More than 3,000 Vietnamese people have been victims of human trafficking over the past five years and 500 still haven't been able to go home, according to the Ministry of Public Security.



Deputy Minister of Public Security Le Quy Vuong speaks at the question and answer session about human trafficking prevention from 2012 to 2017 by the National Assembly's Justice Committee on August 23.

The problem was discussed at a question and answer session about human trafficking prevention from 2012 to 2017 by the National Assembly's Justice Committee on August 23.

According to Le Thi Nga, Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly’s Justice Committee, human trafficking across Vietnam has worsened in recent years. She also pointed to many positive results as well as shortcomings of the Law on the Prevention of and Combat against Human Trafficking.

The majority of the victims are young woman and children. Deputy Minister of Public Security Le Quy Vuong said they had received 1,000 reports about human trafficking in 37 localities. The police also dealt with over 1,000 cases and prosecuted more than 2,000 suspects.

Human trafficking is occurring across Vietnam but most often in the rural and mountainous areas. The victims are sold into prostitution in domestic trafficking. But in 85% of the cases, the victims are brought to China, Cambodia, and Laos. 75% of the victims are sold in China.

According to Vuong, it's very hard to catch the criminals red-handed. Usually, only when the victims escaped and reported to the police that they had leads to follow. If the victims are not rescued and can't provide statements, the police can't prosecute the criminals even if they admitted to the crimes.

The Ministry of Public Security proposed to the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuracy to let them carry out prosecutions in such cases. 

The Ministry of Defence suggested revising the Law on the Prevention of and Combat against Human Trafficking so it is more synchronised with the Criminal Code. It also asked for more detailed regulations over search and rescue processes.

Tien Phong/Dtinews