Authorities in the central city of Danang have prepared 280 smart wristbands to monitor and track those in direct contact with confirmed Covid cases that are undergoing home isolation, which will start from September 3.

The Danang Department of Information and Communications said that it will provide these smart wristbands to the city’s Department of Health, which will pass them on to local medical centers to monitor those in close contact with Covid patients.

After putting the wristbands into use on a trial basis, G-Innovation Company made some adjustments to improve the accuracy and convenience of the wearable device, according to the Department of Information and Communications.

The department suggested that local medical centers should check and ensure the wristbands are activated and fully charged before handing them over to the direct contacts of confirmed cases. The device must be disinfected after use and returned to the two departments to be checked and given to the next person undergoing home quarantine.

Users who have any queries about the device should contact the Department of Information and Communications for support, aimed at ensuring all of them use the device effectively.

The Information and Communications Department added that direct contacts of confirmed cases can use the Danang Smart City app to make periodic health declarations. The department has added features to the app to help monitor the direct contacts.

The new features allow the competent forces to monitor the health declarations of those undergoing home quarantine and regularly update their locations and to check their compliance with home quarantine requirements by sending a text or Zalo message requesting them to provide their photos and current locations via smartphones.

The Information and Communications Department requested the Health Department, the Danang Center for Disease Control and the local authorities to ask the direct contacts undergoing home isolation to wear the wristband and use the app concurrently.

Further, the department added that probable Covid cases in the city can declare their health status in three ways: the Danang 1022 Call Center on the Zalo platform, the Danang Smart City app, and the website at

Binh Duong, Dong Nai face shortage of Covid vaccine, medical workers

Binh Duong and Dong Nai provinces have asked the Government to dispatch more medical workers and allocate more Covid-19 vaccine doses to them to bring the pandemic under control as soon as possible.

The two provinces are mobilizing anti-virus forces to conduct mass Covid-19 testing and vaccination and lock down areas with new outbreaks of Covid-19 cases, while several field hospitals for Covid-19 treatment are being set up.

Over the past few days, Binh Duong Province has seen a surge in the daily Covid-19 infections. The province has reported over 110,000 Covid-19 cases in the ongoing fourth wave of the pandemic, which began in late April.

The province is mapping out a plan to respond to a scenario in which the number of cases hits 150,000, and has targeted to bring Covid-19 under control before September 15.

To realize the target, the province is closely monitoring infection clusters, conducting a vaccination drive, isolating Covid-19 cases from the community and building more Covid-19 treatment facilities. The province has a total of 25 field hospitals with 20,000 beds.

However, Binh Duong Province is facing a severe shortage of doctors and nurses and medical equipment, so it proposes the Government send more medical workers to join its Covid-19 fight and allocate more vaccine to the province to inoculate two million residents in extremely high-risk areas, said Nguyen Van Loi, secretary of the Binh Duong Province Party Committee.

Besides, the province also asked the Ministry of National Defense for help with medical workers and equipment.

Over 942,110 doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been administered to people in the province.

Elsewhere, Nguyen Hong Linh, secretary of the Dong Nai Province Party Committee, told an online anti-virus meeting on August 31 that the province would continue to propose the Government allocate more Covid-19 vaccine so that the province can achieve herd immunity at the earliest possibility.

Dong Nai Province has reported over 23,700 Covid-19 infections in the latest coronavirus wave.

The province targets to isolate positive Covid-19 cases from the community by September 5 alongside vaccinating residents, Phap Luat Online reported.

Binh Duong begins injecting 1 million Vero Cell vaccine doses

Binh Duong begins injecting 1 million Vero Cell vaccine doses hinh anh 1

Binh Duong begins injecting 1 million Vero Cell vaccine doses.



The locality is trying to speed up the vaccination with a goal of fully inoculating 2.6 million residents against the coronavirus to reach herd community and return to the new normal situation as soon as possible.

As of September 2, Binh Duong has been allocated with 2 million doses of vaccines of all kinds.

Binh Duong has to date recorded over 118,000 COVID-19 infections and more than 930 fatalities./.

Peacekeepers make poster to celebrate National Day from South Sudan

The Communist Youth Union of Việt Nam’s Level 2 Field Hospital in South Sudan has completed a poster made of recycled waste to celebrate the 76th anniversary of National Day (September 2).

Members of the union who are serving as peacekeepers in the African country finished the poster after 10 days with the aim to encourage and strengthen the solidarity of the Việt Nam People's Army and people to win the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report from the hospital's youth union. 

The poster aims to encourage all staff and officials of the Vietnamese peacekeeping force who are working and serving at Việt Nam’s Level 2 Field Hospital for the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in South Sudan, the report said.

Inspired by Doctor Tống Vân Anh, Secretary of the Youth Union of Level 2 Field Hospital No 3, the union members spent a lot of time collecting beer cans and soft drinks bottles of different colours to make the work.

To start the painting, the members sketched the details on paper and then put them on the cans to cut, assemble and shape.

They said it was not easy because each piece required meticulousness and ingenuity.

The poster symbolises the spirit and strength of the young generation today while performing their tasks overseas.

The image is of military medical and logistics forces in peacekeeping uniforms carrying out their mission entrusted by the Fatherland and the United Nations.

Behind them is the image of a red flag with a yellow star with the picture of late President Hồ Chí Minh.

Major General Hòang Kim Phụng, Director of the Việt Nam Peacekeeping Department, suggested to the members of the Level 2 Field Hospital No 3 to include President Hồ Chí Minh's message “Hữu nghị và hòa bình giữa nhân dân toàn thế giới” (Friendship and peace among people all over the world) on the poster.

The aspiration of "peace for people all over the world" is also the guideline for activities of the Level 2 Field Hospital No 3 in South Sudan, the union said.

Promoting the tradition and achievements of the field hospitals that have served there before, the youth of Level 2 Field Hospital No 3 is always determined to "practise virtue, practise talent", perform their assigned tasks, contributing to bringing a peaceful life for local people, according to the report. 

