Some 2.5 million doses of high quality combined measles-rubella vaccine will be used in the expanded national immunisation programme, replacing imported vaccines from India in the next six months of 2017. The move marks a significant milestone for Vietnam in terms of producing vaccines.


The first batch of measles-rubella is being packed before being put into circulation over the next six months of this year. It is the second combined vaccine the country has produced.

The combined vaccine was produced with the world’s most advanced vaccine producing technologies. The vaccine has been tested on nearly 800 people and has met requirements on safety and immunity.

The Ministry of Health licensed the circulation of the vaccine in March 2017.

The circulation of the vaccine has highlighted the progress of the vaccine sector. The move has also helped the country take initiative in providing vaccines, avoid vaccine shortages due to scarce supplies from foreign manufacturers and save State budget funds.

Vietnam is among 43 nations in the world capable of producing vaccines and one of four in Asia that can produce the combined measles –rubella vaccine, along with Japan, India, and China.