperation is a very important bridge to connect the two nations and enhance mutual understanding and trust.

He said he believes that with the existing good foundation, the cooperative relations between the UNWE and Vietnamese universities in particular and educational cooperation between the two countries in general will  reap better results in the near future.

Samsung Hope School to be built in Binh Phuoc province

A new school in the chain of Samsung Hope Schools in Vietnam will be built in the southern province of Binh Phuoc following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on its construction on September 26.

The document was inked by the People’s Committee of Dong Xoai city in Binh Phuoc province, Samsung Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd, and the Korea Food for the Hungry International.

Choi Joo Ho, General Director of Samsung Vietnam, said 2023 marks the 10th year of the Samsung Hope School project in Vietnam, which have come to different provinces like Bac Ninh, Thai Nguyen, Bac Giang and Lang Son, benefiting more than 5,000 disadvantaged children.

Tran Tue Hien, Chairman of the Binh Phuoc People’s Committee, noted that the project demonstrates the social responsibility of Samsung, while opening up new, long-term cooperation opportunities between Samsung Vietnam and Binh Phuoc.

The school will be provided with modern equipment, with specialised rooms, aiming to facilitate students’ comprehensive development. Its construction is scheduled to begin later this year in Dong Xoai city.

Vietnamese military individuals, collectives honoured with Lao rewards

Sixty-eight outstanding collectives and individuals of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) were honoured with rewards of the Lao State and Ministry of National Defence at a ceremony in Hanoi on September 26.

The event was jointly held by the Lao Ministry of National Defence and its Vietnamese counterpart and co-chaired by Gen. Luong Cuong, Chairman of the VPA’s General Department of Politics, and Sen. Lieut. Gen. Thongloi Silivong, Depute Minister of National Defence and Chairman of the Lao People’s Army (LPA)’s General Department of Politics.

Thirty-six orders and 32 certificates of merit were presented to 19 collectives and 49 individuals of the VPA in recognition of their outstanding achievements in cooperation between the two armies over the past time, helping to consolidate and enhance the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the Parties, States, armies and people of the two countries. 

In his remarks, Thongloi said the orders and certificates of merit recognised devotions, achievements and contributions of the honourees to the Lao revolution, as well as the development of Laos and the LPA.

Cuong, for his part, stressed that Vietnam always treasures and remembers the whole-hearted support and assistance of the Lao Party, State, people and army to Vietnam during its past struggle for national liberation and the present cause of national construction and defence.

The officer noted his belief that the two armies will continuously work together to preserve, protect and strengthen the Vietnam-Laos relationship.

Grand ceremony marks 50th anniversary of Cuban leader’s visit to Quang Tri

A grand ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of Cuban leader Fidel Castro’s visit to the liberated area in the south of Vietnam (September 1973) took place in Dong Ha city in the south central province of Quang Tri on September 26.

The event was jointly organised by Quang Tri authority, the Party Central Committee's Commission for External Relations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Cuban Embassy in Vietnam.

Prominent guests at the ceremony included President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez, Politburo member and standing member of the Party Central Committee's Secretariat Truong Thi Mai, and Politburo member and Standing Vice Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Tran Thanh Man.  

In his speech at the event, Secretary of the Quang Tri provincial Party Committee Le Quang Tung recalled the historic visit by Cuban leader Fidel Castro to Quang Tri 50 years ago despite all the lurking dangers.

With his desire to witness with his own eyes the heroic fight of the Vietnamese army and people, Fidel visited many areas freshly liberated in Quang Tri province where the air still smelled of gunpowder and the land was still plagued with bombs, Tung said.

He underlined the historical and political significance of the visit, saying that it was a great spiritual encouragement for the army and people of Quang Tri in joining hands with people nationwide in the struggle to completely liberate the South and re-unify the country.

The people of Vietnam and Quang Tri in particular will forever remember the valuable support that the Cuban people and President Fidel Castro have given to their Vietnam and Quang Tri, Tung stressed.

For his part, President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez thanked the Party, Government and people of Vietnam for organising the commemorative event, as well as always maintaining tight solidarity with Cuba in the most difficult times.

He expressed his emotion when visiting the places that Fidel once visited, while reiterating the most steadfast support and admiration of the Cuban people for Vietnam.

Fidel Castro’s immortal sayings: “For Vietnam, Cuba is willing to shed blood” has become a true symbol of the faithful and pure solidarity and close relation between Vietnam and Cuba, the Cuban official said.

Addressing the event, standing member of Party Central Committee's Secretariat Truong Thi Mai emphasised that Vietnam always attaches importance to relations with Cuba and other traditional friends and progressive forces in the world, and wishes to cooperate closely and share common principles and values with Cuba and countries globally to develop together, contributing to peace, cooperation and development. 

