Foreign tourist arrivals to Hanoi surpass yearly plan hinh anh 1

The number of tourists to the capital city of Hanoi hit 18.9 million in the first nine months of 2023, up 36.5% year-on-year, reported the municipal Department of Tourism.

Of the figure, foreign tourist arrivals reached 3.2 million, marking a four-fold increase compared to the same period of last year and surpassing this year's target of 3 million, while the number of domestic visitors rose by 20.2% year on year to 15.7 million.

Total tourism revenue was estimated at 69.3 trillion VND (2.88 billion USD), up 66.9% year-on-year.

Hanoi has consistently received high praise from international tourism organisations, ranking among the most attractive destinations in the world. On September 6, Hanoi was once again recognised as the top city destination in Asia for 2023.

Director of the Department of Tourism Dang Huong Giang said the sector has launched various types of tourism that align with the strengths of each area, such as sport tourism in outlying district of Soc Son, community-based tourism with a focus on health care in Ba Vi and Soc Son districts, and hot air balloon tourism in Tay Ho and Long Bien districts and Son Tay township.

It has improved tourism destination infrastructure, including transport connectivity between tourist destinations and the city's road network.

It is also diversifying communication methods across digital platforms to attract visitors to the city with the consistent messages "Hanoi - Come to Love" and "Hanoi - A Safe, Friendly, Quality and Attractive Tourism Destination".

VUFO President presents insignia to Lao ambassador

President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) Phan Anh Son presented an insignia "For Peace and Friendship among Nations" to Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Sengphet Houngboungnuang in honour of his contributions to strengthening and enhancing Vietnam-Laos special solidarity at a ceremony in Hanoi on September 28.

Speaking at the event, Son attributed the significant development of Vietnam-Laos ties and people-to-people exchanges over the past four years to contributions of the Lao Ambassador as well the active and effective support of the Lao Embassy in Vietnam.

He expressed his belief that in any future position, the Lao diplomat will continue making positive contributions to people-to-people diplomatic activities between Laos and Vietnam, thus further deepening the bilateral great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation.

Sengphet, for his part, pledged that when returning home, he will continue with efforts to contribute to and nurture the special and unique relationship between Vietnam and Laos.

The two countries have enjoyed fruitful cooperation in all fields over the past years. Two-way trade hit 823 million USD in the first half of 2023, up 20.6% year on year.

Last year, the two nations celebrated the Vietnam-Laos, Laos-Vietnam Solidarity and Friendship Year, the 60th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties and the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Vietnam-Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.

RoK’s National Foundation Day celebrated in Hanoi

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea (RoK) hosted a ceremony in Hanoi on September 28 evening to celebrate the 4,355th anniversary of the RoK's National Foundation Day (October 3).

In his remarks at the event, Standing Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu expressed his confidence that with their efforts and determination, the RoK Government and people will continue to successfully implement their goals, including the Global Pivotal State (GPS) vision, thereby helping to enhance the nation’s international position and promote peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world.

The diplomat stressed that the Vietnam-RoK comprehensive strategic partnership is developing strongly, practically, and comprehensively. To Vietnam, the RoK currently holds the top position in terms of foreign direct investment, 2nd place in official development assistance (ODA) cooperation and tourism, and 3rd position in trade and labour cooperation. Vietnam is a key partner of the RoK in implementing the Korea-ASEAN Solidarity Initiative (KASI) and the RoK’s Indo-Pacific Strategy.

He held that there is still large room for further development of the bilateral relationship in the coming time, given the need for economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic and major global trends such as the fourth Industrial Revolution, digital transformation, green growth, and optimisation of supply chains.

Vietnam consistently attaches importance to its relations with the RoK and is ready to collaborate closely in further developing the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership, the deputy minister affirmed.

Vietnam will continue to support the RoK in playing a greater international role and making positive contributions to maintaining peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world. 
RoK Ambassador to Vietnam Choi Youngsam emphasised that the bilateral ties will continue to grow in all areas, including key industries and digital transformation.

The ceremony featured booths showcasing products from small and medium-sized enterprises of the RoK, the tasting of RoK farm produce, traditional games, and musical performances.

Foreign Minister receives Chinese Assistant FM

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son hosted a reception for Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister and Secretary General of the Steering Committee for China – Vietnam Bilateral Cooperation Nong Rong in Hanoi on September 28.

Son spoke highly of the positive development of the Vietnam-China bilateral relations after the official visit to China by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong from October 30 to November 1, 2022. 

He affirmed that Vietnam consistently considers developing friendly neighbourly relations and the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China as a top priority in its foreign police of independence, self-reliance and multilateralisation and diversification.

