Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich agreed that the Vietnam - Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership has experienced dynamic development since it was formed in 2012. 


​The meeting between Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich 


In their meeting on November 23 in Moscow, the two Deputy PMs also agreed that maintaining political trust via regular dialogues and delegation exchanges is an important basis for boosting bilateral cooperation, especially in economy. 

The two sides said that they will closely coordinated in implementing the Vietnam-EAEU free trade agreement, which is hoped to increase bilateral trade value to 10 billion USD by 2020, as well as accelerating priority cooperation projects. 

Both Deputy PMs affirmed their governments will create favourable conditions for enterprises of the two countries to invest in fields like energy, railways, machinery, light industry and agriculture. 

They noted the need to make use of the potential of both nations and boost their effective cooperation in defence-security, science-technology, education-training, culture-tourism, labour and collaboration between localities. 

At a meeting between Deputy PM Minh and First Vice Chairman of the Russian State Duma Ivan Melnikov on the same day, the two sides expressed their pleasure at the close coordination at international forums between Vietnam’s National Assembly and the Russian State Duma and wished the two legislative bodies would further their collaboration in the future. 

Laudingthe close relationship between the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Communist Party of Russia, Ivan Melnikovbelieved that the two parties will continue their close coordination to promote bilateral ties.

Pham Binh Minh and First Vice Chairman of the Federal Council of the Russian Federation (Senate) Nikolai Fedorov

Also on November 23, the Vietnamese officials met with First Vice Chairman of the Federal Council of the Russian Federation (Senate) Nikolai Fedorov. 

The Russian leaders agreed to create favourable conditions for Vietnamese people to study, work and live in Russia. 

The same day, Deputy PM Minh visited Vietnam’s Embassy in Russia. Heencouragedthe embassy’s officials and staff to effectively implement the externalpolicies of the Party a nd State.-VNA