Vietnam and Cuba will continue to foster their close friendship and extensive cooperation across the channels of Party, Government, National Assembly, ministries, sectors, localities and people's organisations; and maintain and develop the mechanisms of Intergovernmental Committee, theoretical workshops between the two Parties, political consultations between the two Foreign Ministries, and defence policy dialogues, Mai said.

Despite the complicated developments in the global situation, the Vietnam - Cuba relationship has always stayed steadfast, overcome all challenges, and constantly developed for the just cause of the two nations, the Party official affirmed.

She affirmed that the special and exemplary friendship between the two Parties and two countries, founded by President Ho Chi Minh and leader Fidel Castro, is a valuable asset, and constantly nurtured by generations of leaders and people of the two countries.

On the occasion, the organisation board awarded prizes to winners of the painting contest "Vietnam - Cuba children in solidarity", which was launched by the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the People’s Committee of Quang Tri province.

Vietnam, Laos attach importance to defence cooperation: President

Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong on September 26 highlighted the importance of defence cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, which, he said, has received due attention of the two Parties and States.

At a reception in Hanoi for visiting Sen. Lieut. Gen. Thongloi Silivong, Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chairman of the Lao People’s Army (LPA)’s General Department of Politics, President Thuong stressed that Vietnam always remembers Laos’s support and assistance during its past struggle for national independence and reunification as well as its present cause of national construction.

Vietnam always attaches importance to consolidating and enhancing the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation with the neighbouring country, the leader said, expressing his belief that Thongloi’s visit will contribute to deepening the bilateral friendship.

President Thuong emphasised that the outcomes of effective, practical cooperation between the two Ministries of National Defence and the General Departments of Politics under the LPA and the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) will also help promote the Vietnam-Laos cooperation in the coming time, especially in personnel training.

The President commended collaboration between the two armies in building border villages, thus building a common borderline of peace and friendship, and noted his hope that the partnership will be maintained in the time ahead.

He asked the officer to convey his regards to Lao Party General Secretary and President Thongloun Sisoulith, and Minister of National Defence General Chansamone Chanyalath.

For his part, Thongloi briefed the President on the VPA General Department of Politics’ specific activities and programmes in support of the LPA, the LPA General Department of Politics, and some Lao localities, particularly in personnel training.

He said the LPA has been educating young officers about the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

Can Tho plants 1,000 cork trees to prevent riverbank erosion

A launching ceremony to plant 1,000 cork trees to prevent erosion along rivers in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho was jointly held by the municipal People’s Committee and the Dutch Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City on September 26.

At the event, cork trees donated by Blue Dragon organisation were planted on the dike of Tan Loc island in Tan Loc ward.

According to Vice Chairman of the municipal People's Committee Nguyen Ngoc He, climate change has caused enormous impacts on people and the community. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has recognised Vietnam's Mekong Delta region as one of three deltas in the world that are critically affected by climate change.

The growing of cork trees was necessary to adapt to natural disasters and climate change in the locality, He said, adding that this is also a practical activity to celebrate the 50th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties between Vietnam and the Netherlands.

He expressed his belief that the cork trees will be carefully cared for, contributing to preventing riverbank erosion in Thot Not district.

Dutch Consul General in HCM City Daniel Stork expressed his joy when visiting Can Tho city and participating in the tree-planting activity.

He said that the Netherlands and the Mekong Delta share similarities and both are affected by climate change, so this was a practical activity in a bid to prevent erosion along rivers in Can Tho.

Vietnam, Laos bolster defence cooperation

Minister of National Defence Gen. Phan Van Giang received visiting Sen. Lieut. Gen. Thongloi Silivong, Deputy Minister of National Defence and Chairman of the Lao People’s Army (LPA)’s General Department of Politics, in Hanoi on September 26.

Giang stressed that Vietnam always bears in mind Laos's support and assistance in its past struggle for national independence and reunification and the present cause of national construction, and attaches importance to consolidating and strengthening its great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation with Laos.

Notably, practical and effective defence cooperation is always one of the important pillars in the relations between the two countries, he affirmed.

Thongloi affirmed to make every effort, together with the Lao Ministry of National Defence, to effectively implement the annual cooperation plan with the Vietnamese counterpart, thereby contributing to consolidating and developing the bilateral relationship.

Giang appreciated the results of comprehensive cooperation between the two armies, especially in coordinating the implementation of common perceptions of senior leaders on military and defence tasks, Party and political works; and effectively maintain exchange, dialogue and twinning mechanisms.

