The Vietnamese Embassy in the US along with the US-APEC Business Coalition and the US National Center for APEC (NCAPEC) held an event to promote Vietnam’s APEC Year 2017 in Washington on January 18.


President of the NCAPEC Monica Hardy Whaley speaks at the event

President of the NCAPEC Monica Hardy Whaley and leaders of the US Department of State and the Office of the US Trade Representative expressed their support for the event’s theme, orientations and priorities proposed by host Vietnam, and pledged to closely work with the Southeast Asian country to ensure successful summit.

US businesses said they will actively get involved in events hosted by Vietnam and embrace connectivity with Vietnamese enterprises. They also hoped to receive detailed information on relevant events from Vietnam.

Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Pham Quang Vinh highlighted the APEC Year’s theme “Creating new driving force for a common future” and said Vietnam wants to cooperate with foreign partners to create a strong momentum for the more dynamic development of the Asian-Pacific region.

The involved parties are expected to promote sustainable, innovative and inclusive growth; build a strong people and business-centred community; boost regional connectivity and integration; and spur regional economic growth, as well as realise “Bogor Goals” of further reducing barriers to trade and investment and promoting the free flow of goods, services and capital.

They also look to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; enhance competitiveness, innovations and engagement in the global value chain; strengthen food security and sustainable agricultural development, Vinh said.

The Ambassador also introduced main activities of Vietnam’s APEC Year 2017, particularly the APEC Summit Week scheduled to take place in the central coastal city of Da Nang and sidelines events, encompassing a dialogue between leaders and APEC businesses and APEC business summit.

Vietnam vows to closely coordinate with its partners, including US companies, to fulfill the primary goal of the APEC 2017, which is for people and enterprises, he added.

As a leading economic forum in the region, APEC member nations should promote their role in boosting global trade and growth, he said.

He also highly valued the commitments made by US officials and business community to Asia-Pacific and APEC for regional mutual benefits.