Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang underlined Vietnam’s stance on the US vessel USS McCampbell’s passage through Vietnam’s Hoang Sa (Paracel) waters, while responding to reporters’ questions regarding the case on January 9. 


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang

“Vietnam has sufficient legal grounds and historical evidence testifying its sovereignty over the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes in conformity with international law,” the spokesperson said.

She stressed that as a member of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982 and a coastal state in the East Sea, Vietnam always respects the right to freedom of navigation and aviation in the East Sea of other states in line with international law, especially the UNCLOS 1982.

Maritime claims and related actions of coastal states should be made suitable to international law as stated in the UNCLOS 1982, she stated.

“Vietnam requests other countries to continue making positive and practical contributions to the maintenance of peace and stability, while respecting and conducting relevant international obligations, and upholding the law in seas and oceans,” the spokesperson underlined. – VNA