Vietnam will strength integrating HIV and drug addiction treatment toward the 90-90-90 targets.


HIV/AIDS patients in Ninh Binh province receive consultations from a doctor

Deputy Director of the Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Pham Duc Manh made the statement at the fourth National Conference on Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and HIV which is taking place in HCM City from August 3 – 8.

According to Manh, integrated SUD and HIV treatment models have been proven effective since their first application in 2014, helping reduce HIV transmission among drug addicts and in the community while expanding SUD and HIV treatment coverage.

To date, there are 244 facilities nationwide offering ARV and Methadone integrated treatment, Manh said, adding that the kind of treatment are  facilitating patients’ access to different services while saving human resources  and operation cost.

The model will be maintained and expanded across localities in the coming time, according to Manh.

During the conference, participants will join other discussions, including using alternatives to treat drug addiction, newly emerging addictive substances in Vietnam, and caring for SUD patients.