On the morning of September 24, Vietnam’s Ministry of Defense held a departure ceremony at the military airport of Division 371 in Hanoi, marking the deployment of the Level 2 Field Hospital No. 6 and Engineering Unit No. 3 to United Nations peacekeeping missions in South Sudan and the Abyei region.

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan, along with senior military leaders and representatives from the United Nations and foreign embassies, attended the ceremony.

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan attended the ceremony.

Major General Pham Manh Thang, Director of Vietnam’s Peacekeeping Department, announced that the 63-member Level 2 Field Hospital will replace the previous medical team at the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

The 184-member Engineering Unit, including 18 female officers, will assume duties in Abyei, succeeding Engineering Unit No. 2 at the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA).

With preparations complete, all personnel are fully ready to begin their peacekeeping mission, ensuring they will continue Vietnam’s proud tradition of contributing to global peace efforts.

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan’s address

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan emphasized the importance of peace, which has been a universal aspiration throughout history. She reminded the attendees that Vietnam, having experienced the profound costs of war, understands the invaluable significance of peace more than most.

In her remarks, she praised the Vietnamese peacekeeping forces for their contributions to the United Nations’ peacekeeping missions over the past decade. Since joining UN peacekeeping operations, Vietnam has deployed nearly 900 officers and professional soldiers, including 13 police officers and 124 female officers.

The Vice President presented the national flag and official deployment orders to the departing officers, underscoring the faith and pride that the Party, State, and people of Vietnam have in their peacekeeping forces.

"You are the 'peace ambassadors' at the United Nations, shining a light on the image of Vietnam and the legacy of the People’s Army in the modern era," she noted.

The Vice President expressed her confidence that the deployed units would uphold the tradition of their predecessors and excel in their mission, demonstrating resilience, intellect, and capability in fulfilling their noble duties.

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan also highlighted the nation’s broader aspirations to deepen its participation in UN peacekeeping efforts. She called on the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Public Security to continue collaborating on enhancing the legal framework for peacekeeping activities and ensuring favorable policies for personnel deployed on these missions.

She emphasized the need to expand Vietnam’s peacekeeping forces and its geographic areas of deployment, with the aim of securing leadership positions at UN headquarters and increasing the proportion of female personnel.

She also urged improvements in training, particularly in peacekeeping skills, foreign languages, and survival techniques, to ensure maximum security and safety for deployed personnel.

Lieutenant Colonel Tran Anh Duc, Director of Level 2 Field Hospital No. 6, expressed his pride in being selected for this mission. He affirmed the commitment of all soldiers to enhancing their capabilities, inheriting the experiences of previous missions, and promoting Vietnam’s cultural values on the international stage.

The mission ahead

Vietnam’s involvement in UN peacekeeping missions has been expanding since 2014, and the contributions of Vietnamese peacekeepers have been widely recognized by international partners.

The mission to South Sudan and Abyei continues this tradition, with peacekeepers prepared to assist in maintaining peace, providing medical services, and rebuilding infrastructure in some of the world’s most conflict-prone areas.

A United Nations C-17 military transport aircraft, provided by Australia, will carry the peacekeepers and their equipment to the mission areas. This collaboration underscores Vietnam’s growing partnerships with countries like Australia in support of global peace efforts.

The Abyei region, disputed between Sudan and South Sudan, remains a volatile area despite peace agreements. The UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) was established in 2011 to protect civilians and promote demilitarization in the region.

Similarly, the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) works to ensure peace, political stability, and economic development in South Sudan, which has faced years of conflict.

The Vice President presents the national flag and the decision to dispatch officers on their mission.  

Lieutenant Tran Yen Linh from Level 2 Field Hospital No. 6.  
W-Nguyễn Duy Thể_2829.jpg
Senior Lieutenant Nguyen Duy The (Engineering Unit No. 3) with his daughter.  
The wife and daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Le Hong Giang (Political Officer of Engineering Unit No. 3) bid farewell as he departs.  

A promise to reunite next year from an officer before departure.  
Lieutenant Do Thi Dieu Huyen, born in 2001, is the youngest female officer participating in this peacekeeping mission.

Blue beret soldiers set off to perform their peacekeeping duties.  
Peacekeeping officers beam with pride on the day of departure.  
The Vice President goes to the aircraft to bid farewell to the Vietnamese blue beret soldiers.

Tran Thuong - Pham Hai