Job seekers can turn to a new smartphone app iWORK in a bid to find work. The app is also available to help those looking for staff find the right employee.


Job seekers can turn to a new smartphone app iWORK in a bid to find work. The app is also available to help those looking for staff find the right employee.— Photo

The app is for smartphones running iOS or Android.

Founder John Nguyen said that unemployment was increasing when many graduates and other job seekers are unable to find employment suitable to their needs. 

The most common cause was lack of information of employers, lack of candidate information, and costly travel for interviews, he said.

This app helps people find work quickly in the area they want. 

It also allows for live chat between the recruiter and candidate to find information quickly, effectively, and save time and ensure safe confidential information, he said.

In future, the iWORK Viet Nam will organise a conference to introduce the app to Vietnamese consumers. — VNS