The minister said he expects bilateral relations will enter a new stage of development after a 15-year fruitful journey of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, and expressed his hope that the two sides will continue to concretise high-level common perceptions, increase strategic exchanges between their leaders, strongly promote and strive to achieve more specific progress in each field of cooperation. 

To this end, the minister urged the two sides to actively speed up and coordinate to prepare for high-level contact activities in the coming time, make specific progress in areas of cooperation including trade, investment, transport connection, railway construction cooperation and projects using Chinese aid as well as coordinate to handle obstacles in a number of collaborative projects.

Agreeing with Son's opinion, the Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister affirmed that the relationship between the two Parties and two countries is developing very well. In particular, after Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong's visit to China in October 2022, high-level exchanges and contacts between the two countries take place regularly. Exchanges and cooperation between the Vietnamese National Assembly and the Vietnam Fatherland Front with the National People’s Congress of China and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference as well as between sectors and localities of both sides have achieved many positive results, he said.

Nong said that China is willing to work with Vietnam to increase high-level contacts at all levels and promote the signing of  cooperation documents in all fields.

Regarding the maritime issue, the two sides emphasised the importance of seriously implementing agreements and common perceptions of senior leaders of the two Parties and countries on maintaining peace and stability at sea.

Minister Son suggested that the two sides make efforts to well control disagreements and prevent the occurrence of complicated incidents that affect the overall relationship between the two countries and peace and stability in the region.

Hanoi acknowledges artisans’ role in intangible cultural heritage preservation

The important role of artisans in the preservation and upholding of intangible cultural heritage values in Hanoi was highlighted at a seminar held by the municipal Department of Culture and Sports on September 27.

Officials, representatives of organisations involved in cultural activities, and artisans shared the view that artisans of folk arts are holding the knowledge about and keys of the practice of intangible cultural heritage, so the preservation, teaching, creation, and promotion of heritage values depend much on them.

They also emphasised artisans’ active role in protecting and bringing into play heritage values to build up the cultural values and strength of the Vietnamese people, including Hanoians, to meet the demand for sustainable development of the country.

Tran Thi Van Anh, Deputy Director of the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports, said the city has offered financial support for the persons holding the titles of People’s Artisan and Meritorious Artisan. So far, 14 of the 18 People’s Artisans and 101 of the 113 Meritorious Artisans have received 3.59 billion VND (147,200 USD) in total support under a resolution of the municipal People’s Council.

In addition, district-level authorities have also helped with the establishment of exemplary intangible cultural heritage clubs which will be provided with 50 million VND each upon their inception and 20 million VND in annual aid for their activities.

The city has also offered financial assistance to artisans to help with the teaching of intangible cultural heritage to younger generations, she noted.

All the moves are meant to encourage artisans to continue preserving, passing down, and bringing into play heritage values, according to the official.

EU Ambassador: EU supports Vietnam’s sustainable development goals

The European Union (EU) member states all desire to be friends of Vietnam and wholeheartedly support the country's sustainable development goals, said Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation to Vietnam Julien Guerrier during his first meeting with the press since he took office in Hanoi on September 27.

Describing Vietnam as an important partner, Guerrier said the EU has developed a strategy for the Indo-Pacific region in which Vietnam holds a critically important position in terms of economy, population, and geographical location.

During his tenure, he expressed wish to fulfill the task of supporting Vietnam in its socio-economic recovery post pandemic, contributing to realising its ambitious goals of achieving high-income status by 2045 and net-zero emissions by 2050.
As Vietnam is actively promoting research and innovation, and applying sci-tech advances to its economy, he said the EU is eager to leverage its experience in research and innovation to assist Vietnam in these efforts.

This support goes beyond ideas and expertise but also involves very concrete tools, namely the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement already in effect; the Global Gateway funding mechanism, which allocates over 300 billion EUR to various countries globally, including Vietnam; the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP); the Horizon Europe funding programme with over 100 billion USD for research and innovation; and the Enhancing Security Cooperation In and With Asia (ESIWA) project, he noted.

The ambassador wished that both sides would further step up people-to-people exchanges, mutual visits and education cooperation like the upcoming Study in Europe Fair in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

Regarding the removal of the illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing warning against Vietnam’s aquatic products, he said it is an important topic that has been under discussion between both sides for several years. He commended Vietnam's efforts in actively establishing a legal framework for IUU. However, he said what is even more crucial is that the Vietnamese fishermen must rigorously follow these legal regulations.

Hoping the issue will be resolved promptly, he added that a delegation from the European Commission will visit Vietnam in October to review the situation.

