The message also extended thanks to Revolutionary Leader Gen. Raúl Castro Ruz, as well as Cuban Party and State leaders and people for their profound friendship and warm hospitality during his three-day visit that concluded on September 27.

Lam described Cuba as a beautiful and heroic nation, noting that the warmth and hospitality of the Cuban people had left a deeply profound and close impression on him, his spouse, and the Vietnamese delegation.

He wrote that his first visit to Cuba in the new capacity is a continuation of the Vietnamese Party and State's policy of prioritising Vietnam-Cuba ties, a commitment upheld by generations of Vietnamese leaders, especially late Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

He and the high-ranking Vietnamese Party and State delegation were extremely pleased with the substantive and meaningful outcomes of this visit, especially the discussions with Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, the talks between high-ranking delegations of both parties and states, and his meetings with Revolutionary Leader Gen. Raúl Castro, President of the National Assembly of People's Power Esteban Lazo Hernández, and Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz.

The meetings with Cuban people and youth of both countries once again demonstrated the noble revolutionary ideal and the deep understanding and shared experiences between the two countries' people, fostering strong ties over more than 64 years of shared ups and downs in history, he wrote.

The top leader said he firmly believes that the strong consensus between Vietnamese and Cuban leaders during this visit will play a decisive role in strengthening political trust and strategic coordination, and promoting more effective and comprehensive cooperation across all key pillars and areas.

The consensus also demonstrates the resolute determination of the countries’ Party and State leaders to work and move forward together, bringing the bilateral traditional solidarity, special friendship, and comprehensive cooperation into a new phase of substantive and sustainable development, for the sake of their people and for peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the regions and the world.

He wished First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez and his spouse, Cuban revolutionary leader General Raúl Castro Ruz, and leaders of the Cuban Party and State good health, happiness, and more important successes.

The leader expressed his hope that the traditional solidarity, special friendship, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba would continue to thrive.

Vietnam’s top leader wraps up state visit to Cuba

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and State President To Lam, his spouse and the high-ranking delegation of Vietnam left Havana on September 27 afternoon (local time), concluding a successful three-day state visit to Cuba.

First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez; Roberto Morales Ojeda, Politburo member and standing member of the Secretariat of the PCC Central Committee; and many other leaders of the Cuban Party and State were present at José Marti International Airport to bid farewell to the Vietnamese delegation.

During the visit, the Vietnamese leader held talks, meetings, and high-level interactions with leaders of the Party, State, Government, and National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba. He also engaged in several activities to strengthen the solidarity, friendship, and cooperation between the Parties, States, and people of Vietnam and Cuba.

The leaders of Vietnam and Cuba showed determination to continue developing the two countries’ traditional solidarity, special friendship and comprehensive cooperation to a new level that is more comprehensive, substantive, effective, and sustainable in the spirit of companionship, and mutual cooperation and development for socialism building, for the interests of the people of both countries, as well as for peace, cooperation, and development in each region and around the world.

During the visit, on behalf of leaders of the Party and State of Cuba, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez chaired a ceremony presenting the Order of José Martí to Party General Secretary and State President To Lam. The order, the highest honour of the Cuban Party and State, was granted in recognition of Lam’s contributions to the development of the solidarity, friendship, and faithful relations between the two Parties, States, and peoples.

At talks and meetings, both sides underlined the historic significance of solidarity, special and loyal friendship between the people of Vietnam and Cuba.

Also on the occasion of the state visit to Cuba, Party General Secretary and State President To Lam, his spouse and the high-ranking delegation of Vietnam laid a wreath at the monument of President Ho Chi Minh in the park named after him in Havana./.

Vietnam, Cuba issue joint statement

Vietnam and Cuba have issued a joint statement on strengthening the traditional solidarity, special friendship and comprehensive cooperation in the new period.

The joint statement was issued right after General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and President of Vietnam To Lam, his spouse and the high-ranking delegation of Vietnam concluded a state visit to Cuba from September 25-27 at the invitation of First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez and his wife.

During the visit, the top Vietnamese leader held talks with Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, and met with President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez and Politburo member and Prime Minister of Cuba Manuel Marrero Cruz.