Ministry tells HCM City, provinces to accelerate COVID vaccination

The Ministry of Health has urged HCM City and its neighbouring provinces of Long An, Đồng Nai and Bình Dương to speed up COVID-19 vaccination.

On Wednesday it also asked them to soon report on the vaccination progress, the ratio of vaccines they have used from their allocations, and the plans for the remaining doses.

It would be used to supply the next batches of vaccines, it said.

It said HCM City has been allotted 9.11 million doses, Bình Dương with 2.37 million and Long An with 1.65 million to ensure everyone aged 18 and above is vaccinated with one shot.

Đồng Nai has been allocated nearly 1.8 million doses to provide 80 per cent of the target population with one shot.

To speed up the task, the ministry wanted provinces to both set up fixed and mobile vaccination facilities.

It said so far over 20.2 million shots have been given nation-wide, including two to almost three million people.

Việt Nam has received more than 29 million doses from various sources, including 19 million of the AstraZeneca vaccine, five million of Moderna, three million  of Pfizer, 2.5 million of Sinopharm, and 12,000 of Sputnik V.

Vietnam, Slovenia boost economic cooperation, COVID-19 response

Newly-accredited Vietnamese ambassador to Slovenia Nguyen Trung Kien recently presented his credentials to President Borut Pahor and held working sessions with several agencies of Slovenia to strengthen bilateral cooperation, especially in economic development and COVID-19 response.

During a meeting with President Borut Pahor after the credentials prevention ceremony, Ambassador Kien conveyed President Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s regards to President Pahor and expressed his honor to undertake a new mission in Slovenia.

Talking about similarities both Vietnam and Slovenia have in the past struggle for national independence and in economic development at present, Ambassador Kien expressed his belief that the two countries will continue to promote cooperation to jointly address international issues of common concerns, especially the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Borut Pahor welcomed Ambassador Kien to take up his mission in Slovenia and wished that the diplomat would continue to foster friendly relations between the two countries.

He highlighted the important role of multilateral cooperation mechanisms in solving global problems, and congratulated Vietnam on successfully assuming its role as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in 2020-2021.

Vietnam and Slovenia should strengthen coordination and cooperation within international frameworks and institutions, especially in the context of global challenges, he said.

While meeting with Igor Zorčič, Speaker of the National Assembly and Bojan Kekec, Chairman of the National Council Foreign Relations Committee, Ambassador Kien presented his hosts a letter on COVID-19 in Vietnam from National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and asked for Slovenia’s support in the domain.

He also suggested that the Slovenian National Assembly support and soon ratify the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), creating a complete legal framework for trade and investment cooperation between the two sides.

Ambassador Kien also visited and held working sessions with officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.

The Ambassador suggested that Slovenia assist Vietnam with vaccine access to cope with the COVID-19 outbreak, and in its capacity as rotating EU President lobby the EU for removing the yellow card mechanism for Vietnamese seafood.

Both sides agreed that Vietnam and Slovenia have great potential for increasing economic and trade cooperation; especially in the areas of their strengths such as high-quality agriculture, logistics and tourism.

Health ministry urges the establishment of a national ICU for Covid-19 treatment

The Ministry of Health has just urged the Hanoi-based Bach Mai and Vietnam-Germany hospitals to set up a national Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for Covid-19 treatment in Ha Nam Province. 

Associate Professor Luong Ngoc Khue, head of the Department of Medical Examination and Treatment under the Ministry of Health on September 1 sent urgent documents to hospitals in Hanoi asking for their preparation of ICUs to treat serious Covid-19 patients in the area.

The move aims to enhance the city's capacity of Covid-19 treatment and reduce fatality rate amid the rising number of infections in the area.

Local hospitals have been asked to spare at least 40 percent of beds for treating Covid-19 patients.

The ministry has also asked Bach Mai and Vietnam-Germany hospitals to draft immediate plans for a national ICU in Ha Nam Province which would receive serious Covid-19 patients in the northern region.

On September 1, a 500-bed hospital was put into operation in Hanoi's Hoang Mai District to provide treatment for severe and critical Covid-19 patients in Hanoi and northern localities. The hospital plans to mobilise about 1,000 medical workers, including 272 doctors and 680 nurses.

As of September 2, the capital city has recorded 3,332 Covid-19 infections since the new outbreak started in late April. The city has continued to report new infections in the community despite strict social distancing rules having been imposed for over a month.

Vietnamese Ambassador’s writing featured on Thai printed newspaper

Thailand’s leading English-language printed newspaper Bangkok Post on September 2 published an interview with Vietnamese Ambassador Phan Chi Thanh on the occasion of Vietnam’s 76th National Day.

In the article titled “Vietnam in 76 years of Independence”, the diplomat underscored the country’s achievements after the landslide victory of the August Revolution which brought about the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on September 2, 1945.

In these 76 years, the story of Vietnam has been impressive to the world, from the triumphs over the wars of resistance to the success of the “Doi moi” (Renewal) process, which make the country today become a strong, democratic and open nation, as well as amongst the fastest growing economies in the world.

He emphasised the transformation from a centralised backward agricultural economy facing constant food shortages to the world’s leading exporter of agricultural products able to ensure food security for a population of more than 97 million, calling it one of Vietnam’s greatest achievements.

At present, Vietnam is among the 40 largest economies in the world and the fourth in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Thanh said.

Per-capita income has increased 17-fold to more than 3,500 USD since 2008, leveling Vietnam to the group of middle-income countries.

Vietnam is among the world’s fastest-developing countries in information technology, with 70 percent of its population having access to the internet.

The United Nations has classified Vietnam as one of the countries reaching the Millennium Development Goals. In 2019, Vietnam’s Human Development Index (HDI) hit 0.704, which was a commendable accomplishment compared to countries with a similar level of development.

Thanh went on to say that Vietnam has advocated the model of market economy with socialist orientation since the start of the Doi moi process in 1986, which equally combines both economic and social development targets and policies. Poverty reduction is a key achievement of independent Vietnam.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Vietnamese Government has provided social support programmes to the vulnerable groups, including free vaccinations to all residents and expatriates regardless nationalities and occupations.

