The second plenary session of the Vietnam Private Sector Forum (VPSF) 2017 will take place in Hanoi at the end of July, chaired by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and leaders from the government, departments, international organizations, and business associations.


Mr. Truong Gia Binh, Chairman of FPT Corporation and Chairman of VPSF's Advisory Board, speaks at the event announcing VPSF 2017 

Ms. Pham Thi Ngoc Thuy, VPSF’s Deputy General Secretary, within the framework of the VPSF Forum 2017 and in cooperation with the Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs’ Association, will launch a survey for the CEO Confidence Index (CEO.CI) with technical assistance from the Asia Development Bank (ADB).

The results of the CEO.CI will be one of the most important foundations for public-private dialogue at VPSF 2017 and be the basis for Vietnam’s private sector recommendations in the VPSF’s White Book, which will be launched in August, Ms. Thuy said.

VPSF is an initiative of the Vietnam Young Entrepreneurs’ Association and The Mekong Business Initiative (MBI), funded by the ADB and the Australian Government.

The forum is a bridge between the government, public authorities, and the private sector for continuous and close consultation on public and private policy, based on the gathering and reflection of voices from enterprises. 

This second plenary session of VPSF 2017, with the theme “From the Central Resolution 5 to the Action Program of the Private Sector in Vietnam”, focuses on discussions and dialogue between the government and the private sector with three key national spheres: agriculture, tourism, and the digital economy.

Trade facilitation will also be discussed, which has a strong impact on the movement, growth, and development of economic sectors.
The forum is expected to see 1,000 delegates in attendance, including those from the government, ministries, departments, international organizations, and business associations, as well as economic experts and numerous CEOs from Vietnamese and foreign enterprises.

Mr. Tran Ba Duong, Chairman of the Truong Hai Auto Joint Stock Company and representative from the VPSF 2017 Advisory Board, said the private sector needs dialogue to develop action plans, with a focus on economic restructuring, the innovative economy, and startups.

Mr. Truong Gia Binh, Chairman of the VPSF Advisory Board and Chairman of FPT Corporation, emphasized that Vietnam’s private businesspeople continue to complain about the difficulties and challenges in the economic environment. 

“As the representative of the private sector, VPSF continues to gradually implement plans to facilitate private enterprises,” he said.

VN Economic Times