He proposed the two sides coordinate in protecting the borderline of peace and stability to contribute to improving the material and spiritual lives of people in border areas and promoting cross-border trade.

Earlier the same day, Gen. Luong Cuong, Chairman of the VPA’s General Department of Politics, hosted a welcome ceremony for and held talks with Sen. Lieut. Gen. Thongloi Silivong.
At the talks, Cuong said that the Party, State and army of Vietnam always treasure relations with Laos, consider this a top priority in the country’s foreign policy, and always wish to work with the Lao sides to continuously strengthen the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States, people and armies.

The two sides agreed that defence cooperation should be implemented effectively in line with the common perceptions of high-level leaders, and the outcomes of the September 6 meeting between the three Party leaders of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

They also vowed to step up cooperation between agencies and units through delegation exchanges, and intensify coordination and mutual support at multilateral forums and mechanisms, particularly those led by ASEAN.

The Vietnamese Ministry of National Defence and the VPA are willing to share experience with and support the Lao sides to successfully assume the role as the Chair of the military and defence meetings in 2024 when Laos holds the ASEAN Chairmanship, Cuong said.
Cuong also affirmed that the Vietnamese Party and State are always steadfast in the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation and diversification and the “Four Nos” defence policy - neither joining any military alliances, siding with one country against another, giving any other countries permission to set up military bases or use its territory to carry out military activities against other nations, nor using force or threatening to use force in international relations.

Top Cuban legislator commemorates Fidel Castro in Quang Tri

President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez on September 26 offered flowers in remembrance of Cuban leader Fidel Castro at the Fidel Park in central Quang Tri province’s Dong Ha city.

Hernandez is on a visit to Vietnam to attend a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of Cuban leader Fidel Castro’s trip to the newly liberated areas in Quang Binh and Quang Tri provinces despite numerous dangers.

As the first and only foreign head of state to visit the liberated zone before the war ended, Fidel Castro’s historic visit became a symbol of faithful and fraternal solidarity between the two peoples with noble ideals for peace, national independence, democracy and progress in the world.
After the flower-offering ceremony, Vietnamese and Cuban officials planted trees at the Fidel Park, which was inaugurated in September 2018 as a symbol of the love of Vietnamese people for Fidel and the special friendship between Vietnam and Cuba.
They then visited several historical relic sites in Quang Tri such as Hien Luong flag tower, the museum of Hien Luong - Ben Hai special national relic site, and the relic site of the headquarters of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam in Cam Lo district.

Vietnam, Australia enhance cooperation in drug combat

The first Vietnam - Australia conference on cooperation in drug prevention and control took place in Nha Trang city, the central province of Khanh Hoa, on September 26.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Vien, Director of the Police Department for Drug Related Crime Investigation (C04) under the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security, and Deputy Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Lesa Gale co-chaired the event.

Vien said Vietnam is facing great pressure from the trafficking of drugs from the Golden Triangle. Besides, amid international integration and globalisation, drug related crimes in other regions in the world have also had certain impacts on Vietnam, making the drug crime situation more complicated.

This fact requires closer and more effective coordination among law enforcement forces of countries, he went on.

With their geographical locations favourable for sea and air transport, Vietnam and Australia encounter a common threat that these means of transport are used to traffic large volumes of drugs. Synthetic drugs brought from the Golden Triangle to Vietnam may continue to be shipped to Australia, the official pointed out.

He expressed his belief that Australia shares Vietnam’s viewpoint of preventing drugs early and from a far. Given this, it is necessary to maintain cooperation and share a higher sense of responsibility to crack down on drug related crimes and minimise the consequences left by the crimes for society.

For her part, Deputy Commissioner Gale emphasised that the AFP considered drug prevention and control as a common priority as drug related crimes have continued causing threats to both countries.

The AFP wishes to work with the Vietnamese police for drug related crime investigation to fight against these threats, she said, noting that the conference marks the AFP’s commitment to continue assisting the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security by building capacity, sharing information, and seeking opportunities for joint investigations.

The Australian side hopes to see more successes following the results gained so far from the combat against trans-national drug crimes and money laundering, she added.

At the meeting, the C04 and AFP exchanged information about the drug crime situation in each country and shared experience to improve the effectiveness of the trans-national drug crime combat.

They also signed a letter of agreement under which the two sides will share information and experience, support the verification of drug crime information, carry out joint investigation measures for trans-national drug cases involving the two countries, provide training in drug crime investigation, and supply equipment helping with investigation.

Over 585 tonnes of rice delivered to needy people in Dak Lak

More than 585 tonnes of rice from the national reserve are being delivered to needy people in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak in light of the lean season in 2023.