“Vietnam’s foreign policy built on independence, self-reliance, multilateralism, diversification, peace, friendship, cooperation and proactive integration has borne fruits,” he affirmed.

This year, Vietnam and Thailand are celebrating the 45th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations (August 6).

Touching on major hallmarks in the countries’ ties, the Vietnamese Ambassador affirmed that Vietnam and Thailand are close partners in ASEAN and the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS), as well as under cross regional mechanisms like the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Asia–Europe Meeting (ASEM).

He firmly believes that the strengthened strategic partnership between Vietnam and Thailand will be further developed in the way that makes the two countries become stronger together./.

Two Vietnamese universities enter top 500 THE rankings 2022

Ton Duc Thang University and Duy Tan University have made it into the Times Higher Education (THE)’s World University Rankings 2022.

In the latest rankings, Duy Tan University scored 100 points in the criteria of citation to take the lead as the top university in the global rankings, while Ton Duc Thang University earned a total of 99.3 points to be ranked 18th in the world.

The three other Vietnamese representatives to make the list include the Hanoi National University, which is in the top 1001 to 1200, while the Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City and the Hanoi University of Science and Technology are among the top 1201+.

THE’s World University Rankings 2022 is based on 13 performance indicators, with a primary focus on four core criteria, including teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook.

According to THE rankings, Oxford University leads the way for the sixth year in a row, while China had two representatives featured among the top 20 for the first time. Meanwhile, the US was the most represented country with 183 educational institutions in the list.

This year’s rankings attracted the participation of more than 1,600 universities across 99 countries and territories worldwide.

HCM City vows to keep supporting COVID-affected people

HCM City will launch more relief packages for people whose incomes are affected by COVID-19 and the stringent restrictions to curb it, and make them more accessible, Võ Văn Hoan, deputy chairman of its People’s Committee, has said.

In a live-streamed session with the public on September 1, he said around a million self-employed people and 1.3 million struggling households are each set to receive VNĐ1.5 million (US$65.7) in cash and kind to tide over the crisis.

He said the disbursement has been slow due to the rising number of struggling people signing up for the assistance.

Local authorities have been instructed to quickly dispense the aid, completing it before September 6, he said.

More relief packages would be launched, and “the city’s packages will cover all of its struggling locals,” he said.

They would also take into account the number of members in each household and those who had been left out of earlier lists, he said.

People can apply for relief on a recently launched mobile app called ‘An Sinh’ (Social relief) on Google Play.

Hoan said the city is preparing for various scenarios after September 15. In the most positive, which sees it getting the pandemic under complete control, it would offer relief for up to four months to businesses and individuals, he said.

Unemployed people who wish to return to their home towns should instead try to remain back to reduce risk of spreading the infection, and the city would do its best to support them, he said.

It is also encouraging people providing rental accommodation to reduce rents to help poor tenants, he said.

It plans to provide two million free food and foodstuff packages to struggling people.

It has sought from the Government nearly VNĐ28 trillion and 142,200 tonnes of rice for its relief efforts.

The country's COVID has recorded over 226,000 cases since late April when the fourth wave began.

Millions have lost jobs or had their incomes greatly reduced.

Vietnamese flag hoisted in New Jersey, USA, on National Day

The Vietnamese Consulate in New York (USA) in collaboration with the government of Jersey City in the state of New Jersey held a ceremony on September 2 to raise the Vietnamese flag at the City Hall, marking the 76th founding anniversary of Vietnam.

In her address, Consul Dinh Phuong Mai noted the flag hoisting ceremony is of special significance as it was the first time that the administration of Jersey City has coordinated with the Vietnamese Consulate in New York to host the event on the occasion of Vietnam’s National Day.

The event will mark the start of new exchanges between Jersey City Hall and the Vietnamese Consulate in New York in the near future, she said, hoping such the flag raising ceremony will be held annually locally.

“I think it is an opportunity to promote images of the country and people of Vietnam, and at the same time to strengthen the relationship between the two countries and forge closer ties with the local Vietnamese community towards the homeland,” said the Consul.  

At the ceremony, City Council President Joyce Waterman said her council welcomes people of different nationalities and cultures, including Vietnam, to come and live in the city to promote mutual understanding and develop altogether. She stressed the flag raising ceremony in Jersey City is to honor the freedom of cultures.

Waterman then presented Consul Mai with a statement signed by Mayor Steven Fulop stating that on September 2, 2021, Jersey City has honored Vietnam’s National Day, demonstrating the close friendship between the United States and Vietnam.

Two sides of downtown HCM City bridge linked up

The main span of the Thủ Thiêm 2 Bridge in HCM City, a key infrastructure work linking Thủ Đức City and District 1, was connected on Thursday, according to its builder, the Đại Quang Minh Real Estate Investment Corporation.

Work is continuing on its tower and other segments, and is expected to be completed by the second quarter of next year.

One of the few ongoing projects the city had identified as key and needing completion as soon as possible, work was still permitted despite the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions to combat it.

The construction workers are being provided with accommodation, food and periodic COVID tests to ensure safety.

While the work remains highly challenging due to the pandemic and the need to provide accommodation for the workers for a long time, Đại Quang Minh has said it aims to finish the main part of the bridge by the end of this year.

The 1.4km bridge over the Sài Gòn River costs VNĐ3.1 trillion (US$130.3 million) and has six lanes.

Work on it began in 2015, and was slated to be completed in 2018, but it has been delayed for a number of reasons, including tardy land acquisition.

The other key public works continuing during the pandemic including the metro line No 1 and a flyover near the new Eastern Bus Station in District 9.

Vietnam showered with prizes at “Army of Culture” contest

The Vietnamese team won various prizes at the “Army of Culture” contest in the 2021 International Army Games, which wrapped up with a closing and award ceremony held on September 1 (Russia time).

The team triumphed in Russian song singing and came third at the female solos and duet competitions.

It also bagged the third prize in the couple dance contest; and the second prize in group dance competition and exhibition activities.

In addition, Vietnam won trophies for being the team whose introduction video had the highest number of views (159,000) and votes.