About cultural and heritage exchanges, he said the annual events promoting European literature, cinema and education have been welcomed by the Vietnamese people. Vietnam is an attractive destination for European travellers, and vice versa.

According to him, many Vietnamese students and graduates have chosen Europe for their study over the past years. The EU offers the Erasmus Mundus, the largest master's and doctoral scholarship programme in Europe, and many young Vietnamese have received these scholarships. The "Study in Europe" event, scheduled for October 1 in Ho Chi Minh City and October 7 in Hanoi, will provide valuable information about life and education in Europe.

Informing the press about the upcoming European film festivals in several major Vietnamese cities, Guerrier hoped for enhanced bilateral cultural cooperation.

With rich and long-standing cultural histories, the European countries have maintained their cultural identity while undergoing modern development, he said, adding that the EU is ready to share this experience with Vietnam.

Programme to bolster Vietnam – RoK ties

A programme to promote cultural exchange and elevate the Vietnam – Republic of Korea ties to a new height will be held in the northern province of Thai Binh on December 1-2.

The “Thai Binh Homecoming Day” programme, organised by the provincial People’s Committee, also aims to boost cooperation between businesses from both sides, while creating favourable conditions for the Korean investors to study the Vietnamese market, and expand collaboration with their Vietnamese partners across the fields of economy, culture and society.

It will be held at Thai Binh Square, Hoang Dieu ward, Thai Binh city, with a series of events, including an opening ceremony, an international agricultural fair of the northern delta, an art exchange programme between universities, colleges and localities of the RoK and Thai Binh, a conference to promote trade, investment and tourism between Thai Binh and the East Asian country, a field trip to industrial parks and tourism sites in Thai Binh, and the music festival entitled "Homecoming".

Speaking at the meeting to announce the steering board and organising sub-committees on September 27, Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Khac Than said the event, the largest ever of its kind, is significant to enhance economic, trade and tourism cooperation as well as cultural exchange between Thai Binh province and its Korean partners.

He ordered the organising sub-committees to make meticulous preparation for the programme.

Hanoi, Beijing step up cooperation in various areas

Politburo member and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung voiced proposals to boost ties between the two Parties, States and capitals in the coming time during talks with his Beijing counterpart Yin Li in the Chinese capital on September 27.

Dung suggested the further exchange of visits, especially those at the highest level, in order to keep strengthening mutual understanding and trust, as well as to provide direction for the healthy and stable development of the Vietnam-China relationship.

He proposed continuing to follow common perceptions reached by the two Party leaders and the Vietnam-China Joint Statement, as well as the leaders’ directions in order to enhance bilateral substantive cooperation across various fields and encourage localities to increase friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation.

It is a need to cultivate ties between the two capitals via effectively following the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation between Hanoi and Beijing signed in 2022 and other MoUs between their units and agencies, he said, calling for increased exchanges at all levels and jointly holding activities marking the 30th anniversary of the friendship between the two capitals.

Agreeing with Dung’s proposals, Politburo member and Secretary of the Beijing Party Committee Yin Li said his visit holds significance at a time when the two countries are celebrating the 15th anniversary of comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and the 29th anniversary of twinning ties between Beijing and Hanoi.

Beijing, with its rich cultural heritage and experience in preserving and promoting cultural and historical values and urban development, especially in transportation infrastructure, construction and operation of its urban rail system consisting of 27 lines, is ready to share experience and cooperate with Hanoi in these fields, he said.

Speaking highly of the signing of the MoU on cooperation in six areas between the two capital cities, Li also agreed to deepen cooperation and enhance people-to-people exchange with Hanoi, thus nurturing a solid people-based friendship foundation.

Later, the two city leaders witnessed the signing of six memoranda of understanding on cooperation in specialised fields, including personnel training, urban planning, health care, heritage preservation, sports, film and youth exchange.

Vietnamese, Chinese foreign ministries intensify cooperation

Permanent Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Secretary General of the Steering Committee for Vietnam – China Bilateral Cooperation Nguyen Minh Vu held talks with Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister and Secretary General of the Steering Committee for China – Vietnam Bilateral Cooperation Nong Rong in Hanoi on September 27.

At the event, both sides spoke highly of the positive development of the Vietnam – China ties, especially after the official visit to China by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong from October 30 to November 1, 2022.

They agreed to continue fully carrying out the perceptions reached by high-level leaders of both nations, make meticulous preparation for the 15th meeting of the Steering Committee for Vietnam - China bilateral coopeation, and promote collaboration into a more practical fashion, with new advancement expected to be attained.