Accordingly, from September 25-28, rice is allocated to people in need in the districts Lak, Krong Ana, Krong Bong, Krong Nang, Krong Buk, Ea H’leo, M’Drak, Buon Don, Ea Sup, Cu M’gar.

Lak district receives the largest amount with more than 133 tonnes. Ethnic minorities account for 67% of the district’s population, with over 8,000 poor households. Floods that occurred in late July and early this month inundated nearly 3,000 hectares of Summer-Autumn rice,  of which more than 2,000 hectares were destroyed. Lak district is the province's rice granary.

Dak Lak is one of the six localities receiving rice from the national reserve under Decision No.1049/QD-TTg dated September 13, 2023 signed by Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai.

Under the decision, more than 3,300 tonnes of rice from the national reserve will be allocated to Lai Chau, Dien Bien, Ha Giang, Bac Kan, Dak Lak and Cao Bang provinces to support local people in light of the lean season in 2023.

Photo exhibition spotlights long-lasting Vietnam-Cuba amity

A photo exhibition showcasing the long-lasting relationship between Vietnam and Cuba took place in the central province of Quang Tri on September 26, marking the 50th anniversary of Cuban leader Fidel Castro’s visit to the liberated zone in Southern Vietnam.

Co-organised by the Vietnam News Agency (VNA), Cuban news agency Prensa Latina (PL), and the provincial People’s Committee, the event featured 50 iconic black &white, and colour documentary photos.

Selected from the archives of the two news agencies, they depict the activities of Fidel Castro in Vietnam at the time as well as images of meetings between the Vietnamese and Cuban leaders in their reciprocal visits.

At the exhibition, VNA General Director Vu Viet Trang and PL President Luis Enrique Gonzalez Acosta introduced participating high-level delegations from Vietnam and Cuba to the historical context behind and content of the photos on display.

The organiser also introduced to the public a Spanish-Vietnamese bilingual book titled “Fidel Castro – Nuestra Sangre Por Vietnam” (Fidel Castro: Our Blood for Vietnam), which was compiled by Prensa Latina and co-published with the Vietnam News Agency.

HCM City strives to reduce GHG emissions

HCM City strives to reduce GHG emissions hinh anh 1
Installing roof-top solar power system at a household in Binh Chanh district, Ho Chi Minh City (Photo: VNA)
In its action plan to respond to climate change in the 2021-2030 period with a vision until 2050, Ho Chi Minh City has rolled out various measures to realise its target of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 10% and even 30% if receiving international support.

Cao Tung Son, Head of the Hydrometeorology and Climate Change Office under the municipal Department of Natural Resources and Environment, said that the city has cooperated with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in implementing a project to develop Vietnam Urban Energy Security (VUES).

The project aims to support facilities with large GHG emissions, improving the city’s capacity to build its annual greenhouse gas inventory reports, seeking measures to use water effectively in public facilities and works. Besides, it also focuses on supporting the city in building a roadmap to achieve net-zero emissions.

According to the VUES research team which helps HCM City build its emission reduction plan, the city’s GHG emissions are expected to be reduced to about 245 million tonnes of CO2 by 2050, with the energy using sectors alone emitting about 241.3 million tonnes of CO2. The team underlined the urgent need to speed up green development solutions and efforts to reduce GHG emissions.

Prof. Dr. Ho Quoc Bang, head of the team, said that it has analysed experiences from many cities in the world, including Copenhagen (Denmark), Tokyo (Japan), Kolkata (India) during the building of the plan, and deciding that the city needs to promote the development of rooftop solar power, offshore wind power and power generated from waste, while implementing economic restructuring towards stepping up clean production industries.

In 2018, industry was the largest source of emissions in HCM City, accounting for 34.5% of total emissions, followed by traffic, commerce, and households. By 2050, the commercial sector is predicted to be the largest source of emissions, while industry is likely to rank second, followed by transport, he noted.

The city can pilot special mechanisms to boost the growth of green energy and renewable energy, and implement green transformation, he recommended.

Dr. Pau Dargusch, from Australia’s Queensland University who is a consultant for the VUES project, held that in order to implement an effective carbon offset mechanism, HCM City should establish an agency to act as a contact point in the field, with a clear mission and governance structure different from other state administrative management agencies.

In the short term, the agency can identify projects that can be implemented quickly and easily, he said, adding that in the longer term, it will develop collaborative initiatives with private organisations to help them estimate their carbon accounts and seek and implement emissions reduction projects.

Under the project’s framework, the city has organised three training courses for local firms on greenhouse gas inventory, while supporting 10 enterprises in building their GHG inventory reports and giving advice on water saving to a number of public buildings and works.