The team came fourth in the overall rankings of the category, with the host Russia winning the first place and followed by China.

The “Army of Culture” contest has been held for the first time during the Army Games 2021 with the competition of 13 countries.

Vietnam is currently standing at the eighth place amongst the teams of 43 countries and territories competing at this year’s Army Games.

In the first time at the international military tournament, teams of the Vietnam People’s Navy clinched a silver medal in the “Sea Cup” category.

Vietnam also bagged a bronze in the “Meridian” competition.

This year, the country serves as the host of the “Military Medical Relay Race” and “Sniper Frontier” contests.

The 2021 International Army Games 2021 is being held from August 22 to September 4 in 11 countries. In total, more than 5,000 military personnel, consisting of 277 teams take part in 34 competitions of the Games./.

Vietnam to restructure national science and technology programmes towards 2030

The Prime Minister has issued a document to the Ministry of Science and Technology on restructuring national-level science and technology programmes for the 2021-2025 period and towards 2030.

In the document, the ministry is assigned to coordinate with other ministries, agencies and localities in proactively formulating plans and organising the work.

The ministry must base itself on the 10-year socio-economic development strategy for the 2021-2030 period and the guidance on taking enterprises, institutes and universities as research entities; ensuring the principles of publicity, transparency and fairness.

The objectives and results of the programmes are to improve product quality and competitiveness of Vietnamese enterprises in the domestic market; to expand foreign markets for advantageous industries; to improve the global innovation index (GII); and to prioritise the promotion of the development of economic models.

The document also specifies a number of priority research fields such as social sciences and humanities, natural sciences, industry, agriculture, health, natural resources, environment./.

National Day celebrated in Switzerland

The Vietnamese Embassy in Switzerland on September 1 celebrated the 76th anniversary of Vietnam's National Day (September 2) and the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Switzerland (1971-2021).

Ambassador Le Linh Lan highlighted that over the past 50 years, the bilateral relationship has made significant strides in all areas. The two countries have closely cooperated and supported each other at multilateral forums and international organisations. Over the recent years, the bilateral economic cooperation relationship has developed strongly with annual trade turnover reaching 2 billion USD.

The diplomat expressed belief that with the complementary nature of the two economies and the current strong political dynamics, the Vietnam-Switzerland cooperation relationship will continue to flourish and deepen in the coming time.

A day earlier, the Vietnamese community in Switzerland as well as Swiss and Vietnamese businesses raised a total of 32, 500 CHF to support the vaccine fund in Vietnam.

Meanwhile, the Vietnamese Embassy in Slovakia has received donations from the Vietnamese community in Slovakia to support the vaccine fund back in the country.

Ambassador Nguyen Tuan informed the community of the COVID-19 situation in Vietnam, especially in southern localities, stressing that the State and Government appreciate all forms of support from overseas Vietnamese.

As of August 31, the embassy had received 11,480 euros from the Vietnamese community across Slovakia./.

Vietnamese expats in South Africa celebrate National Day

The Vietnamese Embassy in South Africa on September 1 held a flag-raising ceremony and incense offering to President Ho Chi Minh on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the National Day (September 2) and the August Revolution (August 19).

Ambassador Hoang Van Loi reviewed the glorious milestones in the past 76 years, especially after 35 years of Doi Moi.

He briefed the Vietnamese community in the host country on the recent achievements back in Vietnam, and spoke highly of the activities of the Vietnamese community in South Africa, including their contributions to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic at home./.

Germany to continue promoting relations with Vietnam: President

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has expressed his hope to continue promoting the close and trustful relations and cooperation with Vietnam even in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In his greetings to Vietnam on the occasion of the country’s National Day (September 2), the leader also highlighted that the two countries established bilateral diplomatic relations 45 years ago, stressing that Germany will remain side by side with Vietnam in its reform and modernization.

President Frank-Walter Steinmeier extended his wish for prosperity and a future of peace to the Vietnamese people on the occasion./.

President Ho Chi Minh remembered in France, Singapore

The Vietnamese Embassy in France and the administration of Montreau city laid flowers at President Ho Chi Minh’s bust in Park Montreau on September 1 on the occasion of Vietnam’s 76th National Day and the late President’s 52nd death anniversary (September 2).

Ambassador Dinh Toan Thang thanked the municipal authorities for helping organise the ceremony and appreciated the city's contributions to the development of the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and France.

Montreau Deputy Mayor Florian Vigneron affirmed that President Ho Chi Minh is not only a friend of the French people, but also a particularly important figure for the French Communist Party. He stressed the close friendship between Montreau and Vietnamese localities, and sympathised with the Vietnamese people about the difficulties in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

On September 2, the Vietnamese Embassy and representative offices in Singapore laid flowers at the monument of President Ho Chi Minh in the Asian Civilisations Museum's premises./.

Vietnamese delegation to UN celebrates National Day

The Permanent Delegation of Vietnam to the United Nations on September 1 held an online ceremony to celebrate the 76th anniversary of the National Day (September 2).

Vietnamese expats living, working and studying in New York, along with officials and employees of Vietnamese representative agencies in New York joined the activity.

Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the delegation, emphasised the great significance of the day and the achievements Vietnam has achieved in the cause of Doi Moi.

The diplomat called on Vietnamese living all over the world to continue helping the people in the country to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, and spoke highly of the contributions by the overseas Vietnamese community to the work./.

Online book exhibition highlights Vietnam’s glorious history


A book exhibition is being held virtually by the Hanoi Library on its website to celebrate the 76th anniversary of the August Revolution (August 19) and National Day (September 2).

Twenty nine items on the display are divided into three main themes – the Party’s revolutionary struggles to gain government, August Revolution and the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and Hanoi on historic August days.

The exhibition gives the readers, particularly the young, an insight into the country’s glorious history, while helping them respect the revolutionary achievements and realise their responsibility of developing the nation.

Besides, the exhibition aims at promoting reading culture in the community./.

Lao newspaper impressed on Vietnam's development journey

On the 76th anniversary of the National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (September 2), the PathetLao Daily frontpaged an editorial on Vietnam’s development process.