Vu suggested both sides join hands to organise exchange and contacts at all levels, while urging China to expand the import of Vietnamese agro-aquatic products, announce the market opening for certain Vietnamese fruits soon, as well as allow the opening of Vietnam's trade promotion offices in China.

Both nations should work together to accelerate transport infrastructure connectivity, handle bottlenecks in several projects, and speed up the implementation of the projects using non-refundable aid, he said, adding tourism cooperation, with the pilot opening of Ban Gioc – Detian Waterfalls as the highlight, should be promoted.

Nong Rong, for his part, affirmed that China attaches importance to cooperation recommendations from Vietnam, and stands ready to coordinate with Vietnam to enhance high-level exchanges, restore exchange and cooperation mechanisms as before COVID-19, and bolster cooperation across fields in the more specific and practical manner.

Touching on the territory and border issues, both sides concurred to strictly implement the perceptions reached by high-level leaders of the two countries, well control disagreements, and maintain peace and stability at the sea.

Vu asked both nations to comply with international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), fully carry out the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), respect legitimate rights and interests of each other, and avoid unilateral actions that complicate the situation and expand disputes.

Five northern buffed-cheeked gibbons released into Ta Dung national park

The Ta Dung National Park in the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong, in collaboration with the Binh Duong Forest Ranger Department and the Wildlife At Risk (WAR) organisation, released five northern buffed-cheeked gibbons (scientifically known as Nomascus annamensis) back into their natural habitat on September 27.

Among them, one was voluntarily handed over by a local resident while the other four were seized by the department in cases related to illegal wildlife captivity and transportation. All of them were in good health, with a total weight of over 20 kg, and were deemed fit for the release.

Nomascus annamensis is listed as an endangered species in the Government’s Decree 84/2021/ND-CP on amending and supplementing a number of articles in Decree 06/2019/ND-CP on management of rare and threatened wild fauna and flora and implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

The Ta Dung National Park covers a total natural area of nearly 21,000 ha and is designated as a special-use forest.

At present, it is home to over 1,400 plant species, with 89 endangered ones, 59 of which are listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book. It also hosts around 650 animal species, including 70 rare and endangered species, with 61 of them in the Vietnam Red Data Book.

“Princess Anio” opera premiers in Hung Yen

The “Princess Anio” opera, which recounts a 17th century love story between a Vietnamese princess and Japanese merchant premiered in the northern mountainous province of Hung Yen on September 27.

The special performance aims to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan (1973-2023).

The opera is based on a real story of the love between Japanese merchant Araki Sotaro and Princess Ngoc Hoa (called Princess Anio by Japanese) in Vietnam's Hoi An during the trading era of the Shuinsen in the early 17th century.

Princess Ngoc Hoa was the daughter of Lord Nguyen Phuc Nguyen, who reigned from 1613 to 1635.  In the early 17th century, Araki went to Hoi An to trade and met the princess. They fell in love and got married. In 1620, he took her to Nagasaki, where locals loved her for her beautiful appearance and gentle character.

Today, locals still stage a palanquin procession ceremony to welcome Princess Anio at Nagasaki Kunchi Festival.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Nguyen Huu Nghia emphasised that Hung Yen has organised several practical activities to mark the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic relations and the opera represents the special bond and long-standing relations in economic, commercial and cultural exchanges between Vietnam and Japan.

Over the past years, the province has stepped up foreign investment attraction and created favourable conditions to lure investors investing in the locality, including those from Japan.

So far, Hung Yen has lured 516 active foreign direct investment (FDI) projects with a total registered investment of about 6.3 billion USD. Japan ranks first in the number of projects with 173 with a total capital of more than 4 billion USD.

Currently, 169 FDI projects of Japanese investors have been put into operation with a total investment capital of about 3.26 billion USD, creating jobs for about 45,000 labourers.

PM presides over Government’s September law-making session

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on September 28 chaired a monthly Government law-making session to discuss a proposal on drafting the Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives and Supporting Tools.

Participants looked into a proposal on building the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Advertising, the issuance of documents detailing and guiding the implementation of laws, ordinances, and resolutions of the National Assembly (NA) and the NA Standing Committee that have taken effect.

In his opening remarks, PM Chinh said that in the first nine months of this year, the Government has focused on implementing three strategic breakthroughs, including institution building and perfection.

Therefore, the Government has spent a lot of time and resources, and applied innovations to promote the work of building and perfecting laws, remove difficulties and obstacles, and unclog all resources for rapid and sustainable development.  

He requested participants to thoroughly discuss important contents raised at this session to ensure its progress and quality.

Vietnam, Chile eye stronger friendship, cooperation

A delegation of the Vietnamese National Assembly led by its Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong paid a working visit to Chile from September 23 – 27.

