VietNamNet Bridge - By 2020 up to 10,980 hectares of land will be used to build 96 golf courses, 2,000 hectares more than the National Assembly-approved plan on handing over 46,800 hectares of land to sports and physical training establishments.


The figures are from a summary report on the adjustment of land use planning to 2020 and land use plan in 2016-2020 presented to the National Assembly on March 21, by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Nguyen Minh Quang.

Quang told the National Assembly that the land devoted to golf courses is mainly area of low quality soil, sandy soil or unused land.

The Minister confirmed that the land for golf courses will not be areas used for crop cultivation, protective forests, or special-use forest land.

The government reports also showed that by 2020, the area of agricultural land will be more than 27 million hectares, an increase of more than 306,000 hectares compared with the resolution of the National Assembly. However, the rice land will drop to 3.76 million hectares, down by more than 270,000 compared to 2015.

The government said of the area of rice land, about 400,000 hectares can be used to grow other trees but the area will be protected and the land can still be used for rice cultivation again.

The Government report suggested that by 2020, the land for defense purposes will fall by an additional 47,070 to more than 340,000 hectares.

Similarly, the land for security purposes will decrease by 10,700 hectares to over 71,000 hectares.


Thu Ly