The editorial highlighted that 76 years ago, Vietnam was a small colonialised country but under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and with the steadfast will and determination, it has become a developing one.

It stressed that Vietnam's socialist-oriented market economy is developing strongly, with the business and investment environment becoming more and more stable, adding the country's position and role is increasingly enhanced in the international arena.

The newspaper noted that Vietnam and countries around the world are having to deal with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, under the timely direction of the Party and State and the people's cooperation and solidarity, Vietnam has achieved many important results in the fight as well as in socio-economic development.

Vietnam has provided medical equipment, supplies and financial support to 51 countries and international organisations to cope with the pandemic, the newspaper noted, highlighting that Vietnam has also received timely support in medical supplies and finance from many countries and international organisations to effectively carry out COVID-19 prevention and control work in the country.

The editorial stressed that Vietnam successfully organised the 13th National Party Congress, and the election of the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels in 2021.

It went on to highlight the close friendship between Vietnam and Laos, saying the two nations are not only closely linked in geography, but also share the history of their peoples fighting side by side and overcoming all difficulties and challenges to regain independence and freedom. The Vietnam-Laos relationship has become a rare model of bilateral relations in the world, the editorial said.

At a recent bilateral meeting with General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith on the occasion of President Nguyen Xuan Phuc's official friendship visit to Laos, the two sides reaffirmed their goal of tightening and developing friendly relations.

The article congratulated Vietnam on the 76th anniversary of National Day and wished for the lasting friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos./.

Flowers offered at Monument of President Ho Chi Minh in Havana on National Day

On September 1, the Vietnamese Embassy in Cuba, the Cuban Institute for Friendship with Peoples (ICAP), and the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association offered flower at the President Ho Chi Minh statue in Havana to mark the 76th anniversary of Vietnam's National Day (September 2).

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Cuban National Assembly and President of the Cuba–Vietnam Friendship Association Yolada Ferrer Gómez, Vice President of ICAP Víctor Gaute López, members of local associations and branches, and staff members of the Embassy Vietnam in Cuba attended the ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony, Ambassador Le Thanh Tung highlighted the great historical significance of September 2, 1945 for the Vietnamese people, when President Ho Chi Minh delivered the Declaration of Independence.

The diplomat emphasised the significance and role of the brotherly friendship between Cuba and Vietnam which has been continuously nurtured and consolidated by generations of leaders of the two countries during the past six decades.

ICAP First Vice President Fernández congratulated the Party, Government and people of Vietnam on their achievements during the country's national building and independence safeguarding over the past more than seven decades and the unyielding efforts of the Vietnamese people in building a modern, prosperous and beautiful country./.

National Day celebrated in Spain

The Vietnamese Embassy in Spain on September 1 organised a ceremony to mark Vietnam’s 76th National Day (September 2), drawing the participation of all embassy staff, the Vietnamese Honourary Consul in Sevilla, and representatives of the Vietnamese community in Madrid.

Addressing the event, Ambassador Hoang Xuan Hai emphasised the great significance of the National Day, and highlighted the glorious feats of Vietnam during the national building and safeguarding cause over the past 76 years, especially Vietnam's outstanding achievements in the renewal, international integration and national development process in the past 35 years which help turn Vietnam into a dynamic developing country and raise the country’s position in the international arena.

Hai also reviewed the development of Vietnam-Spain relations since they established their diplomatic ties on May 23, 1977, and set up the strategic partnership towards the future in 2009. The bilateral economic, trade and investment cooperation is developing well, with two-way trade hitting 3 billion USD in recent years.

The diplomat committed to further developing the Vietnam-Spain strategic partnership./.

Vietnam’s 76th National Day celebrated in India

The Embassy of Vietnam in India on September 1 held a ceremony to mark the 76th National Day of Vietnam (September 2) in New Delhi.

In his opening speech, Ambassador Pham Sanh Chau spoke highly of efforts and preventive measures by the Government of India in the COVID-19 fight which have helped stabilise the situation in the country.

He expressed his gratitude to the Indian Government for sending 300 oxygen generators and 100 tonnes of liquid oxygen to support the treatment of COVID-19 patients in Vietnam.

2021 marks the fifth year of the Vietnam-India comprehensive strategic partnership, the ambassador said, adding that the countries will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties next year.

The trade relations between the two countries have flourished, with trade turnover in the first half of 2021 returning to the level before the pandemic and holding ample room for growth, Chau affirmed.

The diplomat voiced his hope that the upward trend will be maintained to soon reach the target of 15 billion USD set by the two countries’ leaders./.

President Ho Chi Minh bust erected in New Delhi


President Ho Chi Minh's bust.


A bust of Vietnam’s late President Ho Chi Minh was erected in New Delhi, India on September 1 on the occasion of the Southeast Asian nation’s 76th National Day (September 2).

This is one of the final stages to prepare for the inauguration of the monument to the late leader in New Delhi - part of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh's official visit to India slated for the end of 2021 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations.

Attending the ceremony were Secretary of State of the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Meenakshi Lekhi, representatives from the New Delhi government, ambassadors and chargés d’affaires of ASEAN countries, representatives of the Vietnamese community in India and many organisations and trade unions of the host country.

Vietnamese Ambassador to India Pham Sanh Chau said that the bust is a symbol for the close relationship nurtured by generations of the two countries’ leaders.

The bronze bust is in a 4,700sq.m park, located in the diplomatic corps./.

Party leader pays tribute to President Ho Chi Minh on National Day

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on September 2 offered incense in tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at House 67 inside the Presidential Palace complex on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the August Revolution (August 19) and the National Day (September 2), and the 52nd death anniversary of the late leader.

House 67, where President Ho Chi Minh breathed his last, still keeps many remembrances associated with his life and career.

Showing profound gratitude to the late President who devoted his whole life to the national liberation, Trong asked Vietnamese people to continue following his ideology, morality and lifestyle, and joining hands in building a stronger and more prosperous Vietnam.

The Party chief also hailed efforts by the relic site staff to introduce his thoughts, morality and lifestyle to visitors.

