It is necessary for related sides to avoid taking unilateral actions that complicate the situations and affect the negotiations and delineation in the waters off the mouth of the Tonkin Gulf, said Deputy Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Pham Thu Hang.


Deputy Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Pham Thu Hang


The diplomat made the point in response to reporters’ queries on Viet Nam’s reaction to China sending its oil drilling rig Haiyang Shiyou 943 to operate in the waters off the Tonkin Gulf at the Foreign Ministry’s regular press conference in Ha Noi on March 31.

“Viet Nam reserves its rights to and legal interests in this area as in conformity with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 and related international practicalities,” Deputy Spokesperson said.

Vietnamese competent agencies will keep a close watch on the case, she affirmed.