It has signed an agreement with the World Bank to implement the activities of the Low Carbon Emissions Technical Group, while carrying out project TA9608 - REG on Strengthening Knowledge and Actions for Air Quality Improvement funded by the Asian Development Bank, and coordinating with the Department of Environmental Engineering of Osaka (Japan) to implement the low carbon emission city development programme.

Italian consulate holds photography exhibition

The Consulate General of Italy in Ho Chi Minh City organized a photography exhibition titled “Rome Expo 2030: Eternal Evolution” on September 20 to advocate for Rome’s candidacy as the host of World Expo 2030. 
Part of a series of initiatives aimed at supporting Rome’s bid to become the host city for World Expo 2030, the exhibition is open to the public from September 20 to 26 at 152 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, District 1, HCM City.

Italy initially presented Rome’s candidacy to host World EXPO 2030 to the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) in Paris in September 2022. The theme of this candidacy is “People and territories: regeneration, inclusion and innovation.”

The final decision regarding the host city is expected to be made in November 2023.

World Expo is a 170-year-old global event that fosters dialogue among nations on development and progress by showcasing inventions that can enhance people’s socio-economic and cultural well-being.

Italy is one of the signatory countries of the BIE Statute.

Vietnamese, Cambodian border guards forces coordinate in border management

The Border Guard Command of the Central Highlands province of Gia Lai and representatives from the three border protection forces of Cambodia's Ratanakiri province discussed measures to ensure security, protect and manage border areas and combat cross-border crimes during their talks on September 25. 
The Border Guard Command of Gia Lai presents US$50,000 to the representatives of the three Cambodian border protection forces to help them build command offices, and purchase necessary equipment for their work.
The two sides discussed the border security situation and border management recently, while proposing orientations and measures to jointly manage and protect the border in the coming time, towards a common borderline of peace, friendship, and cooperation for mutual development between the two countries.

The two sides agreed to continue implementing the memorandum of understanding among the border protection forces, focusing on maintaining coordination and border protection management in accordance with agreements, protocols, and press releases of the two governments, as well as related agreements.

They will also strengthen the exchange of information related to border protection and management tasks, and effectively prevent crimes, especially drug and human trafficking, violations of border regulations, and illegal immigration and border crossing.

Speaking at the talks, Major General Tran Tien Hai, Commander of the Border Guard Command of Gia Lai province, stated that in the coming time, the agency will continue to direct local border posts to proactively develop plans to collaborate with Cambodian border protection forces, increase the frequency of joint patrols along demarcated border sections. This contributes to maintaining border security and stability, preventing conflicts and disputes; and strengthening friendship and cooperation between the two countries,  Hai stressed.

On this occasion, the Border Guard Command of Gia Lai presented US$50,000 to the representatives of the three Cambodian border protection forces to help them build command offices, and purchase necessary equipment for their work.

Da Nang honoured at Seoul Smart City Prize

The central city of Da Nang has been granted a bronze prize in the Human CentriCity category of the Seoul Smart City Prize, marking the first time that the Vietnamese city has been recognised at the awards.      

Tran Phuoc Son, vice chairman of the Da Nang municipal People’s Council, received the honour at an award ceremony held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, on September 25.

Da Nang was honoured for its smart trips platform project. This digital platform is a smart city ecosystem of Da Nang that serves to integrate digital maps and sensor devices, along with GPS for the management and monitoring of various vehicles such as ambulances, fire trucks, garbage trucks, and public buses.

It forms a comprehensive data management system and big data analysis, providing information to the Intelligent Operations Center (IOC) for monitoring and tracking the operation of vehicle systems in the central city.

Odense of Denmark took gold prize, whilst two silver prizes went to Dublin of Ireland and Manila of the Philippines.

This marks the first time that WeGO, together with its President City Seoul, have launched the Seoul Smart City Prize which is designed to promote and champion the people-based digital transformation that is geared towards providing more accessible services for all citizens.

The Seoul Smart City Prize primarily focuses on identifying the exemplary models of city governments, as well as individual, corporate, and institutional efforts in ensuring an inclusive digitalisation of public services that benefit all people in sectors ranging from mobility, safety, welfare, environment, energy, culture, and governance.

The prize this year has the theme of fostering digital transformation through innovative and inclusive approaches for smart sustainable cities.

The Seoul Smart City Prize ceremony was held during the World Cities Summit Mayors Forum 2023 hosted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government on September 25 - 26, providing an unparalleled opportunity to show the world their work and be placed in the spotlight as leaders spearheading the development of innovative and inclusive smart cities.

In 2019 Da Nang won an Asia-Oceanian Computing Industry Organisation (Asocio) Smart City Award for its outstanding initiatives of a smart city during the Asocio Smart City Summit in Bangkok, Thailand.