House 67 is where President Ho Chi Minh lived, worked and passed away. It provides a venue for the Political Bureau’s meetings during the fiercest years of the war in Vietnam./.

HCMC yields more positive assessment for severe patients

Almost all the deaths related to Covid-19 during the passing time were patients having the underlying medical condition. The city’s medical sector has recently recorded more positive signs in treatment of serious patients.

The information was released by Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health Nguyen Hoai Nam at a press conference on the Covid-19 pandemic prevention and control tasks in the city yesterday afternoon.

Deputy Head of the HCMC Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control Pham Duc Hai provides infromation about the Covid-19 pandemic situation in the city at the press conference.

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Head of the HCMC Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control Pham Duc Hai informed that the Ministry of Health unveiled 221,313 coronavirus infections in the community and 448 imported ones in Ho Chi Minh City by 6 p.m. on August 31.

The city medical sector is treating 40,979 patients, including 2,522 children under 16 years old, 2,720 severe patients with ventilators and 18 patients being put on EMCO.

According to the latest updated Covid-19 news on August 31, Ho Chi Minh City recorded 2,699 recovered patients went home and 303 deaths related to coronavirus.

Regarding the vaccination process, the city health sector run out of 6,219,536 doses for eligible people by August 31, including 683,077 doses dedicated for the city’s people age 65 and older.

Concerning social welfare, the city sent 1,269,097 gift bags to Thu Duc City and Districts from August 15 to September 1 to support the poor and people with difficult circumstances during social distancing.

The Municipal Department of Information and Communications has uploaded 5,300,521 out of 6,219,536 vaccinated doses to the population database-based Covid-19 vaccination management system, reaching 85.22 percent and will continue to receive and update more information in advance September 15.

Deputy Director of the Department of Health Nguyen Hoai Nam said that the health sector will strengthen the sample test strategy issued by the Municipal People’s Committee heading to limit the SARS-CoV-2 infectious cases in the upcoming time.

According to statistics released yesterday afternoon, 70,049 Covid-19 infections have been performing home isolation. The health sector has handed over 110,850 medicine bags to 22 districts and Thu Duc City serving coronavirus infectious patients treatment.

The Ministry of Health is ready for allocating 50,000 doses of anti-viral medicine to the city in two phases.

The city has received 98,220 Remdesivir vials to treat Covid-19 patients with a high risk of severe symptoms.

As for goods and essential stuff supply and distribution, Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Trade Nguyen Nguyen Phuong said that only 22,124 shippers had been administered vaccine to re-operate in 21 districts and Thu Duc City.

The Department of Public Security detected 30 traffic participants infected with coronavirus via QR Code screening at 43 checking points citywide. By yesterday afternoon, they performed home isolation and were hospitalized.

HCMC covers tuition fees of students for first semester

The exemption of tuition fees is under the jurisdiction of the National Assembly, so the city will use its budget to cover the tuition fees of students.

The HCMC government could possibly use its budget to cover tuition fees for all the students of public schools in the city for the first semester of the 2021-2022 school year, following a proposal by the municipal Department of Education and Training.

Nguyen Van Hieu, director of the department, disclosed the city’s decision in the “Residents ask-the city answers” program on August 30. The department is awaiting the city’s official document on the decision.

The exemption of tuition fees is under the jurisdiction of the National Assembly, so the city will use its budget to cover the tuition fees of students.

As for students of private and international schools, their tuition fees will be negotiated by the schools and parents, Hieu added.

The HCMC Department of Education and Training proposed exempting students from tuition fees in the first half of the 2021-2022 school year at a meeting of the municipal People’s Council on August 24 to reduce the financial burden on parents amid the pandemic.

The department also worked with schools at the beginning of the school year, asking them not to increase tuition fees but many schools have still proposed raising the fees by 5%-10% to cover arising costs to maintain teaching and learning amid the pandemic. Hieu said the tuition fee hike is currently very high.

He noted that 80% of teachers in the city had got the first Covid-19 vaccine shot. The department planned to coordinate with the municipal Department of Health to vaccinate students aged from 12.

For the 2021-2022 school year, HCMC has some 1.71 million students, up 31,000 over the previous school year.

Before HCMC, Danang and Quang Ninh had decided to exempt students from tuition fees for the 2021-2022 school year.

HCMC Education Dept proposes vaccinating students

The HCMC Department of Education and Training has written to the city government proposing vaccinating students aged between 12 and 18 against Covid-19.

Under the proposal, over 642,450 students will get vaccinated before the first semester of the 2021-2022 academic year ends so that they can return to in-person classes in the second semester, the local media reported.

Depending on the availability of Covid vaccines, the first and second shots should be given to students, according to the proposal.

As the trajectory of Covid infections in HCMC remains unpredictable, the vaccination is aimed at ensuring the safety of the city’s students, putting them at ease to focus on their studies and to maintain the quality of education.

Besides, students who are facing a shortage of learning equipment at home can complete their school curriculum better by attending classes at school, according to the municipal department.

Ha Noi slashes school tuition by half

Ha Noi authorities will slash tuition by half for primary to high school pupils in the 2021-2022 school year, according to Director of the municipal Department of Education and Training Tran The Cuong.

In case the COVID-19 pandemic remains complicated in the second semester, the city will consider waiving public school tuition, Tran added.

He said the capital city will continue assistance for teachers and pupils affected by the pandemic so that no one is left behind.

Earlier, authorities in Quang Ninh, Da Nang and Binh Duong have announced tuition exemption for the 2021-2022 school year./.

Medical staff at field hospitals in South Sudan give money for Covid-19 patients

In response to the call for people’s uniting in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, Vietnamese medical staff at the level-2 field hospital in South Sudan all donated money to support poor severe Covid-19 infected patients who are being treated at the Ho Chi Minh City-based Military Hospital 175.

Speaking at the donation ceremony to support the Covid-19 prevention fund, Colonel Nguyen Ba Hung, Commander of the Vietnamese peacekeeping force in South Sudan, highlighted the country’s precious tradition showing the solidarity of the Vietnamese people in difficult times.

All medical members of the level-2 field hospital in South Sudan contributed VND45 million (US$ 1,972) at the fundraising ceremony. The money will be used to buy 100 gifts for serious Covid-19 patients in the Military Hospital 175.

Mr. Hung said thank-you to all medical staff who donated money to the fundraising ceremony praising the spirit of mutual affection and wished the Vietnam People's Army forces on duty in South Sudan to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures and continue to promote them. Developing the country’s good tradition and responding to the Party and State's fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, all medical staff in the level-2 field hospital in South Sudan contributed to the fundraising activities.

In August, the hospital established a vaccination steering committee and vaccination zone for the preparation of the program. Health workers who participate in the vaccination drive were receiving training from the World Health Organization and the United Nations and their own experiences from vaccination campaigns in Vietnam.

With the mission of protecting the health of staff and people in the mission, medical staff in the level-2 field hospital in South Sudan have been both providing medical examination and treatment for the peacekeeping forces but also contributed to the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in the world in general and in South Sudan in particular.

HCMC has new treatment plan for Covid-19 patients to expand green area

The health sector in Ho Chi Minh City has had a new treatment plan for Covid-19 patients as it is promoting testing and screening for people with Covid-19 in the community to expand the green area.

Presently, more patients have been discharged from hospitals and Covid-19 treatment facilities, and the numbers of serious cases and deaths have been reducing. This has shown the changes in the treatment plan proved effective, said Associate Professor Tang Chi Thuong, Director of the Department of Health in HCMC.

According to the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health, the screening will help detect infections in time and prevent further spread and the health sector detects about 5,000 Covid-19 patients every day, but the health sector has developed an appropriate treatment plan for people with symptoms of Covid-19 by severity level to avoid hospital transfer and reduce mortality.

Regarding testing for Covid-19 patients, the Ministry of Health has directed Ho Chi Minh City to carry out testing and screening on a large scale to quickly separate infected people from the community. Additionally, the HCMC health sector ought to supplement the treatment plan ensuring adequate oxygen tankers, ventilators, emergency beds, and other necessary medical equipment for Covid-19 treatment facilities.

It is expected that by September 6, when the second round of testing is completed, Ho Chi Minh City will redraw the epidemic map of red zones, orange zones, yellow zones, and green zones.

According to the City Department of Health, within seven days of widespread testing throughout the city with a focus on high-risk and very high-risk areas, more Covid-19 patients have been discovered in the community day by day. Of approximately 1,677,154 people in red zones and orange zones citywide have undergone rapid antigen tests, some 64,299 people turned out to be positive for SARS-CoV-2 accounting for 3.8 percent of total samples.

Moreover, only on August 27, the city reported 4,551 new Covid-19 cases of 5,357 new cases countrywide accounting for nearly 85 percent.

According to the health sector, Covid-19 positive people in the community have been detected in recent days, mainly in places with high population density, small alleys, and densely populated places because people have not fully complied with 5K principles.

The increase in the number of Covid-19 infected people in the community may make people a bit worried, the health sector vowed to detect all cases of Covid-19 in the community, said Dr. Thuong.

He added the city's positivity rate of total sampled cases is now around 3.8 percent, still well below the world's high level of infection with 5 percent.

Doctor Truong Huu Khanh from Children's Hospital No. 1 in Ho Chi Minh City noticed that up to 80 percent of people with Covid-19 in the community have the mild disease which will help the health sector to classify early and have appropriate treatment, avoiding too many people becoming seriously ill and help reduce the mortality rate.

For example, after undergoing testing on August 28, three of the family members of Ms. Ho Thi Thuy in a boarding house in Binh An ward, Thu Duc City were all negative whereas she was positive. She felt happy because her husband and children may catch the virus from her if she did not do Covid-19 test in a timely manner. She was taken to concentrated isolation at Nguyen Hien Primary School in the ward as she has a mild symptom.

As the number of infected cases increases rapidly, treatment demand is higher in recent days, the health sector has reclassified treatment plans including home isolation and treatment, isolation areas in wards and districts and treatment at hospitals for severe cases. Particularly, the city has set up 413 mobile medical stations and 413 groups of military medical doctors in charge of treating and monitoring for 50,000 people with Covid-19 at home.

These 413 mobile medical stations and 413 groups of military medical doctors have provided good care to Covid-19 people who are isolated at home. The station's doctors will examine, provide medicine packages and give first aid for these patients at home, Dr. Thuong added.

Mobile medical stations are supported by military doctors, the community Covid-19 team, and the quick response team; additionally, these stations are fully equipped with essential drugs, including antiretroviral drug Molnupiravir for Covid-19 patients with mild symptoms. Covid-19 patients at home have been told a hotline for advice and support when necessary to help them feel secure”, said Associate Professor Dr. Tang Chi Thuong.

Publishers speeding up delivery of textbook for new school year

have not been able to buy textbooks for their children dung strict social distancing. Publishers such as Fahasa, Phuong Nam Book are speeding up the delivery of textbooks to schools or home delivery according to the online registration of parents.

With the new school year set to start today, middle and high schools in Ho Chi Minh City today are fully prepared to welcome students. During the first week of the school year, students will receive the guidance on online learning. From September 6, teachers will teach new lessons.

The regulations on freight have been expanded gradually; therefore, many parents have not received textbooks for their children. While waiting for the paper textbooks, parents can ask schools for study materials, instructions on how to access and download the electronic textbooks to computers.

In addition, parents can actively access the website of Vietnam Education Publishing House or book publishers of Vietnam Education Publishing House,, to download electronic textbooks.

According to the Vietnam Education Publishing House’s statistics, it has released more than 6 million copies of textbooks for grades 2 and 6 which started implementing the General Education Program 2018 from the school year 2021-2022 by mid-August 2021, reaching about 60 percent of the set plan.

Besides, the Department of Education and Training is currently coordinating with Ho Chi Minh City Television Station to launch virtual teaching via television, which is expected to broadcast at fixed time frames from the beginning of September 2021.

Primary students will start the new school year on September 8.

