Justice Minister Ha Hung Cuong held talks with his Thai counterpart Paiboon Khumchaya in Bangkok on February 25, during which they signed a cooperation programme for 2016 between the two ministries.

vietnam, thailand enhance judicial cooperation hinh 0


The two ministers affirmed that their ministries always treasure and want to deepen the bilateral cooperation in legal and judicial affairs. 

In the first year implementing the memorandum of understanding on cooperation signed in March 2015, the two sides coordinated effectively in carrying out cooperation activities like delegation exchanges and document and publication sharing. 

Within the ASEAN framework, both countries have contributed to the success of the 9th ASEAN Law Ministers’ Meeting (ALAWMM) and the 16th ASEAN Senior Law Officials’ Meeting (ASLOM) held in Indonesia last October. 

Minister Cuong expressed his hope that the Thai ministry will work with the Vietnamese side to facilitate collaboration in training through the signing and implementation of agreements between Thailand’s law facilities with Hanoi Law University.

The Vietnamese Ministry of Justice is currently building a strategy to develop the judicial sector, so it wishes to learn from Thailand’s experience in this field, he stated. 

He stressed that in the context that the ASEAN Community set up in late 2015, boosting bilateral cooperation between member states, including Vietnam and Thailand, is of significance. 

As such, he suggested the two ministries coordinate more actively in implementing initiatives approved at the ALAWMM as well as joint researches on hot topics, and consider the participation in international treaties or organisations to further tighten legal ties between ASEAN and nations and organisations.