The central city is planning to become a smart city and will be the first in the country to join the ASEAN smart city network by 2030.

Rock and roll (up) for a circus performance with a twist

The Việt Nam Circus Federation say the programme, entitled Thiên Thần Lên Núi (Angels Ascending the Mountain), will feature outstanding circus acts such as acrobatics, tightrope walking, trampoline jumping, juggling, hoop dancing, on the background of rock compositions infused with folk and ethnic tones by composer Trần Thắng of the Ngũ Cung Band.
Artist Tống Toàn Thắng, vice director of the Việt Nam Circus Federation (centre) with the production team of Thiên Thần Lên Núi (Angels Ascending the Mountain) circus programme. Photo courtesy of the artist
HÀ NỘI The first special programme combining circus art and rock music will take place at the national circus theatre in October.

The Việt Nam Circus Federation says the programme, entitled Thiên Thần Lên Núi (Angels Ascending the Mountain), will feature outstanding circus acts such as acrobatics, tightrope walking, trampoline jumping, juggling, hoop dancing, on the background of rock compositions infused with folk and ethnic tones by composer Trần Thắng of the Ngũ Cung Band.

People’s Artist Tống Toàn Thắng, vice director of the Việt Nam Circus Federation, said this first-ever collaboration between circus and rock music aims to present the audience with a fresh and captivating artistic creation, bring Vietnamese circus art and its unique characteristics based on the cultural foundation of the nation to integrate with global trends.

Each performance will be choreographed to different rock music, providing the audience with distinctive experiences.

Some notable compositions include Hành Khúc Ngày Và Đêm (March of Day and Night) and Lá Đỏ (Red Leaf) combined with the circus act men's and women's tumbling - 4-silk rope swinging women, Cướp Vợ (Wife Kidnapping) with the H'Mong Festival circus act or Ngọn Lửa Cao Nguyên (Highland Fire) with python performance.

Artist Trần Thắng from the Ngũ Cung Band said he was worried about how to combine the two art forms at first after receiving the invitation from Việt Nam Circus Federation. But the passion for art and the excitement for the first unique combination encouraged him to accept the challenge.

"I expect the programme to be spontaneous and non-repetitive," he said.

"Together with the creative team, we strive to create a new and unique artistic programme, thereby introducing Vietnamese rock and circus to the world," he added.

Meanwhile, circus artist Tống Toàn Thắng believed this combination will be harmoniously impressive because both rock music and the circus possess a sense of freedom and can be combined with other art forms.

“Angels Ascending the Mountain will mark a turning point for Vietnamese circus and rock art," Thắng said.

"It is hoped that this first-time collaboration will open up new experiences for circus artists, rockers, and the audience, leading to the creation of further artistic productions.”

The programme will take place at the Central Circus Theatre on October 13-14. It will also be a stage with the highest number of circus artists, more than 60 performers in over 90 minutes. The performances will begin with the story of the origins of the nation and continue to its cultural integration.

Film screening programme to honour director Đặng Nhật Minh

A special film screening programme to honour director Đặng Nhật Minh, one of Việt Nam's greatest filmmakers, will take place in HCM City from October 5 to 29.

The event is entitled “Tháng Phim Đặng Nhật Minh: Bây Giờ Đã Đến Tháng Mười” (Month of Đặng Nhật Minh’s Films: October Is Here) and will offer a screening of Minh’s documentary Tháng Năm: Những Gương Mặt (The Faces of May) from 1977, which earned the director the Silver Lotus at the Việt Nam Film Festival in the same year. It was the first movie award in his career.

The programme will also feature eight movies Thị Xã Trong Tầm Tay (The Town Within Reach) in 1983, Bao Giờ Cho Đến Tháng Mười (When October Comes) in 1984, Cô Gái Trên Sông (The Girl on the River) in 1987, Trở Về (The Return) in 1994, Thương Nhớ Đồng Quê (Nostalgia for Countryside) in 1995, Hà Nội Mùa Đông Năm 46 (Hà Nội – Winter 1946) in 1997, Mùa Ổi (The Guava House) in 2000, and Hoa Nhài (Jasmine) in 2022.

Among the works, Bao Giờ Cho Đến Tháng Mười is listed as one of the 18 best Asian films of all time by CNN.

The film is a haunting portrayal of one woman’s struggle with loss and personal sacrifice during the war.

It won a Special Jury Award at the Hawaii International Film Festival in 1985, as well as a Golden Lotus award for best feature film and an award for best director at the Việt Nam Film Festival in the same year.

Meanwhile, Hoa Nhài is possibly the final film by Minh to end his glorious career.