During his stay in Chile, NA Vice Chairman Phuong held talks with President of the Senate of Chile Juan Antonio Coloma, Vice President of the House of Representatives Daniella Cicardini, and met with President of the Communist Party of Chile Lautaro Carmona. He had working sessions with other officials from the House of Representatives, the Chilean Navy, and the Chile – Vietnam Friendship Parliamentary Group.

At the meetings, Phuong congratulated the government and people of Chile on the achievements across all economic, political, and social fields they have attained under the leadership of the ruling left-wing coalition.

He thanked the Chilean people and progressive, left-wing forces in the Latin American nation for their solidarity and support for Vietnam in its struggle for national independence and re-unification in the past and national construction and development today, while affirming that the Vietnamese NA will continue to support the Government in strengthening friendship and cooperation with Chile.

He expressed his joy at the fruitful development of the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Chile, saying that the two countries share many common values and actively participate in, enhance cooperation, and support each other at international, multilateral and bilateral forums.

Phuong briefed the hosts on Vietnam’s socio-economic development and the great achievements of the Doi moi (renewal) process initiated and led by the Communist Party of Vietnam over nearly 40 years, affirming that Vietnam always attaches importance to relations with Chile and wishes to promote the bilateral relations in all channels of the government, parliament and people-to-people exchange.

 The Vietnamese delegation visits the grave of late President Salvador Allende in Santiago (Photo: VNA) 

He proposed the two countries’ legislative bodies to promote the exchange of delegations at all levels, continue to uphold their role in strengthening bilateral relations, further enhance the role of the parliamentary friendship groups between the two countries, step up exchanges between parliamentarians, and enhance understanding of the two countries' people about the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Chile.

For their part, leaders of the Chilean bicameral legislature, and President of the Communist Party of Chile expressed their belief that the Vietnamese delegation’s ongoing visit will contribute to further promoting the friendship and cooperation between the party, state, parliament, government, and people of the two nations.

The two sides emphasised their determination to further strengthen the relationship between the legislative bodies of Vietnam and Chile through, exchange of law-making experience in areas of mutual interest, and coordination at international inter-parliamentary forums, close cooperation between the friendship parliamentary groups, thus contributing to strengthening the bilateral relations.

On the occasion, the Vietnamese delegation laid a wreath in tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his statue in the park named after him in Cerro Navia, Santiago, and visited the graves of late President Salvador Allende and revolutionary artist Victor Jara - a great friend of the Vietnamese people.

Following the Chile visit, the delegation will pay a working visit to Mexico.

France hails Vietnam’s nomination for WHO’s regional director

Associate Professor Dr. Tran Thi Giang Huong, a candidate for the position of WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific for the term 2024-2029, came to Paris on September 26 to discuss with French authorities about her candidacy.

The French authorities spoke highly of Vietnam’s achievement in the fight against COVID-19, its proactive role in the multilateral organisations, as well as the initiative to organise the International Day for Epidemic Preparedness (December 27).

Hailing Vietnam’s nomination for the position, they affirmed they will continue coordination with Vietnam at the multilateral forums and international organisations to promote the potential of each nation in the fields of their strengths, especially public health care.

Earlier, Vietnamese Minister of Health Dao Hong Lan officially sent a letter to the WHO Director General, nominating Huong for the position. This is the first time Vietnam has had  a candidate for this important position at the WHO.

Huong, born in 1968, is an expert in public health and global health with more than 32 years of experience, holding many important positions in the health sector such as Director of the Health Ministry’s International Cooperation Department, head of ASEAN Senior Officials' Meeting on Health Development (SOMHD) in the 2014-2016 term, Chair of APEC Health Working Group (2011-2012 and 2017-2018), Alternate Member of the WHO Executive Board, World Health Assembly (2016-2019). From July 2019 to now, Huong is Director of the Disease Control Programmes of the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific.    

The doctor has made important and effective contributions to the cause of public health care and international integration of Vietnam’s health sector, enhancing the role and position of the health sector in the region and in the world.

As Director of the Disease Control Programmes of the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Huong has made important contributions to the prevention and control of COVID-19, infectious and non-communicable diseases, the improvement of mental health and the elimination of malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion and neglected tropical diseases. She also contributed to the implementation of the expanded immunisation programme and many other public health programmes.

According to WHO regulations, the candidates will conduct consultations with member states and then secret voting will be held to nominate the next Regional Director in a closed meeting during the 74th session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific scheduled for October 16-20 this year in Manila, the Philippines.

Huong is one of the five candidates for the posistion. The others are Dr Song Li, nominated by China; Dr Susan Mercado from the Philippines; Dr Jimmie Rodgers, proposed by Solomon Islands; and Saia Ma’u Piukala from Tonga.

