Over 22,500 overseas workers were sent abroad in Q1, marking a year-on-year surge of 8.7%, the Overseas Labor Management has reported.


In March only, Viet Nam sent 8,274 guest workers, including 2,598 females.
In the third month, Chinese Taiwan was no longer the largest recepient of Vietnamese workers. Japan ranked first by recruiting 3,823 laborers; followed by Taiwan with 3,580; the Republic of Korea (RoK) with 437; Saudi Arabia with 191.

In Q1, the RoK announced that they would conduct Korean language tests to select 3,600 Vietnamese guest workers in June.

In addition,  a reciprocal work and holiday visa arrangement between Viet Nam and Australia took effective since March 1. 

Accordingly, Australia will grant 200 visas in maximum for Vietnamese citizens to travel to Australia for one year and undertake short-term work or studies.

Especially, in Q1, the Vietnamese Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs and the Cambodian Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training signed a memorandum of understanding on labor cooperation.