On the afternoon of October 5, at a regular press conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Pham Thu Hang responded to questions about the arrest of Hoang Thi Minh Hong and Ngo Thi To Nhien. 

Vietnam rejects claims of 'politically motivated' 'cracking down' on environmentalists and using them as bargaining tools in international relations, she said.

"This is false information used with ill intents with regards to Vietnam's efforts to combat and prevent crimes, as well as Vietnam's diplomatic activities."

"These cases involved the violation of Vietnamese laws, and the individuals have been investigated, prosecuted and brought to trial in accordance with the laws of Vietnam," she said.

The information regarding these cases has been provided to press members through the Ministry of Public Security, Hang noted.

The latest one to be detained is Ngo Thi To Nhien, Executive Director of the Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition Social Enterprise, who is charged with appropriating internal documents from the state-owned utility corporation Electricity of Vietnam (EVN). She is accused of hiring on contracts two officials from EVN to gain illegal access to its internal documents and information.

On September 28, Hoang Thi Minh Hong, leader of the environmental NGO CHANGE, was sentenced to three years in prison for tax evasion.

Tran Thuong