Top Cuban legislator wraps up Vietnam visit

President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez left Hanoi on September 28, concluding his visit to Vietnam and his attendance at a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of Cuban leader Fidel Castro’s visit to the liberated area in South Vietnam.

During his stay in Vietnam, Esteban Lazo Hernandez paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his Mausoleum, paid a courtesy visit to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, and met with President Vo Van Thuong and National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

He also visited the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Hospital in Quang Binh province, and several historical relic sites and a photo exhibition held by the Vietnam News Agency and Cuban news agency Prensa Latina, in Quang Tri province.

Vietnam provides best possible conditions for foreign NGOs: official

The Government has strongly ordered ministries, sectors, and localities to provide the best possible conditions for foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to operate effectively and stably, Deputy Foreign Minister Ha Kim Ngoc affirmed at a conference on September 28.

The conference, held in Hue city by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and the Thua Thien - Hue provincial People’s Committee, focused on the implementation of the Government’s Decree No 58/2022/ND-CP, dated August 31, 2022, on the registration and management of foreign NGOs in Vietnam.

It was attended by over 200 representatives from ministries, central agencies, localities, and foreign NGOs in Vietnam.

Addressing the event, Deputy Minister Ngoc, who is also head of the working committee on foreign NGOs, said foreign NGO affairs form an important part of Vietnam’s development and external relations. The Party and Government have paid attention to and carried out the foreign NGO-related works early to perfect legal regulations and policies in the field.

The issuance of Decree No 58 was part of the efforts, he noted.

Since the issuance, various activities have been carried out to disseminate and implement Decree No 58, he went on, adding that the conference was the first held by the MoFA to enforce the decree.

At the event, representatives of the MoFA, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, and the State Bank of Vietnam provided details about Decree No 58 and guidance in enforcement. They also gave information about the security and order management over foreign NGOs, the management and use of assistance from foreign NGOs, and banking and micro-financial management.

Officials and foreign NGOs also straightforwardly shared opinions about registration procedures, the approval of foreign NGOs’ programmes and projects, personnel recruitment of the organisations, among others.

Present in Vietnam for over 60 years, foreign NGOs have substantially assisted with the country’s development, helping resolve community issues, improve people’s material and spiritual lives, and boost domestic socio-economic development. They are also considered ambassadors helping popularise images of Vietnam to the world and enhance the country’s cooperation, friendship, understanding, and trust with others around the globe.

PM orders prompt measures to deal with flood consequences

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has sent a dispatch to ministries, agencies and localities affected by torrential rains and flooding, asking them to focus on responding to and dealing with flood consequences.

The dispatch clarified that since September 25, due to the impact from a low depression, many northern and north-central localities have suffered torrential rains which were measured at 500mm in some places, causing floods and landslides, blocking streets and disrupting production and daily activities of locals, especially in Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh and Quang Binh province.

Torrential rains are forecast to continue in coming days, posing high risks of flash floods and landslides in mountainous areas.

In order to ensure safety for people’s life and property, PM Chinh asked the National Steering Committee on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control and the National Committee for Incident and Disaster Response, Search and Rescue as well as leaders of ministries, ministry-level agencies and heads of the People’s Committees of provinces to focus on promptly settle flood consequences.

Heads of the People’s Committees of affected localities were requested to evacuate people in areas with high risks of flash flood and landslides, while providing affected households with food and necessities, making sure that no one face food shortage.

The Government leader ordered urgent measures to ensure safety for people in travelling through areas with a risk of landslides, and protect the safety of works under construction, dams and reservoirs, while standing ready to roll out search and rescue activities.

The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment was requested to give timely alerts of rains, landslides and flash flood, while the Minister of Transport was asked to ensure traffic safety in areas affected by flooding as well as smooth travelling activities in major transport routes.

At the same time, the ministers of Agriculture and Rural Development, Industry and Trade, and Health were asked to coordinate with localities to protect the safety of dams, reservoirs as well as environmental sanitation, supporting affected households in resuming production and stablising after the disasters, avoiding the outbreak of epidemics.

The National Committee for Incident and Disaster Response, Search and Rescue, as well as the Ministry of Natural Defence and Public Security were directed to work closely together and with affected localities to roll out search and rescue activities in a timely and effective manner.

Meanwhile, the National Steering Committee on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control was demanded to keep a close eye on the situation and remind localities to implement natural disaster prevention and control and consequence fixing activities, minimising losses from the disaster.