General Secretary and President To Lam paid a courtesy visit to the Cuban revolutionary leader, General Raúl Castro Ruz, reaffirming the special nature of the Vietnam-Cuba friendship and the development of solidarity, cooperation, and mutual trust between the Parties, States, and people of both countries.

He laid wreaths at the monuments of Cuban national hero José Martí and President Ho Chi Minh, and visited the Mariel Special Development Zone. He also had friendly meetings with Cuban friends and younger generations.

Recognising Lam's valuable contributions to the bilateral relationship over the years, the President of Cuba awarded him the Order of José Martí, the highest honour in Cuba.

The two sides appreciated the outcomes of the state visit, stressing that this is the first visit of the General Secretary of the CPV Central Committee and President of Vietnam to Cuba. The visit marks an important milestone in the relationship between the two countries, ushering Vietnam-Cuba relations into a new phase of substantive and sustainable development for the benefit of their people, for socialism, and for peace, cooperation, and development in each region and globally. It reflects the appreciation, deep affection and unwavering support of the Vietnamese Party, State, and people for Cuba's noble revolutionary cause.

The Vietnamese side reaffirmed its solidarity and steadfast support for Cuba's efforts to overcome its difficulties and challenges. It believed that under the leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba and the direction of the revolutionary leader, General Raúl Castro Ruz, and First Secretary and President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, the Party, State, and people of Cuba will consistently pursue their goals, maintain national unity, and further strengthen their position and role in the region and the world.

The Cuban side congratulated Vietnam on the tremendous achievements of historical significance attained after nearly 40 years of Doi moi (Renewal) process. It expressed strong support for Vietnam and believed that under the sound leadership of the CPV, led by General Secretary and President To Lam, the Party, State, and people of Vietnam will successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and successfully organise the 14th congress in early 2026, realising the goal of making Vietnam a developed, high-income socialist-oriented country by 2045.

The two leaders reaffirmed that the special friendship, cooperation, and traditional solidarity between Vietnam and Cuba are a symbol of the era and a priceless asset of both Parties and the people of the two countries. They expressed their determination to continue inheriting and promoting the enduring legacies of President Ho Chi Minh and the historical leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro, who were pioneers in preserving and enhancing the fine, special and traditional friendship and cooperation between the two nations.

Expressing satisfaction with the growing Vietnam-Cuba relations across all levels and sectors, they reaffirmed their determination to elevate the bilateral special relationship to a new height, aiming for more comprehensive, substantive, effective and sustainable growth.

Both sides agreed to step up the exchange of delegations, especially those at the high level, increase theory exchanges and sharing of experience in building socialism and Party building. They also concurred on the need to improve the effectiveness of cooperation mechanisms between the two Parties and their advisory bodies.

They agreed on the importance of promoting exchanges and cooperation between cities, provinces, and specialised agencies of each country.

In terms of legislative coordination, they vowed to strengthen legal and judicial cooperation, creating a legal framework to facilitate bilateral economic, trade, and investment activities, ensuring that commitments can be implemented feasibly and sustainably.

In addition to forging closer ties in national defence-security and external relations, they promised to deepen economic, trade, and investment ties by enhancing exchanges, removing obstacles, and fully leveraging the Vietnam-Cuba Trade Agreement to boost trade turnover and diversify bilateral trade.

Ministries, agencies, and localities were tasked with expanding collaboration in potential and priority sectors such as agriculture, food processing, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, healthcare services, energy, telecommunications, tourism, construction, transportation, high technology, digital transformation, and others.

A commitment was also made to jointly study and propose new models for agricultural cooperation. This initiative aims to help Cuba increase its production capacity, develop its agricultural sector, and ensure food security.

Both sides commended the outcomes of recent people-to-people exchanges and agreed to further enhance collaboration between their socio-political organisations and localities. They underscored the importance of nurturing and educating younger generations to cherish, preserve, and further develop the exemplary, loyal, and special relationship between the two nations. They declared 2025 as the "Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Year," and agreed to jointly organise practical activities to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the nations’ diplomatic relations (December 2, 1960 – 2025).