The work depicts the lives of ordinary Hanoians during busy lives in an urban area, focusing on kindness and concern for others which always connects people and makes life meaningful.

The film premiered at the Hà Nội International Film Festival in 2022.

A meeting with director Minh will also be set up during the event.

Born in Huế in 1938, Minh began making documentaries in 1965. His first documentaries include Theo chân những người địa chất (On the Trails of Geologists) in 1965 and Hà Bắc Quê Hương (Hà Bắc – My Native Land) in 1967.

His movie Đừng Đốt (Don’t Burn) became the Vietnamese representative at the 82nd Academy Awards.

He became the first Vietnamese citizen to be awarded the Nikkei Asia Prize for Culture in 1991, and the first Vietnamese director to be honoured by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for his dedication to cinematography in 2010.

Minh also received the Award for Lifetime Achievement at the Gwangju International Film Festival in South Korea in 2005, and the Licorne d'Or d'Honneur (Golden Unicorn Award) at the 36th Amiens International Film Festival in 2016.

He was granted the Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters for his contributions to enhancing cultural understanding between Việt Nam and France by the French Ministry of Culture in 2022.

The “Tháng Phim Đặng Nhật Minh: Bây Giờ Đã Đến Tháng Mười” event is organised by Trigger Film Academy, Storii and DCINE Cinemas with support of the HCM City Department of Culture and Sports, the Việt Nam Film Institute, and the Fukuoka City Public Library.

The screening will take place at DCINE Bến Thành at 6 Mạc Đỉnh Chi Street in District 1. Information for the schedule will be uploaded at 

Coast Guard seizes 260,000 litres of smuggled diesel

Officers of Coast Guard Intelligence Division No 2 seized more than 260,000 litres of smuggled diesel oil from two offshore wooden fishing boats in the southwest coastal region of Việt Nam.

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Phan Nhân Hậu, head of the Đồng Nai Province-based Coast Guard Intelligence Division No 2 under the Việt Nam Coast Guard Command, said the unit’s working team discovered the two boats when conducting field reconnaissance.

The working team on September 22 stopped fishing boat TG 91139 TS registered in the Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta province of Tiền Giang and found 120,000 litres of diesel of unknown origin.

The boat’s captain, Nguyễn Văn Cường, 52, of the Mekong Delta province of Kiên Giang, and six crew members were on board.

On the same day, another boat, KG 96097 TS registered in Kiên Giang Province, was caught with 140,000 litres of diesel of unknown origin.

The boat’s captain, Nguyễn Tiến Lực, 55, of Kiên Giang Province, and four crew members were on board.

The two captains failed to furnish documents proving the origin of the fuel.

On September 24, the working team brought the boats ashore and handed over the cases to the Coast Guard Region No 4 Command based on Phú Quốc Island in Kiên Giang Province for further investigation.

Coast Guard Intelligence Division No 2 is tasked with monitoring the sea from Cù Lao Xanh in the central coastal province of Bình Định to Hà Tiên City in the Cửu Long (Mekong) province of Kiên Giang, including the Trường Sa (Spratly) Archipelago.

The division is also assigned to directly detect and combat violations of law, such as national security crimes, smuggling, and trade fraud at sea. 

Training course held for emergency, ICU staff in Ba Ria-Vung Tau

A clinical care training for severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) and a number of common diseases was held in Vung Tau city in the southern province of Ba Ria-Vung Tau for health workers at emergency department, intensive care units (ICU) and poison control department of local clinics with the support of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

Addressing the court, Doctor Tran Ngoc Trieu, Vice Director of Ba Ria-Vung Tau’s Department of Health underlined the significance of the course in enhancing the trainees’ capacity in clinical management of infectious emergency cases, especially SARI, in the context where the province is facing many infectious diseases and provincial hospitals are always overload.

Doctor Vu Quang Hieu, WHO Representative in Vietnam, said that in the past 10 years, many SARI courses have been held by the WHO and USAID for health workers at emergency, ICU, poison control and medical examination departments.

During COVID-19 pandemic, the trained medical workers made important contributions to improving the health of COVID-19 patients, he noted.

Doctor Hieu said that after COVID-19 pandemic, emergency, ICU and infection control departments of hospitals have faced fluctuation and shortage of personnel.

Such course is expected to help deal with difficulties in emergency and ICU staff in localities in both immediate and long terms, he said.

The course will take place until September 27 with the participation of leading experts from major hospitals across the country.

Vietnam and Cambodia hold joint naval patrol in historical waters

The Vietnam People’s Navy and the Royal Cambodian Navy conducted their 72nd joint patrol in the historical waters of the two countries on September 25-26.