According to National Steering Committee on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, as of 8am on September 28, torrential rains and thunder killed a local in Trieu Phong district of Quang Tri province, injuring seven people and leaving one missing. Two houses in Nghe An were totally destroyed, while 279 others were damaged. Many roads were also damaged. The disasters also killed 2,388 cattle and poultry, while floods swept away three fish cages and affected 2,000 fruit trees.

Vietnam looks towards ASCC goals for the 2021-2025 period

The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) held a national conference in Ho Chi Minh City on September 28 to discuss the implementation of a project on building and implementing an action plan to realise goals of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) until 2025 (Project 161), in both in-person and online format.

The annual event brought together the ASEAN Secretariat in Indonesia, the MoLISA, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Government Office, and various ministries and agencies within the ASCC in Vietnam, along with leaders from southern cities and provinces.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Nguyen Thi Ha said during 2021-2022, the MoLISA worked closely with ministries, agencies and localities to complete the action plan to carry out the Project 161, with the majority of the goals outlined in the ASCC being incorporated in the five-year and ten-year development plans of each ministry, sector, and locality.

However, the implementation is yet to meet schedule during 2021-2023 due to COVID-19, the lack of resources and knowledge about ASEAN and integration, she admitted.

She said the event should share knowledge about integration issues in general and integration in specific interdisciplinary fields such as labour, social affairs, environment, the connection between economic integration and social issues in the new context and the linkages between national, regional, and global integration, so as to raise awareness of officials at the central and local levels.

From Jakarta, Benjamin Loh of the ASEAN Secretariat shared insights online about ASEAN and the priorities of the ASCC for 2021-2025. During his presentation, he highlighted the implementation of the ASCC 2025 Master Plan, preparation of documents on ASCC's post-2025 orientations, and the priorities and documents of the ASCC during Indonesia's ASEAN Chairmanship Year 2023.

Delegates at the event agreed with a proposal to prioritise the allocation of resources, human capital, and financial support towards enhancing communication efforts about the Project 161 and general ASEAN cooperation during the upcoming implementation.

They also learned about the status of ASEAN cooperation in each specialised field and the emerging issues related to national priorities.

Eco-friendly materials to become popular trend in construction sector

The Ministry of Construction in coordination with Vietnam Institute for Building Materials (VIBM) organised a seminar on the new trend of using green, energy-saving and eco-friendly materials on September 28.

This is part of the Vietnam Green Building Week 2023 which attracted many leading experts and delegates in the industry, focusing on developing green and eco-friendly materials in the construction sector.

According to Le Trung Thanh, VIBM’s director, Vietnam is promoting the development of green, energy-saving and eco-friendly materials.

More than 300 green buildings have so far been built in the country and about 70 new ones will be added in 2023 alone. However, he said that the development of this type of building still faces many difficulties.

To have green and environmentally-friendly materials, investment and effort in technology research and development is a must, Thanh said, adding that a suitable process is needed to evaluate these materials to make sure they meet the requirements. Thus, there should be close cooperation between universities, research institutes and businesses to ensure continuous development in green materials and green technology fields.

Meanwhile, Hoang Thanh Vinh from United Nations Development Programme Vietnam said that as Vietnam is moving towards a circular and sustainable economy, using green and environmentally-friendly materials helps reduce negative impacts on the environment, creates business opportunities, and promotes sustainable development.

Solutions for dealing with plastic waste and eliminating toxic substances in construction are among them, he went on.

At the seminar, Viglacera Corporation JSC, Vietnam's leading supplier of building materials, introduced sintered stone, a product with environmentally- friendly advantages. For investors, this is a highly aesthetic product that optimises costs for maintenance while bringing safety and fire resistance to consumers.

Hanoi leader meets with China’s top political advisor

Dinh Tien Dung, Politburo member and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee paid a courtesy call to Wang Huning, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee and Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), in Beijing on September 28.

Dung informed his host on the aims of his delegation’s visit to China, which are to further concretise and implement the shared understanding between the top leaders of the two countries and parties reached during General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Nguyen Phu Trong’s official trip to China last year, and to carry out the cooperation agreements signed between Hanoi and Beijing.

To further strengthen and deepen the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, the Hanoi leader proposed enhancing high-level exchanges and contacts to promote political trust, increasing friendly exchanges among their central-level Party units and cooperating in theoretical and practical research on Party building and governance of the country.    
Dung suggested that both sides actively exchange ideas and seek measures to promote economic, trade, and investment relations in a balanced and sustainable manner, and explore new cooperation areas that align with their strengths and needs such as digital transformation, green transition, clean energy, environmental protection, and climate change response.    

