vietnam news

Update news vietnam news

Young volunteers help community

 VietNamNet Bridge – Despite the hot weather, the traditional medicine clinic in Northwest Nghe An General Hospital is full of patients waiting for free examinations from young doctor La Van Khoi.

Ethnic minority language included in university curricula

 In Vietnam, Tay is the mother tongue of nearly 2 million people and a second language for many other ethnic minority people in Vietnam’s northwestern region. 

When will Vietnam’s e-commerce players stop “burning money”?

 Vietnam’s e-commerce websites are still receiving heavy investment to develop despite big losses, but when will these projects stop losing?

Vietnamese travelers making more trips to Japan, South Korea

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam has become the fastest-growing market for Japan and South Korea’s tourism.

Vietnamese, int'l belly dancers to deliver dazzling performance

 Renowned Vietnamese and international belly dancers will give an excellent performance at the Vietnam Open Belly Dance Festival 2018 set to take place in Hanoi on June 8-11 along with a string of diverse activities.

Automated toll stations are safe and transparent: Road Directorate

 Phan Thi Thu Hien, deputy director of the Directorate of Roads of Viet Nam, speaks to the Viet Nam & World Economy on the safety and transparency benefits of electric toll collections (ETCs) in Viet Nam.

Green colours on VN’s rugged offshore islands

Anyone visiting an island in the East Sea of Vietnam may be impressed by the vegetable gardens grown by soldiers. All kinds of containers are used to store soil brought from the mainland to raise vegetables.

Hearing-impaired kids learn about sexual abuse

Duong Thu Hien, a fourth grader at Nhan Chinh Primary School for hearing-impaired children in Hanoi, looked attentively at a slideshow featuring a stranger using candy to persuade a little girl to follow him.

Visitors go in droves to northern province to see ’Crystal cloud’

Large numbers of people have trekked to the remote rice terraces of the northern province of Yen Bai to see an installation in the form of a "crystal cloud" created from 58,000 shimmering beads.

Catch the sunrise in Nghe An beaches

 VietNamNet Bridge – The central province of Nghe An boasts some of best beaches of Vietnam and these are definitely the must-go places when armed with a camera to capture the perfect sunrises and sunsets.

Japanese summer festival kicks off in Hanoi

 A variety of festivals showing off the rich culture of Japan will be held on weekends in Hanoi over the coming months, visitors can register online or call the organizing board’s hotline to reserve tickets.

Vietnam, Brazil win “Country of the Year 2017” Global Beauties award

 Global Beauties, the leading online resource for international beauty pageants, has selected Vietnam and Brazil as co-winners of “Country of the Year 2017" award in male pageants.

Data and education are the keys to safer roads in Vietnam

The goal of the UL Safety Index is to provide Vietnam’s policymakers with data and insights to help them determine their next investments in national safety.

International folk games introduced at Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

 A wide variety of traditional folk games from different countries will be introduced at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology on May 26-27 as part of activities to mark International Children’s Day.

Phan Thi Mo to compete at World Miss Tourism Ambassador

Phan Thi Mo will represent Vietnam to compete at World Miss Tourism Ambassador beauty pageant, which is scheduled to take place in Thailand late July.

Audio-visual performance 4DOORS in Hanoi tonight

Heritage Space and DomDom will present “4DOORS”, the second concert of the experimental musical performance series “Beyond Sound 2018” on May 25.

Real estate sees a rise of M&A deals

 The Vietnamese real estate market has seen large-scale investments over the year’s first four months, with a surge of substantial merger and acquisition deals and funding into projects.

Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre introduces automatic ticketing

Thang Long Water Puppet Theater has installed two automatic ticketing machines next to the ticket counter, where visitors can select a date and time and also their seats, with payment made by Visa or debit card. 

Vietnam Circus Federation responds against animal cruelty accusations

Vietnam Circus Federation defended their animal treatment after the Asia for Animals Coalition called to end animal cruelty at circuses in Vietnam.

Homes in Dak Nong crack by hydropower plant construction

Many locals in Dak Nong Province are complaining about the huge cracks in their houses which seem to have been caused by explosions at nearby hydropower plant construction in adjacent Dak Lak Province.