The two sides stressed their complete alignment on international issues of mutual concern. They agreed that international disputes must be resolved through peaceful means, based on respect for international law and the United Nations Charter. Relations between nations must be founded on the principles of respect for independence, sovereignty, equality, and the right to self-determination of peoples, in line with the basic principles of international law, including mutual respect for territorial integrity and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.

 Spouse of the Party General Secretary and President Ngo Phuong Ly visits Nguyen Thi Thang primary school in Havana (Photo: VNA)
Both sides reaffirmed the inviolable right of all nations to develop equally, according to their own national conditions, without discrimination or external interference. They highlighted the necessity of responsible use of information technology, communications, the Internet of Things, particularly artificial intelligence, and social media to foster development, happiness, harmony, peace, and knowledge.

The two leaders expressed their satisfaction with the active mutual support and cooperation between the two nations at international organisations and multilateral forums of which they hold membership, particularly the United Nations.

Vietnam always supports the just cause of the Cuban people, calling for the immediate and unconditional lifting of unilateral, unjust economic, trade, and financial sanctions imposed on Cuba, as well as the immediate removal of Cuba from the unilateral list of state sponsors of terrorism. Vietnam supports efforts to improve Cuba-US relations and to expand cooperation between them on issues of mutual interest based on equality and respect for each country’s independence, sovereignty, and political system.

Both sides recognised the role of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC) in promoting friendship, peace, and cooperation, based on mutual respect, non-interference, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence, as stated in the declaration of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace.

Party General Secretary and State President To Lam thanked the Party, State and people of Cuba for the warm and thoughtful reception accorded to him and the high-level Vietnamese delegation. He extended an invitation to First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez to make an official visit to Vietnam in 2025, and the latter graciously accepted the invitation. The visit will be arranged through diplomatic channels./.

Top leader meets representatives of Cuban friendship organisations, youth

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee and State President To Lam and First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez attended a warm meeting with representatives of Cuban friendship organisations and youth in Havana on September 27.

At the event, Yolanda Ferrer Gómez, a member of the PCC Central Committee and President of the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association, recalled unforgettable memories of her and Cuban heroine Melba Hernández founding the Cuba-South Vietnam solidarity committee, the first of its kind in the world, under the direction of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro.

She noted that with his vision and political acumen, Fidel Castro recognised the historical significance of Vietnam’s struggle against US forces and saw the necessity of developing a global solidarity movement with Vietnam.

During the event, the Vietnamese Party and State leader presented the friendship order to the Union of Young Communists of Cuba (UJC) for their contributions to strengthening the two countries’ relationship.

Meyvis Esteves Echevarria, First Secretary of the UJC, affirmed a commitment to preserving and deepening the legacy that connects Vietnam and Cuba and ensuring that their friendship continues to grow stronger.

In his remarks, the PCC First Secretary affirmed the two countries’ shared vision of building socialism. He said that the Vietnamese high-level delegation's ongoing state visit is of historic significance and marks a new milestone in the bilateral special friendship.

Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez expressed his admiration for Vietnam’s achievements in its national building and development process, noting that the success of the country's Doi Moi (Renewal) policy is clear proof that constructing a socialist society is entirely possible.

He also expressed gratitude for Vietnam's strong support in urging the US to lift its embargo and remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Lam stressed that it is rare to see in world history such a relationship like the one between Vietnam and Cuba, which was nurtured over many decades by revolutionary leaders such as José Martí, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and generations of leaders from both countries. He reiterated that Vietnam always appreciates Cuba’s unwavering support during its past struggle for independence as well as in its cause of national development and defence.

The Vietnamese Party and State leader went on affirming Vietnam's consistent stance in supporting Cuba's just fight and called for an immediate and unconditional end to the more than 60-year-long blockade and other actions against Cuba.

He suggested that both nations further promote exchanges between their social organisations, localities, and people to strengthen mutual understanding and camaraderie.

He announced that Vietnamese and Cuban leaders agreed to designate 2025, the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations, as the year of Vietnam-Cuba friendship, offering an opportunity for the sides to coordinate practical and meaningful people-to-people exchanges and link them to a series of economic, trade, investment, and tourism cooperation activities

Lam also expressed his hope that the younger generations of both nations will continue to preserve and build upon the tradition of bilateral solidarity, special friendship, and comprehensive cooperation, ensuring that the ties remain strong and continue to contribute positively to the cause of national construction and defence in both countries./.

Vietnam’s top leader pays floral tribute to President Ho Chi Minh in Havana

Party General Secretary and President To Lam, his spouse and a high-ranking Vietnamese delegation laid a wreath at the monument of President Ho Chi Minh in the park named after him in Havana, Cuba, on September 27.

Joining the ceremony was Emilio Lozada Garcia, head of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee’s Department of International Relations.

The monument, situated on one of Havana's largest streets, stands on a 54 sq.m red marble base symbolising the 54 ethnic groups of Vietnam. At its centre lies a five-pointed star made of yellow flowers, representing the national flag of Vietnam. It serves as a tribute to President Ho Chi Minh's pivotal role in uniting revolutionary forces to achieve national liberation.

Architect Joel Diaz explained that the dense bamboo grove behind the monument was designed to evoke the landscapes of Vietnam. The tall, ancient trees in the background are arranged to recall the forests and mountains of the Viet Bac war zone and Dien Bien Phu, where President Ho Chi Minh lived and led the Vietnamese revolution.

Writing a note at the monument, Lam described it as a symbol of the traditional solidarity, special friendship, and comprehensive cooperation between the Parties, States, and people of Vietnam and Cuba. This bond has been nurtured by revolutionary leaders José Martí, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and generations of leaders from both nations over the past six decades.

Lam pledged that the Vietnamese and Cuban Parties, States and people will always stand united, support each other in elevating their bilateral relationship to a new phase, ensuring substantial and sustainable development for the cause of socialism building and for the benefit of the people of both nations./.

Vietnamese Party General Secretary, President meets with leader of Cuban revolution

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and State President To Lam had a meeting with leader of the Cuban revolution General Raul Castro Ruz in Havana on September 27 morning (local time) as part of his state visit to the Caribbean country.

The event was also attended by First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez.

Briefing Raúl Castro on the major contents of his earlier talks with Miguel Diaz-Canel as well as his meetings with President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba Esteban Lazo Hernandez and Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, Lam said the two sides evaluated that his visit was a success and achieved practical outcomes, helping to consolidate and tighten the political trust and close sentiments between the two Parties, States and peoples.

They also concurred on comprehensive cooperation orientations in all areas, with the relationship between the two Parties playing the role as the political foundation and shaping up strategic orientations for the bilateral ties, while defence, security and external relations are enhanced, and economic, trade and investment ties promoted, particularly in the domains of rice production and energy.

Lam laid stress on the support of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro for Vietnam, which, he said, became a symbol of the era and has been a valuable legacy of the Vietnam – Cuba relations and thanked Raul Castro for his sentiments for Vietnam and significant contributions to the bilateral relationship.

He took this occasion to thank the Cuban Party, State and people as well as Raul Castro for their special gestures over the passing of late Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, while affirming to continue intensifying the special relationship, comprehensive cooperation and solidarity with the Cuban people, helping them overcome this tough time.

Lam went on to introduce Vietnam’s achievements after nearly 40 years of Doi moi (renewal), share Vietnam's socialism building experiences and appreciate the efforts made by the Cuban Party, State and people in resolving difficulties and challenges and concretising the resolution adopted at the 8th National Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba.

Raul Castro, for his part, welcomed Lam’s visit and expressed his delight at the success of the trip. He recalled his memories and impressions of his visits to Vietnam as well as generations of Vietnamese leaders, saying he has admired the heroic Vietnamese people who were resilient and unyielding in the past struggle for national independence and reunification.

He believed that with that spirit and sound direction, the Vietnamese Party, State and people will continue obtaining new achievements on the path of socialism building.

Speaking highly of Vietnam’s renewal experiences, including the building of a strong and pure Party, he said Cuba could learn from Vietnam’s lessons as the Caribbean nation is updating its socio-economic model.

He urged Miguel Diaz-Canel and other Cuban leaders to direct ministries and sectors to concretise the agreements reached between the two sides during Lam’s visit, bringing practical benefits to the two countries' people, for peace, stability and sustainable development in the two regions and the world.

On the occasion, Lam invited Raul Castro to revisit Vietnam and the latter accepted the invitation with pleasure./.