It is also necessary to intensify people-to-people exchanges and provide stronger support for comprehensive collaboration between Hanoi and China’s Beijing, Guangdong province, and Guangzhou city in personnel training, trade-investment, healthcare, science-technology, education, and urban management and development, he added.

Wang acknowledged significant progress in bilateral cooperation, bringing about tangible benefits to the two peoples and contributing to peace and stability regionally and globally.

For further growth of the relations, Wang recommended enhancing strategic exchanges and political trust between the nations and cooperation between their parties, particularly in delegation and experience exchanges and personnel training. He expressed his full support for collaboration and exchanges between the nations’ local-level Party agencies, including those of Hanoi and Beijing.

The official lauded the Communist Party of Vietnam's new theoretical achievements and stressed the readiness of the Communist Party of China to share its new theoretical achievements after the 20th National Party Congress. He hoped that Vietnam and China will promote connections in development strategies and cooperation in areas where both sides have needs, such as digital economy and green development.

Session talks women, peace, security in UN peacekeeping operations

The Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations (VDPO), in coordination with the Defence Attaché Office of the Australian Embassy in Vietnam, held an experience-sharing session on the topic of women, peace and security in the United Nations peacekeeping operations, both in in-person and online formats on September 28.

It was the fourth event of its kind, following those held in 2019, 2020 and 2022.

The activity aimed to contribute to raising awareness about gender issue and the promotion of the United Nations Security Council's Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda.

In his opening speech, VDPO Deputy Director Sen. Lieut. Col. Pham Tan Phong said the WPS agenda established a clear path for women's participation and leadership role in preventing conflicts and promoting long-term global peace and stability.

Furthermore, women's right to self-determination, their voices and capabilities as well as their awareness of gender issues, play a crucial role in grassroots dialogues, policy-making process and peace agreements, he said.

Highlighting the invaluable role of women in joining and conducting the United Nations peacekeeping activities at missions, Australian Defence Attaché in Vietnam Col. Michael Jansen expressed pride in the fruitful cooperation between Australia and Vietnam in the field of peacekeeping in general and in WPS in particular.

According to the officer, international experience has shown that women play a crucial and meaningful role, contributing to balance and equality in peace activities and processes.

Delegates at the event looked into the role of men in promoting WPS, encouraging the effective participation of female peacekeepers in the UN peacekeeping missions; the current situation, difficulties and gender biases faced by female peacekeepers; solutions for close collaboration between men and women at both policy and operational levels, and lessons learned from the WPS implementation.

NA Standing Committee concludes 26th session

The National Assembly Standing Committee concluded its 26th session on September 28.

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said the committee has completed all tasks in the session’s working programme, with a focus on preparations for the 6th sitting of the 15th NA.

At the session, the committee gave opinions on seven draft laws and two draft resolutions. Among them, two draft laws will be presented to the NA’s 6th session for approval, namely the revised land law and the revised law on credit organisations.

The committee also scrutinized reports of the NA’s supervision team on the implementation of the NA’s resolutions on three national target programmes on new-style rural area building for 2021-2025, poverty reduction for 2021-2025, and socio-economic development in ethnic minority regions for 2021-2030.

The committee considered a number of reports and proposals to be submitted to the NA at the 6th session, which will open in three weeks.

The NA Standing Committee will convene again in October to consider preparations for the NA’s 6th session.

Swimmer Huy Hoang wins ASIAD medal, 2024 Olympics ticket

Vietnamese swimmer Nguyen Huy Hoang has earned a ticket to the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, France, after taking a bronze in the men’s 800m freestyle at the ongoing 19th Asian Games (ASIAD) in Hangzhou, China. 
Hoang reached the finish line after 7’51”44 or 0”21 fewer than standards for the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Kim Woo-min of the Republic of Korea won gold, clocking 7’46””03, while Fei Liwei of China finished second after 7’49”90.

“This is not my best performance, but the important thing is that I have won a medal. Today I performed better than I did yesterday….The Asian Games takes place every four years, and I am very happy with today’s achievement,” said Hoang.

On September 26, Hoang missed a medal in the men’s 1500m freestyle – his preferred class. The 23-year-old swimmer regretted that he was under psychological pressure and could not achieve his best results.

The same day saw gymnast Nguyen Khanh Phong got a silver medal in the men’s rings. Phong finished his competition, scoring 14.600 points, or 0.833 points fewer than winner Lan Xing of China, and 0.300 points more than third placed Tanigawa Wataru of Japan.

In the morning, marksman Pham Quang Huy brought home the first gold medal for Vietnam in the men’s individual 10m air pistol. Huy and two other teammates – Lai Cong Minh and Phan Cong Minh – also snatched a bronze medal in the men’s team 10m air pistol.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes