vietnam news

Update news vietnam news

Vietnamese actress stars in Myanmar cinemas

 Nguyen Tran Huyen My, first runner-up of Miss Viet Nam 2014, has captured the front pages of newspapers in Myanmar following the release of the film Bridge of Clouds.

HCM City needs 148,000 skilled workers

 VietNamNet Bridge – HCM City needs 148,000 skilled employees in key sectors this year, according to authorities.

HCM City unveils new housing plan

HCM City authorities have submitted a new housing plan to the city People’s Council to ensure that new housing projects follow plans designed to improve city landscapes and residents’quality of life.

Rubber companies set glum business targets

 Rubber prices are at a record low since October 2016, fetching only $1.57 per kilogramme. In this context, rubber companies are setting cautious business targets.

Larger 3G and 4G data packages inevitable

 As internet steadily replaces traditional text messages and calls as well as smart phones are overwhelmingly popular in the market, mobile operators find it a must to come out with low-cost 3G and 4G packages.

Traditional taxi firms urged to apply technology and adapt to ride-hailing trend

As ride-hailing services like Grab have become increasingly popular, traditional taxi firms are urged to apply technology and adapt to ride-hailing trend. 

E-commerce players keep burning money

 Vietnam's e-commerce platforms keep rolling in losses and taking in massive amounts of capital in wait for the online retail market to take flight.

Entertaining French audience with VN’s songs

 VietNamNet Bridge – Two Vietnamese bands performed on June 21, at Bouffay Square in downtown Nantes, France, as part of the city’s annual Music Festival (Fete de la Musique).

H1 foreign investments in property exceed 2017

FDI pledged for Vietnam’s property market in the year’s first half witnessed a big surge and was higher than total pledged capital of the entire year of 2017, according to national investment data.

5G key to digital economy

 Technology firms have suggested that Vietnam should prep for 5G mobile services when it comes to developing the digital economy and catching up with the fourth industrial revolution.

Domestic companies earn US$33 billion from Jan-June exports

 The domestic business sector earned roughly US$33.1 billion in outbound sales in the first half of the year, increasing by 19.9% year-on-year, according to a newly released report by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) on its website.

Foreign workers are seen at a construction site in Vietnam

 Compulsory social insurance for foreigners working in Vietnam is creating a heavy burden on local enterprises, according to a report by the Investment and Trade Working Group of the Vietnam Business Forum.

Wastewater standards still pending

 Wastewater standards on the amounts of nitrogen, phosphoric and ammonia permitted at seafood processors are still awaiting the final decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

Mobile carriers unhappy with 20% discount limit

 Local mobile carriers have proposed the Ministry of Information and Communications remove the discount cap of 20% on prepaid subscriptions. Since the limit was introduced in March, the sales of top-up cards have slumped sharply.

Da Nang to reduce private vehicles to curb growing traffic

 Multiple solutions, including limiting new auto registrations and developing public transportation, have been proposed at the seventh meeting of the Danang People’s Council. 

Manufacturing opportunities rising in Vietnam: Savills Vietnam

 Growing foreign direct investment (FDI) and a move up the value chain mean Vietnam’s industrial real estate sector has a bright future, according to real estate services provider Savills Vietnam.

Vietnam may lose five million jobs to automation: ILO

 As many as five million workers in Vietnam are at high risk of losing their jobs by 2020 because of the boom in artificial intelligence, which may replace laborers with robots, according to a recent study by ILO.

Da Nang named green city of the year in Vietnam

Da Nang City has been given the title of National Green City 2017-18 by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)’s One Planet City Challenge programme, making it onto a list of 21 cities from around the world.

Many convenience stores shut down as market is too harsh

More foreign retailers have flocked to Vietnam as they believe the market is promising. But many retailers have had to leave because of stiff competition.

Investment funds for startups in Vietnam still modest

 Slow reforms of procedures in Vietnam have forced enterprises to move to other countries to start businesses, and investments in startups remain modest compared with those in regional countries.