Lam Dong seeks nod for flight resumption to take pregnant residents home

Lam Dong Province has asked for the national transport authority’s approval to operate five flights to bring home over 500 residents including pregnant women and their relatives from the southern provinces, where the latest Covid pandemic is raging.

As the Lien Khuong airport in Lam Dong is under suspension to serve the fight against Covid-19, the provincial government recently sent an urgent dispatch to the Transport Ministry and the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV), proposing they consider granting permission for the flights, which will be operated by local carrier Bamboo Airways.

These expectant women are local residents of Lam Dong but working in HCMC, Can Tho and the neighboring localities. If the request is approved, the Central Highlands province will make arrangements to take 297 pregnant women and 236 of their relatives home, so that the women can give birth in their hometown.

Last night, August 31, the Transport Ministry asked CAAV to take Lam Dong’s request into consideration and directed Bamboo Airways to arrange flights to transport Lam Dong’s pregnant women and their relatives home.

However, the ministry added that the operation of the flights must be agreed upon by the authorities of departure localities, including HCMC and the southern provinces, and the provincial government of Lam Dong as the destination locality. The flights must also comply with social distancing requirements and anti-virus measures.

The flights are expected to be operated on September 4 at the HCMC-based Tan Son Nhat airport, once essential procedures are completed.

JICA aids Hue Central Hospital with Covid-19 treatment

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) announced today, September 1, that it had launched a project to enhance the Hue Central Hospital’s capabilities to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The eight-month project, starting from August 2021, aims to supply essential medical equipment and provide technical training on the use and management of the medical equipment with a total estimated value of 200 million yen, or some VND42 billion, funded by JICA.

The medical equipment will be installed at Facility No. 2 of the Hue Central Hospital, where Covid-19 patients with severe symptoms are being treated.

The equipment includes ECMO machines, ventilators, monitors, ambulances and low-temperature freezers for vaccine storage.

The project will implement remote training in medical equipment management for the hospital’s equipment management unit.

“Shortly after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, the Hue Central Hospital promptly established a Covid-19 isolation and treatment center and mobilized all of its equipment to meet the needs of diagnosis and treatment. However, the hospital has always faced a shortage of medical equipment,” said Prof. Dr. Pham Nhu Hiep, director of the hospital.

As such, the project for enhancing the Hue Central Hospital’s capabilities in responding to Covid-19 supported by JICA will have a significant and sustainable impact on improving the quality of medical examination and treatment, particularly for Covid-19 patients, he added.

Strengthening the capacity of the health sector in Central Vietnam to respond to the possible recurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic and prepare for emerging infectious diseases is an urgent task. As the leading hospital in the central region, the Hue Central Hospital plays an important role in both medical services and training.

With the capacity improvement project for the hospital, JICA expects to contribute to improving the quality of medical services for the central region of Vietnam in response to the pandemic.

Earlier, in March 2021, JICA provided the hospital with various essential medical equipment and supplies.

JICA will actively work with the Government of Japan to continue its support to enhance the quality of medical services in Vietnam.

Danang receives 5,000 Covid-19 antiviral Remdesivir vials

DB Investment and Development Company presented 5,000 vials of the antiviral drug Remdesivir to the central city of Danang at the Danang Hospital this morning, September 1.
A representative of the affiliate of Ecopark Group said the hospital will use the antiviral drug to treat Covid-19 patients.

The representative added the firm expected the antiviral drug to help those under treatment to recover faster.

Addressing the drug handover ceremony, Nguyen Van Quang, Secretary of the municipal Party Committee, expressed his gratitude to the donor, saying that it was not easy to ensure sufficient resources and medical equipment to combat the raging pandemic. Therefore, the donation means a lot to the city, Quang added.

The city’s Party chief expected that the company would continue to grow further and make more contributions to the country’s development as well as to the fight against the coronavirus.

According to data of the city’s anti-Covid authority, hospitals in the city are treating more than 2,100 people infected with the widely spreading virus. Of them, 70 are severely ill, 198 others tested negative for the virus once, and 87 others tested negative twice.

HCMC health dept proposes buying more medicine for Covid cases under home isolation

As Covid-19 infections in the community are rising, HCMC needs to buy 200,000 more bags of medication for cases under home isolation, according to the HCMC Department of Health.

The department has written to the municipal government proposing buying additional bags of medication A, comprising paracetamol, antipyretics, multivitamins and vitamin C; and medication B, comprising anti-inflammatory corticosteroids and anticoagulants, for these Covid patients.

Earlier, the department had prepared 150,000 bags of medication A and B and sent 74,000 of them to the healthcare centers of districts so they could allocate them to positive Covid cases under home quarantine.

Apart from medicine bags A and B, the municipal department has also prepared bags of medication C, including Molnupiravir, a Covid-19 antiviral, which helps reduce the viral load, eliminate the virus in mild and moderate Covid-19 patients and reduce hospitalizations and deaths.

HCMC has reported over 221,250 cases in the ongoing fourth wave of the pandemic, which began in late April, while the number of infections is expected to continue rising, the local media reported.

The city is seeing over 83,640 Covid patients receiving care and treatment at home.

Hanoi to hold online opening ceremony for new school year

The opening ceremony for the 2021-2022 new school year scheduled for September 5 is expected to be held online and broadcast live on Hanoi Radio and Television.

Deputy Director of the Hanoi Department of Education and Training Pham Van Dai shared on August 20 that the new school year opening ceremony is anticipated to take place as scheduled on September 5 but in virtual form due to the ongoing complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the time frame for the 2021-2022 school year issued by the Hanoi People's Committee, students of all grades in the capital city will return to school as early as September 1 and the opening ceremony will be held simultaneously at schools across the city on September 5.

Despite the pandemic, the Hanoi Department of Education and Training effectively conducted and fulfilled the enrolment for the first and sixth grades. The online enrolment saw the highest rate ever with 87.4% for Grade 1 and 86% for Grade 6.

At an earlier date, the entrance exam for Grade 10 also took place safely and smoothly amid the outbreaks of the pandemic.





Phan Van Mai picked as head of HCMC’s anti-Covid authority