The operation was joined by Vessel 263 of the Vietnam People’s Navy’s Naval Region 5, and Vessel 1142 of Ream Naval Base of the Royal Cambodia Navy.

The two sides performed saluting ceremony called Hello ASEAN - a saluting ceremony at sea between naval ships of ASEAN member states, exchanged information, and exercised hand-flag and signal lamp in line with international code of signals.

Colonel Trinh Xuan Tung, Deputy Commander, Chief of Staff of Naval Region 5, said despite strong waves and winds, the two navies had completed the entire joint patrol as planned, ensuring absolute safety, thanks to good preparations and close coordination.

The joint patrol aims to maintain security and order in the historic waters of Vietnam - Cambodia, creating conditions for people of the two countries to develop the marine economy while developing cooperative relationships, and increasing mutual understanding, trust and assistance between the two navies.

After completing the 72nd joint patrol, Vessel 263 docked at Sihanoukville port, Preah Sihanouk province (Cambodia) to begin a goodwill visit from September 26 to 29 at the invitation of the Royal Cambodia Navy.

Top Cuban legislator visits historical landmark in Quang Tri

President of the National Assembly of People’s Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez on September 26 visited Hien Luong Bridge that spans the Ben Hai river and the Provisional Revolutionary Government area of the Republic of South Vietnam in Quang Tri province.

President of the National Assembly of People’s Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez and Vice Chairman of the National Assembly of Vietnam Tran Thanh Man visit Hien Luong Bridge in Quang Tri province of September 26.
Following French failure at the Dien Bien Pu battle in 1954, the Geneva Agreement was signed, under which a demilitarized zone on the 17th parallel, from the mouth of the Ben Hai River along the length of the river to the Vietnam-Laos border, became a temporary military line dividing Vietnam into two regions.

Hien Luong Bridge was destroyed by American bombs in 1967, and the bridge became a symbol of the division of the country into North and South. Quang Tri province later restored the bridge based on the design of the original bridge built by France in 1952 in order to preserve the special national historical relic complex.

Meeting with local officials and people, President Esteban Lazo Hernandez recalled Cuban leader Fidel Castro’s historic visit to the liberated zone in Quang Tri and his famous statement “For Vietnam, Cuba is willing to shed its blood” 50 year ago.

He affirmed that despite geographical distance, the two countries have over the past decades provided mutual support and assistance and shared happiness and joy, even in the most difficult times. He said leader Castro’s statement has become the motto of the faithful and pure relationship between Vietnam and Cuba both in the past, at present and in the future.

The President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba arrived in Hanoi on September 24, beginning a five-day official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of the Vietnamese Party and State leaders. Among activities, he is scheduled to attend a ceremony to mark 50 years of leader Fidel Castro’s trip to the liberated zone in Vietnam.

Đà Lạt celebrates 130th anniversary of its establishment

Đà Lạt, the resort city in the Tây Nguyên (Central Highlands) province of Lâm Đồng, is organising numerous cultural events by the end of this year to celebrate the 130th anniversary of its establishment (1893 – 2023).

An exhibition on the city’s history and development is opening at Lâm Viên Square’s exhibition hall until December 31.

The showcase includes hundreds of documents, news articles, photos and objects related to the city’s achievements in economics, society, and culture during the last 130 years.

The highlights of the exhibition are memorabilia of acclaimed Swiss-French Dr. Alexandre Yersin (1863-1943), who first surveyed the Lâm Viên plateau that includes Đà Lạt in 1893.

In addition, the exhibition has the participation of local businesses introducing their OCOP (One Commune One Product) products, and seedlings of local typical agricultural products.

Đặng Quang Tú, chairman of the city’s People’s Committee, said the event aimed to encourage residents and visitors to learn more about the establishment and development of Đà Lạt, as well as contribute to promoting its potential and advantages to attract investment in social-economic development.

By the end of 2023, the city will host a cultural exchange between Việt Nam and South Korea to introduce the cultural traits of both countries.

The event will feature performances of traditional music played by artisans from Đà Lạt and Korea.

A music gala to celebrate Đà Lạt will be set up as well, presenting new songs about the city which won top prizes at a music composition symposium held by the city’s People’s Committee and the Lâm Đồng Literature and Arts Association.

Đà Lạt will also host an international conference with the theme of “Du Lịch Xanh – Phát Triển Bền Vững” (Green Tourism and Sustainable Development), which is expected to attract leading tourism experts and agencies from Việt Nam and other countries.

The city, which was presented with the ASEAN Clean Tourist Award 2022, targets to welcome 6.5 million visitors, including 250,000 international tourists, by 2023.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes