The Vietnamese and Russian ministries of defence held their fourth defence strategy dialogue in Moscow on December 3, affirming that defence cooperation remains a pillar in the two countries’ relations.


The fourth defence strategy dialogue between Vietnam and Russia takes place in Moscow on December 3

The event was chaired by Vietnamese Deputy Minister Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh and his Russian counterpart Alexander Vasilyevich Fomin.

It took place amid the continuously enhanced traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. Notably, it followed an official visit by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong in September and a trip by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in November this year. 

The year also marks five years since the two governments signed an inter-governmental agreement on defence cooperation and 20 years since they inked the deal on military technique cooperation.

At the dialogue, the two sides spoke highly of their major achievements in defence cooperation this year. They shared the view that defence ties continue to be a prioritised pillar of development.

Agreeing to further expand defence connections, they specified the cooperation plan for 2019, including delegation exchanges, sharing opinions on strategic issues, personnel training, military technique, sharing experience in joining United Nations peacekeeping operations, and military medicine.

The officers also drafted a list of joint activities to be held in the Vietnam-Russia Friendship Year 2019 and 2020.

Deputy Minister Fomin thanked Vietnam for its support for and participation in the Moscow Conference on International Security, the International Army Games, the St. Petersburg military parade, as well as other multilateral activities hosted by the Russian Ministry of Defence.

He affirmed that his ministry will effectively contribute to bilateral cooperation within the framework of the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre. It also pledges to endorse initiatives and further engage in activities proposed and organised by Vietnam in 2020, when the Southeast Asian nation will hold the ASEAN Chair and the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus mechanism will mark its 10th anniversary.

For his part, Deputy Minister Vinh said Vietnam will continue taking part in multilateral activities that are held by the Russian Defence Ministry and match the country’s conditions. It is also ready to create conditions for Russian naval ships to visit Vietnamese seaports.

The two sides said their countries’ defence cooperation is one of the important factors helping with regional security, peace, cooperation, and development. They also echoed the view that all disputes should be resolved by peaceful means and on the basis of international law.

During their working visit from December 1-4, the Vietnamese delegation also paid a courtesy call to Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and visited the Kirov Military Medical Academy. –VNA